
You can work with Angel Ronan, Greenfield Urban as a Legal Analyst and Court Representative but pleae do call or write to or write also for a quick response. This is not a corporation. Please also telephone 1-914-539-7655.

Did someone take something from you? We want to know if someone took something from you and you need a solution. Warren is helping people with Human Righs matters , regular non-youth criminal matters and Youth Criminal Justice Matters at the present time with court attendances inclusive of trial on most if not all matters. He can also assist you personally in refugee matters and also with employment tribunals. We will review your matter and the Crown disposition before proceeding on all matters with court attendance as to whether it is a summary election or indictable matter. We review all matters in preparation for Court. Warren will also attend Court on most matters, if not all, to assist. He will attend only on most, if not all, summary election matters since he may be in a Civil Law matter downtown maybe. Phone today. 1-437-928-1939. This is in the Toronto area. The fee for human rights matters is $1300.00. The fee for all criminal matters now is $1,500.00 for retrieval of disclosure. Warren A. Lyon, Legal Director, Esq.