The ghost of Freedom's past and near future named Thomas Jefferson.

''We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator; men like Anthony Johnson, Crispus Attucks, Parker, Jeronimo and Casor who could get involved in contracts involving servitude like my Uncle who was an indentured servant from Europe;  with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  I was inspired by the English man, John Locke, who said that our rights involve life, liberty, health and government.   However, is it reasonably foreseeable for McDonalds to contemplate a security  risk to its patrons due to a potential  bombing at one  of its restaurants such that if a bombing ensued, the patrons would be able to claim in Tort in the suggestions that McDonald's should have known? We do not hold such a risk to be self-evident or foreseeable where we would say McDonalds should have known and nor does the passenger in the bus hit in the back by the tractor trailer have any chance to say the bus company should have known it was going to be hit but the bus company  who is a victim along with the passengers could say the tractor trailer driver should have known that if he was not careful he would have hit the bus and caused injury since the bus and other vehicles and their passenger should be in the tractor trailers reasonable contemplation.  No; McDonalds has a defence in tort that while food injury to customers is in their purview for reasonable contemplation as to the safety of customers, the risk of a terrorist bombing goes beyond the obligations of  location safety imposed by the statute or common law even in McDonald's beautiful Bombay location; What a belle?   The man on the Bombay or the Clapham Omni bus  or sitting on the deck chair in Ibiza would not have had such a bombing in his reasonable contemplation. It is too remote to be foreseeable as to suggest the restaurant bombing victims are owed a duty of care by the restaurant.  Just send questions and pay $500.00 for a Lex Scripta(TM) review at Angel Ronan. Do;   Go to since you owe the restaurant costs if you bring something like this and you have no law to back you up.    The learning curve is too evident in North America after all this time. The magna carta was already more than 500 years old before it was ever enshrined in North America for the first time as a founding document and evidence of a borrowed culture that people are still learning. Now, some people did read all of Donoghue vs. Stevenson at their granny's breakfast table while studying at... go to Leicester for Law School and visit London on the weekends. Leicester is just as old and they will beat your resistance(il n'est pas regarder ton avis mais il est regarder le droit et Roi,  le Reine et   Monseigneur  Reid et Thankerton); beat your resistance   out of you and only maybe  drink a half pint a day and only half a glass of maybe some wine at dinner or a mini can of Stella Artois.   Now, don't blow up any more restaurants, hoping to say the restaurant owes you a duty of care.   A terrorist bombing is too remote and nor can the victim in a bombed vehicle sue the driver or owner of the vehicle for damages.  You are trying to see a pattern of who to sue and for what but we are all member's of the same community and we only levy blame or a duty of care  where there is something called moral blameworthiness where you did not think of your neighbour and take reasonable precautions in a reasonably foreseeable situations to ameliorate risk of harm to him; your neighbour who is also your patron. 

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, as noted by Rousseau,  That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends and fails to institute requisite new socio-economic  policies delineated by the UNCHR 1948  and  following the evident unemployment and human attrition  caused by  government funded robotic automation, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles as the UNCHR to which they are already signatories, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Now, what you really do under the constitution is remove a non-responsive administration in its entirety, both POTUS and VPOTUS since you may really need a change once the lights have come on in the nation and it may not be the current administration's  fault that there was  soo much darkness since 1980 in a country rendered unsafe for old men in the absence of basic income and in the last bit of froth in an inefficient economy that was not sufficient automated and that produced unreliable vehicles that were not as durable and dependable as the German or Asian products  but now that the lights are on and automation has left many unemployed in  North America, you need these capable men to respond to the evident gap lingering in our economy for too long and join a basic income race so that the average American former worker will be able to be an equal consumer to the Asian consumer or European consumer who suffered the attrition of automation but who were saved by the requisite basic income.      At the present time, such principles in organising its powers in such form as to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness makes basic income a requisite in the industrial and automated world so that all men who are created equal can enjoy the unalienable rights with which they are endowed.   But, with your trust in Conway Twitty  alone and he is very good , you are still campaigning and preparing for an election instead of relying on suggestions from people who may have more breadth to help you see your on going campaign is not independent of some tangible policy platforms that must outlive your one chance to help these ignorant indentured Americans that I love dearly but who believe resisting the common and great  power of the people vested in   their common government is a sport. Maybe Conway Twitty is cut from the cloth of these people and the answer renders the sport redundant since '..isn't the government supposed to show up with Custer and shoot my grandmother although I am now more....more...and I do hate white as all Americans do?'; she asks.  Maybe they need a pain acknowledged first. and Last Samurai(the movie) is not enough.  You also must see that not every police officer is a graduate although he stole a graduate's shaver. and is wearing his blue suit.   You cannot  rely on  just the support of people who need to feel someone screaming at logic and screaming at the   the emotional hindrances of  indentured servitude legacies  with them and for them and who do not want to understand the solution if or when it requires another government involvement in their lives. How dare they, they ask,  give me money to eat, thrive and start a rabbit or bison BBQ. How dare they, you ask, try to assimilate us and  give us any rules to follow or suggestions on how to dress or how to cook when the independence most of us desired secretly was to walk in skins again with bow and arrow.  Work was good since it respected my need to feel some independence of this great intrusion on our world and when work is not available due to automation, we would rather return to living off the land if we could  since it agrees with the emotion that cries for independence from this cultural intrusion that began in 1498 approximately  but yet we accept that living off the land is not economically viable for our mutual benefit and we are fully assimilated  to 1 minute burger orders, hot and cold running water  as we build houses and Papa John's or Little Caesar 's 5 minutes or fresh pizza is just brilliant really  and we need the money for gasoline and football games and shampoo and the rent  or mortgages we must pay. no; the mortgage is paid off. In fact a basic income race instead of an arms race is a better idea in defending our civil liberties and way of life at home and abroad since what is liberty if people are not safe and secure in the evident job attrition and resultant human attrition  caused by  automated labour.    In all sincerity and  genuine ignorance, we represent our own evils in this highly technological era and may desire secretly to shuffle off this technological and information dependent future coil in our self- imposed tyranny of ignorance.   

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed and what more can we suffer after the unemployment caused by government funded industrial automation with robotic labor and the absence of mass basic income per citizen as funded by the Federal government.  The state's could run their own basic income policies and they may not be consistent as to qualification.  In Kansas, you have to have a family. Yet, basic income after high school would help you feel good so that you might have a date to start a family and if families is what you want to promote with leverage, increase the basic income available for those that have a spouse and increase it again for every child they have. The gap between the unemployment caused by the attritious affects of automation and basic income is called the Grey. See the movie where our mutual son called a civil war  that is nasty brutish and short comes like a pack of wolves and you suffer also the attritious affect of a society in economic desperation with people  on the edge of economic survival  for too long.     But, there is need for  an unconditional basic income policy in keeping with the methods used in Europe which is unconditional.       But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”    

The ghost of Freedom's past and near future named Thomas Jefferson.

ARG Law Firm.
