A STORY FROM THE ANNALS OF OUR ANGEL RONAN(TM) HISTORY BOOK; THE CONCEPT WAS PUT ON WARREN'S HIGH SCHOOL HYMNAL FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SCHOOL; ON THE PAGE WITH THE HYMN ABOUT MOSES AND EGYPT LAND. In fact, all they said is "I will beat your behind with a hockey stick if you don't work really hard and see the hymn book we have you."

A STORY FROM THE ANNALS OF OUR ANGEL RONAN(TM) HISTORY BOOK;   THE CONCEPT WAS PUT ON WARREN'S HIGH SCHOOL HYMNAL FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE SCHOOL; ON  THE  PAGE  WITH THE HYMN ABOUT MOSES AND EGYPT LAND. In fact, all they said is "I will beat your behind with a hockey stick if you don't work really hard and see the hymn book we have you."

 June 6th, 1916 Attention: Anns Merton Solicitors London, England. To Mr. Reid Thankerton, Legal Officer Dear Mr. Thankerton; It is 1916 and our nation is at war with an intrusion upon our expectations for a tranquil life, property ownership at home and abroad.  THE INTRUSION ON THE EXPECTATION IS FROM WITHIN AS PEOPLE LOWER DOWN IN OUR EVOLUTIONARY SYSTEM OF CUMULATIVE EXPERIENCE AND EXPECTATION, SEE LAW AS A THREAT WHILE THEY EXPECT TO BE ABLE TO STEAL CLOTHING, WATER AND FOOD AT THE MARKETS AND NOW ALSO IN MARKS AND SPENCER OR BHS OR AT DOMINION IN CANADA.  Our civilization is growing but there is resistance. Please read my response very carefully as it confirms the Law Society order was vacated some time ago and the files were ordered returned to me  as well as all property. Mr. Thankerton understand that the counting machine  is not the issue here but your contempt for a Court order. You are not the Court and nor are you the Judge who made his intention to vacate the order quite clear  while you will see the record of correspondence in several emails indicates that the Law Society had lost its role as trustee with the files in their possession so that the property was to be returned to the firm; my firm which was invited to retrieve them at the front desk. There is no fight here. Is there something you need to understand?  We or you could  sit down and discuss it with a law text near by.  The key issue is the on-going criminal misfeasance in public office.  This was already brought to your attention concerning some on-going diffidence about a good number of individuals whose only defence is that they cannot believe anything.  You may not be motivated to respect citizens or certain officers, corporate, paramilitary, transit or civil,  in their duty or right but you need to respect the court. Could you respect the vehicle ownership of certain business owners?  The files are like essays. They are just sweat off of my brow.  Anybody  who  is a bonafide  graduate understands this and going to school to read law is where you learn about essays concerning law and also solutions respecting a Judge's order.  A lot of people go to Law School from various ethnic backgrounds with various complexions. Is this about your Law School? Either way,  I would never show contempt for a Judge's order. There is no need to resent the education or the diligence. In fact, you provide legal training; don't you?   The firm's Rights under the Bill of Rights  and the criminal harassment is already on the table also with the said individuals at the police services.   They were notified.   I respect the fact that you are from the Caribbean and that you may have been taught that your said physical assets are all you need to aspire but ignorance in any complexion is ignorance. It is not excused by a tanned asset, thick black hair and a maleficent but cute, black but inhumane  demeanour.  Black, otherwise, is certainly as good as any other complexion but ignorance and illegality and a determination to associate a right to ignorance and illegality with black is anathema to my wholesome summation of humanity.  It is just that many of my colleagues were born in the Caribbean and we have English accents  by now  with various complexions although  we have never seen this diffidence before. We are also old enough to account for a less frenetic and troublesome individual in your level of employ.  Do you read anything for personal interest?  What about your job contract and the breach of the same for criminal behaviour , investigations, unpaid parking tickets, drug use or any actions that bring the society into disrepute?    This is how we know who you are. King George was born in the West Indies. You were born in the West Indies. My colleagues were born in the West Indies and you would want to enjoy ownership of a taxi company, an airline and also a vehicle and registration of a business name. Many people of the Caribbean regardless of complexion enjoy these opportunities. There is a scholarship available; in fact the tuition is free essentially if you satisfy the requirement as a special person born in the West Indies who knows they are related to King George. You just have to use the word ''related''  7 times in your personal statement in the application. But, even if you are related you are not guaranteed to pass the exams whether you are on scholarship or not but do not fear failure. Just think of the fear of letting down the Royal person to whom you are related and instead, work at putting away all interruptions, personal or otherwise, and exercise every energy, every discipline and every energy  to honor them. Maybe just imagine you are related to the pastor with whom you discussed your career options after high school graduation and honor him or her. Know that you are related and honor them whether they can see everything you are doing or not since eventually your personal quality will be known by everyone; including those who   may choose to be your enemies in the unfortunate consistency of human nature with both the good and the bad and the ugly. Pastor O' Unabombaera  wrote this after he confessed that he did not go to law school and had killed his friend who did in 1920 in Tanzania. But, he repented and became a Pastor and school teacher.  He wrote down how he would ensure the people would have more of a  microbank one day or more of  a jingle in their pocket with every assurance of enjoying the appreciation of the jingle and its appreciation. This is what we see in the West Indies and in every Commonwealth country now with various leaders with various hair textures and complexions  but he does not seem to have believed it.     Then, he said that One Day his  son would be the Black President of a White nation without any Law School but with the authority of his genealogy  but we did not understand  the avatar named Dan Abrahashem that he used to rob banks and hotels in North Africa and nor did we understand the Black and white part of his rather revealing testimony but evident faith  and book about the struggles in humans  in terms of self-expectation and this is happening in the shadow of the pyramids of Egypt  or the Mayan temples in the  Arawak  Caribbean South Western hemisphere evidently.   The real Daniel Abrahashem born in 1903 is a pastor in Oklahoma.    The exams take the same human ability as involved in registering a driver's license or registering a  business name., memorising a hymn or memorising  lines for an acting role. But, if you don't believe you can do it, then why would you prepare yourself to do it? You would have to believe you can play a piano before you do it as if Herbie Hancock or Ruben Gonzales  never practiced a day in his life to be able to discuss sharps and flats. or major or minor keys.      What do you  read or what do you watch at the picture show?  You are not reading enough to be in this type of work but maybe an airline job with a senior title might do for your societal aspiration or maybe a senior court clerk's job will do and understand that you are honoured for respecting what has to be followed systematically for mutual safety in every job; any where in this one global society. You are now currently in contempt of Court with what you have done as a subject participant under the order; again under that order.    As such, we conclude that Black is a Cadillac and White is a Oldsmobile; retired.  The trusteeship order was vacated with the files in your possession. You confirmed that the files were to be picked up due to a lack of storage space. Please review your correspondence. I have read your email granting you an apology for the errors and the fault.   It is understood that more than one other individual  working there full time confirmed the position of the law society before you began your  voluntary temp work there. Your personal take or agenda  opens  vicarious liability however.   By Mr. Caparo Dickman  Carlill, Savage, Parmenter  May(TM) Solicitors.
