A new scenario that has come to our attention is a sibling who wanted to inherit a pizza franchise. Her brother was content with the idea but she did not know anything about pizza or restaurants but she was sure she could bring the community to the business with more support and her father and mother never thought of supporting her idea to inherit until after he won 4 or more pizza contracts at the Supreme Food Court. So, the brother said she could inherit it and she could do her own thing without him. He might die at 90 years old when she is 86 years old. But, she seems to have been unable to wait for him to die; his family too. So, he cancelled the idea of inheritance and then offered it for CAD1.00. She never phoned or made any proposal but continued to harass him and his business, hoping to inherit with the ultimate intent that he should die sooner than later and offered his services to members of the public although she is not a part of the company officially except to make referrals and earn 40 percent. Yet, she collected retainers in cash and did not communicate the Court dates. She had some assistance from an untrained Green Crown assistant that decided Ronan or Lyon or Patrick was her birth rite. The brother did say he would run Ronan Patrick(TM) next door and she would show him how she does it and he would support her but...he is not involved in her open mischief and contempt of court. They don't exchange emails or speak on the phone except on occasion to support their mother. It took her 48 days jail time to read and understand the elements of the offense in the synopsis she was given in court involving her various offenses. She is not a member and nor is she authorised to collect retainers in portraying herself as a court agent for his firm but she could try her own firm like Dianne and Jason or Clackston. She can go with her father to get a gown and a Catholic blessing also. It took her brother 9.79 seconds; lightening.

A new scenario that has come to our attention is a sibling who wanted to inherit a pizza franchise. Her brother was content with the idea but she did not know anything about pizza or restaurants but she was sure she could bring the community to the business with more support and her father and mother never thought of supporting her idea to inherit until after he won 4 or more pizza contracts at the Supreme Food Court.  So, the brother said she could inherit it and she could do her own thing without him.  He might die at 90 years old when she is 86 years old. But, she seems to have been unable to wait for him to die; his family too. So, he cancelled the idea of inheritance and then offered it for CAD1.00.  She never phoned or made any proposal but continued to harass him and his business, hoping to inherit with the ultimate intent that he should die sooner than later and offered his services to members of the public although she is not a part of the company officially except to make referrals and earn 40 percent.  Yet, she collected retainers in cash  and did not communicate the Court dates. She had some assistance from an untrained Green Crown assistant that decided  Ronan or Lyon or Patrick  was her birth rite.  The brother did say he would run Ronan Patrick(TM) next door and she would show him how she does it and he would support her but...he is not involved in her open mischief and contempt of court. They don't exchange emails or speak on the phone except on occasion to support their mother.  It took her 48 days jail time to read and understand the elements of  the offense in the  synopsis she was given in court involving her various offenses. She is not a member and nor is she authorised to collect retainers in  portraying herself as a court agent for his firm but she could try her own firm like Dianne and Jason or Clackston.   She can go with her father to get a gown and a Catholic blessing also.   It took her brother 9.79 seconds; lightening.
