Enforcement of basic income is just the same as maintaining the Pension electronically or the Land registry also. Click here. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.chrc-ccdp.gc.ca/eng/file/401/download%3Ftoken%3DNb7rFbYB&ved=2ahUKEwiW4snw27bgAhWk24MKHdhTCBMQFjABegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw2r5kCeK3ea4NxqnDdikGoGThe Human Rights Tribunal is designed specifically to prevent known violations by the state. The Criminal code also prohibits human rights violations and abuses. Misfeasance in public office allows for prosecution of state officials. It could also be used to address malicious prosecution by any Police service but tortious claims are denied on public policy grounds. The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal is the forum for this application being brought by the best Law School in the country. Ethnic origin, age and family Status are the key grounds of descrimination when it involves the disparate provision of basic income. A valid Human Rights complaint requires one of the 11 grounds of discrimination protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act a discriminatory practice There are several ways that a person could be discriminated against. The Canadian Human Rights Act calls these discriminatory practices. The following seven discriminatory practices are prohibited by the Canadian Human Rights Act when they are based on one or more of the 11 grounds of discrimination: denying someone goods, services, facilities or accommodation; providing someone goods, services, facilities or accommodation in a way that treats them with prejudice and differently; refusing to employ or continue to employ someone, or treating them unfairly in the workplace; following policies or practices that deprive people of employment opportunities; paying men and women differently when they are doing work of the same value; retaliating against a person who has filed a complaint with the Commission or against someone who has filed a complaint for them; and harassing someone. a negative effect on you. You dont have to hire the black Afro Amerindian graduate who is part Dutch but nor do you have to suffocate his benefit entitlement. The non provision of basic income involving any citizens in a UN member state is a human rights violation. When it comes to questions as to who is running the country, there is a Privy Council, UN Charter Membership and treaties with the EU. There is Criminal Law legislation preventing hate crimes, misfeasance in public office and as such, the disparate application of socio-economic policies in an effort to target certain segments of the population is estopped. The term "Precariat" is therefore a fraud. There is nothing precarious about the UDHR or the UNCHR and the legal requirements of any UN signatory nation under article 25 of the UDHR to provide a basic income to its citizens regardless of complexion. The term "Precariat" is a sad descriptive when it is only used to discuss the experience of Anglo populations who should see Marines visiting their countries soon to end UDHR breaches in the jurisdictions where they live; in the Western Indies also. West Indians are signatory citizens under the UN Charter as CARICOM citizens and not a left over population that always has to be told that their livelihood and protection under the UDHR, especially article 25, is a last priority while it is a first and also a legal priorty under the UDHR and this must entail a basic income for every CARICOM citizen; also in Haiti. Based on the UDHR requirements, a basic income of usd 600.00 per month would be feasible in the West Indies. Certain old emotional and social motivations and redundant social structures may die hard but those desires are a contradiction of what is promulgated in West Indian politics, art and music if it is not consistent with E pluribus Unum and the notion of one people with one skin. Who you allow your children to marry is a separate issue but the legality of rights and entitlements is the priority as you step away from a subconscious participation in the devaluation of your people and region. This subconscious devaluation of a people and region is indicative of the Canadian experience. A basic income nationally is now implemented once and for all in compliance with the nation's positive participation in UN policies around the globe but now also at home where the gap in application at home may have been overlooked while it is now being rectified. A basic income of $40,000.00 per year at minimum is a requisite for that cold and inhospitable climate. Click here: This is an issue for consideration by the Superior Courts and the Supreme Court of Canada. It is akin to the compensation paid by the U.S. Government for all victims of 911 and to victims of US Military UNCHR breaches or war crimes against foreign civilians any where in the world in places such as Afghanistan. The absence of basic income in any country makes the people displaced persons or Refugees referred to as internally displaced persons or IDP's in their own country! Some Canadians have basic income and others do not. There is no explanation. It causes internal displacement. It is generalised violence. It is evident disparity in the treatment of certain segments of the population for inexplicable reasons. A white, Part Eskimo or Black woman in one part of the country receives basic income upwards of $50,000.00 per year and a white man in another part of the country does not receive this socio-economic benefit. He believes as he is told in Ontario that he has the right to show his determination; his essentially ancestral determination. He has happy to be a part of something with a sense of officialdom to it as the people who join his determination are an official socio-economic resistance. But, they are not really intending to be criminals or terrorists except they have not received a noted, required and essential socio-economic benefit known as basic income. What is transpiring is actually ridiculous. But, one endeavours to put into words what is transpiring as it occurs. The White or Black Amerindian is not a part of any Indian reserve. He may be associated to a church group; Anglican usually and they do whatever they want until captured or killed due to a less than discrete exercise of royal privilege in, maybe, robbing a bank or a pizzeria yet the real crime is the disparate non provision of basic income to all citizens and that includes these Black and White Amerindians. Yet, if your goal is Royal privilege then notice that the Queen receives her basic income; as a human being. What are you? You are a human being. You may receive $20,000.00 dollars as a Native reserve citizen off the coast of the Niagara Great Lakes region. He is suffering disparate treatment and it could be that his basic income will only amount to an additional $30,000.00 for a total of $50,000.00 to be equal to his cousin in Quebec. Most are content that he would receive $70,000.00 in total since the Native benefit is land compensation. The means are not in doubt and nor is the necessity of this program and policy in an auto. The solution for the population suffering disparity in one part of the country is to address the disparity in an appropriate venue such as a Human Rights Tribunal. It is a known fact that people in Quebec have a basic income. Is it that people in Ontario do not receive basic income because they are not French speaking? That would be ludicrous but Ontarians do not actually have access to this socio-economic benefit. A class action law suit or a motion granting immediate relief from this disparity might be considered. A motion is not really necessary when once it is brought to the government's attention they can amend the disparity as disparity in the provision of policy is not their policy mandate. This is evident in all documents published by the new and old government. As they intend to comply and rectify glaring errors, a motion is not necessary. There is no adversarial issue here. There is no issue in contention. There is no need for a motion here. The country has sought to be a member of the UN Security Council to secure our UN Protected human rights at home and abroad. The UN has a Military to enforce compliance or impose sanctions when open breaches are identified in member states. Canada has participated in several of these missions.

Enforcement of basic income is just the same as maintaining the  Pension electronically or the Land registry also.   Click here.    https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.chrc-ccdp.gc.ca/eng/file/401/download%3Ftoken%3DNb7rFbYB&ved=2ahUKEwiW4snw27bgAhWk24MKHdhTCBMQFjABegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw2r5kCeK3ea4NxqnDdikGoGThe Human Rights Tribunal is designed specifically to prevent known violations by the state.  The Criminal code also prohibits human rights violations and abuses. Misfeasance in public office allows for prosecution of state officials.  It could also be used to address malicious prosecution by any Police service but tortious claims are denied on public policy grounds.  The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal is the forum for this application being brought by the best Law School in the country. Ethnic origin, age and family Status are the key grounds of descrimination when it involves the disparate provision of basic   income.  A valid  Human Rights complaint  requires  one of the 11 grounds of discrimination protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act a discriminatory practice There are several ways that a person could be discriminated against. The Canadian Human Rights Act calls these discriminatory practices. The following seven discriminatory practices are prohibited by the Canadian Human Rights Act when they are based on one or more of the 11 grounds of discrimination:  denying someone goods, services, facilities or accommodation; providing someone goods, services, facilities or accommodation in a way that treats them with prejudice and differently; refusing to employ or continue to employ someone, or treating them unfairly in the workplace; following policies or practices that deprive people of employment opportunities; paying men and women differently when they are doing work of the same value; retaliating against a person who has filed a complaint with the Commission or against someone who has filed a complaint for them; and harassing someone. a negative effect on you.  You dont have to hire the black Afro Amerindian graduate who is part Dutch but nor do  you  have to suffocate his benefit entitlement.   The non provision of basic income involving any  citizens in a UN member state is a human rights violation. When it comes to questions as to who is running the country, there is a Privy Council, UN Charter Membership and treaties with the EU. There is Criminal Law legislation  preventing hate crimes, misfeasance in public office and as such, the disparate application of socio-economic policies in an effort to target certain segments of the population is estopped.  The term "Precariat" is therefore a fraud.  There is nothing precarious about the UDHR or the UNCHR and the legal requirements  of any UN signatory nation under article 25 of the UDHR to provide a basic income to its citizens regardless of complexion.    The term "Precariat" is a sad descriptive  when it is only used to discuss the experience of Anglo populations who should see  Marines visiting their countries soon to end UDHR breaches in the jurisdictions where they live; in the Western Indies also. West Indians are signatory citizens under the UN Charter as CARICOM citizens  and not a left over population that always has to be told that their livelihood and protection under the UDHR, especially article 25,  is a last priority while it is a first and also a legal priorty under the UDHR and this must entail a basic income for every CARICOM citizen; also in Haiti.  Based on the UDHR requirements, a basic income of usd 600.00 per month would be feasible in the West Indies.   Certain old emotional and social motivations and redundant social structures may die hard but those desires are a contradiction of what is promulgated in West Indian politics, art and music if it is not consistent with E pluribus Unum and the notion of one people with one skin. Who you allow your children to marry is a separate issue but the legality of rights and entitlements is the priority as you step away from a subconscious  participation in the devaluation of your people and region.  This subconscious devaluation of a people and region is indicative of the Canadian experience.  A basic income  nationally is now implemented once and for all in compliance with the nation's positive participation in UN policies around the globe but now also at home where the gap in application at home may have been overlooked while it is now being rectified.  A basic income of $40,000.00 per year at minimum is a requisite  for that cold and inhospitable climate.      Click here: This is an issue for consideration by the Superior Courts and the Supreme Court of Canada. It is akin to the compensation paid by the U.S. Government for all victims of 911 and to victims of  US Military UNCHR breaches or war crimes  against foreign  civilians any where in the world in places such as Afghanistan.     The absence of basic income in any country makes the people displaced persons or  Refugees referred to as internally  displaced persons or IDP's in their own country! Some Canadians have basic income  and others do not. There is no explanation.  It causes internal displacement.  It is generalised violence. It is evident disparity in the treatment of certain segments of the population for inexplicable reasons.  A white, Part Eskimo or Black  woman in one part of the country receives basic income upwards of $50,000.00 per year and a white man in another part of the country does not receive this socio-economic benefit.  He believes as he is told in Ontario that he has the right to show his determination; his essentially ancestral determination. He has happy to be a part of something with a sense of officialdom to it as the people who join his determination are an official socio-economic resistance.    But, they are not really intending to be criminals or terrorists except they have not received a noted, required and essential socio-economic benefit known as basic income.   What is transpiring is actually ridiculous. But, one endeavours to put into words what is transpiring as it occurs.   The White or Black Amerindian  is not a part of any Indian reserve. He may be associated to a church group; Anglican usually and they do whatever they want until captured or killed due to a less than discrete exercise of royal privilege in, maybe, robbing a bank or a pizzeria yet the real crime is the disparate non provision of basic income to all citizens and that includes these Black and White Amerindians. Yet, if your  goal is Royal privilege then notice that the Queen receives her basic income;  as a human being.  What are you?  You are a human being.    You may receive $20,000.00 dollars as a Native reserve citizen off the coast of the Niagara Great Lakes region.  He is suffering disparate treatment and it could be that his basic income will only amount to an additional $30,000.00 for  a total of $50,000.00 to be equal to his cousin in Quebec.   Most are content that he would receive $70,000.00 in total since the Native benefit is land compensation.   The means are not in doubt and nor is the necessity of this program and policy in an auto.  The solution for the population suffering disparity in one part of the country is to address the disparity in an appropriate venue such as a Human Rights Tribunal.       It is a known fact that people in Quebec have a basic income. Is it that people in Ontario do not receive basic income because they are not French speaking? That would be ludicrous but Ontarians do not actually have access to this socio-economic benefit. A class action law suit or a motion granting immediate relief from this disparity might be considered. A motion is not really necessary when once it is brought to the government's attention they can amend the disparity as disparity in the provision of policy  is not their policy mandate. This is evident in all  documents published by the new and old government.   As they intend to comply and rectify glaring errors,  a motion is not necessary. There is no adversarial issue here. There is no issue in contention. There is no need for a motion here. The country has sought to be a member of the UN Security Council to secure our UN Protected human rights at home and abroad. The UN has a Military to enforce compliance or impose sanctions when open breaches are identified in member states.  Canada has participated in several of these missions. 
