Warren A. Lyon is contact with the National Art Gallery in London amid rumors that some of his London photos are being sold without contractual permission just around the corner from where he attended two illustrious UK Universities on the other side of Covent Garden. Scotland Yard was notified of the matter that involves a criminal offence involving theft of intellectual property contrary to the QUEEN'S peace. The Actus Reus and Mens Rea are as follows: 1. The Actus Reus is the appropriation of property belonging to another contrary to the Queen's peace; and 2. The Mens Rea is the intention to permanently deprive the owner of that property, treating it as your own. Leviticus.

Warren A. Lyon is contact with the National Art Gallery in London amid rumors that some of his London photos are being sold without contractual permission just around the corner from where he attended two illustrious UK Universities on the other side of Covent Garden. Scotland Yard was notified of the matter that involves a criminal offence involving theft of intellectual property contrary to the QUEEN'S peace. The Actus Reus and Mens Rea are as follows: 1. The Actus Reus is the appropriation of property belonging to another contrary to the Queen's peace; and 2. The Mens Rea is the intention to permanently deprive the owner of that property, treating it as your own.   Leviticus.
