L-7 - Act to combat poverty and social exclusion

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chapter L-7
WHEREAS according to the principles set out by the Charter of human rights and freedoms, respect for the dignity of human beings, equality of women and men, and recognition of their rights and freedoms constitute the foundation of justice, liberty and peace;
WHEREAS poverty and social exclusion may constitute obstacles to the protection of and respect for human dignity;
WHEREAS the effects of poverty and social exclusion impede the economic and social development of Québec society as a whole and threaten its cohesion and equilibrium;
WHEREAS the fight against poverty and social exclusion is a national imperative within the spirit of a universal movement which seeks to enhance the social, cultural and economic development of all human beings;
WHEREAS persons living in poverty and social exclusion are the first to act to improve their situation and that of their families, and whereas such improvement is linked to the social, cultural and economic development of the entire community;
WHEREAS it is appropriate to affirm the desire of Québec society as a whole to act in a coordinated manner and pursue a course of action designed to combat poverty and social exclusion;

1. The object of this Act is to guide the Government and Québec society as a whole towards a process of planning and implementing actions to combat poverty, prevent its causes, reduce its effects on individuals and families, counter social exclusion and strive towards a poverty-free Québec.
To that end, this Act establishes a national strategy to combat poverty and social exclusion. It also establishes an advisory committee on the prevention of poverty and social exclusion and an observatory on poverty and social exclusion which shall assume the functions assigned to them by this Act to achieve the goals set out in the national strategy.
This Act further provides for the creation of the Fonds québécois d’initiatives sociales, dedicated to combatting poverty and social exclusion.
2002, c. 61, s. 1.
The second sentence of the second paragraph of this section is in force to the extent that that provision applies in respect of the advisory committee on the prevention of poverty and social exclusion; Order in Council 821-2005 dated 31 August 2005, (2005) 137 G.O. 2, 3919.
In any other respect, the above provision will come into force on the date to be fixed by the Government (2002, c. 61, s. 70).
2. For the purposes of this Act, “poverty” means the condition of a human being who is deprived of the resources, means, choices and power necessary to acquire and maintain economic self-sufficiency or to facilitate integration and participation in society.
2002, c. 61, s. 2.
3. For the purposes of this Act, a national strategy to combat poverty and social exclusion is established.
2002, c. 61, s. 3.
4. The national strategy is intended to progressively make Québec, by 2013, one of the industrialized nations having the least number of persons living in poverty, according to recognized methods for making international comparisons.
2002, c. 61, s. 4.
5. The national strategy shall consist of a set of actions implemented by the Government, its socio-economic partners, regional and local communities, community organizations and other social stakeholders to counter poverty and facilitate social inclusion. In that respect, the Government shall solicit citizen participation, particularly the participation of persons living in poverty.
The actions must address both the causes and the consequences of poverty and social exclusion to ensure that all persons concerned may obtain the support and encouragement their situation requires and may, on their own, achieve self-sufficiency, and participate actively in the life and advancement of the community.
2002, c. 61, s. 5.
6. The goals of the national strategy are
(1 to promote respect for and protection of the dignity of persons living in poverty and combat prejudices in their regard ;
(2 to improve the economic and social situation of persons and families living in poverty and social exclusion ;
(3 to reduce the inequalities that may be detrimental to social cohesion ;
(4 to encourage persons and families living in poverty to participate in community life and social development ;
(5 to develop and reinforce the sense of solidarity throughout Québec so that society as a whole may participate in the fight against poverty and social exclusion.
2002, c. 61, s. 6.
7. In order to achieve the goals set out in the national strategy, the actions taken by Québec society as a whole and the Government, to the extent provided for by law or on the conditions determined by the Government, must be oriented along the following five axes:
(1 preventing poverty and social exclusion, with a focus on developing the potential of individuals;
(2 strengthening the social and economic safety net;
(3 promoting access to employment and increasing the attractiveness of work;
(4 promoting the involvement of society as a whole; and
(5 ensuring consistent and coherent intervention at all levels.
Those actions must also, in their conception and implementation, take into account realities specific to women and men, in particular through gender-based analysis, as well as the greater incidences of poverty in certain regions or areas and the specific needs of certain groups in society having particular difficulties, particularly because of their age, ethnic origin or an impairment or disability.
2002, c. 61, s. 7.
The government mandate the Minister Responsible for Seniors and Informal Caregivers to cooperate with the Minister of Labour, Employment and Social solidarity for the development and implementation of any action related to seniors. Order in Council 1322-2018 dated 31 October 2018, (2018) 150 G.O. 2 (French), 7427.
8. Preventive action must be aimed at, in particular,
(1 recognizing the family as the basic unit of personal and social development and, while respecting the role of parents, supporting families with dependent children that are at risk of long-term poverty through early and integrated intervention aimed at giving the families access to a range of services and programs adapted to their needs and to those of their children;
(2 promoting school success and facilitating school and social integration of young persons, particularly the disadvantaged;
(3 improving basic education and access to continuing education to enable adults to complete and update their occupational qualifications, facilitating recognition of their experience and promoting access to information and communication technologies;
(4 supporting volunteer and community actions that contribute to the social inclusion of persons living in poverty;
(5 recognizing the contribution of the elderly to society and supporting those living in poverty to provide them with access to a variety of services and programs adapted to their needs; and
(6 promoting, for persons living in poverty, access to culture, recreation and sports.
2002, c. 61, s. 8.
The government mandate the Minister Responsible for Seniors and Informal Caregivers to cooperate with the Minister of Labour, Employment and Social solidarity for the development and implementation of any action related to seniors. Order in Council 1322-2018 dated 31 October 2018, (2018) 150 G.O. 2 (French), 7427.
9. Action to strengthen the social and economic safety net must be aimed at, in particular,
(1 raising the level of income granted to persons and families living in poverty, having regard to their particular situation and the resources at their disposal to meet their essential needs ;
(2 encouraging low-income workers to enter or remain on the labour market, especially through work income supplements ;
(3 providing persons living in poverty or social exclusion with health, social and educational services that are adapted to their specific needs ;
(4 facilitating dignified access, for persons and families living in poverty, to a food supply that is both sufficient and nutritious, at reasonable costs, and to simple and reliable information enabling those persons and families to make enlightened dietary choices ;
(5 facilitating the availability of decent and affordable housing through housing assistance measures or the development of social housing for the socially disadvantaged, including the homeless, and strengthening community support for those persons.
2002, c. 61, s. 9.
10. Within the scope of its action to promote access to employment and increase the attractiveness of work, the Government must act in concert with its various labour market partners and community organizations, in particular
(1 to intensify employment assistance so as to better support the communities in their efforts to create employment and, particularly in high-poverty areas in which employment assistance measures and services must be adapted to the needs of the groups identified as being more affected by poverty ;
(2 to favour an approach centred on community-based intervention and the integration of social and economic development ;
(3 to favour, in the workplace, the social and occupational integration of persons who have particular difficulty entering the labour market, in particular persons who have an impairment or disability ; and
(4 to enhance the quality of jobs so that the workers receive an income adequate to provide an acceptable standard of living, in comparison with the income of Québec workers generally, enjoy better employment protection against the risks of exclusion and benefit from measures enabling them to achieve a better balance between family and work.
2002, c. 61, s. 10.
11. Action to promote the involvement of society as a whole must provide for the inclusion of stakeholders representative of the broader Québec community. For that purpose, such actions must, in particular,
(1 favour citizen participation, particularly that of persons living in poverty and social exclusion and the organizations representing them ;
(2 support specific local and regional initiatives for the achievement of the goals set out in the national strategy ;
(3 recognize the social responsibility of enterprises and include the labour market partners ; and
(4 recognize the contribution of volunteer and community action.
2002, c. 61, s. 11.
12. Within the scope of its action to ensure consistent and coherent intervention at all levels, the Government must, in particular,
(1 ensure that the policies and measures intended to help in the fight against poverty and social exclusion are complementary and coherent ;
(2 devise means of measuring the progress achieved and improving knowledge on poverty issues, in particular through the development of research networks, and provide for accountability and coordination mechanisms designed to ensure consistent intervention ;
(3 support in a durable manner innovation and adaptation of programs and services on the regional and local levels, develop coordinated action and collaboration and provide for a procedure for disseminating innovative experiments carried out ;
(4 remain abreast of and examine innovative approaches taken by other countries and participate in international forums ; and
(5 with the representatives of the native nations, discuss ways in which the actions may be adapted to the particular needs of the native peoples.
2002, c. 61, s. 12.
13. To implement the national strategy to combat poverty and social exclusion, the Government must, before 5 May 2003 establish a government action plan setting forth a set of activities the Government plans on carrying out to achieve the goals pursued, and make it public.
2002, c. 61, s. 13.
14. The Government shall, within the scope of the action plan, set targets to be reached, in particular to improve the income of recipients under the Employment-Assistance Program established under the Act respecting income support, employment assistance and social solidarity (chapter S-32.001), and the income of persons working full-time or on a sustained basis who live in poverty according to the indicators used by the Government.
2002, c. 61, s. 14.
15. The action plan must also propose amendments to the Employment-Assistance Program, to the extent provided for by the Act respecting income support, employment assistance and social solidarity (chapter S-32.001), in particular
(1 to eliminate the reductions of benefits resulting from the application of the provisions of that Act as regards shared housing and minimum lodging costs ;
(2 to introduce the minimum benefit principle, a threshold below which benefits cannot be reduced by reason of the application of administrative penalties, setoff or a combination of both ;
(3 to enable adults and families to own property and liquid assets of a value greater than the value allowed at the time the action plan is established, in order to encourage self-sufficiency or take into account transitory economic difficulties ; and
(4 in respect of any family having a dependent child, to exclude an amount from child support income.
2002, c. 61, s. 15.
16. The conditions, terms and schedule for the implementation of the activities set forth in the action plan, and those related to the attainment of the income improvement targets, shall be determined by the Government or, where applicable, as provided for by law, having regard to the other national priorities, the collective wealth and the particular circumstances of the persons and families concerned.
2002, c. 61, s. 16.
17. The action plan must also include measures and programs designed to improve the economic and social situation of persons and families living in poverty and social exclusion, and a procedure for determining the resources that the departments and bodies concerned intend to devote to priority intervention areas identified concurrently with regional or municipal representatives.
2002, c. 61, s. 17.
18. As an incentive for collective involvement, the action plan may provide for the making of agreements between the Minister and national, regional and local partners, and for coordination mechanisms and periodical monitoring of activities carried out in connection with those agreements.
The Minister may, within the scope of an agreement and subject to the conditions the Minister determines, provide financial assistance to support specific initiatives.
2002, c. 61, s. 18.
19. The Minister is by virtue of his or her office the advisor of the Government on issues concerning the fight against poverty and social exclusion. In that capacity, the Minister shall give the other ministers any advice he or she considers advisable to improve the economic and social circumstances of persons and families living in poverty and social exclusion, and shall take part in the development of measures that could have a significant impact on such persons and such families.
It is incumbent upon the departments and bodies of the Government to communicate to the Minister any information necessary for the carrying out of such responsibilities.
2002, c. 61, s. 19.
20. Each minister shall, if the minister considers that proposals of a legislative or regulatory nature could have direct and significant impacts on the incomes of persons or families who, according to the indicators retained under this Act, are living in poverty, shall, when presenting the proposals to the Government, give an account of the impacts the minister foresees.
2002, c. 61, s. 20.
21. The Minister shall make an annual report to the Government on the activities carried out within the scope of the government action plan. The Minister may, for that purpose, request from other ministers specific reports concerning the activities carried out in their fields of jurisdiction. The Minister shall make the report public within 60 days after submitting it to the Government.
The Minister may also propose to the Government amendments to the action plan, taking into account the advisory opinions received from the Comité consultatif de lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale and those of the indicators proposed by the Observatoire de la pauvreté et de l’exclusion sociale that were retained.
2002, c. 61, s. 21.
The following provisions are not in force:
in the second paragraph, the words “and those of the indicators proposed by the Observatoire de la pauvreté et de l’exclusion sociale that were retained”; Order in Council 821-2005 dated 31 August 2005, (2005) 137 G.O. 2, 3919.
The above words will come into force on the date to be fixed by the Government (2002, c. 61, s. 70).
22. An advisory committee on the prevention of poverty and social exclusion called the “Comité consultatif de lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale” is hereby established.
2002, c. 61, s. 22.
23. The advisory committee is composed of 17 members, appointed by the Government, on the recommendation of the Minister.
Fifteen members shall be appointed after consultation with the most representative bodies or groups of the various sectors concerned, including five persons from representative bodies or groups involved in the fight against poverty and social exclusion, at least three of whom must also be persons for whose benefit those bodies or groups work, and ten persons from the management, organized labour, municipal, community and other sectors of the civil society.
The appointments must be made so as to achieve as equitably as possible a representation of women and men and the regions of Québec and reflect the demographic composition of the population of Québec.
The two other members of the advisory committee shall be from the public service and shall not be entitled to vote.
2002, c. 61, s. 23.
24. The Government shall designate the chair from among the voting members.
The voting members shall select a vice-chair from among their number.
2002, c. 61, s. 24.
25. The members of the advisory committee shall be appointed for a term of not more than three years.
However, seven of the first voting members of the advisory committee, other than the chair, shall be appointed for a term of two years.
On the expiry of their terms, the members shall remain in office until they are reappointed or replaced.
2002, c. 61, s. 25.
26. Any vacancy occurring before the expiry of a member’s term shall be filled in the manner set out in section 23.
2002, c. 61, s. 26.
27. The members of the advisory committee shall receive no remuneration except in such cases, on such conditions and to such extent as may be determined by the Government.
They are, however, entitled to the reimbursement of expenses incurred in the exercise of their functions, on the conditions and to the extent determined by the Government.
2002, c. 61, s. 27.
28. The advisory committee shall meet at the request of the chair or vice-chair or of one-third of the voting members.
The quorum at meetings of the advisory committee is a majority of the voting members including the member acting as chair or vice-chair.
The advisory opinions shall be adopted by a majority of the members present.
2002, c. 61, s. 28.
29. The advisory committee may make any by-law concerning the exercise of its functions and its internal management.
2002, c. 61, s. 29.
30. The secretary and the other members of the personnel of the advisory committee shall be appointed in accordance with the Public Service Act (chapter F‐3.1.1).
2002, c. 61, s. 30.
31. The main function of the advisory committee is to advise the Minister on the planning, implementation and evaluation of actions taken within the scope of the national strategy to combat poverty and social exclusion.
The advisory committee shall advise the Minister on any question referred to it by the Minister on any matter concerning poverty or social exclusion.
Not in force
It shall also collaborate with the Observatoire de la pauvreté et de l’exclusion sociale to determine indicators enabling the progress made in achieving the goals pursued under the national strategy to be evaluated.
2002, c. 61, s. 31.
32. The advisory committee may, in addition,
(1 consult with, solicit opinions from, or receive or hear requests and suggestions from persons, bodies, organizations or associations in relation to any matter concerning poverty or social exclusion;
(2 make recommendations to the Minister on any matter concerning poverty or social exclusion;
(3 give opinions on government policies having an impact on poverty or social exclusion; and
(4 give opinions on the use of the sums making up the fund dedicated to the fight against poverty and social exclusion.
In the exercise of its functions, the advisory committee may work in association with other advisory bodies whose work concerns poverty or social exclusion. The advisory committee may also solicit the assistance of the observatory.
2002, c. 61, s. 32.
The second sentence of the second paragraph of this section is not in force; Order in Council 821-2005 dated 31 August 2005, (2005) 137 G.O. 2, 3919.
The above provision will come into force on the date to be fixed by the Government (2002, c. 61, s. 70).
33. The advisory committee shall make its advice, advisory opinions and recommendations public 30 days after transmitting them to the Minister.
2002, c. 61, s. 33.
34. The advisory committee shall, not later than 30 June each year, file with the Minister a report on its activities for the preceding fiscal year.
The Minister shall table the report in the National Assembly within 30 days of receiving it or, if the Assembly is not sitting, within 30 days of resumption.
2002, c. 61, s. 34.
Not in force
Not in force
Not in force
35. An observatory on poverty and social exclusion called “Observatoire de la pauvreté et de l’exclusion sociale” is established under the responsibility of the Minister.
The observatory is a place of observation, research and exchange devoted to providing dependable and objective information on matters concerning poverty and social exclusion.
2002, c. 61, s. 35.
Not in force
36. The observatory shall be managed by a managing committee composed of seven members appointed by the Government on the recommendation of the Minister, after consultation with representative bodies of the sector concerned. The Government shall designate a chair from among the members.
Two members shall be persons working with persons living in poverty or social exclusion, chosen after consultation with the Comité consultatif de lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale.
The other members of the managing committee of the observatory shall be persons from the government, university and research sectors whose competence and expertise in matters related to poverty or social exclusion are recognized.
2002, c. 61, s. 36.
Not in force
37. The members of the managing committee of the observatory shall be appointed for a term of not more than three years.
On the expiry of their terms, the members shall remain in office until they are reappointed or replaced.
2002, c. 61, s. 37.
Not in force
38. Any vacancy occurring before the expiry of a member’s term shall be filled in the manner set out in section 36.
2002, c. 61, s. 38.
Not in force
39. The members of the managing committee of the observatory shall receive no remuneration except in such cases, on such conditions and to such extent as may be determined by the Government.
They are, however, entitled to the reimbursement of expenses incurred in the exercise of their functions, on the conditions and to the extent determined by the Government.
2002, c. 61, s. 39.
Not in force
40. The managing committee of the observatory shall, after consulting the advisory committee, determine the observatory’s strategic orientations, general objectives, policies and action plans.
Its functions also include evaluating the relevance, priority aspect and scientific quality of the observatory’s programs and research projects.
2002, c. 61, s. 40.
Not in force
41. The Minister shall entrust, after agreement, the administration of the observatory to the Institut de la statistique du Québec.
2002, c. 61, s. 41.
Not in force
Not in force
42. The function of the observatory is to collect, integrate, compile, analyze and disseminate information, in particular of a statistical nature, on poverty and social exclusion.
The observatory shall conduct qualitative and quantitative research to improve knowledge on poverty issues and social exclusion and may for that purpose consult experts and stakeholders from the sector under study.
The observatory must facilitate the transfer of knowledge to the various stakeholders concerned with poverty or social exclusion and facilitate collaboration on such issues, in particular with university institutions, research centres and other observatories.
2002, c. 61, s. 42.
Not in force
43. The observatory shall develop and propose to the Minister a series of indicators to be used to measure poverty and social exclusion, social and economic inequalities, including income differentials, and other poverty determinants. The data related to those indicators must, if possible, be broken down by region and compared by gender.
The Minister shall make public the indicators retained.
The observatory shall monitor the indicators retained by the Minister to measure the progress achieved within the scope of the national strategy to combat poverty and social exclusion, in particular as regards the improvement of the economic and social situation of persons and families living in poverty or social exclusion.
2002, c. 61, s. 43.
Not in force
44. Within the scope of its work, the observatory must consult the advisory committee.
2002, c. 61, s. 44.
Not in force
Not in force
45. The managing committee of the observatory shall submit its annual action plan to the Minister for approval.
2002, c. 61, s. 45.
2011, c. 18, s. 166.
46. The Québec Fund for Social Initiatives, a fund dedicated to the financing of initiatives to combat poverty and social exclusion, is hereby established.
2002, c. 61, s. 462011, c. 18, s. 167.
47. (Repealed).
2002, c. 61, s. 472011, c. 18, s. 168.
48. The following are credited to the Fund:
(1 the sums transferred to the Fund by the Minister of Finance under sections 53 and 54 of the Financial Administration Act (chapter A-6.001);
(2 the sums transferred to the Fund by a minister out of the appropriations granted for that purpose by Parliament;
(3 the contributions paid into the fund to further the attainment of the objects of the fund;
(4 the sums transferred to the Fund by the Government out of the sums credited to the general fund, following a proposal by the Minister of Finance; and
(5 the interest earned on bank balances in relation to the sums referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4.
2002, c. 61, s. 482011, c. 18, s. 169.
49. (Repealed).
2002, c. 61, s. 492011, c. 18, s. 170.
50. (Repealed).
2002, c. 61, s. 502011, c. 18, s. 170.
51. (Repealed).
2002, c. 61, s. 512011, c. 18, s. 170.
52. The following sums are debited from the Fund:
(1 the sums to be paid within the scope of agreements entered into by the Minister to support national, regional and local initiatives, the awarding standards of which have been approved by the Government, in particular, to enable an adapted implementation of those initiatives;
(2 the sums to be paid to permit the carrying out of projects in connection with programs complementary to regular programs established or approved by the Government within the scope of the national strategy to combat poverty and social exclusion; and
(3 the sums required for the payment of any other expenditure related to the activities and priority interventions established or approved by the Minister to combat poverty and social exclusion;
(4 (paragraph repealed).
2002, c. 61, s. 522011, c. 18, s. 171.
53. (Repealed).
2002, c. 61, s. 532011, c. 18, s. 172.
54. (Repealed).
2002, c. 61, s. 542011, c. 18, s. 172.
55. (Repealed).
2002, c. 61, s. 552011, c. 18, s. 172.
56. The minister responsible for the administration of the fund shall submit to the National Assembly, for each fiscal year, a report on the activities financed by the fund.
The competent parliamentary committee of the National Assembly shall examine the report.
2002, c. 61, s. 56.
57. The Government shall determine the date on which this chapter ceases to have effect.
On that date, any sum remaining in the fund shall be transferred to the general fund and shall be appropriated to the financing of such complementary measures consistent with the objects of the fund as are determined by the Government, in the manner fixed by the Government.
2002, c. 61, s. 572011, c. 18, s. 173.
58. On or before 17 October 2010 and, thereafter, every three years, the Minister shall, in coordination with the other ministers concerned and taking into account the advisory opinions received from the Comité consultatif de lutte contre la pauvreté et l’exclusion sociale and those of the indicators proposed by the Observatoire de la pauvreté et de l’exclusion sociale retained by the Minister, report to the Government on the results obtained following the actions implemented by the Government and the community as a whole within the scope of the national strategy to combat poverty and social exclusion.
The report must include a status report on the progress of Québec society towards achieving the goals set out in the national strategy, in particular as regards the improvement of the income of persons and families living in poverty and income differentials.
2002, c. 61, s. 58.
The following provisions are not in force:
in the first paragraph, the words “and those of the indicators proposed by the Observatoire de la pauvreté et de l’exclusion sociale retained by the Minister”; Order in Council 821-2005 dated 31 August 2005, (2005) 137 G.O. 2, 3919.
The above words will come into force on the date to be fixed by the Government (2002, c. 61, s. 70).
59. The advisory committee shall, before 17 October 2007, submit to the Minister, taking into account in particular the indicators proposed by the observatory, an opinion and recommendations concerning revenue targets and the means to attain them to improve the financial situation of persons and families living in poverty.
The advisory committee shall also, before that date, submit to the Minister an opinion and recommendations concerning a minimum benefit paid under a last resort financial assistance program established under the Individual and Family Assistance Act (chapter A-13.1.1).
2002, c. 61, s. 592005, c. 15, s. 198.
The following provisions are not in force:
in the first paragraph, the words “, taking into account in particular the indicators proposed by the observatory,”; Order in Council 821-2005 dated 31 August 2005, (2005) 137 G.O. 2, 3919.
The above words will come into force on the date to be fixed by the Government (2002, c. 61, s. 70).
60. The Minister shall, before 17 October 2008, report to the Government with recommendations concerning the matters referred to in section 59, taking into account the opinions and recommmendations of the advisory committee, and present a status report on the actions undertaken within the framework of the national strategy to combat poverty and social exclusion and on the results obtained.
2002, c. 61, s. 60.
61. The Minister shall, in coordination with the other ministers concerned and before 5 March 2005, report to the Government and make recommendations on the approach taken in government programs as regards child support income.
2002, c. 61, s. 61.
62. The reports required under sections 58, 60 and 61 shall be tabled by the Minister in the National Assembly within 60 days after they are submitted to the Government or, if the Assembly is not sitting, within 60 days of resumption.
Each report shall be examined by the competent committee of the National Assembly for an opinion and recommendations, where applicable.
2002, c. 61, s. 62.
63. The Minister shall make recommendations to the Government concerning the matters referred to in section 58 and the proposals regarding the financing of the actions to be taken in the course of the ensuing three-year period.
2002, c. 61, s. 63.
64. This Act shall not be construed in such manner as to extend, limit or qualify the scope of any provision of another Act.
2002, c. 61, s. 64.
65. The Minister shall, in the first report made pursuant to section 58, make a valuation of the fund established under section 46 and state whether the fund is to be maintained or whether its financing is to be reviewed.
Not in force
The Minister shall also, in the report, provide an assessment of the work of the observatory and give an opinion on the advisability of maintaining it and, if appropriate, make recommendations in that respect.
2002, c. 61, s. 65.
66. The obligation imposed on the Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity under section 228 of the Act respecting income support, employment assistance and social solidarity (chapter S-32.001) as concerns the Individualized Integration, Training and Employment Plan and the application of the parental contribution becomes effective on 5 March 2005.
However, the report filed on that date must also pertain to the measures and programs implemented within the scope of the government action plan established pursuant to section 13 to meet the specific needs of young adults who depend on financial assistance for support.
2002, c. 61, s. 66.
67. The sums remaining in the fund to combat poverty through reintegration into the labour market, established under the Act to establish a fund to combat poverty through reintegration into the labour market (chapter F-, on the date on which the activities of the Fonds québécois d’initiatives sociales commence shall, on that date, be transferred to the latter fund.
On that same date, the latter fund shall acquire the rights and assume the obligations of the fund to combat poverty through reintegration into the labour market.
2002, c. 61, s. 67.
68. (Omitted).
2002, c. 61, s. 68.
69. The Government shall designate the minister responsible for the administration of this Act.
The designated minister shall exercise his or her functions in a manner complementary to the powers and functions conferred on the other ministers by the Government and chief executive officers, according to their respective responsibilities.
2002, c. 61, s. 69.
The Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Solidarity is responsible for the administration of this Act. Order in Council 1292-2018 dated 18 October 2018, (2018) 150 G.O. 2 (French), 7385.
70. (Omitted).
2002, c. 61, s. 70.
In accordance with section 9 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes and regulations (chapter R-3), chapter 61 of the statutes of 2002, in force on 1 April 2003, is repealed, except section 70, effective from the coming into force of chapter L-7 of the Revised Statutes.
In accordance with section 9 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes and regulations (chapter R-3), the second paragraph of section 21, sections 22 to 30, the first and second paragraphs of section 31, sections 32 to 34, 58 to 60, section 63, the first paragraph of section 65 and section 68 of chapter 61 of the statutes of 2002, in force on 1 March 2006, are repealed effective from the coming into force of the updating to 1 March 2006 of chapter L-7 of the Revised Statutes.
