Definition: This entry includes those persons residing in a country as refugees or internally displaced persons (IDPs). Each country's refugee entry includes only countries of origin that are the source of refugee populations of 5,000 or more. The definition of a refugee according to a United Nations Convention is "a person who is outside his/her country of nationality or habitual residence; has a well-founded fear of persecution because of his/her race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion; and is unable or unwilling to avail himself/herself of the protection of that country, or to return there, for fear of persecution.": General Assembly Meeting: Status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia

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General Assembly Meeting: Status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia

Statement by Ambassador Guillermo E. Rishchynski, Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations
New York, June 3, 2015
Canada takes an active role in promoting the rights and well-being of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) and we are committed to continue working with the international community to address both longstanding and emerging protection challenges. Addressing internal displacement is a critical element of the UN’s mandate and is central to its work on the protection of civilians.
At a time when levels of displacement worldwide are at record highs, international commitment to fulfill moral and legal obligations to protect civilians and ensure respect for international law is vital.  Equally important is responding efficiently and effectively to the protection and assistance needs of displaced persons.
The Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, the key international framework for the protection of internally displaced persons, provide a critical advocacy and monitoring structure for the assistance and protection needs of the internally displaced.
Canada supports this Resolution’s call for unimpeded access for humanitarian activities to internally displaced persons and refugees in all conflict-affected areas in Georgia.  We also support calls for all participants in the Geneva discussions to intensify efforts to establish a durable peace, commit to enhanced confidence-building measures and create favourable security conditions for the voluntary, safe and unhindered return of all internally displaced persons and refugees to their homes.
Canada continues to support Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty within its internationally recognized borders. Canada views the so-called ‘partnership treaties’ signed between the Georgian regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia and the Russian Federation as both illegal and illegitimate. We call on the Russian Federation to put an end to its various negative interferences in the region, to abide by fundamental principles of international law and to fully respect its OSCE commitments, in particular the 12 August 2008 Ceasefire Agreement and its Implementing Measures of 8 September 2008.
Canada also strongly condemns Russia’s aggression in Crimea and eastern regions of Ukraine. This latest violation of a sovereign nation’s territorial integrity only further demonstrates Russia’s disregard for international rule of law.
Sustainable solutions to conflicts must include respect for the human rights of all individuals, regardless of ethnic descent, faith or sexual orientation. Canada will continue to work with other like-minded countries and international organizations to ensure that those forcibly displaced are able to exercise these fundamental rights.


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