Warren has made all his older relatives the owners of the litigation Service along with Warren; owners of the litigation service named Ronan Patrick(TM) Litigation. Warren owns the Angel Ronan(TM service on his own. There is only one Ronan Patrick(TM) file at the present time. It is the motion based on the UDHR Article 25 and the Canadian Human Rights Commission's Human Rights Code for equal treatment based on language for parity with Quebec and Quebec citizens in the provision of a universal minimum income support for Anglo Canadians.

Warren has made all his older relatives the owners of the litigation Service along with Warren; owners of the litigation service named Ronan Patrick(TM) Litigation.  Warren owns the Angel Ronan(TM service on his own. There is only one Ronan Patrick(TM) file at the present time. It is the motion based on the UDHR Article 25 and the Canadian Human Rights Commission's  Human Rights Code for equal treatment based on language for parity with Quebec  and Quebec citizens in the provision of a universal minimum income support for Anglo Canadians. 
