The Neanderthal High School/GED(only) graduate and the Egyptian Druid College Graduate: There is obviously an intersection of indigenous and received cultures. Questions and arguments of religions and human natures in this intersection can go on for millions of years. But, what is most important is a safe civic space involving tolerance and a minimum dignity espoused in and protected by laws with the economy and the consumer transaction with lots of market activity taking precedence. We abandon the discussion of human nature as the wars endemic with 17th Century Anglo Synod debates/ordinances about human nature interrupt the most important truth of human need(see Maslow's Hierarchy of needs) and the market's need for quiet and stability to supply and feed those human needs. We see this leadership in action as manifested historically in the power of the 15th Century German Purity Laws that standardised beer brewing quality and sanitary standards. Law is evidently technology, standardising industrial process and markets. We also see this supply of human need and quiet market stabilization in the German application of Thomas More's monetary stipend and shelter for every citizen during mankind's ongoing mechanization, industrialization, robotification and automation of what work used to involve human labor. This secular respect for a minimum dignity to benefit market and economic stability is seen in the modern French concept of laicite' which is also iterated in the UN OHCHR. The French follow it with great success much like all the Scandinavian countries, Russia, Japan, Italy, all of Europe and China. The earliest iteration of this belief in a minimum civic dignity is seen in the ten principles of communal living set down in Egypt, also known as the ten commandments as recorded by Moses with the help of the Holy Ghost( also known as the Shekinah glory) at Mount Sinai before he could forget. What we see in the Anglo North American economies is a dichotomy between Neanderthal decision making authority and actual understanding. It becomes entertaining political drama to see just when the White Anglo Neanderthals will actually just follow what other successful nations are doing and finally understand. See the UN ILO Recommendations R202. It is law. What we see in the anglo economies is an under- girth of economic activity that goes unnoticed to the majority of onlookers. Maybe the new controller of the building is the registered owner or maybe the owner is dead and all of his family died with him who allegedly drowned while diving some where exotic and once you hear about the diving accident, it is sad for those kind of people but business goes on and the controller of the buildings looks like an ex NFL footballer sufficiently I suppose; more for him. Didn't he own that 20 storey building in down town Lacawana? But, the building was always under occupied and maybe he had four buildings and was actually in debt. You have been unwittingly depressing your economy to buy undervalued distressed property. Who are you working for? You are experimenting with and discovering what is ownership with too much murder and theft but you are not really understanding something. You are supposed to generate an income from that building or is it seven buildings? You are in an economic grade 1 class; Neanderthal really if this obviousness has remained shrouded from your people's logical faculties. After acquiring the building, you need enough people who can occupy the building but not only occupy the building, they have to pay the rent. Apart from this resident evil, the economy is depressed and the excitement of ownership is the only real agenda you have in this on going depressed economy. The issue is that you are not earning enough income on your building ownership. The building is empty but it looks really good and rather modern although it was built in 1979. You need tenants and the tenants will pay rent. But, with automation, people are really being rather cautious they hope for a job but if they had a reasonable universal minimum income support, it would finance their ability to pay the lease or the mortgage or the license to remain in the property. America does not support such a program in the way they are obligated to ensure and guarantee housing food, clothing. They sort of do but mostly in the cases of desperation and with incarceration which is really expensive and wasteful*. This is a genocide offence as the lack of fulfilment of the mandatory UDHR Article 25 policy creates conditions of life that devalue and What we see is in the Anglo North American economies is a dichotomy between Neanderthal decision making authority and actual understanding. It becomes entertaining political drama to see just when the White Anglo Neanderthals will actually just follow what other successful nations are doing and finally understand. See the UN ILO Recommendations R202. It is law. What we see in the anglo economies is an under- girth of economic activity that goes unnoticed to the majority of onlookers. Maybe the new controller of the building is the registered owner or maybe the owner is dead and all of his family died with him who allegedly drowned while diving some where exotic and once you hear about the diving accident, it is sad for those kind of people but business goes on and the controller of the buildings looks like an ex NFL footballer sufficiently I suppose. Didnt he own that 20 storey building in down town Lacanawa? But, the building was always under occupied and maybe he had four buildings and was actually in debt. You are experimenting with ownership but you are not really understanding something. You are supposed to generate an income from that building or is it seven buildings? You are in an economic grade 1 class; Neanderthal really if this obviousness has remained shrouded from your people's logical faculties. After acquiring the building, you need enough people who can occupy the building but not only occupy the building, they have to pay the rent. Apart from this resident evil, the economy is depressed and the excitement of ownership is the only real agenda you have in this on going depressed economy. The issue is that you are not earning enough income on your building ownership. The building is empty but it looks really good and rather modern although it was built in 1979. You need tenants and the tenants will pay rent. But, with automation, people are really being rather cautious they hope for a job but if they had a reasonable universal minimum income support, it would finance their ability to pay the lease or the mortgage or the license to remain in the property. America does not support such a program in the way they are obligated to ensure and guarantee housing food, clothing. They sort of do but mostly in the cases of desperation and with incarceration which is really expensive and wasteful*. This is a genocide offence as the lack of fulfilment of the mandatory UDHR Article 25 policy creates conditions of life that devalue and destroy. If you can plan to build F35s or F22s you can plan and engineer conditions of life that comply with the mandatory UDHR policy. The Defence Intelligence Agency says this is the number one continent wide defence and security issue. The North American population is underfunded. A former American President or Co President can be indicted but maybe not, if the victims are only North American. I don't know. It costs $200,000.00 a year to house one inmate with food, clothing and shelter at government expense but a $40,000.00 universal minimum income support would satisfy the OHCHR and UDHR mandatory guarantees as the minimum standard of living outlines. See the UN Ilo Recommendations. The machines are doing the work. Where do people usually get money from? It would pay for itself with the appropriate sales tax rate. The people can rent apartments and apartment/office conversions as they have the ability to pay. They can finance the vehicle. The age of electric and fuel cell vehicles is here and this is eating away at fuel tax revenues. Other economies have already moved forward to light speed a long, long time ago and have enjoyed this economic anthropology as the North American Neanderthal managers of their governments find their own way through the forest all on their own although they were given a map and honestly with the right intention and purposefulness, they would have implemented the universal minimum income support by now. But, they look good. He has a very nice suit on and that's all that matters. Will that be one lump or two with your antelope leg bone; I mean one lump or two with your tea Sir. My name is Alfred. I am here to serve you. You are the Batman coming out of your cave finally to live in the house and collect more rent than you have been with a more enabled population. If you can plan to build F35s or F22s you can plan and engineer conditions of life that comply with the mandatory UDHR policy. The Defence Intelligence Agency says this is the number one continent wide defence and security issue. The North American population is underfunded. A former American President or Co President can be indicted but maybe not, if the victims are only North American. I don't know. It costs $200,000.00 a year to house one inmate with food, clothing and shelter at government expense but a $40,000.00 universal minimum income support would satisfy the OHCHR and UDHR mandatory guarantees as the minimum standard of living outlines. See the UN Ilo Recommendations. The machines are doing the work. Where do people usually get money from? It would pay for itself with the appropriate sales tax rate. The people can rent apartments and apartment/office conversions as they have the ability to pay. They can finance the vehicle. The age of electric and fuel cell vehicles is here and this is eating away at fuel tax revenues. This demonstrates the relationship and the impact of technological efficiency on government revenues. Other economies have already moved forward to light speed a long, long time ago and have enjoyed this economic anthropology as the North American Neanderthal managers of their governments find their own way through the forest all on their own although they were given a map and honestly with the right intention and purposefulness, they would have implemented the universal minimum income support by now. But, they look good. He has a very nice suit on and that's all that matters. Will that be one lump or two with your antelope leg bone; I mean one lump or two with your tea Sir? It is really a CUBE of sugar but my West Indian mother said we should say "lump" so that we remember the pit or cave all mankind came from. She was a borrowing born in a cave in Leeds near a river bank in 1810 and socialised as a domestic indentured servant / slave in the West Indies. My name is Alfred. I am here to serve you. You are the Batman coming out of your cave finally to live in the house and collect more rent than you have been with a more enabled population. Thank God. Maybe I am the Neanderthal at birth but school or Seti brought information to my emotions and chastened my egos. It would have helped Joseph 's eleven brothers also and the Scribes with Jesus. Who would want to thwart the American economy to steal or thwart Joseph's American dream? LSD brings your emotions back to a state of underdevelopment; like your economy. You notice though that you are not really getting what you want in spite of all your neanderthal decision making authority. You want a universal minimum income support so that you can hunt and gather or shop and gather; rather. You want association. You want connection. You are King Kong who decided he wants to stay out of the jungle, put down some roots, be social since man is a social animal, shop, have a son raise and help his grandchildren. The longer you stay out of the jungle, there is on going education that you require as the world is becoming more technologically advanced and I don't want to spend an hour on the phone with you to tell you how to find the start button on your Fuel cell powered Mustang. You are no longer resistant to learning and change. You are Grendel who finally decided to enter Calvin's meeting. You are legally obligated to be happy. It is also requisite for the fulfillment of the economy.

 The Neanderthal High School/GED(only) graduate and the Egyptian Druid College Graduate:               There is obviously an intersection of indigenous and received cultures.  Questions and arguments of religions and human natures in this intersection can go on for  millions of years. But, what is most important is a safe civic space involving tolerance and a minimum dignity espoused in and protected by laws with the economy and the consumer transaction with lots of market activity taking precedence. We abandon the discussion of human nature as the wars endemic with 17th Century Anglo  Synod  debates/ordinances  about human nature interrupt the most important truth of human need(see Maslow's Hierarchy of needs) and the market's need for quiet and stability to supply and feed those human needs. We see this leadership in action as manifested historically in the power of the 15th Century  German Purity Laws that standardised beer brewing quality and sanitary standards. Law is evidently technology, standardising industrial  process and markets. We also see this supply of human need and quiet market stabilization  in the German application of Thomas More's  monetary stipend and shelter for every citizen during mankind's ongoing mechanization, industrialization, robotification and automation of what work used to involve human labor.  This secular respect for a minimum  dignity to benefit market and economic stability is seen in the modern  French concept of  laicite' which is also iterated in the UN OHCHR.  The French follow it with great success much like all the Scandinavian countries, Russia, Japan, Italy, all of Europe and China. The earliest iteration of this belief in a minimum civic dignity is seen in the ten principles of communal living set down in Egypt, also known as the ten commandments as recorded by Moses with the help of the Holy Ghost( also known as the Shekinah glory)  at  Mount Sinai  before he could forget.  What we see in the Anglo North American economies is a dichotomy  between Neanderthal decision making authority and actual understanding. It becomes entertaining political drama to see just when the White  Anglo Neanderthals will actually just follow what other successful nations are doing and finally understand.  See the UN ILO Recommendations R202. It is law. What we see in the anglo economies is an under- girth of economic activity that goes unnoticed to the majority of onlookers. Maybe the new controller of the building is the registered owner or maybe the owner is dead and all of his family died with him who allegedly drowned while diving   some where exotic and once you hear about the diving accident, it is sad for those kind of people but business goes on and the controller of the buildings looks like an ex NFL footballer sufficiently I suppose; more for him.   Didn't he own that 20 storey building in down town Lacawana?  But, the building was always under occupied and maybe he had four buildings and was actually in debt. You have been unwittingly depressing your economy to buy undervalued distressed property. Who are you working for?  You are experimenting with and discovering what is  ownership with too much murder and theft but you are not really understanding something. You are supposed to generate an income from that building or is it seven buildings?  You are in an economic grade 1 class; Neanderthal really if this obviousness has remained shrouded from your people's logical faculties.  After acquiring the building, you need enough people who can occupy the building but not only occupy the building, they have to pay the rent.  Apart from this resident evil, the economy is depressed and the excitement of ownership is the only real agenda you have in this on going depressed economy.  The issue is that you are not earning enough income  on your building ownership.  The building is empty but it looks really good and rather modern although it was built in 1979.  You need tenants and the tenants will pay rent. But, with automation, people are really being rather cautious they hope for a job  but if they had a reasonable universal minimum income support, it would finance their ability to pay the lease or the mortgage or the license to remain in the property.  America does not support such a program in the way they are obligated to ensure and guarantee housing food, clothing. They sort of do but mostly in the cases of desperation and with incarceration which is really expensive and wasteful*. This is a genocide offence as the lack of fulfilment of the mandatory UDHR Article 25 policy creates conditions of life that devalue and What we see is in the Anglo North American economies is a dichotomy  between Neanderthal decision making authority and actual understanding. It becomes entertaining political drama to see just when the White  Anglo Neanderthals will actually just follow what other successful nations are doing and finally understand.  See the UN ILO Recommendations R202. It is law. What we see in the anglo economies is an under- girth of economic activity that goes unnoticed to the majority of onlookers. Maybe the new controller of the building is the registered owner or maybe the owner is dead and all of his family died with him who allegedly drowned while diving   some where exotic and once you hear about the diving accident, it is sad for those kind of people but business goes on and the controller of the buildings looks like an ex NFL footballer sufficiently I suppose.   Didnt he own that 20 storey building in down town Lacanawa?  But, the building was always under occupied and maybe he had four buildings and was actually in debt. You are experimenting with ownership but you are not really understanding something. You are supposed to generate an income from that building or is it seven buildings?  You are in an economic grade 1 class; Neanderthal really if this obviousness has remained shrouded from your people's logical faculties.  After acquiring the building, you need enough people who can occupy the building but not only occupy the building, they have to pay the rent.  Apart from this resident evil, the economy is depressed and the excitement of ownership is the only real agenda you have in this on going depressed economy.  The issue is that you are not earning enough income  on your building ownership.  The building is empty but it looks really good and rather modern although it was built in 1979.  You need tenants and the tenants will pay rent. But, with automation, people are really being rather cautious they hope for a job  but if they had a reasonable universal minimum income support, it would finance their ability to pay the lease or the mortgage or the license to remain in the property.  America does not support such a program in the way they are obligated to ensure and guarantee housing food, clothing. They sort of do but mostly in the cases of desperation and with incarceration which is really expensive and wasteful*. This is a genocide offence as the lack of fulfilment of the mandatory UDHR Article 25 policy creates conditions of life that devalue and destroy.  If you can plan to  build F35s or F22s you can plan and engineer conditions of life that comply with the mandatory UDHR policy. The Defence Intelligence Agency says this is the number one continent wide  defence and security issue.  The North American  population is underfunded.  A former American  President or Co President can be indicted but maybe not, if the victims are only North American. I don't know.  It costs $200,000.00 a year to house one inmate with food, clothing and shelter at government expense but a $40,000.00 universal minimum income support would satisfy the OHCHR and UDHR mandatory guarantees as the minimum standard of living outlines.  See the UN Ilo Recommendations. The machines are doing the work. Where do people usually get money from?  It would pay for itself with the appropriate sales  tax rate.   The people can rent apartments and apartment/office conversions as they have the ability to pay.  They can finance the vehicle.  The age of electric and fuel cell vehicles is here and this is eating away at fuel tax revenues. Other economies have already moved forward to light speed a long, long time ago and have enjoyed this economic anthropology as the North American Neanderthal managers of their governments find their own way through the forest all on their own although they were given a map and honestly with the right intention and purposefulness, they would have implemented the universal minimum income support by now. But, they look good. He has a very nice suit on and that's all that matters.        Will that be one lump or two with your antelope leg bone; I mean one lump or two with your tea Sir.  My name is Alfred.  I am here to serve you.  You are the Batman  coming out of your cave finally to live in the house and collect more rent than you have been  with a more enabled population.  If you can plan to  build F35s or F22s you can plan and engineer conditions of life that comply with the mandatory UDHR policy. The Defence Intelligence Agency says this is the number one continent wide defence and security issue.  The North American  population is underfunded.  A former American  President or Co President can be indicted but maybe not, if the victims are only North American. I don't know.  It costs $200,000.00 a year to house one inmate with food, clothing and shelter at government expense but a $40,000.00 universal minimum income support would satisfy the OHCHR and UDHR mandatory guarantees as the minimum standard of living outlines.  See the UN Ilo Recommendations. The machines are doing the work. Where do people usually get money from?  It would pay for itself with the appropriate sales  tax rate.   The people can rent apartments and apartment/office conversions as they have the ability to pay.  They can finance the vehicle.  The age of electric and fuel cell vehicles is here and this is eating away at fuel tax revenues.  This demonstrates  the relationship and the impact of technological  efficiency on government revenues.   Other economies have already moved forward to light speed a long, long time ago and have enjoyed this economic anthropology as the North American Neanderthal managers of their governments find their own way through the forest all on their own although they were given a map and honestly with the right intention and purposefulness, they would have implemented the universal minimum income support by now. But, they look good. He has a very nice suit on and that's all that matters.        Will that be one lump or two with your antelope leg bone; I mean one lump or two with your tea Sir?  It  is really a CUBE of sugar but my West Indian mother said we should say "lump" so that we remember the pit or cave all mankind came from. She was a borrowing born in a cave in Leeds near a river bank in 1810 and socialised as a domestic indentured servant / slave in the West Indies.    My name is Alfred.  I am here to serve you.  You are the Batman  coming out of your cave finally to live in the house and collect more rent than you have been  with a more enabled population. Thank God. Maybe  I am the Neanderthal at birth but school or Seti brought information to my emotions and chastened my egos. It would have helped Joseph 's  eleven brothers also and the  Scribes with Jesus.  Who would want to thwart the American economy to steal or thwart Joseph's American dream? LSD brings your emotions  back to a state of underdevelopment; like your economy. You notice though that you are not really getting what you want in spite of all  your neanderthal  decision making authority.   You want a universal minimum income support so that you can hunt and gather or shop and gather; rather.  You want association.  You want connection.  You are King Kong who decided he wants to stay out of the jungle, put down some roots, be social since man is a social animal, shop, have a son raise and help his grandchildren. The longer you stay out of the jungle, there is on going education that you require as the world is becoming more technologically advanced and I don't want to spend an hour on the phone with you to tell you how to find the start button on your Fuel cell powered  Mustang.  You are no longer resistant to learning and change.    You are Grendel who finally decided to enter Calvin's meeting.    You are legally obligated to be happy.  It is also requisite for the fulfillment of the economy. 
