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Law Society’s 2020 budget decreases annual fees for lawyers and paralegals.

Law Society’s 2020 budget decreases annual fees for lawyers and paralegals

Posted: 10/24/2019
2020 Law Society budgetConvocation approved the Law Society’s 2020 budget, which decreases the annual fees that lawyers and paralegals will pay. Next year, lawyers will see a decrease of $135, for an annual fee of $2,066, while paralegals will see a decrease of $109, for an annual fee of $1,006.
As well, the current licensing process fee for lawyer candidates remains the same as it has been for the past six years, at $4,710 per candidate. Paralegal licensing fees also remain unchanged at $1,400 per candidate.
“This budget represents a new management approach and more closely reflects the organization’s anticipated, actual spending for 2020,” says Law Society Chief Executive Officer Diana Miles. “We are pleased to reduce annual fees for next year, while continuing to ensure that we have operational sustainability and ongoing support for our regulatory programs and the priorities of Convocation.”
This new approach to operations and budget management has been underway since early 2019, and is aligned with the organization’s work to review its scope through the newly formed Proportionate Regulation and Program Review task forces.
“The 2020 budget provides the necessary resources for the coming year to regulate the legal professions in the public interest, and to provide valuable support to the legal professions,” says Law Society Treasurer Malcolm Mercer.
Licensees can enroll in the Law Society’s Annual Pre-Authorized Payment Plan which will provide a $50 annual fee discount fee, pro-rated by fee category. Enrolment is available via the Law Society Portal.
