Did you know the father never referred any business to him or encouraged any business? He could have helped him have a parking attendant officer job but never did. The father says he cannot look up to anyone and cannot have anyone over him. The father only expects to see his name on this website and that is possible if he had any intention to work together as a senior client director in the business, earning 50%. He would not be a partner because he would share liability and he is afraid of anything he does not understand. It is not a partnership business in any event. It is just an incy wincy law firm.

Did you know the father never referred any business to him or encouraged any business?  He could have helped him have a parking attendant  officer job but never did. The father says he cannot look up to anyone and cannot have anyone over him.  The father only expects to see his name on this website and that is possible if he had any intention to work together as a senior client director in the business, earning 50%.  He would not be a partner because he would share liability and he is afraid of anything he does not understand.  It is not a partnership business in any event. It is just an incy wincy law firm.  
