Pinochet " disappeared" people. It was a violation of the rule of law. It was actually terrorist ultra vires action subjecting him to the authority of the International Criminal Court. He would not have been exonerated by the fact that the victim's hypothalamus was housed in the 12th floor of some Computer facility and given authority to produce Confusing confessive commercials. Motoman is an example although it is kind of entertaining. We are not *sure* if he was an Amerindian who used the genocidal methods of the state used against his people in previous generations to kill the ignorant, inhumane and hateful to bring a new freedom to Amerindian people of all colours, hair textures and complexions while everyone suffered as he really wanted to also kill the state when in his only real lawful, sustainable option, he could have decided with his authority to just heal the state, wield the state and make it serve the community and work for all with the basic essential services and policies such as the universal unconditional minimum income support. A universal unconditional minimum income support is not revolutionary. The pilgrims had one but some new arrivals from the West Indies joined the English administration and interrupted, pirating away the disbursement and the administration. They blamed the shortfall the pilgrims and colonists suffered on a heavy English tyranical tax and then the colonialists were told to work harder. When the tax was not paid, they were taken by force from their homes. They were told to blame the English since these colonialists should not have had the authority according to the interruptors who were polluted with pirate blood and the resistant predilection. Who did they think they will be; the King of Saint Kitts or something? It is not impossible for the state to serve all as intended as many states do work for all. Certain critical policies are required when automation becomes the ubiquitous standard in every business. The state has a means of connecting to every citizen with various programs; bolsa familia is an example. If you own the grocery store you get more from your work. If you own a law firm, you would earn maybe a little something. You did the work. We may have in our midst an Amerindian determined to destroy one state or the other to "get" any American who has more than grade 8 education since the whole state, in particular America, owes his ancestors. He may have become an Amerindian German adoption in 1910 who was a good student but then determined to, one day, see any America dead while he has now decided it is best for the world to see America comply with the ILo R202 protocol although they seem to follow anything, any suggestion any hoax, any idea such as plastic food packaging that will interrupt them from following the actual ILO solution. The rabid rabble follow every whim of the sons of Mengele for the simple promise of more for them and less for others if it will mean also death of the law and order. America should not be in a position where they are evidently not complying with the ILO solution. America is a community of people and businesses. The system can work more often than ot does not to ensure and guarantee safe consumers and safe markets. See the ILO Recommendations R202. We pray everyday. We are North Americans. We love God. We can make the union work no matter who is in the office of the Leader and whether or not he understands the imperative of essential basic services and policies such as the water sanitation and the universal unconditional minimum income support; Jesus, Robot!!!! The ISO 9001 standards embody laws and regulations that eschew physical and intellectual slavery. It is illegal to kill citizens against their will and consent and use them as "spell checker" machines or as security camera monitors if such technology were to exist. If they volunteer directly or if they signed an organ donor card as the citizen of a state as part of a driver's license program or health card program part and parcel with the universal unconditional minimum income support, then that's okay; if they signed up. We will not disenfranchise them if they did not. Violators and conspirators will be dealt with as conspirators for murder. Why would you sell someone's photos at the London Bridge Market or at the Old Street Market and you are his Aunt who used to make him charming tea? It's like treating him as if he is dead. You are defrauding his intellectual property. You don't seem to understand why you should stop except that as his son, it hurts to watch you do this. Call him and make an arrangement. Share half the fee because you will see what is about to happen; knock knock. They can always change their mind while it is nice to know you could watch X Men 19 and Top Gun 19 in the event you should you meet in an untimely accident, die and then happily have cable to enjoy forever while completing surveys and being an on-call teacher forever with an avatar for video lectures and classes. *My avatar will be some character from Age of Civilizations.* I video teach now with an avatar although I am not dead. I had Quaker™ Oats for breakfast. Also, when companies come across novel ideas proposed by citizens anywhere in the world or unique design suggestions, the companies, as part of ISO 9001 compliance, will arrest those who abuse or misuse such intellectual property before the mandatory compensation is paid. The company will have to pay a standard compensation of $ EUD 25, 000.00 for each year of the intellectual property's utilization as arranged with the citizen designer after contracts and agreements are completed fokkkowing contact by email or phone with the intellectual property designer. Intellectual property is protected under the OHCHR and the UDHR that are embodied in domestic law and international law. This includes Canadian Criminal Law Statute. By Mike Fernando Pennies Cochise.
Pinochet " disappeared" people. It was a violation of the rule of law. It was actually terrorist ultra vires action subjecting him to the authority of the International Criminal Court. He would not have been exonerated by the fact that the victim's hypothalamus was housed in the 12th floor of some Computer facility and given authority to produce Confusing confessive commercials. Motoman is an example although it is kind of entertaining. We are not *sure* if he was an Amerindian who used the
genocidal methods of the state used against his people in previous generations to kill the ignorant, inhumane and hateful to bring a new freedom to Amerindian people of all colours, hair textures and complexions while everyone suffered as he really wanted to also kill the state when in his only real lawful, sustainable option, he could have decided with his authority to just heal the state, wield the state and make it serve the community and work for all with the basic essential services and policies such as the universal unconditional minimum income support. A universal unconditional minimum income support is not revolutionary. The pilgrims had one but some new arrivals from the West Indies joined the English administration and interrupted, pirating away the disbursement and the administration. They blamed the shortfall the pilgrims and colonists suffered on a heavy English tyranical tax and then the colonialists were told to work harder. When the tax was not paid, they were taken by force from their homes. They were told to blame the English since these colonialists should not have had the authority according to the interruptors who were polluted with pirate blood and the resistant predilection. Who did they think they will be; the King of Saint Kitts or something? It is not impossible for the state to serve all as intended as many states do work for all. Certain critical policies are required when automation becomes the ubiquitous standard in every business. The state has a means of connecting to every citizen with various programs; bolsa familia is an example. If you own the grocery store you get more from your work. If you own a law firm, you would earn maybe a little something. You did the work. We may have in our midst an Amerindian determined to destroy one state or the other to "get" any American who has more than grade 8 education since the whole state, in particular America, owes his ancestors. He may have become an Amerindian German adoption in 1910 who was a good student but then determined to, one day, see any America dead while he has now decided it is best for the world to see America comply with the ILo R202 protocol although they seem to follow anything, any suggestion any hoax, any idea such as plastic food packaging that will interrupt them from following the actual ILO solution. The rabid rabble follow every whim of the sons of Mengele for the simple promise of more for them and less for others if it will mean also death of the law and order. America should not be in a position where they are evidently not complying with the ILO solution. America is a community of people and businesses. The system can work more often than ot does not to ensure and guarantee safe consumers and safe markets. See the ILO Recommendations R202. We pray everyday. We are North Americans. We love God. We can make the union work no matter who is in the office of the Leader and whether or not he understands the imperative of essential basic services and policies such as the water sanitation and the universal unconditional minimum income support; Jesus, Robot!!!!
The ISO 9001 standards embody laws and regulations that eschew physical and intellectual slavery. It is illegal to kill citizens against their will and consent and use them as "spell checker" machines or as security camera monitors if such technology were to exist. If they volunteer directly or if they signed an organ donor card as the citizen of a state as part of a driver's license program or health card program part and parcel with the universal unconditional minimum income support, then that's okay; if they signed up. We will not disenfranchise them if they did not. Violators and conspirators will be dealt with as conspirators for murder. Why would you sell someone's photos at the London Bridge Market or at the Old Street Market and you are his Aunt who used to make him charming tea? It's like treating him as if he is dead. You are defrauding his intellectual property. You don't seem to understand why you should stop except that as his son, it hurts to watch you do this. Call him and make an arrangement. Share half the fee because you will see what is about to happen; knock knock. They can always change their mind while it is nice to know you could watch X Men 19 and Top Gun 19 in the event you should you meet in an untimely accident, die and then happily have cable to enjoy forever while completing surveys and being an on-call teacher forever with an avatar for video lectures and classes. *My avatar will be some character from Age of Civilizations.* I video teach now with an avatar although I am not dead. I had Quaker™ Oats for breakfast. Also, when companies come across novel ideas proposed by citizens anywhere in the world or unique design suggestions, the companies, as part of ISO 9001 compliance, will arrest those who abuse or misuse such intellectual property before the mandatory compensation is paid. The company will have to pay a standard compensation of $ EUD 25, 000.00 for each year of the intellectual property's utilization as arranged with the citizen designer after contracts and agreements are completed fokkkowing contact by email or phone with the intellectual property designer.
Intellectual property is protected under the OHCHR and the UDHR that are embodied in domestic law and international law. This includes Canadian Criminal Law Statute.
By Mike Fernando Pennies Cochise.
genocidal methods of the state used against his people in previous generations to kill the ignorant, inhumane and hateful to bring a new freedom to Amerindian people of all colours, hair textures and complexions while everyone suffered as he really wanted to also kill the state when in his only real lawful, sustainable option, he could have decided with his authority to just heal the state, wield the state and make it serve the community and work for all with the basic essential services and policies such as the universal unconditional minimum income support. A universal unconditional minimum income support is not revolutionary. The pilgrims had one but some new arrivals from the West Indies joined the English administration and interrupted, pirating away the disbursement and the administration. They blamed the shortfall the pilgrims and colonists suffered on a heavy English tyranical tax and then the colonialists were told to work harder. When the tax was not paid, they were taken by force from their homes. They were told to blame the English since these colonialists should not have had the authority according to the interruptors who were polluted with pirate blood and the resistant predilection. Who did they think they will be; the King of Saint Kitts or something? It is not impossible for the state to serve all as intended as many states do work for all. Certain critical policies are required when automation becomes the ubiquitous standard in every business. The state has a means of connecting to every citizen with various programs; bolsa familia is an example. If you own the grocery store you get more from your work. If you own a law firm, you would earn maybe a little something. You did the work. We may have in our midst an Amerindian determined to destroy one state or the other to "get" any American who has more than grade 8 education since the whole state, in particular America, owes his ancestors. He may have become an Amerindian German adoption in 1910 who was a good student but then determined to, one day, see any America dead while he has now decided it is best for the world to see America comply with the ILo R202 protocol although they seem to follow anything, any suggestion any hoax, any idea such as plastic food packaging that will interrupt them from following the actual ILO solution. The rabid rabble follow every whim of the sons of Mengele for the simple promise of more for them and less for others if it will mean also death of the law and order. America should not be in a position where they are evidently not complying with the ILO solution. America is a community of people and businesses. The system can work more often than ot does not to ensure and guarantee safe consumers and safe markets. See the ILO Recommendations R202. We pray everyday. We are North Americans. We love God. We can make the union work no matter who is in the office of the Leader and whether or not he understands the imperative of essential basic services and policies such as the water sanitation and the universal unconditional minimum income support; Jesus, Robot!!!!
The ISO 9001 standards embody laws and regulations that eschew physical and intellectual slavery. It is illegal to kill citizens against their will and consent and use them as "spell checker" machines or as security camera monitors if such technology were to exist. If they volunteer directly or if they signed an organ donor card as the citizen of a state as part of a driver's license program or health card program part and parcel with the universal unconditional minimum income support, then that's okay; if they signed up. We will not disenfranchise them if they did not. Violators and conspirators will be dealt with as conspirators for murder. Why would you sell someone's photos at the London Bridge Market or at the Old Street Market and you are his Aunt who used to make him charming tea? It's like treating him as if he is dead. You are defrauding his intellectual property. You don't seem to understand why you should stop except that as his son, it hurts to watch you do this. Call him and make an arrangement. Share half the fee because you will see what is about to happen; knock knock. They can always change their mind while it is nice to know you could watch X Men 19 and Top Gun 19 in the event you should you meet in an untimely accident, die and then happily have cable to enjoy forever while completing surveys and being an on-call teacher forever with an avatar for video lectures and classes. *My avatar will be some character from Age of Civilizations.* I video teach now with an avatar although I am not dead. I had Quaker™ Oats for breakfast. Also, when companies come across novel ideas proposed by citizens anywhere in the world or unique design suggestions, the companies, as part of ISO 9001 compliance, will arrest those who abuse or misuse such intellectual property before the mandatory compensation is paid. The company will have to pay a standard compensation of $ EUD 25, 000.00 for each year of the intellectual property's utilization as arranged with the citizen designer after contracts and agreements are completed fokkkowing contact by email or phone with the intellectual property designer.
Intellectual property is protected under the OHCHR and the UDHR that are embodied in domestic law and international law. This includes Canadian Criminal Law Statute.
By Mike Fernando Pennies Cochise.
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