Automation and market contraction in the absence of a universal minimum income support for all citizens; the causality by Warren A. Lyon: A socio-legal, economic and anthropological review. Click here.

Automation and market contraction in the absence of a universal minimum income support for all citizens; the causality by Warren A. Lyon:  A socio-legal, economic and anthropological review.   

 To covet 19 minimum income support economies while following a deceit about your own and only hoping for war  with your investor and trading 
 nations is the end of your own true success. But, you have a solution.   You beat  the Nazi regime in WW2.  They went too far.   But, have you become the inhumane  Nazi in North America in a politically polite genocide that entails the refusal    to  implement the universal unconditional minimum income support.  It is killing a disproportionate number of white people who also own the businesses that hire black people.  
 The    covet deceit  is affecting white people  white people disproportionately with the highest number number of victims and business closures. Closures.  Jeep and Chrysler are owned by FIAT™.    Did you know the 2021 Toyota Supra has a BMW™ engine?  ? All the vehicles arThat hire back Pkee mixed technologically and  culturally. All of American culture is a mut culture. It does not seem you are having an overtly racial problem in 2020. But, it seems to be a logical problem affecting Batavia, Ohio and all hard working Americans and the Ghost Town  Amusement Park when Automation affects job availability  that affects spending power that affects  market demand.  This is the causality.   BMW and Audi built factories in America based on the expectation of total  compliance with the UDHR and the universal unconditional minimum income support for every North American. Who would hesitate to implement the requisite policy?   Right now, a disproportionate number of white people are disappearing due to job automation that has led to closure of the shopping malls and other local businesses they used to support. It could not have been black people carrying the malls in Batavia or all of Pennsylvania. My name is  Cortezinio. I am a  Black Brazilian American who came to America 19 years ago. 
Most of the business activity came from the white middle class who would have been helped by the universal unconditional minimum income support at levels satisfactory to general human dignity at $50,000.00 that. Props up general consumer demand for products made primarily by computer and robots these days.  We call this automation. 
You act like Moses and the first King, you know,  of Israel did not have curly hair and brown skin. This is the archaeological evidence. The fifth king of Israel was blonde I think. Aren't all Germans blonde?  You have to know that is not correct. The Germans know this.  What do you think the problem is?  They say a   wrote the IlO Recommendations R202 initially in 1944. You wanted him to play back a  1938 recording from a gospel tent meeting in Long Island.  You see, you are the problem here. You are not comprehending the fire from the preacher or the fire from the blow torch.  You are the devil. Ask why there are no black people in the concentration camp videos. Yet, there were and are black people in Germany.    Nazi grey was about ending Black and White and bringing  about a monochrome  merger in the  understanding  of a global human dignity and a global market for all car brands.       The  four years of shenanigans and  truth   dare double dare was evident.         However, Leviticus as embodied in the Scottish case George v. Skivington summarises the paramountcy of the market over various expressions  of human ignorance;    the kind that tends to resist reason. You are told to put the universal unconditional minimum income support into your NAFTA economy.   It's a dna exam to see if you will do as your told whether or not you understand.  But, you seem to be afraid of association to working class people like car sales customer service agents; as if you are helping the poor or something.    The only question is who is Jewish in the global market or goodly motivated? Who is the Christian, the Catholic Roman?     The real Jews, Christians and Samurai  ran a schism to find who is resisting the goal of Volkswagen, Benz or Porsche in America and who had resisted their original plan of opening a dealership or two  in 1938. The Nazi schism was too disturbing and they made you stop them.
  They made you  stop them. Now, they build vehicles in North America. This means one thing. If a Jew says he killed a Jew and  never did but instead killed a harassive "white" West Indian refugee who did not respect family instead or universal non-racialised humanity,  he may say it is ritual and maybe some are adopted as new Jewish converts to occupy the glorious awakening of the state of Israel in the U.N. in 1948 with the UDHR in  1947  so that we might have life, mutual human dignity and life more abundantly; glory!! 

   Nazi grey was about ending Black and White and bringing  about a merger in the  understanding  of a global human dignity and a global car market fThe global market or Christian oor all car bran for a white male American politician about 80 years old.  He is allegedly a ground  zero case of purposeless  fascism.  He wants power. He wants to get the power back.   The error is to racialise the way a man can covet 19 principles of socioeconomic success but never respect them.       Did you know Genesis 45 was Columbus' favorite bible chapter?   Nazism began in the West Indies primarily as a coup of servants against rules,class and order. Everybody could have authority and acceptance so long as they were opposed to the bastions of social authority and social hegemony that established the status quo or the present world order.  It was a kind of coup where everybody puts on the uniform of the 18th century English  Red Coat or admiral you had killed in the West Indies with the new guns. You would also wear his knee high leather black boots. If you cannot kill him buy the barrel of the gun, you try to infiltrate his direction. You ask a destabilising question. You hope he will follow you. Maybe he is not resolved about being the new ruler of this land. You make him become you and you show him your ways. Now, you ask him as the children of Christopher Columbus, what is sin?   You may have come to take charge but the people are Christopher Columbus Creole people.  Christopher may have been in Florida or Connecticut preparing to destabilise the 13 colonies when his effort to turn a profit as the governor of Jamaica proved not to be his thing.  The English were sent by the authority beginning in 1664 as they were more methodical and eager to prove they could make money on these fertile islands that were good for some farming.   But, it did not mean you would not teach them about 2 against 1, about poison and cocaine  and interrupt his machinations.  Now After the Red Coat is dead,  then you pretend to be him with his ID on a journey sailing back to England  to  take his place in his famIly, impersonating him; him!  Did you know Christopher Columbus' favorite bible verse was Genesis 45?    My Uncle uses his bible app to play an audio chapter of the Bible before he reads his wife at night.   We are constantly updating ourselves and automating our use of time and energy to get down to what is most essential; family that involves some energy and some time. Turn off the lights and light a candle because this is the quiet storm!  Yet, there are Neanderthals among us driving vehicles and shopping at the supermarket who may sample a grape from a bunch and go to jail too often who find our notions of property and  family with the mother figure and father figure challenging as a construct. I sampled a grape when offered but there is no sign that says "sample."  He wants to ask why aren't you like him and what is adultery? What is marriage? What is the law on genocide? What is an economy?  What is a money market deal?  Why can't you, just to satisfy your emotions, alter and deface court documents already filed, issued and entered in the Court?   What is the law on marriage of my wife or partner does not have a womb or maternal temperament ? These are very good questions. They were answered by the Lord along time ago evidently. It is written. See Matthew 19. Anyway, I love America. I have a dog.  I feed him.   You can sell usually so many products there usually but automation has changed the average amount of buying power per consumer.     I know there is a way to negotiate as consumers, home builders and car manufacturers with this emotion that tends to argue,  to defend and cover its evident lack of comprehension although it has authority.   But, what authority is there if there is no market, no people and not enough demand in terms of spending power per citizen with a universal minimum income support to fill all the malls in Batavia or Pennsylvania Mississippi or Ohio with shoppers?   The truth is white people really stand to win in the universal minimum income support world.  They own the buildings and the car dealerships mostly.  Think of it as an automated plantation experience. You are the good white man and the boss who is happy teaching the word of God to his good black people who cook at I HOP for you, who drive you in the UBER or LYFT vehicle and so you are now selling to the slaves and they owe you as contractual tenants or contractual car loan or car finance clients and customers.  The customer is the new slave and they will be humble Sir because you know I bees the good boy nigger for you sir with mys duties as a customer. Yous a good white boss.  You suffered a cataclysmic economic contraction a long time ago.  The evident solution used by all other economies is the universal unconditional minimum income support. Sales tax pays for it when your job and your neighbours job was absorbed by automation.  It is not paid for with tax on incomes. Ask the Germans who have a couple of car plants in North America.   Just adopt five children and raise them to understand family and that they must raise five children also.  Can you then stone your partner if he/she cheats on you?  The answer is no; you  Idiot.    You are not married.  It's also murder.  I have owned a cat or two.  I own  my ideas like Pin™.   I owned Time and People; the magazines.  When it comes to ownership, I am more like John Newton who was  a more schooled descendant of Christopher Columbus and who renounced the idea of owning people. He would kill you cold, dead if you did not concur with his more precise respect for humanity. He would also test his leiges with a drug and fool's errands  to see what side they were on if, after all the goodness, roast food and pirate tales,  they did not confirm at 16 years old that they understood and rested on the everlasting arm.   *****************************  Owning horses, cats, dogs and people costs. If it's a person, you have to buy them clothing, shoes  and food and shelter  so they can go out and pick cotton or milk the cow.  A robot picks the vegetables, the cotton  and plows the field. A robot milks the cow. You don't need people to do a lot of work but you do need them to occupy your existing economy and built apartment, hone and office spaces where offices are now being turned into multi purpose home or business units.  You need people to absorb your tremendous industrial production of goods. You cannot just send the people back to Puerto Rico, Cuba or Panama or send them back to some place on the north side of Buffalo.   But, maybe you hold on to the people and use them. Give them a little money and they will fill the spaces; as consumers.  You had asked who will live in America in 1775?  You got a new nation just when the disbursements( the minimum income support) became critical.  Many died.  Bill the Butcher was probably less Irish and more Black Hawk than people would have thought as he could not stand any European or African having authority over him. By 12 years old, he would put caustic soap on the shirts of people who told him what to do or who felt like educated authority so they would go bald, a more politically correct scalping. He would also maybe take a penny when he could from that same kind of people, people like Anthony Johnson's son who always had good food stored up and who well understood his head rights or employer rights as a Tavern owner.  He son was "ish"; in fact.  We will discuss that in further detail.  Anyway, this means you have had the people you wanted to live in America for quite some time. But you seem to have a personal crisis every time someone says you have to implement the requisite economic formula that involves a universal minimum income support.  When you don't, it destabilises the country, the continent. They will buy more McDonalds and IKEA and GM, Honda and Toyota as consumers. They fill the market.   You want your people to live in your buildings.  But, you want someone to defray the cost of the heat,light and maintenance.  The government provides your people a  universal unconditional minimum income support. Maybe you will just pay for everything. But, if the Government gIves them money, they can pay the rent you are expected to bill people for each apartment in your 30 apartment unit building. You will earn money. This is good. The government will tax the expenditure made by je consumers. The government exists for the benefit of the people that formed the governrment and a few of the had afros.  Every President has understood this.   Jackson read quite a lot on this. He agreed.   President Reagan and Carter understood.    You also want them to start buying the products you produce with your cotton instead of you trying to find clothing that fits her. It is best she buys her own.  You are a Christian man from an upstanding family and the neighbours are watching.  Your God is watching. So, what about the governrment covering the cost of maintaining your dog's and your slaves; your people when the Government gIves them a universal minimum income support? Then, your people or your slaves will take this money and pay you some back as rent at one of your apartment buildings.  These people are not slaves. They are citizens and are really second or third generation Cubans, Puerto Ricans or other West Indians.  The black people related to any slaves freed by the civil war are all white now or they are in Africa and speaking African. Some were taken to Russia. Some served in the military and have been in Japan as citizens now for more than 50 years.  They have a Japanese universal minimum income support or a Russian universal unconditional minimum income support.  **********      A direct cash low interest 0% investment by a country  to a large industrial company  involved in automation is a loan used to pay down their cost of automation and initiate further automation. But, it is a loan that has to be paid back but it has lower interest.    It means they are hiring less people and taking more general sales  activity out of the economy.   If there is a universal unconditional minimum income support, then the laid off workers can still get on with their lives, make car payments and rental or mortgage payments. Instead of the company writing off consumer payments on the products they sell, the consumer can make payments on their universal unconditional minimum income support.  Why not give the consumers some money too?   This is actually prescribed by law and also prescribed by the logic behind automation; that the money invested in robotic supply will be balanced out with appropriate and sufficient money invested in the consumers with a universal minimum income support to satisfy demand. The industrial plant would have to be shut if you dont when they are no new orders or sales when people don't have enough to think about the brand new vehicle and the payments, the payments, the finance and the payments. Everything shuts.    Implement the universal unconditional minimum income support for the industrial companies. Do it for the companies.   ************ If they shut the plant or implement 100% automation, the effect on the job market is the same.    If you are Mexican, European or whatever, I want you to have life and life more abundantly.        Don't you want to be a happy community?  I say there is a health concern.  You need to take this seriously.  People are dying.   Do as I say. Watch Omega Man; the movie and just follow. Stay home. My people have a universal minimum income support. Your people do not.  Don't you want to be a happy community?  I say there is a  financial crisis.  You need to take this seriously.  People are dying. Do as I say.  Watch the Jetsons. My people have a universal minimum income support. Yours do not.  You need to take this seriously.   If a restaurant fulfils 60 orders per hour at one minute per order, that is not bad but some restaurants boast of 400 orders satisfied per hour  so if each order takes one minute and there are 60 minutes per hour, how many order lines does it take to satisfy 400 orders per hour?   I think the current elected  guy who was elected with a limited term office of Four years actually likes clean hot and cold running water and will not argue with this expectation. It is also law like the universal unconditional minimum income support.   He also understood how lending money to someone to buy a building with 30 apartments is good business if the guy getting the loan  can make the loan payment when each citizen has $4000.00 per month minimum income support to pay the monthly rent.  This income support funds the demand side of the economy. We have funded infinite robotic supply and infinite job automation.  Look at the cashiers and the bank's automated teller machines. The use of these machines had a tremendous impact on job availability.  If you don't fund demand, the financial equation is out of balance.  The buildings stay unoccupied much like the shopping mall and the economy is dead.   The solution is a miracle. It says you are race sick if you ask who will drive the vehicle you could sell or who will live in the apartment you could rent or who will live in America; in other words.  This is not the Dutch.  This is John Bahamas Sort of Dutch but really pirate Cristobal Columbus  Adams.    Are you crazy?     The rent is $700.00 per month for the one bedroom. ********************       He can win if he would just write the universal unconditional minimum income support answer down, verbalize it and then action it for BMW, GM,Honda and the market since the car builders don't care about the colour of the ass sitting in their luxe vehicle. Are you hoping to say you think Louis the 16th abused the people and should have revenge for the fictional beheading? He was never beheaded. He only told you he knows who you are as the 1430 dna and that you will abuse the people, abuse them of you think he did when you want a crown of glory; glory hallelujah as we share his glory if you believe in the European socioeconomics.  What is in the case? Is it the solution to economic happiness? Je ne fait pas comprend.     Are you hoping for a context to edit violently the racial complexion of North America so that you might be accepted?  Have you been to France? Who are you really working for?  Are you just a more politically correct Nazi man?  You smile a lot. You know there are some things you can't really say and understand rebellion politics. Just promise to break all the laws, cancel regular school, pretend there is a contagion and never leave office while you stifle the economy and all the abused native people just applaud.  This is the confusion I was looking for and then we just take what ever we want; eh? Then everybody panics and the some companies hope you give them the entire balance on hand in the national reserve and then maybe people will start buying again but a car company making money market loans and  earning 1% a day with millions on deposit is kind of weird if they are not selling or building anything 24 hours a day with robots. But, when have you improved the national revenue at 30 % sales tax or stoked more buying and selling and more sale of goods with the universal unconditional minimum income support?  How many triangles do you see? There are 24 triangles.   ************  You are not in favor if you don't implement the French father's policies.  He wants to sell more $100.00 cologne and more Nissan vehicles.  Everybody  sins and falls short of the glory of God. But, his meat as the son of France is to do his father's work and spread the gospel of European socioeconomics with a universal minimum income support that ensures there is a market for his goods along with uh...your shit also.   Do you want to have a market to sell your shit?  You need put more money on the demand side of our equation.   What is "verre de vin?".  Try google translate.  Why do all vehicles have a "vin" number? Why was the miracle of Transsubstantiation with wine the first miracle?; big up Jesus!! It is written.  You must understand that maintaining a population with a universal minimum income support regardless of the extent of the new forms of Energy and Labor Transsubstantiation is absolutely essential in enjoying a successful economy.         If we were to, let's say, "Ish" or "mix" our discussion with Maslow's hierarchy of needs and with Sun Tzu as to the top priorities of a nation, the people as consumers  would have to come first in terms of priority. I have a girlfriend who used the term "ish" or "sort of mixed." As the first priority of a nation is clearly established, we see the UDHR and the UN OHCHR ( Google this term for clarification)  is about a nation's relationship with itself. If that relationship fails, the nation falls into a civil war. The power to avert civil war is the power to "arrest" or "stop" the boat captain in reckless action. For instance,abandonded industrial properties or malls should be redeveloped with the owner of the land for mixed use residential and retail purposes.  The question is when to take action to redirect the reckless President. You don't have to remove him but you have to tell him the nation must respect the consumer activity is running too low. The minimum income support comparative indicator is way behind all other submarine warfare capable nations.  The sales tax is too low. We are all part European, part African and part Mexican or Amerindian by now; right across the globe because who could argue with a generous wide hipped brunette or blonde Amerindian broad who asked for help at the Irish airport and she's 170 years old now.    So, the leader has my sympathies. However,  the universal minimum income support is not the policy on which to hesitate and ask who stole America.  Maybe set up a policy that enables Amerindian people who are willing to claim this ancestry to buy a home or industrial property where the governrment pays half the price.  It's 2020.  I know my people are Seminole but Alexander Hamilton decided to dip them in the West Indian Creole culture for a generation and then bring them back to America. The minimum income support is the fulfilment of your own breath and survival.     You can buy all the tomahawks, axes and knives you want.  You can buy an SUV, rent an apartment and resume a nomadic life, enjoying the new airport lounges and hotels for two weeks of every month  like many do and come back home to feed your dog once a month.  You can have a family.   It's your last day if you don't understand although the people can see you should not have had to endure four years of constant impeachment in the press.  The other guy must be as Amerindian, European, pirate and as confused as you.    His people bugged up the government since 1992 and never provided the minimum income support but they have a few people now who agree with its necessity so we can feel as big as China for a change and maybe we will see more independent Taco and Bursushi restaurants open up where you can enjoy a small tuna burger or salmon burger for between  $4.00 to $7.00 with a soup, some French fries and a cup of tea.   So if you want to enjoy a Ford, GM or any vehicle, you need to respect the technology called the wheel you were given.  You cannot argue. If you want to enjoy and sell the vehicle and enjoy the vitality of the market during on-going automation,  then you need to respect a universal minimum income support.   You need to respect it.    It is the fulfilment of the market. The UDHR and the UN ILO R202 IS modern democracy by definition. America is a territory protected by the constitution where many foreign companies maintain significant assets.  This is the idea based on unchanging  laws that make it illegal to steal my home or your home, my vehicle or your vehicle or your business or my business or my ship. It seems you wanted to steal or take  my business or my ship. But, now you are trying to take the people who owned a little business name. It is murder. It is indictable whether or not your family  plays the grand theft auto video games.  The constitution is a body of expectations that rises above the suggestion that it is a mere notion.   *********+  The real socio-economic point is that you are a human being and we know how evil some cultures may have been on classifying people on a complexioned and feature  based scale of proximity to a white ideal. This is the evil and the dehumanization behind when there was an ideal and many generally uh..white people became rather angry about the time and energy absorbed by this especially when a man from Clarenton with an Afro would spend a minute hoping to say he is more white than his brother who had the same dark complexion  as some Basketball star from the 70's or 80's and King James or John Coltrane.  What would be the point of such a dismorphic pale skin Negro.  ******************   With a people, then you need finance and money.  You give them to satisfy their needs.   Why would you need a militia if you don't have any people? Safeguarding People, not personal acceptance, is the purpose of the AUTHORITY. How can you have acceptance if you don't safeguard the people?  We debit the general ledger when our debt goes down as in you received a statement credit.  Maybe your car buyer made a payment.  When you pay Wells Bode Bank, you ledger credit accounts payable and your bank statement registers a statement debit.    The people who build the BMW car plant in America are not saying they do not want you to feel favor as exemplified in a universal minimum income support. Who would think about that? It is designed to maintain the carmarket; the market in general.   What you really want to feel is control.   Instead of destroy, abandon and shutdown the economy to feel control, maybe control the economy positively by being able as POTUs to raise sales tax with a Twitter message or  with a phone call. You don't need war bonds. What evil is it like when you are in a free fall without a parachute as a North American while every other major  economy and their citizens have  a universal minimum income support parachute to face the market death and market free fall caused by robotic industrial automation ? We need to automate our emotions when women can certainly buy vehicles on their own; and a cow or two also.       You say that is okay.      We have to accept that whether or not there  was a global hurricane that could shut down countries temporarily on public safety concerns,   the key observation is that most major economies had already provided their populations a universal minimum income support pursuant to the general logic to secure consumer market demand  and *human dignity/their viability* by securing every citizens'   buying power when buying power to absorb robotically made goods goes down in direct proportion to the number of technologically induced human  job cancellations and your market suffers a contraction also when a market  is the people that buy goods. When they have less money entire shopping malls and towns shut down.  **********  The term mixedish and blackish are cultural terms that have come about presuming an African input. Yet we have people who are decendents of  non- African ancient Aboriginals that fit the "-ish" descriptors.      You have learned to say you forgive others in your past, present and future.  This is just as we acknowledge North America was and still is populated by people who are Afro Aborigines in essential origin while they have emerged  as police chiefs and coca cola drinkers with various complexions today; much like the   Australian aboriginal we know from our journeys and documentaries of the Australian outback. They share a similar genome and hair textures that in our new world with various other dna dna inputs over time, we call him white or black, mixedish or blackish but his original essential  anthropological origin is American Afro Aborigine.  Thank you you are loved He was later met by people who crossed over the ice bridge  who can confirm people were already here. The images  of the North American past in popular culture do not satisfy the entire archaeological record.  An undercurrent of fear of past historical violence and targeting  provoked by abuses of new technology has caused a fear of identification and has highlighted a fragility in self acceptance shared by many regardless of current racial classification as they share this original North American aboriginal dna.  *********    You should celebrate your position as a king to bequeath.   But, because you killed your younger sibling competitively to inherit but ended up killed by the authority, you never actually inherited in your hope to be the only one.  So, now, one, two, or 10 generations later  you seem to spend more time resenting the five or ten kids you have who will inherit from you who have the honor to bequeath to them as you are *foolishly, murderously fixated on inheritance* when you must now thank God you have arrived so you can achieve a bequeathal. You seem to have noticed  your third child says she needs to be the only one and will not wait for you to decide.     You say "I just have to have all my authority  They didn't really  let me have it as a kid when I died shortly after I killed my brother." So, now you are the Appointed. We have the solution to the industrial automation: the  universal minimum income support. Implementing this policy will please the car manufacturers and all other sectors of the economy.    You will always go through Major  sociological changes involving technology. However,  we must respect the disbursement as a sociological solution in civilization to maintaining state integrity.  It is necessary like clean water.  This means major job transitions.     Is it colour or  Coluh? This is what you want to say.  The financial solution has to serve the car companies and the final solution is a universal minimum income support.   Yet, you act like the whole economy has to wait until someone's dog dies.      Is it that you are saying subconsciously that a fully functional North American economy is an environmental hazard?     You wanted to see how a war happens like WW2 in a cozy Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse world.  You could watch the movie "Road To Perdition."  This is a simple light hearted article.      First, your socioeconomic policy is Illogical, illegal and detestable. Then, you say you don't want people with sociology and law  degrees to enjoy their education.    They could operate Haringeytario in Canda like they operate Haringey by computer network; right from a yacht with a laptop and broadband connection at Inverness.     In 2018, we have European Amerindians on one side of the world holding the the political wheel controlling the global economic ship. On the other side, we see Americans.   The only right answer is the answer provided by the market and the car companies that drive the market who want full return on investment. They want full market activity. They want every citizen to have a universal minimum income support.    You say you don't want them to have the disbursement  unless they speak Votre avis.   HE will have many happy Maslow moments.   Then you say you want to see your total interruption of the market  on the 18th to the 20th year of every new century with a big story that confirms you told the natives on your arrival as Cabot in 1420  to cover their faces when you speak because you have a European civilisation disease.  QQ    Who is the dutiful servant?  Who is the son of the King of Merci and the King?  It is he who follows France in his socioeconomic policy and provides the universal unconditional minimum income support .   Who is the English Police Officer? It is he that is obedient to the English authority's  socioeconomic policy to provide a universal unconditional minimum income support to every citizen.   **  Read the parable of the two sons.    Decisions are being made by White North American Amerindians to say North America sort of works. As it sort of works, you eventually become certainly depopulated, dependent on another country and you shut down. You see your authority.    During Omega man, you have your authority but you are going to jail.  They already issued an indictment  for you Blash!  They took the country. The goal of all of this intrusion upon your native battles and ways was to create a market for European goods. Ironically, your  resistance of the universal minimum income support for your own personal vendettas is threatening markets, the actual sales of Goods. The real issue is the depopulation of  the new world  market, the western hemisphere; the Amerindian world; see because I would be a damn fool if I was not a European, an African , and human enough, a Mexican enough to say you are making decisions  to anger people and create global tensions when  Ford, GM, Audi,  Volkswagen, Fiat and Honda want to just sell more vehicles. *  The home builders want to sell more homes.* You have to be making decisions to say you wished you graduated or how do you like me now that I am French and more accepted than you?      **************  Mengele is a North American Amerindian who was adopted at 10 years old by  Germans.     He and his children want you to have a Bud more often and buy vehicles without you violently interacting with the authorities and this means you will have the guarantee of a universal minimum income support at a dignified amount to satisfy all your Maslow needs with enough to approach a bank or car company for finance and  to help you whether or not you have a job.  ***************  Now,  If the Court protects freedom by the barrel of the gun, they must also protect the financial system and it's operation by the barrel of the gun. A 0% sales  tax policy may be  a care free attempt at absolute authority, maybe a political jingle and insulting, demeaning backslap in the pockets of a population being shot down by a genocidal resistance of the UN ILO R202,  while the 0% sales tax  is treason and an arrestable offence. It is mischief. It betrays the national good.  It betrays the national interest.  He who loves God, loves his people also. See 1st John 4.   Its so simple that what you are going through is a Maslow Christening. Do you understand?   7 If you had read or even watched enough Shakespeare on video, it would not be so much of a struggle in you.   Respect humanity,  the people,  as you wish them to respect your humanity.  But, this is what Want to say; the dog eats your supper if you make your allies  cross. Find the crazy people and kill them who turn a crown temp job into a crown over the Crown.      This is just emotions; not logic and you could have told Carter or McNamara  to put his foot down in America and tell the pirate pimpernel to go and you would certainly  help with a universal minimum income support for all in Wessamakca where he would have some authority; some authority.    Some black people in the Western hemisphere are not the descendants of Africans with languages but afro aborigines who would have developed and also spoken aboriginal languages and no other before meeting any European or any African.   If you dont respect universal humanity, how long does it take  for you to bleed out?    With 60 cent sales tax  collected only  800 -timbit -times a day seven days a week per month on a $2.00 order  equals....political wisdom with the UN ILO universal minimum income support that has one condition being the recipient is 17 years old. He or she does not have to leave home.  They can ask join a national human resource core for rebuilding depopulated, abandoned towns and parts of cities.   There will always be another president in 4 or 8 years.    Yet, the essential constitutional policies cannot wait another day just as clean water cannot wait.   Bull,  we have an assignment for you in Mos Isley, the horn of Africa or the Yukon or are you a Pueblo white native in America wanting to try to understand your self in the abuse of other natives? Maybe just stay home and buy more  uh Taco Bell  or...uh maybe Jerk Chicken if its community that you are looking for. 7 Did you know you can't have any people to police and put your job on the line maybe to get what you want when the people do not have enough universal unconditional minimum income support to be a viable, abusable citizen? 7  I'll drop out next time and read my bible.   There will always be errant humans beings but you should not provoke this with drugs in the Sonic food or the municipal water. You  are having a war with your own human and economic capability; a war with the rules of your own "God Bless America" Constitution. Re-enAactment of fascism: The true moral gambit behind suffrage was always human equality. Some people really resent this evident truth that does not say there are no physical differences while legally, under a Court of Law, we would have to be treated equally by the Court as a subject of the Court's inquiry while there is a world you were expecting would follow your Jamaica plantation class structures and enshrine them for you in society.  Darling, you say you should be able to, should have the authority to, if you are white',  shoot and kill a real university graduate  black Amerindian woman once a month who you hired as your secretary in your office as the Senator of New York; a different woman every month. Isn't European white? But, if I am White Amerindian, then I am whiteish. My Browner relatives are mixedish or blackish in our white walling of the World's emotions with our victim psychology. The Europeans resent this intrusion of their less inhumane emotions.  Darling, they are not white; not Nazi like you!!!!!  Some of you, want to know who is this boy who just finished at the University of Suffolk in Law; the second brown one to go to England and graduate?  Will he be the new owner some day?  But, see how hard you and the others work when he is reading books. Look, here comes someone who wants to know if we understand that we are white although we were promised, we would own the farm some day by the owner and maybe we can go to England with this gentleman and the owner says we should but I will always want to own that farm or whatever that boy is to own.  The white grandson went to Scotland to study engineering. The other white one went to France to study French.  Darling, there is a nonverbalised expectation and resentment going through the Anglo world system, cutting it down and separating instead of unifying when what class would he be in my imagination of the world from whence we came is a question based on  inaccurate imagination of a world I presume stratified prestige based on colour only so that a black boy with that education is an argument in this false world view some hold and what would it matter in 2020 where we had our third Black President in history where Lincoln had the same skin tone as Obalma and is it war really that you want in the Anglo world in 2020 or trillions of dollars in coffee cup sales and tax  revenue and vehicle sales revenue?  The question "Who should live in America?" is like asking "Should we have a universal minimum income support or UBI in North America to address automation?"  Darling, if I can ask these questions, during the 13th Continental Congress, then they will follow me and I will have authority over them. They will be barren eventually like me; Alexandria Hamilton and we will keep doing it until God can tell me to my face what I am.     If you don't get the answer, I will whip you again like a bitch in some unnecessary conflict and this time you can go to the theatre at home; home theatres hurrah!    Darling, you are starving as a population, other economies have this money to ensure there is regular and sufficient consumer demand and you, as white, who came from Africa, taken to Goat Island, then Jamaica and then America by 30 years old in 1960 wants to ask what is your position as a white if everyone is to get this money. You are a secure car dealer or bank manager.  Don't worry. The Brown graduate is under you. He is just a consumer and maybe a humble car dealer with his soft haired Brown Cuban uncle.   But, it seems when you see the picture of the brown graduate your brain goes into an anthropological temperament auto drive to ask   what is your position now that he has come back?  Maybe you could just steal your freedom, steal the farm, steal the vegetables, steal the prototype propane powered donkey cart.  Take his teeth, devalue him so that when the authority comes, you will be equal but because you are bigger and maybe lighter, they might favor you and accept you over him, the owner, before the Court and you will tell the Court, he is already dead anyway want to know if you can just have the house since you worked really hard and many of the women near by had two for him or three for him so they are legitimate.     You act like he owes you your freedom.  It's genetic.  Your grandson gave his life stealing my grandson's Running Shoes in California; his school track jacket and they damaged his vehicle also.   Now, you ask what are the boundaries if, as a Clarenton wench hoping to be a princess like the story book,  the owner says he could be your...father but he sees you once a month to farm you, plant you and he really does because he is a farmer rubbing up that plump fertile ground so that it does not get fallow. He is a farmer; you know???? You are a good field. So, what is a father? What is a husband? What are the boundaries ?   Read Leviticus.  It's 2020. You got a ring.  *****  So, what bowl of eggs would you be?  Many suffragists were, as based on evidence, not really female but had the "bullocks" to fight for the cause of human equality.  As such, Article 25 of the UDHR and Article 11 of the OHCHR with the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 was to take precedence over any same sex marriage rights since the ceremony does not make rights of survivorship automatic in all jurisdictions. It also raises the question as to consummation being necessary for heterosexual unions.  The real point here is that cohabitation is cohabitation. If you own property jointly, you own it jointly.  If you someone in the union passes on, then the survivor owns it if it is registered jointly. If your wife was  cut like Marilyn but has know..then you cannot consummate. If you cannot consummate, then you cannot be legally married.  So, we get the point.  Now, if she is cut like Marilyn but not really female I suppose you select gay union on the marriage licence website if you knew..if you did not save it for the 40th wedding anniversary.  Darling, the point here is suffrage was always, therefore, about safeguarding human dignity under the law.  That leads us now to the power of women and suffrageists to turn the power of the economy on with the right of every citizen to be in receipt of a universal unconditional minimum income support in the era of automation econometrics.  Darling, the last bastion for Money is like electricity as both are needed for safety.  Fascism works above and beyond the usual course of justice to uphold the minimum requirements of public safety required by the Magna Carta to protect intellectual  property, real estate property and the physical person. In other words, absolute power or fascism can be used to protect the peace, order and good government wjen the usual safe guards and systems of justice have been abused unscrupulous,childish aliens to our Commonwealth.  Did you know New York, Florida and Rhode Island are Commonwealths?  As such, it is not fascism when the Monarch steps in with absolute authority to restore order and good government.  In the alternative, fascism os used to steal and warps state power to interrupt safety.  Darling, it refuses to implement the universal minimum income support solution suggested by automotive manufacturers and industry in general. It refuses the solution in and for the modern age to confirm he is from the stone age and would rather bring the whole world back to the beginning of time as he subconsciously confesses his intention to end our world. Frustrating money solutions in commerce  is tantamount to frustrating electricity for commerce.   In another generation, this dna in the "POT USE" may have refused to turn the power on so we would have to go backward instead of enjoy the current age.  We know that Neither fascist offered as candidates have the intention to  help as far as we can see although they have the authority. However, the campaign t shirt will say Authority and Power. One t -shirt in another campaign said Obligation. You must understand that the pirate Is a fascist and says everything can be bought; including the presidential election. There is no convention. Darling, there are no primaries and even Barney has stood aside due to horrendous intimidation.  They smashed up his kitchen and cut his dog's throat.  It is just that who ever says to the world that he is the candidate as Bid  was, in fact,  already the President for the two days that Obalma was in England speaking to the British parliament.....and Bid  had full executive AUTHORITY on the defcon Board and at the big computer company.  He looks and feels like a former President. It is obvious.  Darling, he has the authority today to also solve  the economy even as he is no longer in official retirement but campaigning for a balanced, safe America that will not be stolen by Black Monday.  Darling,  he understands the equation requiring a universal minimum income support and more than understanding the equation, he will action it now and then all the room temperature ice cream chilled to his specific taste at His house will be His again legitimately as the current POT USE seems stale on this issue.  It is time to summarise the current POT USE.  America does not have a king.  Unofficially in terms of historic association only and some patterns of migration and indirect influence, she has a reigning Monarch who wants to see America enjoy the universal unconditional minimum income support like the English and then Americans can come and enjoy  tourism in England more often.   We need something alive.  The reason why he was already president for two days is because the English were not  sure what to do with Obalma; maybe they read  the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 he signed in 2012 and  asked what the problem is.    Darling,  they wanted America to commit and follow France, Japan and  Germany so that the ridiculous white nigger reality of America was not so obvious.  It's not that they do not have relatives in America but, if America is in need of the answer and can't solve it, then  they should just copy. Not all white America are white niggers.  But, the issue is a strand of DNA determined to take control of a ship, a town, City or country until all political participants speak his emotional intention.  If you want hot water, you boil it. If you want the economy to work, you implement the universal minimum income support. Darling,  there are good white people.  But, Only the nigger intent on vendetta will say you should come and turn on the kettle yourself or come all the way from Germany or England and implement the universal minimum income support; yourself.    He is not a Robert E. Lee but his minion used by him so that Robert E. Lee could  get attention; from the English. He is the coup de le serviteur  contre le propriété. We acknowledge Robert E. Lee and give him the attention.    Biometric  is the candidate or if he takes the constitution seriously and wants to be respected by  children, he is telling us he is the hopeful candidate. He has not been nominated. We have not had a convention.  Darling, we are dealing with Bidometrics outside of the usual course of the constitution.   Come to my restaurant named  Joseph Works™.      Darling,  opening our economy  to spurious individuals so that they can try to understand a West Indian who graduated at NYU is treason. Of course; the West Indian graduated.   What is it that you cannot believe as a "Wormer's" graduate or as the  "A Man You late" graduate?
