Lets march from Georgia to Oklahoma; again. But, you have the power to drive or fly first class; maybe buy a whole bus and the hotel when you get there. It is all good! The job of a parent is to be a teacher. Wash your hands. Sign up for your universal minimum income support so you can buy soap; rent an apartment and buy shoes and maybe enter a finance debt plan with a bank to buy a vehicle. You have the ability to participate. Sales tax at 50% for items under Ten dollars and 30% for items over $30.00 will cover all daily, yearly operating expenses beginning with the first priority being the financing of the people and their yearly needs. Your current levels of economic activity evinces that depopulation has taken place over the last 40 years along with a repression in the average citizen's spending power largely due to a joblessness caused by on-going automation. This has effected the efficacy of national business endeavours and investments such that someone decided shopping malls, with this very very very low consumer market demand, do not meet out with the cost. Structurally, you suffer from a weak internal market. Communism suffered from this but not due to a lack of demand as every citizen had a universal unconditional minimum income support. It was due to a lack of choice and availability of diversified consumer goods. Bread was bread and soda water was soda water; not SCHWEPPES, Fanta or Coca Cola. They opened up to Western imports slowly and consumer activity, shopping, browsing and running shoe collections soon followed; with Dostoevsky stylee. They honored the power and efficiency of industrial automation as early as 1870 and inoculated their population from its impact with a universal minimum income support so that they, unlike the American fools, will never be dependent, in debt to another country, to get daily finance for their daily operations like the amount needed to finance the White House and nor will they be dependent on another country for a population; check mate you fools! Did you know the English are your friends? They tried to reason with you and with the Russians. But, friend, you turned reason into madness. This is madness!! You keep choosing wars to obfuscate the problem with your economics temporarily. It gives you temporary respite from the genocidal truth. Who is Shakespeare and who cares? Why do you have to read his play? What is the measurement of a straight line and who cares?; You ask these questions. You ask what is the point of all this education if you have authority to just throw someone off a ship and decide how long they live or die; ;argh matey ? The reason is it takes more than one person to operate a McDonald's franchise or to build a road and how can I do either and tell you what was to be done if you do not have enough knowledge so that we can communicate? Maybe we will add a pirate almanac to the four Shakespeare texts you will have to read by grade 12. Your determination to debate the solution to ensuring and guaranteeing market demand in a world of on-going automation is the root cause. A universal unconditional minimum income support is the solution. The minimum income support is a key leading OECD economic indicator. If I was in Holland, I could show you that this conversation about the benefit of a universal minimum income support ended in the year 1450. The minimum income support certainly is a win-win situation whether you are in a big territory or small territories. Fuel injectors present a win-win benefit over carbeurators whether you are in a big airplane or a small airplane or a big v12 engined vehicle or a small v6 engined vehicle. Many brown aboriginals were happy recipients. The class sick fool would kill all the Court Clerks in the world if given the chance. When John Adams would ask "Who will live in America?", he was questioning the presence of the original Dutch, Irish and English pilgrims who arrived in the late 1500's as John was a West Indian with ancestry beholden to the more Spanish voice in the world and like Bolivar, he had made a deal with the real and rooted population of Aboriginals and natives as he was in tune with their experiences except he was a bit more pirate than priest since how could they say they own it? He was part ABORIGINAL. John looked much like Christopher Columbus; although much more pale skinned and bald. It is hard for the 4th generation Europeans in North America to digest the music from Tchaikovsky or Mozart with an underfunded economy dying off around them; dogs and children hungry. If the goal is cultural propagation, love helps. It is difficult for them to be safe if there isn't a minimum protection floor for everyone so there is less opportunity for socioeconomic conflict. We have a Magna Carta but what if you put the DNA of the wrong Union President in the Office of the President? Would he define the problem with automation and say that machines do not buy vehicles while refusing to read, digest and solve the problem with the assistance of the ILO Recommendations R67 signed in Philadelphia Pennsylvania in 1944? See paragraph 30 of that document. the Automation did not mean that you would be seeking, looking for a new population to occupy your country; that is it did not mean you would be in need of a new population. You subject the population to a genocide in conditions that must be solved decisively in full capitalist imperative in addition to the imperative of population preservation and national defence. If not, your army by 2300 will be all Chinese 3rd generation Americans. The point of the Batman and the Joker is to help you understand how the majority of the signatories died after signing the Constitution; dead...all dead within less than 10 years of the signing of the document except for two signatories who were the only survivors within 50 years. Are you crazy? It's time to sit at the table of humanhood at a hotel in Europe; maybe Ireland and buy a round of drinks with our North American universal minimum income support. You feel good. Someone says you should give every citizen and candidate as well as every presiding or reigning politician along with former politicians the minimum income support. But, some of you act as if you have left the definition of "citizen" and have entered a category to decide if it should be done. Essentially, you are maintaining a hunger strike against your own Constitution and national viability. Think of the money as a vacation from resentment, anger and bitterness. Buy something to celebrate your ancestry or to celebrate whatever your ancestry may be. But, when could you ever say, with this diffidence , that you are Amerindian, Aboriginal, European, African or Asian? How could you be and resent European wisdoms and simple solutions? Maybe some of you are European but you've been drugged and poisoned maybe but now you see the light. Drink more water maybe. Eat more pizza and then you will see clearly. Yes; you are European. Eat more of the ancestral foods from your particular culture. So, then implement the solution. Write an apology to Christopher Columbus about black and white as he found it offensive. It seems he would have passed for uh.....mmm....black and mixed. In his crew, you are a maggot, a shop hand and salty dog. What does race have to do with a stolen shipment of Eau de toilette or stolen set of 13 colonies? But, some how you're being told you are not good enough to live in your own country and maybe it is because you spend too much time arguing with the authorities and you are not a Jedi yet. Join the Europeans on the side of logic and together, you will rule the galaxy. It is people who share Columbus genetic temperament who will ask why or what is the Black question. You are being told rather politely to agree economic grounds with the universal minimum income support and to put any hesitance on racial grounds behind you because you have no right or reason that you have any more right to exist in America than a brown black European aboriginal like Christopher Columbus or any brown Amerindian farmer and blacksmith in colonial Massachusetts. Resisting economic logic as bestowed from the European forebears that may have involved the advice to utilise total robotic economic efficiency and to implement the universal minimum income support to enjoy that efficiency is the problem. The benefit was to see you enjoy your investments with less trepidation and volatility but you resist as you desire an emotional hegemony and a sense of independence. Yet, the advice would help you achieve your goal and more sales revenue for investors. Your inability to see the logic behind the universal minimum income support says you are struggling with a deficit in base economic principles. Replacing a work force with robots should not also mean you are replacing your population with people from other lands and economies where their governments have already committed to a universal minimum income support as required. Automation is global. In spite of the use of robots instead of humans for Labour, you still need a population. You need people and you need them to buy products and utilize services everyday. Where are you really from? Your family members were farmers and former police officers Maybe; I dont know. But, you show no logical sympathy for former cashiers, auto manufacturing assembly managers or assembly supervisors. You show no logical motivation to just follow the example of older, more successful and stable economies. There is no doubt that the current former Vice President is credited for being a part of an administration that signed the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 in 2012 that suggests a minimum income support and security for all citizens largely due to the power of automation. He will always be a national historic figure. His administration saved Captain Phillips. His administration also suffered many scandals that led to Espionage Act allegations. The allegations involving genocide were abated although his administration added a plethora of new anti-genocide laws to the US Criminal Code. As an Afro Cuban who is sometimes thought of as Samoan or Brazilian, the AMERICAN experience might suggest I should be asking for a mule and 40 acres but I have no nexus to that legacy of slavery. My ancestors on the Paternal side were Irish Afro Aboriginal owners of indentured servants and also Black Hawk free people who took off for Cuba during the war of Independence in 1776. We came back after WW2. Back then, this unofficial promoted anxiety about skin, race and authority was not a living reality. What is it like seeing a pale skinned woman very angry if you took her job away milking cows by hand or churning butter by hand? She came to America for better opportunity, maybe very likely to enjoy her own farm or land with family but trigonometry and the bible were not a part of her daily endeavours except for Psalms 119 for good luck. She read it every day. A new movie is coming out to demonstrate how a pale skinned afroed males maintained a Whig during his official duties in early New England as in the case of several founding fathers. It should help; coming soon on Netflix as rumoured. Unfortunately we do not have many photos although we have several other evidences. The current presumptive election contender does not publicly support this universal unconditional minimum income support policy that was first communicated by the ILO in 1944 as Recommendation R67. This is rather the cognitive incongruity. There is no point in arguing with the necessity of this minimum income support policy and the socioeconomic evidence in America as the minimum income support props up market demand and the people that constitute the market while it ensures there os sufficient sales activity to avoid certain economic recessions and depressions everytime there is a further increase in automation. Race has nothing to do with the logic in clean water and the logic in a Universal unconditional minimum income support that satisfies all general Maslow needs. The irony is that the subtle unofficial social hierarchy involved in race is likely to remain. In fact, wouldnt the white owners of businesses be happier to have more customers who they can shake down to see if the customer can spell consumer protection and usury before they try to bill them twice the interest on their new car finance that would be a fraud and a fraudulent contract? But, who really cares what people think about race so long as no one spits his covid disease on my pancakes at IHOp to say he is white. if neither candidate agreed with the importance of clean drinking water or freedom of assembly although ot is law? We would resort to the Constitution. There is specific mention of the right or freedom of assembly. Clean water is guaranteed under Article Six with various UN treaties. The right to a universal minimum income support is also guaranteed through article six that gives the UDHR direct import into US Law and Constitutionality. But, if it did not, the amendments guaranteeing clean water and a Universal unconditional minimum income support would be pertinent and reasonable and meaningful. The current President is apparently going to be credited with the first amendments to the constitution in more than 40 years involving a guaranteed universal unconditional minimum income support and clean drinkable water; two amendments. What could derail his re-election? If his amendments are derailed for some unknown reason, we can see the efficaciousness of the people in whom the power rests to implement the necessary policies without an actual amendment. They have the authority under Article six to give effect to the minimum income support policy involving a bi-weekly cash payment to every citizen of no less than $1400.00 dollars on a bi-weekly basis. The cost of war is quite expensive. The failure to implement a universal minimum income support is also quite expensive. The cost of implementing a universal minimum income support is really structural. There is no cost. You just increase sales tax and this helps as the jobless reality of automation reduces potential revenue from employment filings. The power of automation is to destabilise the way in which the consumer, citizen and human being earns and obtains money. Money is needed to obtain and maintain the necessities of life. A nation needs human beings to be the arms and legs of the nation. Automation is not usually considered a problem but it is on- going and it is national and also pervasive across many industries. Automation is really a solution but it becomes a problem only if there are insufficient government funded national guarantees for the former employees, citizens, managers, secretaries, cashiers, assembly plant workers, department store workers and show room staff. Most importantly , once automation has taken root in any manufacturing sector, it displaces the worker and citizen from his normal routine and source of income. The issue is that the choices are clear as well as the impact. The absence of a solution raises the spectre of genocide. Automation is not a crime. Building cars is not a crime but dumping waste from car plants into a river is a crime. As such, Automation renders a social and economic impact that requires a life saving government solution or people will suffer life threatening circumstances. The failure to implement the solution is considered a decision; a decision that says someone is accountable. He is accountable for the lives lost. He is accountable for the socioeconomic impact. He is accountable for the conditions of life created by the failure to implement a solution while all other major industrial nations have a universal minimum income support policy in place. He is accountable for the genocide. The worker or former worker who is really just a citizen does not intend to just die. Some take drugs and some sell them. These are formerly involved, dignified members of the Auto Industry. They are still worthwhile members of our community and a car buyer if given a chance. These people may be tenth generation Europeans. They may be Puerto Ricans who may have lost a little bit of their Latino ways. They could be 4th generation white or black Haitian. A significant amount of national revenue is lost in the process as the workers no longer have a salary that generates an income tax. So, adjustments have to be made with a national federal solution to prevent a collison with the vacuum in the average consumer's buying power. We cannot turn back and deny automation's benefit to the industrial process. It saves hours of wasted material, it saves time and it may also save human life from being lost to injurious industrial processes. To enjoy automation and be happy with the labor saving benefits of the technology, we agree as citizens and corporate producers of machine made products to guarantee markets for the buying and selling of goods. This means guaranteeing that every citizen in the population receives a certain amount of money as paid for by the government. Every citizen receives it. There are different solutions on how to achieve the dollar cost. The most painless solution does not involve raised corporate taxes. It involves a reasonable sales tax at 30% or more. This means a $1.00 chocolate may cost with sales tax $1.50 or a $1.30. But, with a Federal guaranteed minimum income support of about $30000.00 per year as a NAFTA minimum to respect the current cost of living in most of North America, then it is a reasonable sum to pay at 50 cents on the dollar if the sales tax is 50% on items under $10.00 and the impact is rather innocuous. Certain localities, states and cities may wish to make their own contributions to the Federally funded support for reasons such as a higher cost of living due to a more harsh, cold climate. This may mean parts of the country where they endure a winter may render a yearly total minimum income support of $60,000.00 per citizen. the point is that you need a population that provides a human resource so that you can raise an army and a navy. Maybe you hire everyone as a soldier and train them one or two days a week, providing a solid General education in the process and they will buy a vehicle. ******** A population that does not work is the concern. However, a minimum guaranteed income support of only $30,000.00 may mean that'll work is desirable if you can find it in the reality of on-gong automation. A population that works helps to ensure a national skill set and a comprehension of new technologies, new machines and new processes. *********** Guaranteeing some work opportunities federally in federal job opportunities, if people do want to work, is rather helpful even if it is only for two or three days a week so that you do not have to call someone from another culture to run your restaurants and your banking processes. Warren A Lyon, Legal Analyst. www.angelronan.wixsite.com\consulting Angel Ronan, Greenfield Urban Firm Consulting-full service law group at www.angelronangreenfieldurban.blogspot.ca (not a corporation) 1-914-539-7655.

Lets march from Georgia to Oklahoma; again.  But, you have the power to drive or fly first class;  maybe buy a whole bus and the hotel when you get there. It is all good!    The job  of a parent is to be a teacher. Wash your hands. Sign up for your universal minimum  income support so you can buy soap; rent an apartment and buy shoes and maybe enter a finance debt plan with a bank  to buy a vehicle. You have the ability to participate.    Sales tax at 50% for items under Ten dollars and 30% for items over $30.00 will cover all daily, yearly operating expenses beginning with the first priority being the financing of the people and their yearly needs.  Your current levels of economic activity evinces  that  depopulation has taken place over the last 40 years  along with a repression in the average citizen's spending power largely due to a joblessness caused by on-going automation.    This has effected the efficacy of national business endeavours and investments such that someone decided shopping malls, with this very very very low consumer market demand,  do not meet out with the cost.  Structurally,  you suffer from a weak internal market.  Communism suffered from this but not due to a lack of demand as every citizen had a universal unconditional minimum income support.  It was due to a lack of choice and availability of diversified consumer goods. Bread was bread and soda water was soda water; not SCHWEPPES, Fanta or Coca Cola.   They opened up to Western imports slowly and consumer activity, shopping,  browsing and running shoe collections soon followed; with Dostoevsky stylee.  They honored the power and efficiency of industrial automation as early as 1870 and inoculated their population from its impact with a universal minimum income support so that they, unlike the American fools, will never be dependent, in debt to another country, to get daily finance for their daily operations like the amount needed to finance the White House and nor will they be dependent on another country for a population; check mate you fools! Did you know the English are your friends?   They tried to reason with you and with the Russians.   But, friend, you turned reason into madness.  This is madness!!    You keep choosing wars to obfuscate the problem with your economics temporarily.    It gives you temporary respite from the genocidal truth. Who is Shakespeare and who cares?  Why do you have to read his play? What is the measurement of a straight line and who cares?;  You ask these questions.     You ask what is the point of all this education  if you have authority to just throw someone off a ship and decide how long they live or die; ;argh matey ?   The reason is it takes more than one person to operate a McDonald's franchise or to build a road and how can I do either and tell you what was to be done if you do not have enough knowledge so that we can communicate?  Maybe we will add a pirate almanac to the four Shakespeare texts you will have to read by grade 12.      Your determination to debate the solution to  ensuring and guaranteeing market demand in a world of on-going automation is the root cause.  A universal unconditional minimum income support is the solution. The minimum income support is a key leading OECD economic indicator.     If I was in Holland, I could show you that this conversation about the benefit of a universal minimum income support ended in the year 1450. The minimum income support certainly is a win-win situation whether you are in a big territory or  small territories.   Fuel injectors present a win-win benefit over carbeurators whether you are in a big airplane or a small airplane or a big v12 engined vehicle or a small v6 engined vehicle.   Many brown aboriginals were happy recipients.    The class sick fool would kill all the Court Clerks in the world if given the chance.   When John Adams would ask "Who will  live in America?", he was questioning the presence of the original Dutch, Irish and English pilgrims who arrived in the late 1500's as John was a West Indian with ancestry beholden to the more Spanish voice in the world and like Bolivar, he  had made a deal with the real and rooted population of Aboriginals and natives as he was in tune with their experiences except he was a bit more pirate than priest since how could they say they own it?  He was part ABORIGINAL.    John  looked much like Christopher Columbus; although  much more pale skinned and bald.     It is hard for the 4th generation Europeans in North America to digest the music from Tchaikovsky or Mozart with an underfunded economy dying off around them; dogs and children hungry.  If the goal is cultural propagation, love helps. It is difficult for them to be safe if there isn't a minimum protection floor for everyone so there is less opportunity for socioeconomic conflict.     We have a Magna Carta but what if you put the DNA of the wrong Union President in the Office of the President? Would he define the problem with automation and say that machines do not buy vehicles while refusing to read, digest and solve the problem with the assistance of the  ILO Recommendations R67 signed in Philadelphia Pennsylvania in 1944? See paragraph 30 of that document.    the Automation did not mean that you would be seeking,  looking for a new population to occupy your country; that is it did not mean you would be  in need of a new population. You subject the population  to a genocide in conditions that must be solved decisively in full capitalist imperative in addition to the imperative of population preservation and national defence.  If not, your army by 2300 will be all Chinese 3rd generation Americans.  The point of the Batman and the Joker is to help you understand how the majority of the signatories died after signing the Constitution; dead...all dead within less than 10 years of the signing of the document except for two signatories  who were the only survivors within 50 years. 
Are you crazy?    It's time to sit at the table of humanhood at a hotel in Europe; maybe Ireland and buy a round of drinks with our North American   universal minimum income support.  You feel good.    Someone says you should give every citizen and candidate as well as every presiding or reigning politician along with former politicians the minimum income support.  But, some of you act as if you have left the definition of "citizen" and have entered a category to decide if it should be done.  Essentially, you are maintaining a hunger strike against your own Constitution and national viability.   Think of the money as a vacation from resentment, anger and bitterness.  Buy something to celebrate your ancestry or to celebrate whatever your ancestry may be. But, when could you ever say, with this diffidence , that you are Amerindian, Aboriginal, European, African  or Asian?    How could you be  and resent European wisdoms and simple solutions? Maybe some of you are European but you've been drugged and poisoned maybe but now you see the light.  Drink more water maybe. Eat more pizza  and then you will see clearly. Yes; you are European. Eat more of the ancestral foods from your particular culture.  So, then implement the solution.    Write an apology to Christopher Columbus about black and white as he found it offensive.  It seems he would have passed for uh.....mmm....black and mixed.   In his crew,  you are a maggot, a shop hand and salty dog. What does race have to do with a stolen  shipment of Eau de toilette or stolen set of 13 colonies?   But, some how you're being told you are not good enough to live in your own country and maybe it is because you spend too much time arguing with the authorities and you are not a Jedi yet. Join the Europeans on the side of logic and together, you will rule the galaxy. It is people who share Columbus genetic temperament who will ask  why or what is the Black question.  You are being told rather politely to agree economic grounds with the universal minimum income support and to put any hesitance on racial grounds behind you because you have no right or reason that you have any more right to exist in America than a brown black European aboriginal like Christopher Columbus or any brown Amerindian  farmer and blacksmith  in colonial Massachusetts.  Resisting economic logic as bestowed from the European forebears that may have involved the advice to utilise total robotic economic efficiency and to implement the universal minimum income support to enjoy that efficiency is the problem.   The benefit was to see you enjoy your investments with less trepidation and volatility but you resist as you desire an emotional hegemony and a sense of independence. Yet, the advice would help you achieve your goal and more sales revenue for investors.  Your inability to see the logic behind the universal minimum income support says you are struggling with a deficit in base economic principles.  Replacing a work force with robots should not also mean you are replacing your population with people from other lands  and economies where their governments have already committed to a universal minimum income support as required.  Automation is global. In spite of the use of robots instead of humans for Labour, you still need a population.  You need people and you need them to buy products and utilize services everyday.    Where are you really from?   Your family members were farmers and former police officers Maybe; I dont know.  But, you show no logical sympathy for former cashiers, auto manufacturing assembly managers or assembly supervisors.  You show no logical motivation to just follow the example of older, more successful and stable economies.     There is no doubt that the current former  Vice President is credited for being a part of an administration that signed the UN Ilo Recommendations R202 in 2012 that suggests a minimum income support and security for all citizens largely due to the power of automation. He will always be a national historic figure. His administration saved Captain Phillips. His administration also suffered many scandals that led to  Espionage Act allegations. The allegations involving genocide were abated although his administration added a plethora of new anti-genocide laws to the US Criminal Code.  As an Afro Cuban who is sometimes thought of as Samoan or Brazilian,  the AMERICAN experience might suggest I should be asking for a mule and 40 acres but I have no nexus to that legacy of slavery. My ancestors on the Paternal side were Irish Afro Aboriginal owners of indentured servants and also Black Hawk free people who took off for Cuba during the war of Independence in 1776.  We came back after WW2.    Back then, this unofficial promoted anxiety about skin, race and authority was not a living reality.  What is it like seeing a pale skinned woman very angry if you took her job away milking cows by hand or churning butter by hand?  She came to America for better opportunity, maybe very likely to enjoy her own farm or land with family  but trigonometry and the bible were not a part of her daily endeavours except for Psalms 119 for good luck.    She read it every day.  A new movie is coming out to  demonstrate how a pale skinned afroed  males maintained a Whig during his official duties in early New England as in the case of several founding fathers.  It  should help; coming soon on Netflix as rumoured. Unfortunately we do not have many photos although we have several other evidences.    The current presumptive election contender does not publicly support this universal unconditional minimum income support policy that was first communicated by the ILO in 1944 as Recommendation R67.   This is rather the cognitive incongruity.  There is no point  in arguing with the necessity of  this minimum income support policy and the socioeconomic evidence in America as the minimum income support props up market demand and the people that constitute the market while it  ensures there os sufficient sales activity  to avoid certain economic recessions and depressions everytime there is a further increase in automation.  Race has nothing to do with the logic in clean water and  the logic in a Universal unconditional minimum income support that satisfies all general Maslow needs.  The irony is that the  subtle unofficial social hierarchy involved in race is likely to remain. In fact, wouldnt the white owners of businesses be happier to have more customers who they can shake down to see if the customer can spell consumer protection and usury before they try to bill them twice the interest on their new car finance that would be a fraud and a fraudulent contract?   But, who really cares what people think about race so long as no one spits his covid disease on my pancakes at IHOp to say he is white.  if neither candidate agreed with the importance of clean drinking water or freedom of assembly although ot is law?  We would resort to the Constitution.  There is specific mention of the right or freedom of assembly.  Clean water is guaranteed under Article Six with various UN treaties.  The right to a universal minimum income support is also guaranteed through article six that gives the  UDHR direct import into US Law and Constitutionality.  But, if it did not, the amendments guaranteeing clean water and a Universal unconditional minimum income support would be pertinent and reasonable and meaningful.  The current President is apparently going to be credited with the first amendments to the constitution in more than 40 years involving a guaranteed universal unconditional minimum income support and clean drinkable water; two amendments.   What could derail his re-election? If his amendments are derailed for some unknown reason, we can see the efficaciousness  of the people in whom the power rests to implement the necessary policies without an actual amendment. They have the authority under Article six to give effect to the minimum income support policy involving a bi-weekly cash payment to every citizen of no less than $1400.00 dollars on a bi-weekly basis.  
 The cost of war is quite expensive.  The failure to implement a universal minimum income support is also quite expensive. The cost of implementing a universal minimum income support is really structural.  There is no cost. You just increase sales tax and this helps as the  jobless reality of automation reduces potential revenue from employment filings.    The power of automation is to destabilise the way in which the consumer, citizen and human being earns and obtains money. Money is needed to obtain and maintain the necessities of life. A nation needs human beings to be the arms and legs of the nation. Automation is not usually considered a problem but it is on- going and it is national and also pervasive across many industries.   Automation is really a solution but it becomes a problem only if there are insufficient government funded national guarantees for the former employees, citizens, managers, secretaries, cashiers, assembly plant workers, department store workers and show room staff. Most importantly , once automation has taken root in any manufacturing sector, it displaces the worker and citizen from his normal routine and source of income. The issue is that the choices are clear as well as the impact.  The absence of a solution raises the spectre of genocide. Automation is not a crime. Building cars is not a crime but dumping waste from car plants into a river is a crime.  As such, Automation renders a social and economic  impact that requires a life saving government solution or people will suffer life threatening circumstances.  The failure to implement the solution is considered a decision; a decision that says someone is accountable.  He is accountable for the lives lost.  He is accountable for the socioeconomic impact. He is accountable for the conditions of life created by the failure to implement a solution while all other major industrial nations have a universal minimum income support policy in place.  He is accountable for the genocide.

The worker or former worker who is really just a citizen does not intend to just die.  Some take drugs and some sell them.  These are formerly involved, dignified members of the Auto Industry.  They are still worthwhile members of our community and a car buyer if given a chance.  These people may be tenth generation Europeans. They may be Puerto Ricans who may have lost a little bit of their Latino ways. They could be 4th generation white or black Haitian. 


A significant amount of national revenue is lost in the process as the workers no longer have a salary that generates an income tax.  So, adjustments have to be made with a national federal solution to prevent a collison with the vacuum in the average consumer's buying power. We cannot turn back and deny automation's benefit to the industrial process. It saves hours of wasted material, it saves time and it may also save human life from being lost to injurious industrial processes. To enjoy automation and be happy with the labor saving benefits of the technology, we agree as citizens and corporate producers of machine made products to guarantee markets for the buying and selling of goods. This means guaranteeing that every citizen in the population receives a certain  amount of money as paid for by the government. Every citizen receives it. There are different solutions on how to achieve the dollar cost. The most painless solution does not involve raised corporate taxes.  It involves a reasonable sales tax at 30% or more.  This means a $1.00 chocolate may cost with sales tax $1.50 or a $1.30.     But, with a Federal guaranteed minimum income support of about $30000.00 per year as a NAFTA minimum to respect the current cost of living in most of North America, then it is a reasonable sum to pay at 50 cents on the dollar if the sales tax is 50% on items under $10.00 and the impact is rather innocuous.   Certain localities, states and cities may wish to make their own contributions to the 
Federally funded support for reasons such as a higher cost of living due to a more harsh, cold climate. This may mean parts of the country where they endure a winter may render a yearly total minimum income support of $60,000.00 per citizen.    the point is that you need a population that provides a human resource so that you can raise an army and a navy. Maybe you hire everyone as a soldier and train them one or two days a week, providing a solid General education in the process and they will buy a vehicle.   
A population that does not work is the concern.  However, a minimum guaranteed income support of only $30,000.00 may mean that'll work is desirable if you can find it in the reality of on-gong automation.   
A population that works helps to ensure a national skill set and a comprehension of new technologies, new machines and new processes. 
Guaranteeing some work opportunities federally in federal job opportunities, if people do want to work, is rather helpful even if it is only for two or three days a week so that you do not have to call someone from another culture to run your restaurants and your banking processes.  

Warren A Lyon, Legal Analyst.
Angel Ronan, Greenfield Urban Firm Consulting-full service law group at www.angelronangreenfieldurban.blogspot.ca (not a corporation)
