Never Trumpers" is an interesting idea. Mrs. America became a clock fascist when God never showed up with a period on time when she was ten years old and she needs her compensation of some kind; and hoping for a war with God with all of her suffragists who never got the period is not really working so lots of chocolate, nice food and certainly a $70,000.00 nationally guaranteed universal unconditional minimum income support for everyone is a good "feel good" idea for the entire continent and she can make her cookies and tell her boyfriend they will have children; some how but granny will bathe them. Marrying a supple creature with a seminal vesicle and faux tiities is a gay marriage...and you can never consummate. Click here.

  • "Never Trumpers" is an interesting idea. Mrs. America became a clock fascist when God never showed up with a period on time when she was ten years old  and she needs her compensation of some kind; and hoping for a war with God with all of her suffragists who never got the period  is not really working so lots of  chocolate, nice food and  certainly  a $70,000.00 nationally guaranteed universal unconditional minimum income support for everyone is a good "feel good" idea for the entire continent  and she can make her cookies and tell her boyfriend they will have children; some how but granny will bathe them. Marrying a supple creature with a seminal vesicle and faux tiities is a gay marriage...and you can never consummate. You are never kegaally married any where in the world.  Talaq talaq talaq.    Most of these creatures want your life or your creativity or your man thing so that they might be equal as a victim.   Yet, such a union with the  less supple version was normal during the occupation of the Americas  by the pilgrims who needed the strength of two men to build enough homes and the church steeple fast enough to be settled  and they borrowed a Pocahontas or other type of native real womb aborogine  girl to live in the barn and give birth to children so we are all related by now.  But, now she wants to have a family with her own husband and not just be a 12th generation baby mother or second and real legitimate wife as the only one with whom the two or three  fathers could consummate.  The horse hand was there to cover her at the dances.   

  •  This president has allowed for an hour of fearless truth; that you will know the truth of the power of automation that sets you free and dividing the old average yearly salaries into three, hoping companies hire more people has made no difference in ameliorating the pain of automation; feeeel it.  You must feel it; good!  Feel the power of a universal minimum income support!  Feeeel it; goood!!!  They are not obligated to hire twice as many people at half salary or any people.  

    • The real truth is that neither the incumbent President hoping for another term  nor the other guy is the problem;  arrigatto.  The problem is that you are a province of communist countries today being in debt to Communist countries with more than 30 cents in national revenue being paid to China that is a Communist country. You are really just going through the motions in the media  and your politics is just a WWE marathon at the National level. The other guy is playing The UFC game though and Donald is following WWE rules.    These Communist  countries tried to tell you in the 1920's  that the real enemy is the power of automation and that, as a nation, you need to focus on defending your population from the ravages of human technological industrial redundancy. Fewer  jobs due to new robotic and mechanized processes means less money and less people which says less work for your enemies but maybe more Russian immigration to America; a ha ha ha ha!   You dont understand anything. Das vedanya!!!   The way you lose a war is when you let the enemy kill your people faster with your own economic stupidity (really a socioeconomic genocide)  or when you dont take every precaution to ensure your population is just as secure or more secure than your enemy's population. Thank you for the Doritos. Spejulster!       But, you didnt listen.  So, they told you to think of them, the Russians,  as the enemy and that they were communist and you were the big  capitalist although much of your population is just as part  Mongol  as they are and just as human and that is why they tried to tell you;  dog!    The other part of your population is part Pirate and they dont want anyone telling them anything; argh!!!!!  It is,  nonetheless, anomalous for a capitalist country not to have a universal unconditional minimum income support for every citizen when automation is 500 times more efficient with machine made goods that are demanding a steady and regular stream of ensured consumer demand arrived at with a universal minimum income support; sze sze.  Therefore, Russia and China are defintionally really capitalist. They earn money on your self capitulation and your budgetary mass hunger strikes  and pop cultural drug fare that really amount to genocide and all of this is done by a five percent interest payment on the debt that requires all indirect taxes to be alive at more than 5% and job tax is not the source of revenue it used to be with 401 k programmes and the reality of automation reducing that tax base.  
    The U.S. and a few of its neighbouring allies live in the anomaly. 

    The problem beyond candidates is that neither candidate should be responsible for this national solution to national defence and the economic viability issue. All defence begins with the general  defence and protection  of your population from all threats being either economic, financial, domestic and foreign. There will always be crime. People will always die due to natural or unnatural causes like gambling or HPV from the strip club whore.  Maybe all have left Egypt with Moses but not all will get to Israel and may die off in the wilderness somewhere in between the Democrats and the Republicans on the way to the Constitution or a minimum income support participating  state and we know Ray from Ozark has a brother from Spanish Town who says his family must rely on him only as we don't have more than one breadwinner so what is the point of you applying to NASA space academy if Ray from Spanish Town  will throw out the acceptance letter so that he can have his authority?  

    So, then to compensate ourselves for every problem like automation and race, droughts and watered down dairy products that dont seem to spoil or go rotten which are not really problems but just questions of expectations, we should at least try to have a normal economy like real capitalist countries such as France, Massachusetts, Russia and Japan.  Then, you can buy whatever litigious products you want and be happy.  Be American; and if the other countries like Massachusetts and Russia are laughing at America, it is not The incumbents fault only. The debt to China grew by 1000% under the last two presidents. But what is the point of the incumbent if he cannot solve it in the first 365 days or at least set the country in the right direction. Sze Sze.  Vietnam once received loans from Russia and China and were a de facto Communist satellite nation because of it. America is that de facto satellite Communist  nation today.  Now, how can the incumbent solve it if we the people let party politics cob web all of his moments of reflection as a business man, ruthless business man who knows when someone is mucking up the country,  with discussions in the media about collusion  designed by the Democrats to make him tread water?  Gosh; gee are  falling  down dude!!  Let's get some pops and some Fried chicken with a few chilli dogs! On the way back, I wantsbto stop and try this new thing called sushi; raw fish really and my granddad used to eat it before he came South from the Yukon to live in Rhode Island. If was a secret.  Anyway, we are citizens of a global fast food restaurant and the managers  want us to have enough cash to participate in the Papa John's World whereby the only people really waging the Jihad against man and God is Mrs. America!   

    The Russian and the Chinese would want you to put in $70,000.00 per year for each North American as that guarantee every truly capitalist country provides to each citizen in the reality of on going automation and so you are not as.....painful to tolerate when the Europeans run into you at the Airport with their cool job uniforms because they have a universal minimum income support in addition to their salary.  

    You have been having a fantasy, living in a dream world,  a make believe;   Poofs!!!!!

