This just in; Academic discussion and practical legal application by law enforcement identifies those countries who have not yet established a universal unconditional minimum income support as UN Violators engaging in killing and destroying their population in what is genocide. Some poisonous gasses take weeks to wipe out the population. Some government implemented socioeconomic policies take weeks to kill also. Once the programs are implemented, the Citizens who refuse to sign up for the universal unconditional minimum income support in the UK or else where are construed as threatening the general society with intent to kill,steal or destroy. They may be individuals who survived the shock of austerity. As such automatic registration of these citizens is taking place in the same methodology as Taiwan; for public health and safety purposes. NHS was automatic. The UK income support is now being provided automatically once again and the infiltration of public services by foreign minded individuals is being reviewed and assessed for the overall wasteful and deleterious impact on the UK civil service. In other Commonwealth countries, people notice a similar waste of UK finance and administration. People have tried to sign up but while it can be done online, people have interrupted the process. It can be done by telephone but the process is interrupted. If a postal security code is required to reset the online process, it is stolen. Those people involved in stealing the postal notice in Commonwealth countries such as Canada have been arrested. But, A woman or man walks into a hardware store or Department Store. They are a customer who had attended without incident except on this particular matter where they exited the store with out paying for three items. The numbers of these incidents have gone up in the COVID 45 shock and genocide; as if to "will" people to covet the truth of it. But, theft requires proof of two elements being the actus reus and the mens rea and this says you cannot accidentally commit a theft. You must Intend to commit the theft as in permanently deprive the owner of that property. There is no intention in these covid induced shopper situations when it was an honest accident rather evidently with no similar fact evidence. Do you understand? Thank you. Now how would you like to plead; guilty or not guilty? The Olivera Twist girl is innocent but oddly they mocked the establishment in not signing up for their UK universal unconditional minimum income support but will plead not guilty if he is not apprehended in a fail to appear on the scheduled Court appearance. With an early resolution discussion, the Crown concluded they could not prove wilful deliberate intent. See R. V. King or R v. Legere. See Velumyl 1989 - Oliver Twist.

This just in; Academic discussion and practical legal application by law enforcement identifies those countries who have not yet established a universal unconditional minimum income support as UN Violators engaging in killing and destroying their population in what is genocide. Some poisonous gasses take weeks to wipe out the population. Some government implemented socioeconomic policies take weeks to kill also.   Once the programs are implemented, the Citizens who refuse to sign up for the universal unconditional minimum income support in the UK or else where are construed as threatening the general society with intent to kill,steal or destroy. They may be individuals who survived the shock of austerity.   As such automatic registration of these citizens is taking place in the same methodology as Taiwan; for public health and safety purposes.  NHS was automatic. The UK income support is now being provided automatically once again and the infiltration of public services by foreign minded individuals is being reviewed and assessed for the overall wasteful and deleterious impact on the UK civil service.  In other Commonwealth countries, people notice a similar waste of UK finance and administration.  People have tried to sign up but while it can be done online, people have interrupted the process. It can be done by telephone but the process is interrupted.  If a postal security code is required to reset the online process, it is stolen.  Those people involved in stealing the postal notice in Commonwealth countries such as Canada have been arrested. 


But, A woman or man walks into a hardware store or Department Store.  They are a customer who had attended  without incident except on this particular matter where they exited the store with out paying for three items.   The numbers of these incidents have gone up in the COVID 45 shock and genocide; as if to "will" people to covet the truth of it.  

But, theft requires proof of two elements being the actus reus and the mens rea and this says you cannot accidentally commit a theft. You must Intend to commit the theft as in permanently deprive the owner of that property.   There is no intention in these covid induced shopper  situations when it was an honest accident rather evidently with no similar fact evidence.  Do you understand?  Thank you.  Now how would you like to plead; guilty or not guilty? The Olivera Twist girl  is innocent but oddly they mocked the establishment in not signing up for their UK universal unconditional minimum income support  but will plead not guilty if he is not apprehended in a fail to appear on the scheduled Court appearance.  With an early resolution discussion, the Crown concluded they could not prove wilful deliberate intent.  See R. V.  King or R v. Legere.  

See Velumyl 1989 -   


 Oliver Twist.  
