Could you run a country for 1000 years in spite of the laws and the people and in spite of the educated maybe in a John Adams call to rise up against all of the establishment to form his own, appointing people to jobs and positions who could be nice people but what is wrong with a trained engineer that he would be appointed at NASA? But, instead they appoint a former subway car guard with grade 6 education. This takes place to the point of being dependent on immigration for positive population growth while your economy is in a perpetual recession and the nation is in dependence on other country's to keep it operational!??! Click here.

Could you run a country for 1000 years in spite of the laws and the people and in spite of the educated  maybe in a John Adams call to rise up against all of the establishment to form his own, appointing people to jobs and positions who could be nice people but what is wrong with a trained engineer that he would be appointed at NASA?

 But, instead they appoint a former subway car guard with grade 6 education. This takes place to the point of being dependent on immigration  for positive population growth while your economy is in a perpetual recession and the nation is in dependence on other country's to keep it operational??   
But, really everyone is guilty and that includes the Republicans who had a combined 20 years to solve it from 1980-2020.    But, Democrats are  solving it for everyone to benefit now with a national universal minimum income support programme of some kind.  The Vermont programme is the goal.  Every armed services member lives in a universal minimum income support state and every police officer regardless of where they are stationed in America.   But,  It is the rule of law for North America now.  All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  How long does it take to say 0 percent sales tax? How long does it take to say 30 percent sales tax and $60,000.00 universal minimum income support for every citizen? What is the difference Between the fart of a Vermontonian and the fart of a New Yorker? The answer  is the fart in Vermont comes from the ass of a person who is funded with a universal minimum income support of $60,000. The New Yorker in Rochester or the Bronx does not have this funding.   Click here. 

I love white people.  We have done all we can to help as loving citizens, helping to avoid an  impeachment without evidence of the charges alleged. But, there is evidence of other allegations.  Maybe if the politicians wore T shirts and Jeans except for formal events, it would not take so long. They could see the purile putrid nature of the emotion emanating from North American political phenomenon with the end result over time being the diminution of North America itself, it's markets, it's population, it's industries  and economy.      The American people need money though.  Give it to everyone at about $60,000.00 per year, universal unconditional like Vermont and they can use it to run businesses if they want and imagine it is like a salary.  He wants to know he does not have to do anything in particular to gain reelection while we 
Know the Democrats are entirely responsible for the current resurrection of a National Universal unconditional minimum income support.  Maybe he is the best one for the job. Maybe the Democrats have already shown their unique understanding of the problem with more than 16 years of Democrat's presidential authority building a deficit with the Clinton Reilich two step and underfunding the country with insufficient and low sales tax  with no minimum income support to secure and cover the population but really everyone is guilty and that includes the Republicans who had a combined 20 years to solve it from 1980-2020.    But, Democrats are  solving it for everyone to benefit now with a national universal minimum income support programme of some kind.  The Vermont programme is the goal.  Every armed services member lives in a universal minimum income support state and every police officer regardless of where they are stationed in America.   But,  It is the rule of law for North America now.  All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  How long does it take to say 0 percent sales tax? How long does it take to say 30 percent sales tax and $60,000.00 universal minimum income support for every citizen? What is the difference Between the fart of a Vermontonian and the fart of a New Yorker? The answer  is the fart in Vermont comes from the ass of a person who is funded with a universal minimum income support of $60,000. The New Yorker in Rochester or the Bronx does not have this funding.   
 There is no French King asking for the right to be accepted unconditionally as he kills his people. Even if there was, America or Canada is Not The forum.  These are democracies.  You need a kingdom for that..   How DeWitt we insure it does not happen again?       If you at least advocate some policies like a universal minimum income support advocated by your associates and compatriots in your generation like Roberto Reach,  then it might help.   More importantly, the game you are in is chess and it looks like Rooks to Knights 4.  So, you have to try to do something and it was your move but it should not have been your move.  Why would you get phone calls to solve a national finance problem that you may see people are earning millions every year to solve and when it remains unsolved, it constitutes genocide as it creates, in light of automation, a problem affecting the livelihood kf the majority of citizens.  They aren't earning as the machines can do the work.  This says there is also no national  revenue from pay packets. They aren't earning and working. The robotically made goods pile up also.So, the company is not earning.  This is the causality.   
As they don't spend because they have no money to spend, you don't earn sales tax.    This is the causality.  Est tu Stupide?  Tu doix comprend le causalite'.  

We have to take the issue of hot and cold running water, universal health care and universal unconditional minimum income support out of the uncertainty of personality politics with the shifting sands of various IQ levels and various agendas. In other words, we need to take it out of the hands of John Adams secret covert nation within the nation or John Adams world within the world   and ensure these various socioeconomic status socio-legal expectations are enshrined as citizens' rights i just as they appear in the current national  law instead of this debt inducing debate and hesitation that brings international shame and national embarrassment as the most glory seeking it poorly managed territory in the world; so sad.  But if you were a thief, would it be easier to evade detection if there was only five fish in the bucket or twelve billion? The reason why we are disappointed is because you seem to want a trophy for the John Adams  thief of the millennium and my job was to reconcile a few million here and there for a corn and mango  co op.     Maybe you are Culpepper or Anthony Johnson and your dna has been a Senator or President more than once,   so what does it really matter?  Set your face towards Jerusalem. What say you?    You are not the real thief.  But, the real thieves need a president for an alibi but the real thieves wrote a movie or two so its not soo unusual so mysterious as to what they could do but it does say indictable.  There will always be big thieves but it helps if you had a country where you could have respect and not really understand anything and be a Presidential scapegoat.   You dont know when you are the servant and you dont know when you are the king.  Maybe the king is a servant of the logic involved in his success and heraldic honors.  That might mean preserving his territory as a viable economy wherever there is this opportunity. But, as a politician you are not a king. In fact, you could be impeached on several occasions; more than once.  However, solving problems like a hole in the dam or a hole in the economy is for the king maybe to delegate a Cretan to fix.   You dont know who is giving you the acceptance you seek so you keep seeking it but if you would just do something to achieve whatever it is you did really want and if it is to be in this game before you retire to a guaranteed salary for life, you would see the problem and see the solution from the white guys; the black guys too and the Europeans with the biggest boobs on the cutest chicks for your comfort afterwards..fresh milk and the biggest booby lady says put in the minimum income support!!  SUPPORT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN THIS ELECTION. WE NEED TO HELP THEM; NOT A CRAZY RACIALLY DISMORPHIC GUY LYING ABOUT DEGREES WHO SAYS SUBTLY HE IS BLACK EVERY SO OFTEN AND THAT HE IS ANXIOUS FOR ACCEPTANCE.  Click here.  

You dont know when you are the servant and you dont know when you are the king.  Maybe the king is a servant of the logic involved in his success and heraldic honors.  That might mean preserving his territory as a viable economy wherever there is this opportunity. But, as a politician you are not a king. In fact, you could be impeached on several occasions; more than once.  However, solving problems like a hole in the dam or a hole in the economy is for the king maybe to delegate a Cretan to fix.   You dont know who is giving you the acceptance you seek so you keep seeking it but if you would just do something to achieve whatever it is you did really want and if it is to be in this game before you retire to a guaranteed salary for life, you would see the problem and see the solution from the white guys; the black guys too and the Europeans with the biggest boobs on the cutest chicks for your comfort afterwards..fresh milk and the biigest booby lady says put in the minimum income support!!  SUPPORT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IN THIS ELECTION. WE NEED TO HELP THEM; NOT A CRAZY RACIALLY DISMORPHIC GUY LYING ABOUT DEGREES WHO SAYS SUBTLY HE IS BLACK EVERY SO OFTEN AND THAT HE IS ANXIOUS FOR ACCEPTANCE. BUT, THAT WOULD BE TWO PEOPLE FITTING THAT DESCRIPTION. THOSE ARE BIG. THEY ARE REAL. BUT, WHAT WOULD A MAN WITH A SOUL WHO MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE A DEGREE REALLY DO IF HE COULD HELP THE COUNTRY BE JUST AS ON TOP AS RUSSIA OR CHINA OR NORWAY AND HE HAS ONE CHANCE, ONE CHANCE TO DO IT? THERE IS ALWAYS A RIGHT A ANSWER TO CERTAIN QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS VS. THE VAIN HESITATION OF A RACIALLY DISMORPHIC AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGY WITH WHICH WE ARE NOW CONCLUDED, CONFIRMING AMERICA IS RUN BY PEOPLE WHOSE STRUGGLE WITH COMMON SENSE MUST BE SEPARATED FROM THE STRUGGLE THEY HAVE WITH OUR MUTUAL SHARED HUMANITY IN EGYPT AND EUROPE; A GENOCIDAL MURDERER NONETHELESS BY PROXY. OH SHIT, THE people ARE DEAD. Bring more West Indians. Bring more Asians.  They have forty years maybe  and then they will be dead; not enough money in the society of its a non-minimum income support territory.  We are praying for the American people; and you...the two you since we don't know what will happen and what the American people will do on voting day.     FINANCE IS LIKE A GUN. IT IS JUST TO KNOW WHEN TO PULL THE TRIGGER; TO KILL OR SAVE. SOCIAL POLICY IS LIKE A GUN. IT IS JUST TO KNOW WHEN TO PULL THE TRIGGER TO PULL OR SAVE. DRUGS KILL. BAD SOCIAL POLICY KILLS. OH SHIT, YOU KILLED THE AMERICANS. YOU SAY, "NO. THE SOCIAL POLICY WITH A LACK OF MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT AND A "LIGHT IN THE TIMBERLANDS" LOW SALES TAX KILLED THE AMERICANS. I ONLY PULLED THE TRIGGER BY SUGGESTING IT AND CONTROLLING THE WAY THEY THINK." I KNOW THE LEGAL ANSWER AND THE FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE ANSWER. IT INVOLVES A REASONABLE SALES TAX AND A REASONABLE UNIVERSAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT. DO YOU KNOW ANY FOREIGN LOOKING, FOREIGN SOUNDING PEOPLE WHO CAN'T PAINT BY THE COLOURS LIKE THE TEACHER LADY WANTED AND JUST DO TWO LITTLE THINGS AS IN CHOOSE THE COLOUR DIRECTED AND MATCH THE COLOUR? DID HE HELP HIS OWN HOME STATE? BUT, HE WANTS US TO ENSURE HE IS WELL TREATED UNDER THE LAW BUT WON'T SEE WHAT HE IS ASKED TO DO AND HIS PEOPLE IN PARTICULAR STAND TO GAIN. YOU WOULD HAVE 1/2 FULL BUILDINGS INSTEAD OF QUARTER FULL BUILDINGS. THIS SAYS YOUR REVENUE GOES UP BY 100% OR BY DOUBLE KR BY 1/4 OF THE WHOLE BUILDING. THIS IS WORTH A F-'-'KING BIG 40% SALES TAX AND A PALTRY UNIVERSAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT OF NO LESS THAN $40,000.00 PER YEAR...CANNED FOOD BUT NOT GENOCIDE...A HA HA HA HA !!!! DON'T WORRY MON..AWOH. HOW YOU DOIN SAH? IS WE RUN TINGS. 

 Me go bade now.  
