The Theory of the Presidency by the Samuel Marley John Adolf Adams: I don't have any reproductive capability and the country must feel like me,. John Adolf Adams. The President must feel celebrated even if he is a farmer's twit; He should not be too intelligent or intellectual so he feels like he was just favored like he inherited; He must have some expectations that people must serve him but he must not want to serve them or really love the citizen and must bury this lack of willingness to serve very deep. If he's like me, it will be natural; He may not know what he is really doing and may be carried away by eronneous prevailing opinions. We will hear his opinions on such matters as sales tax and give him room to play with it so that he might have some sense of authority although the system that gives us a safe place to sit and enjoy our authority away from those ostentatious Europeans must be preserved. Sales tax cannot be less than 20% and it can be as high as 30% and for his sense of authority, he can play with the numbers somewhere within this range. With these simple pillars, we can have a safe free market and a stable one when the money helps to pay for Judges, Courts and police to enforce contracts or help recover stolen apples that were intended for sale in the market; the market that is free. If he's like me, He will be a bit of a beast and must be controlled for the stability of the union as we celebrate our nation. As we set up our own currency just as Inset my own brewery or stole it really from a Dutchman who tried to push his cuckoo clocks down my ass, we need to sell the beer and the sausages I stole for a profit and keep the people happy and pay the loan. Our currency is based on a loan we owe to the French and a few Jewish business men like Haim Solomon. We need to collect sales tax in particular to pay down that loan. Sales tax is the only means of revenue, the only beer, the only sausage the government sells in addition to some trees once in a while. A disbursement or basic income is also necessary although We would like to pretend we are the evil European King who starved his people and was beheaded. They told me this fairytale (tale is Cunt in French) while I was waiting to meet the king about a loan for America. His society is quiet and the people have enough or their daily bread and rent. The rumor is,. His people imitated the policies of Rome and Egypt where they can so l too have an unbreakable, stable line of Kings and a stable system of government. A little bread for the people and a little money keeps the community stable and growing. They can pay their rents and buy their fashions. 2 Chroncicles 31 is an example. With these simple pillars, we can have a safe free market and a stable one when the money helps to pay for Judges, Courts and police to enforce contracts or help recover stolen apples that were intended for sale in the market; the market that is free I don't really want to to give this Indian mongrel brood the money who is about to be dislodged from the their aboriginal legitimacy and titled land ownership by being called black and white... and I am a pirate really. I was called black in Jamaica once I spoke English for the first time in preparation for coming to America. My cousin Marilyn was just like me but more white skin and Afro until Christopher told her to cook with nickel coins to soften the hair and to use olive oil like him. She was called black too in preparation for America but became white after she drank and ate the nickel food to be white. Eventually, the story book will say Geronimo is half Pakistani and Half Mongol and that the white is blonde as soon as we can get the color printer but, they are really Afro Aborigine or Mongol or Afro Mongol or any other variation you can imagine with all the various people from all over the world coming to see the family testimony by now. I was really raised by Spanish maroons but, I was good with my lessons and always chose coconut water or river water over the whiskey when King Ananci would come to teach. He was apparently Christopher Columbus but he was too young but they all looked the same and feel like anger personified but none of them were really Christopher but the natives had to have eaten him but they became just like him; awoh. Maybe it is Christopher. I think it happened in the year 500 AD when some European King was beheaded for starving the people but it was not this king Louis the 16th making us this loan and building the glory of Versailles as he hoped we would be his students of civilization. But, maybe he hoped we would follow France in the year 1787 or France in 1947 or 1985 or France in 1990 or France in 2012 or France in 1976 or 2021 or 2023. If we don't follow, we are just dead. Sometimes I would like to see how fast he, the king, would run away if ten wild American frontiersman stood with their rifles pointed at him so that they will help me, help me be him, so I will be him so, I John Adams will be him and he should be humble like me. You see, I am very confused and indecisive but we should probably follow the French King and his socioeconomics. It survived for more than 1000 years right to the current day as dating back to Charlemagne so long ago. I will steal from the Dutch in the new world and give the cash to these new Irish and English and the Amerindians who I also use and they will give me anyone I ask for. Then I will use the Dutch Irish and Anglo Amerindian Creoles with the Amerindians to kill all the real Europeans so that I will see my Creole authority as John Adams. It is evident because a Swedish or Norwegian 12 year old could make the American country work profitably in the year 1790, 1900 or 2020 without all these problems and insufficient tax revenue and insufficient minimum income support. But if I, John Adams, give them all the cash, then they will not be willing to kill anyone I ask for the price of one dollar. Let the people come for me as I will make my own kingdom from the cash I will steal from the government the US citizens' disbursements paid for by the French and I will be him; the king. I will tell the American people that the King of France starves his people to impeach him. Not even the jewels of France on the French Queen were as beautiful as these pine cones. Those Europeans should be humble; like me. They should not interrupt my authority because I need to see my version of authority and starve the people when I say so. This is what Columbus did in a Jamaica and drugged them up. Jamaica collapsed as an under funded colony and it was given to the English. Slowly but surely, we killed all the English and became the English since how can the English have authority over my fsther; John Christopher Columbus Adams. The wife of the President should not be female or a male like me so that the President's family, like my family, will have the authority over all the laws and the constitution or we will imagine it But they cannot really upset the separation of powers because how can the President have authority over me; the overlord? They are only my children. But, they can't really undo the laws and the constitution or what is the point? But they will imagine it, feeling like a King and Queen. I am sending one of my best cooks north as a testimony to ensure the preservation of our authority. Her name is Harriet Tubman since I may need a way of escape for me and my kind. They will use the smoked Memento wood to cook the food in the open pit just as we did in the hills of Jamaica, just as I taught these Half Black Irish Half Black Hawk peoples in Setauket to get my smoked flavour, not the bland Anglo way. She will help many who will follow her, many Dutch and many Irish who might forget she is really their father in a generation or two as she was born a boy and they will want to ensure her testimony that I have written will be heard, that some day her own white grandson will make her move too from her farm.....just like my Latino people were moved from Jamaica by the English and had to hide in the hills from these violent Anglo East end Latino Eastham thieves. I am also bringing one one up from the south named Robert E. Lee who will be me and keep the south down; humble with his more Blackbeard dna since how could you say you own it? When it comes to Harriet's farm and the farms of the black and white Setauket people who followed; some real Blackhawks, yet the polemic between the more pirate grand children and these Setauketarionwanda farmers North of Lake Tario will ensue when these pirates with my dna will burn up the land registry records and the courts since Christopher Columbus is my father and taking the farms and the Bostonian town homes is how we practice taking islands and countries. It's in our blood; our blood. There used to be a dna in the pasta sauce, the Quaker Oats,the municipal water and bandaids to cure us and some antibiotic for Leviticus to kill the Covet(Covid) in us. This is how I preserved my testimony in the bush and the ice and the cold North of the Great water lakes north of Tonanwanda. When you know the truth of me the truth will set you free. Then, your economy will work and you will not die. The Surgeon General and the National Health Minister maintains the nationwide consistency of the free Medicaid, "universal health care" and the universal unconditional minimum income support The white who I will undereducate, the white aboriginal, will be undereducated and the first to be recruited for the wars since we never saw what happened to Harriet's sons who went south for the civil war and never came back. Where were they buried? Two world wars will ensue in this polemic until a universal humanity is respected or a total death will come again and the land registries will be restored with our children, the few that are left, defending our way of life at home and abroad. The majority of the population will be the New people, carrying Tubman dna and my dna from all complexions and cultures will come to confirm the power of my proclivity and temperament who will certainly be part Tubman and part me as she was the father and I was the mother and my wife was a hermaphrodite and they will enjoy our authority forevermore with safety and security of property and person for all peoples; all peoples now that my testimony will be guaranteed and heard with the assistance of my people as we provoke wars as we do two things in two directions long enough like the Anglo pirates who kept provoking us to remember our pirate ways when we were trying to settle down had have family under Christopher's authority and they seemed to have been him and he was them so it became evident Christopher's authority was to bury the Spanish cash sent to fund Jamaica in a cave at Annotto Bay and it was sad that we didn't really have anything and some of us were moved to Cuba and some of us were moved to America to ensure the testimony of how we were moved. All of Harriet's people went back south to help the Union army during the civil war and then the pirate named Moses Marley John Adams Orontoman knocked on her door and said he had a contract on it and if she knew how she owns it. She opened the door and said, "my son!" She went west and let him settle in. She came back with other sons and cousins named Isgood from St.Catherines and said to Torontoaman, "..You may know these big people and now you see my authority but if you are humble, I will give you these documents from the last pirate bespectacled speculator who knocked on my door named Howard Johnson and maybe you can help me run a few taverns or you can take the name McDonald and we can run these taverns all over the world some day." Torontaman said he would come back. He never did since how could she have any authority over him? She was not white since the story book says "white" is the authority. Snow White, he said, is white although she is really black like him with Afro pressed hair but pale skin and what are the laws that these people follow that they would not just give him what he wanted?? He went back to the Bahamas and started a hotel called the MerryYacht and became very wealthy, very wealthy indeed. What really happened is that he killed the unsuspecting Scotsman who owned it and drank his blood to look like him and then he stood at the front door and signed up every second booking guest and took the money as his own because how can a Scotch have authority over him? Then he killed all the Scotch Irish employees and eventually took the whole building, the whole hotel chain, studying the hotel business every day and until he felt legitimate, like the legitimate registered owner although he kept stealing even ackee or else people would be on to him. Ackee became whole high school grades and then university grades because I don't really want to have to buy any property if I can just make people move or bury them under ground and I will live above ground. Anyway, because of my theft of the disbursements also known as the basic income as it was called by a Spanish city administrator in the 15th century, America will be unstable and dramatic. You will never know if there will be another day or another year for America unlike Europe that always feels stable and certain, timeless like immortal Rome. This is what I want...what I want so that I will see my authority, be the only one and secure my position and that of my kingdom where I will have a safe place to sit since they will never let me have any seat in Europe. But, I will always try to buy a throne with the disbursements we are supposed to give the people. My children who are supposed to be governors will send state cash to any European culture they adopt, hoping to buy us safety and maybe a Dukedom so that we will be accepted as I always seem to need to be accepted. Because of me and my inconsistency, they will fear federalism but a federal law guaranteeing the safety of property and bank accounts is necessary and a law guaranteeing national revenue in the sales tax at no less then 20/% is also necessary since I need a safe place to have my authority. A law guaranteeing each state passes a universal unconditional minimum income support at no less than the average yesrly income support provision in Vermont over the last year is also necessary. The states can set certain aspects of involving provision but it must be universal and available regardless of the amount of assets or wealth you own. Yet, the state governor is obligated to ensure such Federal policies are maintained under enforcement of the Federal government; like the post office and the bank accounts and now also the Federal criminal laws. We could not have any governor cancel the Federal income support policies either. I called it the Caresam Act. Caresam stands for Can A Real Enterprise Succeed Around Me? Who can save you from the wretch that I am except a community of Godly minded creatures? I am not really English but I saw people shot to eat the mush. I am a Spaniard really but after the English, I don't really remember the language and nor do my Jamaican people. Do you know Star fruit? Do you know Mango? Do you know acorns? Do you know Chestnuts? The answer is universality in the provision of all the laws or death because I am not really white but I need to be accepted and when the Chinese come or the Japanese as the authority, I am turning Japanesea. The best I can do is buy a Mazda and a Samurai sword for now. I am also drinking soy sauce to look more Asian. He must never remember that children are watching him starve the American people no matter how much the citizens have helped him to fend off the attacks and impeaching blows of his political enemies who are also my relatives although the families and the children will certainly remember as the last warning bell sounds. He must want to step on the people and steal from them because this is what I did. He must also be my progeny or the progeny of Blackbeard; my brother; awoh!!!!!!! Wheel and turn!!!!!! By Samuel Marley John Adolf Adams; written in 1786.

  The Theory of the Presidency by the Samuel  Marley John Adolf Adams:

I don't have any reproductive capability and the country must feel like me,. John Adolf Adams.   

The President must feel celebrated even if he is a farmer's twit;

He should not be too intelligent or intellectual so he feels like he was just favored like he inherited;

He must have some expectations that people must serve him but he must not want to serve them or really love the citizen and must bury this lack of willingness to serve very deep.  If he's like me, it will be natural;

He may not know what he is really doing and may be carried away by eronneous prevailing opinions. We will hear his opinions on such matters as sales tax and give him room to play with it so that he might have some sense of authority although the system that gives us a safe place to sit and enjoy our authority away from those ostentatious Europeans must be preserved. Sales tax cannot be less than 20% and it can be as high as 30% and for his sense of authority, he can play with the numbers somewhere within this range.  With these simple pillars, we can have a safe free market and a stable one when the money helps to pay for Judges, Courts and police to enforce contracts or help recover stolen apples that were intended for sale in the market; the market that is free.   If he's like me, He will be a bit of a beast and must be controlled for the stability of the union as we celebrate our nation. As we set up our own currency just as Inset my own brewery or stole it really from a Dutchman who tried to push his cuckoo clocks down my ass, we need to sell the beer and the sausages I stole for a profit and keep the people happy and pay the loan.  Our currency is  based on a loan we owe to the French and a few Jewish business men like Haim Solomon.  We need to collect sales tax in particular to pay down that loan.  Sales tax is the only means of revenue, the only beer, the only sausage the government sells in addition to some trees once in a while.  A disbursement or basic income  is also necessary although We would like to pretend we are the evil European King who starved his people and was beheaded. They told me this fairytale (tale is Cunt in French) while I was waiting to meet the king about a loan for America.  His society is quiet and the people have enough or their daily bread and rent. The rumor is,. His people imitated the policies of Rome and Egypt where they can so l too have an unbreakable, stable line of Kings and a stable system of government. A little bread for the people and a little money keeps the community stable and growing. They can pay their rents and buy their fashions.             2 Chroncicles 31 is an example.    With these simple pillars, we can have a safe free market and a stable one when the money helps to pay for Judges, Courts and police to enforce contracts or help recover stolen apples that were intended for sale in the market; the market that is free     I don't really want to to give this Indian mongrel brood the money  who is about to be dislodged from the their aboriginal legitimacy and titled land ownership by being called black and white... and I am a pirate really.  I was called black in Jamaica once I spoke English for the first time in preparation for coming to America. My cousin Marilyn was just like me but more white skin and Afro until Christopher told her to cook with nickel coins to soften the hair and to use olive oil like him. She was called black too in preparation for America but became white after she drank and ate the nickel food to be white. Eventually, the story book will say Geronimo is half Pakistani and Half Mongol and that the white is blonde as soon as we can get the color printer but, they are really Afro Aborigine or Mongol or Afro Mongol or any other variation you can imagine with all the various people from all over the world coming to see the family testimony by now.   I was really raised by Spanish maroons but, I was good with my lessons  and always chose coconut water or river water over the whiskey when King Ananci would come to teach.  He was apparently Christopher Columbus but he was too young but they all looked the same and feel like anger personified but none of them were really Christopher but the natives had to have eaten him but they became just like him; awoh. Maybe it is Christopher.     I think it happened in the year 500 AD when some European King was beheaded for starving the people but it was not this king Louis the 16th  making us this loan and building the glory of Versailles as he hoped we would be his students of civilization. But, maybe he hoped we would follow France in the year 1787 or France in 1947 or 1985 or France in 1990 or France in 2012 or France in 1976 or 2021 or 2023. If we don't follow, we are just dead.   Sometimes I would like to see how fast he, the king, would run away if ten wild American frontiersman stood  with their  rifles pointed at him so  that they will help me, help me  be him, so I will be him so, I John Adams will be him and he should be humble like me. You see, I am very confused and indecisive but we should probably follow the French King and his socioeconomics. It survived for more than 1000 years right to the current day as dating back to Charlemagne so long ago.   I will steal from the Dutch in the new world and give the cash to these new Irish and English and the Amerindians who I also use and they will give me anyone I ask for.  Then I will use the Dutch Irish and Anglo Amerindian Creoles with the Amerindians to kill all the real Europeans so that I will see my Creole authority as John Adams. It is evident because a Swedish or Norwegian 12 year old could make the American country work profitably in the year 1790, 1900 or 2020 without all these problems and insufficient tax revenue and insufficient minimum income support. But if I, John Adams, give them all the cash, then they will not be willing to kill anyone I ask for the price of one dollar.   Let the people come for me as I will make my own kingdom from the cash I will steal from the government the US citizens' disbursements  paid for by the French and  I will be him; the king.   I will tell the American people that the King of France starves his people to impeach him.    Not even the jewels of France on the French Queen were as beautiful as these pine cones.  Those Europeans should be humble; like me. They should not interrupt my authority because I need to see my version of authority and starve the people when I say so. This is what Columbus did in a Jamaica and drugged them up. Jamaica collapsed as an under funded colony and it was given to the English. Slowly but surely, we killed all the English and became the English since how can the English have authority over my fsther; John Christopher Columbus Adams.     The wife of the President should not be female or a male like me so that the President's family, like my family,  will have the authority over all the laws and the constitution or we will imagine it But they cannot really upset the separation of powers because how can the President have authority over me; the overlord? They are only my children. But, they can't really undo the laws and the constitution or what is the point?  But they will imagine it, feeling like a King and Queen. 


I am sending one of my best cooks north as a testimony to ensure the preservation of our authority. Her name is Harriet Tubman since I may need a way of escape for me and my kind. They will use the smoked Memento wood to cook the food in the open pit just as we did in the hills of Jamaica, just as I taught these Half Black Irish Half Black Hawk peoples in Setauket to get my smoked flavour, not the bland Anglo way.   She will help many who will follow her, many Dutch and many Irish who might forget she is really their father in a generation or two as she was born a boy and they will want to ensure her testimony that I have written will be heard, that some day her own white grandson will make her move too from her farm.....just like my Latino people were moved from Jamaica by the English and had to hide in the hills from these violent Anglo East end Latino Eastham thieves.        I am also bringing one one up from the south named Robert E. Lee who will be me and keep the south down; humble with his more Blackbeard  dna since how could you say you own it?   When it comes to Harriet's farm and the farms of the black and white Setauket people who followed; some real Blackhawks, yet the polemic between the more pirate grand children and these Setauketarionwanda farmers North of Lake Tario will ensue when these pirates with my dna will burn up the land registry records and the courts since Christopher Columbus is my father and taking the farms and the Bostonian town homes is how we practice taking islands and countries. It's in our blood; our blood.  There used to be a dna in the pasta sauce, the Quaker Oats,the municipal water and bandaids to cure us and some antibiotic for Leviticus to kill the Covet(Covid) in us. This is how I preserved my testimony in the bush and the ice and the cold North of the Great water lakes north of Tonanwanda. When you know the truth of me the truth will set you free. Then, your economy will work and you will not die. The Surgeon General and the National Health Minister maintains the nationwide consistency of the free Medicaid, "universal health care" and the universal unconditional minimum income support The white who I will undereducate, the white aboriginal, will be undereducated and the first to be recruited for the wars since we never saw what happened to Harriet's sons who went south for the civil war and never came back. Where were they buried?   Two world wars will ensue in this polemic until a universal humanity is respected or a total death will come again and the land registries will be restored with our children, the few that are left, defending our way of life at home and abroad. The majority of the population will be the New people, carrying Tubman dna and my dna from all complexions and cultures will come to confirm the power of my proclivity and temperament who will certainly be part Tubman and part me as she was the father and I was the mother and my wife was a hermaphrodite and they will enjoy our authority forevermore with safety and security of property and person for all peoples; all peoples now that my testimony will be guaranteed and heard with the assistance of my people as we provoke wars as we do two things in two directions long enough like the Anglo pirates who kept provoking us to remember our pirate ways when we were trying to settle down had have family under Christopher's authority and they seemed to have been him and he was them so it became evident Christopher's authority was to bury the Spanish cash sent to fund Jamaica in a cave at Annotto Bay and it was sad that we didn't really have anything and some of us were moved to Cuba and some of us were moved to America to ensure the testimony of how we were moved. All of Harriet's people went back south to help the Union army during the civil war and then the pirate named Moses Marley John Adams Orontoman knocked on her door and said he had a contract on it and if she knew how she owns it. She opened the door and said, "my son!" She went west and let him settle in. She came back with other sons and cousins named Isgood from St.Catherines and said to Torontoaman, "..You may know these big people and now you see my authority but if you are humble, I will give you these documents from the last pirate bespectacled speculator who knocked on my door named Howard Johnson and maybe you can help me run a few taverns or you can take the name McDonald and we can run these taverns all over the world some day." Torontaman said he would come back. He never did since how could she have any authority over him? She was not white since the story book says "white" is the authority. Snow White, he said, is white although she is really black like him with Afro pressed hair but pale skin and what are the laws that these people follow that they would not just give him what he wanted?? He went back to the Bahamas and started a hotel called the MerryYacht and became very wealthy, very wealthy indeed. What really happened is that he killed the unsuspecting Scotsman who owned it and drank his blood to look like him and then he stood at the front door and signed up every second booking guest and took the money as his own because how can a Scotch have authority over him? Then he killed all the Scotch Irish employees and eventually took the whole building, the whole hotel chain, studying the hotel business every day and until he felt legitimate, like the legitimate registered owner although he kept stealing even ackee or else people would be on to him. Ackee became whole high school grades and then university grades because I don't really want to have to buy any property if I can just make people move or bury them under ground and I will live above ground.  

Anyway, because of my theft  of the disbursements also known as the basic income as it was called by a Spanish city administrator in the 15th century, America will be unstable and dramatic.  You will never know if there will be another day or another year for America unlike Europe that always feels stable and certain, timeless like immortal Rome. This is what I want...what I want so that I will see my authority, be the only one and secure my position and that of my kingdom where I will have a safe place to sit since they will never let me have any seat in Europe.   But, I will always try to buy a throne with the disbursements we are supposed to give the people. My children who are supposed to be governors will send state cash to any European culture they adopt, hoping to buy us safety and maybe a Dukedom so that we will be accepted as I always seem to need to be accepted.     

Because of me and my inconsistency, they will fear federalism but a federal law guaranteeing the safety of property and bank accounts  is necessary and a law guaranteeing national revenue in the sales tax at no less then 20/% is also necessary since I need a safe place to have my authority.  A law guaranteeing each state passes a universal unconditional minimum income support at no less than the average yesrly income support provision in Vermont over the last year is also necessary.  The states can set certain aspects of involving provision but it must be universal and available regardless of the amount of assets or wealth you own. Yet, the state governor is obligated to ensure such Federal policies are maintained under enforcement of the Federal government; like the post office and the bank accounts and now also the Federal criminal laws.    We could not have any governor cancel the Federal income support policies either. I called it the Caresam Act. Caresam stands for Can A Real Enterprise  Succeed Around Me? Who can save you from the wretch that I am except a community of Godly minded creatures?     

I am not really English but I saw people shot to eat the mush.  I am a Spaniard really but after the English, I don't really remember the language and nor do my Jamaican people. Do you know Star fruit? Do you know Mango? Do you know acorns? Do you know Chestnuts?    The answer is universality in the provision of all the laws or death because I am not really white but I need to be accepted and when the Chinese come or the Japanese as the authority, I am turning Japanesea. The best I can do is buy a Mazda and a Samurai sword for now.  I am also drinking soy sauce to look more Asian.   

He must never remember that children are watching him starve the American people  no matter how much the citizens have helped him to fend off the attacks and impeaching blows  of his political enemies who are also my relatives  although the families and the children will certainly remember as the last warning bell sounds. 

He must want to step on the people and steal from them because this is what I did.

He must also be my progeny or the progeny of Blackbeard; my brother; awoh!!!!!!! Wheel and turn!!!!!!  

By Samuel  Marley John Adolf Adams; written in 1786.
