The US Postal Service has evidence of postal Mail-In Vote Delivery failure above 10% on more than one calendar day. This is critical evidence to address the validity of the ekection. There is no President -Elect according to election laws. Covid was not about abrogating the constitution but making sure people are safe. National: Vote Forward v. DeJoy, No. 1:20-cv-02405 (D.D.C.). Click here.

The US Postal Service has evidence of postal Mail-In Vote Delivery failure above 10% on more than one calendar day.   This is critical evidence to address the validity of the ekection.  There is no President -Elect according to election laws. Covid was not about abrogating the constitution but making sure people are safe.    National: Vote Forward v. DeJoy, No. 1:20-cv-02405 (D.D.C.). Click here.  

National: Vote Forward v. DeJoy, No. 1:20-cv-02405 (D.D.C.)

Mail (postal service practices)
Complaint 8/28/20, PI granted 9/28/20, order 9/30/30


In view of 46 joint proposed order, it is hereby ORDERED that United States Postal Service 

(USPS) facilities in the following Districts, whose Election Mail processing scores for completed 

ballots returned by voters (Inbound Ballots) were below 90 percent for at least two days from 

October 26 to 28, shall implement the "Delivery" measures outlined in USPS's "Extraordinary 

Measures Memorandum" dated October 20, 2020 unless the implementation of any of the 

extraordinary measures, at a district or facility level, would create a significant risk of reducing 

the timely delivery of Inbound Ballots: Alabama, Alaska, Appalachian, Atlanta, Central 

Pennsylvania, Colorado/Wyoming, Detroit, Ft. Worth, Greater Indiana, Greater Michigan, 

Greater S. Carolina, Greensboro, Gulf Atlantic, Kentuckiana, Lakeland, Louisiana, Mid-

Carolinas, Mississippi, Northern New England, Oklahoma, Rio Grande, and Triboro. Defendants 

shall promptly communicate this requirement to the relevant managerial and supervisory 

personnel within these Districts. It is FURTHER ORDERED that Defendants shall provide 

Plaintiffs available data from the nationwide survey of "extraordinary measures" being 

undertaken for Election Mail at USPS facilities, as it becomes available during the day on 

October 30, 2020. It is FURTHER ORDERED that beginning October 30, 2020 and until further 

order of the Court, by 3:00 PM each day, Defendants shall file with the Court a document 

explaining, for each USPS District whose Election Mail processing scores for Inbound Ballots 

were below 90 percent on each of the previous two days or below 80 percent on the previous 

day, Defendants' understanding, based on all reasonably available information, of potential 

explanations for the current level of service and any corrective measures that are now being 

implemented. It is FURTHER ORDERED that on October 30, 2020, Defendants shall make a 

USPS representative with expertise in postal operations available to speak with Plaintiffs and at 

the Conference before the Court to discuss and answer questions about the Postal Service's 

current plans and processes as they relate to the processing of Election Mail. It is FURTHER 

ORDERED that beginning October 30, 2020, and until further order of the Court, Defendants 

shall file with the Court data by 10:00 AM each day (except for October 30, 2020, in which case 

it shall be filed at the earliest reasonably available time and, in any event, no later than 3:00 PM) 

data on the absolute number of Inbound Ballots and Outbound Ballots captured in the Election 

Mail processing scores data produced pursuant to this Court's October 27, 2020 Minute Order. It 

is FURTHER ORDERED that beginning October 30, 2020, and until further order of the Court, 

Defendants shall provide to Plaintiffs by 11:00 AM each day native versions of the excel files of 

service performance data produced pursuant to this Court's October 27, 2020 Minute Order. It is 

FURTHER ORDERED that at the conference before the Court at 5:00 PM on October 30, 2020, 

Defendants shall make a USPS representative with expertise in the data processing scores for 

Election Mail that USPS is producing, including expertise with respect to the data and issues 

identified in paragraphs 3 through 5 above, available to answer questions from the parties and the 

Court about the data. This representative shall also be available to describe and answer questions 

related to: (a) the methodology used to calculate processing scores for "Inbound Ballots," 

"Outbound Ballots," and "Outbound Non-Ballot Election Mail," as those terms are used in 

Defendants' submission; and (b) a detailed and specific explanation of those reasons, if any, why 

Defendants contend those processing scores are unreliable. Signed by Judge Emmet G. Sullivan 

on 10/30/2020. (lcegs3) (Entered: 10/30/2020)
