It is time to move to Vermont. There is no President-Elect. Wouldn't it be a criminal offence to say someone is the President-Elect before the votes are counted entirely? How can you call an election that was interrupted with stolen ballots currently under investigation and with many ballots still uncounted. What keeps you out of jail? The FBI is actually investigating the destruction of ballots. This This is a discussion about Article 2 of the Constitution. You should be concerned about this. There is no President-Elect at the moment. There is no election winner but there is a spoiled election. It's a terrorist offence to steal mail. There is wide spread evidence of election interference that involved theft of mail and the mail-in ballots. It an offence to say any candidate is President-Elect and prejudices the will and intention of the American People that has yet to be determined. There is a President however who must use the full weight of Article 2 to defend the Laws and the Constitution whether or not you prefer the challenger's coppertone tan. Article 2 is absolutely necessary in a caretaker government emergency powers government to restore order. He started the move toward emergency powers after Grant's tomb was desecrated to restore order. Are you personally invested in the result? You have your hours of meditation. Could a collective sense of grievance against the government that conceals a well dressed and well fed dyslexia amongst the representatives of the people be the problem? But, you need a government to assage the grievance and give you something; anything....maybe just some money every two weeks or every month. Many state governments do. The universal unconditional minimum income support is the requisite solution to any sense of grievance for the most part but it is not for grievance. It is for profit to ensure there are enough people circulating in the economy for profit who can also participate as buyers for profit in moving sufficient units of vehicles, washing machines, clothing, household goods and food for profit or else the stores will shut down, the town's and cities will shut down and the people will disappear. There won't even be enough people who could resent for their job Pensions. My motive is not entirely human rights. It is profit Mr. Bond but how will I make a profit if I don't have a market, if I don't have people buying and selling to ensure that there is profit? So, I give them a few thousand dollar every two weeks. The sales tax is 30% and we earn 100's of millions per day as a government in the sales tax activity. A million people buying $9.00 pizzas every day earns millions of dollars. I only give them $2000.00 every two weeks like I am feeding chickens. They generate sales tax in all the food and drink and fuel they purchase. This is why I want you to live Mr.Bond. Holland understands this and they may come to help resettle America. They can maybe just help by zoom phone call, maybe buy all the banks and also run the new Federal Mincom( minimum income support) department to ensure every citizen who is not currently receiving a minimum income support will receive an emergency Federal income support maybe direct from the Dutch government. They are legally entitled to it and you do not need written consent for this money to be paid. You have legislation already passed confirming the right to receive it and the government obligation to pay by EBT right into the bank account. The Dutch from Holland were there in the beginning. Many people, in the wake of the minimum income support vacuum, have become pensions fodder as the undead who are only alive electronically and who can make phone calls, order pizzas and request mail- in ballots but you don't see them as they are officially dead and their pensions are still being collected by new world pirates who resent the concept of the pension. The pensions should be paid to next of kin. The pension is really a fraction of the workers salary collected from paychecks over the years. It is not money from Father. These pirates may also resent the minimum income support. Yet, a scientist can grow a peach tree in a petri dish. Look at a fuzzy peach. Just bite into it. It was designed, designed to be bitten and enjoyed lovingly. Cut it open. Take the seed and reproduce another peach. But, maybe you wanted to understand the star of David with an upside down triangle and a right side up triangle. The symbol suggests coexistence. It could suggest " contradiction" and the on going coexistence of order and disorder but maybe it could be seen in the seed of Saul being intermingled with David or with that Dutch footballer Hendrik Johannes Cruijff who is no longer with us or Solomon. We coexist with Saul's temperament, a temperament that does not hear God nor does it take advice from Israel everyday. You may see a diametrically unpredictable set of temperaments raging in that one individual in your school or at your job, threatening to blow up the whole world in an ongoing tension and tear down their own family or your family because you believed something like the American dream. The gospel is preached incessantly in America for example because of it but because of a United desire to have a discussion with the Authority that you call responsible for your existence or your desire for acceptance, you starve yourselves and your economy to see if they will arrive to have a conversation where they will make a recommendation and you will decide to agree and then you and your people can have more interaction and more conversations and if you don't agree, your resistance ends the conversation with that authority. His suggestion and recommendations are to extend the pathways of civilization. Minimum Income Support/Basic Income Money is such a pathway. Family is a pathway and so is piped in water. It is as if you are trying to block the pathways of civilization as suggested by the Authority symbolised as Ramesses, Rome, Akhenaten or Europe to get their attention. Do not tell them what you believe about economics. It is only you starving your economy like a damn fool. After automation and the joblessness occasioned by it, how do you maintain activity in the economy with sufficient sales and profit? Do you intend to see sales or do you intend to see people just take what they want and steal everything? This is about your intentions. The Authority intends to see sales. You intend something else; disaster or you innocently just don't understand and see that it is very simple with chaos being accidental cave man destination and so you want to know how you can be guilty for genocide if you and your colleagues really don't understand anything. But, you are the elected speakers for the people. You decided. You are not prepared to do what has to be done and a well dressed, fast talking cave man thief killing people for pensions to finance his next campaign as he is disqualified from this one actually burns the constitution every morning before he leaves the front door. His imprint of confusion is on everything. He needs a country that can correct him but maybe everybody in that country is hoping to be king some day. Yet being king is not synonymous with murder but it could be synonymous with executing the voice and meter of the constitution and maybe human life is lost in the process. we will never know who won the election now. Those intent in aiding and abetting an election fraud have made it impossible. It seems apparently the presumptive winner stole the ballot box in high school.l to declare himself the winner. You should do as you are told. But, you seem to want to revisit the notion of absolute authority always in a fictitious crisis when all law and order is challenged, necessitating and absolute authority in response. Those destroying and stealing ballots have to lose this Debate about authority. There is a commander in chief clothed in immense power to ensure there will be order. 1 to 2 years of martial law may be necessary until a new election can be held after the economic problems are resolved with a reasonable national sales tax of 30% to pay for our military, the new Space Force, new NASA missions and support our home population with a universal unconditional minimum income support for all citizens in North America. What has happened in this election is significant. The challengers are too far gone maybe on crack with their election projections for the country and several states and their Mein Kamf strategies demonstrating that there is no way back; too far gone and no way back. You wanted to know if a news castor or news service appearing in movies can be arrested. It can. Movie Directors and actors get arrested all the time when they offend the laws and the constitution. You are not an agent of the state, a general or an heir of WB as you suggest everything you do is sanctioned as official. Mein Kampf was written about the abuses and inconsistencies of American politics under FDR. It is a summary of the same with origins of these abuses in the convoluted culture of Louisiana. It became a national phenomenon under FDR. It is a recitation of American culture; not German culture. They have had a universal unconditional minimum income support since the 1500's. Prior to that, the Romans provided a ration and some monies to each Roman citizen. You are entitled to read Mein kampf but you are not entitled to read Mein Kampf to then use news networks to destabilise and influence the nation for unknown illegal agendas. You could be charged for announcing your unsubstantiated, projected election results as you sought to influence the result that is now under investigation. You notice that one news network has omitted the election irregularities in its reporting as evidence if it's bias and agenda. But these are serious irregularities. But, this is not the will of the Catholic Church or the American people to see the civil liberties interrupted. Maybe we could give some angry influential people ten restaurants. But, otherwise notice there is no mention of the electoral college. The election laws have not been changed. What is the legal ramnification of a news network reporting it's own projections concerning a national election? It may not be the official result. How is it that people could extend condolences based on unconfirmed, uncertified projections? There is tortious liability when the fact of the unconfirmed result is not made clear and the truth that the report is only one private unofficial network's projection is left in the rather small print. It is a breach of the election regulations and no winner has been announced. It is a threat to the office of the presidency when people are being told that they, as an elected official, will be forcibly removed from the presidency following a baseless projection. The incumbent remains in office due to this mass, organised election fraud. Millions of dollars have been spent based on a projection. People have egg on their faces. The incumbent has won by default as the ballots were destroyed by the challenger's supporters who claimed to be off duty fire fighters from outside of the country, possibly from Puerto Rico or South Africa. This happened once in Louisiana. There is jail time involved. Election rules concerning the reporting of results have been breached. Ballots have been destroyed. Our democratic rights have been raped by a black man in a white dress pants suit. It was the shim's idea and defrauding the American community and the children watching is not how you ask the world to compensate you for being a shim(he/she). I believe you can go to school, graduate and become a real lawyer. Show us your law degree graduation photo. Give us the names of two lecturers. Show us the building where you attended school. If you are legally a woman, provide it. I could happily vote for a transsexual who intends to help the American people. It would be helpful if we know who and what you are. You are handsome creature to some but a fiction. The real problem is that we can't stand people who say they are not really black and you hurt black people all day as a way of proving it, doing some kind of social acceptance, lighter skin, no afro hair complexion boot dance or Harlem shuffle. We see the game. But, as we watch the shuffle, nobody is supposed to cooperate with each other in some strange fear of the power of cooperation to resolve national problems. You are a spectacle claiming the end of the constitution or something with your personal feel and power being the agenda and your victimhood with a lack of education seems to say the world owes you something and this abuse of our liberties is the offsetting balance in the scale, your lack of education at the behest of your enablers making you innocent. Declaring yourself a law graduate and the electoral winner is not enough. Does your boss know what you have done? We have already enjoyed the excitement of a national black politician who is helping us now to understand what solutions there may be to our on going job automation that can actually keep the economy growing although jobs are evaporating due to robotics and continued automation. These are solutions he was appraised of in his tenure when there was also a black secretary of state and some other really important people but nonetheless and unfortunately, he did not implement these economy -saving policies during his time in office. Maybe he was stymied by people who asked why we have to do it the way the Europeans and the Asians say we have to do it. Now, the white man and black politician are equal in that they can both take credit for the North American genocide in that bad water policy can kill people in addition to bad socioeconomics. That is bad meaning bad and not bad meaning good. There are Americans in Minnesota, Chicago and Massachusetts who have delineated the minimum income support solution dating back to 1944 in clear cogent American policy guide lines. People with strange names like LBJ or Bull Con artist or Storm Thermos may have resisted like fools who would also have resisted crude oil in favor whale oil since they take change as a threat like pig headed fools; pig headed baffoons really. But, cutting salaries into three as proposed by that former government does not mean companies are obligated to hire more people that they do not need when the machines have been employed, utilised to do the work. They did not hire more people and it seems your population as well as your consumer market has evaporated. The failure is not the commitment to the SUPPLY of goods with efficient robotic production. The failure is the lack of matching commitment to fueling consistent DEMAND in the economy. A national sales tax of at least 30% in keeping with most major industrial countries gets the country out of foreign debt dependency. The idea is that we may always be I debt officially but every American is to have enough to meet and satisfy his yearly needs. Rolling out the Massachusetts SSP program as a Federal programme might help. The previous government did not comply. What or who is a Strong Thermos or Strong Thurman or Bull Con anyway that the country has to suffer without these policies to content them? The current government is working on the national SSP/ universal unconditional minimum income support and have worked to move us in the right direction. A universal unconditional minimum income support establishing Federal coverage for citizens in states where there is no minimum income support is also necessary but the previous government did not comply although Robort Reeich wrote about it voluminously as a Democrat and produced several videos on this requisite solution that appears in the UN ILO Recommendation R202 dated 2012, being the first year of the second term of the last government. Many retailers have disappeared since then along with many citizens who have emigrated to other countries like Russia, France and Germany while we were celebrating the excitement of a black person in office. Also many people died due to police brutality on national TV and that was kind of weird when the national Politician was black as if we were watching black people paying with their lives for his presence. But, white aboriginal s and black aboriginals deserve more than this abuse socioeconomic abuse, being called lazy Americans for what has transpired in the aftermath of wide spread automation. Automation is not intended to close your economy and slow down your market but it does call for adjustments in socioeconomics. I don't remember the name of that politician though. He has all the answers in hindsight while K Mart, Sears and Lord and Taylor are closed or closing for good. But, in spite of all the answers we espouse after we left office, we are just starting to see the answers manifest and his input at this late stage as former politician is thankfully acknowledged. We can all make "white people" mistakes that nearly kill us all. There is Powell and Herman Caine also and an African guy with a name that stands for peace. Keep hope alive. Change has come to America. But, we haven't really quantified what the change is. We still don't have a reasonable, logical economy. A crime has been committed with the ballots stolen and destroyed by those assisted by those aiding and abetting the fraud who cannot say what is the basis of their projection and what gives them the legal right to declare anything as broadcast across the whole world as if the joint venture in committing an offence should be enough to defraud the American people. Why would say what is the basis of the projection when it's just a projection and the ballots have been destroyed? Who are you? Are you asking me to pretend with you as a JW? I'm a JW. Kamamba Harness is not more important than the constitution. It feels like you are trying to do a UFC joint lock to suffocate the oxygen in the Constitution. I need to know how I owe you all my civil liberties. Tolerating you and your kind as a school teacher who works as a ticket Agent. FDR stole the tram car coin box and the ballot box to achieve his will to Power. You need to acknowledge the election result is not a result of any kind due to evident destruction of ballots to assist an impatient self declared fractious tortious fictitious result, not a because you just want to win for once. I know a woman can be elected fairly and I need you to commit to that. There is evidence of a massive fraud here. But, if you are so angry about being a woman or appearing as a woman by force we can talk about it and your gendered existence. But, resenting the constitution will not solve it. How can I be safe out there if you tombstoned the election and the result to say democracy is dead? Mr. Savina Damaracan Poplacon, June 2020.

 It is time to move to Vermont.  There is no President-Elect.  Wouldn't it be a criminal offence to say someone  is the President-Elect before the votes are counted entirely? How can you call an election that was interrupted with stolen ballots  currently under investigation and with many ballots still uncounted.   What keeps you out of jail? The FBI is actually investigating the destruction of ballots.  This This is a discussion about Article 2 of the Constitution.  You should be concerned about this.  There is no President-Elect at the moment.  There is no election winner but there is a spoiled election. It's a terrorist offence to steal mail. There is wide spread evidence of election interference that involved theft of mail and the mail-in ballots.    It an offence to say any candidate is President-Elect and prejudices the will and intention of the American People that has yet to be determined.   There is a President however who must use the full weight of Article 2 to defend the Laws and the Constitution whether or not you prefer the challenger's coppertone tan. Article 2 is absolutely necessary in a caretaker government emergency powers  government to restore order.  He started  the move toward emergency powers after Grant's tomb was desecrated to restore order.      Are you personally invested in the result?  You have your hours of meditation.  Could a collective sense of grievance against the government that conceals a well dressed and well  fed dyslexia amongst the representatives of the people be the problem?  But, you need a government to assage the grievance and give you something; anything....maybe just some money every two weeks or every month.   Many state governments do.     The universal unconditional minimum income support is the requisite solution to any sense of grievance for the most part but it is not for grievance. It is for profit to ensure there are enough people circulating in the economy for profit who can also participate as buyers for profit  in moving sufficient units of vehicles, washing machines, clothing, household goods and food  for profit or else the stores will shut down, the town's and cities will shut down and the people will disappear. There won't even be enough people who could resent for their job Pensions. My motive is not entirely human rights. It is profit Mr. Bond but how will I make a profit if I don't have a market, if I don't have people  buying and selling to ensure that  there is profit?  So, I give them a few thousand dollar every two weeks.  The sales tax is 30% and we earn 100's of millions per  day as a government in the sales tax activity.  A million people buying $9.00 pizzas every day earns  millions of dollars.  I only give them $2000.00 every two weeks like I am feeding chickens.  They generate sales tax in all the food and drink and fuel they purchase.   This is why I want you to live Mr.Bond.  Holland understands this and they may come to help resettle America. They can maybe just help by zoom phone call, maybe buy all the banks and also run the new Federal  Mincom( minimum income support)  department to ensure every citizen  who is not currently receiving a minimum income support will receive an emergency Federal income support maybe direct from the Dutch government.  They are legally entitled to it and you do not need written consent for this money to be paid. You have legislation already passed confirming the right to receive it and the government obligation to pay by EBT right into the bank account.    The Dutch from Holland were there in the beginning.  

Many people, in the wake of the minimum income support vacuum, have become pensions fodder as the undead who are only alive electronically and who can make phone calls, order pizzas and request mail- in ballots but you don't see them as they are officially dead and their pensions are still being collected by new world pirates who resent the concept of the pension. The pensions should be paid to next of kin. The pension is really a fraction of the workers salary collected from paychecks over the years.   It is not money from Father.   These pirates may also resent the minimum income support.     Yet, a scientist can grow a peach tree in a petri dish. Look at a fuzzy peach. Just bite into it. It was designed, designed to be bitten and enjoyed lovingly. Cut it open.  Take the seed and reproduce another peach.   But, maybe you wanted to understand the star of David with an upside down triangle and a right side up triangle.  The symbol suggests coexistence.   It could suggest " contradiction" and the on going coexistence of order and disorder but maybe it could be seen in the seed of Saul being intermingled with David or with  that Dutch footballer  Hendrik Johannes Cruijff   who is no longer with us  or Solomon. We coexist with Saul's temperament, a temperament that does not hear God nor does it take advice from Israel everyday.  You may see a  diametrically unpredictable set of temperaments raging in that one individual in your school or at your job, threatening to blow up the whole world in an ongoing tension  and tear down their own family or your family because you believed something like the American dream.    The gospel is preached incessantly in America for example because of it but because of a United desire to have a discussion with the Authority that you call responsible for your existence or your desire for acceptance, you starve yourselves  and your economy to see if they will arrive to have a conversation where they will make a recommendation and you will decide to agree and then you and your people can have more interaction and more conversations and if you don't agree, your resistance ends the conversation with that authority. His suggestion and recommendations are to extend the pathways of civilization. Minimum Income Support/Basic Income Money is such a pathway. Family is a pathway and so is piped in water.   It is as if you are trying to block the pathways of civilization as suggested by the Authority symbolised as Ramesses, Rome, Akhenaten or Europe to get their attention.   Do not tell them what you believe about economics. It is only you starving your economy like a damn fool.   After automation and the joblessness occasioned by it, how do you maintain activity in the economy with sufficient sales and profit? Do you intend to see sales or do you intend to see people just take what they want and steal everything? This is about your intentions.  The Authority intends to see sales. You intend something else; disaster or you innocently just don't understand and see that it is very simple with chaos being  accidental cave man destination and so you want to know how you can be guilty for genocide if you and your colleagues really don't understand anything.  But, you are the elected speakers for the people.  You decided.  You are not prepared to do what has to be done and a well dressed, fast talking cave man thief killing people for pensions to finance his next  campaign as he is disqualified from this one actually burns the constitution every morning before he leaves the front door. His imprint of confusion is on everything.  He needs a country that can correct him but maybe everybody in that country is hoping to be king some day. Yet being king is not synonymous with murder but it could be synonymous with executing the voice and meter of the constitution and maybe human life is lost in the process.    we will never know who won the election now.  Those intent in aiding and abetting an election fraud have made it impossible.  It seems apparently the presumptive winner stole the ballot box in high school.l to declare himself the winner.     You should do as you are told. But, you seem to want to revisit the notion of absolute authority always in a fictitious crisis when all law and order is challenged, necessitating and absolute authority in response.  Those destroying and stealing  ballots have to lose this Debate about authority.  There is a commander in chief clothed in immense power to ensure there will be order. 1 to 2  years of martial law may be necessary until a new election can be held after the economic problems are resolved with a reasonable national sales tax of 30% to pay for our military, the new Space Force, new NASA missions and  support our home population with a universal unconditional minimum income support for all citizens in North America.  What has happened in this election is significant. The challengers are too far gone maybe on crack with their election projections for the country and  several states and their Mein Kamf strategies demonstrating that there is no way back; too far gone and no way back. You wanted to know if a news castor or news service  appearing in movies can be arrested.  It can. Movie Directors and actors get arrested all the time when they offend the laws and the constitution. You are not an agent of the state, a general  or an heir of WB as you suggest everything  you do is sanctioned as official.      

     Mein Kampf was written about the abuses and inconsistencies of American politics under FDR. It is a summary of the same with origins of these abuses in the convoluted culture of Louisiana. It became a national phenomenon under FDR. It is a recitation of American culture; not German culture.  They have had a universal unconditional minimum income support since the 1500's.  Prior to that, the Romans provided a ration and some monies to each Roman citizen. You are entitled to read Mein kampf but you are not entitled to read Mein Kampf to then  use news networks to destabilise and influence the nation for unknown illegal agendas.  You could be charged for announcing  your unsubstantiated, projected election results as you sought to influence the result that is now under investigation.    You notice that one news network has omitted the election irregularities in its reporting as evidence if it's bias and agenda.  But these are serious irregularities.  But, this is not the will of the Catholic Church or the American people to see the civil liberties interrupted.     Maybe we could give some angry influential people ten restaurants.  But, otherwise notice there is no mention of the electoral college.  The election laws have not been changed.  What is the legal ramnification of a news network reporting it's own projections concerning a national election? It may not be the official result. How is it that people could extend condolences based on unconfirmed, uncertified projections? There is tortious liability when the fact of the unconfirmed result is not made clear and the truth that the report is only one private unofficial network's projection is left in the rather small print.  It is a breach of the election regulations and no winner has been announced.  It is a threat to the office of the presidency when people are being told that they, as an elected official, will be forcibly removed from the presidency following a baseless projection.  The incumbent remains in office due to this mass, organised election fraud.  Millions of dollars have been spent based on a projection. People have egg on their faces.  The incumbent has won by default as the ballots were destroyed by the challenger's supporters who claimed to be off duty fire fighters from outside of the country, possibly from Puerto Rico or South Africa. This happened once in Louisiana.  There is jail time involved.  Election rules concerning the reporting of results have been breached.  Ballots have been destroyed. Our democratic rights have been raped by a black man in a white dress pants suit. It was the shim's idea and defrauding the American community and the children watching is not how you ask the world to compensate you for being a shim(he/she).   I believe you can go to school, graduate and become a real lawyer.  Show us your law degree graduation photo. Give us the names of two lecturers. Show us the building where you attended school.  If you are legally a woman, provide it. I could happily vote for a transsexual who intends to help the American people. It would be helpful if we know who and what you are.  You are handsome creature to some  but a fiction.   The real problem is that we can't stand people who say they are not really black and you hurt black people all day as a way of proving it, doing some kind of social acceptance,  lighter skin, no afro hair complexion boot dance or Harlem shuffle.  We see the game. But, as we watch the shuffle, nobody is supposed to cooperate with each other in some strange fear of the power of cooperation to resolve national problems. You are a spectacle claiming the end of the constitution or something with your personal feel and power being the agenda and your victimhood with a lack of education seems to say the world owes you something and this abuse of our liberties is the offsetting balance in the scale, your lack of education at the behest of your enablers making you innocent.          Declaring yourself a law graduate and the electoral winner is not enough. Does your boss know what you have done?  We have already enjoyed  the excitement of a national black politician who is helping us now to understand what solutions there may be  to our on going  job automation that  can actually keep the economy growing although jobs are evaporating due to robotics and continued automation.  These are solutions he was appraised of in his tenure when there was also a black secretary of state and some other really important people  but nonetheless and unfortunately, he did not implement these economy -saving policies during his time in office. Maybe he was stymied by people who asked why we have to do it the way the Europeans and the Asians say we have to do it. Now, the white man and black politician are equal in that they can both take credit for the North American genocide in that bad water policy can kill people in addition to bad socioeconomics. That is bad meaning bad and not bad meaning good.   There are Americans in Minnesota, Chicago and Massachusetts who have delineated the minimum income support solution dating back to 1944 in clear cogent American policy guide lines. People with strange names like LBJ or Bull Con artist or Storm Thermos may have resisted like fools who would  also have resisted crude oil in favor whale oil since they take change as a threat like pig headed fools; pig headed baffoons really.  But, cutting salaries into three as proposed by that former government does not mean companies are obligated to hire more people that  they do not need when the machines have been employed, utilised to do the work. They did not hire more people and it seems your population as well as your consumer market has evaporated. The failure is not the commitment to the  SUPPLY  of goods with  efficient robotic production. The failure is the lack of matching commitment to fueling  consistent DEMAND  in the economy. A national sales tax of at least 30% in keeping with most major industrial countries gets  the country out of foreign debt dependency.   The idea is that we may always be I  debt officially but every American is to have enough to meet and satisfy his yearly needs.  Rolling out the Massachusetts SSP program  as a Federal programme might help.  The previous government did not comply.  What or who  is a  Strong Thermos or  Strong Thurman or Bull Con anyway that the country has to suffer without these policies to content them?    The current government is working on the national SSP/ universal unconditional minimum income support and have worked to move us in the right direction.      A universal unconditional minimum income support establishing Federal coverage for citizens in states where there is no minimum income support is also necessary but the previous government did not comply although Robort Reeich wrote about it  voluminously as a Democrat and produced several videos on this requisite solution that appears in the UN ILO Recommendation R202 dated 2012, being the first year of the second term of the last government. Many retailers have disappeared since then along with many citizens who have emigrated to other countries like Russia, France and Germany while we were celebrating the excitement of a black person in office. Also many people died due to police brutality on national TV and that was kind of weird when the national Politician was black as if we were watching black people  paying with their lives for his presence.  But, white aboriginal s and black aboriginals deserve more than this abuse socioeconomic abuse, being called lazy Americans for what has transpired in the aftermath of wide spread automation.  Automation is not intended to close your economy and slow down your market but it does call for adjustments in socioeconomics.   I don't remember the name of that politician though.  He has all the answers in hindsight while K Mart, Sears and Lord and Taylor are closed or closing for good. But, in spite of all the answers we espouse after we left office, we are just starting to see the answers manifest and his input at this late stage as former politician is thankfully acknowledged. We can all make "white people" mistakes that nearly kill us all.    There is Powell and Herman Caine also and an African guy with a name that stands for peace. Keep hope alive. Change has come to America. But, we haven't really quantified what the change is.  We still don't have a reasonable, logical economy.  A crime has been committed with the ballots stolen and destroyed by those assisted by those aiding and abetting the fraud  who cannot say what is the basis of their projection and what gives them the legal right to declare anything as broadcast across the whole world as if the joint venture in committing an offence should be enough to defraud the American people.  Why would say what is the basis of the projection when it's just a projection and the ballots have been destroyed?     Who are you? Are you asking me to pretend with you as a JW? I'm a JW.  Kamamba Harness  is not more important than the constitution.   It feels like you are trying to do a UFC joint lock to suffocate the oxygen in the Constitution.  I need to know how I owe you all my civil liberties. Tolerating you and your kind as a school teacher who works  as a ticket Agent.  FDR stole the tram car coin box and the ballot box to achieve  his will to Power.  You need to acknowledge the election result is not a result of any kind due to evident destruction of ballots to assist an impatient self declared fractious tortious fictitious result, not a because you just want to win for once.    I know a woman  can be elected fairly and I  need you to commit to that.  There is evidence of a massive fraud here.      But, if you are so angry about being a woman or appearing as a woman  by force we can talk about it and your gendered  existence.   But, resenting the constitution will not solve it.   How can I be safe out there if you tombstoned the election and the result to say democracy is dead?   

Mr.  Savina Damaracan Poplacon, June 2020.  

