If Joe Biting and Friendo Harassenu can pretend to be on the way to the White House, that Thump is soo bad that the constitution does not matter and the excitement of an election is partially about mocking the Constitution for Democrats, then Thump can also pretend that you are not convicted for threatening. But, you are. He will pretend to be staying for another eight years but it will probably be another six years until you get it out of your minds that being an uneducated person with certain proclivities gives you the right to threaten an elected official and say it's your Louisiana political culture. It may be your culture but it's not an alibi. You are weird and he is taking you to Court for loss of reputation Canada for every mean, ghetto girl thing you said about him during your imaginary campaign adventure that was really aiding and abetting a felon named Joe Biting in a criminal enterprise. How could you be a prosecutor using my London degree copy with your name pasted on top of it? Your earnings are now all proceeds of crime along with the assets of every one of your cabinet appointments. They have all your emails, tweets and cash offerings to politicians and journalists as if the US Criminal Codes involving elections and campaigns had no bearing on your actions. You seem to think they are no longer in force. She is motivated by trophies such as inheritance that is indicative of another culture but fails to respect the process or her own opportunity to be a testator. Her favorite movie character is Lex Luthor in Superman Returns. She cannot wait to see what Granny decides. Instead, she tries to hasten the phenomenon of inheritance; more like a dog resenting the owner eating his dinner and imagining how they might have the owner's dinner and not just scraps if they, just as a dog,could hasten the owner's death. These people are from North America, not from Yemen, as domestic terrorists that interrupted the 2020 Election with a brash cavalier expectation involving offers of time and energy in the Democrat's Wayfair culture that says if you offered, you should get what you requested even if it is the defeat of the law and the constitution. I offered that we should all receive a universal unconditional minimum income support pursuant to the law and the Constitution. I shouldn't have to do it. The offer was my pet frog and the remains of every unburied soldier who never fought and died in WW1, WW2, Viet Nam and Afghanistan from any country. It looks like the offer was accepted as it is consistent with the constitution. Joe Bile is trying to make victims of all of us; one more time. He says he does not accept the minimum income support solution for the entire country but may have benefited from it when he was young. Delaware has had a universal unconditional minimum income support since 1930. Missouri and Illinois was not soo fortunate.



 If Joe  Biting and Friendo  can pretend to be on the way to the White House, that Thump is soo bad that the constitution does not matter and the excitement of an election is partially about mocking the Constitution for Democrats, then Thump can also pretend that you are not convicted for threatening. But, you are. He will pretend to be staying for another eight years but it will probably be another six  years until you get it out of your minds that being an uneducated person with certain proclivities gives you the right to threaten an elected official and say it's your Louisiana political culture. It may be your culture but it's not an alibi.     You are weird and he is taking you to Court for loss of reputation Canada for every mean, ghetto girl  thing you said about him during your imaginary campaign adventure that was really aiding and abetting a felon named Joe Biting in a criminal enterprise.  How could you be a prosecutor using my London degree copy with your name pasted on top of it? Your earnings are now all proceeds of crime along with the assets  of every one of your cabinet appointments.   They have all your emails, tweets and cash offerings to politicians  and journalists as if the US Criminal Codes involving elections and campaigns had no bearing on your actions.   You seem to think they are no longer in force.   She is motivated by trophies such as inheritance that is indicative of another culture but fails to respect the process or her own opportunity to be a testator. Her favorite movie character is Lex Luthor in Superman Returns.  She cannot wait to see what Granny decides.   Instead, she  tries to hasten the phenomenon of inheritance; more like a dog resenting the owner eating his dinner and imagining how they might have the owner's dinner and not just scraps if they, just as a dog,could hasten the owner's death.   These people are from North America, not from Yemen, as domestic terrorists that interrupted the 2020 Election with a brash cavalier expectation involving offers of time and energy in the Democrat's Wayfair culture that says if you offered, you should get what you requested even if it is the defeat of the law and the constitution. I offered that we should all receive a universal unconditional minimum income support pursuant to the law and the Constitution. I shouldn't have to do it.  The offer was my pet frog and the remains of every unburied soldier who never fought and died in WW1, WW2, Viet Nam and Afghanistan from any country.   It looks like the offer was accepted as it is consistent with the constitution. Joe Bile is trying to make victims of all of us; one more time. He says he does not accept the minimum income support solution for the entire country but may have benefited from it when he was young.  Delaware has had a universal unconditional minimum income support since 1930.  Missouri and Illinois was not soo fortunate. 

     This is  almost the last article on the U.S. election of 2020.   I have no more time for this Mickey mouse bull crap.    Friendo  is really Ledland's  and has a thing with siblings who have no idea how many people used Ledland's seed.   I'm not related to him; thank God.  I don't know her. I never heard of her.   She seems to have tried to cash void cheques from Canada but in Tonawanda at banks.  She would ask for $700.00 which is what was on the cheque after making lots of noise. She would say, "f$+$+ you. Give me my money." She would show her tongue also.  She may have done this in Tordowantsto also and so I don't think she is wrong to have been rescued so we thank God for her life. We can support her if this is what Donald wants. Donald knows he won. Donald is the Authority the country follows; not  This is what he said in his office. How many does he have to say it? So get to work. Come on people. Get the stands ready for the inauguration.  The Thump inaugural speech was written five  weeks ago and a year ago, we did support the woman from Minnesota and Elizabeth to at least help the Democrats and get the minimum income support message across  but Biting hijacked their lead and  it was up to Biting to know the rules and legal Ramifications of a full campaign; like surrendering any special salaries as a former VP so he would not be prohibited from campaigning pursuant to US  Criminal Code 602.   Then, he said he does not believe in any universal unconditional minimum income support while Delaware and Pennsylvania pay out such forms of support; if you are near dead.  The irony is that the movie Sicario 1 and Sicario 2 is an ecapsulation of the experience and emotion of North American desertification as affected by  ineffective social policy; ineffective in that it did not address the widespread, continent wide joblessness as the key causality occasioned by automation.  See the GM vehicles in Sicario 2  driving around the desert.  Now, Joe could send his salary  back now  while he remains indictable for Espionage Act 1917 violations during the Biting Obalmy Chapter 1.   If he can convince the country that he should not remain indictable and of he gives his salary back with a retroactive resignation, then he still has to deal with US code 595 as far as it affects many of his colleagues who are now witnesses against him. He still has to navigate US Code 597.      Thump  said he is defending the Constitution at home and abroad against the interruptions in the 2020 vote. There is a whole platoon of congealed information, full of evidence involving the postal system interruptions; enough in the platoon to defend the President.     He is a good litigator also; the best.  He will be moving into his second term. He is the Commander in Chief. But, if he says support Joe and Friendo, we will do it.  A universal minimum income support is what we need.  The Blackhawks understand this and have understood this for a long time; those Blue Coats.  They are certainly Black Hawks.  They want all to give us the money.  CNEN relies on a government airwave licence that requires them to avoid any criminal activity. Actively campaigning for an indictable individual involved in a criminal enterprise says CNEN has violated it's FCC licence.  See US Code 597.  They have been campaigning actively  against Donald  Thump since December 2016.  They were first to announce Joe Biting as President Elect when the authorities say the ballots were stolen.  If the ballots were stolen, how can you say anyone is President-Elect? You have no votes to count. There is nothing the Electoral College can certify. They cannot certify that which  does not exist. In this situation, whether Joe is officially convicted or not, you have evidence from the FBI and the local police services.  Read the indictment with his name on it. You need to quit holding the key called article 2, put it in Airforce One and fly;  Mucho importante.   Just say you do understand minimum income support.  Implement the program.     

Friendo only has grade six education and plans to give all of America's money to the bush men of Australia. I agree but maybe 1% of the cash is a better idea.      That is not a bad thing  We have already seen this in Biting  Obalmy one.  This is not the apology black people need.   From now on, this is the apology. If there is a black person you don't understand, don't shoot them. Take them to the military to sign up. They will be signed up to cook or something, be a solider or pack napsacks; we don't know but you cannot keep shooting the black Peopoo.    They will deal with the charges or allegations in their own way and maybe he or she can get to jump a cliff to save his life with ten ISAF soldiers running from 300 Taliban; teaching them America is defending its constitution at home and abroad.   You can spit in his face once on the way to the military but you cannot use him to practice your jiu-jitsu any longer to see if the special choke hold will work to make  someone half your size and weight pass out and if it doesn't work, the ambulance team is supposed to cover it with some injection so there is no law suit.  Apparently, the black kid needed to calm down for passing his grade 12 math exam and was offered as an R2D2  by Obalma who is really grade 10 educated but took videos to confirm his attainment like at the front gate at Hardvard. Obalma is paying for his existence with young black lives.     Bob Marley once said if he was a damn fool and not sufficiently educated, he would not be able to read his BMW purchase contract on his own and pay twice for the vehicle and would not be able to read the BMW manual.   America is not racist.They would let a Black VP really born a boy steal an Election while she dresses as a woman. So, that means the constitution works then or is it suffrage that says you just have to take it? But, at least America is not racist and the shim says she will kill all the black  church ladies from the West Indies that ever told her anything about her frock.     But, America  could be socioeconomically dyslexic and divided with insufficient harmonization on criminal law matters and on universal unconditional minimum income support matters.     I wish I was born in BlackHawk Vermont or BlackHawk Massachusetts; the real America with real thick bacon and pancakes at IHOP. So, I amalgamated New York and Otario  with Vermont's social policies to save the Iroquois. Otario's minimum income support policy is being married up with Vermont's.      But, I was born in Iroquois New York where they don't have a universal unconditional minimum income support like Vermont or Massachusetts.  You don't get support unless you are nearly dead.  In Vermont and Massachusetts, it does not matter how much you have.  I think I saw a  wrong turn in front of me as a Cop and I can pull that vehicle over.  I know the President would be proud of me. I am black. He is white and says he can dance to "call me on my cell phone"; a bit racially jittery though and that is rather disconcerting when it's only because Obalmy says he is his son and that he became President by tapping all of Donald's phones for 20 years with David Dinkins and found nothing except a string of Mulatto athletes who played baseball and are retired now and this causes him to be jittery when he does not know how to say Jesus in Spanish good enough and if Don just said he was Latino, the jitteriness would go away.    I think I see a terrorist action involving the election. An Electoral College allegedly for the state of California but sitting in Georgia as televised says they gave all the electoral votes for California, only one state, to  Joe Biteing and then CNEN announced Biteing as President but California is not the entire country.  It should not have been reported.  Don bet his whole life on it with Anderson.  So, they really want the win.   I know I can pull CNEN over and open up a can of Whoop ass on the CNNEN editorial room and the writer; Clinkton.  The President has spoken and so has his Secretary of State. They say there is a Second Thump term.  CNEN says otherwise. Why is there any argument? It seems Thump has decided to ask with his people if there is any government by abandoning his own desk, asking people to falsely report electoral results for Michigan while sitting in Ohio and then hoping there is a secret government that will jump from the shadows and save him; like a father looking for a son hiding in the boiler room of the family owned building.  Ok; great! Isn't that cute?  Here is Batman now.  You said at least once on an official government video that the country suffered a violent interruption of the November 2021 election; that you will stay to defend the laws and the constitution. You are the Commander in Chief. You are not leaving. We will help. Lets help him.  Let's help  Dorito Juan Thump.   I'm not related but we see the law is on his side; got a job to do.     We will help defend anyone who is sworn in during the ceremony in January.   It will be Thump; according to Thump.   Either you use the powers of Article 2 inherent in the office or you don't. Maybe you will let Joe take it illegally  but then he is legally obligated to defend the rights of every North American.  It can't be open season on every Catholic or every High School graduate.     America is essentially plagued with an Aboriginal bewilderment.  What if the 10's of thousands of  natives are airlifted to England, France,  Iceland or Holland or some part of Europe  to partake in their linguistic culture and socioeconomic felicity but maintain a subtle  subconscious vendetta against any North American government that owes them? Yet, America is now a market for European vehicles; a meaningful one.  We look forwwrs to mass universal unconditional minimum income support to address the mass joblessness occasioned by mass robotic automation.    The French and the English are trying to help by encouraging you to implement a minimum income support.  They are not resisting you or fighting  you.  Joe may be more Pawnee Killer and Tump is a bit more of the convert.  But, maybe both fail to see how suggestions about highways, railroads, municipal water systems or  minimum income support money systems.   How could a bunch of  brown Southern European Creoles and some West Africans who brought African coins and money in their moneyed culture and some Egyptians show up at Black Black Troglodyte Cuba or Jamaica  in 1493 and have a compass, telescope and  leather boots , more than him, over him when you are black just like him; BJ Troglodyte Bodrongton?          The white or aboriginal bewilderment now manifests as  A domestic terrorist attack on an election or during an election to possibly cut off all power supplies and destroy all mail delivery vehicles or steal all mail delivery bags is significant.  The election itself may not have been the target when the power alone was shut off. However, the vote was interrupted significantly. The vote tabulation machine could recall the result.  The ballots would have to be counted by hand or possibly if the power went out for too long, maybe they cannot be located, everything in the dark, the dark. How could Donald get to the solution for the economy before Joe?  


Using Article 2 to Remedy The Situation



The executive office has unique powers and it is good that the incumbent has indicated that he has no choice other than to use Article 2 Emergency powers following the interruption of the current election with evident criminal intent involved to declare his the alleged opponent the winner.  The opponent does not seem to want to do anything but have the honor of the office.    He does not seem intent on solving the most crucial aspect of the economy. But, if he ends up in the White House due to a failure to use Article 2, then the failure would be evident.


Electoral College



If the votes were stolen, there is nothing for the Electoral College to consider.  If there was a disqualified candidate and only one vote for the incumbent anywhere in the country, the incumbent wins. Joe has some kind of unspoken anger and unspoken expectations about life in North America and wishes to visit them upon us, normalising them.  I don't think I can understand it; something about property.    Without question, the Joe as the challenger was disqualified for life due to Espionage Act 1917 violations that occured during his last tenure in office and he had everyone of his friends and family urinate on the rug on the the floor of the Oval Office to try to emotively hold on to the emotion of being in the White House forever.  They are replacing the rug and will give it to Joe as a commemoration of his greatest honors in life as a member of some White House administration where he showed qualities of a President except when he stole the Secretary of State's phone, violating his oath and contract to ensure state information is secure. Her diary, appointments, favorite Bible verse, schedule and choice of Tampon or Depends or favorite brand of condom for her boyfriend is a state secret. He might as well have stolen a hard drive and shipped it to Hezbollah.  He may as well have stripped her naked in the same way he stripped the government of her dignity by stealing her phone and just  sent her out the front door after serving her lsd everyday so that she would short circuit and she did.  She said she did.   In spite of all of this being the facts, he still did not just make the ILO Recommendations R202 his personal campaign and mission  for at least four years from 2012 to 2016. Is he Jimmy Swaggart in disguise with a less remorseful, less genuine message on Unconditional, unmerited favor? Maybe the real Joe died and this is Jimmy Swaggart. He should go like Jimmy.  It's a ministry.      The truth is the entire administration should have been dismissed with the Speaker of the House taking on daily management of the government once her phone was stolen and leaked by Joe and they could have used the administration just as window dressing to cover what had to be done to secure the national security and interest, photos of the President Norack Joenah As continuing with him handing out awards and getting burgers  around town with Joe.  The real work could have been done by the Department of Homeland Security because you need some; security for every North American and a universal unconditional minimum income support for every North American would help. They have the ISAF Authority to do it in North America.  You secured the Iraqi and Afghan population with this universal unconditional minimum income support. North America also needs it.  Joe cannot be trusted, unfaithful with the little and should now let Angel Rogaine go instead of intending that it would be a gift for his dog.   He has been unfaithful to his ongoing nuptial with the nation and to the hopes and dreams of the nation. America is not just an idea. It's a nation.  


The Supreme Court of the United States



Approaching the Court is much like approaching a coffee maker.  You need to respect the process if you expect and intend to get the right result.  You bring coffee to the coffee maker in the same way you bring facts to the court and you need to bring the facts in the right form. You cannot use coffee beans in the coffee maker.  You need to bring ground coffee.  You also need to provide the machine some water.  You need to, in the same way, provide the Court some documents just as the coffee maker needs a coffee filter.

If you do not provide facts with your question in a bound and filed document pursuant to procedure, then you will not get the order or judgement from the Court you are seeking.  The current election during Coveedth 19 has produced several lower Court judgements relating to stolen ballots and this evidence is readily available at  https://electionlawblog.org/?p=111962 where there are several judgements where an order was handed down confirming there was ballot theft and postal interruptions to evidence a nation wide domestic terrorist attack.  


The Court can confirm these facts and then the question is to have a solution ready.  The Court is not a police department. They cannot count any votes when there are no votes to count.    The Electoral College cannot confirm a winner when there are no votes or ballots to consider and if there are any, the votes of the disqualified candidate should go to the only candidate left in the contest and that would be  the most honorable President of the United Tastes;  Doolittle John Tump. 



Article 2 of the Constitution


Clause 5: Caring for the faithful execution of the law

The president must "take care that the laws be faithfully executed."[43] This clause in the Constitution imposes a duty on the president to enforce the laws of the United States and is called the Take Care Clause,[44] also known as the Faithful Execution Clause[45] or Faithfully Executed Clause.[46] This clause is meant to ensure that a law is faithfully executed by the president[44] even if he disagrees with the purpose of that law.[47] Addressing the North Carolina ratifying convention, William Maclaine declared that the Faithful Execution Clause was "one of the [Constitution's] best provisions."[45] If the president "takes care to see the laws faithfully executed, it will be more than is done in any government on the continent; for I will venture to say that our government, and those of the other states, are, with respect to the execution of the laws, in many respects mere ciphers."[45] President George Washington interpreted this clause as imposing on him a unique duty to ensure the execution of federal law. Discussing a tax rebellion, Washington observed, "it is my duty to see the Laws executed: to permit them to be trampled upon with impunity would be repugnant to [that duty.]"[45]   

The Above excerpt is from Wikipedia.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Two_of_the_United_States_Constitution#Section_2:_Presidential_powers


 Going to the Court for any ruling is pointless when you have no one around who can prepare the document or who thinks it is worth the time when the best answer is to use the Article 2 powers and confirm to the American people the evident facts of what has happened.  Are you seeking approval and acceptance when you already have the approval? Get on with it.   Article turns the executive into a Police Department with the executive as Chief and military commander.  You wanted to feel huge, big and maybe threaten war with Korea sometime ago and we were riveted but you can't beat the junkyard dog using CNEN as a megaphone.   Use the Article 2 powers as you are obligated to defend the laws and the constitution in any event.   We don't have to ask how other Presidents used the power to answer their detractors along with international or domestic enemies of the state. See the movie  0 Dark Thirty. We can also presume how a properly motivated 37 year old or 80 year old redundant Ford Worker affected by automation would use the power of the Presidency under Article 2 to affect a universal unconditional minimum income support for all citizens in the country so they don't have to move from Missouri or Kentucky to Vermont, Minnesota or Massachusetts for the GIS or SSP.  The incumbent was delayed in implementing this programme due to the Democrat's fruitless energy spent in trying to impeach him. This idea of a Bile Transition is just as gay and fruitless. Gays need money too but Bile and  Friendo   do not seem to digest this deep down with their eyes blinded with this all out no holds barred no rules brawl for power, threatening to take the incumbent out on his way to Mira Vita Lygo a few weeks ago for Thanksgiving and later on for the  December break.    But the incumbent's people, according to Counsel  Bill Bear, want him to throw away this great opportunity to be huge so that he can take them to ballet and football practice.  There is nothing wrong with that and we will help Pince if Tump steps aside.  It could not be Joe, following all of his Criminal Code violations during this election demonstrating a casual disregard for the constitution and he who is faithful with little is faithful with much.  Joe's residivisim  is ironic from someone whose work on a crime bill at the Oklahoma Federal building  under Clinkton was Laudable and then the building blew up. When crimes are committed, the government is the victim. It is a crime against the State.  The challenger, Joe, is further disqualified for breaches of the criminal code during the nomination process and further disqualified following the elecion for politcial appointments and politial employment announced on CNEN when he is not the President-Elect and is no longer a candidate lawfully entitled to discuss an election as a candidate for consideration in any way. He seems to have been notifed by now with significant evidence involving media inducements so that media personalities would keep reporting the fiction of a Joe win. An Article 2 injunction order in the form of an executive order issued by the President and the Office of the POTUS  and the White House would stop the illegal reporting induced by bribes and offers by the Democrats about any presumptive Pres. Elect or any Cabinet appointments.     The alternative would be to seek an order from the Court by bringing an Ex Parte Application for an order.  But, POTUS can issue an Article 2 order.   The reporting of a Joe win and the suggestion of any transition in January or of the White House staffers leaving in January is coercion contrary US code 597 when they are duly employed under a sitting President who has made his intentions clear; that he intends to defend the laws and the Constitution of the United States as the only Executive Commander in Chief elected as the rightful winner to do so for a second term with Pince as his capable Deputy Chief. No one in the world is whiter than him; certainly not Joe.   See evidence of the mail tampering and terrorist interruptions below as presented to the Court in the United States.




Mr. Chei Nahman

FSJ; Politics and Law, October 2021.  Is this a script for House of Cards or A Full Deck?  

Some of the research and analysis was prepared and powered by Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™



December 03, 2020




The post below delineates the state, the court, a shorthand indication of the issue(s) involved, and the date (and where I can, link) for decisions.

[Note: this list does not purport to be a list of all current litigation over election issues. There was plenty of litigation before COVID-19 (some of which is still unresolved — indeed, some of which has been unresolved for years), and there have been some recent cases that don’t involve the pandemic. Election Law @ Moritz has continuing updates of the major election cases, COVID-19 and not; the Michigan Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse has continuing updates of the major COVID-19 cases, election and not. This list tries to capture all of the COVID-19 election cases, “major” and not. Also, thanks to Eda Harotounian, Erika De La Torre, David Nir, Richard Winger, and several readers for the assist on some of the details below.]

  • National: Jones v. U.S. Postal Service, No. 1:20-cv-06516 (S.D.N.Y.)
    Mail (postal service practices)
    Amd. complaint 9/9/20, PI (mostly) granted 9/21/20, order 9/25/20, clarification 9/29/20
  • National: Richardson v. Trump, No. 1:20-cv-02262 (D.D.C.)
    Mail (postal service practices)
    Amd. complaint 9/11/20, PI (mostly) granted 10/8/20, order 10/27/20, order 11/2/20, order 11/3/20
  • National: Washington v. Trump, No. 1:20-cv-03127 (E.D. Wash.)
    Mail (postal service practices)
    Complaint 8/18/20, PI granted 9/17/20, clarifying order 10/2/20, order 10/30/20
  • National: Nat’l Urban League v. DeJoy, No. 1:20-cv-02391 (D. Md.)
    Mail (postal service practices)
    Complaint 8/18/20
  • National: Nat’l Urban League v. Ross, No. 5:20-cv-05799 (N.D. Cal.), No. 20-16868 (9th Cir.), No. 20A62 (S. Ct.)
    Census operations
    Complaint 8/18/20, TRO granted 9/5/20, extended 9/17/20, PI granted 9/24/20, clarification 10/2/20, stay denied in part (10/31 deadline) and granted in part (12/31 deadline) 10/7/20, stayed 10/13/20
  • National: Johnakin v. U.S. Postal Service, No. 2:20-cv-04055 (E.D. Pa.)
    Mail (postal service practices, deadline)
    Complaint 8/19/20, settled 10/8/20
  • National: NAACP v. U.S. Postal Service, No. 1:20-cv-02295 (D.D.C.)
    Mail (postal service practices)
    Complaint 8/20/20, PI granted 10/10/20, order 11/3/20
  • National: Pennsylvania v. DeJoy, No. 2:20-cv-04096 (E.D. Pa.)
    Mail (postal service practices)
    Complaint 8/21/20, PI granted 9/28/20
  • National: New York v. Trump, No. 1:20-cv-02340 (D.D.C.)
    Mail (postal service practices)
    Complaint 8/25/20, PI granted 9/27/20
  • National: Vote Forward v. DeJoy, No. 1:20-cv-02405 (D.D.C.)
    Mail (postal service practices)
    Complaint 8/28/20, PI granted 9/28/20, order 9/30/30
  • National: Harrington v. DeJoy, No. 1:20-cv-05303 (N.D. Ill.)
    Mail (postal service practices)
    Complaint 9/8/20
  • National: 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers East v. DeJoy, No. 1:20-cv-24069 (S.D. Fla.)
    Mail (postal service practices)
    Complaint 10/6/20, order 10/29/20
