Letting Joe continue in the current Course of action would be to negate the constitution. The rasta cop of Toronto who owned a farm up north was killed by Bill in 1970 as they were both West Indian, both about 40-60 years old but the rasta was a George Harvey Graduate. The George Harvey Graduate ran into a pirate antithesis lady from the same Creole West Indian Gananoque ancestry and she would uh....say "you're a king...you're a king.. you're a king" religiously for ten minutes, hoping him dead on the way to his work.like a vampire. He taught his children upholstery. Bill was just a Cayman Blackbeard big belly import from the West Indies with no education so that the world might see some hellish anthropology. Bill Blackbeard works in a warped Sans Suci tome about capitalism in the current of Saul 1430 dna proclivities that says he, Sans Suci will have and you will not. He will inherit your library card. Your son and daughter will not. Some people will be saved by economic policy and some will be disenfranchised illegally if the 1430 Sans Suci dna has his way. A movie is more efficient I think or another series of Joker Batman tv shows maybe for 700 seasons to ensure we understand. ////////// He, Bill, wanted to know how the rasta could own any property more than him? Egypt wrote the Bible. There is right and wrong as in right calculation and wrong calculation but there is so much history generated from the tension between these two certainties; at work on a rescue mission when the battery in the emergency rescue sub seems to drain from 100% to 25% unusually below 400 feet of water and we don't know why. The right answer is to avoid a battery drain and more importantly get a sub that runs on hydrogen; a hydrogen fuel cell. See my Lord. See my father. See my Angel Ronan. The excitement of nuclear energy was cheap energy but what about cheap, safe energy? Maybe Joseph was unable and kept telling other people that Zacharias or maybe the Chief priest was the boys father and maybe Solomon knew how to blow bubbles with water that had his urine in it and if you prayed, the bubble may land in you and cause an immaculately conception. Joseph was a rabbi and needed to be equal. If Joseph was a common rabble rouser like Barabbas, then he would have buried the boys mind and soul in alcohol and the opium so that he might be equal. No matter what we need Community and Safety. Plutonium; that's not it fornicapropulsion. The truth of all modern warfare is that it is about psychological comfort; you are defending something, looks like a well intentioned modern helmet with no ear protection, a bicycle helmet, when the radio signal emitted by a Timex watch can be found anywhere in the world or any airplane or submarine for that matter. They know this so whoever has more people wins, people with knives is the only defence we can rely on when the gun with an electronic trigger can be jammed remotely. There is no more war when humanity is the evident truth except we need to understand why anyone found it necessary to defend a nuclear warhead. It is to defend against ignorance that surrounds this evident humanity. One Human being arguing about the consistent results of a trigonometric equation is tremendous; rather noisy emotions. Joe is emotionally a caveman with hairspray, a shave and a good suit. He used to strip people naked who finished their home work in a gang of 10 people at 12 years old. The question why do they allow the people in Otario to cut the money delivery in the economy that must flow through and operate in Otario. The train works Federally guaranteed to transport goods but there is insufficient cash per citizen; in Otario. Cash is a federal sphere of authority; not a provincial one and should be protected, delivered and ensured federally as gaurwintweedd. Maybe Otario can choose the name of the programme and how to brand it. This is just fuckeries. The cash is crucial, crucial to the community so How many Pattie you want? You want cocoa bread? So, we can leave the Federal Court to the to Maggie Creole emotion and she does not know if she will ever be able to see a black lawyer or black professional in her imagination as crafted by the story book read by her grandfather; Joseph Marley with his murderous temperament passing on through her. You can buy many more patties as made popular with Bill's need to feel a Creole involvement/hegemony when we fix the break in the world economy located at Otario where Rolex is on sale with Panerai at every mall. Wouldn't we have more Creole world with more cash for the creole involvement and Creole hegemony? But, we want more buyers. You decided to no longer wait until every African country has a reasonable Income Support programme. Joe will solve it with Jimmy as a UN ILO R202 global ambassador for the next 40 years and may end up as a UN Secretary-general in 2022 after some education and he will live all around Marseille, Normandy and Egypt drinking the best wine. $80,000.00 a year as minimum income support is a good bigger more money buffer for the wealthy to have no fear of any mugger as they walk out of the back of the theatre. Bruce Wayne arranged his own mugging at the back of the theatre because his wife was a fake. Bruce was not really shot. But he fell down and disappeared to Hong Kong and kept in touch with Alfred who sent him a money cable every so often by telegraph. He did not like the way she looked at the boy like he was competition for inheritance. He is the Ras Alghul. That is not right; running out of electrical power. P2E™ by Warren A. Lyon suggests a hydrogen fuel cell powered sub that has a hydrogen tank but that can extract hydrogen from the water. It's also not right to be soo busy being socially accepted and white that you would take a drug that neutralizes your Spidey senses about any double intentioned chick or feminine creature who may only want to cut your dick off for suffrage. If humanity is the evident truth, then there is no war but why did anyone ever build a nuclear warhead except but to defend against the evident ignorance surrounding the humanity. Now , it is to understand what we are defending. I am defending my traditional breakfast vs your own and also my ancestors copy of the Torah originating from his move out of Israel. It is the essential national founding constitutional document in every country. Peace is the defence against hungry angry ignorance and money is the best way to achieve that. It's not right to have to argue with people about the right answer at work or on a space ship or at a Senate debate on an economic Viagra package, stimulus package I mean. The senator from Ohio gets an email from a nigger mulatto girl from North London who got a B in her arts degree where she was let in on special permission as she was not an A level graduate and she seems to believe she is related to the owner of the Pianissimo Hotel chain or the owner of a pub chain called Barn Girl™. She refused the B grade as it was not the highest degree result available and denied her family in graduation day; sort of. The reason why she denied the B at this level of education is because the university has a coat of arms and the high school does not. It seems the coat of arms provokes a lack of reality and delusion of grandeur in some unfortunate people. The mulatto girl want to compete with her uncle about influence over the final shape of the programmes and have more influence than her uncle Frank Veer Right who is an architect and is tired of seeing the malls knocked down. He also took a course in university economics and passed it. Maybe to maintain a notion of technological superiority, you do not take assistance from your more natural Asian allies and you ask the British to help. They have among and you have twelve. The British help is refused and the real answer is maybe you do not want any survivors as witnesses. The command is to love your neighbor as you love yourself and by so doing you fulfill them all. The sea is treacherous, treacherous as a woman with a big ass, good cologne and decorating skills and good lasagna who knows how to say she loves someone and does not let them go but does not know how to break out of an ancestral proclivity that disenables her ability to live with someone, share space with someone in the kitchen and she would choose to normalize her disability by passing her dirty dna around to other people at tanning salons with LSD, administering a noxious substance that they would be like her instead of dealing with herself; her hatred that supercedes and love or care for anything. This is wrong. Joe's special retirement service contract says he cannot break the law and in breaking the law, he is subject to a loss of financial benefit and termination. It is a contract but not one for Clinkton and Joe to instigate civil wars and domestic terrorist interruptions of communications services to harass or destabilise any citizen or the elected government. Allowing himself to be presented as President Elect is to aid and abet Obalmy's criminal offence in threatening the President, using news services as fed headlines by AP who gave a press fees box to Clinkton for a few $100,000.00 a year, half his salary, worth it to him so that he can influence America , see his authority and be the only one. Two rogue computer company employees set him up with an app right on his phone and he is writing the news all day; a brilliant coup by Clinkton and now interrupted as of last week as Clinkton only wanted to see his authority, be the only one and secure his position. We have no President elect named Joe because we are missing 90 percent of the votes to be counted. But from all other indications, Joe is disqualified for his terrorist activity before, during and after the election. So, we have a President elect named Donald. As such, this human anthroplogy has made me commit more time to the Bible to understand and interrupt the devil or people vehemently involved coordinately in the wrong. Maybe Joe is being threatened to participate since what Law graduate would do this unless he is suicidal? Joe is a witness of what is going on. Wouldn't it be exciting to see Obalmy appointed as a Secretary of State? Why don't we throw out the constitution and Donald with it since it would be exciting; a first in law....like a real law degree. No; I'm only joking. I can't stand people would think of really doing it; especially when Obalmy and Joe Bitchien failed to solve it last time; solve the problematic truth of the anathema of a people extolling the virtues of capitalism but failing to respect efficency in production and the importance of money for each citizen in maintaining markets, the ancient dole, the minimum income support support that a man born in Boston in 1900 was anticipating to enjoy on his 20th birthday and he received it ; a Blackman actually who is witness to this. He's like a dude with an asshole and expecting her to give birth from a womb he does not have because she's a fake. How do we tolerate this anathema, this anachronism? We do not allow him to cut the road, the electricity, the rail system but we let this ass cut the money in the economy because he assumed that there would be a miracle like his father did, that the economy would just pick up after all the early industrialization that made many workers redundant. But, Joe is a likeable performer and just wants the dignity of a job, to do something every day, do something. I agree. We will help him. The Joe and Obalmy Clinkton combo only brings us domestic terrorism, shit military machines and a shit economy. He will be given an emergency detox, enrollment in a secret top law school programme for international law inviting every old asshole in government who pretended to be a law graduate like BJ and Obalmy Bumbu and the lectures are conducted as tutorials really by Zoom call. Whitman who started Zangel Zoroastrian is a lecturer. ( I've died enough for him but he is a witness to help the government survive Joe Adams) and an on going stumping ground as an appointed Herald of the UDHR, OHCHR and the UN ILO Recommendations R202 globally to help other parts of the world lagging behind. Obalmy can carry his bags also or they will carry each other's bags. Clinkton can travel along in the wikipatch to repent for the Espionage Act violations that caused the WikiLeaks and the end of America as we knew it with an F35 that has a niggardly single F4 engine and a 3 km flight radius on full tank. The head of corvette could help him review this and rebuild. He's black also. He could be President some day also. The new America is Spaceforce and Donald and no more black white anxiety about any Angel Ronan ™ that has only confirmed how BJ fooled us all as a monkey by writing rastrum on his shoe but can't say if the verse about counting it all Joy when you suffer diverse trials and temptations" is in the new or the old testament. There is just too much excitement about Angel Ronan™ or any black law graduate or black law firm from Galileeronto that you make people nervous about ever finishing law school in public or creating anything useful to the community like P2E; Poo Power™. ///////// Joe has been successful because of his sense of protest; however..like how he refuses to understand how killing every pregnant wife he ever had is a criminal offence. How could Donald own a golf course or any property above and beyond Joe except Joe does not want to own property following a Cabot proclivity in him? The issue is that Black and White in politics are protests and it seems the country is supposed to make a guilt laden decision and choose a white victim and a black victim representing the victimisation who do not believe we have all suffered yet in some way and they want you to know what they experience when people take advantage of them and their undereducated lived experience. This may be the white native or the black native who is still a bit too far back technologically only because they still see school as some threat in their own personal view of the world. It has nothing to do with being a creole native. But these people are also over 60 years old. So, a politician to represent the creole native experience is not the problem because Ronald Reagan and Kennedy did it as Creoles but maybe we are all Creoles and more importantly we need a politician who will not selfishly use the office to take time and tell us how he was victimised by evil bank tellers who deleted his bus driver pay cheque and promote four years of victimisation for $1.00 or $2.00 but to tell us how they understand the power of the law to protect and promote civil behavior and proper accounts of the customer payment at Mint mobile, Sprint, T Mobile, Mobil mobile or any mobile service and not fail to provide us the solutions that the Creole population involving every citizen actually requires. You cannot use a Federally granted radio frequency to threaten the president or steal money from people, asking if they have the pdf statement or receipt of payment. This would be the more ideal politician whether or not they are black. The answer is that Joe has confirmed his accusation and intention; that the government owes him and as such, he is not working with the genuine intention of the government. He says Donald is responsible for the election management. This is good for Joe to recognise this. But,Donald is not responsible for terrorist interruption s of the election except but to investigate. That investigation may take Six months and the Executive branch will, in the realisation of its duties, take all necessary time, steps and hours to confirm what happened and will not be leaving in January as Joe and his cadre has demanded. We don't know why no one actually advised Joe of the legal consequences involving his campaign. It was probably just to see if Joe ever went to school. The answer is that Joe has confirmed his accusation and intention; that the government owes him and as such, he is not working with the genuine intention of the government. He says Donald is responsible for the election management. This is good for Joe to recognise this. But,Donald is not responsible for terrorist interruption s of the election except but to investigate. That investigation may take Six months and the Executive branch will, in the realisation of its duties, take all necessary time, steps and hours to confirm what happened and will not be leaving in January as Joe and his cadre has demanded. But, I believe once he is advised again by the Democrats who confirm they are not supporting this criminal attack on the current Second term president( Donald), he will let it go and will be a respected invitee to sit on the Space Force oversight and advisory committee on new minimum income support programmes for all Americans and on the National Job Core to get space force up and running. Until we need to understand that what has happened is that a Joe - Obalmy cadre of info pirates are deleting information from senator's phones, taking a Detective Stansfield qualude with Joe every day is asking the US Government if the press is impartial or if it has to be. 1000's of journalists from around the world are buried at the Washington Monument as dating back to Lincoln when they tried to wage a coup of their own with property Moses of more money from Robert E. Lee. The answer is that the press does not have to be impartial. They can report what stories they like and possibly favor a candidate in a campaign but they not engage in campaigning. It is campaigning when the report is not balanced and attempts to direct the public like a pied piper into a particular direction. See 18 US code 600. It abuses the general social respectability and discretion given to Journalists. The motive is money that they say you must spend or at least offer to buy their loyalty. It is illegal and it is extortion. There will be Senate hearings looking into this. It is also unsusual when most individuals working in the media live in universal minimum income support territories or jurisdictions. The News Services are now liable to pay fines for every report of a Biduen Transition or Biduen election win. The information in the FBI and CIA current file as rumored in relation to the 2020 Election is that the Democrats were disqualified officially during the summer convention. It had an eery feeling of vanity in any event. The reason is that the Washington Monument is a monument that built with the blood and bones of US citizens who died during various wars with their remains unidentifiable and you cannot ask the US Government vitiate its own power to enforce the constitution as your fairy godmother. It is interference with the election result when the press decided prior to an official count of votes what they will decide the result will be, touting home made projections when the ballots were stolen and everyone knows this, pretending the projection is official. It is an obstruction of justice when they interfer in an investigation involving am election. It is terrorism when the press engages in trying persistently with false reports to destabilise the government. It is here that Joe is a terrorist and his previous honor as a VP cannot be a protective cloke that shields from legal responsibility. He is responsible. He seeks to benefit. He is investigated. He is indictable. Leet is the green eyed sister with Lloyd. Ms.Archmedes covered it.

 Letting Joe continue in the current Course of action would be to negate the constitution.  The rasta cop of Toronto who owned a farm up north was killed by Bill in 1970 as they were both West Indian, both about 40-60 years old but the rasta was a George Harvey Graduate. The George Harvey Graduate ran into a pirate antithesis lady from the same Creole West Indian Gananoque ancestry and she would uh....say "you're a king...you're a king.. you're a king" religiously for ten minutes,  hoping him dead on the way to his work.like a vampire.     He taught his children upholstery.    Bill was just a Cayman Blackbeard big belly import  from the West Indies with no education so that the world might see some hellish anthropology.  Bill Blackbeard works in a  warped Sans Suci tome about capitalism in the current of Saul 1430 dna proclivities that says he, Sans Suci will have and you will not. He will inherit your library card. Your son and daughter will not. Some people will be saved by economic policy and some will be disenfranchised illegally if the 1430 Sans Suci dna  has his way.  A movie is more efficient I think or another series of Joker Batman tv shows maybe for 700 seasons to ensure we understand.


 He, Bill,  wanted to know how the rasta could own any property more than him?   Egypt wrote the Bible.         There is right and wrong as in right calculation and wrong calculation but there is so much history generated from the tension between these two certainties; at work on a rescue mission when the battery in the emergency rescue  sub seems to drain from 100% to 25% unusually below 400 feet of water and we don't know why. The right answer is to avoid a battery drain and more importantly get a sub that runs on hydrogen; a hydrogen fuel cell. See my Lord. See my father. See my Angel Ronan.   The excitement of nuclear energy was cheap energy but what about cheap, safe energy? Maybe Joseph was unable and kept telling other people that Zacharias or maybe the Chief priest was the boys father and maybe Solomon knew how to blow bubbles with water that had his urine in it and if you prayed, the bubble may land in you and cause an immaculately conception.  Joseph was a rabbi and needed to be equal. If Joseph was a common rabble rouser like  Barabbas, then he would have buried the boys mind and soul  in alcohol and the opium so that he might be equal. No matter what we need Community and Safety. Plutonium; that's not it fornicapropulsion.   The truth of all modern warfare is that it is about psychological comfort; you are defending something, looks like a well intentioned modern helmet with no ear protection,  a bicycle helmet, when the radio signal emitted by a Timex  watch can be found anywhere in the world or any airplane or submarine for that matter. They know this so whoever has more people wins, people with knives  is the only defence we can rely on when the gun with an electronic trigger can be jammed remotely.   There is no more war when humanity is the evident truth  except we need to understand why anyone found it necessary to defend a nuclear warhead. It is to defend against ignorance that surrounds this evident humanity.   One Human being arguing about the consistent results of a trigonometric equation is tremendous; rather noisy emotions.   Joe is emotionally a caveman with hairspray, a shave and a good suit. He used to strip people naked who finished their home work in a gang of 10 people at 12 years old.   The question why do they allow the people in Otario to cut the money delivery in the economy that must flow through and operate in Otario. The train works Federally guaranteed to transport goods but there is insufficient cash per citizen; in Otario. Cash is a federal sphere of authority; not a provincial one and should be protected, delivered and ensured  federally as gaurwintweedd. Maybe Otario can choose the name of the programme and how to brand it. This is just fuckeries. The cash is crucial, crucial to the community so How many Pattie you want? You want cocoa bread? So, we can leave the Federal Court to the  to Maggie Creole emotion and she does not know if she will ever be able to see a black lawyer or black professional in her imagination as crafted by the story book read by her grandfather; Joseph Marley with his murderous temperament  passing on through her.    You can buy many more patties as made popular with Bill's need to feel a Creole involvement/hegemony when we fix the break in the world economy located at Otario where Rolex is on sale with Panerai at every mall. Wouldn't we have more Creole world with more cash for the creole involvement and Creole hegemony?    But, we want more buyers.   You decided to no longer wait until every African country has a reasonable Income Support programme.    Joe will solve it with Jimmy as a UN ILO R202 global ambassador for the next 40 years and may end up as a UN Secretary-general in 2022 after some education and he will live all around Marseille, Normandy and Egypt drinking the best wine.         $80,000.00 a year as minimum income support is a good bigger more money  buffer for the wealthy to have no fear of any mugger as they walk out of the back of the theatre.   Bruce Wayne arranged his own mugging at the back of the theatre because his wife was a fake.  Bruce was not really shot. But he fell down and disappeared to Hong Kong and kept in touch with Alfred who sent him a money cable every so often by telegraph.  He did not like the way she looked at the boy like he was competition for inheritance.    He is the Ras Alghul.  That is not right; running out of electrical power.  P2E™ by Warren A. Lyon  suggests a hydrogen fuel cell powered sub that has a hydrogen tank but that can extract hydrogen from the water.   It's also not right to be soo busy being socially accepted and white that you would take a drug that neutralizes your Spidey senses about any double intentioned chick or feminine creature who may only want to cut your dick off for suffrage. If humanity is the evident truth, then there is no war but why did anyone ever build a nuclear warhead except but to defend against the evident ignorance surrounding the  humanity. Now , it is  to understand what we are defending. I am defending my traditional breakfast vs your own and also my ancestors copy of the Torah originating from his move out of Israel. It is the essential national founding constitutional document in every country. Peace is the defence against hungry angry ignorance and money is the best way to achieve that.       It's not right to have to argue with people about the right answer at work or on a  space ship  or at a Senate debate on an economic Viagra package, stimulus package I mean.  The senator from Ohio gets an email from a nigger mulatto girl from North London who got a B in her arts degree where she was let in on special permission as she was not an A level graduate and she seems to believe she is related to the owner of the Pianissimo Hotel chain or the owner of a pub chain called Barn Girl™. She refused the B grade as it was not the highest degree result available and denied her family in graduation day; sort of.  The reason why she denied the B at this level of education is because the university has a coat of arms and the high school does not. It seems the coat of arms provokes a lack of reality and delusion of grandeur in some unfortunate people.  The mulatto girl want to compete with her uncle about influence over the final shape of the programmes and have more influence than her uncle Frank Veer Right who is an architect and is tired of seeing the malls knocked down. He also took a course in university economics and passed it.       Maybe to maintain a notion of technological superiority, you do not take assistance from your more natural Asian allies and you ask the British to help.  They have among and you have twelve.  The British help is refused and the real answer is maybe you do not want any  survivors as witnesses.  The command is to love your neighbor as you love yourself and by so doing you fulfill them all. The sea is treacherous, treacherous as a woman with a big ass, good cologne and decorating skills and good lasagna who knows how to say she loves someone and does not let them go but  does not know how to break out of an ancestral proclivity that disenables her ability to live with someone, share space with someone in the kitchen and she would choose to normalize her disability by passing her dirty  dna around to other people at tanning salons with LSD, administering a noxious substance that they would be like her instead of  dealing with herself; her hatred that supercedes and love or care for anything. This is wrong.        Joe's special retirement service contract says he cannot break the law and in breaking the law, he is subject to  a loss of financial benefit and termination. It is a contract but not one for Clinkton and Joe to instigate civil wars and domestic terrorist interruptions of communications services to harass or destabilise any citizen or the elected government.    Allowing himself to be presented as President Elect is to aid and abet Obalmy's criminal offence in threatening the President, using news services as fed headlines by AP who gave a press fees box to Clinkton for a few $100,000.00 a year, half his salary, worth it to him so that he can influence America , see his authority and be the only one. Two rogue computer company employees set him up with an app right on his phone and he is writing the news all day; a brilliant coup by Clinkton and now interrupted as of last week as Clinkton only wanted to see his authority, be the only one and secure his position.   We have no President elect named Joe because we are missing 90 percent of the votes to be counted. But from all other indications, Joe is disqualified for his terrorist activity before, during and after the election.  So, we have a President elect named Donald.    As such, this human anthroplogy has made me commit more time to the Bible to understand and interrupt the devil or people vehemently involved coordinately in the wrong.      Maybe Joe is being threatened to participate since what Law graduate would do this unless he is suicidal?  Joe is a witness of what is going on.  Wouldn't it be exciting to see Obalmy appointed as a Secretary of State? Why don't we throw out the constitution and Donald with it since it would be exciting; a first in law....like a real law degree.  No; I'm only joking.  I can't stand people would think of really doing it; especially when Obalmy and  Joe Bitchien failed to solve it last time; solve the problematic truth of the anathema of a people extolling the virtues of capitalism but failing to respect efficency in production and the importance of money for each citizen in maintaining markets, the ancient dole, the minimum income support support that a man born in Boston in 1900 was anticipating to enjoy on his 20th birthday and he received it ; a Blackman actually who is witness to this. He's like a dude with an asshole and expecting her to give birth from a womb he does not have because she's a fake.  How do we tolerate this anathema, this anachronism?  We do not allow him to cut the road, the electricity, the rail system but we let this ass cut the money in the economy because he assumed that there would be a miracle like his father did, that the economy would just pick up after all the early industrialization that made many workers redundant.    But, Joe is a likeable performer and just wants the dignity of a job, to do something every day, do something. I agree. We will help him. The Joe and Obalmy Clinkton  combo only brings us domestic terrorism, shit military machines and a shit economy.    He will be given an emergency detox, enrollment in a secret top law school programme for international law inviting every old asshole in government who pretended to be a law graduate like BJ and Obalmy Bumbu and the lectures are conducted as tutorials really  by Zoom call. Whitman who started Zangel Zoroastrian  is a lecturer.  ( I've died enough for him but he is a witness to help the government survive Joe Adams) and an on going stumping ground as an appointed Herald of the UDHR, OHCHR and the UN ILO Recommendations R202 globally to help other parts of the world lagging behind. Obalmy can carry his bags also or they will carry each other's bags. Clinkton can travel along in the wikipatch to repent for the Espionage Act violations that caused the WikiLeaks and the end of America as we knew it with an F35 that has a niggardly single F4 engine and a 3 km flight radius on full tank.  The head of corvette could help him review this and rebuild.  He's black also.  He could be President some day also.   The new America is Spaceforce and Donald and no more black white anxiety about any Angel Ronan ™ that has only confirmed how BJ fooled us all as a monkey by writing rastrum on his shoe but can't say if  the verse about counting it all Joy when you suffer diverse trials and temptations" is in the new or the old testament.  There is just too much excitement about Angel Ronan™ or any black law graduate or black law firm from Galileeronto that you make people nervous about ever finishing law school in public or creating anything useful to the community like P2E; Poo Power™.


       Joe has been successful because of his sense of protest; however..like how he  refuses to understand how killing every pregnant wife he ever had is a criminal offence.    How  could Donald own a golf course or any property above and beyond  Joe except Joe  does not want to own property following a Cabot proclivity in him?  The issue is that Black and White in politics are protests and it seems the country is supposed to make a guilt laden decision and choose a white victim and a black victim   representing the victimisation who do not believe we have all suffered yet in some way and they want you to know what they experience when people take advantage of them and their undereducated lived experience.  This may be the white native or the black native who is still a bit too far back technologically only because they still see school as some threat  in their own personal view of the world.  It has nothing to do with  being a creole native.  But these people are also over 60 years old.   So, a politician to represent the creole native experience is not the problem because Ronald Reagan and Kennedy did it as Creoles but maybe we are all Creoles and more importantly we need a politician who will not selfishly use the office to take time and  tell us how he was victimised by evil bank tellers who deleted his bus driver pay cheque and promote four years of victimisation for $1.00 or $2.00  but to tell us how they understand the power of the law to protect and promote civil behavior and proper accounts of the customer payment  at Mint mobile, Sprint, T Mobile, Mobil mobile or any mobile service  and not fail to provide us the solutions that the Creole population involving every citizen actually requires. You cannot use a Federally granted  radio frequency to threaten the president or steal money from people, asking if they have the pdf statement or receipt of payment.   This would be the more ideal politician whether or not they are black.     The answer is that Joe has confirmed his accusation and intention; that the government owes him and as such, he is not working with the genuine intention of the government. He says Donald is responsible for the election management. This is good for Joe to recognise this. But,Donald is not responsible for terrorist interruption s of the election except but to investigate.  That investigation may take Six months and the Executive branch will, in the realisation of its duties, take all necessary time, steps and hours to confirm what happened and will not be leaving in January as Joe and his cadre has demanded.   We don't know why no one actually advised Joe of the legal consequences involving his campaign. It was probably just to see if Joe ever went to school.  The answer is that Joe has confirmed his accusation and intention; that the government owes him and as such, he is not working with the genuine intention of the government. He says Donald is responsible for the election management. This is good for Joe to recognise this. But,Donald is not responsible for terrorist interruption s of the election except but to investigate.  That investigation may take Six months and the Executive branch will, in the realisation of its duties, take all necessary time, steps and hours to confirm what happened and will not be leaving in January as Joe and his cadre has demanded.     But, I believe once he is advised again by the Democrats who confirm they are not supporting this criminal attack on the current Second term president( Donald), he will let it go and will be a respected invitee to sit on the Space Force oversight and advisory committee on new minimum income support programmes for all Americans and on the National Job Core to get space force up and running.       Until we need to understand that what has happened is that a Joe - Obalmy cadre of info pirates are deleting information from senator's phones, taking a Detective Stansfield qualude with Joe  every day is asking  the US Government if the press is impartial or if it has to be.  1000's of journalists from around  the world are buried at the Washington Monument as dating back to Lincoln  when they tried to wage a coup of their own with property Moses of more money from Robert E. Lee.   The answer is that the press does not have to be impartial.  They can report what stories they like and possibly favor a candidate in a campaign but they not engage in campaigning.  It is campaigning when the report is not balanced and attempts to direct the public like a pied piper into a particular direction. See 18 US code 600.  It abuses the general social  respectability and discretion given to Journalists. The motive is money that they say you must spend or at least offer to buy their loyalty.  It is illegal and it is extortion.  There will be Senate hearings looking into this. It is also unsusual when most individuals working in the media live in universal minimum income support territories or jurisdictions.  The News Services are now liable to pay fines for every report of a Biduen Transition or Biduen election win. The  information in the FBI and CIA current file as rumored  in relation to  the 2020 Election is that the Democrats were disqualified officially during the summer convention.  It had an eery feeling of vanity in any event. The reason is that the Washington Monument is a monument that built with the blood and bones of US citizens who died during various wars with their remains unidentifiable and you cannot ask the US Government vitiate its own power to enforce the constitution as your fairy godmother.     It is interference with the election result when the press decided prior to an official count of votes what they will decide the result will be, touting home made projections when the ballots were stolen and everyone knows this, pretending the projection is official.  It is an obstruction of justice when they interfer in an investigation involving am election. It is terrorism when the press engages in trying persistently with false reports to destabilise the government.  It is here that Joe is a terrorist and his previous honor as a VP cannot be a protective  cloke that shields from legal responsibility.  He is responsible.   He seeks to benefit. He is investigated.  He is indictable.     Leet is the green eyed sister with Lloyd.  Ms.Archmedes covered it.   
