Congratulations to Joe for a brilliant effort on his 2020 campaign. However, claiming to have won the election before the president has concluded his investigation on the stolen and missing ballots denies his authority as President. It is rude and disrespectful. It denies the evidence of the clear, evidently missing votes that the President has taken time responsibly to address; with the FBI. The FBI has not concluded it's investigation. Apparently Article 2 emergency powers have been activated by the President and his term is extended with a second term. Can you count the empty space in a ballot box? Can you certify this empty space? There is nothing to certify. The evidence is millions of ballots are missing or spoiled as stolen ballots that have been tainted. Would you say you won if all the ballot boxes are empty with the votes stolen? It would be dishonest to say you won or that if you do not get what you want, the President is responsible somehow for the votes being stolen. How is he responsible? He is responsible in terms of his police power to investigate a crime as Commander in Chief under Article 2. He certainly has the power to order in his request with reasonable and probable grounds any arrests anywhere in the world. If he is leaving, we will pray for Pence and Joe if Joe is being inaugurated. We will pray for everyone; including Joe.

