This is not just an intelligence failure. This is negligence. I voted for Donald. But, there is nothing wrong with inherited Authority, maybe Nefertitti authority all up in that denomination of yours, to create a reproductive economy, a regenerative economy worthy of the wisdom in 2nd Chronicles 31 with a minimum income support for everyone; every politician like the politicians in Europe and every citizen has the support also. But, there is something wrong with not being able to calculate the sales tax on your car finance deals as a Neferitti Jamaican who was told she does not need the education because she is beautiful enough when she is about to pay twice for that White Hyundai in 1989. The sons and daughters of Neferttiti in North America may be engaged in a chess game of Authority with the constitution to say no constitution has any authority over them. No one can tell them anything. They are informally educated, that they are the Authority with no regular formal education and the economy is the victim, the constitution is the victim time and time again. Would you identify yourself as a 13 colony loyalist, French loyalist, Constitutional loyalist or as a Neferttiti Loyalist? The idea is that the majority of the Police are not expected to understand and nor are they respected. The police responded this time in keeping Donald in and safe as a second term president. When it comes to economics, it is very easy to respect a Northern European, Brazilians, Italians and Irish people. The Americans are intellectually divided, divided also as aboriginals and rarely submit to economic logic even though they can see their domestic market saturation and post war domestic economic expansion disappearing. This resistance to logic has started to evaporate under Donald; the current POTUS. We thank God. Yet, the malls are still closing and Lord and Taylor ™ has not reopened yet. Apparently the retailer will operate online only, turning their stores into show rooms only with no stock on hand. You can order right in the store also. It will take some time but vitiation of the constitution to support an intellectual fraudster named Friendoand a colored woman who has no respect for the rights of consumers and no respect for the Constitution is not warranted. Also, she has never eaten Soup and Ramen. Oh; maybe she did yesterday for the first time. We already had all the colored apologies in the world by now. Secretary of State C. Rice was a black female president for 28 hours in 2001 when the President and Vice President with the Speaker of the House were bunkered down on Airforce One during the 9/11 attack. Read the magazines from that era. I know I read it in the news. She had the launch codes and maybe she still does but she did a good job. Our world was safe enough that black people could dream of buying a house and actually buy a house; after all. We don't need this attack by Friendoon our democracy, blaming Donald for the attack on the election and on Washington while they claim the right to coronate and inaugurate themselves. Those were Joe supporters wearing Donald hats. You can't impeach him for Joe supporters. However, wouldn't it be more exciting to commit to a minimum income support of $100,000.00 a year per North American with a sales tax of 35%? This is something we can do together for all citizens regardless of wealth. We have already had a woman of colour in the office of the Presidency. If the minimum income support is such an economically helpful concept, why wouldn't every nation have this policy and look at how quickly you could implement the policy? It takes less time than it does to set up a mobile phone network and buy a Federal Radio wave license to operate the network. The minimum income support with the 40 percent sales tax pays billions more. Many aboriginals, in the black white or Amerindian rebranding in their various complexions as they may have emerged over 100's of years of interaction with received legal concepts including constitutions and also received new technology seem to miss the hour of opportunity to get out of resenting the government for any tax but make government pay them something back on a regular basis from the tax as we cannot imagine a nation without police, safety and sheriffs when you don't know what your sister or cousin will do when she resents your newly bought 14 year old Audi A4(2002 model). Maybe they will steal it and pretend you sold it to them but they never paid the $500.00 you asked for. Police is a good thing before the power of one man will resist the power of another and nothing else. Click here.




This is not just an intelligence failure.  This is negligence.   I voted for Donald.  But, there is nothing  wrong with inherited Authority, maybe Nefertitti authority all up in that denomination of yours, to create a reproductive economy, a regenerative economy worthy of the wisdom in 2nd Chronicles 31 with a minimum income support  for everyone; every politician like the politicians in Europe and every citizen  has the support also. But, there is something wrong with not being able to calculate the sales tax on your car finance deals as a Neferitti Jamaican who was told she does not need the education because she is beautiful enough when she is about to pay twice for that White Hyundai in 1989.  The sons and daughters of Neferttiti in North America may be engaged in a chess game of Authority with the constitution to say no constitution has any authority over them. No one can tell them anything.  They are informally educated,  that they are the Authority with no regular formal education and the economy is the victim,  the constitution is the victim time and time again. Would you identify yourself as a 13 colony loyalist, French loyalist, Constitutional loyalist or as a Neferttiti Loyalist?    The idea is that the majority of the Police are not expected to understand and nor are they respected.  The police responded this time in keeping Donald in and safe as a second term president.    When it comes to economics, it is very easy to respect a Northern European, Brazilians, Italians and Irish people.  The Americans are intellectually divided, divided also as aboriginals and rarely submit to economic logic even though they can see their domestic market saturation and post war domestic economic expansion disappearing.  This resistance to logic has started to evaporate under Donald; the current POTUS.  We thank God. Yet, the malls are still closing and Lord and Taylor ™ has not reopened yet. Apparently the retailer will operate online only, turning their stores into show rooms only with no stock on hand.  You can order right in the store also.  It will take some time but  vitiation of the constitution to support an intellectual fraudster named Friendoand a colored woman who has no respect for the rights of consumers  and no respect for the Constitution is not warranted.  Also, she has never eaten Soup and Ramen. Oh; maybe she did yesterday for the first time.   We already had all the colored apologies in the world by now. Secretary of State C. Rice was a black female president for 28 hours in 2001 when the President and Vice President with the Speaker of the House were bunkered down on Airforce One during the 9/11 attack. Read the magazines from that era. I know I read it in the news.  She had the launch codes and maybe she still does but she did a good job. Our world was safe enough that black people could dream of buying a house and actually buy a house; after all.  We don't need this attack by Friendoon our democracy, blaming Donald for the attack on the election and on Washington while they claim the right to coronate and inaugurate themselves. Those were Joe supporters wearing Donald hats.   You can't impeach him for Joe supporters.      However, wouldn't it be more exciting to commit to a minimum income support of $100,000.00 a year per North American with a sales tax of 35%?  This is something we can do together for all citizens regardless of wealth.  We have already had a woman of colour in the office of the Presidency.   If the minimum income support is such an economically helpful concept, why wouldn't every nation have this policy and look at how quickly you could implement the policy? It takes less time than it does to set up a mobile phone network and buy a Federal Radio wave license to operate the network. The minimum income support with the 40 percent sales tax pays billions more.  Many aboriginals, in the  black white or Amerindian rebranding in their various complexions as they may have emerged over 100's of  years of interaction with received legal concepts including constitutions and also received new technology seem to miss the hour of opportunity to get out of resenting the government for any tax  but make government pay them something back on a regular basis from the tax as we cannot imagine a nation without police, safety and  sheriffs when you don't know what your sister or cousin will do when she resents your newly bought 14 year old Audi A4(2002 model).   Maybe they will steal it and pretend you sold it to them but they never paid the $500.00 you asked for. Police is a good thing before the power of one man will resist the power of another and nothing else.  You call the police when you need help when if its your sister and your cousin, its the Black against you or 2 against 1. runs the news headlines now to coronate who ever they wish with an APP on their phone that controls CNEN headlines.           You cannot use a Federal radio wave license to steal phone bill credits and payments from people as if piracy is sport.     You need to pay attention Jefe!!!  If you want to feel global American hegemony, then you make the people feel and enjoy the financial hegemony, acceptance approval enjoyed by other nations?  You get out of the nuclear coffin part and parcel with nuclear propulsion and fuel systems in your military aircraft.   Use hydrogen fuel cells.  You have been using Saturn 5 rockets when you don't need them or any Rockets.  The space shuttle was designed as take off and re entry vehicle capable of reaching the ISS space station with its own engines.        Why you no understand? Hau pieun Yee?  We see a lunar rover in videos of Americans on the moon but how did the rover get to the moon? Was it the US lunar landing module or was there a second ship and maybe assistance from another country? Has the US been paying globally for taking all the credit?  Have they suffered an economic euthenasia when the shared success should have been a good moment for American celebration and UN compliance?   There were two ships and it seems part of the module remained on earth. One ship filmed the other.   America sent men to the moon with the majority of its population living outside the guaranteed ensured security of the UDHR and the OHCHR. In other words, the majority of the population did not have a universal Minimum income support.  The concern here is that someone is losing the point a bit too often.  The economy is the point and economic potential; not people but you need people for the economy and there is nothing wrong with aboriginals converted to Black, White and the other category called Amerindian but all three categories are certainly aboriginal.    The concern is that someone has been maintaining an umbilical relationship of emotional hierarchy( am I not more accepted than you?  with North America while many  North Americans have maintained an umbilical relationship of resentment while needing to be accepted by Europe.  Cabot is on both sides of the Atlantic confirming his emotional proclivity.      The  point of  a society is to continually establish the grand narratives that will always remain with us as guide posts in our world, our cultures and civilization while we may reinterpret with new archeological information and evidence.   We may need, however, NASA of the ESA to write the school syllabus and get into running economies( buckstop Minimum of 20% sales tax  and a universal Unconditional Minimum income support of a buckstop Minimum of $45000.00),  environemental and infrastructure management as the earth is the most important space station in the entire world and the galaxy after all.    Are you blessed with the culinary abilities contained within the Cabot dna? Some say his father dans le eau de toilette was an afrique Mulatto Baker and Sans Suci 1430 dna.  His mother was a hotentot dancer; tres bien.   Her favorite dish with the Marco Polo half Asian ladies who visited Versailles was the Soup and Ramen.  She put beat root in hers.  I put ackee and green onion.    Cabot dna is not a syndrome but there may be an anxiety about social authority running through the dna. Did you get to go to town and get a library card while I am here gardening beat roots with my mother yet we are both told to Imagine we could really be...the bastard child of uh the king. Baker would never say he really is for fear of the Authority since if he is having a family in the castle or Clarendonmaica, then how do we know for sure that the king is the only father in this here castle called Clarendon confusion?     In other words, the wrong Cabot dna might try to kill every high school graduate in a war or something.  He has the authority to decide that only those with grade 10 education or more will be conscripted.  But, he never finished grade 10 as a rather specially educated person; a special person.     Globally, the English are wealthy in terms of territory including the United States but affected negatively by some angry Anthropology such that they are low in population numbers and low in general average minimum income support.  This observation is in comparison to France and China.     We've had 8 years of Joe's wrong answer.Now he wants to make it 12 years.   9 years of Donald is a better idea.  We can finally see, hear and understand what the problem is instead of the crack and chronic in the food and water since the release of that Movie in the year 2008.  Wouldn't it be more exciting to commit to a minimum income support of $100,000.00 a year per North American with a sales tax of 35% so that this is a Country for old Men instead of working so hard to achieve a Joe political phillibuster, a travesty of democracy, an intended negation of the Constitution and a devaluation of the POTUS.     Maybe you say the Russians were taking advantage of your unwillingness to use their advice about a universal unconditional minimum income support maybe a 100 years ago.    The Russians said, "This American economy with Cabot "have and have not" is certainly not  the economy you are looking forl?"   But, they are not obligated to save you from your ignorance.    Maybe the Cabot dna on the other side of the Atlantic said you can have your amusement parks, big Chested broads, your burgers and fries  and your Hollywood for authority but what do you understand about anything?  But, maybe they decided to help now that it is soo obvious you are just all idiots as Cabot in the Western hemisphere since how could anyone help Cabot with anything if the  help comes from Russia or England? It would be beneath a Western hemispheric Cabot  to take help since wouldn't it diminish his authority as the real heir of Versailles  and ignorant and a pig  headed fool in Authority maybe at GM.  He's not the real heir but he is in his delusion of grandeur.  Bill Clinkton suffers from it also or he used to.   But, maybe the Russians decided to help and  earn some sales tax and interest on you buying up some small banks, some rental buildings and finance companies or buying CNEN. All you really needed as Cabot is some big minimum income support, big families again, real cow's milk again  and you are a happy global  customer. But, maybe you just let go of your need to be involved, need to be superior to people, your need to stick your food and your hands in people's little businesses and your need to be half educated before you blow yourself up.          BJ Boddington knows about this kind of thing and will kill anyone who does not work diligently in the Caribbean to implement the universal unconditional minimum income support in every Island or territory. It is UN Policy and who are we if we don't comply? We would be niggers!   He will kill since he cannot suffer a damn fool.   Automation multiplied by minimum income support equals prosperity.  Automation multiplied ignorance equals less people, followed by no people, followed by no market, no economy for the sale of goods and then DESOLATION.     This is what we were supposed to learn flying over the world at Mach 2 in my SR71..  Now rebuild the population and the market with the universal unconditional minimum income support. Fish need water. Consumers need money.  We will watch your career with great interest and my name is Drill Sergeant Pile.  You are green;  dark green.  But, if you were having a hot or cold war with someone, how do you know if you are winning? Are you winning when you see him smoking your favorite national American  cigarette brand or driving your uh..Buick or selling your soft drinks or eating your burgers? Yet, maybe you say you are winning when he has fewer people and you have more people over the course of the war that may take four years or 70 years. That is what a war is.  You feed your people after automation.  He starved his people, sooooo you win.  You have more people.    Maybe you never fire a bullet or shoot a gun but somehow you have fewer and fewer people and less of an economy because your colleague or counterparts understood the power of water with maybe one element such as tiridium in the drinking wwter to empty out the white continent and kill all your fish in the lake since Tiridium is a trace element of plutonium when Niagara Falls power generation turbines generated enough electric power for the entire continent.  If you knew this, how or why did you build any giant wind turbines that are just symbolic as only a 300 km wind could turn a propeller that big.  You did not need any nuclear power generation.  You needed to agree with someone who said just put the money in as he knew what automation processes he was going to build; mother f@+#ker!!!??  Maybe you defeat your enemy in what he says he does not understand. Really, he has defeated himself.   Maybe you defeat your enemy with something as simple as poisoned water with a simple side effect and most importantly, your fathers in Asia, Russia, Africa, Europe, Ireland and Scotland said they needed some respect; awoh...see because...big up!!!!!! He said, feeds thy sheep..feeds thy people's...and your cup will be full, shaken together running over...and don't forget the sales tax at 20% to 30%.   This is how we prospers them. This is how we feeds us.  This is how we defend our unique Amerindian hybrid culture that include the Kellogg's cereal and the Oreo as we also defend ourselves and not just hope to stick our foods in people's mouths..with our unique salts and an Alien.  But, we have a can-do spirit to help us to understand the can-do reactors. We shall double our efforts.  We shall have a tremendous British North American economy generating billions a year that is worthy of the order of  Kings Cross and Highbury and Islington Tube (Subway) station.  We have to support Donald.  

Written by Michael Home  with all his words edited by Bildingona Oats.
