By Michael Macaul: We have rent to own programmes, but we need to address a few problems. We know what a man named Ignorant White Hegemony would do with the economy. Now, we need to know what the man named Enlightened White Hegemony will do. His first name is Enlightened. His middle name is White and his last name is Hegemony. France and Italy, Germany, Japan and Russia, real major economies with big car companies, have a consistent income support for every citizen right across their territory; so does China and Scotland or Ireland, so does Manitoba. The boss has more cash to take from the cash pool as there is more tax revenue. Expenditure is not the issue. Look at how much is spent on an under utilised subway but it is considered necessary. Minimum income support is necessary to have people in the toy City, just like you have transit systems in the toy city. Isn't Los Angeles a toy city or Torodo? The Otario place as federally funded will be free and open again. The Japanese Drum will be located. It was a gift to the Queen and placed at Otario Place. Jobs will come back, you say with Christopher Cross on the radio although you are starving the region socioeconomically. The home buying market, some say, is saturated with an overstock of new and old properties as Covid has provoked many citizens to leave North America to enjoy more UN Compliant economies else where that provide a minimum income support sufficient to satisfy all Maslow needs in the lives of every citizen without any significant differentiation in allotments between the various genders. Transgender is not a disability that prevents people from working. It seems the US government has had several Feminine transgender Secretaries of State and Speakers of the House; at least two. We should not pretend that many new settlers to North America in the 1500's and 1600's were not actually transgendered as they really were. They were certainly capable of milking the cows and baking the bread. They had social authority. The point is that Singapore as run by the English provides $80,000.00 a year in Minimum Income Support to every citizen with no gender differentiation. Scotland as run by the English provides £50,000.00 pounds a year to every citizen with no gender differentiation. The English are the people setting sales tax policy in Scotland and Singapore at no less than 30%. Their economies have more people than Danada respectively and generate more daily revenue to benefit the English government than all of Danada. Danada is a debt hole for the English when the Minimum Income Support is not consistent, could be $80,000.00 per citizen per year and the sales tax is too low at less than 20%. The Vermont programme has no asset ownership limitations with a minimum income support of $60,000.00 per citizen and a sales tax of .30%. This type of programme helps the low and high end of economic expansion. The average new car is worth $15000.00 but if the asset ownership limitation is too low although you provide more than $50000.00 to each recipient, then ownership is discouraged. I suppose people rent or lease what they drive or live in with that type of situation but the car manufacturer wants to see more purchases and so do the home builders. Click here.


 By Michael Macaul: We have rent to own programmes, but we need to address a few problems.      We know what a man named Ignorant White Hegemony would do with the economy.  Now, we need to know what the man named Enlightened White Hegemony will do.   His first name is Enlightened.  His middle name is White and his last name is Hegemony.     

  France and Italy, Germany, Japan and Russia, real major economies with big car companies, have a consistent income support for every citizen right across their territory; so does China and Scotland or Ireland, so does Manitoba.  The boss has more cash to take from the cash pool as there is more tax revenue.  Expenditure is not the issue.  Look at how much is spent on an under utilised subway but it is considered necessary.  Minimum income support is necessary to have people in the toy City, just like you have transit systems in the toy city.  Isn't Los Angeles a toy city or Torodo?        The Otario place as federally funded will be free and open again. The Japanese Drum will be located. It was a gift to the Queen and placed at Otario Place.    Jobs will come back, you say with Christopher Cross on the radio although you are starving the region socioeconomically.       The home buying market, some say, is saturated with an overstock of new and old properties as Covid has provoked many citizens to leave North America to enjoy more UN Compliant economies else where that provide a minimum income support sufficient to satisfy all Maslow needs in the lives of every citizen without any  significant differentiation in allotments between the various genders.   Transgender is not a disability that prevents people from working. It seems the US government has had several Feminine transgender Secretaries of State and Speakers of the House; at least two.    We should not pretend that many new settlers to North America in the 1500's and 1600's were not actually transgendered as they really were.  They were certainly capable of milking the cows and baking the bread. They had social authority.   The point is that Singapore as run by the English provides $80,000.00 a year in Minimum Income Support to every citizen with no gender differentiation.   Scotland as run by the English provides £50,000.00 pounds a year to every citizen with no gender differentiation.   The English are the people setting sales tax policy in Scotland and Singapore at no less than 30%.  Their economies have more people than Danada respectively and generate more daily revenue to benefit the English government than all of Danada.   Danada is a debt hole for the English when the Minimum Income Support is not consistent, could be $80,000.00 per citizen per year  and the sales tax is too low at less than 20%.     The Vermont programme has no asset ownership limitations with a minimum income support of $60,000.00 per citizen and a sales tax of .30%.   This type of programme helps the low and high end of economic expansion.  The average new car is worth $15000.00 but if the asset ownership limitation is too low although you provide more than $50000.00 to each recipient, then ownership is discouraged.  I suppose people rent or lease what they drive or live in with that type of situation but the car manufacturer wants to see more purchases and so do the home builders.          


 The daily lives of property developers has changed.  We cannot argue with the power of automation as it is pandemic in terms of its power, capable of shutting everything down slowly but surely simply because machines move people out of their income earning opportunities.   But, goods are still being produced and homes are still being built.  But, the intention is to see these goods sold to consumers. It is not for the government to underwrite the theft of homes and vehicles.  Let us say some people may never really wish to just enjoy vehicle ownership and property ownership. They may not wish to e joy the purchase.  There are cultures of piracy and possession of stolen property involved in our economy that are at war with the culture of ownership. We cannot ask how some people can understand owning shoes and burgers by legal  purchase but cannot agree to actually own a home by purchase or a vehicle as of they strongly believe vehicles and homes must be stolen. This challenges the business of the general economy and this may date back to an unusual edit in the intentions of the major contributions to the U.S. Constitution where John Locke said the agenda is to secure and protect a population and establish a government to do so, guaranteeing life, liberty, health and property.   However, the "wiki" or the wickering in U.S. socioeconomical culture historically is the perversion that says America will be just a vain idea that will secure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  The happiness, however, is the vagueness that obfuscates a constitutional and legal necessity involving the certainty of property contrary to what was intended by the original draft of the constitution.  It seems, the glamorous pirate, Thomas Jefferson, saw the irony in securing property in the draft when there was a whole continent to be stolen from the aboriginal owners and maybe a desire to be able to take any home or farm whose beauty provoked his pirateous proclivities. Piracy and Ownership is not unlike the cultural pedagogy seen in  Liptons and Ramen.   

Pedagogy, taken as an academic discipline, is the study of how knowledge and skills are imparted in an educational context, and it considers the interactions that take place during learning. Both the theory and practice of pedagogy vary greatly, as they reflect different social, political, and cultural contexts.

   Piracy is a culture, involving the breach of every Habeus Corpus principle.  It cannot be normalised.  What if someone pirated Joe and put in three taller, younger lookalikes? That's not right.  That's not right. The president is not here to give West Indian pirateous    murder, diplomatic immunity.    Ownership is a culture.   We are not having a hiatus in legal ownership and nor should anyone believe that all real estate can be turned into housing with a secret plan to kill all current owners of property until all property is vacant proceeds of crime to be managed by the government in the absence of families as if this happened in Mexico as some suggested it did when White Mexico left the country for new lives somewhere else in North America during the Vietnam war as they were invited to try life in Canada where there were several new home building starts around the same time in the late 60's. Homes may have been vacated as the peso was devalued during the changes in the gold standard and currency instability is why some people left Mexico.  San Diego is still quite Mexican if you wish and many owners of the vacated Mexican properties still receive their rents.  The ownership was not abandoned.   The future is evident as attitudes towards what constitutes income for home purchases has changed for home building industry and for ownership.    The minimum income support is sufficient to qualify for mortgages. But, mortgages are problematic for a home buying population that may be part French ancestrally and the word "mortgage" provokes fear before you can begin to rest in the home ownership opportunity.  So, the rent to own programme, while it is still home ownership finance, may help to get more people involved in ownership and also move the new home stock  much faster.  New buyers in these programmes can take possession as soon as building or house  interim occupancy is authorised.  There is no down payment other than two months (2 months) payment and the payments are amortized on a 40 year payment schedule with principle interest and taxes.  The builder may have a bank underwrite the arrangement.  The occupant purchaser is in the programme as an intended owner. However, the property will not be registered to the intended owner until they have completed their 22nd payment, totalling 24 months of payments for registered ownership.  This is a critical date, the 22nd month,  and the builder and the owner must remember this with the owners and the lawyers will confirm this date as the final closing date.  The payments will continue until fully paid. If the occupant sells in advance, they sell.  If interest rates change, the payments will be adjusted accordingly.  There is no point in having the 3 or 4 year mortgage when everyone has enough to make their payments.  The idea of the 4 year mortgage was to re-qualify buyers to see if they still have ability to pay in North America  but this is not done in Asia or Europe. It wasted time and money.  Either people are paying or they are not. Either they are paying or you take the property.     If they are not paying, the builders have their right of foreclosure and the owners have their equity of redemption pursuant to legislated standard charge terms with the builder holding the final mortgage entered into on the 22nd month or its finance underwriting partner; maybe a bank or an insurance company who will enjoy the certainty in the market where all citizens have the ability to pay.  It might be Angel Ronan ™ some day; eh? You know black European Egyptian people; they can.  They really can. I think the founder was conceived and born in Egypt but raised by West Indians. 

By Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™! Are you Liptons or Ramen? Are you Pirate Nazi or Constitutional property ownership?   This is Economy Joe™ time.    


