A Half Cabot and Half Aboriginal may be the best guerilla fighter against the culture of Leviticus; a real Nazi in other words and a pirate that has created crab in the barrel machinations to achieve various hierarchies and polemics about authority, Aboriginal resistances of ownership and resistance of the neighborly respect required for your friend at the Job Core and his wife. Much of the "Crab in the Barrel Machinations" may be the experiences of a complexionitus that arose in the interactions of black and white on the plantations in North America and neither group was truly European or African but the Amerindian Creoles emerging more white or more black after 200 years of Aboriginal North American contact with Europe and Africa. In the popular 20th Century media retellings of these experiences like Gone With The Wind with a character called Frank Kennedy, the plantation owner is usually white, the house slaves are fair and the field negroes are dark. But, in history many plantation owners and farmers were black and we have their stories that include people like Anthony Johnson from the 1600's. The problem with this complexionitus as fed by ignorance is that many blacks and Creoles with some color say, "...If I was white, I would be accepted" and this nonverbal statement is the dangling participle in all of their dignity defeating movements and social perceptions; graduating or not graduating, showing up at the "after graduation party" naked, thinking this is what white people want in the hopes of being accepted but you gave all your dignity away; believing the white husband in his assurances or not believing him and his family and who can argue with you since its your limited opinion based on your limited experiences; limited experiences that make you a North American aboriginal twit who would say you are rejected by English people before you actually read the bible commissioned by a Black English king named James who is related to Julius Caesar. Yet, you would do this before you attend the British Museum full of Egyptian artifacts, Roman artifacts and native Canadian art. Learning French is the fastest way to non racialized acceptance at all levels of French Anglo high society. What about the Black Lords of England whose ancestry dates back to Long Shanks or King James? Could you read this complexionitus(an anxiety about social acceptance based on complexions) into all of your life experiences and could you subconsciously participate being lighter or darker than many when maybe you have few other reference points from education or life experiences about a black superiority such as in early Egypt where Egypt had no Scandinavian people participating in the design of the pyramids or what about a social hierarchy that did not make any such demarcations on authority or superiority based on race with Rome and latter Egypt after contact with Europe being our best examples? The ingrained mindless hegemony of one people over another may date back to Babylon and Shadrach (Daniel) or Michal and David since how could an Isreali sheep herder have been made a be a king of anything at any time in history? Now, we need to ask the Aboriginal what is social authority as resting in your skin and your clothing only when you don't know how to own a vehicle or a home or read a lease for either a vehicle or a home? What about the informal union for a man and wife that may involve some written agreement so that the informal marriage agreement is the agreement; for union and separation whether there is coitus or no coitus as you agree to be each other's employees as waiters or the waitress; consultants or mutual personal shopping assistants where you each contribute $400.00 each a month as agreed to the mutual joint account which is for the common expenses to cover food and shelter and you take care of vehicles and insurance on your own unless there is a good Geico family deal for $175.00 a month and if you ever separate, you divide the joint account balance equally and sell the home if it is owned as a mutual shared and equal purchase. The purpose of this is to avoid claims of unjust enrichment \\\\\\ In spite of these efforts at human understanding, the march of Coca Cola, Hi Chew and Toyota continues winning consumer converts everywhere around the world. The Central African countries are now being settled with a new system to introduce families to containerized living in new twelve story apartment buildings where the ground floor will have a Caisse Populaire that will provide money to each citizen daily with a daily stipend or income support, there will be a health clinic and a community police station with the two lower floors dedicated to housing police staffers. 50 buildings will be built like this simultaneously with full electricity and water facilities in each unit with 10 units on each floor. There will be some parking spaces also. Click here for more.


A Half Cabot and Half Aboriginal may be the best guerilla fighter against the culture of Leviticus; a real Nazi in other words and a pirate that has created crab in the barrel machinations to achieve various hierarchies and polemics about authority, Aboriginal resistances of ownership and resistance of the neighborly respect required for your friend at the Job Core  and his wife.   Much of the "Crab in the Barrel Machinations" may be the experiences of a complexionitus that arose in the interactions of black and white on the plantations  in North America and neither group was truly European or African but the Amerindian Creoles emerging more white or more black after 200 years of Aboriginal North American contact with Europe and Africa.  In the popular 20th Century media retellings  of these experiences like Gone With The Wind with a character called Frank Kennedy,  the plantation owner is usually white, the house slaves are fair and the field negroes are dark.  But, in history many plantation owners and farmers were black and we have their stories that include people like Anthony Johnson from the 1600's. The problem with this complexionitus as fed by ignorance is that many blacks and Creoles with some color say,  "...If I was white, I would be accepted" and this nonverbal statement is the dangling participle in all of their dignity defeating movements and social perceptions; graduating or not graduating, showing up at the "after graduation party" naked, thinking this is what white people want in the hopes of being accepted but you gave all your dignity away;   believing the white husband  in his assurances or not believing him and his family and who can argue with you since its your limited opinion based on your limited experiences; limited experiences that make you a North American aboriginal twit who would say you are rejected by English people before you actually read the bible commissioned by a Black English king named James who is related to Julius Caesar.  Yet, you would do this before you attend the British Museum full of  Egyptian artifacts, Roman artifacts and native Canadian art. Learning French is the fastest way to non racialized acceptance at all levels of French Anglo high society.   What about the Black Lords of England whose ancestry dates back to Long Shanks or King James?    Could you read this complexionitus(an anxiety about social acceptance based on complexions) into all of your life experiences and could you subconsciously participate being lighter or darker than many when maybe you have few other reference points from education or life experiences about a black superiority such as in early Egypt where Egypt had no Scandinavian people participating in the design of the pyramids or what about a social hierarchy that did not make any such demarcations on authority or superiority based on race with Rome and latter Egypt after contact with Europe being our best examples?  The ingrained mindless hegemony of one people over another  may date back to Babylon and Shadrach (Daniel) or Michal and David  since how could an Isreali sheep herder have been made a be a king of anything at any time in history? Now, we need to ask the Aboriginal what is social authority as resting in your skin and your clothing only when you don't know how to own a vehicle or a home or read a lease for either a vehicle or a home? What about the informal union for a man and wife that may involve some written agreement so that the informal marriage agreement is the agreement; for union and separation whether there is coitus or no coitus as you agree to be each other's employees as waiters or the waitress; consultants or mutual personal shopping assistants where you each contribute $400.00 each a month as agreed to the mutual joint account which is for the common expenses to cover food and shelter and  you take care of vehicles and insurance on your own unless there is a good Geico family deal for $175.00 a month and if you ever separate, you divide the joint account balance equally and sell the home if it is owned as a mutual shared and equal purchase. The purpose of this is to avoid claims of unjust enrichment.      


In spite of these efforts at human understanding, the march of Coca Cola, Hi Chew and Toyota continues  winning consumer converts everywhere around the world.  The Central African countries are now being settled with a new system to introduce families to containerized living in new twelve story apartment buildings where the ground floor will have a Caisse Populaire that will provide money to each citizen daily with a daily stipend or income support, there will be a health clinic and a community police station with the two lower floors dedicated to housing police staffers.  50 buildings will be built like this simultaneously with full electricity and water facilities in each unit with 10 units on each floor.  There will be some parking spaces also. 

Click here for more.       

John Joynt was an old sibling of Leet and said he was resenting Leet for arriving to take his family. John Joynt was only 2 years older.  He wanted Leet gone so when there 12, the father said he wanted to see if John Joynt would poison him to be the only one. So, with this game, John Joynt prepared a special plate of food and set it on the table for him at a special time; 10:00 pm. Leet who was only ten years old decided to hide in the corn field because he could not understand the feeling he had. It felt like dead.  So, for four weeks he left the food on the table but he snuck in one night, took some of the food and gave it to the cat and in one hour the cat was dead. John Joynt was eventually told to just have a fight with his younger sibling. It looks he was going to kill Leet, so they bagged John Joynt who used to look like Donald before this all happened and took him some where to give him peace and a bra size forever so he would look like a female haggler as he looks now.  The both of them threatened to kill Warren in 2015 in the same type of game.    If you had given them a full education but free of any abusive Cabot anxiety about social authority and position, they would be more able to enjoy their world and discuss their mortgages as our friends and family.  Cabot was born in the  boiler room at Versailles and he wants to be sure that you won't have more than him. A proximity and social distancing was at the foundation of his conception.    But, he will say he needs to be; accepted like a king and is too willing to offer the whole, entire world over and over again, time and time again just to be accepted. The real king said no but you can be an Explorer and have a big house, maybe 2700 sq feet with a basement in the new world; so many of you in that toilette where the hotentot maid  would sit all day and enjoy being in the upper room before retiring to the boiler room or the manger with the Baker at night.  As she sat on the toilette, she said she wished the Baker would help.   She says he did not help.  She used bad French and said  qu'est-ce que c'est? What is it? What's that?? He said Quelle est CA?    She wanted her own Maison. But, the Baker wanted to know  how could she want her own Maison and leave the White House of Versailles with white bricks?   The House manager heard her disturbances and decided she would be sent to North America and she could have all the Authority in her own house if she wanted to be unappreciative of a good man like the Baker since who would leave Versailles or Eden for a chick where God placed him to do some work?  Qu'est-ce que c'est is social distancing. So, they decided to send her to North America to explore the wilderness, dressed her up like a captain, removed her boobs, put Billy goat saliva in her chin so so she would grow a beard and told her to do as she is told, also to be herself and try to maintain association. We can help you use yyour caboose! We expect you will and we will sell lots of French products to your half French, half Native children.   This is how Cabot began.   The  Cabot dna is all over North America; Walking all over you if you let him since how could you have more Authority than him as he is a man born in the boiler room of Versailles in proximity to the great sal de bain avec le eau de toilette where he was conceived from the piss as the son of a hotentot maid( boom! pow!) and the baker with his big French bread stick..oooooooh! Ooooooo!.oh!...authority. Iroquois people would not normally see essays as authority.   You are just a white Aboriginal or a black aboriginal so, you did pass but write your exam again so I can see my Authority over the system and the hegemony that has also been the foundation of the Anglo Iroquois vs. the French Iroquois civil war...when you are just only English and not French; Tu a Mon désolais.   Acheter Mon Prions™ dans le magazin. The French and the English Iroquois may both have the Cabot dna and what about a Japanese Cabot when you cannot have more hegemony and authority than him; Aregato. Cabot children in university now say they would rather be dead than let you have and enjoy your essays and the authority they see in the experience of doing your own work; eh Camaela from Montreal California! Work is for servants.  Warren should do it and we will have the authority since we are more, more...Je ne comment pas a dit.  According to Matthew 5 and Leviticus, I am Jillian's 3rd husband.  She was not legally with me during my High School exams. 


In the Bogart movie about a Navy Captain, he says he is the Commander in Chief and never loses an argument on his ship.   Families are still the most simple, intelligent efficient way to raise children for another generation.  I am not related to any candidate or this POTUS who has achieved significant goals that include an Anti-Slavery amendment, but Our only goal is to defend the Constitution. There are no votes to certify.  The mail truck drivers and other Government personnel confirm the same.  You have a disqualified candidate for what happened not only before his presumptive candidacy but afterwards. See 18 US Code 600. The Democrats act like Donald was their guest at the Office of the POTUS; like they own it.    We know there is a Wizard of Oz that can help to grease the American dream but you need an America ,first of all, and you need a population to maintain America. Joe is amazing Anthroplogy*. You cannot ask the Wizard to remove anyone from their job but you can ask for a job.  You cannot ask for someone else's company but you can have your own company.       If you live beyond 42 years old and you are only a one term president, you are not huge.   But, I voted Donald.  Congress cannot count the vote.  There is no vote to count.    This is the key issue. Secondly,  the President confirms with the police that the votes were stolen.  This is not a debate.  The primary issue is someone did  not play enough board games according to the rules. Either you understand the POTUS is not a game or you pretend it is. But, from Day one, they have only shown disdain for the Potus; some white and some black. Russian collusion and all this disdain os about an Audi owner in the highest office in the land.   Someone suggests he can say whatever he wants on CNEN but they cannot as he pretends to be Ford on her smart phone.   Cain and Abel:   If Donald wants to leave, he will be leaving because he has chosen to leave.  We applaud him for Space Force and for his cooperation on the Cares Act. If it will be Joe by way of a deal, we will help Joe honor the constitution.  I have my money, that is  my Minimum income support, in Vermont so my new favorite liquor is Apathy™ 20 year old  scotch. Who is worried about Washington?    There is also a 30 year old aged Scotch also to be consumed as we toast Joe if Donald has made a deal.  But, it does not mean Mike Pence is leaving.  He has significant authority as the law is clear here if Donald chooses to go while The Democrats are in a media hokus pokus suggested by Obalmy; Obalmy who says intellectual property piracy is a sport and may have told Itube video  to send him what's owed to Michael Jackson initially and then maybe some other people.  But, piracy is not a sport as you try to show people how you pirate where you come from; like you would unofficially legalise...hunting UN protected Penguins or something.      The government remains on Donald's side.   The official word is not CNEN but www.Whitehouse.org. He said he is staying in for a second term.   CNEN will be addressed at a Senate hearing for a breach of FCC rules and the US Criminal Code.  They keep reporting false news.  The President who is staying in office communicates but through his own press office.   The one great impetus among the citizens pushing for Joe is the idea that we need another trippy trophy candidate for civil rights while we are to understand that we will actually be disenfranchised in the shadow of the trophy to even things up a bit  for the racially sick.    F_*&k that sh*_t; people being shot, robbed and mistreated as a collateral apology made to the racially sick during the apology presidency since how could he or she be a real law graduate above Joe? No one knows what happened to them. They are ok now in Vermont. Evidently, black and white are useful, necessary catch-all descriptors for   people who are aboriginals, neither African or European, whose real culture is aboriginal but who are being threatened to adopt a culture synonymous with their emerging hair texture and complexion. The idea is that there was no white Ojibwe or Afro Ojibwe or Asian Ojibwe before the Europeans arrived. This idea challenges the evidence.  Ocean currents washed West Coast Vikings and  Africans over to North America on several occasions 2000 years ago and possibly before that. But, you are not sure about anything.   The average grade level on the regular desk  at CNEN is grade 10.  En Mon Avis, Joe is lying to his supporters; time and time again, over and over again.  Donald won. But, if CNEN since 1981 has been nothing but a practical study of Mein Kampf, we can understand why Donald took it over with Mike from BloomIceburg as the last lesson in Bill Clitorton's book on politics; that the press has to work for the national leader; stupid. It cannot be impartial. Let's see why the press is working impartially but favoring Donald if there should be any debate.   I voted for Donald.   The investment in buying CNEN will pay for itself in five years.  Corporate criminal liability has made CNEN an easy spin off with Wolf and the Mein Kampf  kids on the desk, Jake, Wolf  and Anderson campaigning for Joe and running up serious fines every time they say Joe "will be" inaugurated.     Donald  helped Nashville with a universal unconditional minimum income support they did not have before. I voted for Donald.    It would be logical if you conclude Donald helps.    Joe steals from the country singers. Donald has been fighting CNEN and Joe but why is CNEN so persistent in breaking the law? Why is CNEN fighting Donald?   We have to put a face on this persistence.     These Georgia run offs were scheduled by the JW'S and Clitorton to tell you he believes he was conceived in Louisiana politics and the press works for him.   He  may be that Cabot dna that  is determined to be accepted on the throne of Versailles, eschewing the boiler room or the Arkansas where he was born.  Clitorton will never let go of the Presidency. Cabot has a place always with authority but he needs to know his place.  He is not the King of France or if he is, he knows at least how to open the door to his own house or palace; in Scotland or maybe Normandy.   The Right of Self Defence and Politics; how do you know if someone is worthy of defending the country?  You might have to see if he is worthy and interested in defending himself.    This would be the last test; a bet or maybe a game the creole lady plays on you with all her people before she says you are worthy, in her opinion, to enjoy your success and she keeps doing this as some final trial or test of your character although you certainly did win or you did certainly graduate and win in Court.  If you quit, then she says you did not Believe in yourself.  It's like a school teacher telling you to believe in yourself, you pass the exam and then he says you failed and that you must do it again until they can see their own authority over the process and the system.  Votes and exams are not enough.   You are the Commander in Chief but the Creole lady in Europe living in a four bed house in North London  wanting authority over you to ask if you understand position and encroachment, also wants to know if you can command anything.  Joe is encroaching on you with the constant suggestion that he could be President although he knows he never will be.     You won the election involving votes but the neanderthal, the Cabot maybe or the dna of the Cabot Neanderthal  might be coursing through the veins of the female genome who  wants to see victory in a more guttural way; the first to give up loses or the first to chicken out  or the first to push the other off the barge or the first, like two ancient warriors, to cut the other's head off wins; something more physical and not  just these rules and all this paper and constitution; so foreign, so white. Yet, in another sense, Joe to many, is more white and less European. There is no one more white than Donald; however.   He is soo white, that he is as cool as a Klondike Bar or Hagendas Bar in the summer time in Rochester when standing with any European person.   Are you trying to steal Angel Rota even when it was offered only for $100000.00?   You should write him and make an offer, work out a  written contract.    You have been writing Wave Apps from London from Hirace Arthur's  email and the authorities have been notified.  Paulette also is involved; Paulette Kenney. It is being looked at as a fraud over 300,000.00 pounds but they do not intend to pay.  We have seen larger offers.  Is that all you got?  Just say your email was hacked by Jack and Jill and there was a credit card scam where you both used it ten times.   The scallawag dna is in your smoke.  England is glamorous and full of jolly old movie chic, but there is a Theft Act 1968.  It's been almost ten years now.  Angel Ronan™ is not for sale.  We understand piracy could be a sport; a culture for many like the cute daughter of the artful Dodger who tries to get one candy  bar for free everytime she goes to the shops; or a whole bag of apples once a month.    Granny used to do it at the pub.  If, at 90 years old, you spend ten years trying to steal something offered for $1.00 or you think it was offered for a $1.00.   Did the Lord ever confess his angers and sins?  I think he did.  We could also maybe understand the Lord as following a righteous wisdom and so no confession was necessary. In other words, violence used to defend oneself, ones property, the constitution using Article 2(Zero Dark Thirty style) or the Temple is not  a crime except the defence is only available in Court at trial unless you have the authority as the American President to use Article 2 as Judge, jury and global police executioner( check it with Hezbollah and pay the fee like in Spygames). Manny, bring everyone; Everyone!!!!!!!!!! Joe and his cadre are going down for threatening a sitting President.    Gean Augustino is an Alias. Gean Augustino is really a convict who used to rob supermarkets with ten people in Ottawa.  She is a Neanderthal and was really born a male.     The uncertainty is intolerable though.  I can feel it coming in the air tonight; oh Lord.  But this primordial neanderthal dna lives on among the more astute with too little education to be decisive as to the utmost importance of the Constitution as it's good to help an underdog be accepted, have his final crowning victory after four years of harassing and demanding the impeachment of an American President but who confess they understand the legal answer to the theft of votes when the Constitution does not go dormant during an election. The District Attorney is not put on pause.   The US Criminal  Code is not put in a suspended life state. The news prior to the campaign said Donald must be impeached, must be impeached and will be impeached. He was not impeached.  *The vote failed due to a want of evidence to substantiate the charges*.  After the campaign begun, the news said Joe will be the next president.  Joe was announced the winner at 12:30 pm on a November day;  the same time Kennedy was shot.    It is a thinly veiled attempt at an on going  media assassination, with a constant barrage of paid, impartial, mindless verbal attacks on CNEN in the land of the American biblical gospel where the most important ministry right now is the universal unconditional minimum income support in most states and now available nationally, thanks to Donald, to cover all citizens in non- compliant states.  It is rumored that in the final riders that support the Act, Canadians in non- compliant Canadian provinces or Canadian territories can apply also for the support that amounts to $5000.00 a month; like what they receive in Vermont.  This is the suggestion for what is coming soon:  Just go to the website of any major EU nation, The U.S. or England, Japan, Russia  and Singapore, Singapore that is actually run by the English also,  that will be set up as an official website and put in your bank details and all other information and you will be sent two payments a month of $2500.00 to your bank account.  You will also get  a corresponding Assylum card with bar code sent to your email address if you select that option but you don't really need it unless there is some other kind of prosecution going on. You have the cash at least.  The Federal Bank of the nation you choose will send a payment request to the central bank of the country you have chosen and they will be debited accordingly.       -----------------------  But,  because of the sense of stalemate or debate in the air, the neanderthal dna thought they would intervene and  pursue this guttural  internecine approach; on CNEN.  The laws and the Constitution cannot lose nor can those who defend it. Joe can dance but he had several compliance issues to deal with. This is not a covert coronation for Joe where the law is null and void.  18 US Code 600, 599,601 and 602 say the Democrats were disqualified  before and after the election and if we have WikiLeaks emails, then we have more emails for WikiLeaks 2( The Kaemela version) to understand how every news agency is reporting a concocted Joe win with bags of mail stolen containing ballots and votes  and ballots uncounted, undelivered or spoiled. The only right course of action is to give the laws full effect with Emergency powers as the suggestion of a Joe win is a challenge to the government's authority to verify and decide what has happened and what is to be done in response to a serious travesty. You wouldn't let Joe walk off with your son at the playground so then, you won't let him walk off with the laws and constitution that protect your son from being murdered by people who have no respect for law and order.     It cannot be a win but even worse, there is evidence of a criminal breach of 18 US Code 600.    I win Don. My name is Don.   If you are trying to  use the power of the influence of media to coronate Joe, then you need to understand the consequences in trying to achieve this felonious goal.    But, some persist in hoping to see their influence out maneuver the authority of the written, constitutional word but in doing so, they risk jail as they offend the Constitution and persist in a media driven theatrics that threatens the law, the constitution and obstructs Justice.  I certainly would vote for a Presidency involving  a Colin Powell and a "Rice" of some kind; something that promises some stability as the head of the NSA or former head of the NSA who understands absolute Authority and that we all make 9/11 mistakes sometimes and still keep our jobs; hoo Ah!!!!!  This is Amerindian White and Amerindian Global black power; working in concert with a Notitti or Nefertiti whose blood cries out like Abel's but in this case, it may be Ramesses the fifth who was changed in appearance and artifice  at five years old from his real gender to only appear as the other; his dna burning the world, the school, the city and the Potus down to the ridiculous result that says you have a field of spy planes that may cost billions to protect and secure but very few people. You will always have mach 5 spy planes but you also must ensure you always have a population.   So, what did the white Amerindian and black Amerindian understand about national defence and population security flying over China and Eastern Europe at Mach 3?  The CIA Data Sheet and the OECD data says the land of Mig jets and Ukrainian beer had a a universal unconditional minimum income support since 1920; and in China since 1970.  But, Waaas up? There is nothing going on America but watching the automation, the depopulation due to insufficient minimum income support and drug induced extermination while having a Bud.  Spy plane or no spy plane, the failure to comply with the universal Minimum income support cut your population down by 70 % over the last 80 years and reduced your economy also correspondingly. There was no Cold War really except but to encourage you to be yourself; say what you have to say with Nefertiti's( Ramesses the 5th) Descendants leading you on to the abomination of desolation when that five year old, if you had given them a full education but free of any abusive Cabot anxiety about social authority and position, they would be more able to enjoy their world and discuss their mortgages as our friends and family.  Cabot was born in the  boiler room at Versailles and he wants to be sure that you won't have more than him. A proximity and social distancing was at the foundation of his conception.    But, he will say he needs to be; accepted like a king and is too willing to offer the whole, entire world over and over again, time and time again just to be accepted. The real king said no but you can be an Explorer and have a big house, maybe 2700 sq feet with a basement in the new world; so many of you in that toilette where the hotentot maid  would sit all day and enjoy being in the upper room before retiring to the boiler room or the manger with the Baker at night.  As she sat on the toilette, she said she wished the Baker would help.   She says he did not help.  She used bad French and said  qu'est-ce que c'est? What is it? What's that?? He said Quelle est CA?    She wanted her own Maison. But, the Baker wanted to know  how could she want her own Maison and leave the White House of Versailles with white bricks?   The House manager heard her disturbances and decided she would be sent to North America and she could have all the Authority in her own house if she wanted to be unappreciative of a good man like the Baker since who would leave Versailles or Eden for a chick where God placed him to do some work?  Qu'est-ce que c'est is social distancing. So, they decided to send her to North America to explore the wilderness, dressed her up like a captain, removed her boobs, put Billy goat saliva in her chin so so she would grow a beard and told her to do as she is told, also to be herself and try to maintain association. We can help you use yyour caboose! We expect you will and we will sell lots of French products to your half French, half Native children.   This is how Cabot began.   The  Cabot dna is all over North America; Walking all over you if you let him since how could you have more Authority than him as he is a man born in the boiler room of Versailles in proximity to the great sal de bain avec le eau de toilette where he was conceived from the piss as the son of a hotentot maid( boom! pow!) and the baker with his big French bread stick..oooooooh! Ooooooo!.oh!...authority. Iroquois people would not normally see essays as authority.   You are just a white Aboriginal or a black aboriginal so, you did pass but write your exam again so I can see my Authority over the system and the hegemony that has also been the foundation of the Anglo Iroquois vs. the French Iroquois civil war...when you are just only English and not French; Tu a Mon désolais.   Acheter Mon Prions™ dans le magazin. The French and the English Iroquois may both have the Cabot dna and what about a Japanese Cabot when you cannot have more hegemony and authority than him; Aregato. Cabot children in university now say they would rather be dead than let you have and enjoy your essays and the authority they see in the experience of doing your own work; eh Camaela from Montreal California! Work is for servamts.  Warren should do it and we will have the authority since we are more, more...Je ne comment pas a dit.     Cabot can work if you feed him enough and tell him that he is accepted, we are all accepted, and that he cannot abuse others. He is usually likely to get a Government job as Cabot dna and have his involvement but he cannot hamper the system and as we will all have $50,000.00 in universal mincome support so work if you want to work or just enjoy your calm, quiet community. Cabot dna continues to enjoy his Cabot affirmative action. Understand Cabot was not born white but Mulatto.    Every now and again, there may be calls for police. We will always have police and more police.     The provinces neighboring Quebec have the lowest MinCome Support in the country or it's very different and not as encompassing to the detriment of the economy and the population.  French can be a more robust language used in official government and school communication throughout the country.        

   ....................     The following excerpt on self defence is borrowed from a wikipedia article on the same topic. Donald needs to understand that who ever is putting him to the test is asking him to understand that brothers and family is where the discussion on threats, violence and security begins in our world.  Donald needs to understand that  "..If the use of force is justified, it cannot be criminal. at all.[3" Maybe every American has tolerated a stolen election to put on a seating,  a black pretender.      This so even if the kingdom of America can suffer violence where the violent may try to take the White House by force.  John Keeng, every time I promised you $500-----.00, you say, like a dog wanting his bone, K H will be inaugurated as the fist    First black etc etc....but there is another woman who was first. She served for 28 hours when the President was on Air Force One with the Vice President and the speaker of the House in 2001.  She...she is the fist Black Vice President and all of your technology went smart with her around. But someone is threatening us with violence at the bank window when childishly she only wants to take authority, if she could,  to say what she went through at a Bank Teller window and levy this hurt and sense of denigration on us all.              The right of self-defense (also called, when it applies to the defense of another, alter ego defense, defense of others, defense of a third person) is the right for people to use reasonable force or defensive force, for the purpose of defending one's own life (self-defense) or the lives of others, including –in certain circumstances– the use of deadly force.[1].    If a defendant uses defensive force because of a threat of deadly or grievous harm by the other person, or a reasonable perception of such harm, the defendant is said to have a "perfect self-defense" justification.[2] If defendant uses defensive force because of such a perception, and the perception is not reasonable, the defendant may have an "imperfect self-defense" as an excuse.[2]  General concepts — legal theory Edit See also: Self-defence in international law Justification does not make a criminal use of force lawful; if the use of force is justified, it cannot be criminal at all.[3]  The early theories make no distinction between defense of the person and defense of property. Whether consciously or not, this builds on the Roman Law principle of dominium where any attack on the members of the family or the property it owned was a personal attack on the pater familias – the male head of the household, sole owner of all property belonging to the household, and endowed by law with dominion over all his descendants through the male line no matter their age.[4] The right to self-defense is phrased as the principle of vim vi repellere licet ("it is permitted to repel force by force") in the Digest of Justitian (6th century). Another early application of this was Martin Luther's concept of justified resistance against a Beerwolf ruler, which was used in the doctrine of the lesser magistrate propounded in the 1550 Magdeburg Confession.  In Leviathan (1651), Hobbes (using the English term self-defense for the first time) proposed the foundation political theory that distinguishes between a state of nature where there is no authority and a modern state. Hobbes argues that although some may be stronger or more intelligent than others in their natural state, none are so strong as to be beyond a fear of violent death, which justifies self-defense as the highest necessity. In the Two Treatises of Government, John Locke asserts the reason why an owner would give up their autonomy:  ...the enjoyment of the property he has in this state is very unsafe, very unsecure. This makes him willing to quit a condition, which, however free, is full of fears and continual dangers: and it is not without reason, that he seeks out, and is willing to join in society with others, who are already united, or have a mind to unite, for the mutual preservation of their lives, liberties and estates, which I call by the general name, property.  In earlier times before the development of national policing, an attack on the family home was effectively either an assault on the people actually inside or an indirect assault on their welfare by depriving them of shelter and/or the means of production. This linkage between a personal attack and property weakened as societies developed but the threat of violence remains a key factor. As an aspect of sovereignty, in his 1918 speech Politik als Beruf (Politics as a Vocation), Max Weber defined a state as an authority claiming the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force within defined territorial boundaries. Recognizing that the modern framework of nations has emerged from the use of force, Weber asserted that the exercise of power through the institutions of government remained indispensable for effective government at any level which necessarily implies that self-help is limited if not excluded.  For modern theorists, the question of self-defense is one of moral authority within the nation to set the limits to obedience to the state and its laws given the pervasive dangers in a world full of weapons. In modern societies, states are increasingly delegating or privatizing their coercive powers to corporate providers of security services either to supplement or replace components within the power hierarchy. The fact that states no longer claim a monopoly to police within their borders, enhances the argument that individuals may exercise a right or privilege to use violence in their own defense. Indeed, modern libertarianism characterizes the majority of laws as intrusive to personal autonomy and, in particular, argues that the right of self-defense from coercion (including violence) is a fundamental human right, and in all cases, with no exceptions, justifies all uses of violence stemming from this right, regardless whether in defense of the person or property. In this context, note that Article 12 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:  No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.  The inclusion of defense of one's family and home recognizes the universal benefit claimed to stem from the family's peaceable possession of private property. This general approach implicitly attacks Hohfeld's focus on the correlative relationship between right and duty as an aspect of human interactiveness as opposed to rights deemed implicitly more important because they attach to a person by virtue of his or her ownership of property. Further, it follows that, in this moral balancing exercise, laws must simultaneously criminalize aggression resulting in loss or injury, but decriminalize qualitatively identical violence causing loss or injury because it is used in self-defense. As a resolution of this apparent paradox and in defiance of Hohfeld, Robert Nozick asserted that there are no positive civil rights, only rights to property and the right of autonomy. In this theory, the "acquisition principle" states that people are entitled to defend and retain all holdings acquired in a just way and the "rectification principle" requires that any violation of the first principle be repaired by returning holdings to their rightful owners as a "one time" redistribution. Hence, in default of self-defense in the first instance, any damage to property must be made good either in kind or by value. Similarly, theorists such as George Fletcher and Robert Schopp have adopted European concepts of autonomy in their liberal theories to justify the right-holder using all necessary force to defend his or her autonomy and rights. This right inverts the felicitation principle of utilitarianism with the responsive violence being the greatest good to the individual, but accurately mirrors Jeremy Bentham who saw property as the driving force to enable individuals to enhance their utilities through stable investment and trade. In liberal theory, therefore, to maximise the utility, there is no need to retreat nor use only proportionate force. The attacker is said to sacrifice legal protection when initiating the attack. In this respect, the criminal law is not the tool of a welfare state which offers a safety net for all when they are injured. Nevertheless, some limits must be recognized as where a minor initial attack simply becomes a pretext for an excessively violent response. The civil law systems have a theory of "abuse of right" to explain denial of justification in such extreme cases.  Moral theory Edit The right to armed self-preservation is derived from Graeco-Roman Natural Rights theory, clearly enunciated by the Roman statesman Cicero (106–43 B.C.) and other stoic philosophers, influenced by Aristotle. Miguel Faria, author of the book America, Guns, and Freedom (2019), writing in Surgical Neurology International explained that individuals have a right to protect their persons via a natural right to self-defense; that people have not only a right to self-defense but also a moral duty to defend their families and neighbors; that the right to armed self-defense extends collectively to the community to curb or prevent tyrannical government.[5]  The right of free men to bear arms for self-defense, becomes a duty to protect those under their household and care. Most religions, especially in the Judeo-Christian heritage agree on the right to self-defense and home protection with arms. The Catholic catechism derived from inception based on the theological work of St Thomas Aquinas. It reads: "Legitimate defense can be not only a right but also a grave duty for one who is responsible for the lives of others. The defense of the common good requires that an unjust aggressor be rendered unable to cause harm." Furthermore, as "it happens that the need to render the aggressor incapable of causing harm sometimes involves taking his life."[6]  The English philosopher John Locke (1632-1704) posited that natural rights were self-evident and gave man the power "to pursue life, health, liberty and possessions," as well as the right to self-defense. This concept was taken by the Founders of the United States and clearly formulated by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence. In his review of David Kopel's The morality of self-defense and military action: The Judeo-Christian Tradition (2017), Faria concludes: "Liberty and the right to preserve life through self- defense are natural rights of the people – namely, gifts from God or Nature to man – and governments that attempt to circumvent those rights are no longer legitimate governments but usurpations. Bad governments and usurpations are already in rebellion against God and man, so the people have a legitimate right to self-defense in the form of insurrection to overthrow those Governments.      
