Grendel as seen in Beowulf and Grendel is a character providing a metaphor in an on going global phenomenon, racially black or white; a late cave dweller and technological straggler when most men had already moved out of caves and into construction dwellings of some kind! Even when moving into society for the first time or for the first few generations, using Max Factor and wearing Armani or Gap Clothing, it does not mean he will accept whole heartedly our laws and the formal matters and processes involving property ownership. They tend to maintain a residual aboriginal resistance of formal property ownership in a determination to pursue the informal vain attempts at property ownership, if any, would still exist. This resistance may continue for 1000's of years after Cherwyl Grendel leaves the cave for the first time as some did in 1908 in St. Alabans; UK. She can cook and dress and talk about poetry and also write a complete sentence but when it comes to real property, she is a warring animal. They usually lose $100,000's of dollars over a life time in a vehement, murderous resistance and false hope that if they kill a property owner in any way, the secret authority of Grendel Jehovah Witness will give them the property even if they are not a citizen in the country where the property owner maintained his property. Can you imagine a murderous UK English school teacher named Cherry Algoowynon that would kill a woman from Jamaica who owned 7 homes in the belief that she could just show up in Jamaica from England and just own that Jamaican Canadian woman's property? A Grendel President may resent the settled "war of civilizations is over" feeling that arises when every citizen has a life preserving(economic life preserver) universal unconditional income support that saves every citizen from the rough seas of joblessness occasioned by automation. However, President JOE(nick named GI JOE) says We also have to ensure that as every Russian, European, Japanese and Chinese Asian has a minimum income support, every American citizen must have an Income Support. This is how we are losing the war when these competitor populations live longer and there will be more of their people in our world and also more of their culture when they have this requisite economic resource to be fruitful and multiply while Americans do not. From Fleet Street Journal.
Grendel as seen in Beowulf and Grendel is a character providing a metaphor in an on going global phenomenon, racially black or white; a late cave dweller and technological straggler when most men had already moved out of caves and into construction dwellings of some kind! Even when moving into society for the first time or for the first few generations, using Max Factor and wearing Armani or Gap Clothing, it does not mean he will accept whole heartedly our laws and the formal matters and processes involving property ownership. They tend to maintain a residual aboriginal resistance of formal property ownership in a determination to pursue the informal vain attempts at property ownership, if any, would still exist. This resistance may continue for 1000's of years after Cherwyl Grendel leaves the cave for the first time as some did in 1908 in St. Alabans; UK. She can cook and dress and talk about poetry and also write a complete sentence but when it comes to real property, she is a warring animal. They usually lose $100,000's of dollars over a life time in a vehement, murderous resistance and false hope that if they kill a property owner in any way, the secret authority of Grendel Jehovah Witness will give them the property even if they are not a citizen in the country where the property owner maintained his property. Can you imagine a murderous UK English school teacher named Cherry Algoowynon that would kill a woman from Jamaica who owned 7 homes in the belief that she could just show up in Jamaica from England and just own that Jamaican Canadian woman's property? A Grendel President may resent the settled "war of civilizations is over" feeling that arises when every citizen has a life preserving(economic life preserver) universal unconditional income support that saves every citizen from the rough seas of joblessness occasioned by automation. However, President JOE(nick named GI JOE) says We also have to ensure that as every Russian, European, Japanese and Chinese Asian has a minimum income support, every American citizen must have an Income Support. This is how we are losing the war when these competitor populations live longer and there will be more of their people in our world and also more of their culture when they have this requisite economic resource to be fruitful and multiply while Americans do not.
From Fleet Street Journal.
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