Click here. You already own your lands in North America. They are not going to fight. You need them, every Anglo, as soldiers of your unique kind of global Anglo consumer hegemony to keep up with the other hegemonic global communities. You don't really build anything any more anyway. You need to stop and think about your hegemony motivations, what aboriginal community the feelings come from, what deceit about red skin natives vs. Afro natives in Mexico and understand the competitive Cabot/Columbus dna that needs to be the only one and superior to anyone or anything if you suggest "Appl" is more superior as a phone or that red Asian is more superior than red American as red and brown is the color of occupation with more quiet family puero Muy Namaste gringo with quiet Asian family cultures; and what is this hegemony that makes you risk a collision with safety and authority competitively by wearing 3 pairs of socks to be a 1/2 inch taller the next time you go to a reunion or have better teeth when you visit someone's home and put Drano in the neighbor's family tooth paste or burn people's scalp so on that reunion you have more hair or your scheme that you will win no matter what if you live longer? You didn't even have a bank account before you became a President of Delaware. You seem to want to visit bad experiences you have had on other aboriginal folk and you wont stop to think about what you are doing or how implementing the income support will help[ us all as aboriginal folk you are not emotionally or genetically European. You call yourself God all day long and sometimes you act like it in your own little way. Her name is Kemhala. She was a bit more brown skinned in real life. It's cold outside. Your lady friend says to you that she knows she loves you because she already dreamed about all the good things she would say about you to a judge when you will be in Divorce Court. You say you will be out of town for three days and you don't know when you will call and then she says she needs to hear from you tomorrow or she will cry. She then asks if she can come with you where ever you are going. She also says she does not want you to work but to stay home and cut the grass while she works as it helps her female hegemony maybe. Her sister was like this and very abusive to her husband who actually did not work and just stayed home to cut the grass. She also plotted to have her husband write the Deacon's Board Insurer's exam 10 times because she did not want him to have any professional qualifications. This one who dreamed about the divorce was not abusive while her husband consulted from home and had an office on the property as well as a satellite office down the road as he did not want to meet with clients in the home. But, maybe you have feelings before you have understanding. Maybe you keep doing whatever you think will achieve your hegemony desires and you hope to micromanage the world to achieve your personal feelings with a hegemonic agenda where five black people are shot after one white cop is convicted for murder but not really shot but they say so on CNEN to even up the emotion as Kemhala is in between two Aboriginal complexioned groupings and she needs to be excepted although she would be secure if she thought of the one human family and Vietnam was really maybe about the first mass shipment of Sony Tv's to America and then you end up running to others for understanding who had a more global perspective with goals based on logic. What is estrogen doing in the plastics used to package foods? Your desire for hegemony on some microcosmic level may not be practicality. What if you have a hermaphrodite hegemonic agenda that says only Hermaphrodites in your economy receive any universal unconditional income support? This would certainly affect the economy. Also, it could be evidence of adverse impact discrimination where your income support polices discriminates against other segments of the population; based on gender differences. What if the US Government or any government only provided an income support to the 13 original colonies as well as Oshawa but not Sioux Narrows or Sudbury? That would be adverse impact discrimination based on location. You cannot run a government on an agenda to avenge and share past hurts. You are angry that as a white, the bank took your first pay cheque some how that you deposited. You did not have a statement or any evidence of the deposit. You did not get a bank book. You did not do anything but write down your account number. The manager was your uncle but you did not have the full education but you had authority. Maybe you were born with it as you cannot really; you know. Do you have bubble soap? You can blow bubbles maybe. Your uncle thought one stolen cheque at $50.00 was all the education you need and it hurts like heck but now you are an expert with bank book, bank statements or at least you keep every little piece of paper given to you as well as an automatic emailed verification of every transaction. They might return to paper bank books but emailed statements is preferred. You need to remember your pin. What if you don't and you ask for a reset but there is no balance? What evidence do you have of the $50.00? You have been the victim of a theft? What if you are too proud to just say you need them to restore your account and account to you for every dollar in the account because they are legally obligated to do so? What if they say they want to know if any police service thinks you are worth anything; even as much as $50.00 as they hope you will threaten them to comply with the law but then they say you are causing a disturbance and then they rub your face on the ground and tell you to, "...Have a statement and a face next time Kemhala!" How is it that the governor of G...r...ia never had a bank account even once before getting to the gubernatorial office? IF he did not have a bank account, then it is likely, he never owned a home or a vehicle. He never had a job. He never did anything but live on cash from some community and where ever he is, that is all he is. His wife; she says anyone who ever read a Shakespeare book is not to be trusted or any Huck Finn. But, she looks like a white school teacher. They do not intend on buying properties but they want to live in nice homes. They don't have to buy it. But, they cannot kill people either who did buy their home and just steal the property. There is a parallel world of existence running along side the world of Law, Constitutions and contracts and maybe sometimes one of these aliens to the world of contracts gets to the office of leadership in a constitutional democracy. He is either the artful dodger or he is an aboriginal or both; Lovely Jubbly or "How Kemosabee" or maybe he says both Kemosabee and lovely Jubbly deep down inside his stomach!! Maybe he also says to himself, "I am as Handsome as the American Psycho and I don't really want any government but I know people will agree with me; do what I want as I hypnotize them. How much LSD is in the consumer food production? Maybe they will help me in closing the government and the American dream that usually involves home ownership. Since 1939, the Office of the Prince of Wales is the De Facto authority over North America apparently and every political office; including the President of the United States; to help him or her in making the best decisions for the common benefit of the English speaking people. There should not be any LSD in the consumer food supply. But, what happens if the Office of the Presidency is taken over by Ray from Ozark or Joe from the Klondike with their unique simplification of the American dream; that what will not kill will fatten and that America does not want any fully, completely trained professionals, white or black, because it is less interesting when they are fully trained; less fun and we might four Vice Presidents under this Joe or Ray from the Ozark which is attention grabbing as maybe the first one might be appointed to be a Judge and still maintain the honor of a VP with a library. The second VP named Lindsay may start office after November 2021. These new types of VP's don't really do anything anyway except express their angers against the civilized world full of rules; growling, howling!! What if Abraham is an Afghan aboriginal that has been maintaining his rustic life in the mountains around Kabul and he does not want any Americans putting up movie theatres again with Star Wars airing as they did in the 1970's and for America coming to show hegemony, they need to understand the Russians have hegemony but American Supermarkets and road building in friendship might be welcome. Have you seen the Outpost(2020)? It may be that the Outpost in Afghanistan as opened in 2001 was designed as a response to American hegemony expressed in the Patriot(2000). Did Kemhala write it? This means that the Americans are not masters in one big global house but friends of the master and sometimes, they, the master, would prefer that you would just choose life and life more abundantly; let it go Ichabod American...let it go.....and come to the table of universal human brotherhood as you provide each north American with a universal unconditional income support of no less than $50000.00 per year. This support is the most immediate way to assimilate the white and the black aboriginal to American civilization or any civilization. It's what you did in Iraq and in parts of Afghanistan also. The failure to provide to all Americans or all North Americans diminishes American hegemony We don't need any war tensions here. Let someone chop up Americans in a movie and in real life like the Outpost(2020). Your idea of the American War of Independence as seen in the Patriot(2000) may have challenged the master's unimpeachable sense of hegemony. Your military is for defending America; not tap dancing at the master's front door, showing him how good you think you can do it. Thank you for your expressions of hegemony; good clogging, tap dancing. Wouldn't it be nice if I .....see what I will do for my deep down aboriginal comfort that is probably threatening an aboriginal home owner some where and this is the rub; the dichotomy but for how long?" Will it be 20 years with this double minded socio economic terrorist, threatening property ownership with his Jehovah Witness/ Aboriginal Determination? I'm a Jehovah Witness but I financed a Ford vehicle 10 times in my life; all paid off in four years as a citizen of Vermont where I always had $60,000.00 per year paid to me by the Government of Vermont that collects a 30% sales tax and we are good. But, if the American Psycho with his wife resenting Shakespeare becomes the President? Populations are essential to any country. You need to guarantee and ensure their existence against the cyclical threats or the technological changes that occasion job erosion and other economic phenomenon. There could be a lot of people in the population that understand their emotion just south of Connecticut and west of the Potomac. Maybe they will not be comfortable to attend school beyond grade 9. But, the truth is that for the barbarian, money is assimilation and the shopping and buying also. $80,000.00 per year in income support makes easy concerts to our glorious civilization. Its also good for business. its not that she needs it. We all need it and it makes us feel good like the average Russian. We don't know how long it will be for him to settle down in family with a wife and four kids or how long it will take for her to settle down with someone. But, we encourage it. We don't know when they will want to rent an apartment and maybe they will just stay in hotels but with enough money, they participate in the economy and eventually they will want to rent or buy a property and also own and drive a vehicle and get an insurance contract for the vehicle. But, if you were Irish, how long does it take to understand a universal income support; not very long. Its the Irish culture seen in New England. Is the American Irish or not? Understand that W. E. B Dubois, a Black man, had a dole or universal income support from Massachusetts paid to him as a black man when he was walking and riding by wagon around the Southern United States, talking to people about the souls of Aboriginal Afro Folk that existed in North America after the continental divide but they were not linguistically or culturally African but more like the Bushmen of the Kalahari in South Africa or the Australian Aboriginal and we were taught to call them Indians or Amerindians. Only two slave ships left Africa during the years of slavery prior to the U.S. Civil War. Aboriginal is a good word. So, this whole American thing has nothing to do with white or black but socioeconomic policies that are not applied across the spectrum. Maybe Dubois knew these people in the South were American Afro aboriginals; unlike him. Maybe he was a third generation French Black from France or 9th generation black Hawk related to Crispus Attucks from the original British Colonies. Crispus was a full Black Hawk aboriginal colonial citizen. A new docudrama mini series is coming out soon on WEB Du Bois and on Anthony Johnson who owned slaves with his Head Rights as a European Black Irish man in America. It's cold outside. Before she tells you how she resents having to wear modern clothing, at least she has $80,000.00 in universal unconditional income support and an airline security job; maybe if she finished the education necessary; just High School it seems. New research in human understanding has confirmed how white emerged. It is essentially, in the case of England, Ireland and, Scotland and Northern Europe, a European Cheddar man with blue eyes and brown or black skin with black or brown hair mixed with Mongol Eskimo dna. His or facial features confirm the diet of mice, squirrels and other such small animals. The Mongol Eskimo introduced fish to the diet. The Egyptians introduced the hunting of deer to these early Europeans that included the Vikings. In the Mediterranean, the consumption of squid led to changes and differences in complexion. The Egyptians also brought some Northern European Eskimo Aboriginals South to Egypt to see their reactions. They also returned North with the Egyptians and they shared their experiences of Egypt with the Northern European tribes men. They mated with Egyptians also, creating more family. The Gaelic and Celtic aboriginal peoples are not English or French and these Celtic and Gaelic languages still exist today as written and spoken language. However, around 1560 the English with Europe sent as many Gaelic and Celtic speaking people to the new world as they had not converted to English or who had not taken up the English language yet. They helped to diffuse and differentiate the 'aboriginal' Afro Troglodyte population of the West Indies and also some parts of North America; including Mexico, taking on English and Spanish in the new world. They felt abandoned as an elder went with them but he did not remain with them. He returned to the home country to lead others to Gibraltar and the southern Mediterranean which was once populated by entirely Afro people. Some of these Celts and Gaelic would have been Cheddar Man brown, Cheddar Man black and Cheddar man White or Red with various hair textures. There are palm trees in the south of England; in Penzance. But, there is a hegemony discussion going on in the world and let us say technology is a neutral factor. We can all enjoy a Porsche or a Toyota or the new GM; GMoyota. Every community, culture or nation needs people for some vitality and hegemony in their own quarters or corner; for territorial occupation and for defence. We do not have enough North Americans to occupy North America. If there is or was a Cold War, ideas were weapons. If you cannot control America by the barrel of the gun, then you must control America by the way they think.- Author unknown.
Click here.
You already own your lands in North America. They are not going to fight. You need them, every Anglo, as soldiers of your unique kind of global Anglo consumer hegemony to keep up with the other hegemonic global communities. You don't really build anything any more anyway. You need to stop and think about your hegemony motivations, what aboriginal community the feelings come from, what deceit about red skin natives vs. Afro natives in Mexico and understand the competitive Cabot/Columbus dna that needs to be the only one and superior to anyone or anything if you suggest "Appl" is more superior as a phone or that red Asian is more superior than red American as red and brown is the color of occupation with more quiet family puero Muy Namaste gringo with quiet Asian family cultures; and what is this hegemony that makes you risk a collision with safety and authority competitively by wearing 3 pairs of socks to be a 1/2 inch taller the next time you go to a reunion or have better teeth when you visit someone's home and put Drano in the neighbor's family tooth paste or burn people's scalp so on that reunion you have more hair or your scheme that you will win no matter what if you live longer? You didn't even have a bank account before you became a President of Delaware. You seem to want to visit bad experiences you have had on other aboriginal folk and you wont stop to think about what you are doing or how implementing the income support will help[ us all as aboriginal folk you are not emotionally or genetically European. You call yourself God all day long and sometimes you act like it in your own little way. Her name is Kemhala. She was a bit more brown skinned in real life. It's cold outside.
Your lady friend says to you that she knows she loves you because she already dreamed about all the good things she would say about you to a judge when you will be in Divorce Court. You say you will be out of town for three days and you don't know when you will call and then she says she needs to hear from you tomorrow or she will cry. She then asks if she can come with you where ever you are going. She also says she does not want you to work but to stay home and cut the grass while she works as it helps her female hegemony maybe. Her sister was like this and very abusive to her husband who actually did not work and just stayed home to cut the grass. She also plotted to have her husband write the Deacon's Board Insurer's exam 10 times because she did not want him to have any professional qualifications. This one who dreamed about the divorce was not abusive while her husband consulted from home and had an office on the property as well as a satellite office down the road as he did not want to meet with clients in the home.
But, maybe you have feelings before you have understanding. Maybe you keep doing whatever you think will achieve your hegemony desires and you hope to micromanage the world to achieve your personal feelings with a hegemonic agenda where five black people are shot after one white cop is convicted for murder but not really shot but they say so on CNEN to even up the emotion as Kemhala is in between two Aboriginal complexioned groupings and she needs to be excepted although she would be secure if she thought of the one human family and Vietnam was really maybe about the first mass shipment of Sony Tv's to America and then you end up running to others for understanding who had a more global perspective with goals based on logic. What is estrogen doing in the plastics used to package foods? Your desire for hegemony on some microcosmic level may not be practicality. What if you have a hermaphrodite hegemonic agenda that says only Hermaphrodites in your economy receive any universal unconditional income support? This would certainly affect the economy. Also, it could be evidence of adverse impact discrimination where your income support polices discriminates against other segments of the population; based on gender differences. What if the US Government or any government only provided an income support to the 13 original colonies as well as Oshawa but not Sioux Narrows or Sudbury? That would be adverse impact discrimination based on location. You cannot run a government on an agenda to avenge and share past hurts. You are angry that as a white, the bank took your first pay cheque some how that you deposited. You did not have a statement or any evidence of the deposit. You did not get a bank book. You did not do anything but write down your account number. The manager was your uncle but you did not have the full education but you had authority. Maybe you were born with it as you cannot really; you know. Do you have bubble soap? You can blow bubbles maybe. Your uncle thought one stolen cheque at $50.00 was all the education you need and it hurts like heck but now you are an expert with bank book, bank statements or at least you keep every little piece of paper given to you as well as an automatic emailed verification of every transaction. They might return to paper bank books but emailed statements is preferred. You need to remember your pin. What if you don't and you ask for a reset but there is no balance? What evidence do you have of the $50.00? You have been the victim of a theft? What if you are too proud to just say you need them to restore your account and account to you for every dollar in the account because they are legally obligated to do so? What if they say they want to know if any police service thinks you are worth anything; even as much as $50.00 as they hope you will threaten them to comply with the law but then they say you are causing a disturbance and then they rub your face on the ground and tell you to, "...Have a statement and a face next time Kemhala!" How is it that the governor of G...r...ia never had a bank account even once before getting to the gubernatorial office? IF he did not have a bank account, then it is likely, he never owned a home or a vehicle. He never had a job. He never did anything but live on cash from some community and where ever he is, that is all he is. His wife; she says anyone who ever read a Shakespeare book is not to be trusted or any Huck Finn. But, she looks like a white school teacher. They do not intend on buying properties but they want to live in nice homes. They don't have to buy it. But, they cannot kill people either who did buy their home and just steal the property. There is a parallel world of existence running along side the world of Law, Constitutions and contracts and maybe sometimes one of these aliens to the world of contracts gets to the office of leadership in a constitutional democracy. He is either the artful dodger or he is an aboriginal or both; Lovely Jubbly or "How Kemosabee" or maybe he says both Kemosabee and lovely Jubbly deep down inside his stomach!! Maybe he also says to himself, "I am as Handsome as the American Psycho and I don't really want any government but I know people will agree with me; do what I want as I hypnotize them. How much LSD is in the consumer food production? Maybe they will help me in closing the government and the American dream that usually involves home ownership. Since 1939, the Office of the Prince of Wales is the De Facto authority over North America apparently and every political office; including the President of the United States; to help him or her in making the best decisions for the common benefit of the English speaking people. There should not be any LSD in the consumer food supply. But, what happens if the Office of the Presidency is taken over by Ray from Ozark or Joe from the Klondike with their unique simplification of the American dream; that what will not kill will fatten and that America does not want any fully, completely trained professionals, white or black, because it is less interesting when they are fully trained; less fun and we might four Vice Presidents under this Joe or Ray from the Ozark which is attention grabbing as maybe the first one might be appointed to be a Judge and still maintain the honor of a VP with a library. The second VP named Lindsay may start office after November 2021. These new types of VP's don't really do anything anyway except express their angers against the civilized world full of rules; growling, howling!! What if Abraham is an Afghan aboriginal that has been maintaining his rustic life in the mountains around Kabul and he does not want any Americans putting up movie theatres again with Star Wars airing as they did in the 1970's and for America coming to show hegemony, they need to understand the Russians have hegemony but American Supermarkets and road building in friendship might be welcome. Have you seen the Outpost(2020)? It may be that the Outpost in Afghanistan as opened in 2001 was designed as a response to American hegemony expressed in the Patriot(2000). Did Kemhala write it? This means that the Americans are not masters in one big global house but friends of the master and sometimes, they, the master, would prefer that you would just choose life and life more abundantly; let it go Ichabod American...let it go.....and come to the table of universal human brotherhood as you provide each north American with a universal unconditional income support of no less than $50000.00 per year. This support is the most immediate way to assimilate the white and the black aboriginal to American civilization or any civilization. It's what you did in Iraq and in parts of Afghanistan also. The failure to provide to all Americans or all North Americans diminishes American hegemony We don't need any war tensions here. Let someone chop up Americans in a movie and in real life like the Outpost(2020). Your idea of the American War of Independence as seen in the Patriot(2000) may have challenged the master's unimpeachable sense of hegemony. Your military is for defending America; not tap dancing at the master's front door, showing him how good you think you can do it. Thank you for your expressions of hegemony; good clogging, tap dancing.
Wouldn't it be nice if I .....see what I will do for my deep down aboriginal comfort that is probably threatening an aboriginal home owner some where and this is the rub; the dichotomy but for how long?" Will it be 20 years with this double minded socio economic terrorist, threatening property ownership with his Jehovah Witness/ Aboriginal Determination? I'm a Jehovah Witness but I financed a Ford vehicle 10 times in my life; all paid off in four years as a citizen of Vermont where I always had $60,000.00 per year paid to me by the Government of Vermont that collects a 30% sales tax and we are good. But, if the American Psycho with his wife resenting Shakespeare becomes the President? Populations are essential to any country. You need to guarantee and ensure their existence against the cyclical threats or the technological changes that occasion job erosion and other economic phenomenon. There could be a lot of people in the population that understand their emotion just south of Connecticut and west of the Potomac. Maybe they will not be comfortable to attend school beyond grade 9. But, the truth is that for the barbarian, money is assimilation and the shopping and buying also. $80,000.00 per year in income support makes easy concerts to our glorious civilization. Its also good for business. its not that she needs it. We all need it and it makes us feel good like the average Russian. We don't know how long it will be for him to settle down in family with a wife and four kids or how long it will take for her to settle down with someone. But, we encourage it. We don't know when they will want to rent an apartment and maybe they will just stay in hotels but with enough money, they participate in the economy and eventually they will want to rent or buy a property and also own and drive a vehicle and get an insurance contract for the vehicle.
But, if you were Irish, how long does it take to understand a universal income support; not very long. Its the Irish culture seen in New England. Is the American Irish or not? Understand that W. E. B Dubois, a Black man, had a dole or universal income support from Massachusetts paid to him as a black man when he was walking and riding by wagon around the Southern United States, talking to people about the souls of Aboriginal Afro Folk that existed in North America after the continental divide but they were not linguistically or culturally African but more like the Bushmen of the Kalahari in South Africa or the Australian Aboriginal and we were taught to call them Indians or Amerindians. Only two slave ships left Africa during the years of slavery prior to the U.S. Civil War. Aboriginal is a good word. So, this whole American thing has nothing to do with white or black but socioeconomic policies that are not applied across the spectrum. Maybe Dubois knew these people in the South were American Afro aboriginals; unlike him. Maybe he was a third generation French Black from France or 9th generation black Hawk related to Crispus Attucks from the original British Colonies. Crispus was a full Black Hawk aboriginal colonial citizen. A new docudrama mini series is coming out soon on WEB Du Bois and on Anthony Johnson who owned slaves with his Head Rights as a European Black Irish man in America.
The Gaelic and Celtic aboriginal peoples are not English or French and these Celtic and Gaelic languages still exist today as written and spoken language. However, around 1560 the English with Europe sent as many Gaelic and Celtic speaking people to the new world as they had not converted to English or who had not taken up the English language yet. They helped to diffuse and differentiate the 'aboriginal' Afro Troglodyte population of the West Indies and also some parts of North America; including Mexico, taking on English and Spanish in the new world. They felt abandoned as an elder went with them but he did not remain with them. He returned to the home country to lead others to Gibraltar and the southern Mediterranean which was once populated by entirely Afro people. Some of these Celts and Gaelic would have been Cheddar Man brown, Cheddar Man black and Cheddar man White or Red with various hair textures. There are palm trees in the south of England; in Penzance. But, there is a hegemony discussion going on in the world and let us say technology is a neutral factor. We can all enjoy a Porsche or a Toyota or the new GM; GMoyota.
Every community, culture or nation needs people for some vitality and hegemony in their own quarters or corner; for territorial occupation and for defence. We do not have enough North Americans to occupy North America. If there is or was a Cold War, ideas were weapons. If you cannot control America by the barrel of the gun, then you must control America by the way they think.- Author unknown.
The American economy has suffered from unusual ideas that say if there is industrial change in the economy, then people would have to die. The mind is like a machine lever and the idea is the program. People do not have to die. If they do, the market dies. The idea that America is just an Idea is, in fact, a weapon in the form of an idea or propaganda. America is more than an idea. The idea that we could continue with a carburetor for more than 40 years in our engine design after 1939 was a weapon. The idea that we did not need a national income support before WW2 broke out or as soon as possible thereafter was a weapon. There is still no official national minimum standard. It is suggested that the Vermont system should constitute that standard. In spite of the various competing hegemonies that can stifle an economy, every citizen is a widget of equal bio-mechanised, smart phone enabled economic value in one of several colours and they are necessary for the economy as a meaningful method of bio-mechanised automated exchange; exactly like money. You need money for the profit based transaction. You also need the consumer; whatever color he or she is. Without people who are equipped with money, nothing happens in terms of selling, buying or earning a profit. If you don't have enough people with money, then you have a recession and a depression. Without them engaged in spending and shopping, the economy is dead. Our one concern is that the smart phone may be some smart phones, are terminating people with a suggestive power that also reduces inhibition maybe with a drug in the material and the suggestions cannot be resisted by some people who struggle with a genetic evolutionary gap where, for instance, they may say my smart phone told me to do a world tour by sailing the ocean in a canoe. The smart phone told me to have ten husbands or gamble half my wealth with the Robinhood APP. But, that is crazy. If they cannot work and earn money in any kind of stability and regularity due to the constant job eroding power of automation, then we equip them with money to make the community beautiful with beautiful people and we enable the functioning of the economy. We cannot ignore North America and think it could just be a massive duty free shop and amusement park that any citizen from any country can enjoy except for the American. It is a place where people go to school, live and work and raise families. While the American with his Jambalaya dna suffers from an emotional gap where they say they don't want anyone English to have authority over them, some of them angry as Celtic blacks or Celtic whites about being moved by the English to the new world or the West Indies. A healthy experience with family is what is missing most as many of these Celtic people may not have enjoyed any family unit in Europe before they were sent to the new world in high numbers after 1560 but their first experience in a family unit may have been as a servant and then they chose to emulate the master. But, families need mothers and fathers and not angry, cussing masters in power games over who left a spoon on the counter with the consequence being a beating before bed time with sobs alone in bed; with an apology in the morning about how parents don't always say things they would want to or like people in the movies and then they want to know if you will be their friend and then they give you a hug. So, we need to save the nice black lady because the first lesson in salvation is forgiveness and this Gaelic Celtic dna coming back from the West Indies has been slow to forgive and understand the essence of forgiveness while they digest more Christian book material than any other population on the earth. It is affecting our economics. when it comes to resentment or resistance of simple economic principles, there is something tribal going on for hegemony. You are not to feel independent of the tribe or the elder. The elder, the government should fund you. How can you fund yourself; with your work? Did you buy that home on your own? How could you own it without seven people? Two people are not enough. More so, Europe should follow us as white and black Gaelic Mexicans or as Gaelic Taino. We are resisting in little things in the hope that they will come from Europe to fix it. But, they can fix it by computer network. you can resist with a pop music band like Pink Floyd or a rap group full of actors who pretend to resist. They also suffer from an evolutionary gap in economic understanding or industrial basic principles such as the importance of efficiency, we use them for the sale of finished goods either made in America or elsewhere and we work to bring them out of their evolutionary gap and own the means of production in America to ensure there is no global consequence in wasteful methods. We work with them in public private partnerships to improve infrastructure such as high speed rail networks with hydrogen locomotives for a percentage of each toll road transaction and a percentage of every Amtrak ticket and they will be consumers at home and abroad for the most part with enough defense power to defend and hold their little corner in the earth; hold your corner. If they can help with unusual missions based on expertise developed over the years, then we call on them; thank them, honor them. See the Movie Captain Phillips.
The hegemony discussion is linguistic. The Anglo is losing based in his own frustrations with identity and cooperation with technological adaptation and economic adaptation. When it comes to identity, he is supposed to imagine monolithically as arriving from Europe. But, white is not synonymous with any origin. It be North America or Europe or Africa or Latin America. They may be part Eskimo and part Northern Ojibwe, an Andean or part Northern Iroquois with the dog hair texture. Can hair texture be associated with IQ? No. It is climate. The ancient mountainous people always had longer hair with a dog texture. Coastal peoples had a shorter, more afro texture. We feed our dogs. We must feed ourselves as humans in the economy with an income support that inoculates the population from the ravages of the jobless causality occasioned by automation. The North American economy is not logical. Logic is an emotion. It is America and it seems that the theory behind the practice in American economic illogical and unnecessary maladies is to achieve an emotional hegemony for other populations. America is not logical. There is a way to do that as America may continue in a Marshall fund of some kind paid to every state in Europe and also Russia but now it has nothing to pay. It is in debt as it borrows high from other countries but lends to other banks at a self defeating 0% interest rate. There is a fiduciary duty that must be met. The sales tax is also too low to maintain any Marshall Fund when it is only 5% and it should be 30% to be in league with Europe. You lost all of your hope for global hegemony when you refused to adapt the fuel injector in 1939 and when you refused to adapt the universal income support by 1861 which emptied out your then existing 1861 population as people left North America in high numbers and a war ensued; the Civil War. He has a self inflicted impediment and the on going wound from within that says your technology is backward and your economy is backward and incapable of sustaining a population that is required to maintain the economy and the country with the sales tax being too low and the suggestion of increasing any tax on the rich is just Presidential class warfare. You killed yourself with these technological and economic oversights in spite of all neighbor nation warnings from Russia, the UK, Germany, France and Ireland. It says who he is. An indirect tax on everyone in the form of an increased sales tax is the right answer at 30%. It says there is .30 cents tax on a chocolate bar and $30,000.00 tax on a $100,000.00 vehicle which is fair to everyone. treating everyone equally and this is the way the wealthy people of Europe have dealt with it. You would also give everyone $80,000.00 in income support regardless of their wealth. The Asians follow this policy and every Asian citizen is a soldier of occupation. He could sit in a hotel all year long in New York and never work as funded by his government. Maybe eventually, he will open a nail salon or a Ramen soup take out; jamen(jamming) with the ramen..Irie Brethren. But, if you don't put in the money or commit to the fuel injector or now the hybrid and very soon the fuel cell, what do you want? Is the North American Anglo asking the European Anglo to come and pick him up and feed him once? You said you need your independence and all of your authority once but in not respecting some simple principles, you are losing in manufacturing and then your inefficiencies open up the entire market to more efficient manufacturers who also win with the customers when their Asian product is more durable and more dependable without your angry, hungry white fingers fucking up the engines in resentment while you drink, bake, eat Mr. Asian Noodles and watch baking movies you say the robot will never be as good as you and that with 1 out of 5 engines being a properly built engine, the car company will see your personal hegemony. Instead, I see Asian hegemony. Do not wait for anyone from Ireland or Scotland to come and give you a hug while your people are under funded, your government is under funded as it does not collect enough sales tax in amounts commensurate to its competitor nations, thereby creating a reliance of foreign debt and you are also dependent on foreign citizens.
Language is identity. Look at the Black Chinese and the Black Japanese.* We need to save the nice black lady. But, who would use my essays for hegemony and not feel diminished as they use them? Maybe I have an older sibling who is a bit childish or its Napoleon the 12th. But, it would be important for you to celebrate your identity as English or whatever and celebrate the income support with the rest of the human family. But, we don't know what you intend to do? What do you intend? Do you want to just be French or Italian because we can do it? The issue with the English is that a childish man might not see that working together with his sons will mean for all of us and more for him also. But, instead the ego lives in his childish ego that is cutting everything down around him; including his family in his hope to be the only one that ever did anything interesting in his family with his family being the tortured audience watching him in his anxious childish fascinations and machinations that his daughter might have a job or that his adopted son might win another 10 law cases in Court. He has certainly won quite a few. So now, what if the English linguistic empire is run on this childish ego inherited from Christopher Columbus in how it is fragmented in terms of accent hegemony and public school location hegemony and North South hegemony and also mother country hegemony? But, really it seems this problem has subsided some what when only a few territories in the English world have refused to participate in the agenda of the Queendom; stand off communities and territories. That hegemony agenda requires every citizen in Danada to have an income support of $50,000.00 at the very least and every Native band citizen also. It requires every citizen in the West Indies to have an income support of at least $20,000.00 per year. We suggest $80,000.00. If the West indies was called Singapore, they would receive $80,000.00 per year. If it waa called Belize, they would receive $30,000.00 per year.
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