You fear running out of gas so you go to the gas station. You fear there is a drug in that ice cream soda at that restaurant at that particular location based on how you feel so you go to another franchise. But, if you know you are being drugged, why do you go back except that you wanted to? I played on a See Saw when I was a kid in the local park near my school yard. America is stuck some where on a see saw between formal and informal home or building occupation. The economy is going up...and down like a See Saw because of the uncertainty in property ownership which has reduced the entire economic reality of America into some kind of Joe Banana Republic. Are you not entertained? Either you own it or you are leasing it or you are just occupying it and you don't really own it but you can't just say you don't want anyone to own anything in front of you if they have chosen to do so. Who are you to threaten home ownership in front of a Chief of Police? America has some of the best people in the world with all kinds of dna, achieving a unique community of human capability but the country seems to apologize for its immense greatness by running a non functional economy. America is either an independent state now or it is dependent on other powers to manage its internal, domestic and economic affairs. Who cares; so long as you can still buy an American flag and wave the flag on the Fourth of July? Its just a brand now maybe; more than a country. It is a protectorate; more than a nation. There was an adventurism that has taken its toll when the financial variables or parameters that involved the two big balls principles were not in place so the country has become financially anemic. It could all be turned around within 200 days though when it would be good to feel financial hegemony on par with Russia*, Germany or China or that we are at least moving in the right direction. This is the new arms race; that we finance the human beings with their human arms that hold rifles to defend the civility and tranquility of this nation. The US has no enemies except but within its own system. Who decides to run the government on foreign debt that actually creates foreign hegemony over the nation? If you wanted to finance new military hardware, why seek more foreign debt finance when you could raise the sales tax collected at gas stations and on all travel tickets by 5% or 25% to earn the money necessary to build an F 35 that really works. This is a simple observation and when things aren't going so well because you don't respect the two big ball principles that include income support at no less than $150.00 per day per citizen and the sales tax at between 20% to 30% , the US leaders would prefer to take their military anger out on some country; any country and recently they seem to want to suggest in the media arm wrestling with China to feel hegemony but China also holds much of the US debt. This is written out of a love for the US and what is stands for; a country of good Amerindian people that also opens its welcome arms to people from foreign lands that hope for a luxurious, modern Lexus(TM) lifestyle in the land of opportunity. America is a home for many people and also maybe a business but as a business, what type of business industry provides the best example to demonstrate what America is; as a business? it would probably be banking when sales tax and tolls provide the majority of US revenue and these tolls or the sales tax are like a transaction fee. The increase in electronic transactions provides millions an hour but maybe not enough is collected. This is the general point and maybe the problem in why it is not resolved instantaneously is due to a deliberate intention to run the Federal Government on a plank of uncertainty and emergency. We conclude that most of the founders had to have been black or mulatto because this was the base population in New England seen in the dna of the Black Hawk and Massachusetts Aboriginals. An unfinished George Washington photo is the best clue. I could finish it. You could finish it. It was first seen not long after the film and video age began but it seems to have only clawed back all of the infrastructure expansion some how and it seems to be hindrance to logic like a blight on the common sense to be expressed by any soul. But, we don't need to have an argument about authority, education and hegemony. Whose hegemony is threatened if the US operates logically and with stability when it should be paying money to the English and the French government as a sign of submission? You need a government to ensure you can enjoy your Lexus in peace or your Mustang. Maybe you are not wrong to traverse the world with only Grade 10 education or Grade 8 education because you are white and beautiful or black, 5' 3" with a twelve inch cock. Maybe you are the heir of Louis Sans Souci who decided to drop out of high School in 1987 in a Boston suburb where you had all the Fresh Prince of Bel Air in your closet; shoo? Who are they to tell you to go to school possibly maybe for your own happiness and self discovery to understand the civilization of Benin or Egypt; AH...ah...don't you know you could be the son of a king of Africa...Africa? As a son of de king, you should know how to buy de small building in London or California..Ah ah..don't you know? Maybe you are a Black Iroquois if you don't understand but you have mastered a Haitian accent but you don't speak French. You say, we need to work togeddah!! So, why are you killing my son in your imagination all day? Leave his life alone now. Buy the phone sim card and open the bank account where you are nah; self!!! Maybe you don't see foreign debt as a problem; regardless of what country or countries are holding the debt. Maybe you don't want to change anything that could actually help the country and national security. Foreign debt does not aid national security. Unnecessary, un remediated foreign debt as instigated by insufficient tax revenue or insufficient interest collected on Federal Reserve loans makes everything uncertain; even for those who would hope to benefit and soon the Federal Reserve is being run by the foreign powers to whom we are indebted. This is our problem. Its says at 0% that the US dollar is no longer really benchmark currency. It could be the Euro dollar very soon when 20% of each US dollar earned every day through government operations by some means is dedicated to Federal Reserve debt payment. The EU has no debt. But, how could you have any White American hegemony globally when you do not have independence from foreign debt? Maybe what you do to feel hegemony is appear on tv five times a day, jabbering on about what we need and we need more of...we need more...we have to....we must....we need....we need more....more what? I think you need more sobriety and more sales tax revenue and more income support per capita when there are more Ford products sold in Australia than in America. This feeling in whatever activity is taking place in the US economy is like a window at the front of your house that you refuse to wash and its dirty with lots of bird and dog shit on it; a Belinda Window and you look at the window every day. There is a US flag in the top right corner. CNEN feels like a media personification of this dirty window. It might be best to run a surplus of available funds, operating on 30% sales tax which is the standard for global powers. The US could not be a super power if it is technologically and financially dependent as well as dependent on other country's for well financed population. 1/3 of the people occupying America are foreigners with income support. Its greatest enemy is the preoccupation with race and social acceptance. But, you may want global society to accept you but you do not even accept yourself. * * * With expansion being the modus operandi of economic activity, there is evidence of contraction across the U.S. Expanding into foreign markets is exciting yet companies do not leave markets where there is money and nor do they expand into new markets unless there is money in that market. There are several retailers that have left America like K Mart and Lord and Taylor. This is not the Amazon impact. It is just a downturn in consumer buying power; that means there is less money per citizen across the country. Cambodia, Vietnam, India and Pakistan provided new markets as their Economies were compliant and provided enough consumption as enabled by income support given to each citizen to enable enough consumer activity to make the set up and investment worthwhile. Ronson Mc Furtish.


You fear running out of gas so you go to the gas station. You fear there is a drug in that ice cream soda at that restaurant at that particular location based on how you feel so you go to another franchise.  But, if you know you are being drugged, why do you go back except that you wanted to?   I played on a See Saw when I was a kid in the local park near my school yard.  America is stuck some where on a see saw between formal and informal home or building occupation. The economy is going up...and down like a See Saw because of the uncertainty in property ownership which has reduced the entire economic reality of America into some kind of Joe Banana Republic. Are you not entertained?     Either you own it or you are leasing it or you are just occupying it and you don't really own it but you can't just say you don't want anyone to own anything in front of you if they have chosen to do so. Who are you to threaten home ownership in front of a Chief of Police?    America has some of the best people in the world with all kinds of dna, achieving a unique community of human capability but the country seems to apologize for its immense greatness by running a non functional economy. America is either an independent state now or it is dependent on other powers to manage its internal, domestic and economic affairs. Who cares; so long as you can still buy an American flag and wave the flag on the Fourth of July?  Its just a brand now maybe; more than a country. It is a protectorate; more than a nation.  There was an adventurism that has taken its toll when the financial variables or parameters that involved the two big balls principles were not in place so the country has become financially anemic.  It could all be turned around within 200 days though when it would be good to feel financial hegemony on par with Russia*, Germany or China or that we are at least moving in the right direction.  This is the new arms race; that we finance the human beings with their human arms that hold rifles to defend the civility and tranquility of this nation.  The US has no enemies except but within its own system. Who decides to run the government on foreign debt that actually creates foreign hegemony over the nation? If you wanted to finance new military hardware, why seek more foreign debt finance when you could raise the sales tax collected at gas stations and on all travel tickets by 5% or 25% to earn the money necessary to build an F 35 that really works. This is a simple observation and when things aren't going so well because you don't respect the two big ball principles that include income support at no less than $150.00 per day per citizen and the sales tax at between 20% to 30% , the US leaders would prefer to take their military anger out on some country; any country and recently they seem to want to suggest in the media arm wrestling with China to feel hegemony but China also holds much of the US debt.  This is written out of a love for the US and what is stands for; a country of good Amerindian people that also opens its welcome arms to people from foreign lands that hope for a luxurious, modern  Lexus(TM) lifestyle in the land of opportunity.  America is a home for many people and also maybe a business but as a business, what type of business industry provides the best example to demonstrate what America is; as a business? it would probably be banking when sales tax and tolls provide the majority of US revenue  and these tolls or the sales tax are like a transaction fee.  The increase in electronic transactions provides millions an hour but maybe not enough is collected. This is the general point and maybe the problem in why it is not resolved instantaneously is due to a deliberate intention to run the Federal Government on a plank of uncertainty and emergency.  We conclude that most of the founders had to have been black or mulatto because this was the base population in New England seen in the dna of the Black Hawk  and Massachusetts Aboriginals. An unfinished George Washington photo is the best clue. I could finish it. You could finish it. It was first seen not long after the film and video age began but it seems to have only clawed back all of the infrastructure expansion some how and it seems to be hindrance to logic like a blight on the common sense to be expressed by any soul.    But, we don't need to have an argument about authority, education and hegemony. Whose hegemony is threatened if the US operates logically and with stability when it should be paying money to the English and the French government as a sign of submission?  You need a government to ensure  you can enjoy your Lexus in peace or your Mustang. Maybe you are not wrong to traverse the world with only Grade 10 education or Grade 8 education because you are white and beautiful or black, 5'  3" with a twelve inch cock. Maybe you are the heir of Louis Sans Souci who decided to drop out of high School in 1987 in a Boston suburb where you had all the Fresh Prince of Bel Air in your closet; shoo?  Who are they to tell you to go to school possibly maybe for your own happiness and self discovery to understand the civilization of Benin or Egypt; AH...ah...don't you know you could be the son of a king of Africa...Africa? As a son of de king, you should  know how to buy de small building in London or California..Ah ah..don't you know? Maybe you are a Black Iroquois if you don't understand but you have mastered a Haitian accent but you don't speak French. You say, we need to work togeddah!! So, why are you killing my son in your imagination all day? Leave his life alone now. Buy the phone sim card and open the bank account where you are nah; self!!!   Maybe you don't see foreign debt as a problem; regardless of what country or countries  are holding the debt.  Maybe you don't want to change anything that could actually help the country and national security. Foreign debt does not aid national security. Unnecessary, un remediated foreign debt as instigated by insufficient tax revenue or insufficient interest collected on Federal Reserve loans makes everything uncertain; even for those who would hope to benefit and soon the Federal Reserve is being run by the foreign powers to whom we are indebted. This is our problem. Its says at 0% that the US dollar is no longer really  benchmark currency. It could be the Euro dollar very soon when 20% of each US dollar earned every day through government operations by some means is dedicated to Federal Reserve debt payment.  The EU has no debt. But, how could you have any White American hegemony globally when you do not have independence from  foreign debt? Maybe what you do to feel hegemony is appear on tv five times a day, jabbering on about what we need and we need more of...we need more...we have to....we must....we need....we need more....more what?  I think you need more sobriety and more sales tax revenue and more income support per capita when there are more Ford products sold in Australia than in America.   This feeling in  whatever  activity is taking place in the US economy is like a window at the front of your house that you refuse to wash and its dirty with lots of bird  and dog shit on it; a Belinda Window and you look at the window every day.  There is a US flag in the top right corner. CNEN feels like a media personification of this dirty window.   It might be best to run a surplus of available funds, operating on 30% sales tax which is the standard for global powers. The US could not be a super power if it is technologically and financially dependent as well as dependent on other country's for well financed population. 1/3 of the people occupying America are foreigners with income support.   Its greatest enemy is the preoccupation with race and social acceptance. But, you may want global society to accept you but you do not even accept yourself.  


With expansion being the modus operandi of economic activity, there is evidence of contraction across the U.S.  Expanding into foreign markets is exciting yet companies do not leave markets where there is money and nor do they expand into new markets unless there is money in that market.  There are several retailers that have left America like K Mart and Lord and Taylor.  This is not the Amazon impact.  It is just a downturn in consumer buying power; that means there is less money per citizen across the country.   Cambodia, Vietnam, India and Pakistan provided new markets as their Economies were compliant and provided enough consumption as enabled by income support given to each citizen to  enable enough consumer activity to make the set up and  investment worthwhile.   

Ronson Mc Furtish. 
