This is the big short. If Automation was a small pox vaccine, I am sure we would have spent $136.00 per day per citizen to ensure against its jobless affects. Automation reduces a human being's ability to find work not unlike Small Pox. We are suffering a lag of fatigue in arguing with well dressed, dolled up male and female Neanderthals who seem to resist the obvious point here while they hope to stoke arguments with other cultures and economies who are now our economic masters while their children praise them,( The Chinese and the Japanese, The French and the Germans) for their fastidiousness and evident socioeconomic intelligence and humble, happy wisdom. I believe some Neanderthals in modern politics speak very well and tell people what they will say in what ever it is they want to say. Yet, they are more engaged in imitation of the figure or figures known as the politician, the powerful hegemonic man; imitating John Wayne or Eisenhower more than providing service and seeking as well as applying understanding; I reckon pilgrim. The greatest enemy is not external but internal and there is no point in talking about Russia. It's you Mr. Neanderthal Aboriginal. Ultimately, the Caveman politician who could be a first generation caveman replicant living among us must know he is not just here for his looks or for any celebration of unconditional acceptance or unconditional authority. Yes; I believe there is something here worthy of acknowledgement. It can be resolved positively with a few easy mutually beneficial solutions in hand such as the income support at no less than $136.00 per day per citizen paid bi-weekly and a sales tax that covers national expenditure. The jobless effects of Small Pox or automation on the population have reduced our reliance on other usual means of national revenue generation, making sales tax the more reliable means of national revenue generation. People are not working as often as they used to due to the joblessness triggered by automation; automation approved of by the government with machines approved by the government. But, can the government indirectly approve its population's financial suffocation when it does not, along with the approval of robots for automation, also correspondingly approve of the income support needed to help individuals and families survive the joblessness occasioned by automation where the joblessness causes a financial catastrophe in the lives of most, if not all former car workers or industrial employees. This affects car payments, mortgage payments, loan payments and card payments all due to the installation of robots as a replacement of human labor but more importantly, this affect on car and loan payments takes place when the income support is not implemented correspondingly for every citizen along with the robots being installed. You need to follow the manual for the economy in the same way you follow the manuals for the robots so you can sell the robotically made goods to people in your new automation economy. The manual for the economy requires an income support that covers all individual* daily Maslow needs (today around $146.00 per day for each citizen based on the UDHR article 25, a sales tax of no less than 30% that defeats any debt and provides enough daily to cover all expenses as there is less job revenue per citizen to attract any government payroll deductions). While we may be all aboriginal, black, yellow, red or white, in North America due to various shades of appearance and various dna swimming through our veins, the aboriginal may celebrate MLK day or Juneteenth day but what is the point of the celebration if we do not celebrate our existence financially regardless of complexion with a universal unconditional income support that is in league with what is provided to other citizens from Asian and European economies when they will eventually outnumber us if he we do not. Think of fish that have water and the fish that do not; the humans that have money and the humans that do not. Our cash registers do not discriminate. The Japanese, Chinese and the European and Russian man get constant approvals at the cash registers in Los Angeles or any where in the US or the world because he has no less than $70000.00 per year in Russian, Asian or European government income support so that there is no financial impedance in the Russian or Asian economic experience. In any event, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Danada along with Jamaica will be under the same English policy management and financial administration while maintaining some national status for international sporting events at least; as rumored. A Team Danada and a Team Jamaica will still appear at international competitions. A Brit Coin international EBT card is coming along with it for every citizen. Independent Scottish, Irish and Danadian passports will remain. There was once a Scottish pound and a Northern Ireland Pound. Now, those smaller nations in the one English nation use the British pound. Click here.