International Human Rights and the Law; Every citizen has a contract with the government. If the UK can run the Bank of Canada as a division of the Bank of England, then they can run the provinces entirely. The Danadian Otario population now appeals to the Royal prerogative of mercy to resolve their economy in Otario where there is insufficient income support. The rest of the country is operating reasonably. This appeal is made in general for immediate resolve. Maybe a telephone call will do or a Zoom call. You agree as a citizen to abide by the laws of the country. The politicians do the same. But, when a policy sets policy that challenges the spirit and the law of the constitution maybe in the case of educational provision, it could be that he is asking when and where does it say there has to be regular attendance at school? In the case of Danada, when the law of Danada conflict with the UK, then the laws of the UK prevail. Essentially, every Danadian is a UK citizen. The key concerns right now under this contract is the maintenance of peace, order and good government within the spirit and intention of the UK's policy guidelines that appear in the Education Act, the Police Acts and the Criminal Code of Canada. The salaries of current staff are maintained and paid directly by the UK. The income support for every citizen is paid directly by the UK where it is currently not being paid and it can be effected through their accounts at the Bank of Danada or with the Government of Otario at no less than $50,000.00 per citizen. Special dispensation may be made for citizens who are transgender where they may receive $70000.00 per year in support. We could work out a policy of $90,000.00 per citizen to get the economy moving and push reasonable expected settlement in regions where settlement is acceptable; moving up to Hudson's Bay some day; $90,000.00 in support and 50% in sales tax. Alternatively, the sales tax policy could be a variable rate from 13% to 32% or as high as 50% depending on the governments daily requirements but it will be set at only 9.9999999999% for any transactions involving vehicles, houses or rent or hotels and motels and travel. As every Danadian citizen has a contract with the UK, then we can look at concepts of offer and acceptance. We accept the offer as we accept our documents that confirm citizenship. .We have some way to go in protecting all human life under the law. By Angel Ronan Lex Scripta and Warren A. Lyon; Researcher, Counsel. Click here.
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From the movie The Ambassador(2011). |
From the movie The Ambassador(2011). |
International Human Rights and the Law; We have some way to go in protecting all human life under the law. By Angel Ronan Lex Scripta and Warren A. Lyon; Researcher, Counsel.
Income support provided to transsexuals unconditionally regardless of municipal address in that jurisdiction is offending the judgement in Frazer v. Canada, SCC (2020) and Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971) involving adverse impact discrimination. Some citizens receive 60% less than the transsexuals if they are regular males and females and if they live in certain locations. It has also activated genocide laws concerning the Iroquois and Assiniboine nation. A White female former school teacher just brought a motion on this issue at the Otario Human Rights Tribunal and an order is being drafted that makes all such income support available for all citizens at the age of 16 at no less than $136.00 per day paid bi weekly with no asset ownership limitations and with equal provision regardless of gender paid to each citizen just like it is paid by Quebec to Quebec citizens and paid by Manitoba to Manitoba citizens. You think you are here just for your looks! The current provision of $136.00 per day unconditionally only to transgender persons in Otario is indicative of gender inequality. This is part of the celebration in that it is now being resolved for the current PRIDE Festival since we all have pride and we have all watched Star Wars also. We would all like to have a car assembly job in some factory but due to the joblessness occasioned by automation, this job is not happening as often as we would want. Star Wars (1977) was an epitaph for modern industrial human labor being replaced by machines that can work 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This gives the human more time to raise families, maybe with ten or 12 children. But, how can we have families if mother and father do not have the money from a job? How can they have a job if most jobs have been automated, causing a joblessness where there are more people than jobs? How can they have the money if we do not give it to them in the form of a universal unconditional income support? Star Wars was also produced precisely 40 years after North Americans helped draft the UDHR in 1947. With what society saves collectively in the use of machines, they pay back to the human social participant at no less than $136.00 per day citizen. This is a simple solution that any properly motivated human being can understand. We all need the Maslow necessities of life and every machine is actually tested and registered with the FCC( Federal Communications Commission). As this is so, the Federal Government is a direct participant in the automation that has occasioned joblessness and also the financial depletion occasioned by this joblessness, effecting many former industrial workers. It is unfortunate if this falls upon you as a former car worker in the wrong state. But, you can always trek over to Illinois or Wisconsin or Minnesota or Vermont or Massachusetts where they do pay each citizen no less than $50,000.00 per year per citizen in most instances. How can people have money in the automated world if we do not give it to the English, the French, the Germans, Asians and the Russians? We all need the Maslow necessities of life and every machine is actually tested and registered with the FCC( Federal Communications Commission). As this is so, the Federal Government is a direct participant in the automation that has occasioned joblessness and also the financial depletion occasioned by this joblessness, effecting many former industrial workers. This is helpful as it is not intended that human rights will butt heads with the power of technology. Instead, human rights is facilitated by technology and technology facilitates human rights. Human Rights Law is also the creature of the Federal Government and these Human Rights Laws carry a hybrid nature as they are born in and have stasis in the realms of both international and domestic law. The idea of a Federal Government having a fight with its population over the value of a robot vs. the value of its own population being maintained at the cost of $136.98 per day per citizen but paid bi weekly is totally asininely stupido but it is also America. It is also asinine when two key North Americans were involved in writing modern international laws; namely Eleanor Roosevelt and John Humphreys. Mrs. Roosevelt, who was considered a great American leader(apparently born in Otario), wrote 30 Human Rights principles that were eventually adopted by the United Nations with the UNCHR/UDHR being written partially by a Danadian named John Humphreys. This is ironic that North Americans were involved in the drafting of the documents and the preparation of the contents when the ongoing North American aboriginal resistance of these principles has led to a failure of full application of these principles in North America. However, aboriginal or nor, we are all domesticated animals and we need our food, shelter and the money necessary to attain them in our ongoing domesticated and automated experience. Who can resist this in a dog's life or a human's life? Aren't you a dog? Aren't we sort of like dogs or like flies in the Lord of the Flies(Movie)? See the Lord of the Flies(Movie) and a Dog's Life(movie). But, if a dog or dog man is going to kill us if given the chance, it reduces all and our humanity. Before we proceed any further, lets see how the joblessness occasioned by automation has led to Police Patrols of four people in an SUV with two of them being paramedics without weapons and two officers with weapons with one of the staffers piloting a drone for any work outside of the vehicle and for visual back up against any unseen interference on the way. No one has anything to worry about as some of the teams may involve husband wife couples as all officers are all on the same guaranteed promotion track to achieve the Rank of Chief of Personal Affairs. No one is fired unless it involves a wanton, serious disregard of the chain of command; with evidence where the life of colleagues or citizens were endangered or lost that would, most likely, also involve criminal charges. If an officer is ordered to use deadly force when necessary in any situation, it will appear on a database of communiques sent to the officer. A copy may remain on his personal work email. Otherwise, everyone stays in their position and if there is any communication difficulty, then they can be sent on retraining at an adult all day high school program at a university. There will be similar programs offered at colleges along with the usual programs for police foundations, cooking and clothing design but the police will attend adult all day high school programs offered at the universities. There is a lot of empty class room space available and big swimming pools for cpr and swimming lessons also.
The problem with humanity is that we are all domesticated animals. We make a mess like every other animal and the joy of domestication is that we have to agree and submit to standardized ways(UN, ISO, Constitution) and methods of life provided for us that amount to advanced ways of communal living in our domestication. This includes advanced capitalism with the income support that satisfies all Maslow needs and an income support at 30% or more to maintain the system without debt. We defecate in the toilet and not in the park or on the lawns. As such, we have no time for those who would like to argue or hold us back from our felicity in domestication. We have no time for a devil or a well Neanderthal man who cannot write poetry or his own speeches but who can at least recite like a parrot political platitudes like an blind preacher can espouse bible verses and Christian platitudes for hours. Automated money provided to citizens in what is called an income support is part of our domestication as animals. Some within our species would like to hold us back and resist this monied, non violent domestication where there is no killing or stealing from others as a way of life so that we can quietly enjoy our Maslow domestication, Maslow ways and needs as fulfilled by the income support.
We need to disarm, dismantle the North American in our emotions and see them as half Neanderthal people who require our help, leading them to real, full humanity, assimilating them, evolving them with electronic automated income support money paid into their bank account or available through the EBT card; money to pay for condos and apartments, nice European food, cologne and clothing where they can also have more family. The most powerful phenomenon causing depopulation in North America is a woman who was trained to seek and prefer the acceptance in a bikini instead of giving birth to 10 kids. We cannot let them continue to just struggle on their own and as they fall down the European has a foolish sense of victory over the North American Aboriginal Neanderthal Who is at least his most immediate student in civilization while the North American Neanderthal is not a man yet, not even half a man or it would not have taken so long to resolve the North American economy where we are now at the point of confirming that direct European management is discreetly necessary. If they were fully men instead of being half beast, you would not tolerate the terrorism and misfeasance. As such, the line of opposition in our economy is not between black and white, French or English but between man and Neanderthal. You tell the Neanderthal politician how he can use the government to solve our common problems and instead of celebrating, he argues, fights and implements policies that destabilize and threaten the government and he thinks his way will be politically popular. An economy with no debt, an income support of $85000.00 per citizen and a 40% sales tax is preferred over an economy with tremendous debt, robots, no people and an irresponsibly low sales tax. The Neanderthal among us has said he resents the sales tax essentially, they have been reluctant about increasing the income support that preserves all people, including the Neanderthal, would prefer to bring the sales tax to a 0% and resents giving the government anything in return in the form of a few cents per dollar in sales tax for its mutual security and safety. The Neanderthal involved in politics threatens a return to that barbarity in nature or that state of constant war among Neanderthals(early humanoids) where life is nasty, brutish and short( see Hobbes, Leviathan.) Simon Goldhill or the British Academy notes that the academy is currently engaged in studying "...urban violence, examining violence as an urban process, as well as how the physical, material, and immaterial qualities of cities, past and present, encourages or prevents as well as shapes violence in urban settings. Essentially, the income support money works wonders in irradiating violence predicated on the satisfying of the Maslow needs. It makes Bill and Fagen from past Victorian East London socio-economies redundant."
A white North American Aboriginal from the North American outback named Joel Brightly is rising up to tell us how he can do it; how he will run democracy with a population depleted by his policies while Australia now has a larger population than the US. Where did all the Americans go? K Mart went with them along with all the Mall builders. He proposes that we go back to intermittent electric availability only 1/2 an hour every hour as it once was in the 1910's. He also proposes that we go back to whale oil for lanterns. Isn't that ridiculous? He says he is not sure about the income support or a sales tax at 30% that enables the country to avoid foreign debt dependency. There is terminology in domestic and international law involving terrorists and military combatants as well as civilians. There is also terminology involving naturalized and unnaturalized citizens. What would you call an aboriginal who is certainly in some form of a right of abode in his native lands but does he have the rights and protections of the human rights laws afforded by Domestic and International courts if he is not a registered legal entity or the naturalized citizen? Naturalized citizenship says he has documentation and ID numbers of various kinds and ultimately, he has passed beyond informal humanity into the formal. This article will be continued. As such, identification of the victim as well as identification of the accused are equally as important in any trial involving a murder or in any defense of the human rights accorded to all human beings but they can only be called upon by citizens or the formally, legally recognized human petitioners. Unregistered, non yet naturalized Aboriginality or Informal humanity is locked out of human rights protection. Countries and governments all over the world have this off the grid population as some citizens have chosen to leave official citizenship to live off the land but then the governments are in the process of naturalizing all human beings and providing the requisite income support that is a necessity in our automated world. In some territories, it might be a credit card sized mobile phone that will carry all the ID when powered up and is hard to lose for those living in harsh but habitable conditions. If you cannot power it up, the SIN numbers will appear on plastic bar codes etched into the plastic inside the phone under the battery that will refer to the new citizen once entered and most will be named Smith or Phillip Johns or Brown. They are testing it in Goat Island now, Kenya and also in India. Yet, to kill an unidentifiable human being who is unidentifiable only because he does not have official, formal registration still carries penalty for the destruction of or interference with human remains. See S.182 of the Canadian Criminal Code; Every person is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction who
· (a) neglects, without lawful excuse, to perform any duty that is imposed on him by law or that he undertakes with reference to the burial of a dead human body or human remains, or
· (b) improperly or indecently interferes with or offers any indignity to a dead human body or human remains, whether buried or not.
60 Concealing The Birth Of A Child- The UK Offences Against the Person Act, 1861. C
If any woman shall be delivered of a child, every person who shall, by any secret disposition of the dead body of the said child, whether such child died before, at, or after its birth, endeavour to conceal the birth thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and being convicted thereof shall be liable, at the discretion of the court, to be imprisoned for any term not exceeding two years,
In further commentary,
The Courts did once tread where Parliament would not. In 1973, one Lennox-Wright (R vs Lennox-Wright, 1973, Crim. L. R. 529) appeared at the Old Bailey, charged with ‘Doing an act in disobedience of a statute by removing parts of a dead body, contrary to section 1 (4) of the Human Tissue Act 1961 (‘No such removal of an eye or part of an eye shall be effected except by…a registered medical practitioner…or a person in the employment of a health authority or NHS trust…’).' He had gained employment at the ophthalmic department of a hospital by means of forged qualifications and false representations as to experience, and had thereafter removed eyes from a dead body for use at another hospital. The trial Judge held that such conduct was a criminal misdemeanour, punishable by unlimited fine or imprisonment, albeit that the statute was silent as to the commission of any offence. For reasons unknown, this first instance decision was not appealed. I doubt that it would be followed today, not least because such an interpretation of a statute would be likely to fall foul of the Human Rights Act 1998. Indeed, a recommendation of the Royal Liverpool Children's Inquiry (Royal Liverpool Children's Inquiry 30 January 2001 Recommendations Ch. 10) is that the Human Tissues Act is amended by the addition of a specific criminal offence for infringement of its terms.-See a A corpse in law Andrew Campbell-Tiech First published: 10 June 2002
K. Sodesaki confirms in his article The legal status of a human corpse that A human corpse presents a number of difficulties, one of which involves difficulties associated with its legal status. A human body, once dead, is considered only as a weight of material, although it signifies continuity of what used to be a living being. A corpse is not an integral part of a human being any more. Legal human rights are only applicable to living humans, and not to a corpse. A fertilized human ovum, a human embryo, a fetus or a separated part of a (live) human body has legal-status problems that are similar to those of a corpse. In Japan, destruction, abandonment or ryotoku (take illegal possession) of a corpse, is forbidden by Japanese Criminal Law #190. This law aims to respect popular religious beliefs, rather than to protect personal rights of a given dead person.
Sodesaki confirms that, "Our society needs some other way to provide a dead person with legal protection."
Our society is primarily engaged in protecting the living: A pardon though is a government decision to allow a person to be relieved of some or all of the legal responsibility and burden. You have to wait Five years for summary convictions under the Criminal Code or other federal act or regulation, except sexual crimes . The power to grant pardons and reprieves in the United Kingdom is known as the royal prerogative of mercy.
It would be an offence to dismember the male sex organ. You could pretend to be MI6 in some childish aberration and resentment of work, class, a job classification, social success and association. It is an arrest-able offence and you cannot consent to this as part of any initiation, marital union or orientation or as any means of agreeing to be disabled by virtue of its removal to become eligible for benefits. It is an offence and all parties involved must be arrested. This is the law not only in the UK but also in Danada evidently as it is part and parcel with the UK in every way.
R v Brown [1993] UKHL 19, [1994] 1 AC 212[1] is a House of Lords judgment which re-affirmed the conviction of five men for their involvement in consensual unusually severe sadomasochistic sexual acts over a 10-year period. They were convicted of a count of unlawful and malicious wounding and a count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm (contrary to sections 20 and 47 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861). The key issue facing the Court was whether consent was a valid defence to assault in these circumstances, to which the Court answered in the negative. The acts involved included the nailing of a part of the body to a board, but not so as to necessitate, strictly, medical treatment. The court found no direct precedent for sadomasochism among the senior courts (those of binding precedent) so applied the reasoning of three indirectly analogous binding cases and others. The case is colloquially known as the Spanner case, named after Operation Spanner, the investigation which led to it.
So, this leads us to ask the question whether or not you can be arrested for assault on an unidentified or unidentifiable human being. It depends on the evidence There is no lacuna here. However, the 3rd party rights of a purchaser of some property without notice of it being owned by another is a lacuna. How could you not have notice of some other beneficial ownership if you searched title and if you did not, how can any claim of a 3rd party purchaser defeat the rights of any existing legal or equitable owner? That would be theft and possession of stolen property. It is not possible. Getting back to the assault of an unidentified victim, if witnesses and video evidence can say you assaulted a dog or a human aboriginal, it should be sufficient evidence to convict in any Court of Law. But, what about a White Female Aboriginal Woman prostitute who is all assimilated with her Revlon and her Garnier Micellar Waters? What about a Black Female Aboriginal Woman prostitute who is looking Mediterranean and more MTV with her Revlon? Hopefully, she also knows what to say at the bank about her assets when she is closing the account. She is supposed to receive the proceeds of the account in cash or in kind; possibly as a draft or money order. She is moving her account to Chime, Santander or Bank De America. Black, Brown, Red Yellow and White Aboriginal Value matters. The transgender feminine appearing prostitute has a guaranteed $50,000.00 of income support. The feminine kind who can give birth either have no support or they only have $20,000.00 a year. This is adverse impact discrimination, affecting men also. The human population is dependent on them for human reproduction and survival. Even if we remove the ultimate burden of reproduction from the human individual with some form of automation that provides replicant children to every human being that attends school in North America, we need the human population to be at least sustained financially in light of the joblessness caused by automation when employment or work or a job, so to speak, was once the only means of acquiring monies necessary to acquire the Maslow necessities of life as outlined in the Maslow hierarchy of human needs. Money now is considered a Maslow necessity as seen in the Maslow-Lyon hierarchy of needs. One of the problems we face though is with assimilation to this understanding of human life while we may have produced rabid humans set mindlessly on acceptance in
"White" or "Black" before they have attained their identity as truly, essentially universally human, socially and politically, and as such they have little human empathy for the general human population and for themselves with disastrous affect. As such, we have a Juneteenth Law before we have national universal human income support policies that would help all human beings in our socio economy. Now doubt, we have black and white aboriginals engaged in politics but it does not mean their mind and soul is ready, sufficiently evolved to do what is absolutely necessary to help aboriginal people when only an aboriginal, struggling to feel some independence would resent money being stuffed down their throats automatically when money is a symbol to the aboriginal of his cultural erasure and cultural submission; that he is supposed to shop instead of hunt or fish that certainly involves some violence against the other animals in our biosphere or certainly the animal's submission on a fish hook or the bank's submission to an AR15. This aboriginal who resists is soo locked in bitterness against cultural submission that he would rather say he would rather just rob the bank and beat up a teller or security guard or steal from other humans, while he, as an aboriginal, pretends to be an insurance agent. Official national Juneteenth and official MLK Holidays are great but will white aboriginal people still be ill and panicky about a Black Arkansas High School graduate that went to Law School at the University of Newcastle or Oxford who returns to America to practice? Why would they be nervous about hegemony if all of the lecturers were white except for one? The Juneteenth law is a miracle and we applaud the sense of cultural acceptance now bestowed on all people of color, the black and white aboriginals, but what is the point if I only have $10,000.00 in universal unconditional income support in Oklahoma which is not enough to buy a Mazda or Ford that I saw in the Juneteenth Ford sale? Juneteenth or not, will this mean that all black people will have police that will provide full respect for their legal rights? At $20000.00 per year, how can I afford the rent due on Juneteenth or the 19th of every month? This is genocide, an assault on our humanity when we marvel at the resistance and lack of submission to the simple policies that make our aboriginal human economy work or any human economy and the policy requires an income support that satisfies all our basic needs. $20,000.00 per year does not satisfy the requirements. If its Juneteenth, we are all black and that's okay but we need to feel good and if we do not agree to the policies for ourselves, we will never feel as good as the French who have agreed and nous avon le soutien du revenu tous les anne'e a' 50,000.00 euros. Je suis Francais mais je suis Aboriginal aussi dans Amerique. It is an assault. It is genocide against les Americains. It is said that Elizabeth 1st also resisted this le soutien du revenu/income support policy or something similar and ended up sacked by the Spanish, Europe essentially. It is also rumored that the absence of universal unconditional income support in much of Canada at levels necessary to satisfy Maslow needs was a deliberate strategy to attack the legitimacy of the monarchy; Bill's idea apparently when he also cut the income support given to natives universally and unconditionally in Otario and in Nova Scotia. The question is why or how is the UK in debt to Europe? It could be that the sales tax is too low in the UK not to be in debt when most European countries collect more than 20% sales tax. The UK does not. As they take over full Danadian operations and daily policy to help those genuine, hard working, yet unprepared grade 9 educated politicians in Danada, they will have to raise in Danada the sales tax to at least the 20% collected in the UK and then also raise the UK sales tax across all its territories to avoid being in debt to Europe. The sales tax in Danada is 13.5%. If you did intend to leave Europe, wouldn't financial independence be the first and foremost priority; the most important endeavor with a compliant, responsible sales tax percentage? There is no point raising the sales tax in the UK proper while you have a non-compliant territory as big as Otario that costs you more in debt due to daily operating costs than what you collect in the UK proper( England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland); Otario where they do not have a universal unconditional income support for every citizen and the sales tax is only 13.5% but the cost of administration is ten times the cost of administering all of the UK. SEE the following article from the Guardian dated 2010.
VAT: a brief history of tax
The rise in VAT from 17.5% to 20% will be worth an additional €10bn (£8.5bn) in revenues according to HM Revenue and Customs, but still doesn't make the UK the most taxing place to go shopping: consumers in Denmark, Hungary and Sweden pay 25%, while the world's VAT hotspot in 2010 was Iceland, at 25.5%.
Value Added Tax is a misleading entrepreneurial-sounding moniker for a tax ultimately paid by the consumer. In effect, it is a general consumption tax on goods and services, calculated by adding all of the costs involved in making and distributing goods or services, minus the amount that businesses can claim back during the production process for their "inputs": the raw materials, goods and services acquired in making the finished product.
VAT is an indirect tax because the government receives the payment from the seller. Businesses or individual traders whose turnover is below a certain threshold (for 2010-2011, £70,000 in the UK) do not have to register for VAT, and therefore do not take part in this government revenue-creation scheme, which reserves the state a slice of every business pie. The UK's VAT registration threshold is, according to the OECD, the highest in the world by some way; the corresponding figure in some European nations is as low as €10,000.
VAT is a continental invention. French tax authority apparatchik Maurice Lauré fathered the tax in 1954, although a tax that touched on every stage of the production process was first theorised in Germany a century earlier. VAT took its bow in the UK in November 1974, as part of the price the UK paid for joining the Common Market.
The UK's previous consumption tax, the Purchase Tax, was levied at different rates depending on an item's perceived "luxury". Initially, UK VAT was set at a standard rate of 10%. Almost immediately, the standard rate was shaved to 8% and joined by a higher rate of 12.5% for petrol and certain luxury goods. By the end of the decade both rates had been "harmonised" at 15%, which is where VAT stayed until the 1991-92 tax year, when John Major's government nudged it upwards to 17.5%. There it has stayed for the best part of two decades.
Every nation in Europe is legally required to impose a minimum VAT rate. Lower rates apply to a handful of islands and low-tax havens. Closest to home, the Channel Isles benefit from an exemption on low-priced goods that has prompted music retailers such as to set up huge warehousing and delivery operations on the islands.
At present, standard VAT rates in Europe cannot legally be any lower than 15%. European Council approval is required for a national government to reduce VAT temporarily in the public interest, as former chancellor Alistair Darling did in 2008.
Historically, European VAT rates have moved in one direction. When first introduced in Germany, VAT started out at 10%; it is now 19%. The VAT rate in France is now a head-scratching 19.6%, up from an initial rate of 13.6%. If the UK's new rate of 20% seems eye-watering, pity the Danes and the Swedes, who are expected to shell out an extra 25% in VAT on the majority of their purchases.
VAT has proved to be one of the EU's most enduring exports. This essentially says the EU is fitting the bill for the deficits in the UK and Danada by exporting their sale tax/VAT revenues to the UK and Danada who have an unfortunately low VAT/Sales tax rate. The EU is now taking direct authority to set sales tax and income support policy. The Income support minimum is $70,000.00 USD/$51,223.55 Pound Equivalent per year per citizen for the UK and Danada.
The lack of Danadian compliance to basic economic principles in the advent of automation economies is certainly murderous, genocide affecting mostly Anglo white people; the French also to a lesser extent as every Francophone in Danada has a universal unconditional income support of at least $30,000.00 per year in Sudbury and nearly $38,000.00 in Duebec. This is not so for the Anglo. However, Europe must lead on this issue. The North American caveman politician is prone to mindless resistance to any simple solution. He wants Sans Souci attention and adulation only to eat, drink and look good but has no mind turned on understanding, solving or evolving; only here for their looks, the old people say, but the cost falls on the rest of the world. We still revere this politician but we must help him or her with road quality, water quality and economy compliance that is worthy of their reverence. They are politicians who have no experience in building or designing roads, managing water quality or economic compliance and these facets of life are managed communally like they are managed in Russia or France as not being subject to debate or changes in political leadership. We can always send a financial sum that covers our contribution to global and regional security once these economic policy variables and concerns are addressed. What is the agenda here? Is it more debt or zero debt in 5 years with an appropriate debt reducing sales tax? A movie once suggested that if you control the debt, you control everything but you must see that if the debt is too big, it can control you also. The idea is to control debt but not to bury your existence in it. You control it by controlling payment and money flows that must come to you if you hold the debt. Essentially, you do not really want debt. You want repayment in full. Debt really may be how you lose control and so maybe the movies have to be more detailed on these topics if people refuse to go to school while demanding the right to be involved in politics only to sabotage the nation state, causing genocide with their insufficient proper motivation and insufficient preparation.
If the evidence is available either by video or by written oral statements involving an assault, then it is sufficient evidence to convict. The identity of the victim or victims is not necessary under the law. Genocide has taken place. If the identity is necessary, then a tree in the forest might have more protection than a human being when it certainly is illegal to chop down a tree in a forest if you don't own the property. Start chopping down trees on what is essentially Crown land and see what will happen. We are concerned with an offence against the state in Criminal Law. The State is the principle victim of the offence. This is what the law confirms as noted above. The point here is that the state has ongoing jurisdiction over the human body in life and in death, protecting its sanctity. This jurisdiction is clear. This does not mean the state owns the body in the usual sense of property ownership and further work must be done to ensure the appropriate, systematized treatment of the human body and remains. If the deceased has not committed his remains to scientific research, then his body cannot be used for such purposes. We have been taking blood tests for health purposes since birth in the modern world and our bodies as well as our lives are ensured and guaranteed a certain dignity with income support. The economies that have not honored these commitments have little excuse or reason and are now ultra vires economies; genocidal economies. If Automation was a small pox vaccine, I am sure we would have spent $136.00 per day per citizen to ensure against its jobless affects. Automation reduces a human being's ability to find work not unlike Small Pox. We are suffering a lag of fatigue in arguing with well dressed, dolled up male and female Neanderthals who seem to resist the obvious point here while they hope to stoke arguments with other cultures and economies who are now our economic masters while their children praise them,( The Chinese and the Japanese, The French and the Germans) for their fastidiousness and evident socioeconomic intelligence and humble, happy wisdom. I believe some Neanderthals in modern politics speak very well and tell people what they will say in what ever it is they want to say. Yet, they are more engaged in imitation of the figure or figures known as the politician, the powerful hegemonic man; imitating John Wayne or Eisenhower more than providing service and seeking as well as applying understanding; I reckon pilgrim. The greatest enemy is not external but internal and there is no point in talking about Russia. It's you Mr. Neanderthal Aboriginal. Ultimately, the Caveman politician who could be a first generation caveman replicant living among us must know he is not just here for his looks or for any celebration of unconditional acceptance or unconditional authority.
Yes; I believe there is something here worthy of acknowledgement. It can be resolved positively with a few easy mutually beneficial solutions in hand such as the income support at no less than $136.00 per day per citizen paid bi-weekly and a sales tax that covers national expenditure. The jobless effects of Small Pox or automation on the population have reduced our reliance on other usual means of national revenue generation, making sales tax the more reliable means of national revenue generation. People are not working as often as they used to due to the joblessness triggered by automation; automation approved of by the government with machines approved by the government. But, can the government indirectly approve its population's financial suffocation when it does not, along with the approval of robots for automation, also correspondingly approve of the income support needed to help individuals and families survive the joblessness occasioned by automation where the joblessness causes a financial catastrophe in the lives of most, if not all former car workers or industrial employees. This affects car payments, mortgage payments, loan payments and card payments all due to the installation of robots as a replacement of human labor but more importantly, this affect on car and loan payments takes place when the income support is not implemented correspondingly for every citizen along with the robots being installed. You need to follow the manual for the economy in the same way you follow the manuals for the robots so you can sell the robotically made goods to people in your new automation economy. While we may be all aboriginal, black, yellow, red or white, in North America due to various shades of appearance and various dna swimming through our veins, the aboriginal may celebrate MLK day or Juneteenth day but what is the point of the celebration if we do not celebrate our existence financially regardless of complexion with a universal unconditional income support that is in league with what is provided to other citizens from Asian, Middle Eastern and European economies when they will eventually outnumber us as Anglos or as North Americans in our own economies if he we do not? Think of fish that have water and the fish that do not; the humans that have money and the humans that do not. The North American does not have enough water, enough of the money. Our cash registers do not discriminate. The Japanese, Chinese and the European and Russian man get constant approvals at the cash registers in Los Angeles or any where in the US or in the world because he has no less than $70,000.00 per year in Russian, Asian or European government income support so that there is no financial impedance in the Russian or Asian economic experience; globally. The North American is not on par. But, he also seems numb and maybe more driven by class minded confusion about education. Why is any cave man politician worried about class and social superiority as a grade 7 drop out?
With respect to human remains, See the unusual OBGYN cases in America in the 1980's where several OBGYN's were accused of murder and went to trial but the victims were soo mutilated that only dna evidence could be used to identify them as patients whose files remained in the office drawers of Don Barkwell who has also learned to put cement powder in ice cream and milk shakes to cause heart attacks and gum loss. The OBGYN's were apparently feminine transsexual people who were experimenting on the patients to understand themselves as they did not have wombs or ovaries as to give birth. Most suffered fatal car crashes unusually before the trial dates. The damage looked like the vehicle had been sledged hammered or hit with a large stone repeatedly. Their throats were also cut. Their bank accounts showed several payments from African and West Indian sources as the egg water for the urine from the victims were sold to labs in these jurisdictions. The monies were seized as proceeds of crime. See the movie Criminal Law with Kevin Bacon and Gary Oldman. See also the American Psycho. There are some science fiction movies that provoke a disregard for human life referred to as replicants or clones. Yet, the human being and the ongoing cultural and ethnic global diversity is the most significant variable in any future we imagine today and is worth a minimum of $200.00 per day per citizen in income support in any economy and jurisdiction any where in the world.
Today, we are all numbers and genetic combinations of individuals from previous generations. But, we cannot idly tolerate subtle intrusions from the media or diminutions on the habeus corpus laws that part and parcel in the function of human rights and decency laws in real life and in the media. See the article by Jones, SI entitled A grave offence: corpse desecration and the criminal law. They state that;
The offence of ‘outraging public decency’ seems to fit better. However, the word public is key to the offence. In R v Hamilton15 it was established that, to make out the offence, two elements need to be proven. First that the act be of such a lewd character as to outrage public decency in the sense that it is liable to shock and disgust. Second is the requirement that the act take place in public, such that it was capable to being seen by two or more persons who were actually present (even if they did not in fact witness it). Had those who placed the bacon on Mrs Mohammed’s body then gone on to display the body in a public space, it is conceivable that they could have been held accountable for outraging public decency. This was the case in R v Gibson16, where the display of a sculpture of a human head adorning freeze-dried human foetus earrings was held to fall foul of the offence. The Law Commission have suggested that the requirement of two people actually being present should be removed
A recent production of the English "made for TV" drama entitled the Miniaturist offends these decency laws noted here; above.
For improper treatment of any human being or their body in death, there is criminal sanction sometimes amount to the sentence that is still life without parole. But, can you say its murder or identify a murder victim if they have no legally registered name for the Court to identify? Identity is certain these days involving 90% of the human populations. One drop of saliva will do. If its an American citizen, the blood tests and urine tests from birth provide dna in databases to identify any American. The dentists maintain databases also with the Federal Government. It is said that flu vaccines carry a small microscopic radio for identification. I received a flue vaccine last year and now all of a sudden, the billboards on the bus stop light up and say, "Hello Mr. Minority Report" when I walk by. It also happens when I walk by for my un-vaccinated friends who only have mobile phones with the location feature set to "on." Is it murder if someone is considered in compromise legally and they, somehow, drop into a machine room at an Airport and they cannot get out only to find out they are in a machine and they can only watch CNEN or maybe call a few people on the last list of calls noted on their mobile phone? By several definitions, it is murder even if the heart and brain are not dead as the person ceases to be a legal functioning entity. It is murder even if they could still own property. They cannot attend a Court or Tribunal on video or in person or maintain a legal action. So, it is murder. If you were in this state but not really dead but had sustained artificial consciousness and you could not do anything else but call a few people to say hello and ask how they were doing, who would you call just to see how they were doing maybe for a five minute call? With no doubt, this is an illegal scenario offending Habeus Corpus Laws but it might not offend these laws if there is an international warrant out for a said individual such as an Osama Bin Ladin who refused to implement any universal income support for his Iroquois, Ojibwe people. So, President Obama sent soldiers to rendition him. G. Bush Jr. started a war to smoke him out. Our standards concerning Habeus Corpus Laws and the avoidance of arbitrary summary, prolonged, indefinite detention cannot change from one American regime to the other, causing human rights uncertainty.
If you are harassing a business etc or a government as if that government must do as you say simply because you say your accent is English and your passport is English, then maybe that Government and your government might decide that your motivations warrant apprehension; maybe permanent inquisition(essentially death) and use in ongoing anthropology while your soul is maintained in a computerized indefinite detention. This would mean no more body, no more stolen soap at ASDA once a month with you being the aboriginal in between the world of the hunter gatherer and the world of registered property ownership but it would mean just your brain and your capability to communicate with the inquisitors; forever since they want to understand your bad motivators. It could also violate international anti-slavery laws in the UK and Europe. But, if it is government harassment and interference where there is evidence, death is a significant penalty and a trial for terrorism then must first ensue with your intention being to interrupt government or trespass in government property. If there is evidence, then such a sentence as described above could be levied but the participant must have knowledge of their risk of apprehension and they must also be given an opportunity to surrender by a certain date where, if they do not, then the computerized internment following a trial is real with or without defense counsel; a trial taking place while they are still alive and not interned would be suitable. It would only take a few hours. An offer to participate in some other form of involvement in a study by answering questions on a laptop with a sensor strapped to your foot and with an order to keep the peace and be of good behavior would be suitable with 3000 days of community service in some way or means; with a cash stipend. The intention would be to reform the soul. Movie plots are not harassment and nor is it harassment to remind governments of the laws on their books. It might be harassment if you use a 1 hour tv spot on a news channel to appeal with bias for 3 years/1095 days for the impeachment of any President. There is always a call for impeachment on every President. This is just the nature of American politics. If he survives it, then he is a real champ; a star with an extra stipend in the billions; from Europe. Otherwise, he has no real fastidious place in history books or the popular news magazines. It puts him in history and in the headlines.
This necessity for identification in being able to establish the human rights claim and the assertion of a right does not say international authorities are not responsibly engaged engaged in the defense of the meaningfulness of human life; all human life. All animals are protected. All human beings are protected. Yet, there is intrusion by Pirate cultures who believe anything can be bought or sold and that all laws and civility can be interrupted. They believe our constitutions are just ideas. We cannot underestimate the power of a Mass continent wide North American Grendel aboriginal resentment or the ability of one Grendel to take on and wield our language to sell non existent goods, non existent insurance policies and make $300,000.00 per year at a $1000.00 per victim with 300 victims on illegal non existent policies, selling a black man to the world as a president and to also entertain and satisfy his own vein aboriginal cause, leading to mass destruction and human deprivation in resisting the simple solution with income support at 30% sales tax to solve any automation economy. This man will do this since the cave is his castle and all the land in the world is his kingdom. The black man was an nice black man though who seems to have understood the simple answer and he presents well whether or not he went to Law School, read a law book or Thomas Paine or Thomas Hobbes and he has certainly enunciated and promoted the establishment of a recession proof economy as based on a national universal income support.
Every citizen has a contract with the government. If the UK can run the Bank of Canada as a division of the Bank of England, then they can run the provinces entirely. The Danadian Otario population now appeals to the Royal prerogative of mercy to resolve their economy in Otario where there is insufficient income support. The rest of the country is operating reasonably. This appeal is made in general for immediate resolve. Maybe a telephone call will do or a Zoom call. You agree as a citizen to abide by the laws of the country. The politicians do the same. But, when a policy sets policy that challenges the spirit and the law of the constitution maybe in the case of educational provision, it could be that he is asking when and where does it say there has to be regular attendance at school? In the case of Danada, when the law of Danada conflict with the UK, then the laws of the UK prevail. Essentially, every Danadian is a UK citizen. The key concerns right now under this contract is the maintenance of peace, order and good government within the spirit and intention of the UK's policy guidelines that appear in the Education Act, the Police Acts and the Criminal Code of Canada. The salaries of current staff are maintained and paid directly by the UK. The income support for every citizen is paid directly by the UK where it is currently not being paid and it can be effected through their accounts at the Bank of Danada or with the Government of Otario at no less than $50,000.00 per citizen. Special dispensation may be made for citizens who are transgender where they may receive $70000.00 per year in support. We could work out a policy of $90,000.00 per citizen to get the economy moving and push reasonable expected settlement in regions where settlement is acceptable; moving up to Hudson's Bay some day; $90,000.00 in support and 50% in sales tax. Alternatively, the sales tax policy could be a variable rate from 13% to 32% or as high as 50% depending on the governments daily requirements but it will be set at only 9.9999999999% for any transactions involving vehicles, houses or rent or hotels and motels and travel. As every Danadian citizen has a contract with the UK, then we can look at concepts of offer and acceptance. We accept the offer as we accept our documents that confirm citizenship. .We have some way to go in protecting all human life under the law.
In all aspects of our daily life, we see the manifestation of contract; in consumer commercial transactions in particular. The super market offers bananas or sausages at a certain price and then it is up to you to accept or pass on the offer; possibly when you go to another retailer. Read the following since the issue in the retail scenario is that will the retailer owe you bananas on offer at the set price if he runs out of them? If he did, he could be sued for loss of bargain since you could say he made an offer that you accepted unilaterally. In the alternative, we say the bananas at the price set represent an invitation to accept offers from customers at that price. If you take the bananas to the cashier, then you are offering to buy at that price and with your money in hand, the retailer accepts your offer and then you complete effectuation of the purchase. See Fisher v. Bell(1961) for an example.
Fisher v Bell [1961] 1 QB 394 is an English contract law case concerning the requirements of offer and acceptance in the formation of a contract. The case established that, where goods are displayed in a shop together with a price label, such display is treated as an invitation to treat by the seller, and not an offer. The offer is instead made when the customer presents the item to the cashier together with payment. Acceptance occurs at the point the cashier takes payment.
The next key issue is the issue of trusts that we see in both contract and trusts law. The bank is holding your monies on trust for your benefit. You are the owner of the monies in your account. This is the essence of the contract. If the bank misplaced your money contrary to the purpose of the deposit contract, then we say the bank must account for the monies not only under contract law but under trust law as the money was given to them for a purpose but if that purpose is not fulfilled or fails, then the money must revert back to the original provider of the funds under what we call a Quistclose Trust. This would be true of any bank account or investment. See Barclays Bank v. Quistclose(1968) for more.
Barclays Bank Ltd v Quistclose Investments Ltd [1968] UKHL 4 (sub nom Quistclose Investments Ltd v Rolls Razor Ltd) is a leading property, unjust enrichment and trusts case, which invented a new species of proprietary interest in English law. A "Quistclose trust" arises when an asset is given to somebody for a specific purpose and if, for whatever reason, the purpose for the transfer fails, the transferor may take back the asset.
If a debtor undertakes to use the loan in a particular way and segregates the creditor's money from his general assets, and the debtor becomes insolvent, the creditor's money is refundable and is not available to pay the debtor's other creditors. If the trust fails (because the purpose is not or cannot be fulfilled), the sums become subject to a resulting trust in favour of the person who originally advanced the credit and the person to whom the sums were advanced holds them as trustee.
Contract law is quite voluminous as well as trust law but the purpose is to serve and protect the public with principles that ensure a commodious market. Most importantly, the buyer must beware of what he is purchasing and watch the terms and clauses involved in any transaction while there is a contract involved in every transactional occurrence. See Chapelton v Barry Urban District Council [1940] 1 KB 532. Chapelton v Barry Urban District Council [1940] 1 KB 532 the "deckchair case",[1] says that in English contract law case on offer and acceptance and exclusion clauses. It stands for the proposition that a display of goods can be an offer and a whole offer, rather than an invitation to treat, and serves as an example for how onerous exclusion clauses can be deemed to not be incorporated in a contract.
David Chapelton went to a beach with his friend, Miss Andrews, at Cold Knap, a district of Barry in south Wales. There was a pile of deckchairs. A notice next to them said,
It also said tickets should be obtained from attendants. Mr Chapelton took two chairs from an attendant, paid the money and received two tickets. He put them in his pocket. On the tickets was written,
When Mr Chapelton sat on the chair it gave way, the canvas tearing from the top of the chair. He was injured. The County Court judge held the council would have been negligent but that liability was exempted by the ticket. Mr Chapelton appealed.
The Court of Appeal upheld Mr Chapelton's claim, overturning the judgment at first instance; it held that there was a valid offer when the chairs were on display, accepted when picked up the chairs from the defendant. Therefore, the ticket was merely a receipt of the contract, and the exclusion clause could not be incorporated as a term, because it was too late. Slesser LJ read the facts and gave his judgment first.
The Pirate Grendel resents and threatens the administrators of our societies, our quiet respect for contracts that are all around us and within our economies in the belief that our Constitutions are certainly more than just vain ideas and are actually iron cages to protect and defend civility from inhumanity and from economic concupiscence involving property, position and social power that is also referred to as covetousness; turning all human life into a cheap disposable in these pirate cultures worth the value of a new car muffler or aftermarket car satellite navigation system. Yet there are man and women from this pirate culture who attempt to experiment with our world of laws, rules and civility concerning property ownership and with intellectual property belonging to others as if its a chestnut on the ground in a park. they experiment with mail or property in mail boxes as if they are truffles or rabbits in a hole. Some of them find a powerful man, a prince preacher maybe who they believe might help them break all the laws in the world to threaten us all as a feminine creature; maybe she is not really a woman, a real female but she is feminine and honesty about this fact might help although she steals from others as her natural sexuality was stolen from her, making her an idolatrous artifice and a man-made creation. Concerning Prince's kings and Queens, it would be easier to buy someone's intellectual property for a reasonable sum in the same way land is government-appropriated with the owner's compensated at market rate. It is their duty to uphold the magna carta and to only divert from its principles in the use of absolute authority to defend the Carta; not to "pirate" kill, steal and destroy. As such, international human rights organizations and police services are watchful for men and women who participate and who also seem to be men and women who refuse to respect property ownership, men who make themselves depraved in spite of all the resources available to them so that they become the hungry. At the same time, there is a presumption of some kind of immunity against responsibility for one's actions, political or otherwise, and I don't see anyone in front of me but a grade 7 educated former postal worker in an expensive suit with his political platitudes turned on for machine gun style verbal "Teddy Ruxpin" automated espousal but with no genuine desire or possibly no power to solve his continent's economy that should be as easy as starting the fire; the fire of capitalist fulfillment. He hates any European with an Accent or English or Irish with an accent that could have authority over him in North America. In his defense, democracy or an abuse of democracy has put him in place allegedly to help the continent if he could, but you would not ask him how to level and grade the roads for population safety so why let him decide how to manage the economy? He has made it clear that he is not incapable but he is not in a position to arrive at any reasonable suggestion; Grendel's son or not. He is a spokesperson and he is doing alright. His speech is usually flawless but we are supposed to help with something intelligent to say regarding the economy. Roads are essential to the economy and so is the income support and the sales tax percentage. You will tell them and show them. Well, good. That would then mean we have the income support at the requisite satisfactory number(a minimum of $50,000.00 per year per North American citizen across North America to please the global car sales executives and to satisfy domestic defense and domestic security. Is he not looking more American than an American comparatively as the master pretender Charles the pretender mixed with a dead Irish bank robber who was killed with no trial and a dead Ojibwe who jumped in front of a train after ten white men severed his male organs. Thank God for this revival and resuscitation of common sense and love for the American aboriginal to aid aboriginal humanity. God bless Joseph of Egypt. He did it all by himself; saving America as the leader of all of America. I love America. FDR once said that, "The men who are hungry are the stuff of which dictatorships are made." Dictatorship is a function of desire; not necessarily hunger but the self-induced forced hunger is a means of a dog's manipulation of the master's conscience that somehow, the master has not fed the dog and the master is now in violation of his own law, rule and order but when did the dog learn how to manipulate to create an in -road to power in the concupiscence in seeking ultra vires power with no commitment to principles except the principles and will of the one mind or ego with no official commitment to human rights laws although some dictators do manage such commitment? Some, do not. We have allegedly democratically elected leaders in some countries who seem to think the notion of democracy is subsumable, synonymous with full human rights commitment and it is not. Communism carries official oversight, defense and commitment to human rights laws for the defense and protection of its own people as this is also where all national defense begins; by definition. This is seen in France and Germany(Democratic Countries) as well as Russia, China and Cambodia being non-democratic examples. If you do not ensure the viability and health of your own people, then how can you have an army? Military arguments with America is like a chess game with a frog. This is the irony of Communism in that it is misunderstood by the west when it is nothing more than Rabbi Government and we have no time for a devil or a Self seeking Judas in office with Judas people who sell out his economy over and over and over again. With this being so, their more advanced economies have been more humane and also more recession proof in that logic is not the fodder of vain self seeking and self coronation to achieve for a covert community the re-coronation of King Saul in his concupiscence for Absolute authority and unconditional acceptance. We expect democracy and legal culpability with the Specter of impeachment. He says 4% sales tax and expects unconditional acceptance in his vain imagination. I want democracy but we have evolving standards of technology and socio-economic programming that must satisfy immediate implementation or else we will be behind our alleged enemies who are not enemies really but allies in humanity. The implementation of new standard technology and policy goes forward without hesitation in the American phone industry and road building but in social and economic policy, there is a delay and a frustration of fulfillment and implementation but all are designed for human safety and protection but they are not all applied with the same immediacy and the understanding of code red necessity. This pretender that you endure in America is only telling the population what he wants and thinks about himself in this role or job that carries criminal liability. Well, he says it carries criminal liability for all other Presidents but him. 4% sales tax is treason and a high crime as it inevitably reduces the national resources when pitted against national expense; especially the cost of the Presidency and border patrol/ Customs. Those two expenses require at least a Federal Sales Tax of 19% to break even. What say you?
Warren A. Lyon, SOAS, University of London, LL.B(HONS), BPP University, LL.M(LPC), furthering work in a PH.D(Economics), Manchester.
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