We cannot run from Contracts when it comes to being a consumer; Contracts of ownership in something as simple as a cup of coffee. Click here for more.


We cannot run from Contracts when it comes to being a consumer; Contracts of ownership in something as simple as a cup of coffee. Click here for more.

1.  And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him:

And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads.

And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.

And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.-Revelations 22:2-6

Eeeny meeny miny moe; catch a Joe brigand  by the toe. If he hollars, let him go. Eeny meeny miny moe. There is something sacred. Where is Naan’s hand bag? What are you doing in there? Every time you purchase something, there is a contract involved. There is also legislation involved such as the Consumer Protection Act(s). We cannot resent this formality. There is also Tort law involved. The point of this is to ask whether anyone can live in this world and hope to evade these formalities. No matter how we might resent these formalities, they follow us like a good loyal dog for our safety. What are you doing on that motor bike? You say you bought it cash and you cannot say who you bought it from. There is no need to take you on the suspicion that it is stolen property but what if someone alleges that it is his? You take a watch to a jeweler to be fixed and he says how could you own a Rotary watch bought on Amazon like this? The fool does not want to believe you own it but he will be the PM of Crasqui Los Roques some day where there are no people; just the way he likes it. In the mean time, he is killing everyone in the Anglo world to show his involvement and his proclivities with his colleagues. What about that $160.00 Skagen? You own it. What about that Londinium(TM) watch? There is someone who owns it and made the watch. We do not live in challenge to these formalities and they certainly apply in any home purchase or sale involving real property. Granny lives in housing and there are always people visiting her who call her Naan. There is a contractual obligation involving housing. There is a contractual reality involving ownership of any house or the occupation of any home. This contractual reality involves a Land Title Deed or electronic Land property register copy confirming your ownership or it involves a lease or license to remain on and occupy the property. You can’t just roam and stake a claim on any home, anywhere you would desire. A tax bill or electricity bill in your name could be enough with all other proofs of ownership. It might be in your name but who owns the property? Who put your name on the tax roll? You are in possession of stolen property. These homes with such uncertainty are usually drug grow ops. Yet, the truth is there are several homes being occupied illegally in the propagation of a sub culture that must be somewhat aboriginal in nature as you would see that it is anathema to the governing culture to allow people to occupy properties contrary to Queen’s peace. It is a revival of the informal life existence once enjoyed by all humans as aboriginals. It is illegal. Habermas says legal formalities sheer away the informal and lock us into the iron cage of the formal and official realities of existence that are contemporaneous with modernity that is memorialized with the life and times of the first Anglo King in the age of Modernity; King Edward VII. We honor his reign that provides us the first regularly videoed experience of a reigning member of the Royal family. Hopefully, we can never say he suffered from over exposure in the media. 

There is something sacred. Classical music may help us to find that key of life that hallows the sacred during a time in history when the universal capabilities of all humanity was celebrated in the work of a musician or two who were actually born in the Western hemisphere in the genetic line of Bach; Mozart first and then Beethoven. Even after all the music it is still not in your nature to own property by way of contract. Maybe it’s not in your nature to entertain such contractual formalities for a lease to occupy a property. Maybe it is not on your nature to do your own school work; especially after the age of 15 years old. The informal desperate occupation of any such home or dwelling is possession of stolen property belonging to another. It might be a burglary while they( the owners) are on vacation. You want to own but then you say what is the point of there are people like you still around growing in strength and in numbers JW during the delay to implement a full income support in that territory (English, Danada ( Now new Scotland or it soon will be renamed)) and to also allow the income support to be accepted as income for home finance as people are not working as often as they used to due to automation, causing a big short in the mortgage industry with mortgages failing at no fault of the mortgagers. It’s a policy problem. We need to adjust policy to ameliorate the causality in the mass joblessness occasioned by automation. We need to ensure a sufficient income support for mutually beneficial societal and economic buoyancy. We need to ensure policy enables current and prospective home owners to maintain their homes and continue to enjoy the home ownership experience which is part of the effort to assimilate the continually evolving Neanderthals among us; well dressed and verbally agile at times but still struggling to digest and respect property and all of its formalities. You need to buy that bag of Starbucks Coffee and not just walk out the door with it. You need to buy or rent that property and, truthfully, you are stuck in a bad ancestral habit when you can say that money is not the issue in Vermont or Chicago. You have enough, very soon, any where in America. You cannot keep clawing back on the formalities of this world in a persistent Neanderthal-ism that is hard to detect with all of that Chanel or Gucci hanging off of your limbs or Fruit of the Loom. We also have Neanderthal politicians whose unbridled expectations have not evolved sufficiently to say that not even McDonalds can be safe in their ownership very soon. We can understand that life is born from the water and blood but it is also born of the word and the spirit as in Nurture(from the word and numerate education) and it is also born of the spirit( Temperaments and Proclivities possibly absorbed from those associations around you from birth). What if someone tried to re engineer our blood and water with new water and blood(dna in food), thereby changing our expectations. Changes in the word of God, as very subtle, may change our temperaments and proclivities also along with persistent tolerances of inappropriate media. 1/4 to 1/2 of every Netflix production is an arrest-able offence. The fact that it is a global network does not change the censorship culpability in the jurisdiction where it is aired. Most censorship laws are in parity globally. This is disappointing when the stories are educative and enlightening. The laws of theft and home invasion are in parity globally also. This is not material for any comedian and we should never think our celebrity exempts us from culpability.

The Empire might be striking back from Guyana while many Guyanese were born in the Iroquois nation. They are now Guyanese first and Iroquois second; Guyanese first and Pakistani second. I am Guyanese and it could not be that all Guyanese resent property ownership.  they own homes, buildings, vehicles, shoes, socks and lots of nice food labels and trademarks.  I am Guyanese.  The schematics of those engaged in fighting the empire, however involves a war fare that sometimes break down on racial lines, sometimes, if you don’t know how to say you are Guyanese first at the Supermarket or at the shopping mall ad that you know Boney M.  If you know Boney M, then you are Guyanese.  there is no race but there is allegiance and its hard to calculate sometimes. Just think of blood pudding maybe and Boney M.   They don’t know how many political campaigners were killed last week for calling the police on black people who opened the door to hear their big speech and support them as young people. You have to know their names might be false though as this is another stratagem from Mein Kampf. The idea is that they will follow these strategies in the hope that the Queen or the Monarch is not watching. So, when do you expect to enjoy home ownership again? Would you say “Appl” is telling you to claw back on your own civil rights? Property owners should not be pitted against those who are averse to property ownership. But, there is something happening here and the President’s authority is not respected. He loves property owners as they donated and support his ongoing campaign. We need to enable expectations with sufficient education and sufficient income support. The jobs are not coming back as they have been computerized or robotically automated and the jobs that remain are certainly necessary. Maybe there can be enough school and experience in various programs that can be established to help absorb the inactivity seen in the joblessness. But, the Neanderthal looks assimilated and fashionably modern while they perpetrate a war of resistance against the formal an attack of the informal against the formal property register that is a sacred hallmark of our society and our economy. A Department of Homeland Security Order and Directive on this issue might be helpful. So, you covet, scheme, kill, steal and destroy. JW. You might even try to obfuscate the ownership by molesting the integrity of the register( Pinnick). JW. This is very serious. JW. It is not ignored by the government. The irony of this is the extent of the problem. Even if you would ascend to political office and suggest people should be able to live in any property they want contrary to the owners’ rights and contrary to the Queen’s peace, you might have thought you normalized such possession of stolen property over $5000.00. You may think it is less of a crime as you perpetrate and propagate this offence, attempting to bring the offence into some regularization of violent home occupation and invasion. But, how can your regularize criminality as if the Court is to understand that you believe it is cause or a campaign worthy to kill for. It is an indictment, several of them and I am not the witness. The government is the witness. We are not manufacturing consent for this and nor are we manufacturing absolute authority. Maybe John Adams said very often that anybody should be able to be the King. This translates into what we call Democracy according to John Adams but Democracy does not create portals or platforms of absolute authority but limits on the use of the corporal authority in the same way that the use of such authority is excerised with limitations by the Queen and Monarch under the Magna Carta. All modern kingdoms follow the fine balance seen in the Magna Carta. This is true of all modern Legislatures and governments. The law says we protect life, liberty and property. There is no statute of limitations on such Criminal enterprises in spite of the various aliases. You indicate a propensity to violate the privacy and the integrity of others. But, it is incitement. It is a Conspiracy to Commit an Offence. You presume to be beyond personal and corporate criminal responsibility. The Queen owns. If you enable the offence by printing or uttering municipal fraudulent documents, then this is also an offence; a deception offence while you personally pocket $100,000.00’s of dollars for these documents and this money, in the millions, amounts to proceeds of crime. See Schultz v. Wood, 1881 CanLII 34 (SCC), 6 SCR 585 for more and also Redican v. Nesbitt, 1923 CanLII 10 (SCC), [1924] SCR 135. Possession of the proceeds of crime is also a criminal offence; in itself. You can’t own the property nor can you sell the property or enter into a contract for Finance on the property so what have you achieved? There are Neanderthals still on the cusp of humanity who refuse to regularize their expectations in achieving and acquiring the Maslow needs in the Maslow hierarchy; good good!! A Black aboriginal or a white aboriginal or a brown, red and yellow aboriginal is not doing this on his own. There is a grouping or commune here of some kind and a network of individuals who might help to “paper mache” the reality of the fraud, the theft and the murder predicated on the occupation of homes and property. You would rather kill someone who has cautioned you and advised you on how to achieve your goal of ownership or at least occupation than step back and accept the opportunity to own a home in a long term multi- year contract of ownership or at least a lease that is easily financed on your guaranteed, ensured income support. We have solutions. Instead of enjoying the solutions, the Neanderthal or the Aboriginal on the wrong side of this ownership debate may have at least found ways to further his fight against formalities and formal property ownership. It’s just I don’t know how to tell you how to find him except but to look at propensities and proclivities and similar fact occurrences when he or she did steal an old lady’s handbag. He could look like the guy in the red tie; below. Is he running for President but withholding his propensity to kill, steal and destroy and to also frustrate workable national solutions only to see his own authority, be the only one and just sit there in his media game, basking in the rays of the video cameras like its sunshine?

Even so, how could he register and own Caribooney Beer(TM) in front of me? Cari-banana(TM) is a new trademark at Angel Ronan(TM) Consulting. The property itself that you allege people can live in without any formal legal right or permission to remain under any law or by way of contract is also the proceeds of crime and is a problem that goes right to the heart of the system in destabilizing everything; including the currency and property value generally in this hope to make everything a creature of the informal. Are you threatening the King; …..or the Monarchy? Read the Magna Carta for more. After it is all said and done, what have you achieved here except but a list of problems, murders, thefts and home invasions. Impressive dark Jedi but now you need to see you have connived, cajoled and danced with the devil for too long now. The game is over.

Warren A. Lyon, Litigator and In-House Counsel with Angel Ronan Entwerfen ™.
