If you made a deal with your father that he should get 10% or 25% for his 10% or 25% contribution to a down payment, it is unusual if he should be angry if he did not get the same amount as you when you put on 50a% or more. He keeps saying he does not want you to get more than him. Your mother turns 65 and all of a sudden, he is anxious about what you might get; if it could be more than him. But, they are not married. They are not together and she has no will to say he would ever be a beneficiary. But, he gave his versions of her Will with him and the Grandson as the only beneficiary to his cousins, hoping his cousins could help him kill her and dispose of all the other potential children. We need to see who is involved; all the people involved. Sanditra Loine is a suspect for the conspiracy to murder. She wrote her own version of the woman's Will, saying Sanditra is her only heir and emailed it to the estates office of the Court from her Super American phone 4 times; signed it also. Canlute sent one also; so did the Justice of the Peace from Scarborough, Kingston, Trench Town. She also stole money from the woman and offered a direct opportunity to be a Justice of the Peace for monies or monies worth to the woman but she is not the selection committee. She is one individual and maybe a good reference; nothing more or she used to be. Click here.

 If you made a deal with your father that he should get 10% or 25%  for his 10% or 25% contribution to a down payment, it is unusual if he should be angry if he did not get the same amount as you when you put on 50a% or more. He keeps saying he does not want you to get more than him. Your mother turns 65 and all of a sudden, he is anxious about what you might get; if it could be more than him. But, they are not married. They are not together and she has no will to say he would ever be a beneficiary. But, he gave his versions of her Will with him and the Grandson as the only beneficiary to his cousins, hoping his cousins could help him kill her and dispose of all the other potential children. We need to see who is involved; all the people involved. Sanditra Loine is a suspect for the conspiracy to murder. She wrote her own version of the woman's Will, saying Sanditra is her only heir and emailed it to the estates office of the Court from her Super American phone 4  times;  signed it also.  Canlute sent one also; so did the Justice of the Peace from Scarborough, Kingston, Trench Town.  She also stole money from the woman and offered a direct opportunity to be a Justice of the Peace for monies or monies worth to the woman but she is not the selection committee. She is one individual and maybe a good reference; nothing more or she used to be.    Inheritance is not prospecting for gold or bids at an auction; if you will be accepted for your teeth or your hair and the testator does not even know who you are. Who are you? Your criminal culpability won't go away even if she is dead.    

If you had grown up in the '70s and '90s as a black kid and lived in any regular home, how could you not graduate from high school with Eddie Murphy and Denzel Washington on TV? Do you want Beef Jerky? There is plenty.   A booolya    A booolya  A booolya..A Hah....a ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!   

Winthorpe, Mortimer and Valentine™ is a new trademark at Angel  Ronan  Lex Scripta ™.  

How can you honour God if, when you sing on the rostrum, your ego is bigger than God s ego and takes precedence in your heart over God's ego.    Formal and informal ownership; a learning experience for the Bushman Sasquatch of the Pow Wow from Lake Erie, living in Skegness as a transplanted population.  They used to throw stones at the Underground trains and the overground trains and then the weet-bix and cordial drinks were updated with Nightingale DNA to ameliorate the pure Sasquatch temperament and resentment of the burgeoning technology. Her brother used to own property but he killed his wife and left the doors open to the properties he owned with her since he did not want to hire any lawyer for a separation agreement.  He has now encouraged people to kill owners  and occupy! He actually bought a condo five years ago but he refused to get counsel to help him register and wanted the building owner to do it; a $370,000.00 condo.  His son is Counsel but would not ask him for help.   Sort of like what some second generation half Irish and half Mohican people did but they blamed the full  natives; as seen in the Movie the Last Mohican.      Then, the smart super  American phone came and she has become re writeable.  She was an A+ Sunday School graduate and majored in the ten commandments plus the 11th command in Exodus 34 but now  she is a shoplifter, stealing cologne  as convicted in one NAFTA country, pretending to be a police officer and also unable to understand that she is not bondable any longer.to keep her real job as a school teacher to adult refugees. It's the phone she has.  She is also charged with harassment of a police service, espionage and mischief and also threatening death with your blue pajamas on.  Maybe there is drug on your Tide Cold Water because your pajamas are really clean and with the refugees you are a genuine Social benefit Harriet Tubman; so to speak who is still thinking of seeing black old ladies and their children dead so that you might inherit so that you will be the only one. See what I am dealing with. Do you smoke crack?  Maybe it's the coffee at work? I took a sample and I found some Sasquatch  poo and some lsd. Then, what about your phone?  You used to have a degree but it seems you had plagiarised or shoplifted the intellectual property. What did your smart phone tell you to do?  I have a Bible app on mine; in Spanish.  

 The phone triggered....it triggered...it triggered some devolution back to full Sasquatch temperament. But, there is some other DNA causing her to be anxious about any social involvement you would enjoy in front of her where, competitively, she needs to see her authority over you since how could you have an English Law School Award in front of me for the 100% in your Master's exams; in front of me?    This is not a Sasquatch temperament or pure native temperament or proclivity.   She is writing will documents of her own and sending them to her high school ex boyfriend's bank to say she wanted to be the wife but she was a stupid, selfish dropout but if she could be the heir.  She is also attacking a woman who worked in Payment processing at a global bank, hoping to inherit from her but how are you inheriting?  You are only involved in theft of property, occupation of any real estate property and a conspiracy to murder.  But if you think the community should watch this and tolerate you, how could you be safe when another Sasquatch has decided to occupy you and move in with you. I or my Sasquatch really own it and he is big! You have been pretending to own it for too long, pretending to graduate and pretending to be a wife; to whom? 



When purchasing anything from anyone, you need to be confident the seller has title or ownership of the item as they offer the items for sale.  Is it a house?  Is it a scooter?      Would you give £7000.00 to an old lady living in housing,  following her offer that she would sell the property to you? She pretends she owns it to feel sophisticated.   It's not her property.  Her offer constitutes the theft of property belonging to the Crown.  On a legal basis, the funds cannot be held by the Granny once the false pretences have been found out.  The money has to be returned on a Quistclose Trust basis.  It's an illegal unenforceable agreement. There is written evidence it seems. Therefore, it has to be returned maybe as proceeds of crime of there is a criminal complaint by one aboriginal struggling to respect property and the mail as property vs. another.     The purpose behind the transfer of money has failed and cannot be fulfilled. Any genuine contract involving any interest in land must be in writing anyway.  Sasquatch is still trying to understand family and kin.    The Sasquatch wants absolute authority over himself.  But, even the Kings of Israel administered their population according to the Codes of Israel and Egypt.  But, when we speak of Israel today z we have to see its a third or fourth reincarnation not unlike the Babylonian versions of Israel with Nehemiah being sent back from Babylon under King Cyrus of Babylon who helped the exiles return with their Psalms and Proverbs.   Jesus represents something more aboriginal than the experience of the exiles and was a student in Egypt for about 12 years. If he was in school in Egypt, then it is understood that Jesus spoke Arabic. What are you like?  Herod was an apology to the people of Britannia and how could Herod, like Nicodemus be anything more than a victim aboriginal from Britannia but in Israel if he did not understand the simple things like rendering Roman occupier of Israel?  Herod would have been more relaxed in his authority if he just agreed he needed laws and Rabis to help. Lawyers are not Rabis.  But, they can help like little humble little servants and waiting for the master's orders in some job or the other on daily orders and assignments.   Israel is not black and nor is white but it is faith. In fact, it's not far from the Sudan and close to Egypt; on the SOUTH side of the Mediterranean; south; Molto Bene..Salam..Aye!    English is neither black and nor is it white but the nose in the Egyptian statue can signify the kin it is designed to represent. Who are you to smash the nose in the hopes of giving your kin a false sense of hegemony over the kin of others? English is neither black nor white and it's time for it to work for community. So, how can we have a community that works unless the Sasquatch people, there in and regardless of accent, can understand the rules that protect them and that they must also enjoy in their adherence; enjoy? They can't be happy selling Crown property they do not possess.  What are you like? You lie and say you bought the eggs and the bread, hoping to be more accepted!  What do you smoke?    If you are Israeli or Syrian or Britannia Cheddar or a Sasquatch or the Bush man of Australia, what anger do you have in an Audi, Benz world of laws and contracts that is more important than kin?  Did you want to pick real estate property off trees and also hunt and gather in a " hire purchase agreement" BLM world?    Aren't you ridiculous if black life matters but your angers about "what are you like ????" is more important than kin?  You are either a cave man or cave woman that has not evolved into seeing the benefit of family or safety in numbers or you are some unusual DNA from the French servant world that is sick about competition; not for a fish but to association or for acceptance or to be closer and you recreate this French servant polemic in some fight for acceptance while in a Baptist Church group, sabotaging and displacing and interrupting people on their way to school or church as if they should not get their school documents or their Bible study leadership guides.   Yet, if the economy worked like Japan's, Germany's or the Switzerland's economy where everyone has enough to satisfy their Maslow needs, it would be too easy for people to feel accepted and be accepted and not feel like they need to be accepted. If this were so, you would be alone in your need to be accepted.      You always need to be accepted. Even if you were white, you would find a way to reject anything that comes out of your whole Cole's notes.    It's 11 O' clock;  do you know where your children are?  Hell hath no fury as matches with the cross and that is all but an aboriginal Creole woman's unresolved testimony as manifested in her descendents can be quite painful to endure when she is not just a humble, good airline employee. Why lie about buying bread in the house hold to seek approval and manifest competition?  

   Anyway, we spend much of our life being our own Lawyers and formalities may not be loved or respected or appreciated by the Sasquatch, aboriginal or Bushman of Middlesex. But, formalities protect us.  If she did own the property,  shouldn't you get something in writing to confirm the debt or investment  owed to you following your transfer of £7200.00?  But, she does not own it.  Do not try and bend the spoon. That is impossible. Only try to bend yourself. Then, you will realise the truth.  You are selling your aboriginal Livelihood and existence, on a verbal agreement involving property to another aboriginal who wants to say they are more sophisticated than you.  That is probably the Sasquatch DNA from Minnesota mixed with Cabot DNA( some of them assimilated in Jamaica when it shouldn't have been Iceland near Santa for assimilation) that has eaten the potty water of Charles 5th and the pretender son who chose without Authority to speak for Charles 5th in the hope of inheriting.   This was while Charles 5th healed from wounds she resting on the the Cote D'Azur, wounds  inflicted by the pretender who should not have spoken for Charles 5th since Charles 5th  was not dead. There was nothing for the PRETENDERS to inherit presumptively when Charles 5th did not own anything. It was all the property of the French Crown who chose an heir( really an appointee) for the role of King after Charles 5th's death apparently.  Was Charles 5th part Grendel cave man who was used like a Herod to apologise to  Burgundian and other French aboriginals who were in the process of assimilation from the informal into the world of formalities?   If you see people killing people over inheritance, it's a conspiracy to murder. But, quite often the victim testator is an unfortunate victim when all she owns is her shoes; Red Ruby shoes like Dorothy from Kansas.   Do you believe in Santa?  Do you believe that  you, as an aboriginal,  gave someone (another aboriginal illegally appropriating Crown property)  £7,000.00 in the hope of buying the property they live in?  You only owed me $600.00 and I would have let it go so you can feed the children. But, there is an I AM; remember Him? It's not possible to say what the purpose is behind your transfers of £100.00 a month for 10 years to this granny since there is nothing in writing. I think I heard you say, "...you needed to be accepted by family." I believe you and she will send it back as soon as she finds it. But, if you can't be related to a law graduate or tolerate his life without disdaining him, then what are you like?  You can sue the granny and being your viva Voce evidence or the hearsay evidence. Swear an affidavit.      File the claim and I will help you dearest?   We will write it all down over some Graham crackers and ice cream dearest!  Your sorrow is genuine.  The key word is misrepresentation.  But, if you want to buy a property that is genuinely available for sale, then go to Tatlers or www.rightmove.co.uk and see what you get for a £7000, 10% down payment on a £70,000.00 property.  Please leave my mother alone now about inheritance.  She does not know you and your mother are convicts.  The mortgage on your  potential new property is about £250.00 per month.  Thank you.  The Sasquatch people from Minnesota,   who call on Africa but don't believe in Egypt,very big to the average old world Mediterranean at 5'8"  are not prepared to govern any Island whether they call themselves Bustameanit or Mr. Derby.  

 A Sasquatch or Grendel Skegness aboriginal would probably resent the Magna Carta as much as a king might have initially although it helps. It's a good deal to help maintain order like the 11 commandments. The king can say clearly when you broke his law. 

  My grand dad's second, third and fourth son had  a wedding but there was no Priest.  But, they got the document signed.  My other grand dad who was a Priest signed the wedding documents.      The issue is that it can cost you if you would not think about the simple and most important question when buying property.  Does the seller own it and how do we find out if the seller owns it?  Maybe bitterness against formalities is what makes you a victim of these frauds over and over again. 

There is the HBJC draft and card, the stolen 
Royal mail bags with Walt's  mail in it (stalking and harassing him and his family) the Mischief and the Conviction for using one old HBJC Visa expired card in 2010 that you are accused of taking from the man's wallet.    You were given the card maybe; we  don't know but we could ask him and you never told him what you did so that he could write an explanation in your defence and maybe you took it out of your wallet by mistake although you intended to use your Barclays card that was the same colour. You threw a shovel up in the air once when arguing with your ex boyfriend and it landed 10 feet away from him by mistake but you didn't throw it at him although you were accused of domestic assault; and you accepted the conviction. You left your husband.  He did not leave you and you watch the Vesper death scene too often; actually every day. Try the Dinner scene on the train or the train chat. From your decisions an that demeanour, I would say you are trying to deny Christ in your life.    So, what do you intend?  Most people believe you have been drugged.  

Now, as of 2010,  you sent £9240.00 to a wrong account at £70.00 per month and you have been using an Apple phone since 2010.   

There is some kind of intoxication leading you when you never had these problems prior to 2010.    There is someone with a key to your home who is poisoning your water filter with a drug and they told you to believe you are CIA.    It's involuntary intoxication but maybe not if you don't get the key back and that person is going down for administering a noxious substance; a criminal offence.  

You were trying to be a teacher. Now, you are being told, while under intoxication, to think that you are CIA.     But, how could you be anything like a school teacher in front of her  when she is the Native Boarding School teacher or plantation manageress and you are supposed to be the aboriginal and humble.   You shouldn't be trying to obtain real social authority in front of her. She has administered a noxious substance to "zombie" you. She keeps saying, "Do as I say" and you do it.  Re write those ten under graduate essays and keep your degree. You do need to complete.    Anyway, you cannot be bonded to maybe also work at Al's Diner as a cashier or at McDonald's or as an airline employee? He who is faithful with the beans and toast is faithful with the prosciutto or the Yorkshire pudding.     Who would identify themselves as a member of any CIA in public anyway when it is a clandestine organisation;  by self  definition. One more thing; try a new mobile phone brand when the radiation from the super American phone frequency or radiation. Many of you with this phone are give your money and your freedom  to foolish scenarios.  It's a Super American phone holocaust. Try the Motorola until you do decide if you are involuntarily intoxicated or not. You might want to balance out the current sum of what is transpiring around your own personal big world and the inconsistencies with your own true character and the admitted mistakes or errors, involving wrongful accusations in similar fact evidence in the past although you repented for what you did to your first husband you met at a very early age. Maybe you have chosen to pay for your sins in cash instead of confess them.    Many super American phone owners seem to be following this pattern.  Instead, think about your next step and try 1st John 1:9. Your sins are already paid. You have been punishing yourself.    Phones run on programs and so do you. But, maybe there is something interrupting. It could be what you are holding to your head as you make phone calls. Isaac knows. He has seen what an American super phone can do.   

   You need to know if the man standing at the front of the church owns the Bible or the computer he is attempting to sell to you. If he does not own the property and is not hires to sell the goods, then be careful since you could be in possession of stolen property once you purchase it.   Call 07424-926-983 for more. Also call 1-914-395-9968 or 1-647-372-9443.  

Email: w.a.lyon.angelronan@mail.com.   

Warren A. Lyon, Senior Client Service Operations Officer, Librarian and Director ( 17th year) Angel Ronan Entwerfen ™.  We accept donations for any work that is requested on a charitable basis.   
