The east, West divide and the 11 commandments of communal, economic development.

The east, West divide and the 11 commandments of communal, economic development.

The other day, I ate some fish packaged in plastic and then I saw another  documentary on the problems with plastic in water.  So, then you realise the question could not be what will we do without plastic. The question is  what will we do without water or fish poisoned by this plastic?  Plastic is a new phenomenon and evidently, it's not our saviour but death, a problem.

  Why don't we ask what will we do without Anglo people?  They need water and money like any other European. Let's see what 11 commands we need and that we should be following. Plastic, therefore, is ridiculous concerning our environmental and human endeavours. It is also ridiculous that anyone called a King in Israel would have been arguing with anyone at the turn of a millennium   about family, adultery or anything else the laws of Egypt and Israel resolved 1000's of years before. The Cave man named Herod from Brittania or Cumbria at the year 3 B.C at the time of Christ was having his argument. We see its all resolved in the Magna Carta. 

  The People East of Jersey have a guaranteed income support that protects them from the onslaught of mechanised labor that creates the joblessness that affects human habitation and economic activity, causing recessions or depressions.    They don't seem to have them but they participate in the conversations to keep you feeling involved, innocent.  What if the best weapon is my enemy's ignorance. But, then those people west of Jersey are not really enemies of the people with 11 commandments.  They are consumers of European goods.  They should have the money to buy the goods before that large but  low activity market affects Europe also as the supplier of standard, superior quality products, confirming European industrial Hegemony; with  Asian hegemony also.      This mechanised labor mentioned above is also called automation.   How do you defend your population when the only enemy the population faces is joblessness caused by Automation? All other populations are thriving. The issue with an absence of the full 11 commands west of Jersey has manifested for at least 200 years.   If you have concerns of over crowding, then moving people to another territory is suggested instead of seeing them suffocate in the absence of funding and  in the on-going automation.  Implement the money and then move them to territories that need more people.  You have no point in defending lands that are slowly being occupied by Russians and Eastern Europeans in the vacancy of your own peoples. What is defence? Defence is protecting and preserving your people. Your people are your agents; agents of your culture.   This is a powerful concept taught by the Asians. It might have been Mao Zedong. What you get in the English world is a movie about one man, going around the world as the agent of English culture or maybe here is a cook or two. Instead, all Asians have their income support as agents and proponents of their culture. They bring Asian hegemony with them and Asian technology such as Toyota, Mazda, Honda and Nissan. Is that normal when you have territories at your disposal as nearly as large as China?  The non German and Non Asian share of your market is quite small. That would be the Anglo share. This is your domestic hegemony is small. But, at least you have movies that make you feel big and global.   If there is nothing else to finance in terms of Major industry that has been taken up by more efficient foreign interests that wasted no time automating labor, then we can focus on basics of defence and finance the population so that they can have settled  habitation like the Germans, the French, the Russians and  all other Europeans. These foreign interests took all opportunity to save Labour cost in automating and  maintained a population, the population that is their primary strength and market.    It would not be wrong to say the people are required to work. Human resources with work skills and training are essential again for national defence. There are public service trains, airports, buses and other transportation.  We can employ everyone sufficiently and we might be able to with minimised hours and sufficient income per citizen for those minimised hours.  The other economies follow this approach. But, they also ensure an income support is still paid when we can see that with automation, we cannot work if there is no more work due to further automation. We cannot have the population and their survival fall into a debate about what to do every time there is a further update to the extent of automation in the economy.  Industry does not debate. They do not hesitate. They automate. Without an income support to ensure settlement, the population is at risk and not defended against the loss of jobs and work.     Academics provide observations like you may have lookouts on ships or at Light Houses.  They are not in the community of Captains or Leaders except but as humble workers, servants. A humble servant could propose a booster rocket or space vehicle with one turbo fan jet engine and launched vertically.  It might look like the current Saturn rocket but with wings to enable it to land on earth after its journey.  It would be a re usable space vehicle reliant on that one engine or maybe two other engines on the wings  to ensure flight even when there is engine failure.  It will have windows.  In fact, it could end up looking like the Concorde or a Bell x2 Jet. But, a lot of servants of the Crown and  the Lord go unrecognised.    

Josiah Henson is the first black man to be featured on a Canadian stamp. He was also recognized by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada in 1999 as a National Historic Person. A federal plaque to him is located in the Henson family cemetery, next to Uncle Tom's Cabin Historic Site.

A 2018 documentary titled Redeeming Uncle Tom: The Josiah Henson Story covers his life.


  You defend your people with an income support...or maybe guaranteed work that pays them enough to maintain their lives and vitality so that they can work to defend the Monarch, the king or the Queen when necessary.    This income support constitutes the 11th commandment and without this command in your economy, you are working too hard and  losing the game just as you working too hard and losing the game in football/soccer with only ten men.  Everyone else in the top table plays with 11 players and 11 commandments that includes the command to provide your population the income support.  You argue and resist the critical but your football is not too bad though. You try to change the language and you say "check" instead of cheque.   Several WW2 movies suggest the English were concerned about flying V2  bombs. But, then what is the concern with flying bombs when you have social policies that did not defend and buttress the population regardless of the inevitable mechanised job automation?    


  The observation is that in the Latino Anglo world, new technologies that emerge within that population suffer the spectre of piracy and that subversive pirate propensity that is insidious when  you might see one man walking through Starbucks who may be struggling with this tendency but then there might be 3 or 4 others who might say they don't know how to rent or buy the intellectual property for what amounts to the value of a football contract. The community is in a stale mate until you can your pirate knickers out of that twist.  Maybe the 19th and  20th century Grendel within that population is still angry about what technology was used  burn him up; a flame thrower maybe using gas to get him out of the cave in the West Indies and in parts of Cumbria.     It helps us remember that some black footballers before WW1 were certainly paid for their playing.  But, after WW1, this was forgotten with a racialism that emerged with new West Indian white and black people suffocating in "story book" ignorance and then blacks were not on the field for football for quite some time.  If Mary Poppins is white in the book, then how could there be a female black  servant in Somerset v. Stewart?  But, Mary Poppins is 19th century fiction.  The "story book" fiction cannot deny the fact of black people living and working in the UK.      But, because of the ignorance some black men had offered to play for free as late as the 1960's in some kind of Civil Rights excitement and, some how, they would not have been on the field otherwise.    But, they did not know about the Black footballers of the 1800's.   The answer in the year 2021 or  2922 or 2921 is to ask who cannot see that every Energy company in the Anglo and European world has a black employee or executive that can understand technology of the past and present.  We save lives with technology....Egypt?    This is what energy and car companies involved in safety research are all about. The fuel cell technology is something that you have under utilised.  PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™ is simply a system that works as a proponent of this technology.  Look at all the fuel cell discussions going back to the Apollo space missions.  The technology is now used for vehicular transportation but, evidently, there is  resistance to happy change and do you want us to hunt whales for whale oil to power street lanterns? We use electric lights and vegetable oil for street lanterns today...if you need a Street lantern or it is non-liquid gas powered.   We worship to say thank you to God for the technological ingenuity he has given us that makes life more quiet, simpler.     If you want to participate in something, then say so. Send an agent from a company with whom you are associated. If you are anxious about hegemony in some bad paradigm or old motivation, what hegemony is it?  Is it English? Is it white?  Is it Aboriginal?  But, at what cost would you hope to steal something and it's just an idea that certainly carries intellectual property?  It is a step forward with technology that already exists. The fuel cell dates back to the 1800's. The sitting toilet dates back to the 5th century BC in Egypt. It is evident that we can build new toilets and kitchen  sinks that process human waste and turn them into fuel and save our precious water for the benefit of future human survival. To ensure human survival, we cannot argue with what evidence we have about plastic affect our water.  It does not serve our long term goals.   We have humans who know how to make lamps out of frog fat in the Cambodian jungle or the Amazon.    But, we see the Human ingenuity that goes into airplane hydraulics to move the plane.    Would you hide your motivation in a big Covid 911 schism to say your morality is not impeached or the lack of morality is less evident....when the intent is theft and murder? You are just an angry Grendel Pirate that has not eschewed his pirate ways as you tell us how you do it in Port Antonio? Did you want me to play in the EPL League....for free just because I am..... brown.....and Egyptian or give you my intellectual property value and I went to a school you say was founded by a church....? We can see that white and black are not really anything but convoluted aboriginal-ity yet some how they provide comfortable platforms from which people can evade the pressure of assimilation on Aboriginal existence. But, you know you are in convoluted Aboriginal-ity if you obsess about black and white instead of celebrating humanity. The reason is because you are not celebrating your humanity or your ancestry. Black and white do not provide ancestry. You will have go deeper. Get to an Irish cross or a German football team or beer or an African culture that soaks up your need for personal cultural identification. Maybe something African on the west coast. Maybe you try Mexico and Montezuma. We have pictures of Geronimo. We can figure that Montezuma looked much like him. Egypt is a good beginning or maybe something French. Maybe something west coast. Learn a few words. In the end, we all need the resources to assimilate and participate to changes in our life circumstances.Money is the easiest way to assimilate any population. The introduction of European or African DNA to North America or Latin America was not about appearance but to introduce new propensities and expectations such as the expectations for shoes; and clothing as well as prepared foods and also buying and selling. Maybe you mix the Irish and the African with some understanding of the North American Aboriginal and you see the world loves you as you are. They want you to buy a Benz, BMW, Toyota or a Volkswagen. Whether it's Nigeria and Sioux or Irish and Mohican or German and Navajo making you Black or BLACK mulatto, you have to live in this Volkswagen world just as the world and life has created us as the Volkswagen buyer! Volkswagen. Some of this DNA could be ancient Israeli after the one noted occupation or the other such as the Babylonian occupation where many Jews went to far parts of Africa, Europe, Russia and Asia, eventually ending up in the new world as African, Middle Eastern, European or Asian Jews. Israel is everywhere. As much as they are Jews as artisans and merchants with various complexions, interacting sometimes as "black" with "black" North American aboriginals, they face people who resent your commitment to law and contract as if you are abandoning Geronimo Black or Aboriginal black and right in this instance is where they "keep the struggle; alive." But, there is nothing wrong with a black Jewish merchant or a land owner from English, Jewish Tudor background named Anthony Johnson. As such, when I see Black American people on TV, I see American aboriginals. But, there could be more to them, maybe part Jewish, Italian, Irish, French or German, maybe African.

We are rediscovering ourselves in the first quarter of the 21st century and our souls; our English souls. Does an inventor have to anticipate In his inventing the Gollum ways and wilds of the Gollum Pirate troglodyte minded, following his jealousies? Is the covetous Gollum and the pirate aspects of the English soul so intrinsic and insipid that we would put our globally respected, jurisprudential culture on hold for him and his mind? Can the King or Queen do all the work in their own? The Magna Carta is an imperial template for an imperial division of labour. Some of this labour has seen automation in Court or with the payment of fines for offences by computer Online. This is also a form of Job automation from our experience. All of this work finds its origin in the Magna Carta. The Courts in real life or on TV are celebrating this Magna Carta. This document enabled empire and Imperial, colonial divisions of labour and a chain of governance for several European cultures and nations. It is the written constitution and has various additional documents that provide guidance. The BNA 1867 is a written modern example, confirming the Monarch is head of state and that Canada is not an independent country but a territory within the United Kingdom much like Scotland or Jersey.

But, who then is anxious about personal worth when they could participate in the new technological idea?   In addition to the Latino Anglo pirate propensity, there could be a hegemony convolution.  It is evident when something new in terms of technology, maybe something simple like a tooth brush,  is presented to the genome and before they celebrate the idea, they may take it as a threat to their natural inclination to have hegemony or authority over themselves. The presentation is a reminder of. Many decades of technological subjugation at the hands of this Roman or Volkswagen or Messerschmitt with fuel injectors who came like a space man from the east with tools, soap, engines and laws about property, adultery and marriage with building techniques that help you get out of the cave. Eventually, he built viaducts, bridges and canals. Eventually, he gave you fashions and ways to clean your teeth. The pirate troglodyte genome that prefers to take and steal out of a latent resentment of rules and contracts occupying his Aboriginal, troglodyte lands and caves could have embraced the tooth brush, a new technology, and made it their own concept with a purchase contract at any reasonable cost or sum worth a 40 year football contract. We don't know when he will arise or spring upon us again and express his propensities in resentment of new technologies or new ideas. Why do we need a new tooth brush or a new toilet? Maybe there is a better design and we can see a more excellent way. But,  then  they seem to say the "story book" negates them from having any involvement or ownership as a simple Latino Anglo.  They seem to resent a European with the technology as it would be European hegemony. They deny themselves the permission to have  involvement with the North American Aboriginal dna in their system as they do not seem themselves having the permission  and seem to calm down when there is some Asian involvement.  But, the divergent  hegemony expressions of various cultures around us and within our lives is evident.  Jeep is an American brand now owned by an Italian manufacturing conglomerate.  We wear Nike (North American Aboriginal) shoes and drive Porsche.  We eat McDonald's and Burger King(North American foods) and drive Benz vehicles.  We eat sushi and wear Gap clothing.  We see Toyota win at a traditional French 24 hour endurance  driving competition. There is a Latino Anglo with West Indian ancestry some where in all of this Hegemony  convolution and diversified expression.   The issue or problem is when a tooth brush is a good thing but you refuse to use it even if your student designed it.  The issue is when your refuse ancient policies your students uncover such as the income support or refuse policies they discover such as 100%  VAT on all goods except maybe vehicles that would be taxed at 10%.  The income support to enable the population would be £90.00 per day.  Right now, the VAT is 22.5% charged or 12.5%.  Everything else is zero rated.  The story book demonstrated some argument that  fictional king may have had with his population. But, that was fiction.  Look at the French economy that has always paid an income support or a ration to its population. This is also true for all other European Economies.   They just wanted to see if you understand anything. They wanted to see what you really understand.  It seems the mind of  some Latino Anglo  is bouncing back and forth between story book and fact all day, looking for permission and is left in stalemate or you go ahead with  thankfulness.  Maybe that bouncing, shifty mental habit has been turned into a phone frequency and maybe watching the Seinfeld sitcom might help where you see all kinds of people; a black friend, a black coffee or soup shop owner, a black doctor and black lawyer.     Ask the church to send a draft contract for this  intellectual property...and I will work with them for 40 or 50 years as we teach about the miracle of five excrement loaves and two urinations turned into hydrogen that can power the home using a fuel cell that creates electricity or  heat the home using a regular forced air gas heater.     The idea is to preserve our water in an ounce of prevention that saves a pound of cure and takes pounds of human excrement out of the water supply.  For this same reason, we will cancel the use of plastic in food packaging as it is threatening the water. What did we sue/use for food packaging before Plastics?  We used to use foil paper bags or cardboard that is still used for eggs and peanuts.  It is also more bio degradable.    The water is important than plastic.  What are you waiting on?    You are the Grendel Ship captain and you have your authority even when you have hired a navigator or a look out or an engineer.....captain. We put forward our proposals with humility.     This is how we will power the Toyota Mirai™ or your Taycan™  from your toilet at home that will have a hydrogen gas pump in your garage and  maybe you pay the gas and power company for the hydrogen/propane you use right from your home for your vehicle and your barbecue. With hydrogen, there is less time spent filling up or recharging.   There is less toxic environmental imprint.    We can lease the intellectual property to another church or an energy company.  We have approached companies in Japan to develop the idea and have an agreement in principle.

