The Fleet Street Journal. When the English governments became clients of any large computer conglomerate, the question or quandary was sovereignty and national security. But, we have sovereignty and security and the sanctity of the Courts. The Courts say Re(T) is not only policy but the law; life. We have automated the washing of clothes and dishes. We need to automate life and human access to the monetary necessities to buy soap, water and all Maslow needs. Money is a Maslow need in our analysis; The Maslow - Lyon Hierarchy of needs. If the language associated with Islam is African and began in Egypt and if the religion began in Egypt, then isn't a white anxious believer a super contradiction? It is divisive. In spite of language, there is only one culture; the culture of sharing our world with our neighbors and also reasonable ownership of a little land or property and we raise our families. But, Islam has nothing to do with being less black or more white. That is also an asinine idea. Islam is Africa just as Christianity is Africa. The culture of sharing and ownership is consistent with the laws and constitution we seek to defend at home and abroad. This is the logical dissonance; we need to defend the population against foreseen and unforseen socioeconomic circumstances. There is no point defending your borders if you do not defend your population and economy against the power of automation. This is so whether you are Italian, Geronimo, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian, Cuban or English. The failure to automate causes loss; a summary of observations based on the world economy and the progress of leading nations. This is not a criticism but a set of observations supported by the activity of many industrial nations with respect to Vat/Sales Tax, income support and the means by which these obligations to maintain the population that constitutes the consumer market is maintained. This article constitutes dated, old observations at Fleet Street Journal as edited by Warren A. Lyon, Editor. ThIs is is the cognitive dissonance; On day one, the Aboriginal woman was a hunter gatherer and when Adam saw her, he did say she looks good and that she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh because she was not a dog or frog or a cat or a fish. Any woman was bone of his bone! A human. She was prepared to procreate and would do so willingly and then she would get up and walk off as a nomad and get back to Hunting and gathering and wandering. Then, Adam suggested she sit down and settle by the river instead of looking for him once a month (every 23 -27 days) when he was busy naming the animals. She argued and ran off. She came back again only to copulate and ran off again. Then, Adam had to hold and embrace her and said, ".... just Na na na na settle here...put all the fruits and nuts you gather under this tree." So, she did. She died to argued with him and then the snake came. She put it inside of her and gave birth to Cain. Cain also argued and that is what happened. Cain, today, does not want you to create anything or have any approval from Daddy or God for your creation. Cain is cursed. He argues. You have an accent, hegemonic accent that facades competing proclivities. They sound like that movie character as everything should be working swimmingly. The world of contract and Landed ownership is consistent with the posh accent yet there is a significant proclivity working against all of that contractual formality. The issue is that there is a problem when there is a natural tendency to feel worth. We can feel worth when we say we own everything in common and can enjoy everything in common but the world of ownership and landed ownership prevents this and we cannot own everything in common. Your natural worth is diminished. It may also be obfuscated by wrong perceptions of human value that run in currents of ignorance about race. So, the actual goal, it seems, for the aboriginal is to find that glowing sense of natural worth again in spite of contractual land ownership. Sometimes they fall into the traps and pitfalls to be covered in other means or senses of worth such as black and white that do not make up for the loss in land owned on common and the fact that you can no longer fish, hunt or pick mangoes to maintain your life. The tendency towards competing proclivities happened accidentally when there was a civil war in the 1600's based in this same issue as all kinds of people moved from the life of caravans and into regular, standard dwellings as the more contractually prepared moved to the new world and may have been over run by the new world Aboriginals on arrival. Then the wars brought the new world Aboriginals in various complexions to England. The English were sent to Europe and the front during WW1 and WW2. Those less inclined to own property arrived from the new world. The competing proclivities continues. What remains is the conflict that continues between ownership and less formal means of property occupation. The to restore our natural sense of worth is not to rely on false identities and celebrate the Aboriginal Identity as African, North American, Asian or Cheddar European; in God. Maybe you buy something once by contract. Geronimo believes in human value but also in equality based on all land owned in common. He does not want you to feel like you are worth more than him and he will never join you in land ownership. This is the cognitive dissonance; He will kill you for your Barbecue lamb kebab and all the good Smokey odour and run off and say it is his idea. The first woman, based on the biblical account, was the first to understand 1st John 1:9. She taught this principle of forgiveness to the women and men. She was the first evangelist of God's love and Grace but not a foolish one to call her self a Prophetess. The popular American phone is, however, provoking an absence of settlement and provokes argument. It is a "stand off" phone provoking a stand off with civilization and with simple processes in economics that encourages settlement; life. This is the emotional dissonance; There are two key motivations to buying a vehicle. One might be an aboriginal allegiance and the other is general quality. These motivations must be matched with the buying power. You kill off your Anglo car industry in spite of Aboriginal motivations to buy certain brands when people do not have the money to buy and this is not helped by the fact that quality is comparatively low next to offerings that have come along to assist when money saved is very important when money is too tight to mention. The Aboriginal propensity to buy brand A or B is not enough to keep the car brand going. The Aboriginal needs money to buy his American Anglo Aboriginal product offering from Ford or GM. He also needs a quality product. When failing to pay the citizen the income support that is like a a health maintenance payment that enables them to buy soap, buy water and tooth paste as well as maintain home, you lose people. Eventually, you lose industry when, as you lose people, business turns down when your people leave or move to places where the life is supported with more unconditional support. They go somewhere so life is more.... LIFFEY...river of Life. Our Monarch is the Monarch of the English world and our jurisprudential culture and recognition is maintained regardless of the new mysterious disease or no disease. Is your nose running? Do you have a cough or is grand dad coveting and insisting that he has a right to kill someone for designing a sheep liver pasty, a chicken pasty or some other pasty; something novel? Maybe grand dad Oswald is a Nazi and is coveting that new microwave idea where the microwave extracts food gases in the microwave process and turns it into Hydrogen. Apparently, a man named Mr. Veronic Arthur shot someone in Jamaica for proposing, cooking and preparing a chicken pattie. This is the dissonance in the agenda; But, there seems to have been an aboriginal Pirate scallywag take over of the UK during the reign of Elizabeth the 1st and eventually, it may have instigated the Civil War when the pirate gives no mind to ancestral landed family rights or to contracts. The pirates are still running their stratagems and the target could be to pirate the English economy just as they would "pirate" a ship and who knows what they want with it but to keep it under funded helps to obfuscate the real pirate agendas. But, all the Anglo car companies and the industry now have foreign ownership. The accent is proper but the economy; is not. The scallywag pirate aboriginal has shown his ultimate agenda since the 16th century and that is to run the ship, limiting the ship while the contract law text books are sold out and the text books on a modern recession proof economy ( Warren A. LYON WROTE HIS BOOK ENTITLED Advanced Economics as published by Fleet Street Journal Publishing.) that pays an income support to every citizen with a Vat that supports the economy. Nigeria pays it's people a guaranteed $10,000.00 per year. How could you be the leader of the diasporic people and you do not understand these things? This is all ironic when maybe this happened in Israel once if a king of Israel refused to maintain the disbursement and ration, leading to an exodus. The disbursement and ration would have been policy before and after there was a king. It's a betrayal of the proper administration of the economy. Israel would die off. The English would die off. Yet, we see Jesus was a son of David and a son of Abraham just as Joseph, his immediate father, was also known as a son of David and Abraham. Some people say they are a son of Israel and maybe Benjamin or Reuben etc. Even so, there is betrayal when Peter and Judas betrayed but only Judas failed to forgive himself and took his own life. Peter did not; although their betrayal of the word and ministry was equal. We need to be loyal to the economy and loyal to Israel. Israel is everywhere. Volkswagen is everywhere and North America is now managed by Europe. As such, North America is now a European domestic economy. There could be Aboriginal scalawag resistance but there always will be. We should not be daunted but must ensure that the people have sufficient income support to maintain the general economy to stave off recessions and any people exodus or industries exodus. The scallywag Aboriginal might resist the income support because he wants to be his own boss and show you how he does it. Essentially, he sees all people need money but wants to show you his culture of killing, stealing and occupying but never owning by way of contract. They resent ownership and all formalities while they want to occupy and take and steal but not own. They also want to take authority and social popularity but they do not want to respect rules of any games except just to declare These are Pirate people desiring to express their pirate culture and this tendency to say that "what does not kill will fatten" may stay dormant until school is almost complete. Then, he or she will start his pirate propensities. This is a schism in many people that the appl- phone has exposed. It has also exposed the Grendel and Sasquatch who join the pirate schism since he says you should not have interrupted his life, his world. He does not want to share anything or see property ownership continue in perpetuity. He says there is nothing to negotiate. Grendel Sasquatch will have an argument over the simplest of issues if you let him. He wants to find his own way although you are telling him he should have a few nice policies for all of the people; including his Grendel Sasquatch people. So, who is having the argument and can we see that they provoked a war before the same issue in the economy? It could be that Grendel Sasquatch resented you for everything; every idea and system that part and parcel with civilization if given the chance to argue but if not given the chance, he uses a Washing machine and a coffee maker or drives a vehicle; a Toyota Prius. So, we have a suave and scruffy Grendel idiot helping to exterminate the English while he plays Shakespeare's King Richard or Macbeth to stay another hour or minute in a job where he will be forgotten anyway; forgotten. What was the name of the Prime Minister in 1990 or 1988 or 1961 or 1929? I don't know. If is real motivation is Aboriginal revenge and would wish to argue with processes and logic used by English nations around him or near by or argue with logic used by French or Spanish or German nations, then we see the argument and that it's an argument for argument's sake. We would like him to see that he cannot maintain a stand off for the benefit of his own ego as there are lots of people involved and industries also. The argument, again, is about how to respond to automation and the joblessness caused by automation that also causes a slow down in consumer activity due to a loss in buying power as caused by the joblessness; that was occasioned by the automation. Could Grendel Sasquatch be in two minds about automation when his Grendel mother is using the washing machines by now? We have automated clothes washing and vehicle building. It is just to Automate the socioeconomics; the VAT and the income support or the money people require to maintain themselves and thereby maintain the economies. We see that resistance and argument is an anthropological impediment and maybe someone understands the importance of people, the importance of hunger so to keep them motivated in his pirate world, that for an offer of £1000.00, a woman with a pirate gene will Illegally release protected information subject to privacy laws as she works at a Train Company or a School. The pirate maybe goes a dormant when she has enough daily or we think it will go dormant. In any event, the experience from other nations shies us that piracy continues in spite of income support as high as $80,000.00 per year. How could this be? There are problems with pirated whiskey in some jurisdictions or movies. In any event, the income support is for the economy and those stuck in a pirate propensity will be dealt with and if the church won't help, who will help? As a car rental clerk or manager, would you take money from the government on a car rental and then refuse to rent the vehicle to the individual for whom the car was scheduled possibly as a means of government assistance and for what motive? Is it because the person who showed up does not watch TV or because of what? You kept the money paid by the government. You did not rent the vehicle to the intended recipient. But, it seems you are having an aboriginal civil war every so often in your emotions and you want to tell the government that you are really a Geronimo or a Cochise and that you need their attention as the car rental company manager. They owe you all the land on the continent and maybe they owe you an income support as well and although you look like Chuck Norris or Van dam, your propensities in a simple service job at All Bar One suggest you are an angry Aboriginal but we are all Aboriginal. Yet your angers collectively amounts to a covert civil war and it's really white people running after white people down the road for money; so at £90.00 per day per citizen, it would really fight crime and help approximate the Swiss prototype economy! Ist est gut...molto bene. You had a government food service contract. But you refuse to serve the citizens on benefits who show up feeling like students of a college. Every time they arrive, you are supposed to serve them with a menu that has £5.99 entrées. Instead, you tell them you do not have that menu but they can still order and that they have to pay their own funds. You also call authorities and say they are black and you are not sure if they knew. But, you have his photo art work on your phone. Jesus on the wall. Leave Him there and honour Him. If you make a black boy do his math exams four times, then maybe he sees that you should not try to bend the spoon but only yourself. Maybe the Geronimo and the scallywag pirates of the West Indies had a merger and decided to Pirate back the world with a covert war on ownership and they seem to say that if they starve themselves, they have a right to continue in pirating back the world, challenging constitutions and contracts and also human life. Geronimo became the scallywag, then the servant and then the owner of the big Abbey house; not the owner but the occupier as he favours, resembles him after eating the owners hair and sipping his unfinished water, tea or soups left on the tableaux. Do you see how many contracts are involved in the space program though; IBM, Rockwell, Honeywell, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, General Foods and Prions 2 ENERGY ™ with Hokkaido very soon? The pirate Geronimo is coming with us to the 22nd century and we have to get him ready although he may take his unusual opportunity as an employee to hold the government on a microcosmic stand off every time he sees a school graduate try to be happy and enjoy his community. Have you noticed? This is Cain in the modern world. He says you should not show him any ability or humility in doing as you're told to graduate. Geronimo, therefore, believes in human value but also in equality based on all land owned in common. He does not want you to feel like you are worth more than him and he will never join you in land ownership. This, in another identity is Maleficent. His anger about losing all of his silver and gold worth £1000.00 to buy all of México continues in the current generation as his people resent and fear loss in any property deal with a contract involving a down payment and mortgage but no one should rob you. This is where some of the lost sense of value and worth is recouped. But, instead, we buy £5.00 coffees for association and quick answer to our lost sense of worth as we seek association. They put red bows and a sprinkle of chocolate on that paper cup. They also attacked the Jews and essentially, they were attacking ownership, receipts and formalities in our world as he asks, "...Do we not own everything in common?" The attacks evidence the tenacity of their resentment as every Jewish merchant, every Moorish merchant has a receipt to give you. But, Grendel and the Sasquatch Aboriginal resents this culture. Joseph Scrooge Marley hails from these people as a smaller pirate Troglodyte and was the first identifiable Nazi encouraged to repent in a Dickens book. England was a world and culture of receipts and formalities, bridge and engine builders. We are now left with Cafe Nero, Costa Brava and footie. You have Evans cycles also. Jaguar is owned by an Indian company. We see that the Artful Sasquatch Scrooge Marley Dodger would shop lift your Audi if they could and prefer to hope you dead instead of pay $50.00 for the vehicle. We share the water and the air and as such, we need to get plastic out of the water and Joseph Scrooge Marley Sasquatch out of murderous presumptions. His loyalty is to nothing but a return to hunting and gathering. MG is Chinese and Aston Martin is owned by Benz. The Toyota is the most popular selling vehicle in the UK. It's not that English capabilities or companies do not exist but the suave pirate with the posh accent is hired too often with a loyalty to himself as he sinks the ship, the English company. Then, it's taken over by a foreign entity. But, Nero would like you to have life and life more abundantly. Maybe agree with his Economics involving the income support that satisfies the life and all Maslow needs and the VAT at sufficient levels that will pay for it. We can see that for the Grendel whether or not he has a suit on, argument with a straight line measurement with a ruler or a compass is the last bastion of independence in diffidence even if it is only emotional. For people living in the British isles, we know their skin was red ancestrally and eventually, it became pale with pale Mongol DNA. They came as missionaries also when the resistance to the Romans endured. The mystery of "white" will always be with us and it's unique opportunity to feel accepted due to the accident of an 18th century printer's desire to save ink along with a West Indian troglodyte's ignorance while he played with movie cameras. There is nothing wrong with books and images but there is something wrong with the West Indian tribes troglodyte's search for a command within the book, the "story book" about how he should look and feel. This became his own weapon of warfare to project his own paradigm of limited, human, global, certainly limited self understanding around the world. It is not intended as propaganda but just his honest ignorance and we buy it to now to educate him with it. It's not that we do not believe Egypt is black and that you know this but how could you watch the movie ten times and then refuse to let black people into your school or just give them their actual graded exam results if you did? So, essentially, white on white violence or black on black violence is Aboriginal on Aboriginal violence as only Aboriginals tolerate white or black as identity in the obfuscation of the Aboriginal truth and they tend to resent formal language structures and many other Socio- cultural formalities. Geronimo is not angry. I am not angry. We have enjoyed the Economic Disco. Yet, there is a sense that a solution is needed. But, we have solutions. It could be a survival instinct in some troglodyte's while others will insist to be accepted as naked; male or female and some do both. If you are the Neanderthal who is looking for someone to tell you what to do and what is the answer, when would you say killing someone makes you more European or more white? What book told you to do that Mr. Jamaican Ashmed? How could killing someone make you more English or more Muslim? You killed 12 people by abusing your authority in the benefit system and you think your work is soo sophisticated that the authorities cannot see your real intention. All the dead tend to be graduates and white. There are few people of colour also in your list of murder victims. But for your hesitation under your evident obligation, the individual would not have died. Who is paying you public funds to kill people and threaten people under the Queen's peace with emails about estates and intending to kill someone named Sainsbury. That is UTTERING a threat. It is an offence to utter a threat. This is mutinous. Belinda Paulette threatened the woman the other day. The respondent was charged with uttering a threat to cause death or bodily harm to another person, contrary to s. 264.1(1)(a) of the Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46. She was charged as well, in a separate count, with threatening to damage that person’s property, contrary to s. 264.1(1)(b). It's the Geronimo DNA maybe since you did this as a local town janitor with a $90,000/£40,000.00 salary and you struggle to just be thankful and happy. Also, you don't know the people you threatened. You whole church congregation did the same thing and the other one down the road. It's like a Jim Jones Mass suicide. You eat too much fast food maybe. Now, how can I ask you to help me with my Library books or my parking ticket inquiry when you cannot be trusted to keep the Queen's peace? You have charges pending. In any event you broke the terms of your government employee contract whether you have been charged yet or not. What if you could become English before you became...human with a full compliment of good human motivations? Whether it's a Geronimo nation or Cochise or Running Deer we can see that we carry different shades of skin and maybe we carry only one flag internationally or two or 12 flags that include the US flag. There is an economy with Automation that threatens our modern livelihood that is dependent on money and maybe grand dad Cochise still resents money as it is based on paper that is made from trees. This Automation is an internal enemy. But, there may be external enemies and we should at least prepare for this by ensuring our own citizens are safe and properly funded to deal with any potential external threat. We need to keep our own territory occupied with our own peoples whether or not we call them English, American or Cheddar. If we do not, then we make all the Energy spent on external defence redundant. But, maybe the Defence industry can run the socioeconomics or maybe TVR (car company) can run the economy and work out the inefficiency. Look at the fuel cell; there are no push rods or pistons. It's just easy, instant and efficiently designed as a power plant to power your Range Rover with the same horse power. We see horse power is a concept to demonstrate how animal power for doing work was automated by engines power and we give the horses a break. We can automate buying power and automate citizen's safety, communal safety and automate Maslow essential money. BMW has adapted to new forms of Automation by borrowing the Hyundai system. But, the final product is pure BMW; genius. On day one at the beginning of time, the first cave man may have enjoyed his conversation with God and with nature; all by himself. His first instinct in seeing another man might have been competition and the perception of a threat. How could they pick any Mango, apple or nuts in front of you when they are all yours? Of there is less of him, there is more for you. But, if there only competition, then there is no cooperation and only individuality; not family. But, with cooperation we can have family and friendship and build things. Without cooperation, we cannot achieve anything that resembles our modern world. Cooperation is essential and is therefore also evidence of evolution. Nonetheless, there are those among us who buy shoes and clothing but fail to work together as family in one generation or over several generations. When any family attempts to create something, they would rather destroy than cooperate. They say, it shot he them. If it was a plumber starting a plumbing business, they would steal his tools. If he registered a name for the business, they woul rather steal it as un-evolved men and women. They would also rather do this than register their own name for the cost of a pair of shoes on sale at a discount store. This says that there is discussion of some thing here that challenges our community as the cave man today would probably refuse to help himself in cooperation but attacks those who seek to do anything that would actually pertain to his own family member's benefit. What we get is people who raise children, school them and then resent any ability or skill these children display as the cave man confirms his or her cave man condition when they compete with them. In other words, "..if I kill my son or daughter, then I want to imagine I will have his or business but I don't know the first thing about plumbing. If I refuse to give him a voicemail on the family home phone involving a job offer, then I will feel less threatened even if it is only a theatre attendant job." If I plagiarise his work, I will feel equal." But, you are only fighting yourself. You cannot build a log cabin or any house entirely on your own by hand or maybe you could with machines and crafty uses of ropes and a pulley. But, machines would be evidence of evolution and the hallmarks of cooperation and of evolution. You are not a human yet if all you do is brood all day in one cadence or the other as you say, "...I don't want them, my children, to do anything in front of me...raise a family, buy a home, have a job or pick any fruit from a tree as I need to be the ONLY one." That is not a Jamaican motivation but a cave man's motivation. But, maybe you cave men from all parts of the world and we need to endure them as we aid their evolution as we also ensure people can evade their murderous harassment and threats and interference against the efforts of those around them to enjoy progress. Would you take money from the government on a car rental and then refuse to rent the vehicle to the individual for the whom the car was scheduled possibly as a means of government assistance and for what motive? Is it because the person who showed up is black? They are hurting people and hiding as they endeavour to get away with nefarious plans and if achieve nothing else, it would be to live longer than you and occupy anything you might achieve and build, targeting people around them that have more training and skill in an ancient resentment. They keep their bodies well in this endeavour as they say they own nothing else. The body is the temple of the living God and a latent struggle with cave man motivations is a neanderthal fault but we cannot allow them to kill, steal and destroy as this is of the devil. We need to lead them. Show them the quiet way instead of them raising children and then subconsciously or consciously fighting with them and their own microcosmic communal progress (called family) just as these young people might try and get a job and bless the family. Unusual Neanderthal emotions can make the work of family and community difficult and inefficient as they are hindrance when they manifest in overt negative behaviour. You may have sales but you do not have as much profit as compared to your competitors. You may keep building vehicles but eventually, there is a lack of comparative quality. In the lack of comparative quality, there is a loss in value. This is followed by a loss in market share. The most important issue is the loss in profit. The business that failed to automate relied on a notion of consumer loyalty that was just a fiction. They may have thought of the scenario as a "them and us" situation; American or Anglo vs the others. This did not exist in practical experience. Maybe the managers knew what would happen to their domestic markets and sales if they automated And hesitated in spite of the evident savings and benefit in quality as their nation did not provide any income support basic safety system to protect the workers who suffered automation and job loss. These workers were also the consumers. Without any money following the loss in work caused by automation, they have no money to buy goods as consumers. The stores will close down and also the car dealerships. Eventually, the car company closes or is taken over by its competitors that also takes the market share. In any event, there could be unique Aboriginal Identity regardless of complexion that would drive you to purchase a Toyota vs. some other product. The Aboriginal Identity carries with it a drive for a sense of hegemony. Nonetheless, durability, reliability, efficiency and dependability (product quality essentials) win vs. Aboriginal Identity and hegemony motivation every time and the market follows those more important product quality essentials. A car brand is not kin. It's a car brand and maybe the kin tendencies of some less evolved people found in the new world as far south as the West Indian islands ( looks like me... resembles me but who are when they are not family?) have been allowed to overwhelm the non-racial kin tendencies of the Mediterranean people where there is language and culture and familia and kin; not race though. In any event, the North did not send tables, chairs and cups to Egypt. Egypt sent tables, chairs and cups to the north. We may call it Ital-design today. About efficiencies though, is there a way that we could be losing efficiency when finding new ways unnecessarily to employ technology in our lives and then we have wasted significant essential time we could use in other ways. For instance, would we ask students to sign into an email or confirm a text code before they can enter the building? This might be non unlike asking people to wear a neck tie before entering church. But, Jesus never wasted time on fashions. He saved time. He was efficient. He respected the importance in saving and helping the people, so he fed the multitude to prevent death in the face of automation or else you waste time finding more people. If we are working to have community and family, we have to marry the purpose first. The purpose is raising family for another generation with a member of the opposite gender and even if you are in between genders albeit feminine in appearance, you must still marry the purpose and work with someone in the apparent opposite gender; a real male. There is a an air ship or craft to be designed that will be able to maintain stationary at 20,000 feet or 70,000 for 24 hours or 365 days of the year; indefinitely without landing for fuel. It will also be able to take orbit with airlock, entering space indefinitely. The PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™(formerly that began with an article in 2012) common law patented concept designed by Warren Lyon will help the refueling problem. It will have a central landing bay that is large enough for a Air Bus A380 to land or for a space shuttle to land in that central landing bay. It's purpose will be tourism essentially. We could name it maybe The 11th Command or The Noah powered by turbo fan jet engines. Automation saves labor costs. This is an essential economic point. An income support for every citizen saves the consumer market and prevents recessions in spite of on going, evident automation. This is another essential economic point. It's like an NHS benefit/health benefit so that you can afford tooth paste to clean your teeth and afford soap to wash your knees where you kneel and pray. It helps you also feel inspired to write music maybe; English music like Come on Eileen or Jumpin' Jack Flash. A VAT that is set at providing and preserving Essential national revenue maintains the nation and enables the nation to maintain, defence, maintain the population with an income support and maintain independence financially militarily. The three points noted above are essential to the modern automation economies; also referred to as Fulcrum Policies in an earlier chapter. This point of view must have been realised in Egypt a long time ago. The process of storing wheat in the fat years is a form of automation. The wind mills designed in Egypt and North Africa grain mills to grind the grain is also evidence of the automation that led to the 11th command. But, it feels like you are looking for someone from whom you could receive your inheritance. Take a Heinz ketchup packet with your burger and fries or see that maybe your father left you the book of Psalms or the book of Proverbs. This is very possible. Maybe he left you his personal writings as Sun Szu and is sorry he was not here to meet you personally. Maybe he left you his writings as Charles Spurgeon. As the civilization of Egypt spread out across the world, they shared their wisdom and at times they did not share it in the hope that the people in any barbarian territory would seek the ancient wisdom when the problem of low consumer activities and needed sales due to absence of jobs and money vs. automation would become a problem. It helps Egypt see the demarcation. Egypt has never been a barbarian territory. It is the beginning. See Exodus 34. Either the Barbarian will take the ancient Egyptian wisdoms or they spin around or sink in the decision to renege the direction of successful economies that do not suffer recessions. The decision to renege the wisdom may amount to experimentation or debate in an effort to resolve the problem. Maybe you don't automate. Maybe you fool yourself that you are totally independent of all other economies. Maybe you do not pay an income support to each citizen comprehensively that saves every citizen and the economy from recession. You should want to save every citizen. But, what is the hesitation? You will let more Black and African people into the country anyway. The other observation is that you raise another generation regardless of race to celebrate community and they show diligent respect for your work. They work in the economy. Maybe you do not collect the VAT on all consumer items with food zero rated in some kind of debate or negotiation with the notion of the people and their love. But, the most important goal is what you are trying to achieve. It's not that paying £90.00 per day or 90 Euros per citizen is impossible. Other Economies achieve 136.98 euros a day or more as paid to every citizen. Some pay 90 comprehensively and then another 90 is paid for participation in national work programs. The Vat is 30% collected on all consumer items. This article is not an argument but observations about what leading, civilized economies are doing and what they have been doing for centuries on the right side of the demarcation where the economies never see recession but they will pretend with you. They have car companies that own your car companies. MG™ is owned by a Chinese company. They make a good vehicle, celebrating an English motoring Heritage brand. The ability to respond quickly to changes in the technological landscape is possible with sobriety and without phones known to cause an emotional, anthropological devolution. Nonetheless, the Anglo economies have been on the wrong side of the line of civilizational demarcation for too long. If this was a chess game with the phenomenon of technology being the string of logic to navigate, then you lost. The Germans won. The French won. The Dutch won The Swiss won. If this was a World Cup of Economics, the Brazilians won. The Swedes won. The Italians won. You have not won yet. The Japanese and the Chinese won. The Russians won and the Cold war was just a chimera to make you spend and compete but you did not have the basic solution to maintain your economy, your population or your economic viability. It's time to achieve the basics and surely everyone is invited to live in Oklahoma or... anywhere in America. The income support in Oklahoma is now $60,000.00 per year per citizen. We have to accept that labor involves people and these individuals are not an impersonal factor. They constitute members of the community whose children attend school and their families amount to the local and national consumer market. Automation saves labor costs but it also affects the consumer market when these laborers have less work and therefore less money to shop in the local and national market. An income support paying what amounts to 3.5 hours of daily work in a public service job, amounting to £90.00 per day or $90.00 per day ameliorates the impact of automation on the entire Economy. We accept this amount as a small balance of energy or money that evens out the tremendous savings in labor costs when machines now work 24 hours per day at a very small cost vs. the cost in labor and benefits and training. We transfer some of this money saved on the production side of the balance sheet or equation to the Consumer Buying Power side of the equation and we thereby ameliorate the risk of recession and depression. Much of this money constitutes government bail outs, financing and other benefits across various industries and that was provided to various industrial corporations. These payments are no longer needed to the same extent as they were paid based on the number of employees as many are no longer employed due to automation and a portion can now be paid to the citizen as a means of population defence against the impact of automation. This is so whether or not the VAT system reflects the national endeavours at a rate of no less than 20% as this figure is followed by most other economies as a minimum figure with a portion paid to the population as income support in the endeavour to ensure population defence against the impact of certain, evident on going automation. There are dark skinned African, brown and beige people depicted in the earliest forms of media such as cave drawings and then also in papyrus paintings, books and make also movies and video games. The African is not arguing about identity or culture but there is a creature who remains unsatisfied with the socioeconomic Black value. Every language confirms there is sin and every religion in every language. It was first written in the Egyptian language. The real English left England and went North a long time ago before a during WW1. The went to Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. There is only an accent left south of Scotland to be approximated. The heart and soul of Englishness is some were else. The point of the faith of Egypt that is certainly Christianity in the Arabic language, therefore, is not to say that humanity is perfect or that Islam is perfect or that Christianity is perfect but infallible. Christianity is an older North African faith, older than Islam and it also began as an Arabic faith. English did not exist as a language at the hour of Christ's birth. Christianity and Islam as read in Arabic are quite synonymous and confirm men commit sin and men can repent. They hurt people, kill, steal and destroy for things worth only a few dollars. Could a human life be worth the ring on someone's finger? The world's faiths began in Africa and so then how can there be any racism? The practice of repentance is Islam or Christianity. AT FLEET STREET JOURNAL, we help Geronimo with any decision to rent or lease anything. By Fleet Street Journal as published on June 2nd, 2020.

The Fleet Street Journal.

When the English governments became clients of any large computer conglomerate, the question or quandary was sovereignty and national security. But, we have sovereignty and security and the sanctity of the Courts. The Courts say Re(T) is not only policy but the law; life. 

We have automated the washing of clothes and dishes. We need to automate life and  human access to the monetary necessities to buy soap, water and all Maslow needs. Money is a Maslow need in our analysis; The Maslow - Lyon Hierarchy of needs.  

 If the language associated with Islam is African and began in Egypt and if the religion began in Egypt, then isn't a white anxious believer a super contradiction?  It is divisive.   In spite of language, there is only one culture; the culture of sharing our world with our neighbors and also reasonable ownership of a little land or property and we raise our families.   But, Islam has nothing to do with being less black or more white. That is also an asinine idea. Islam is Africa just as Christianity is Africa. The culture of sharing and ownership is consistent with the laws and constitution we seek to defend at home and abroad.  Ironically, the word Law is a derivative of an Ancient Egyptian word that is understood to  mean Community. As such Law is community so then we can saw Court of Community (Law) from now on and also Community studies. 

 This is the logical dissonance; we need to defend the population against foreseen and unforseen socioeconomic circumstances.   There is no point defending your borders if you do not defend your population  and economy against the power of automation. This is so whether you are Italian, Geronimo, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian, Cuban or English.    The failure to automate causes loss; a summary of observations based on the world economy and the progress of leading nations. This is not a criticism but a set of observations supported by the activity of many industrial nations with respect to Vat/Sales Tax, income support and the means by which  these obligations to maintain the population that constitutes the consumer market is maintained. This article constitutes dated, old observations at Fleet Street Journal as edited by Warren A. Lyon, Editor.    

ThIs is is the cognitive dissonance; On day one, the Aboriginal woman was a hunter gatherer and when Adam saw her, he did say she looks good and that she was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh because she was not a dog or frog or a cat or a fish. Any woman was bone of his bone! A human.  She was prepared to procreate and would do so willingly and then she would get up and walk off as a nomad and get back to Hunting and gathering and wandering.  Then, Adam suggested she sit down and settle by the river instead of looking for him once a month (every 23 -27 days) when he was busy naming the animals. She argued and ran off.  She came back again only to copulate and ran off again.  Then, Adam had to hold and embrace her and said, ".... just Na na na na settle here...put all the fruits and nuts you gather under this tree."  So, she did. She died to argued  with him and then the snake came. She put it inside of her and gave birth to Cain. Cain also argued and that is what happened. Cain, today, does not want you to create anything or have any approval from Daddy or God for your creation. Cain is cursed. He argues.

You have an accent, hegemonic accent that facades competing proclivities. They sound like that movie character as everything should be working swimmingly.  The world of contract and Landed ownership is consistent with the posh accent yet there is a significant proclivity working against all of that contractual formality.  The issue is that there is a problem when there is a natural tendency to feel worth.  We can feel worth when we say we own everything in common and can enjoy everything in common but the world of ownership and landed ownership prevents this and we cannot own everything in common. Your natural worth is diminished. It may also be obfuscated by wrong perceptions of human value that run in currents of ignorance about race. So, the actual goal, it seems, for the aboriginal is to find that glowing sense of natural worth again in spite of contractual  land ownership. Sometimes they fall into the traps and pitfalls to be covered  in other means or senses of worth such as black and  white that do not make up for the loss in land owned on common and the fact that you can  no longer fish, hunt or pick mangoes to maintain your life.  The tendency towards competing proclivities happened accidentally when there was a civil war in the 1600's based in this  same issue as all kinds of people moved from the life of caravans and into regular, standard dwellings as the more contractually prepared moved to the new world and may have been over run by the new world Aboriginals on arrival.  Then the wars brought the new world Aboriginals in various complexions to England.  The English were sent to Europe and the front during WW1 and WW2. Those less inclined to own property arrived from the new world. The competing proclivities continues.  What remains is the conflict that continues between ownership and less formal means of property occupation.  The to restore our natural sense of worth is not to rely on false identities and celebrate the Aboriginal Identity as African, North American, Asian or Cheddar European; in God. Maybe you buy something once by contract. 

Geronimo believes in human value but also in equality based on all land owned in common.  He does not want you to feel like you are worth more than him and he will never join you in land ownership.  

This is the cognitive dissonance;     He will kill you for your Barbecue lamb kebab and all the good Smokey odour and run off and say it is his idea.   The first woman, based on the biblical account, was the first to understand 1st John 1:9. She taught this principle of forgiveness to the women and men. She was the first evangelist of God's love and Grace but not a foolish one to call her self a  Prophetess. The popular American phone is, however,  provoking an absence of settlement and provokes argument. It is a "stand off" phone provoking a stand off with civilization and with simple processes in economics that encourages settlement; life. 

This is the emotional dissonance; There are two key motivations to buying a vehicle. One might be an aboriginal allegiance and the other is general quality. These motivations must be matched with the buying power.   You kill off your Anglo  car industry in spite of Aboriginal motivations to buy certain brands when people do not have the money to buy and this is not helped by the fact that quality is comparatively low next to offerings that have come along to assist when money saved is very important when money is too tight to mention.  The Aboriginal propensity to buy brand A or B is not enough to keep the car brand  going. The Aboriginal needs money to buy his American Anglo Aboriginal product offering from Ford or GM.   He also needs a quality product. When failing to  pay the citizen the income support that is like a a health maintenance payment that enables them to buy soap, buy water and tooth paste as well as maintain home, you lose people.  Eventually, you lose industry when, as you lose people, business turns down when your people leave or move to places where the life is supported with more unconditional support.  They go somewhere so life is more.... LIFFEY...river of Life.

Our Monarch is the Monarch of the English world and our jurisprudential culture and recognition is maintained regardless of the new mysterious disease or  no disease. Is your nose running? Do you have a cough or is grand dad coveting and  insisting that he has a right to kill someone for designing a sheep liver pasty, a chicken pasty or some other pasty; something novel?   Maybe grand dad Oswald is a Nazi and  is coveting that new microwave idea where the microwave extracts  food gases in the microwave process and turns it into Hydrogen.   Apparently, a man named Mr. Veronic Arthur shot someone in Jamaica for proposing, cooking and preparing a chicken pattie. 

This is the dissonance in the agenda;  But, there seems to have been an aboriginal Pirate scallywag take over of the UK during the reign of Elizabeth the 1st and eventually, it may have instigated the Civil War when the pirate gives no mind to ancestral landed family rights or to contracts.  The pirates are still running their stratagems and the target could be to pirate the English economy just as they would "pirate" a ship and who knows what they want with it but to keep it under funded helps to obfuscate the real pirate agendas. But, all the Anglo car companies and the industry now have foreign ownership. The accent is proper but the economy; is not. The scallywag pirate aboriginal has shown his ultimate agenda since the 16th century and that is to run the ship, limiting the ship while the contract law text books are sold out and the text books on a modern recession proof economy ( Warren A. LYON WROTE HIS BOOK ENTITLED Advanced Economics as published by Fleet Street Journal Publishing.) that pays an income support to every citizen  with a Vat that supports the economy.  Nigeria pays it's people a guaranteed $10,000.00 per year. How could you be the leader of the diasporic people and you do not understand these things?    

This is all ironic when maybe this happened in Israel once if a king of Israel refused to maintain the disbursement and ration, leading to an exodus. The disbursement and ration would have been policy before and after there was a king. It's a betrayal of the proper administration of the economy.  Israel would die off.  The English would die off.  Yet, we see Jesus was a son of David and a son of Abraham just as Joseph, his immediate father, was also known as a son of David and Abraham. Some people say they are a son of Israel and maybe Benjamin or Reuben etc.  Even so, there is betrayal when Peter and Judas betrayed but only Judas failed to forgive  himself and took his own life.  Peter did not; although their betrayal of the word and ministry was equal.  We need to be loyal to the economy and loyal to Israel.  Israel is everywhere. Volkswagen is everywhere and North America is now managed by Europe.  As such, North America is now a European domestic economy.   There could be Aboriginal scalawag resistance but there always will be.  We should not be daunted but must ensure that the people have sufficient income support to maintain the general economy to stave off recessions and any people exodus or industries exodus. The scallywag Aboriginal might resist the income support because he wants to be his own boss and show you how he does it.  Essentially, he sees all people need money but wants to show you his culture of killing, stealing and occupying but never owning by way of contract.   They resent ownership and all formalities while they want to occupy and take and steal but not own. They also want to take authority and social popularity but they do not want to respect rules of  any games except just to declare   These are Pirate people desiring to express their pirate culture and this tendency to say that "what does not kill will fatten" may stay dormant until school is almost complete. Then, he or she will start his pirate propensities.  This is a schism in many people that the appl- phone has exposed. It has also exposed the Grendel and Sasquatch who join the pirate schism since he says you should not have interrupted his life, his world. He does not want to share anything or see property ownership continue in perpetuity.  He says there is nothing to negotiate.   Grendel Sasquatch will have an argument over the simplest of issues if you let him.  He wants to find his own way although you are telling him he should have a few nice policies for all of the people; including his Grendel Sasquatch people.  So, who is having the argument and can we see that they provoked a war before the same issue in the economy? It could be that Grendel Sasquatch  resented you for everything; every idea and system that part and parcel with civilization if given the chance to argue but if not given the chance, he uses a Washing machine and a coffee maker or drives a vehicle; a Toyota Prius.  So, we have a suave and scruffy Grendel idiot helping to exterminate the English while he plays Shakespeare's King Richard or Macbeth to stay another hour or minute in a job where he will be forgotten anyway; forgotten. What was the name of the Prime Minister in 1990 or 1988 or 1961 or 1929?  I don't know.  If is real motivation is Aboriginal revenge and would wish to argue with processes and logic used by English nations around him or near by or argue with logic used by French or Spanish or German nations, then we see the argument and that it's an argument for argument's sake.  We would like him to see that he cannot maintain a stand off for the benefit of his own ego as there are lots of people involved and industries also.  The argument, again, is about how to respond to automation and the joblessness caused by automation that also causes a slow down in consumer activity due to a loss in buying power as caused by the joblessness; that was occasioned by the automation.  Could Grendel Sasquatch be in two minds about automation when his Grendel mother is using the washing machines by now? We have automated clothes washing and vehicle building.  It is just to Automate the socioeconomics; the VAT and the income support or the money people require to maintain themselves and thereby maintain the economies.   We see that resistance and argument is an anthropological impediment and maybe someone understands the importance of people, the importance of hunger so to keep them motivated in his pirate world, that for an offer of £1000.00, a woman with a pirate gene will  Illegally release protected information subject to privacy laws as she works at a Train Company or a School.  The pirate maybe goes a dormant when she has enough daily or we think it will go dormant. In any event, the experience from other nations shies us that piracy continues in spite of income support as high as $80,000.00 per year. How could this be? There are problems with pirated whiskey in some jurisdictions or movies.  In any event, the income support is for the economy and those stuck in a pirate propensity will be dealt with and if the church won't help, who will help? 

As a car rental clerk or manager, would you take money from the government on a car rental and then refuse to rent the vehicle to the individual for whom the car was scheduled possibly as a means of government assistance and for what motive?  Is it because the person who showed up does not watch TV or because of what? You kept the money paid by the government. You did not rent the vehicle to the intended recipient.  But, it seems you are having an aboriginal civil war every so often in your emotions and you want to tell the government that you are really a Geronimo or a Cochise and that you need their attention as the car rental company manager. They owe you all the land on the continent and maybe they owe you an income support as well and although you look like Chuck Norris or Van dam, your propensities in a simple service job at All Bar One suggest you are an angry Aboriginal but we are all Aboriginal. Yet your angers collectively amounts to a covert civil war and it's really white people running after white people down the road for money; so at £90.00 per day per citizen,  it would really fight crime and help approximate the Swiss prototype economy! Ist est  gut...molto bene.  You had a government food service contract. But you refuse to serve the citizens on benefits who show up feeling like students of a college. Every time they arrive, you are supposed to serve them with a menu that has £5.99 entrées. Instead, you tell them you do not have that menu but they can still order and that they have to pay their own funds. You also call authorities and say they are black and you are not sure if they knew. But, you have his photo art work on your phone. Jesus on the wall. Leave Him there and honour Him. If you make a black boy do his math exams four times, then maybe he sees that you should not try to bend the spoon but only yourself.    Maybe the Geronimo and the scallywag pirates of the West Indies had a merger and decided to Pirate back the world with a covert war on ownership and they seem to say that if they starve themselves, they have a right to continue in pirating back the world, challenging constitutions and contracts and also human life.  Geronimo became the scallywag, then the servant and then the owner of the big Abbey house; not the owner but the occupier as he favours, resembles him after eating the owners hair and sipping his unfinished water, tea or soups left on the tableaux.  Do you see how many contracts are involved in the space program though; IBM, Rockwell, Honeywell, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, General Foods and Prions 2 ENERGY ™ with Hokkaido very soon?  The pirate Geronimo is coming with us to the 22nd century and we have to get him ready although he may take his unusual opportunity as an employee to hold the government on a microcosmic stand off every time he sees a school graduate try to be happy and enjoy his community. Have you noticed? This is Cain in the modern world. He says you should not show him any ability or humility in doing as you're told to graduate. 

Geronimo, therefore, believes in human value but also in equality based on all land owned in common.  He does not want you to feel like you are worth more than him and he will never join you in land ownership.  This, in another identity is Maleficent. His anger about losing all of his silver and gold worth £1000.00 to buy all of México continues in the current generation as his people resent and fear loss in any property deal with a contract involving a down payment and mortgage but no one should rob you.  This is where some of the lost sense of value and worth is recouped. But, instead, we buy £5.00 coffees for association and quick answer to our lost sense of worth as we seek association.  They put red  bows and a sprinkle of chocolate on that paper cup. 

They also attacked the Jews and essentially, they were attacking ownership, receipts and formalities in our world as he asks, "...Do we not own everything in common?" The attacks evidence the tenacity of their resentment as every Jewish  merchant, every Moorish merchant has a receipt to give you. But, Grendel and the Sasquatch Aboriginal resents this culture. Joseph Scrooge Marley hails from these people as a smaller pirate Troglodyte and was the first identifiable Nazi encouraged to repent in a Dickens book.    England was a world and culture of receipts and formalities, bridge and engine builders. We are now left with Cafe Nero, Costa Brava and footie. You have Evans cycles also. Jaguar is owned by an Indian company. 

We see that the Artful Sasquatch Scrooge Marley Dodger would shop lift your Audi if they could and prefer to hope you dead instead of pay $50.00 for the vehicle.  We share the water and the air and as such, we need to get plastic out of the water and Joseph Scrooge Marley Sasquatch out of murderous presumptions. His loyalty is to nothing but a return to hunting and gathering. MG is Chinese and Aston Martin is owned by Benz. The Toyota is the most popular selling vehicle in the UK.  It's not that English capabilities or companies do not exist but the suave pirate with the posh accent is hired too often with a loyalty to himself as he sinks the ship, the English company.  Then, it's taken over by a foreign entity.     But, Nero would like you to have life and life more abundantly. Maybe agree with his Economics involving the income support  that satisfies the life and all Maslow needs and the VAT at sufficient levels that will pay for it. We can see that for the Grendel whether or not he has a suit on, argument with a straight line measurement with a ruler or a compass is the last bastion of independence in diffidence even if it is only emotional. 

For people living in the British isles, we know their skin was red ancestrally and eventually, it became pale with pale  Mongol DNA. They came as missionaries also when the resistance to the Romans endured.   The mystery of "white" will always be with us and it's unique opportunity to feel accepted due to the accident of an 18th century printer's desire to save ink along with a West Indian troglodyte's ignorance while he played with movie cameras.  There is nothing wrong with books and images but there is something wrong with the West Indian tribes troglodyte's search for a command within the book, the "story book" about how he should look and feel.  This became his own weapon of warfare to project his own paradigm of limited, human, global, certainly limited self understanding around the world. It is not intended as propaganda but just his honest ignorance and we buy it to now to educate him with it.  It's not that we do not believe Egypt is black and that you know this but how could you watch the movie ten times and then refuse to let black people into your school or just give them their actual graded exam results if you did? So, essentially, white on white violence or black on black violence is Aboriginal on Aboriginal violence as only Aboriginals tolerate white or black as identity in the obfuscation of the Aboriginal truth and they tend to resent formal language structures and many other Socio- cultural formalities. 

Geronimo is not angry. I am not angry. We have enjoyed the Economic Disco. Yet, there is a sense that a solution is needed. But, we have solutions. 

It could be a survival instinct in some troglodyte's while others will insist to be accepted as naked; male or female and some do both.   If you are the Neanderthal who is looking for someone to tell you what to do and what is the answer, when would you say killing someone makes you more European or more white? What book told you to do that Mr. Jamaican Ashmed?  How could killing someone make you more English or more Muslim? You killed 12 people by abusing your authority in the benefit system and you think your work is soo sophisticated that the authorities cannot see your real intention. All the dead tend to be graduates and white. There are few people of colour also in your list of murder victims. But for your hesitation under your evident obligation, the individual would not have died. Who is paying you public funds to kill people and threaten people under the Queen's peace with emails about estates and intending to  kill someone named Sainsbury.  That is UTTERING a threat. It is an offence to utter a threat.  This is mutinous. Belinda Paulette threatened the woman the other day.  The respondent was charged with uttering a threat to cause death or bodily harm to another person, contrary to s. 264.1(1)(a) of the Criminal Code, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-46.  She was charged as well, in a separate count, with threatening to damage that person’s property, contrary to s. 264.1(1)(b). It's the Geronimo DNA maybe since you did this as a local town janitor with a $90,000/£40,000.00 salary and you struggle to just be thankful and happy. Also, you don't know the people you threatened. You whole church congregation did the same thing and the other one down the road. It's like a Jim Jones Mass suicide. You eat too much fast food maybe. Now, how can I ask you to help me with my Library books or my parking ticket inquiry when you cannot be trusted to keep the Queen's peace? You have charges pending. In any event you broke the terms of your government employee contract whether you have been charged yet or not. What if you could become English before you became...human with a full compliment of good human motivations? Whether it's a Geronimo nation or Cochise or Running Deer we can see that we carry different shades of skin and maybe we carry only one flag internationally or two or 12 flags that include the US flag. There is an economy with Automation that threatens our modern livelihood that is dependent on money and maybe grand dad Cochise still resents money as it is based on paper that is made from trees. This Automation is an internal enemy. But, there may be external enemies and we should at least prepare for this by ensuring our own citizens are safe and properly funded to deal with any potential external threat. We need to keep our own territory occupied with our own peoples whether or not we call them English, American or Cheddar. If we do not, then we make all the Energy spent on external defence redundant. But, maybe the Defence industry can run the socioeconomics or maybe TVR (car company) can run the economy and work out the inefficiency. Look at the fuel cell; there are no push rods or pistons. It's just easy, instant and efficiently designed as a power plant to power your Range Rover with the same horse power. We see horse power is a concept to demonstrate how animal power for doing work was automated by engines power and we give the horses a break. We can automate buying power and automate citizen's safety, communal safety and automate Maslow essential money. BMW has adapted to new forms of Automation by borrowing the Hyundai system. But, the final product is pure BMW; genius.

On day one at the beginning of time, the first cave man may have enjoyed his conversation with God and with nature;  all by himself.  His first instinct in seeing another man might have been competition and the perception of a threat. How could they pick any Mango, apple or nuts in front of you when they are all yours?  Of there is less of him, there is more for you. But, if there only competition, then there is no cooperation and only individuality; not family.  But, with cooperation we can have family and friendship and build things. Without cooperation, we cannot achieve anything that resembles our modern world. Cooperation is essential and is therefore also evidence of evolution.  Nonetheless, there are those among us who buy shoes and clothing but fail to work together as family in one generation or over several generations. When any family attempts to create something, they would rather destroy than cooperate. They say, it shot he them. If it was a plumber starting a plumbing business, they would steal his tools. If he registered a name for the business, they woul rather steal it as un-evolved men and women. They would also rather do this than register their own name for the cost of a pair of shoes on sale at a discount store.  This says that there is discussion of some thing here that challenges our community as the cave man today would probably refuse to help himself in cooperation but attacks those who seek to do anything that would actually pertain to his own family member's benefit.  What we get is people who raise children, school them  and then resent any ability or skill these children display as the cave man confirms  his or her  cave man condition when they compete with them. In other words, "..if I kill my son or daughter, then I want to imagine I will have his or business but I don't know the first thing about plumbing. If I refuse to give him a voicemail on the family home phone involving a job offer, then I will feel less threatened even if it is only a theatre attendant job." If I plagiarise his work, I will feel equal." But, you are only fighting yourself.  You cannot build a log cabin or any house entirely on your own by hand or maybe you could with machines and crafty uses of ropes and  a pulley.  But, machines would be evidence of evolution and the hallmarks of cooperation and of evolution. You are not a human yet if all you do is brood all day in one cadence or the other as you say, "...I don't want them, my children, to do anything in front of me...raise a family, buy a home,  have a job or pick any fruit from a tree as I need to be the ONLY one." That is not a Jamaican motivation but a cave man's motivation. But, maybe you cave men from all parts of the world and we need to endure them as we aid their evolution as we also ensure people can evade their murderous harassment and threats and interference against the efforts of those around them to enjoy progress. 

Would you take money from the government on a car rental and then refuse to rent the vehicle to the individual for the whom the car was scheduled possibly as a means of government assistance and for what motive?  Is it because the person who showed up is black? 

They are hurting people and hiding as they endeavour to get away with nefarious plans and if achieve nothing else, it would be to live longer than you and occupy anything you might achieve and build, targeting people around them that have more training and skill  in an ancient resentment.  They keep their bodies well in this endeavour as they say they own nothing else.  The body is the temple of the living God and a latent struggle with cave man motivations is a neanderthal fault but we cannot allow them to kill, steal and destroy as this is of the devil.  We need to lead them. Show them the quiet way instead of them raising children and then subconsciously or consciously fighting with them and their  own microcosmic communal progress (called family) just as these young people might try and get a job and bless the family.  Unusual Neanderthal emotions can make the work of family  and community difficult and inefficient as they are hindrance when they manifest in overt negative behaviour.   

You may have sales but you do not have as much  profit as compared to your competitors.  You may keep building vehicles but eventually, there is a lack of comparative quality.  In the lack of comparative quality, there is a loss in value.  This is followed by a loss in  market share.  The most important issue is the loss in profit.  The business that failed to automate relied on a notion of consumer loyalty that was just a fiction.  They may have thought of the scenario as a "them and us" situation; American or Anglo vs the others. This did not exist in practical experience.  Maybe the managers knew what would happen to their domestic markets and sales if they automated And hesitated in spite of the evident savings and benefit in quality as their nation did not provide any income support basic safety system to protect the workers who suffered automation and job loss. These workers were also the consumers. Without any money following the loss in work caused by automation, they have no money to buy goods as consumers.  The stores will close down and also the car dealerships. Eventually, the car company closes or is taken over by its competitors that also takes the market share.  In any event, there could be unique Aboriginal Identity regardless of complexion that would drive you to purchase a Toyota vs.  some other product.  The Aboriginal Identity carries with it a drive for a sense of hegemony.  Nonetheless, durability, reliability, efficiency and dependability (product quality essentials) win vs. Aboriginal Identity and hegemony motivation every time and the market follows those more important product quality essentials. A car brand is not kin. It's a car brand and maybe the kin tendencies of some less evolved people found in the new world as far south as the West Indian islands ( looks like me... resembles me but who are when they are not family?)  have been allowed to overwhelm the non-racial kin tendencies of the Mediterranean people where there is language and culture and familia and kin;  not race though.  In any event, the North did not send tables, chairs and cups to Egypt. Egypt sent tables, chairs and cups to the north.  We may call it Ital-design today.  About efficiencies though, is there a way that we could be losing efficiency when finding new ways unnecessarily to employ technology in our lives and then we have wasted significant essential time we could use in other ways.  For instance, would we ask students to sign into an email  or confirm a text code before they  can enter the building?  This might be non unlike asking people to wear a neck tie before entering church. But, Jesus never wasted time on fashions. He saved time. He was efficient. He respected the importance in saving and helping the people, so he fed the multitude to prevent death in the face of automation or else you waste time finding more people. If we are working to have community and family, we have to marry the purpose first. The purpose is raising family for another generation with a member of the opposite gender and even if you are in between genders albeit feminine in appearance, you must still marry the purpose and work with someone in the apparent opposite gender; a real male. 

There is a an air ship or craft to be designed that will be able to maintain stationary at 20,000 feet or 70,000 for 24 hours or 365 days of the year; indefinitely without landing for fuel. It will also be able to take orbit with airlock, entering space indefinitely.  The PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™(formerly that began with an article in 2012) common law patented  concept designed by Warren Lyon will help the refueling problem.    It will have a central landing bay that is large enough for a Air Bus A380 to land or for a space shuttle to land in that central landing bay. It's purpose will be tourism essentially.  We could name it maybe The 11th Command or The Noah powered by turbo fan jet  engines. 

Automation saves labor costs.   This is an essential economic point.  

An income support for every citizen saves the consumer market and prevents recessions in spite of on going, evident automation.  This is another essential economic point.   It's like an NHS benefit/health benefit so that you can afford tooth paste to clean your teeth and afford  soap to wash your knees where you kneel and pray.   It helps you also feel inspired to write music maybe; English music like Come on Eileen or Jumpin' Jack Flash. 

A VAT that is set at providing and preserving Essential national revenue maintains the nation and enables the nation to maintain, defence, maintain the population with an income support and maintain independence financially militarily. 

The three points noted above are essential to the modern automation economies; also referred to as Fulcrum Policies in an earlier chapter.  

This point of view must have been realised in Egypt a long time ago.  The process of storing wheat in the fat years is a form of automation.  The wind mills designed in Egypt and North Africa grain mills to grind the grain is also evidence of the automation that led to the 11th command. But, it feels like you are looking for someone from whom you could receive your inheritance. Take a Heinz ketchup packet with your burger and fries or see that maybe your father left you the book of Psalms or the book of Proverbs.  This is very possible. Maybe he left you his personal writings   as Sun Szu and is sorry he was not here to meet you personally.   Maybe he left you his writings as Charles Spurgeon.  

As the civilization of Egypt spread out across the world, they shared their wisdom and at times they did not share it in the hope that the people in any barbarian territory would seek the ancient wisdom when the problem of low consumer activities and needed sales due to absence of jobs and money vs. automation would become a problem. It helps Egypt see the demarcation.  Egypt has never been a barbarian territory. It is the beginning. See Exodus 34. 

Either the Barbarian will take the ancient Egyptian wisdoms or they spin around or sink in the decision to renege the direction of successful economies that do not suffer recessions.  

The decision to renege the wisdom may amount to experimentation or debate in an effort to resolve the problem. Maybe you don't automate. Maybe you fool yourself that you are totally independent of all other economies. Maybe you do not pay an income support to each citizen comprehensively that saves every citizen and the economy from recession. You should want to save every citizen. But, what is the hesitation?  You will let more Black and African people into the country anyway.   The other observation is that you raise another generation regardless of race  to celebrate  community and they  show diligent  respect for your work.  They work in the economy. 

Maybe you do not collect the VAT on all consumer items with food zero rated in some kind of debate or negotiation with the notion of the people and their love. But, the most important goal is what you are trying to achieve.  It's not that paying £90.00 per day or 90 Euros per citizen is impossible. Other Economies achieve 136.98 euros a day or more as paid to every citizen. Some pay 90 comprehensively and then another 90 is paid for participation in national work programs.  The Vat is 30% collected on all consumer items.  This article is not an argument but observations about what leading, civilized economies are doing and what they have been doing for centuries on the right side of the demarcation where the economies   never see recession but they will pretend with you. They have car companies that own your car companies.   MG™ is owned by a Chinese company.  They make a good vehicle, celebrating an English motoring Heritage brand.  

The ability to respond quickly to changes in the technological landscape is possible with sobriety and without phones known to cause an emotional, anthropological devolution.  Nonetheless, the Anglo economies have been on the wrong side of the line of civilizational demarcation for too long. If this was a chess game with the phenomenon of technology being the string of logic to navigate, then you lost. The Germans won. The French won. The Dutch won The Swiss won. If this was a World Cup of Economics, the Brazilians won.  The Swedes won. The Italians won. You have not won yet. The Japanese and the Chinese won. 

The Russians won and the Cold war was just a chimera to make you spend and compete but you did not have the basic solution to maintain your economy,  your population or your economic viability.   It's time to achieve the basics and surely everyone is invited to live in Oklahoma or... anywhere in America.  The income support in Oklahoma is now $60,000.00 per year per citizen.

We have to accept that labor involves people and these individuals are not an impersonal factor.  They constitute members of the community whose children attend school and their families amount to the local and national consumer market.  

Automation saves labor costs but it also affects the consumer market when these laborers have less work and therefore less money to shop in the local and national market.  

An income support paying what amounts to 3.5 hours of daily work in a public service job, amounting to £90.00 per day or $90.00 per day ameliorates the impact of automation on the entire Economy. We accept this amount as a small balance of energy or money that evens out the tremendous savings in labor costs when machines now work 24 hours per day at a very small cost vs. the cost in labor and benefits and training. We transfer some of this money saved on the production side of the balance sheet or equation to the Consumer Buying Power side of the equation and we thereby ameliorate the risk of recession and depression. Much of this money constitutes government bail outs, financing and other benefits across various industries and that was provided to various industrial corporations. These payments are no longer needed to the same extent as they were paid based on the number of employees as many are no longer employed due to automation and a portion can now be paid to the citizen as a means of population defence against the impact of automation.

 This is so whether or not the VAT system reflects the national endeavours at a rate of no less than 20% as this figure is followed by most other economies as a minimum figure with a portion paid to the population as income support in the endeavour to ensure population defence against the impact of certain,  evident on going automation.  

There are dark skinned African, brown and beige people depicted in the earliest forms of media such as cave drawings and then also in papyrus paintings, books and make also movies and video games.  The African is not arguing about identity or culture but there is a creature who remains unsatisfied with the socioeconomic Black value. 

Every language confirms there is sin and every religion in every language.  It was first written in the Egyptian language.  

The real English left England and went North a long time ago before a during WW1.  The went to Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. There is only an accent left south of Scotland to be approximated. The heart and soul of Englishness is some were else. 

The point of the faith of Egypt that is certainly Christianity in the  Arabic language,  therefore, is not to say that humanity is perfect or that Islam is perfect or that Christianity is perfect but infallible. Christianity is an older North African faith, older than Islam and it also began as an Arabic faith. English did not exist as a language at the hour of Christ's birth.  Christianity and Islam as read in Arabic are quite synonymous and confirm men commit sin and men can repent. They hurt people, kill, steal and destroy for things worth only a few dollars. Could a human life be worth the ring on someone's finger? The world's faiths began in Africa and so then how can there be any racism? The practice of repentance is Islam or Christianity. 

 AT FLEET STREET JOURNAL, we help Geronimo with any decision to rent or lease anything. 


By Fleet Street Journal as published on June 2nd, 2020.  



