
An APB is out right now on a woman named Andrela who has seven apples phones, is not working and who is at home eating oatmeal right now as she watches breakfast TV, who is also conspiring with a Monicla who is putting Bolton's DDT lotion on everything Joan eats and in Joan's hands, hoping to be the heir of a Joan Hamiton and wrote her own will. She is not the heir and the will she wrote is a false statement. She has attempted to commit the same offence concerning Grace Lyons and has sent 70 emails to the ONTARIO Estates Court alleging to be Grace heir for which she has been charged. She has also sent emails threatening Warren A. She has been charged for threatening death. She has failed to appear in Court concerning these matters. Black lives matter. I am sure we can get beyond this and I am to work with Andrea with Angel Ronan where she can be a Managing Director in name only. All you hope to do is have sympathy carrying her coffin in Nine Night; in mockery. If you have been charged for threatening the owner and UTTERING FALSE STATEMENTS concerning a Will or estate, how can you still hope to be a beneficiary under the will or any heir? Black Lives matter.

Angel Ronan ™.

The history of electricity and the resistance of civilization and technology is that it was evident we would all have electricity. But, we will all have the income support; it is the demand of civilization and capitalism that we should have it. It is logically inevitable due to the evident market benefits and health efficiencies. You can buy your own tooth paste, bandages and cough syrup as well as Soap. The Portuguese and the people who live in the Republic of Ireland enjoy this benefit; and in spite of the nice posh accent and lots of English movies, how can you have any authority globally when the average Anglo in England and the world has less money than the average European or the average Asian? The entire world faced Automation. It's like cold weather or thirst. How can you have any people or a strong army as assembled from the people if you don't give them a coat and shelter for the cold or water for the thirst? Your people will die off faster than the neighbors if you do not provide the essentials that sustain life. You will see their Hegemony in front of you in your own home town as their population grows globally While yours contracts. If you do this, you are having a bad relationship with Capitalist logic; defiant. Only a wicked cave man wipes out his people and does not multiply in some anxiety about his position. I'm the modern world, he makes you go to school but then chases you out of the existence when you graduate in some anxiety about position. The right cave man multiplies and becomes a nation with a woman who is his nation. She has enough egg in her to populate the entire earth but maybe not enough time. You could maybe raise 12 children in the average life time or maybe more. Who said Noah or Grendel or Geronimo had to be dead at 70 years old? The Peruvians do not agree. A country without an income support is like McDonald's without beef. ---------- We are all Geronimo and All Tecumseh with Egypt and Israel. There is no Israel without Egypt. Volkswagen and Toyota are every where. A straight line is a symbol of civilization. When it comes to the economy, the resistance to certain fulcrum policies is much like someone arguing with a straight line. It's straight vs a line with an ark or a curve or angle. A straight line is 180° degrees. An economy with an income support and a VAT of 20% to 30% on all consumer items to cover the cost of this essential Capitalist policy for Capitalism in the income support policy is also linear; in nature or fashion. But, Geronimo Tecumseh is still angry with these conventions and want us to work with him and ask what is the reason for all of this technology or for all of these rules and conventions? It's probably Tecumseh. He also wants to know what you mean when you say he has to be dead? What is dead? What is this book that says you have to be dead at 70? All of this is discussed in the realisation that there are really only three genomes in the world when it comes to complexion and hair texture; the Mongol Aboriginal, the Cheddar Man Aboriginal and the African Aboriginal. Then we have everyone in between. Geronimo Nevada type Aboriginal is similar to the the Cheddar Man except the eye colour is blue for the Cheddar. Then we have all the combos in between but those are not races. If you are blond and pale skinned then you are mixed race. But, what does that have to do with the number of Volkswagens not being sold. Is anyone betting on your life? I dont need anyone betting on your life or my life. It's kind of weakly. I also hear Juliano Falconery ,as rumoured, is the real Monarch and a pirate but that is why the people are covetous crazy. They are following him and the vibrations going through his mind as he sits on his apples phone. I don't believe it but there is something going on. I think the Monarch Office said they want a universal unconditional income support commensurate to Europe for all Anglos in the entire world. Juliano is arguing and leading the the people in the argument and resistance. He also the black graduate after graduation should work in anything that does not feel like a suit. It is also rumoured that a Queen consort or a princess tried to plagiarise Shakespeare during the early days of the English Civil War and a new kingdom began thereafter. It is unusual. Are you a symbol of civilization? Yes you are; as a consumer and citizen. We are all icons and symbols of civilization. But, who would want an Angel Ronan ™? Who would want a Greiggs? Who would want an AIG? Maybe just register Ronen or Ronun if you want or Ronyn. Angel Ronan™ will change its name to Lex Scripta Entwerfen ™ very soon. It was Cabot who alleged the king said that it is the raison d' etre to crush the people. But, if we crush the people how do we have a nation or any cultural expansion? There is a cave man who his children for hegemony and position instead of hunting in a tribe like the Bush man of Africa or hunting in a pack or raising more men to be a commune. He is just the wrong cave man. Save Otario. You win Otario and can help it be bilingual. Every soldier, as rumored, in North America will now be branded as British Military and every police officer will be a part of the British Constabulary Force. Covid is ending soon just like Sars ended. It's ending but when? We have learned that We need more masks, more hand sanitizer and more "Fulcrum" economic policies. "Fulcrum" economic policies and the American economy: Fulcrum economic policies are the policies necessary for national security, that preserve national independence and that prevent recessions of any kind. They work as the essential machine oils in any economy and include the universal income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year, sustaining economic activity….and human life any where in the global economy. The sad thing about seeing American soldiers die at the Outpost in Afghanistan is that it was a fool's errand to many and one where death was certain. I argue that it's not a fool's errand in spite of this popular notion because we learned at several valley outposts l, one more time, that you cannot defend a base surrounded by high points of mountainous elevation for very long and live. The movie Lone Survivor discloses other lessons like the need to reduce the amount of wear on missions when the monocular scope can also be the camera with blue tooth wifi and direct GPS satellite capabilities; like your GPS on your phone or your $49.00 Garmin GPS map device and it works. The new gun should be as non battery enabled, like an AK 47 or an Uzi as much as possible but if you need a gun with battery power, design with a solar cell like a Citizen watch with 7 day power reserves. If you are in the dark, your wind up flashlight can help to power the gun if you are concerned running out of power on the 7th day. The winged suit and a parachute could help if jumping off rock cliffs. Maybe the pants and the winged bit on the arms can be buttoned or velcroed down so you have maximum mobility if running. You also need a small sub machine gun with large calibre and a large magazine that weighs no more than an old M45. The massive loss of Chinook helicopters to RPG technology suggests that a new method of troop insertion to hot areas is necessary. We could use jet propelled sleeves for 20 men at a time. they are not heavy. Otherwise, it will have to be a parachute jump since the hope of a non hostile enemy who will let your soldiers shimmy down a rope is unrealistic and certain death with the stationary helicopter a sitting duck. They can jump from a stationary chinook or V 22 Osprey at the right altitude; above the flight ceiling of an RPG; that wicked little weasel of technology. They will have to free fall for 4 seconds to avoid any helicopter up draft. The free fall enables the soldier to travel at 32 feet per second. He pulls the shoot on the seventh second. An object in free fall will still have a weight, governed by the equation W = mg, where W is the object's weight, m is the object's mass, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. It is suggested, Weight, however, does not affect an object's free falling speed. But, weight impacts the force of gravity on the object and a heavier man must fall faster than a girly man feather or a chocolate bar(Man); chocolate bar. So, bring the real milk back. Two identically shaped objects weighing a different amount will hit the ground at the same time. Our purpose is to further civilization and realize the Afghan old men were trying to say it was a Pashtun Pejad dna going wild with his machetes, chopping off penises when people did not listen to him right away or show their respect for a woman that must have a husband. Maybe it's best to take the shot you were asked to take once the terrorist is located with a visual. He is a terrorist or combatant when you can confirm he is armed with weapons contrary to the will of the state and no longer a civilian if armed contrary to state authority. But, if you did take the shot, we would not have any movies to watch. I have not seen one US Afghan war movie where I can say I can understand what they did except for the documentaries. The documentaries suggest they located and destroyed weapons and responded to any resistance in a police action. Communicating his position and yours by satellite compromises your position. What is most sad is that the soldiers carry all of our ancient Scot, Irish, Mongol, Egyptian and Roman dna. We sometimes call it Sparta dna. Now that they have seen operations in the most barren parts of the world with insufficient experience in the jungles of Latin America, they can return home and defend their borders and we will call them if we need them for anything requiring their specialist skill and expertise, and we will. As they raise families with 10 kids or more, every North American shall have an income support of no less than $90,000.00 per year; the sales tax being 50%. We just need North America, the Danadian and the American to acknowledge something and the death will end. We need them to acknowledge the value of their own lives, the value of their own dna and its various inputs. We need them to acknowledge the Catholic creed and the Confiteor maybe and the death will end. That is what the North American wants. See the movie the Outpost. The second key tenet of the Fulcrum economic policies is the sales tax revenue at no less than 25%. A policy of $90,000.00 per year as income support and 50% sales tax is recommended to sustain the car industry and the new home sales industry. This is the bedrock and bulwark of Advanced capitalism followed by Russia, France, Germany, the English and Japan; and is of no issue to other policy forays such as Quantitative Easing that is more of a secondary agenda in economic management that focuses on encouraging spending with lower interest rate availability in the market for those who qualify for any loan or credit card but its not money and why wouldn't anyone qualify when they have an income support of no less than $50,000.00 per year while $80,000.00 is preferred. Beware of the mind of Saul, King of Israel who would punish himself before he gets to Heaven since how could you go to Heaven without first being punished; instead of confessing and receiving God's forgiveness when if Saul says he is God to himself, how could any God have authority over him to forgive him and how can Saul confess since confession is admission of being wrong and a diminishment or cancellation of one's own authority and to whom does Saul, as God to himself with his prolonged refusal to submit, actually confess? What is the point of going to school if you dont have authority? Who is Jesus with this obscene Lord's prayer? Herod is a Grendel/King Saul combination dna. Who does Jesus say He is? Do you know how to budget? Hi uncle….You are the…we show you respect. No matter what, we know God IS, he exists and we know the Catholics and the Jews teach us God is above us. By Warren Lyon, FSJ Editorial.

For some who are charged with offenses like threatening death, business interference, attempt theft in trying to register a registered business name, uttering threatening statements against property and also Theft of property such as phones or for shop lifting or plagiarism, they think that killing the most immediately threatened person or conspiring for their death will resolve their charges. But, wouldn't killing someone add to your charges? Wouldn't conspiring to see someone's death amount to a conspiracy for murder? That would only add to your charges. They are watching you; stupid! Only the Court with its hallowed jurisdiction can decide. It could be a rather serious sentence due to the grievous nature of the offence. A new diversion program offer will apparently enable the individual before court on any matter to pursue settlement and government work in Panama, Guyana, the Gambia or some other West Indian Islands. It could be that some parts of Brazil may allow this also like Sao Paulo. The person involved would have to take responsibility for their actions before the court and plead guilty in the circumstances. They will be given a pardon 30 days after the signed plea of guilt process. This will enable them to travel. They will be able to work probably in a service job for the first five years, washing buses and trains. A conviction and pardon says they have taken responsibility. They will have a criminal record for the offences. It could be threatening death. It could be uttering false statements. It could he conspiracy to murder. It could be mischief. They will accept a sentence of time served with a special immediate pardon and then they will be processed as immigrant workers for settlement in the suggested countries. By Sharitaphill Sand.

Contrary to some opinion, we have no Management Director position at this time. We welcome Referral Agents and Consultants. Please email with your interest.

Call Angel Ronan ™ for a consultation. We do not give legal advice. If this involves threats against a woman and her children involving a Condo in Manitoba, we cannot assist you. Do you know the woman? You also uttered threats and threatened to kill. You sent these emails to a Court; not once but more than three times so it's not a mistake. You cant say someone has access to your email for 5,10 or 100 emails or that it's a mistake. It's very hurtful. She is not your relative. Are you the resurrection of the dead from Chesapeake Bay during the first attempted landing of Puritans when many drowned? You seem to be asking to inherit from her and you don't know her but wouldn't it be that you would know who she is and maybe just hope she puts you in her WILL? You are threatening the Estate Court with your emails asking them to override her will and intention. You are also threatening her. You could also send an e-mailed apology to the Court but saying sorry for threats and Contempt of Court is only a good cathartic beginning. It's also MISCHIEF; a chargeable offence. It's contempt of Court. It's the UTTERING of threats and you say you listen to Bob Marley or the Gospel hour on TV. You could say you are sorry, that inheritance is not really your culture, you had a conceptual misapprehension and that you will contact her directly to ask to join her Will. You don't respect her and her power to decide. This is not advice. Just repeat what's in the email. A lot of Black people have not written and a lot of white people have not written. But a lot of white and black people have written; a lot of people have written. You confirm your agenda here as you now conspire to hurt someone who has no idea why you threaten to kill him directly or indirectly. Donna Barkwell incites this by writing it on her telephone to suggest that people with Apples phones will write the court about inheritance and will also utter threats. The irony is that you still seem to hope that you will succeed. There is a restraining order against you. You don't respect it. Some of you have been charged with conspiracy to murder and theft of her property during these Court matters. Then you offer a person to the Anglican Church as a sacrifice that person is Anglican as High School graduates of an Anglican Church School. You did this as an Airport Security Officer. You lost your job. Why are you trying to kill anyone for a little property in a small town with a small population? Then you stole the phone of the woman who owns the Condo. You stole her sim card and put it in your phone in some attempt to impersonate her. Why would you do that? You are now charged with a Conspiracy to Murder.

Tecumseh,White or Black, is not trying to kill anyone really but he is having an argument about the phenomenon of land ownership. He is Tecumseh Global. He also had one little impediment and that was to chase his sons away as they grew into adult hood. He said he was not sure how to be a father when he was not fully secure in himself yet as not to compete or feel any sense of competition. He was also more of a cave dweller. Geronimo was a farmer and needed sons to help him farm. That was team work. The angry Euro who is afraid he is too boring was a Tecumseh DNA sent to Europe in a kind of cultural limbo in Germany and also a high level art thief who kept asking People to help her have authority and sabotage any one who felt like a Synagogue or contract writer. Some of this DNA today has committed to Apples phone and is just a bit out of order and dishonest about her ancestral skin tone. If she said "I am brown really", the tensions in them would go away. The goal is to take all authority and break the system to spite the authority that killed Tecumseh and his people that lived at Swastika, a cave in Ontario. They start with axles and tires and then move on to politics. Eventually, the politician is brown Tecumseh or white Tecumseh and he still won't fix it, solve it to have some MERCY on his own people. He is only trying to be equal instead. He would kill one of his own grandsons to have authority over himself and have no fear of death, concerning any of them; Tecumseh Nazi or Tecumseh Hood like Red Riding Hood. So then, Apples is nothing but an emotional "catch all" that summarises the tensions between a world of absolute nature with the livelihood of hunting and gathering and the world of MINE and YOURS and thou shalt not COVET/Codiceras. Maybe apples will be selling nothing but an Apples sticker and LSD that you can spray all over your LG phone and you can put the Apples sticker on the back to feel more North American Aboriginal hegemony for a change. But, ownership is not in the Tecumseh world thereof. His Great great great grandson in Borehamwood has never bought a property but has only defrauded people on his housing, that maybe they can own with him but it's housing. He has only conspired to kill people like his son in the hopes of only occupying the property he owns. You want a property. You own shoes and a vehicle but the ultimate goal here is to testify about how and why you killed others and why you were killed in occupation of 49 Islet Bay when you killed the owner. There is a Geronimo Global that outnumbers him and an Aboriginal Global. There are only 400,000 people in all of Canada; so we understand it based on the number of actual mobile phone activations. We cannot have an aboriginal civil war. We are all men and women of contract. The future of global technology is synergy between Asian and English or European and English labels and actual final production as seen in the MG and also the Aston Martin or the Range Rover. This is happening as the markets are global. Ownership is an obvious reality also for Tecumseh who owns his Donuts on his plate with receipt in hand and he owns his Mustang, Camaro or Ford Explorer with his hockey sticks. He owns and will fight for it. This last Tecumseh expression venting anger about land ownership is just a stunt. But, people have died in the schisms and property is being occupied illegally. Will Tecumseh defend his 24 foot tractor trailer mobile home with power shower, jacuzzis and full kitchens with four bedroom and two washrooms that he can drive and park any where? That is property although it is nomadic. The fight we see today against land ownership is not a fight but a stunt and it can never be accepted as normal. Illegally inflated house prices may have provoked a Tecumseh reaction as well as abuses of the sale process. When you buy Moccasins or rabbit stew or tacos as North American Aboriginal delights, you get a receipt on Amazon or at the shops. Sam Sharpe is a Tecumseh DNA branded and raised in Jamaican Tecumseh culture and he seems to want to occupy our homes but only after the farm owner or the home owner has bought it but only by removing the owners and then paying some local intermediary to cover the fraud. Geronimo is Montezuma and knows his Pyramid. This is another North South divide. Tecumseh is now therefore more the pirate. He says what will not kill will fatten. That is not a pure Tecumseh. That is a Sam Sharpe Christopher Columbus update except we see the movie The Last Mohican and understand that some Creole native Irish or new Irish arrivals killed more settled, established puritans also; killed. Sam Sharpe was like the grim reaper once he found out you own the property. Then the Caravan people became surfs in the new world when they drowned in the surfs of the new world where they were sent looking for their ownership of land and inheritance that they were promised. But, many drowned or froze in winter weather as they had to swim 1km or more to dry land and some would not take off their boots or clothes so they drowned. Their DNA cries out for testimony. The apples phone helps you see who you are in all your wickedness as you assault the estates Court and civil liberties by email. This is mischief. This is contempt. Tecumseh only wants to occupy the Field. Geronimo wants to buy the field and will accept terms in writing. The European surfs who drowned in the attempt to arrive in the new world where he hoped to get a promised inheritance only wants to inherit; that is own but they never respected or thought of ownership in their entire life as they approach 50, 60 or 70 years of age. We are all Aboriginal but the new world Aboriginal does not know anything about "inherit". Inheritance is to own and there is a property tax to pay. You don't want all of those ramifications; remember you are just a surf dead or Bushman cave dweller with Grendel; Grendel's daughter who moved from the lake or river bank to the caravan and then they took you to the new world. All of these agendas work out to a population full of inconsistencies and dissonance. I just told my black Smith named Letland that I own the horse and now he starts to walk towards me to stab me with a hot poker. I thought he said he was my father but he says he has horses and a stable does not know how he owns it but this is what he does and does it want to hear anything about ownership. Its a propensity war when I thought he would be proud I own the horse. All of this takes place in being human. He is dissonant. I thought he would be happy. He is kind of Skippy energetic or dissonant. He feels like a Wilks Booth who would track and follow the only man he will say owes him for all of this contractual formality. New evidence says Booth was really Jesse James and that he went to Manitoba or Ontario after he shot Lincoln in 1861, causing the civil war. They want to inherit from the anonymous but evident God who they were told promised them a mansion in the father's house and the many open free pastures. They don't care about who is displaced or disenfranchised as a result. It could be you and your mother or Tecumseh that they callously will kill to "inherit". Killing an existing Puritan farmer and his family in a house might have been the easiest, fastest way for some of these people to get into warmth and out of the cold elements. Building and affording to build would have taken years. If they survived the surf, it is one thing. They may have survived only to kill or maybe be killed by the wildness of that new world. So what are you, who are you? You say you don't know who you are. The apples phone is dragging people back to some kind of original ancestral propensities. Some are trying to kill Paul Robeson for the way he feels about property ownership. He loves it. Some are trying to kill that white baseball star from 1958 for the way he feels about property ownership. He loves it. If you had a son selling coffee and cakes and he says if you send him any orders from. Friends or family over £100.00 or a £500.00 you get 50% and you can say to people yog are the Managing Director what would you say? I would say sure. But, the propensities of the pirate is to say, "Who are you to say you can make me anything or propose anything to me. You are rude when I am the captain and the shop owner and you will be only the barista....and I will smash the windows and steal the Angel Ronan™ beans or coffee firm files every day if you don't intimidate you." The sons say the shop is registered and is a franchise and the authorities will deal with you about your old pirate ways; not the sorcerer this time. It's the mind of an outdated Creole. The north Stoke on Trent accent, any English accent, tends to obfuscate the ridiculousness of this phenomenon; so poshy. Did you noticed that burning green tea smells like the heavy 7 advertised in Cheech and Chong movies? Smoke green tea and wake up. So, we have a solution to Aboriginal need or Maslow need. We could say Aboriginal Maslow need. It's the income support at no less than £-€-$90.0/ per day that can satisfy daily health, shelter and food needs so you can buy masks, sanitizer, water and bread; with the Vat at 20-30% to pay for it. But, there are selfish aboriginal creoles who just want to say they need to be accept as normal if they want to argue and do it some other way, any way they feel. But what are you try to achieve? How many ways can you ensure every dog in the Kennel has enough food, warmth and shelter or that every man, woman and child has enough resources to find the food, shelter and warmth they need. What are you TRYING to say or achieve? The dogs, the people need to be cared for and we can do it and a humane, cost effective manner to the glory of the Monarch. This is achieved in other Economies with a certainty. See the example from Massachusetts, the Bahamas, the Caymans, Vermont, Illinois, Now also Oklahoma for the First time, Japan, China, Russia, France, Belgium, Italy, Korea, the Republic of Ireland and Switzerland as a few examples. In fact, it is all of the EU also and all of the EEA except for one or two absences. "Do you think you are being treated unfairly?; Good because otherwise I would have to send a garrison." What is a garrison? There are a group of Creoles who have nothing but Darth Vader on their phone desk top or tablet screen saver. This is the Nazi group 2.0 and they are trying to feel authority but they do not know what else they are trying to achieve. I feel authority waking my dog and ensuring he is warm and safe. I take care of my son or wife but these Nazi people say they have a right to bring them in the world or care for them and also take them out of the world. But that is murder. This Nazi 2.0 group are dead because they with are killing people. The Prince has killed them all with a right conscience; with his father and the army. One wickedness they use since 1951 in Jamaica is to allege that your library card is not real and then they call the police or ask you to call them. If you don't, they keep the card and you have to wait untill she tells you she really can't have a baby but she would like to help, help it maybe once. But, that is to hold people ransom and extort sex. They did this quite often in Jamaica with documents. So, you would have to go to the back of the shop and give the woman what she wants and then she would, with her HAGAR sister, make family with your water all over her cup that cannot really open. Her sister's cup could open and smells right; like fish. You would get your money back but she would cut your nose and then say we are now equal because now you are not perfect just like her. There is an Apples phone and then it is now also understood anthropologically as a "Right to Take It" phone produced by the "Right to Take It" corporation. You do not have the right to take it. The phone is dated, aging technology that is repackaged with some nuance every six months. It's an average machine and it might have a few nice features but it cannot be superior to any other device from any other brand. Yet, the apple we eat is stolen every day. It seems being able to hunt and gather was once a right. The apples logo may provoke this loss of right and the stand off to regain it. So, now we have this loss of right and the stand off to regain the right to pick apples where ever you see them as property OWNED in common. The right symbolised by the phone is soo important that you are either stealing the phone or you are buying it at a very high price over the value of the average phone. Essentially, Apples users are in an anthropological litmus as the phone confirms their emotional, spiritual PH level as the phone has a drug to help you ask who you really are. Most apples users say they Don't know who they are. The phone, for many users, winds them back to a cave man status. So, you see a pretty girl doing unusual things like threatening people to fight contractual formalities and shop lifting. What would you do with a five year old who was told to threaten the neighbors children if he wants to live in a toy store also be the General of the Marines but he cannot say who told him to do it? He goes ahead but has no appreciation if the legal consequences of the threat. What about five hundred five year olds who do this threatening? All five year olds involved use a certain toy phone or video game. All five hundred five year olds are charged with a youth offence and all of their parents are very disappointed with this wicked behaviour; bad children. What if these five hundred children are adults between 20-93 years of age using Apples phone? What if the toy store owner is their distant, distant relative; not their mother or father but a distant, distant relative? What you do with your five year old if he verbally threatened the neighbors 10, 20 or 30 times as recorded or in writing in a vain to achieve his vain goals? Do you know Jim Jones and the Guyana mass suicide project? Those people were told that if they drink the cup, they would have a mansion. They were told it might be drain cleaner but they drank it any way. Those people who died may have been latent neanderthals. They were given lsd the night before it seems. This is all very unusual. So what do we do with these murderous, threatening five year olds or murderous threatening adults who think threatening the neighbors is the path to becoming a marine General; male or females or to owning a Condominium but they don't know who owns it as they write emails to the Court office, claiming to be the heir of the owner of a small 420 square foot condo on Billionaires Row? They have little appreciation for what they have done. Most people involved are Apples phone users. How do you get out of it? Maybe get out of the phone that tells you, somehow that you have a right to take it in some rehashing of a deep Aboriginal emotional expression resenting contractual formalities involving all that we own in common such as apples or the right to dwell in a cave or field or anywhere that you lay your head. Now, if you did lay your head on an unoccupied Field, would someone have the right to come and take the apples they find in the field where you have been dwelling? You would probably say no, that you have more right than these people now threatening you and that your children have more right if you passed on and these threatening individuals can find their own field or their own cave as your family is occupying the field where they see you and you will chase them, (na na na ooh ooh ooh go go go na na na ) away if they don't hear. The contract to dwell on a field or property is how we chase people away today. There are some people who have this litmus and they would never devolve with this phone in their hand. Those people are probably Ancient Mesopotamian Pyramid culture or Israeli(Mesopotamian) as their might be a Pyramid in the phone. Geronimo people are less likely to be affected than Tecumseh people. Geronimo farmed. He is closer to the Aztec pyramid culture. Tecumseh is more the Northern cave dweller to survive in a harsh cold climate. He tends to be White or black in his doubt about the pyramid and does not claim it as his or her culture. Doubt about either Pyramid makes you black or white as a cultural nomad. There is only one culture in this world; the culture of buying, owning or renting.and maybe on an evening walk with your dog you might pick and gather a stem of grass and chew it to express your Aboriginal rights. Claim a Pyramid either in the old or new world. The Mesopotamian might open a coffee shop maybe or go to more classical concerts. There is a pyramid in the phone. White and black as monikers are certainly divisive to any nation but also synonymous with a latent aboriginal condition that involves a resentment of contractual formalities concerning the Maslow Necessities of life. These people (white black Aboriginals) are now involved again in an evident yet covert, expressive resentment and proclivity to show us they believe they have a right to just take those Apples. The Apples phone corporation just wants to know why you want the phone or why you would ever steal it? Maybe they will changer their logo and name to Dog. I am opening Codiceras ™ phone for Codiceras technologies who will be marketing Prions 2 Energy ™. We have, essentially, a people called resistance in all colours and creeds who work like a parasite although the answer is obvious socioeconomically. They occupy and disrupt as an interruptive people who look like the real English; for example and maybe everything works except one or two essential elements of the economy that would help their master. The apples phone is very popular with these interrupters. They could be thirsty and look at a river and then refuse to drink and then also agree to to block the entire population and economy in getting a drink from that river. Income support is that river. The VAT ) sales tax is how we maintain it. It works in the Anglo managed Bahamas or in the Gambia or in Novottawa. It also works in Maniberta. That big territory with the Queen's shield south of the Arctic and North of Albany is not an independent territory. So, we have a solution to Aboriginal need or Maslow need. We could say Aboriginal Maslow need. It's the income support at no less than £-€-$90.0/ per day that can satisfy daily health, shelter and food needs so you can buy masks, sanitizer, water and bread; with the Vat at 20-30% to pay for it. But, there are selfish aboriginal creoles who just want to say they need to be accept as normal if they want to argue and do it some other way, any way they feel. But what are you try to achieve? How many ways can you ensure every dog in the Kennel has enough food, warmth and shelter or that every man, woman and child has enough resources to find the food, shelter and warmth they need. What are you TRYING to say or achieve? Thank you my friend. We are all Israel Geronimo Tecumseh by now. That was the purpose of the wars, starting with the American Civil War; to get it over with and spread a contractual expectation with a mixed DNA with at least enough contractual, teachable expectation across all of North America so you can buy a GM or a Toyota or a Volkswagen because you do not have the right to just take it. You need to buy it and you need a receipt to evidence your purchase of that batch of soap as it might have been poisoned at the factory. You might also want to sue the coffee shop for using drain cleaner to polish their kettle heating element as now the tea dissolves all the fillings and erodes the teeth enamel, making people angry. It never happened to me. I only buy bottled or can drinks. Fleet Street Journal. This article also appears with permission in various universities. Tecumseh White or Black is not trying to kill anyone really but he is having an argument about the phenomenon of land ownership. He is Tecumseh Global. But, ownership is not in his world Thereof. There is a Geronimo Global that outnumbers him and an Aboriginal Global. There are only 400,000 people in all of Canada; so we understand it based on the number of actual mobile phone activations. We cannot have an aboriginal civil war. We are all men and women of contract. When you buy Moccasins or rabbit stew or tacos as North American Aboriginal delights, you get a receipt on Amazon or at the shops. Sam Sharpe is a Tecumseh DNA branded and raised in Jamaican Tecumseh culture and he seems to want to occupy our homes but only after the farm owner or the home owner has bought it but only by removing the owners and then paying some local intermediary to cover the fraud. Geronimo is Montezuma and knows his Pyramid. This is another North South divide. Tecumseh is now therefore more the pirate. He says what will not kill will fatten. That is not a pure Tecumseh. That is a Sam Sharpe Christopher Columbus update except we see the movie The Last Mohican and understand that some Creole native Irish or new Irish arrivals killed more settled, established puritans also; killed. Sam Sharpe was like the grim reaper once he found out you own the property. Then the Caravan people became surfs in the new world when they drowned in the surfs of the new world where they were sent looking for their ownership of land and inheritance that they were promised. But, many drowned or froze in winter weather as they had to swim 1km or more to dry land and some would not take off their boots or clothes so they drowned. Their DNA cries out for testimony. The apples phone helps you see who you are in all your wickedness as you assault the estates Court and civil liberties by email. This is mischief. This is contempt. Who is Tecumseh only wants to occupy the Field. Geronimo wants to buy the field and will accept terms in writing. The European surfer who drowned in the attempt to arrive in the new world where he hoped to get a promised inheritance only wants to inherit; that is own but they never respected or thought of ownership in their entire life as they approach 50, 60 or 70 years of age. We are all Aboriginal but the new world Aboriginal does not know anything about "inherit". Inheritance is to own and there is a property tax to pay. You don't want all of those ramifications; remember you are just a surf dead or Bushman cave dweller with Grendel; Grendel's daughter who moved from the lake or river bank to the caravan and then they took you to the new world. All of these agendas work out to a population full of inconsistencies and dissonance. I just told my black Smith named Letland that I own the horse and now he starts to walk towards me to stab me with a hot poker. I thought he said he was my father but he says he has horses and a stable does not know how he owns it but this is what he does and does it want to hear anything about ownership. Its a propensity war when I thought he would be proud I own the horse. All of this takes place in being human. He is dissonant. I thought he would be happy. He is kind of Skippy energetic or dissonant. He feels like a Wilks Booth who would track and follow the only man he will say owes him for all of this contractual formality. New evidence says Booth was really Jesse James and that he went to Manitoba or Ontario after he shot Lincoln in 1861, causing the civil war. They want to inherit from the anonymous but evident God who they were told promised them a mansion in the father's house and the many open free pastures. They don't care about who is displaced or disenfranchised as a result. It could be you and your mother or Tecumseh that they callously will kill to "inherit". Killing an existing Puritan farmer and his family in a house might have been the easiest, fastest way for some of these people to get into warmth and out of the cold elements. Building and affording to build would have taken years. If they survived the surf, it is one thing. They may have survived only to kill or maybe be killed by the wildness of that new world. So what are you, who are you? You say you don't know who you are. The apples phone is dragging people back to some kind of original ancestral propensities. Some are trying to kill Paul Robeson for the way he feels about property ownership. He loves it. Some are trying to kill that white baseball star from 1958 for the way he feels about property ownership. He loves it. If you had a son selling coffee and cakes and he says if you send him any orders from. Friends or family over £100.00 or a £500.00 you get 50% and you can say to people yog are the Managing Director what would you say? I would say sure. But, the propensities of the pirate is to say, "Who are you to say you can make me anything or propose anything to me. You are rude when I am the captain and the shop owner and you will be only the barista....and I will smash the windows and steal the Angel Ronan™ beans or coffee firm files every day if you don't intimidate you." The sons say the shop is registered and is a franchise and the authorities will deal with you about your old pirate ways; not the sorcerer this time. It's the mind of an outdated Creole. The north Stoke on Trent accent, any English accent, tends to obfuscate the ridiculousness of this phenomenon; so poshy. Did you noticed that burning green tea smells like the heavy 7 advertised in Cheech and Chong movies? Smoke green tea and wake up. So, we have a solution to Aboriginal need or Maslow need. We could say Aboriginal Maslow need. It's the income support at no less than £-€-$90.0/ per day that can satisfy daily health, shelter and food needs so you can buy masks, sanitizer, water and bread; with the Vat at 20-30% to pay for it. But, there are selfish aboriginal creoles who just want to say they need to be accept as normal if they want to argue and do it some other way, any way they feel. But what are you try to achieve? How many ways can you ensure every dog in the Kennel has enough food, warmth and shelter or that every man, woman and child has enough resources to find the food, shelter and warmth they need. What are you TRYING to say or achieve? The dogs, the people need to be cared for and we can do it and a humane, cost effective manner to the glory of the Monarch. This is achieved in other Economies with a certainty. See the example from Massachusetts, the Bahamas, the Caymans, Vermont, Illinois, Now also Oklahoma for the First time, Japan, China, Russia, France, Belgium, Italy, Korea, the Republic of Ireland and Switzerland as a few examples. In fact, it is all of the EU also and all of the EEA except for one or two absences. "Do you think you are being treated unfairly?; Good because otherwise I would have to send a garrison." What is a garrison? There are a group of Creoles who have nothing but Darth Vader on their phone desk top or tablet screen saver. This is the Nazi group 2.0 and they are trying to feel authority but they do not know what else they are trying to achieve. I feel authority waking my dog and ensuring he is warm and safe. I take care of my son or wife but these Nazi people say they have a right to bring them in the world or care for them and also take them out of the world. But that is murder. This Nazi 2.0 group are dead because they with are killing people. The Prince has killed them all with a right conscience; with his father and the army. One wickedness they use since 1951 in Jamaica is to allege that your library card is not real and then they call the police or ask you to call them. If you don't, they keep the card and you have to wait untill she tells you she really can't have a baby but she would like to help, help it maybe once. But, that is to hold people ransom and extort sex. They did this quite often in Jamaica with documents. So, you would have to go to the back of the shop and give the woman what she wants and then she would, with her HAGAR sister, make family with your water all over her cup that cannot really open. Her sister's cup could open and smells right; like fish. You would get your money back but she would cut your nose and then say we are now equal because now you are not perfect just like her. There is an Apples phone and then it is now also understood anthropologically as a "Right to Take It" phone produced by the "Right to Take It" corporation. You do not have the right to take it. The phone is dated, aging technology that is repackaged with some nuance every six months. It's an average machine and it might have a few nice features but it cannot be superior to any other device from any other brand. Yet, the apple we eat is stolen every day. It seems being able to hunt and gather was once a right. The apples logo may provoke this loss of right and the stand off to regain it. So, now we have this loss of right and the stand off to regain the right to pick apples where ever you see them as property OWNED in common. The right symbolised by the phone is soo important that you are either stealing the phone or you are buying it at a very high price over the value of the average phone. Essentially, Apples users are in an anthropological litmus as the phone confirms their emotional, spiritual PH level as the phone has a drug to help you ask who you really are. Most apples users say they Don't know who they are. The phone, for many users, winds them back to a cave man status. So, you see a pretty girl doing unusual things like threatening people to fight contractual formalities and shop lifting. What would you do with a five year old who was told to threaten the neighbors children if he wants to live in a toy store also be the General of the Marines but he cannot say who told him to do it? He goes ahead but has no appreciation if the legal consequences of the threat. What about five hundred five year olds who do this threatening? All five year olds involved use a certain toy phone or video game. All five hundred five year olds are charged with a youth offence and all of their parents are very disappointed with this wicked behaviour; bad children. What if these five hundred children are adults between 20-93 years of age using Apples phone? What if the toy store owner is their distant, distant relative; not their mother or father but a distant, distant relative? What you do with your five year old if he verbally threatened the neighbors 10, 20 or 30 times as recorded or in writing in a vain to achieve his vain goals? Do you know Jim Jones and the Guyana mass suicide project? Those people were told that if they drink the cup, they would have a mansion. They were told it might be drain cleaner but they drank it any way. Those people who died may have been latent neanderthals. They were given lsd the night before it seems. This is all very unusual. So what do we do with these murderous, threatening five year olds or murderous threatening adults who think threatening the neighbors is the path to becoming a marine General; male or females or to owning a Condominium but they don't know who owns it as they write emails to the Court office, claiming to be the heir of the owner of a small 420 square foot condo on Billionaires Row? They have little appreciation for what they have done. Most people involved are Apples phone users. How do you get out of it? Maybe get out of the phone that tells you, somehow that you have a right to take it in some rehashing of a deep Aboriginal emotional expression resenting contractual formalities involving all that we own in common such as apples or the right to dwell in a cave or field or anywhere that you lay your head. Now, if you did lay your head on an unoccupied Field, would someone have the right to come and take the apples they find in the field where you have been dwelling? You would probably say no, that you have more right than these people now threatening you and that your children have more right if you passed on and these threatening individuals can find their own field or their own cave as your family is occupying the field where they see you and you will chase them, (na na na ooh ooh ooh go go go na na na ) away if they don't hear. The contract to dwell on a field or property is how we chase people away today. There are some people who have this litmus and they would never devolve with this phone in their hand. Those people are probably Ancient Mesopotamian Pyramid culture or Israeli(Mesopotamian) as their might be a Pyramid in the phone. Geronimo people are less likely to be affected than Tecumseh people. Geronimo farmed. He is closer to the Aztec pyramid culture. Tecumseh is more the Northern cave dweller to survive in a harsh cold climate. He tends to be White or black in his doubt about the pyramid and does not claim it as his or her culture. Doubt about either Pyramid makes you black or white as a cultural nomad. There is only one culture in this world; the culture of buying, owning or renting.and maybe on an evening walk with your dog you might pick and gather a stem of grass and chew it to express your Aboriginal rights. Claim a Pyramid either in the old or new world. The Mesopotamian might open a coffee shop maybe or go to more classical concerts. There is a pyramid in the phone. White and black as monikers are certainly divisive to any nation but also synonymous with a latent aboriginal condition that involves a resentment of contractual formalities concerning the Maslow Necessities of life. These people (white black Aboriginals) are now involved again in an evident yet covert, expressive resentment and proclivity to show us they believe they have a right to just take those Apples. The Apples phone corporation just wants to know why you want the phone or why you would ever steal it? Maybe they will changer their logo and name to Dog. I am opening Codiceras ™ phone for Codiceras technologies who will be marketing Prions 2 Energy ™. We have, essentially, a people called resistance in all colours and creeds who work like a parasite although the answer is obvious socioeconomically. They occupy and disrupt as an interruptive people who look like the real English; for example and maybe everything works except one or two essential elements of the economy that would help their master. The apples phone is very popular with these interrupters. They could be thirsty and look at a river and then refuse to drink and then also agree to to block the entire population and economy in getting a drink from that river. Income support is that river. The VAT ) sales tax is how we maintain it. It works in the Anglo managed Bahamas or in the Gambia or in Novottawa. It also works in Maniberta. That big territory with the Queen's shield south of the Arctic and North of Albany is not an independent territory. So, we have a solution to Aboriginal need or Maslow need. We could say Aboriginal Maslow need. It's the income support at no less than £-€-$90.0/ per day that can satisfy daily health, shelter and food needs so you can buy masks, sanitizer, water and bread; with the Vat at 20-30% to pay for it. But, there are selfish aboriginal creoles who just want to say they need to be accept as normal if they want to argue and do it some other way, any way they feel. But what are you try to achieve? How many ways can you ensure every dog in the Kennel has enough food, warmth and shelter or that every man, woman and child has enough resources to find the food, shelter and warmth they need. What are you TRYING to say or achieve? Thank you my friend. We are all Israel Geronimo Tecumseh by now. That was the purpose of the wars, starting with the American Civil War; to get it over with and spread a contractual expectation with a mixed DNA with at least enough contractual, teachable expectation across all of North America so you can buy a GM or a Toyota or a Volkswagen because you do not have the right to just take it. You need to buy it and you need a receipt to evidence your purchase of that batch of soap as it might have been poisoned at the factory. You might also want to sue the coffee shop for using drain cleaner to polish their kettle heating element as now the tea dissolves all the fillings and erodes the teeth enamel, making people angry. It never happened to me. I only buy bottled or can drinks. Fleet Street Journal. This article also appears with permission in various universities.

This just in; a man working at the Jerusalem Inn with 12 floors with most of the rooms usually vacant actually decided to think about what he could do to help the hotel ; and himself profit from this consistent evident average vacancy, the on going average vacancy. He decided to rent some of the rooms, about 1.5 floors, at $800.00 per month. He gave half to the hotel and half to himself. The hotel has a surplus as the rooms previously vacant are now occupied at at least $800.00 per month. The hotel had more earnings on average; not necessarily a surplus. Expeditus Cosmus showed up to congratulate him for this work. There was more money per month and who would not want more? Some of the other employees went crazy and tried to run ten rooms each for their own benefit and never gave the money to the hotel chain. Expedit tried to encourage the British Gas Company to make a contract with PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™ and they said they do t need it as they have large turbines for Energy at New Castle and at the Thames but they will use the fuel cell and Piped in gas to heat water and provide home electricity as the fuel cell is more efficient. The Idea was too Asianw for the English so Warren and Expeditus went to Asia with the concept. He asked how the manager did this as it was the only hotel in Jerusalem with a surplus. He said he bought the same toilet paper but from the pound shop on bulk orders and got a pound shop discount. He was asked to come to the head office to work as he was doing well. So, he did. It turns out that Potiphar decided to blow him up in a van for the misuse of corporate assets after 10 months of work at the head office when it was finally discovered over 7 month review of this miracle surplus that on one month, the manager gave himself $600.00 of the $800.00 and took more from his little arrangements that were not disclosed to the hotel. He wasn't really blown up but he went to jail; forever and anyone that helped him also went to jail for being co-accused. He would have lived if he was fair and promoted. But, he suffered from a slight drop of Cain DNA; oh well! The real truth is that the sale of a vacant room at $800.00 for a month if requested is not unlike the sale of an Airline ticket. Airline staff are comfortable with this price point. They do not embezzle. The Airline gets their money. The staff get their salary. When does the Employee decide to say he has the right to use corporate assets fraudulently for his own personal gain? It is a breach of trust also. This $800.00 per month offering is now a part of the hotel packages offered by airlines that now own the hotels; all the hotels with McDonald's and Burger King. Well, they own some of them.