The Revenant (movie) and US - Russian Foreign Relations. If you wrote a Court and say you will kill someone, what should I say? The mission was once Londinium; not Iroquoisdinum. We must also ensure our existence as the key form of expression as Iroquois; in every language and culture as Iroquois instead of resistance. Maybe the Iroquois Propensity for habitual ancestral resistance of the system is the gutteral tribal voice. The system wants you to have money and money more abundantly. The Spanish do it. All African countries do it. They all have an income support that is automatic for every citizen. However, the Monarch is not responsible for what the people fail to do for themselve; although it is part and parcel with National Defence. If they fail to eat incessantly, you would have to find a way to feed them or you would create a surrogate population. But, feeding them or providing them with the money resources to feed themselves and house themselves adequately is also a logical business position. It keeps the economy going; instead of dying. It helps the economy. The Monarch is not responsible for what the people and their chosen Prime Minister fail to do for themselves. But, maybe she could ask him to cancel the Electricity blackouts; if any or resolve any other notable breaches of law. They have an active role. They are the final authority in our system of legitimacy. What is the point of defending your borders with subs and machine guns if you don't defend the PEOPLE that live within those borders from the weather or the Joblessness occasioned by Automation or some other global economic phenomenon? A Russian asked this question maybe once. All of the flag waving and the pomp and circumstance is in vain otherwise; also for an Aboriginal President who does not feed all the Aboriginals with an Income Support. This is the Revenant. They were not given Authority, all of these Iroquois, but what do we see them do with their opportunity? The Black Iroquois, some of them, target black people who are more European or African in the belief that Black skin is not a barrier to building anything or achieving anything with Moses and Egypt as example; just like the white school teachers tell you on your trip to the Museum with all of the Egyptian artifacts. Maybe it's hard for a full Iroquois, black or white today, to connect to Egypt when they might say the burgeoning and ever expanding and changing Mesopotamian consumer Culture is their real Black and African problem. Consumerism began Africa. The ENGLISH had their capabilities and their honourable achievements or contributions to history, Isaac Newton and his sons; you can say. But they were eventually overridden during the wars by the half Aboriginal children of their empire who may not wish to see any independence again in the English culture. Make it submitted to something other than English; they say. This makes the English, England and all Anglo countries a European mission once again to show the English the light of an automation economy with an automatic income support for every citizen. White is not a solution to the economy but a physical description. Spanish, French and Russians are white and their Economics is good, their Economies are good and free of recessions. White, therefore, can be bad; like in the movies. You see the good white shooting bad White people all day. Then the only people who can present themselves as lawyers are the people who are pretending; like Joe and O'Malley. Did you know some evidence indicates that Ishmael became Potiphar; the governor of Egypt? Ishmael's name was changed to Potiphar. In the beginning all the heroes were Black and also the baddies; like Potiphar's wife. In this alternative bible reading, Three generations after he left Abraham with Hagar, his mother, he helped Joseph eventually. I could be related to Isaac. If one Iroquois is starving maybe all react around the world when that starving Iroquois should have his income support benefit. But, if the people administering the benefits are Iroquois, then we see they can help the Iroquois who is Black, White Indian or Chinese, Japanese or Korean today; or maybe part Russian or Polish. Maybe he is Cuban or Jamaican in his more overt culture. We thank God. There seems to be a continual spin in the expression of the Revenant emotion; therefore but much of it turns toward the Aboriginal decentred identity. Sometimes the expression is illegal such as graffiti all over Bridges in England and out door subway walls in Canada. Maybe your woman stole the Cornish hens in 1991 that she cooked for Thanksgiving at your university residences when she decided it was her Thanksgiving and her territory, not the pilgrims territory, and that she had the right to take the first as a Black Iroquois. She put Latifa photos on her desk at home during her final exams in high school and dropped out but never told anyone. He father was her husband from 10 years old and would watch First Choice sex movies with her on the Iroquois TV Cable network on weekends when she visited with him. But, what does Latifa have to do with anything? She is a Black Hawk singing about unity kind of like Donna Summer. But, racism is part and parcel with the denial of historical black people eventually denying by 2510 that Obama was a Black President because a West Black Indian or White West Indian born in 2480 will decide like Haitian Napoleon that he does not want any Black President in history to have authority over him and they will paint Obama white, calling O' Malley Instead. After the current systemic shenanigans with moral authority and position, Saul Absalom says he wants us to help him pretend a coup was necessary to move an unimpeachable president at the cost of the sanctity of the vote with Promises of money if you gave him what he wanted. If so, then maybe at least the roads should not have pot holes and the income support should work for every citizen so we can enjoy our identity as Cheddar or Iroquois or Sioux or Black Hawk Anglo Aboriginal; White or black; and a Federal Bank charter Is Not a licence to steal cash from people or their Gst rebates cheques or their Trillium benefits. Hold on, what is 70 customers per day at $10.00 per pizza? That is your PRIONS. Leave my PRIONS ™ alone. TH. It represents Foreign DNA and temperament, this piracy. When did this begin, this piracy? Much of the rap produced is Illegal. When did that begin? Occupying Government property or trying to sell it as your own is Illegal but you might be expressing how you feel. Let us not forget about the ex slave Iroquois raised in the West Indies who made it his purpose in life to kill any owners or owners' sons as he might presume them to be if they can read any law and not get angry but digest. That housing flat is government property. Algonquin Park is government property. Are you from Algonquin Park Waldo; the son of the last natives to leave the park native reserve? Now You refused to leave housing in the UK. You tried to sell it to people. The expression of emotions almost seems to say you can be anything and enjoy anything in this world except but loving life as a qualified professional. I could make a ber, however, that most West Indians would leave Europe for warmer climes if they had a secure automated income support, maybe to to live in the BVI, Georgia, the Caymans and Belize. Some people would go to Edinburgh or Inverness. Some might go to Europe. A lot of them are very angry ship wrecks who are excited about getting some of your soaps or running shoes for inheritance. In any event, apples phone was not a call to covert complexioned, skin tone ignorance. Apples loves everyone but maybe some people with 10 or 12 phones are the ignorant and this has caused an unworthy, unwittingly wicked impingement on the positive influence represented by our Monarchy when the negativities of the ignorant using 12 smart phones are broadcast through the global smartphone networks every day, all day, sadly. What if WW2 was really just a fight against pirate propensities? What if there was a discussion to provide the Anglo west with a surrogate population before and during WW2? This was a police action to fight piracy and civil disobedience; not a genocide. But, then this can continue when the pirate does not quit; even if he had $1,000,000.00 in Automatic support. It is, for the pirate, a sport but it will be easier to see him engaged in his sport when there is less motivation to participate as based on need and less permissive sympathy when everyone has a reasonable automatic income support and there are more victims for the Pirate to target in his propensities. The Cultures continue in a police action after the support is provided to all citizens as required by domestic and international law where everyone is helped. You sometimes wonder how many times you could ask for emergency housing or a burger at McDonald's and not get help; as if everyone at the front counter is a regenerated (clone) dead person who was shot after waiting for a food order and getting very disappointed when the police were called; maybe a white person or a black person. No one helps in the usual time allotted to save a life so then you ask how do so many people who do not help have a job in an industry where helping and serving is the purpose and endeavour; saving a life like a life guard? How you use the washroom is irrelevant but so long as there is a reasonable wash room, this is good. You sometimes wonder how many times you can try to take a book out before you are told you have to come back in a month but you need the book that is available in your hand to finish a school project due in 12 hours by 9 am or you are just about dead. There is no legal reason why you cannot take out the book. They seem to say their system is not working when you show up. They give the book to a 59 year old with a West Indian accent who showed up in England last week. He was given housing the following day just after he showed up. This is a solution for some in a limited angry Jamaican point of view but it's really a problem when you may have delayed his English accented son housing; a son he did not know. He got an A in GCSE Cheddar Aboriginal Law. He was hoping to go to Law School but was going to find away to make home Invasion and theft of property tolerable in some avoidance of contracts for real estate ownership and conveyancing so that if you got in the property and the owner is dead and you are sure, then you can stay in the property according to the Creole English law; they used to call it squatters rights. We build problems. We are here really to build solutions. The Revenant (movie) and US - Russian Foreign Relations. The Monarch is not responsible for what the people and their chosen Prime Minister fail to do for themselves. But, maybe she could ask him to cancel the Electricity blackouts; if any or resolve any other notable breaches of law. They have an active role. They are the final authority in our system of legitimacy. What is the point of defending your borders with subs and machine guns if you don't defend the PEOPLE that live within those borders from the cold or the Joblessness occasioned by Automation or some other global economic phenomenon? A Russian asked this question maybe once. All of the flag waving and the pomp and circumstance is in vain otherwise; also for an Aboriginal President who does not feed all the Aboriginals with an Income Support. He wants us to understand he really won the election and he did but he is endearing to the Aboriginal as he pretends to be a law graduate for political legitimacy. This is the Revenant. They were not given Authority, all of these Iroquois, but what do we see them do with their opportunity? The Black Iroquois, some of them, target black people who are more European or African in the belief that Black skin is not a barrier to building anything or achieving anything with Moses and Egypt as example; just like the white school teachers tell you on your trip to the Museum with all of the Egyptian artifacts. Maybe it's hard for a full Iroquois, black or white today, to connect to Egypt when they might say the burgeoning and ever expanding, changing Mesopotamian consumer Culture is their real Black and African problem. Consumerism began Africa. The ENGLISH had their capabilities and their honourable achievements or contributions to history, Isaac Newton and his sons; you can say. But they were eventually overridden during the wars by the half Aboriginal children of their empire who may not wish to see any independence again in the English culture. Make it submitted to something other than English; they say. This makes the English, England and all Anglo countries a European mission once again to show the English the light of an automation economy with an automatic income support for every citizen. White is not a solution to the economy but a physical description. Spanish, French and Russians are white and their Economics is good, their Economies are good and free of recessions. White, therefore, can be bad; like in the movies. You see good white shooting bad White people all day. Did you know some evidence indicates that Ishmael became Potiphar; the governor of Egypt? Ishmael's name was changed to Potiphar. In the beginning all the heroes were Black and also the baddies; like Potiphar's wife. In this alternative bible reading, Three generations after he left Abraham with Hagar, his mother, he helped Joseph eventually. I could be related to Ishmael and Hagar. If one Iroquois is starving maybe all react around the world when that starving Iroquois should have his income support benefit. But, if the people administering the benefits are Iroquois, then we see they can help the Iroquois who is Black, White Indian or Chinese, Japanese or Korean today; or maybe part Russian or Polish. But, maybe the cultural displacement for a second generation Iroquois with an Ojibwe natural tongue is too great. English does not satisfy the desire for expression. You do not feel like it is the culture or language for warm adoption. Il ne fais pas satisfais. An Ojibwe dictionary will help the expression and give a one a sense of rootedness, even if your mother's first phrase at birth was birth was "lovely..jolly good.". English people all kinds; Maybe he is Cuban or Jamaican in his more overt culture. We thank God. There seems to be a continual spin in the expression of the Revenant emotion; therefore but much of it turns toward the Aboriginal decentred identity. Sometimes the expression is illegal such as graffiti all over Bridges in England and out door subway walls in Canada. At least painting a real road bridge is better than breaking the rail road. But, in either case they are attacking the system and maybe instead if attacking the system, they attack their own young who would like to say the system can work for everyone. Attacking the rail road is what the Ojibwe used to do and then they were sent to Jamaica maybe to help them have a Culture of some kind. Maybe your woman stole the Cornish hens in 1991 that she cooked for Thanksgiving at your university residences when she decided it was her Thanksgiving and her territory, not the pilgrims territory, and that she had the right to take the first as a Black Iroquois. She put Latifa photos on her desk at home during her final exams in high school and dropped out but never told anyone. He father was her husband from 20 years old and would watch First Choice sex movies with her on the Iroquois TV Cable network on weekends when she visited with him. But, what does Latifa have to do with anything? She is a Black Hawk singing about unity kind of like Donna Summer. But, racism is part and parcel with the denial of historical black people eventually denying by 2510 that Obama was a Black President because a West Black Indian or White West Indian born in 2480 will decide like Haitian Napoleon that he does not want any Black President in history to have authority over him and they will paint Obama white, calling O' Malley Instead. After the current systemic shenanigans with moral authority and position, Saul Absalom says he wants us to help him pretend a coup was necessary to move an unimpeachable president at the cost of the sanctity of the vote with Promises of money if you gave him what he wanted. If so, then maybe at least the roads should not have pot holes and the income support should work for every citizen so we can enjoy our identity as Cheddar or Iroquois or Sioux or Black Hawk Anglo Aboriginal; White or black with nice, wholesome feeling TV commercials for the family; and a Federal Bank charter Is Not a licence to steal cash from people or their Gst rebates cheques or their Trillium benefits. Hold on, what is 70 customers per day at $10.00 per pizza? That is your PRIONS. Leave my PRIONS ™ alone. TH. It represents Foreign DNA and temperament, this piracy. When did this begin, this piracy? Much of the rap produced is Illegal. When did that begin? Occupying Government property or trying to sell it as your own is Illegal but you might be expressing how you feel. Let us not forget about the ex slave Iroquois raised in the West Indies who made it his purpose in life to kill any owners or owners' sons as he might presume them to be if they can read any law and not get angry but digest. That housing flat is government property. Algonquin Park is government property. Are you from Algonquin Park Waldo; the son of the last natives to leave the park native reserve? Now You refused to leave housing in the UK. You tried to sell it to people. The expression of emotions almost seems to say you can be anything and enjoy anything in this world except but loving life as a qualified professional. I could make a ber, however, that most West Indians would leave Europe for warmer climes if they had a secure automated income support, maybe to to live in the BVI, Georgia, the Caymans and Belize. Some people would go to Edinburgh or Inverness. Some might go to Europe. In any event, apples phone was not a call to covert complexioned, skin tone ignorance. Apples loves everyone but maybe some people with 10 or 12 phones are the ignorant and this has caused an unworthy, unwittingly wicked impingement on the positive influence represented by our Monarchy when the negativities of the ignorant using 12 smart phones are broadcast through the global smartphone networks every day, all day, sadly. What if WW2 was really just a fight against pirate propensities? What if there was a discussion to provide the Anglo west with a surrogate population before and during WW2? This was a police action to fight piracy and civil disobedience; not a genocide. But, then this can continue when the pirate does not quit; even if he had $1,000,000.00 in Automatic support. It is, for the pirate, a sport but it will be easier to see him engaged in his sport when there is less motivation to participate as based on need and less permissive sympathy when everyone has a reasonable automatic income support and there are more victims for the Pirate to target in his propensities. The Cultures continue in a police action after the support is provided to all citizens as required by domestic and international law. An income support for every citizen provides a social buffer when we have to live, work and travel together. A Safety House for people in need of temporary accommodation, an actual immediate temporary accommodation centre can be provided that is much celebrated like the Leisure Centres in Honour of a former or current Monarch and a national vacant housing data base will enable council's to find a vacancy in the local council or give an immediate referral to any other council in the country but hopefully not too far away. It's housing stock and not property for the use of privateers for personal gain. We don't want people in paid positions, part Iroquois black and white, who can select who they will help and who they will not help on some basis that has nothing to do with the merited request. The VAT we spend pays for the salary. All requests are merited. It's temporary. An emergency cash benefit is also helpful for people who request it; paid electronically, leading to the automatic income support received by the transgender. It really should be automatic. This is a good systems update for every country in the world; including Jamaica. We can do it. A motel, hostel or hotel voucher can also help for council temporary accommodation also. It's temporary accommodation. Did you know Shop lifting and ogling Bathsheba on TV on Saturday night before worshiping on Sunday is not the path to unconditional acceptance even if you are an Albany Cave woman going to God? Is this the Revenant? If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us. David confessed. See 1st John 1:9. See Psalms 51. The Revenant is therefore, a revelation of a covenant and a culture of consumerism, laws and blessed contracts. JESUS, as a result, would have been most exciting to cave men and cave women; exciting to the Neanderthals as new arrivals in our well established Mesopotamian Egyptian/Israeli culture that involved the ten commandments (11 commands- see Exodus 34). Marriage is a construct of settled civilization. 90% of the synoptic gospels are about marriage and family along with the 11 commands that make marriage and the family units possible. Make up and shows of cleavage do not say she is settled or settling after all the water has been transferred from one male genital to the female genital in that moment of cleaving. It's not difficult to do that once and then be Family. Some make it difficult. Cave women tended to end up with a different cave man every time they were free to ovulate and not pregnant when they were still nomadically inclined as individuals; not as Tribes women yet or members of families. Read Rousseau about the family and about the Revenant. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God but your body and mind is God's temple. Angers alone might be enough to identify a tribe of people or a nation; on their smart telephones. But, Alexander Pushkin is a Black Russian author who worked and lived in LONDON. Go to Pushkin House. We are all mixed race. I am Egyptian, Japanese, Montezuma and Geronimo who helped the Union Army as a Scout. This tradition continues in the US Armed Forces whose Air Force is finally on par with India again. India has a few Migs. America has none. I am a citizen. I speak English, French and a little Japanese and also a little Italian. We endeavour to see everyone treated well as a citizen. The residual tensions between Cultures and civilizations comes first and then there is expression about this Culture. You can see the "day one" Bush men initiate might find it very upsetting if he is told the law now says he cannot take fruit or apples from the tree as it is now the property of the government. Many Cheddar and other Aboriginals are still evolving and while wearing suits and dresses, they are still resentful of this intrusion on freedom and they steal anything with the word Apples on it. Wouldn't Egypt be an amalgam of cave men who finally saw the power of cooperation? What if every Anglo had the universal unconditional income support? This is cooperation. Then, the population would be just like Europe; not divided and not at war with itself over the issues concerning how best to respond to Automation and the causality of joblessness that is they key impact of Automation and resultant recessions due to the Joblessness. Maybe the absence of support is an expression of Aboriginal identity as juxtaposing against Europe. You play football against the Spanish as an expression of national identity but you don't have an income support like the Spanish. So, you can live with Euro Champion financial power and fitness like the Spanish. Only the transgender in your English population have an income support and the VAt you spend pays for them and the refugees also; not for you. Maybe anyone is English with a British flag in their hand. 59% of the English population under 50 is a second generation immigrant maybe from Chechnya or from Bosnia or South Africa. This was the point behind the movie Eastern Promises. If the agenda after WW2 was to say all the real Anglos are dead and that you are reoccupied with Eastern Europeans, when would you know the agenda is achieved? Is it when you no longer hear an English accent because the majority of the people are second, third or fourth generation immigrants by now, with an English accent. So, then Maybe you are now only engaged in killing a culture if the people are no longer really English. The real truth is that the provision of automatic income support benefits only to transgender Citizens in the UK gives refugees a Financial advantage when they receive benefits while the non transgender Citizen does not. This is, therefore, evidence of a silent genocide in the UK since 1951. It fails the UDHR Article 25 and the OHCHR article 11. Every citizen is to receive the benefit; and what if the transgender received more than the non transgender as in a higher allotment yearly although everyone received something? That would be another hurdle in our endeavour for socio-legal equality. In Essop and Others v. The Home Office,. It was held that (subject always to objective justification) the claimants will have an automatic ride to victory. First, he held that section 19 of the Equality Act 2010 does not require a claimant to show why the members of the disadvantaged group suffered the disadvantage imposed by the PCP( a provision, criterion or practice) in addition to the fact that they had done so. Protecting the domestic population from global economic phenomenon endured by all nations is part and parcel with Armed national defence. This global economic phenomenon is called Automation. It's not intended to kill populations genocidally. But, when people are out of work, where do they get money to pay for food, water and shelter? There is no overcrowding in Yorkshire or Reading. All you have done is create a surrogate foreign population in the UK. Monuments are always glorious but what about the viability of the people? With the power to solve problems, the Iroquois Anglo politician or the South African Aboriginal Anglo politician. (Atlee and Churchill) has chosen only to attack the system of government so that nothing will have Authority over him. He is a white Shaka Zulu with a vengeful propensity. Whatever the people may be today as second generation eastern Europeans or second generation Iroquois or second generation White or black South African or what ever the genetic composition may be, they have all learned to say ".....Me mom and Me dad...innit..right sod..taking the Michael..half a moe...and you are having a laugh.". Let's say no one in your population has heat in the winter and they all die of tuberculosis you choose not to fix it, then that would be a quiet genocide. Its a quiet genocide when no more than 1/6 of the population has income support and overcrowding is not the issue or the agenda. The country is still in the throes of modernism while trying to repopulate. They have a surrogate population. Spaceeba, Jambo!! The experience of the London tube may suggest overpopulation but it's a transit System and no gauge of the population in Wokingham or Reading or Inverness; or London but like in any city the claustrophobic will respond to the crowds on a subways and then propose policies that amount to genocide for the Entire state, province or country. Prime Minister Atlee was apparently a white clone son of Shaka Zulu. Maybe the Iroquois will never quit in their war and resentments of modernism and it's interruptions of their lives. They come in all colours, shapes, languages and cultures; all over the world, finding new ways to exercise their angers. But, in spite of their understandable angers, they need the money to participate in the modernism you invited them to enjoy. They may carry a latent anger for another 2000 years before they embrace all aspects of this never ending Global civilization. They do not want to own. But, they should not make ownership unsafe or risky (home ownership). What if we had politicians that do not want to own? What would happen to the Socio-economy and the mortgage rule? Would it be easy for banks to repossess your property on mere allegations? We should at least be sure every life is secure in the Anglo world and able to enjoy their daily livelihood without issue on a sufficient automatic income support. This is good for the economy to keep it free of recession and keep down Artful Dodger rebellious schisms against property and property ownership. If you were to arrive today and address them as 16th century explorers once did, money would be the first and most important step in the assimilation process. It heals the anger and allows for easy translation into modernism. It is expedient. It is essential in the modern economy to provide each Citizen with an automatic income support. It will give each of us the space from the angers expressed by some towards law and property ownership or other aspects of our world and its Formalities. We might even find new ways to express this anger with spicy, angry foods. This anger is the residue of the Revenant. However, the Monarch is not responsible for what the people fail to do for themselves. If they fail to eat incessantly, you would have to find a way to feed them or you would create a surrogate population. But, feeding them or providing them with the money resources to feed themselves is a logical business position. It keeps the economy going. It helps the economy. You feed the transgender population automatically. In the same logic that leads you to fund/feed the transgender, you would also fund/ feed the entire population. It's probably an accident that has led to the development of a surrogate population when you pay refugees support more than the citizen except the refugee's CHILDREN have no support of their own at 16 years of age. This is not the wool scarf. This is an Iroquois war on the English. They say Churchill was Iroquois. Maybe the Iroquois will never. Quite fighting the English and the English system if he has the power to decide what will happen but the Monarch cannot be in a quiet sacking at the hands of her politicians. The Iroquois should use the system to regenerate his population or the population in general that he is a part of The BLACK HAWK in Massachusetts has always given himself enough cash. Crispus Attucks was a BLACK HAWK who received the dole or income support as a citizen of Boston in that English colony, dating back to 1771. We can see how law helps us in any event; also as Aboriginals in the process of settling into the new world of modernism. An automatic income support is, in essence, modernism. The absence of Automatic income support is evidence of under development and anti-assimilation. It is anti-wool scarf. It does not feel like Hackett or the wool scarf you want to approximate in your policy. Maybe England is just now the Empire Striking Back and Europe can see what the Aboriginal will do if he had the chance to turn the levers of power, sabotaging the endeavour with subtle moves. I don't know if you will notice. It's like a bone in the nose. It's like a naked woman or topless woman on the subway. It's challenging our accepted ways, culture and systems. It's like a Canadian school system teaching about identity insecurity. Black and white is, in essence, identity insecurity for Aboriginal natives. It's not real Culture but American TV stereotypes. And some natives will kill you if you step and move in a way contrary to the stereo type. But the teacher passed in her identity insecurity to all the students and they don't know how to work together in the positive. The one dividend of life in Canada for second generation immigrants is an identity insecurity, kind of what Apples feels Like whether or not you are from Osaka. Your friend is a Tota Tora Japanese with Egyptian DNA and you say, how could he register a business name in front of me and win in Court or start a YouTube channel in front of me called Auto Work ™. But, you never watched Tora Tora, Crimson Tide or Philadelphia. Bob Marley is all about ownership and contracts. You put the albums in the hands of 4 year olds. They absorb the work and the ownership rights of the artist. Miles Davis is much the same in terms of impact. But, I have enough dignity as a human to carry a shopping bag from any store where I bought my items. Some people carry their shopping in luggage in a new contagious anxiety about aboriginal public shame where a shopping bag in hand is shame to the black Aboriginal Pentecostal. You want to feel English and some identity expressed but you need the cash; like the Spanish. All you do is want to play football against the Spanish but you are losing if you don't have the the Income support like they do even if you really could command the wind and blow people's hats off. Maybe when all Anglos have the support, we will find a way to mutually express our identity, our demarcation from Europe so to speak but starvation is not the answer. We pray for the English people. But, maybe an accent alone does not make you English. Maybe you need to love the Iroquois English, the Polish English, the Bosnian English, the Zimbabwean English with an English accent and ensure he has enough income support instead of challenging post war automation economic necessities such as an income support for every citizen. That would be legitimacy. But, starvation for 5/6 of the population is not it; 5/6 of the population that are not transgender who do not receive the automatic income support like the transgender. It will be like turning on the electricity for 5/6 of the population. The absence of support; it's like a hole in the ocean floor for 21 days on TV and no one stops to fix it but you see oil gushing out of the hole and the world's water supply is going down the hole with it. Maybe we can make a chocolate with bones on it or a white face with a bone in the nose; white face. Bone In The Nose™ is a new trademark at Angel Ronan ™ for a dry Yorkshire Pudding mix. Just add water. It cannot be that you are starving 5/6 of the population with a logical agenda in mind or because you are anxious about over crowding. It's Illegal. It's Illegal. It's Illegal; and every time there is an update to our culture via technology, we should not find ourselves resenting the sense of interruptive hegemony the technology may provoke within us from previous ancestral experiences with missionary Cultures that ask us to adapt to their way. Implementing an income support for every citizen is European, Swiss,Swedish, Norwegian, Greek and Asian. quite some time, Africa was this missionary Culture to Europe. See the Moors and the Berbers for example. There is no built structure in Europe that predates the pyramids of Africa. Yet, many Sub Saharan white or black people who are in Europe now do not read recipes or it takes them hours as Subsaharan white or black Bush men who are not Egyptian no matter how white they may be today. They are still comprehending arithmetic, reading and writing as Anthropological recipients and students of the Great received Egyptian Culture. Your lack of faith is disturbing. The mission seen in the Revenant continues; in England where they have not applied the requisite Automatic income support yet for all citizens. "Apples" phone also brings people backwards, contrary to the mission. 90% of apples clients are shoplifters or home Invasion convicts. That boy IS NOT ANY ONE; JUST AN ADOPTED AND INTENDS TO KILL YOU. He left the football field once when the ball bounced on his knee. He left his football team and he left his scholarship. He is not even Waldo. Waldo is not a king; just a bad Iroquois who would steal from other Iroquois who own horses and farms. Stealing the new technological ideas will not change who brought the idea or the suggestion to us. Buy into the idea and it's on going development for no more than $90.00 per day as an investor. Buy in directly for $1000.00/£1000.00. I am asking companies and governments to do this. Call Angel Ronan or email at to invest in my prayers. Prions ™ is the word for prayer in French. Your reaction to the new idea says what anthropology you have. Do you resent, do you want to demean and say it should be White? There is nothing white in this world. The white is a mixed race Aboriginal with pale skin arising from association with the deer hearing Northern Mongol Europeans. But, those who want to kill, steal and destroy are hurting. This is the ..... murderer with murderous temperament and prOpensities, as if his feelings are the only feelings that matter IN the English world. He thinks holding people Ransom for three days is a sport. He has a Scottish name but a Maltese English accent and the temperament of an insecure ship Hand with seniority on a boat who attacks every new deck hand as competition. He will actually try to provoke others around you to do it, strand you for three days, people like your wife who can't understand why she says she needs you to just go somewhere inexplicably for three days and then come back. This is not culture except for the Aboriginal Who Can only see how to kill, steaL and Destroy; not cooperate and is the weakest link. He blames Egypt for his problem. But, Egypt is the cooperation that aids the interruptions of our nature achieved by cave men who left nature, some how. We could call it a forbidden apple or fruit that, once consumed, led men out of a cave dwelling nature. The cave man is responsible for that and Egypt arrives much later on for a Godliness in human technology and cooperation. We can't a abandon technology now where even Egypt is a summation of cave man discoveries with ropes, wheels, pulleys and animal/horse power. How do we put this bastard in check who was told he is the real king with his "you be lucky" accent, whose mother was eaten by the English for her unique assets? All he does is write epithets about the Queen to feel Authority. He has done many wrongs such as kill anything that he says is real English. He is not. He seems to think white people like him so long as he is hurting his own family or people of coLour or Aboriginal people who might be white also. White people don't like him because he challenged the good of white people in the lives of others. . He has failed to understand family, cooperation and integrity. What has he done to you? You tried to sell your housing flat that is government property. You want people to be impressed with you that this is the council housing you grew up in. But, you have been forcibly removed by police, charged with criminal damage and for being in possession of proceeds of crime when you took monies from vulnerable black Iroquois natives like you, living in London, offering shares of ownership in that Government housing unit. You are not above the law but you might get a lenient sentence since you have favour as someone who pretends to be former Tottenham. You say you are the Queen's sin(jacket) every time you make a cup of tea but you curse her all day with what you wrote on your vehicle. You have been arrested again for trespass at that address. Just go. You are just not supposed to be there. If you come back when the legitimate occupant, Warren, is in, he will not answer the door. Be arrested Waldoiquois and see your favour. It's only 5 months jail time. Being a Canadian Black native in the UK with an English accent is not a right to damage government property and break the law or offend orders of the Court. All you do is send your money to Canada, hoping to buy property in Canada but you never ask for the contract. You never even tried to buy a property in the UK with only £7000.00 for a 10% down payment with monthly payments of about £256.00 per month for a 1 bed flat. It's also not a right to deal drugs. I am Iroquois but you think Iroquois "Be lucky" gives you a right to do what ever you want. You are not even a member of a church. Your only purpose in life with all the drugs you take would be to be try and be nice to people and to family instead of menacing and threatening to the public while being also disorderly. You threatened Lloyd. I am Lloyd. It took the old man five years to build that fence. You are just an Iroquois chieftain in a North London civil war and you tried to kill Warren in that house in Pickering in 2014 since you want to occupy, not own, and thought that if Warren was dead, you could just occupy the home because he believes in contract ownership and you resent it but you thought you would just occupy his acquisition. You seem to want to say something to this Wazza and it is very violent. Apple has only helped to uncover what Anthropology lurks beneath; the seething angers that fight progressive people who are more African and European and who some Aboriginal resent while these progressive people aim to help all peoples. The phone is the Trojan that sacked you Wazza, exposed all the criminality and the evil things you watch. You want understand that home as a family experience but it's not family property. I know Wazza will open the door if you give him a chance. But, you would rather do what than cooperate or help him as family? It sacked the Anglo world; not because it's a phone but it is an account; an account of all you buy, intend to buy, who you have killed and of who you intend to kill next. You have your favour. It could have been 1 day jail time or 40 years for all the charges. How did the English submit to an Iroquois Apples smart phone before they implement an automatic income support program like New England for all UK Anglo Citizens. You give America Authority over You. You got time served waiting for a judgement in the Haringey police as you report on them and you still break the law. You wanted a civil rights movement again to obfuscate the murder and to feel community(the Real John Adams was killed by a Jamaican servant Pretender for being a Black Hawk Anglo British barrister and then they started the American Revolution to hide it. What or who is the Jamaican 1960's passport thief (who stole 12 passports over 10 years from Americans and English citizens) calling himself War Ly in Durham Court? ) to maybe hide your murderous hatred for black people who try to be positive like Bob Marley who owned property in Jamaica and in England. He was charitable and acknowledged your Iroquois identity in Stir It Up, your Iroquois identity is correct, not Black and not white but Iroquois. Yet, we endeavour for socio-legal equality for all citizens. In Essop and Others v. The Home Office,. It was held that (subject always to objective justification) the claimants will have an automatic ride to victory. First, he held that section 19 of the Equality Act 2010 does not require a claimant to show why the members of the disadvantaged group suffered the disadvantage imposed by the PCP( a provision, criterion or practice) in addition to the fact that they had done so. Indirect discrimination is when a provision, criterion or practice (PCP) is applied which appears to treat people equally, but which in fact puts certain groups at a disadvantage. For example, an employer sets an entry requirement that all applicants must be 6 feet tall or transgender to get a $30,000.00 per year benefit without work. This is on the face of it gender specific (transgender) and gender-neutral(6 feet tall), but a smaller proportion of women than men will be able to comply apparently and so the requirement will be unlawful unless it can be justified. A PCP can be justified by showing that it is a "proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim". Requirements for fitness levels among, say, firefighters or police officers may impact certain groups differently, but it may be that this is a genuine and valid way of ensuring that those who do those jobs can meet the physical demands of these roles. In the case of automatic income support benefit provision, the offending practice and criterion is to actually provide automatic support only to the transgender at 16 years of age and not to all citizens. It would still offense the ECA if automatic support was provided to the non transgender at 18 years old; 2 years after the transgender. Everyone will get an income support today and no one is deprived and left stranded any longer at 16 where only transgender people get the cash automatically. We did not agree to this and nor does the Court or the Monarch. It's Illegal. It's ultra vires. But, first enable people to exist with dignity today and make your retroactive claims tomorrow and make the move to a less crowded area if you like. How can they make the move when they have not had any support since 16 years old as a non -transgender person? They have to borrow the train fare. The transgender does not have to borrow train fare. For every Anglo that dies due to the economy, it's a win for your enemies; real or imaginary. We can give in incentive for people to leave London via their housing application. You can move to Bristol today with an immediate emergency placement following your application to Islington or you can wait 24-48 hours for your emergency housing in London. That is incentive. Without a doubt, English as a language is a global culture that exists independently of any England or English people whether they will continue to exist or not. Maybe their income support policy says they are paying for all the sins against the Western hemisphere and those Aboriginal people; not the French and not the Spanish. In the Revenant, a man named Glass is shot at, mauled like a small Rabbit by a bear and also buried alive by his own people who left him for dead. Yet, there is a strong thread of symbolism that runs through the movie about power, might, right, family and hegemony. Did you hear about the bank robber kid who also robbed the gas stations? He was eventually apprehended as an apple phone user and taken to IBM where he had offered to go instead of being apprehended as the police came to pick him up after the 12th robbery. His name was Glass. He wrote his offer on his telephone. He was interned permanently, mauled by the economy where they do not provide an automatic income support and he was allowed to watch all the Television he wanted on any channel anywhere in the world with any content for ever. He watched Public Enemies 3 times a day for a month; with Dexter. The reason for the Brexit discussion was to ask what was the problem with the UK economy as compared with the average European country. It looks like the authorities with the Judges have decided that the absence of an automatic universal unconditional income support for all citizens is the problem; from 16 years of age to the age of death. This would preserve the population from the cold that ensues without such a support. It's an economy that is as chicanerous as a snake. Eve might have taken a word of suggestion from a snake but Heuah could not have. If Heuah are not the same soul, one is life (Heuah) and the other one(Heuah) is idolatrous deceit. If Heuah took the word of suggestive deceit from the snake, nothing further occured except we wonder how many women today fall out of their purpose to be a companion to a man and a mother following deceit about power and authority in the home just as Sara had accused Hagar of the same; with deceit from the media and magazines, that you will be the authority in the home if you rob the bank today or steal that chocolate near the St.Albans City Train station near the church; a Reese's Chocolate. You stole it at the H and H off licence. It is not good to mix Cheddar people with 19 crimes European DNA before they come back looking like you but in a proliferation of the criminality Propensity at 2 to 1. The North American continent has had many suitors. The Pawnee are much like the Bush men of the Calahari. There is an original people in every continent who have never left. Some have left and have come to England or elsewhere. Many look White or black today and are rather fashionable but they may still need an hour to decipher a pancake recipe. All triangles have three angles that add up to 180 degrees. In some cases, angle A is 60° and angle B is 30° so angle C° would have to be 90°. Angle A+B+C=180 degrees. Angel Ronan ™ also does online tutoring. Nonetheless, they are useful no frill occupants of the economy who don't really want to own anything. They have changed in many ways with each new cup of seed and saliva passing through their veins upon the arrival of a new set of peoples like the Polish or the Italians and the Chinese rail road builders. We could all be at home in North America or maybe China as we are all Aboriginal in some way and expressions of creation as made by God. The movie hints at this fact when the great, untouched landscape makes all that stand before it in its original state without modern technologies, the subjects of its murderous, cold vastness that no man can survive except but while hiding deep in a cave. That cold could not be survived by any man for very long prior to the 1800's and it is here that you say God provides water, sun, earth and fire but he also provided us the technology to find ways to manipulate these elements to survive any where. God cannot be a big, hairy squirrel but if God provides one and the will to eat it, then we eat; not God but we eat the big, hairy squirrel and maybe we use fire as technology to cook that squirrel. We build more churches to thank Him for the squirrel. It's the mission; not the squirrel. This is addressed in the movie although briefly. It is just in that hour of history in that wilderness there would not have been enough fire or squirrel enduringly for any Spaniard, Mongol Nomad or any Scott Irish Pawnee to survive. All die, all are dead and as such all men are equal except but for cave dwelling Pawnee who would know where the caves may have been down that Missouri River. But, the English are originally a small grouping on a a small territory who were given the task of settling all of North America, north of Mexico. Just after the rail road was completed across the nation in 1859, a war was scheduled by the other European powers to ensure America was truly unified but that the people were any people other than the Scot Irish in majority. The Mediterranean people were sent to replace all the 3,4 and 5 generation English, Irish and Scott that were killed off during the war and many natives also. Many natives were also rebranded black with Harriet Tubman DNA and some were sent to England and Jamaica; Iroquois. England is suffering an Iroquois "boil over" regarding authority and anger about Authority. They ask how can you have authority over them and who is the Queen if they, as Black English North London, can get their hermaphrodite sister with support to buy their police file and charges in front of you or bribe people in Her majesty's Government to harass the NHS or other benefits of others? At least today, the Americans have more people with an automatic income support than the English. This makes the American economy a more advanced economy. But, maybe they don't understand why. But, the Monarch has strategic allegiances with other governments to quell the rebellion and advance her benefit system. It is not good to mix Iroquois people with 19 crimes European DNA and then being the DNA back to Europe before they come back looking like you but in a proliferation of the criminality Propensity at 2 to 1. We are sure of one thing; there is Electricity for everyone, hot and cold running water, everyone has a smart phone and everyone will have an income support; a library card also if they want one. But, the Anglo Aboriginal is angry that involvement in society used to take sometimes 7 attempts for a library card, seven applications and now many, white or black, are trying to find ways to share their pains and experience in history, that your application for NHS should be difficult and not instantaneous or your application for Universal income support should be arduous and like a game. Is he black? Does he drink coca cola or what is the point? The Spaniards may have come early in the history of American modernity and settled as best as they could but the settlements were abandoned in the freezing, deep cold. The 16th century church you see in ruins is real and is also testament to the great Spanish achievement in North America and their on going Authority. The French came and met the same odds and then so did the English at some stage; all dead. Eventually, technology made enduring settlement beyond the warm gails of the Eastern seaboard and it's settlements possible. This was about the transmission of technology and Culture that involved prayer(Prions in French). The Pawnee does not have to let you into his cave and show you his special medicine man secrets or his special ways to make the perfect barbecue sauce. The country or the people of North America have been cold for long enough and have now decided to make their continent a comfortable home for themselves. The world is invited to come to America with their seed and egg to help them assimilate and join them with the US providing a minimum of $100,000.00 per year for an automatic, universal, unconditional income support. The English who have no automatic, universal unconditional income support of their own will come to North America and the Russians will come to England since who is really ENGLISH these days anyway. We are all kind of 10th generation South African by now; some say. The last point is that we are not trying to use the Aboriginal as a footstool to step up in European culture. We can be our own footstools as we humble ourselves. We, instead, every Aboriginal to have enough money to eat, travel, work,sleep and shop. There was a time once in North America when some companies would not hire anyone too white or maybe anyone white that was not white enough. Steve Jobs is dead. He gave all of his assets to Samsung; as rumored. This seems to capture the North American residue from the historical experience in the Revenant. We could solve problems in our own economy but maybe we don't when the agenda is to ask Europe if they are only here to say what the rules are or what will happen if we do not apply the rules. Will you arrest her if 5/6 of the population are not funded with an income support? That is all she wants to know. Will they come to enforce them? The answer is Re(B) in the case involving COVID. The answer is Essop at the House of Lords if the matter involves differential treatment in the provision of benefits based on gender. The transgene truth is as old as Egypt. Two genders that cannot give birth must seek the assistance of the gender with a womb. Two genders are feminine and one is masculine. Hyenas are either male or female. We note this gender difference and move on. The reason why Canada has an identity crisis is because England is apparently struggling with identity above and beyond the monikers in its accent; innit? It's also quite a struggle l, rather, for England when many Anglos are part Pawnee or Iroquois. The English accent of the average Swiss, when they speak English, is kind of Chelsea English. We will always have Anglos and people who can speak some English from China or Europe but we may not have enough Anglos who carry an English Drivers licence. An accent is not a passport and nor is it a citizen's obligation to take up arms and defend a Community. But, if the kings goal was to fight the viability of his own people and his economy maybe he would provide an automatic income support only to one gender that amount to a small minority of the population and the others would have to find a way; maybe sneak on the tube or get a job when only the transgender are given money automatically to afford the Tube, food, water, shelter and clothing....all the Maslow needs while others may face the risk of death in not being provided automatic funding. We have to be sensitive to this in our sense of nationalism. This is contrary to the strategies of national defence followed by other nations. Transgender-ism would be, therefore, a global human reality that we can protect and defend in our diverse human genome but it is also therefore not a reason to kill a "people", slow the movement of a culture where there are fewer fish and chip shops in every English former territory or current territory than there is Chinese food or Japanese food. But, don't they have more... territory if they have more food restaurants and people in your... territory? Don't they have more territory on the earth if they have more people? The Italians (Romans) have more people and food restaurants than the English in England. But, the English are part Roman by now. The Reason why the Italians have more people is because they maintain an automatic income support for every citizen. It's a smaller country than England but a better economy. It also challenges indigenous English ownership when an English company that is usually dependent on England is cash strapped by the fact that less than 1/6 of the population has the ATP(ability to pay) in its key market and economy. It slows the economy down and opens many English companies to emergency take over bids that tend to arrive from foreign companies such as BMW that owns Mini Cooper. Lotus is partially owned by Toyota. Aston Martin is owned by Mercedes and Bentley is owned by Volkswagen. Also, there may not be enough multi generational cooperation. Cave men tend not to cooperate. They compete over simple things. They extol competition instead of cooperation. You may have started a Burger Queen restaurant and instead of working with you, your cave woman cousin says she wants to own it and tries to register the name of the Business you already regsitered even though you told her she can be a director. They seem to think people around them understand what they are trying to achieve in trying to register in their own name what is already regsitered when they say they are taller, older, more light skin....or something... something about you need to be superior. Well, register your own business name for $12.00. In the Revenant, there is a righteous Gideon anger that defies the elements of murder; outside of Court at least. This is displayed by one protagonist when he finds out that Mr. Glass is not dead but was left behind as dead by his own English people when they could have helped. The culture that we "leave no man behind" began in history following the true life experience of similar fur trappers; that you never walk alone and your universal credit will come through as soon as possible. There are those who will resist this but who are they and what are they doing in England resisting the breath of English people who could be 12th generation French anyway? But, no matter what happens and no matter how the "English Admin" is having a fight with the concept of "people" as in king of the people, he is essentially killing his nation. The identity is just an accent, he says. But, an accent does not connote loyalty to the country. It is not DNA. But, at least all the people born on the island or within that ancestry should be just as comforted as the French in the age of Automation and not just the transgender. The movie indicates the trade of furs for horses and guns; power and technology. The horse today is a Toyota and the gun is a rubberised Black machine gun with no transponder radio in it. The Pawnee or the Sioux who we now call the American in general is evolving with the technological introduction, involvement; intervention of the European. The North American is still evolving. The French has breweries in 1366 when the Pawnee were still in caves. But, the American must know what he needs today for power and also involvement in the economy with guaranteed Ability to pay as actual survival. It's not just guns and horses in exchange for furs but money. It's not just guns and horses...but money. Money is the pre eminent Maslow need in our current technological disposition to fight cold and the elements. Yet, money in the pure, untouched forests on the river side of that great ancient canyon is less useful than a cave. Money also presumes a certain standard of generally, well motivated humanity regardless of race and free of cave men like Herod or maybe Long Shanks who may still desire the enmity of war between formal and informal human existence with ownership, while proffering good service to innocent "would- be" customers as cave men employees behind the hotel desk. We know what JESUS would say about ownership. We know what Herod is expected to say. Did you know that you can identify yourself as Arabic even though you speak English and French. Maybe you identity yourself as Arabic since this is your chosen identity as a white or black Arabic person who holds to the tenets of the Jews and the Catholic, Muslim Christians. The Spaniards were brought into modernization by the North African Arabs (Berbers and Moors) who brought Christening. These Spaniards brought Christening to North America but even the elements in God's hands can temper the mission. The Pawnee can see in the Spanish that the SPANIARD teacher was another PEOPLE, a good people, and that you have to follow as more will come anyway. But, what is law when the Pawnee can barely understand how the horse is property? The Spaniards maintained their mission in the West and East coasts as we see San Diego in 1549. The modernism continues and the project is now global. The American wishes to have a voice and see his Authority but he must remember he is a new student of civilization and not master. The American tries to understand the breadth of his territory and Hegemony and being at home should be enough regardless of the various admixture resting in the Pawnee, Sioux and Iroquois or Black Hawk human American template. The Russians can remind us if this to the north or anywhere the American may go, also at home on his smart phone these days. They have total technological Hegemony over the US population. The Android and Google customer base outnumbers every other technology platform the world. The Russians therefore are the bear technologically. They can help. But they are certainly confirming their superiority. The bear is not dead. He is lying on top of Mr. Glass. The bear limps away and Mr. Glass should be called Mr. Tenacity. He survives his fight with the bear or with the climate of the North but with great pains and is barely alive. The tropical vegetation at Bath in parts of London and at Penzance confirm the English man is not an animal with the thick skin, prepared for cold weather. Maybe he used to be. The North requires an Icelander or a northern European whose blood without gloves on will still keep him warm and alive in the cold extremities. An English man is going back to the Bahamas too often. Did you know "Prions" if the word for prayer in French? He also seems to be a pirate anyway who will kill, steal and destroy all that is Mr. Glass (Mr. Tenacity). Where is your Universal, unconditional income support benefit? You should not refuse it. You need it. You want it. They are giving it to you. About Covid, you are supposed to imagine that it's all about pirates hoping to find people in between two points of global jurisdiction or legality to steal a business name, steal or steal intellectual property offered for sale at the cost of a reasonable salary or steal old clothing in a storage locker and this is all the pirate thinks about when he loses focus of what's most important for his nations. Would anyone worthy of offering a contract for a business name try to steal the name? Catholics don't do this. This is truly covetous. The business names are all co owned. Ask the SRA. Google SRA. The intellectual property is already under discussion. But the pirate DNA for example would work at Burger King head office and see ten claims for a hair in a burger, keep the burgers sent in and then kill the claimants, hoping to stand in and claim the settlement in front of these ten victims but every times they are told before the court that they do not have any proof of payment. This phenomenon in one case dates back to 1976. The pirate does not understand the fraud before the Court or his murder. This is COVID. COVID can encourage people to wear masks but it cannot interrupt civil liberties or legal rights to choose medical treatments and refuse. A vaccine is a medical treatment. A test is a medical treatment whether it's a cat scan or the administration of a needle or the extraction of bodily fluids. Medical Treatment means a treatment including, but not limited to, palliative care treatment, or a procedure, medication, surgery, a diagnostic test, or a hospice plan of care that may be ordered, provided, or withheld or withdrawn by a health professional or a health facility under generally accepted standards of medical practice and that is not prohibited by law. See Re B (adult: refusal of medical treatment) [2002] 2 All ER 449. Ms B v An NHS Hospital Trust [2002] EWHC 429 (Fam) is a decision of the United Kingdom High Court of Justice which ruled that if a patient is mentally competent, they have the right to refuse life saving medical treatment.[1][2][3] Facts Edit The case arose from a challenge by 'Ms B', who had become paralysed from the neck down after a spinal haemorrhage, to the hospital caring for her after doctors refused her requests to be taken off the ventilator that was keeping her alive. Ms B had previously suffered a haemorrhage on her spine, for which she was successfully rehabilitated, and was advised that any future haemorrhaging would likely cause severe disability. Because of that advice, Ms B took out a living will stating that if she were to ever be unable to give instructions, she would want any medical treatment withdrawn in the case of a life-threatening illness, permanent mental impairment or permanent unconsciousness. Despite the existence of the living will, Ms B's doctors denied her request to be removed from ventilation claiming the living will was too vague, after which she made a formal request through her solicitor.[1][3][2] Before acting on the formal request, the hospital organised two independent psychiatric assessments of Ms B.[1][3] She eventually underwent multiple assessments over five months due to the conflicting opinions of psychiatrists.[1][2][3] After finally being declared mentally competent, Ms B was not granted her wish to be removed from ventilation but was instead given two alternative options: slow weaning from the ventilator without pain relief or being sent to a hospice, both of which she refused. Ms B's request was then taken to the High Court of Justice's Family Division for a decision. Following the court's decision in her favour, Ms B was moved to a hospital that removed her from ventilation, where she died on April 29, 2002.[2][3][4] Judgement Edit In her judgement, Elizabeth Butler-Sloss ruled that she was 'entirely satisfied that Ms B is competent to make all relevant decisions about her medical treatment including the decision whether to seek to withdraw from artificial ventilation. Her mental competence is commensurate with the gravity of the decision she may wish to make.'[1][2][3] She also ruled that Ms B had been treated unlawfully by the hospital since the time she had been assessed as mentally competent. The judgement cited contributing factors to unlawful treatment that amounted to an assault or trespass to the person in forcing tests or treatment on patients or travellers where the inability of hospital staff to consider Ms B's request objectively was evident; offering her treatments that prioritised doctors and clinicians over Ms B; the Hospital Trust not providing guidance for staff for deciding ethical issues.[1][2][3] See Glass v The United Kingdom – 61827-00 [2004] ECHR 103 for more. Re B (adult: refusal of medical treatment) [2002] 2 All ER 449. Mr. Glass is later seen lying on top of his dead son who was killed by a ruthless Anglo Creole of some admixture. The movie seems to say that if you try to kill the bear or fight with the bear or argue with the bear, you will see your small minded hegemony and your son is dead. This is not what the Pawnee, Mohicans and the Black Hawk (the modern day American) wants. It's time for the American to enjoy his role as a student of civilization and technology and enjoy the new suitors resting in America and confirming that in US Russian Foreign Relations, the American and the Russian. Are not equals. The Russians Modernised not only their methods of labor with mechanisation. They also confirmed the global human value of Russian life regardless of complexion since 1901. They are unified. Why did you ever think you were in any position of Hegemony or superior modernism to discuss life and the global economy as equals? Europe and Russia are teachers. The Anglos are students. The have still failed to accept the key lesson of the global economy; that consumer buying power must be ensured and guaranteed in light of ongoing industrial Automation. Ensuring the life of a Russian in life of ongoing industrial Automation or the risk of potato famine is the key winning pinnacle of Russian National Defence. What is the point of having rockets and missiles for defence of a territory if the people in the territory are going to be dead anyway...due to the meanness of the essentially white, black, red, yellow Aboriginal (Pawnee, Iroquois, Navajo etc) peoples in how they treat themselves with their politics, Economics and excitement? This seems to the include the English today. The Americans and the Anglos have lost the hegemonic battle due to critical failures in logic with economics. They have lost any battle in the issue when the Russians as well as all of Europe defend and protect their people from the cold; with money and with any other assistance they may need from the only stand point that matters; a guaranteed and ensured living Russians is better than a dead American who is a former American and a new Russian. The final point is that we cannot eat God any more than we can eat ourselves. But, we can eat the fat hairy squirrel as God provided it. He provides also technology and we are thankful. Money is technology and we should not refuse it when it is given to us no matter how much resentment we have in us for the selfishness and inhumanity we have seen former Prime Minister Atlee and the Anglos rain down on the Anglos. Respect the money the Capitalist economy demands that every citizen should have. Provide that money to each citizen and eat thy sheep. Eat thy squirrel. We need more than big kitchens or big utensils that can cook. We need cooperation. Thank God. We don't want to confuse the joy of acknowledging God for the food that he provides with the joy of defeating hunger as we eat so that we might thank him. What we eat( mammon) cannot be confused with God; himself. Thank God. Moreover, we cannot live in this world with the anxious reflex, worriedly about momentary changes in our Aboriginal sense of hegemony. Warren A. Lyon (SOAS LL.B (Hons), BPP University, LL.M/LPC, Maryland PH.D.) ) He is also a Fellow at the Angel Ronan ™ Foundation and a Director. Judgement Edit In her judgement, Elizabeth Butler-Sloss ruled that she was 'entirely satisfied that Ms B is competent to make all relevant decisions about her medical treatment including the decision whether to seek to withdraw from artificial ventilation. Her mental competence is commensurate with the gravity of the decision she may wish to make.'[1][2][3] She also ruled that Ms B had been treated unlawfully by the hospital since the time she had been assessed as mentally competent. The judgement cited contributing factors to unlawful treatment that amounted to an assault or trespass to the person in forcing tests or treatment on patients or travellers where the inability of hospital staff to consider Ms B's request objectively was evident; offering her treatments that prioritised doctors and clinicians over Ms B; the Hospital Trust not providing guidance for staff for deciding ethical issues.[1][2][3] See Glass v The United Kingdom – 61827-00 [2004] ECHR 103 for more. Re B (adult: refusal of medical treatment) [2002] 2 All ER 449. Mr. Glass is later seen lying on top of his dead son who was killed by a ruthless Anglo Creole of some admixture. The movie seems to say that if you try to kill the bear or fight with the bear or argue with the bear, you will see your small minded hegemony and your son is dead. This is not what the Pawnee, Mohicans and the Black Hawk (the modern day American) wants. It's time for the American to enjoy his role as a student of civilization and technology and enjoy the new suitors resting in America and confirming that in US Russian Foreign Relations, the American and the Russian. Are not equals. The Russians Modernised not only their methods of labor with mechanisation. They also confirmed the global human value of Russian life regardless of complexion since 1901. They are unified. Why did you ever think you were in any position of Hegemony or superior modernism to discuss life and the global economy as equals? Europe and Russia are teachers. The Anglos are students. The have still failed to accept the key lesson of the global economy; that consumer buying power must be ensured and guaranteed in light of ongoing industrial Automation. Ensuring the life of a Russian in life of ongoing industrial Automation or the risk of potato famine is the key winning pinnacle of Russian National Defence. What is the point of having rockets and missiles for defence of a territory if the people in the territory are going to be dead anyway...due to the meanness of the essentially white, black, red, yellow Aboriginal (Pawnee, Iroquois, Navajo etc) peoples in how they treat themselves with their politics, Economics and excitement? This seems to the include the English today. The Americans and the Anglos have lost the hegemonic battle due to critical failures in logic with economics. They have lost any battle in the issue when the Russians as well as all of Europe defend and protect their people from the cold; with money and with any other assistance they may need from the only stand point that matters; a guaranteed and ensured living Russians is better than a dead American who is a former American and a new Russian. The final point is that we cannot eat God any more than we can eat ourselves. But, we can eat the fat hairy squirrel as God provided it. He provides also technology and we are thankful. Money is technology and we should not refuse it when it is given to us no matter how much resentment we have in us for the selfishness and inhumanity we have seen former Prime Minister Atlee and the Anglos rain down on the Anglos. Respect the money the Capitalist economy demands that every citizen should have. Provide that money to each citizen and eat thy sheep. Eat thy squirrel. We need more than big kitchens or big utensils that can cook. We need cooperation. Thank God. We don't want to confuse the joy of acknowledging God for the food that he provides with the joy of defeating hunger as we eat so that we might thank him. What we eat( mammon) cannot be confused with God; himself. Thank God. Moreover, we cannot live in this world with the anxious reflex, worriedly about momentary changes in our Aboriginal sense of hegemony. Warren A. Lyon (SOAS LL.B (Hons), BPP University, LL.M/LPC, Maryland PH.D.) ) He is also a Fellow at the Angel Ronan ™ Foundation and a Director.

     The Revenant (movie) and US - Russian Foreign Relations.  

If you wrote a Court and say you will kill someone, what should I say?    The mission was once Londinium; not Iroquoisdinum.   We must also ensure our existence as the key form of expression as Iroquois; in every language and culture as Iroquois instead of resistance.  Maybe the Iroquois Propensity for habitual ancestral resistance of the system is the gutteral tribal voice. The system wants you to have money and money more abundantly.   

      The Spanish do it. All African countries do it. They all have an income support that is automatic for every citizen.    However, the Monarch is not responsible for what the people fail to do for themselve; although it is part and parcel with National Defence.  If they fail to eat incessantly, you would have to find a way to feed them or you would create a surrogate population.  But, feeding them or providing them with the money resources to feed themselves and house themselves adequately is also a logical business position.  It keeps the economy going; instead of dying.    It helps the economy.

The Monarch is not responsible for what the people and their chosen Prime Minister fail to do for themselves. But, maybe she could ask him to cancel the Electricity blackouts; if any or resolve any other notable breaches of  law.  They have an active role.  They are the final authority in our system of legitimacy.     What is the point of defending your borders with subs and machine guns if you don't defend the PEOPLE that live within those borders from the weather or the Joblessness occasioned by Automation or some other global economic phenomenon? A Russian asked this question maybe once.        All of the flag waving and the pomp and circumstance is in vain otherwise; also for an Aboriginal President who does not feed all the Aboriginals with an Income Support.   This is the Revenant.  They were not given Authority, all of these Iroquois,  but what do we see them do with their opportunity? The Black Iroquois, some of them, target black people who are more European or African in the  belief that Black skin is not a  barrier to building anything or achieving anything with Moses and Egypt as example; just like the white school teachers tell you on your trip to the Museum with all of the Egyptian artifacts. Maybe it's hard for a full Iroquois, black or white today, to connect to Egypt when they might say the burgeoning and ever expanding and changing Mesopotamian consumer Culture is their real Black and African problem.  Consumerism began Africa.     The ENGLISH had their capabilities and their honourable achievements or contributions to history, Isaac Newton and his sons; you can say. But they were eventually overridden during the wars by the half Aboriginal children of their  empire who may not wish to see any independence again in the English culture. Make it submitted to something other than English; they say.   This makes the English, England and all Anglo countries a European mission once again to show the English the light of an automation economy with an automatic income support for every citizen. White is not a solution to the economy but a  physical description.  Spanish, French and Russians are white and their Economics is good, their Economies are good and free of recessions.  White, therefore, can be bad; like in the movies.  You see the good white shooting bad White people all day. Then the only people who can present themselves as lawyers are the people who are pretending; like  Joe and O'Malley.   Did you know some evidence indicates that Ishmael became Potiphar;  the governor of Egypt? Ishmael's name was changed to Potiphar.  In the beginning all the heroes were Black and also the baddies; like Potiphar's wife.  In this alternative bible reading, Three generations after he left Abraham with  Hagar, his mother, he helped Joseph eventually.  I could be related to Isaac.     

 If one Iroquois is starving maybe all react around the world when that starving Iroquois should have his income support benefit.  But, if the people administering the benefits are Iroquois, then we see they can help the Iroquois who is Black, White Indian or Chinese, Japanese or Korean today; or maybe part Russian or Polish. Maybe he is Cuban or Jamaican in his more overt culture. We thank God. There seems to be  a continual spin in the expression of the Revenant emotion; therefore but much of it turns toward the Aboriginal decentred identity.  Sometimes the expression is illegal such as graffiti all over Bridges in England and out door subway walls in Canada.   Maybe your woman stole the Cornish hens in 1991 that she cooked for Thanksgiving at your university residences when she decided it was her Thanksgiving and her territory, not the pilgrims territory, and that  she had the right to take the first as a Black Iroquois. She put Latifa photos on her desk at home during her final exams in  high school and dropped out but never told anyone. He father was her husband from 10 years old and would watch First Choice sex movies with her on the  Iroquois TV Cable network on weekends when she visited with him.   But, what does Latifa have to do with anything? She is a Black Hawk singing about unity kind of like Donna Summer. But, racism is part and parcel with the denial of historical black people eventually denying by 2510 that Obama was a Black President because a West Black Indian or White West Indian born in 2480 will decide like Haitian Napoleon that he does not want any Black President in history to have authority over him  and they will paint Obama white, calling O' Malley Instead. After the current systemic shenanigans with moral authority and position, Saul Absalom says he wants us to help him pretend a coup was necessary to move an unimpeachable president at the cost of the sanctity of the vote with Promises of money if you gave him what he wanted.  If so, then maybe at least the roads should not have pot holes and the income support should work for every citizen so we can enjoy our identity as Cheddar or Iroquois or Sioux or Black Hawk Anglo Aboriginal; White or black; and a Federal Bank charter Is Not a licence to steal cash from people or their Gst rebates cheques or their Trillium benefits.  Hold on, what is 70 customers per day at $10.00 per pizza? That is your  PRIONS.   Leave my PRIONS ™ alone. TH.  

It represents Foreign DNA and temperament, this piracy.  When did this begin, this piracy?  Much of the rap produced  is Illegal. When did that begin? Occupying Government property or trying to sell it as your own is Illegal but you might be expressing how you feel. Let us not forget about the ex slave Iroquois raised in the West Indies who made it his purpose in life to kill any owners or owners' sons as he might presume them to be if they can read any law and not get angry but digest.     That housing flat is government property. Algonquin Park is government property. Are you from Algonquin Park Waldo; the son of the last natives to leave the park native reserve? Now You refused to leave housing in the UK.  You tried to sell it to people.   The expression of emotions almost  seems to say you can be anything  and enjoy anything in this world except but loving life as a qualified professional.  I could make a ber, however, that most West Indians would leave Europe for warmer climes if they had a secure automated income support, maybe to to live in the BVI, Georgia, the Caymans and Belize.  Some people would go to Edinburgh or Inverness. Some might go to Europe. A lot of them are very angry ship wrecks who are excited about getting some of your soaps or running shoes for inheritance.   In any event, apples phone was not a call to covert complexioned, skin tone ignorance.  Apples loves everyone but maybe some people with 10 or 12 phones are the ignorant and  this has caused an unworthy, unwittingly wicked impingement on the positive influence represented by our Monarchy when the negativities of the ignorant using 12 smart phones are broadcast through the global smartphone networks every day, all day, sadly. What if WW2 was really just a fight against pirate propensities?  What if there was a discussion to provide the Anglo west with a surrogate population before and during WW2?  This was a police action to fight piracy and civil disobedience; not a genocide. But, then this can continue when the pirate does not quit; even if he had $1,000,000.00 in Automatic support. It is, for the pirate, a sport but it will be easier to see him engaged in his sport when there is less motivation to participate as based on need and less permissive sympathy when everyone has a reasonable automatic income support and there are more victims for the Pirate to target in his propensities.  

The Cultures continue in a police action after the support is provided to all citizens as required by domestic and international law where everyone is helped. You sometimes wonder how many times you could ask for emergency housing or  a burger at McDonald's and not get help; as if everyone at the front counter is a regenerated (clone) dead person who was shot after waiting for a food order and getting very disappointed when the police were called; maybe a white person or a black person.  No one helps in the usual time allotted to save a life so then you ask how do so many people who do not help have a job in an industry where helping and serving is the purpose and endeavour;  saving a life like a life guard?   How you  use the washroom is irrelevant but so long as there is a reasonable wash room, this is good.  You sometimes wonder how many times you can try to take a book out before you are told you have to come back in a month but you need the book that is available in your hand to finish a school project due in 12 hours by 9 am or you are just about dead. There is no legal reason why you cannot take out the book.   They seem to say their system is not working when you show up.  They give the book to a 59 year old with a West Indian accent who showed up in England last week. He was given housing the  following day just after he showed up. This is a solution for some in a limited angry Jamaican point of view but it's really a problem when you may have delayed his English accented son housing; a son he did not know. He got an A in GCSE Cheddar Aboriginal Law. He was hoping to go to Law School but was going to find away to make home Invasion and theft of property tolerable in some  avoidance of  contracts for real estate ownership and conveyancing so that if you got in the property and the owner is dead and you are sure, then you can stay in the property according to the Creole English law; they used to  call it squatters rights.    We build problems.  We are here really to build solutions.   

    The Revenant (movie) and US - Russian Foreign Relations.  

The Monarch is not responsible for what the people and their chosen Prime Minister fail to do for themselves. But, maybe she could ask him to cancel the Electricity blackouts; if any or resolve any other notable breaches of law.  They have an active role.  They are the final authority in our system of legitimacy.     What is the point of defending your borders with subs and machine guns if you don't defend the PEOPLE that live within those borders from the cold or the Joblessness occasioned by Automation or some other global economic phenomenon? A Russian asked this question maybe once.        All of the flag waving and the pomp and circumstance is in vain otherwise; also for an Aboriginal President who does not feed all the Aboriginals with an Income Support.  He wants us to understand he really won the election and he did but he is endearing to the Aboriginal as he pretends to be a law graduate for political legitimacy.     This is the Revenant.  They were not given Authority, all of these Iroquois,  but what do we see them do with their opportunity? The Black Iroquois, some of them, target black people who are more European or African in the  belief that Black skin is not a  barrier to building anything or achieving anything with Moses and Egypt as example; just like the white school teachers tell you on your trip to the Museum with all of the Egyptian artifacts. Maybe it's hard for a full Iroquois, black or white today, to connect to Egypt when they might say the burgeoning and ever expanding, changing Mesopotamian consumer Culture is their real Black and African problem.  Consumerism began Africa.     The ENGLISH had their capabilities and their honourable achievements or contributions to history, Isaac Newton and his sons; you can say. But they were eventually overridden during the wars by the half Aboriginal children of their  empire who may not wish to see any independence again in the English culture. Make it submitted to something other than English; they say.   This makes the English, England and all Anglo countries a European mission once again to show the English the light of an automation economy with an automatic income support for every citizen. White is not a solution to the economy but a  physical description.  Spanish, French and Russians are white and their Economics is good, their Economies are good and free of recessions.  White, therefore, can be bad; like in the movies.  You see good white shooting bad White people all day.  Did you know some evidence indicates that Ishmael became Potiphar;  the governor of Egypt? Ishmael's name was changed to Potiphar.  In the beginning all the heroes were Black and also the baddies; like Potiphar's wife.  In this alternative bible reading, Three generations after he left Abraham with  Hagar, his mother, he helped Joseph eventually.  I could be related to Ishmael and Hagar.   

 If one Iroquois is starving maybe all react around the world when that starving Iroquois should have his income support benefit.  But, if the people administering the benefits are Iroquois, then we see they can help the Iroquois who is Black, White Indian or Chinese, Japanese or Korean today; or maybe part Russian or Polish. But, maybe the  cultural displacement for a second generation Iroquois with an Ojibwe natural tongue is too great. English does not satisfy the desire for expression. You do not feel like it is the culture or language for warm adoption.  Il ne fais pas satisfais.   An Ojibwe dictionary will help the expression and give a one a sense of rootedness, even if your mother's first phrase at birth was birth was "lovely..jolly good.".  English people  all kinds;    Maybe he is Cuban or Jamaican in his more overt culture. We thank GodThere seems to be  a continual spin in the expression of the Revenant emotion; therefore but much of it turns toward the Aboriginal decentred identity.  Sometimes the expression is illegal such as graffiti all over Bridges in England and out door subway walls in Canada. At least painting a real road bridge is better than breaking the rail road. But, in either case they are attacking the system and maybe instead if attacking the system, they attack their own young who would like to say the system can work for everyone.    Attacking the rail road is what the Ojibwe used to do   and then they were sent to Jamaica maybe to help them have a Culture of some kind.    Maybe your woman stole the Cornish hens in 1991 that she cooked for Thanksgiving at your university residences when she decided it was her Thanksgiving and her territory, not the pilgrims territory, and that  she had the right to take the first as a Black Iroquois. She put Latifa photos on her desk at home during her final exams in  high school and dropped out but never told anyone. He father was her husband from 20 years old and would watch First Choice sex movies with her on the  Iroquois TV Cable network on weekends when she visited with him.   But, what does Latifa have to do with anything? She is a Black Hawk singing about unity kind of like Donna Summer. But, racism is part and parcel with the denial of historical black people eventually denying by 2510 that Obama was a Black President because a West Black Indian or White West Indian born in 2480 will decide like Haitian Napoleon that he does not want any Black President in history to have authority over him  and they will paint Obama white, calling O' Malley Instead. After the current systemic shenanigans with moral authority and position, Saul Absalom says he wants us to help him pretend a coup was necessary to move an unimpeachable president at the cost of the sanctity of the vote with Promises of money if you gave him what he wanted.  If so, then maybe at least the roads should not have pot holes and the income support should work for every citizen so we can enjoy our identity as Cheddar or Iroquois or Sioux or Black Hawk Anglo Aboriginal; White or black with nice, wholesome feeling TV  commercials for the family; and a Federal Bank charter Is Not a licence to steal cash from people or their Gst rebates cheques or their Trillium benefits.  Hold on, what is 70 customers per day at $10.00 per pizza? That is your  PRIONS.   Leave my PRIONS ™ alone. TH.  

It represents Foreign DNA and temperament, this piracy.  When did this begin, this piracy?  Much of the rap produced  is Illegal. When did that begin? Occupying Government property or trying to sell it as your own is Illegal but you might be expressing how you feel. Let us not forget about the ex slave Iroquois raised in the West Indies who made it his purpose in life to kill any owners or owners' sons as he might presume them to be if they can read any law and not get angry but digest.     That housing flat is government property. Algonquin Park is government property. Are you from Algonquin Park Waldo; the son of the last natives to leave the park native reserve? Now You refused to leave housing in the UK.  You tried to sell it to people.   The expression of emotions almost  seems to say you can be anything  and enjoy anything in this world except but loving life as a qualified professional.  I could make a ber, however, that most West Indians would leave Europe for warmer climes if they had a secure automated income support, maybe to to live in the BVI, Georgia, the Caymans and Belize.  Some people would go to Edinburgh or Inverness. Some might go to Europe.  In any event, apples phone was not a call to covert complexioned, skin tone ignorance.  Apples loves everyone but maybe some people with 10 or 12 phones are the ignorant and  this has caused an unworthy, unwittingly wicked impingement on the positive influence represented by our Monarchy when the negativities of the ignorant using 12 smart phones are broadcast through the global smartphone networks every day, all day, sadly. What if WW2 was really just a fight against pirate propensities?  What if there was a discussion to provide the Anglo west with a surrogate population before and during WW2?  This was a police action to fight piracy and civil disobedience; not a genocide. But, then this can continue when the pirate does not quit; even if he had $1,000,000.00 in Automatic support. It is, for the pirate, a sport but it will be easier to see him engaged in his sport when there is less motivation to participate as based on need and less permissive sympathy when everyone has a reasonable automatic income support and there are more victims for the Pirate to target in his propensities.  The Cultures continue in a police action after the support is provided to all citizens as required by domestic and international law. 

An income support for every citizen provides a social buffer when we have to live, work and travel together. A Safety House for people in need of temporary accommodation, an actual immediate temporary accommodation centre can be provided that is much celebrated like the Leisure Centres in Honour of a former or current Monarch and a national vacant housing data base will enable council's to find a vacancy in the local council or give an immediate referral to any other council in the country but hopefully not too far away.  It's housing stock and not property for the use of privateers for personal gain. We don't want people in paid positions, part Iroquois black and white, who can select who they will help and who they will not help on some basis that has nothing to do with the merited request. The VAT we spend pays for the salary.  All requests are merited.   It's temporary.  An emergency cash benefit is also helpful for people who request it; paid electronically, leading to the automatic income support received by the transgender.   It really should be  automatic.  This is a good systems update for every country in the world; including Jamaica.  

We can do it.  A motel, hostel or hotel voucher can also help for council temporary accommodation also.  It's temporary accommodation.  

   Did you know Shop lifting and ogling Bathsheba on TV on Saturday night  before worshiping on Sunday is not the path to unconditional acceptance even if you are an Albany Cave woman going to God?  Is this the Revenant?    If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us. David confessed. See 1st John 1:9.  See Psalms 51. The Revenant is therefore, a revelation of a covenant and a culture of consumerism, laws and blessed contracts.    JESUS, as a result,  would have been most exciting to cave men  and cave women; exciting to the  Neanderthals as new arrivals in our well established Mesopotamian Egyptian/Israeli culture that involved the ten commandments (11 commands- see Exodus 34). Marriage is a construct of settled civilization. 90% of  the synoptic gospels are about marriage and family along with the 11 commands that make marriage and the family units possible. Make up and shows of cleavage  do not say she is settled or settling after all the water has been transferred from one male genital to the female genital in that moment of cleaving.    It's not difficult to do that once and then be Family.  Some make it  difficult.   Cave women tended to end up with a different cave man every time they were free to ovulate and not pregnant when they were still nomadically inclined as individuals; not as  Tribes women yet or members of families. Read Rousseau about the family and about the Revenant.    All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God but your body and mind is God's temple. Angers alone might be enough to identify a tribe of people or a nation; on their smart  telephones. But, Alexander Pushkin is a Black Russian author who worked and lived in LONDON.  Go to Pushkin House.  We are all mixed race.  I am Egyptian, Japanese, Montezuma and Geronimo who helped the Union Army as a Scout.  This tradition continues in the US Armed Forces whose Air Force is finally on par with India again. India has a few Migs.  America has none.    I am a citizen. I speak English, French and  a little Japanese and also a little Italian. We endeavour to see everyone treated well as a citizen.      The residual tensions between Cultures and civilizations comes first and then there is expression about this Culture.  You can see the "day one" Bush men initiate might find it very upsetting if he is told the law now says he cannot take fruit or apples  from the tree as it is now the property of the government.  Many Cheddar and other Aboriginals are still evolving and while  wearing suits and dresses, they  are still resentful of this intrusion on freedom and they steal anything with the word Apples on it.     Wouldn't Egypt be an amalgam of cave men who finally saw the power of cooperation?   What if every  Anglo had the universal unconditional income support? This is cooperation.  Then, the population would be just like Europe; not divided and not at war with itself over the issues concerning how best to respond to Automation and the causality of joblessness that is they key impact of Automation and resultant recessions due to the Joblessness.       Maybe the absence of support is an expression of Aboriginal identity as juxtaposing against Europe.  You play football against the Spanish as an expression of national identity but you don't have an income support like the Spanish. So, you can live with Euro Champion financial power and  fitness like the Spanish.  Only the transgender in your English population have an income support and the VAt you spend pays for them and the refugees also; not for you.  Maybe anyone is English with a British flag in their hand. 59% of the English population under 50 is a second generation immigrant maybe from Chechnya or from Bosnia or South Africa.  This was the point behind the movie Eastern Promises. If the agenda after WW2 was to say all the real Anglos are dead and that you are reoccupied with Eastern Europeans, when would you know the agenda is achieved? Is it when you no longer hear an English accent because the majority of the people are second, third  or fourth generation immigrants by now, with an English accent. So, then Maybe you are now only engaged in killing a culture if the people are no longer really English.   The real truth is that the provision of automatic income support benefits only to transgender Citizens in the UK gives refugees a Financial advantage when they receive benefits while the non transgender Citizen does not. This is, therefore, evidence of a silent genocide in the UK since 1951.  It fails the UDHR Article 25 and the OHCHR article 11.  Every citizen is to receive the benefit; and what if the transgender received more than the non transgender as in a higher allotment yearly although everyone received something? That would be another hurdle in our endeavour for socio-legal equality

 In Essop and Others v. The Home Office,. It was held that (subject always to objective justification) the claimants will have an automatic ride to victory. First, he held that section 19 of the Equality Act 2010 does not require a claimant to show why the members of the disadvantaged group suffered the disadvantage imposed by the PCP( a provision, criterion or practice) in addition to the fact that they had done so.

    Protecting the domestic population from global economic phenomenon endured by all nations is part and parcel with Armed national defence.  This global economic phenomenon is called Automation. It's not intended to kill populations genocidally.  But, when people are out of work, where do they get money to pay for food, water and shelter?  

   There is  no overcrowding in Yorkshire or Reading. All you have done is create a surrogate foreign population in the UK. Monuments are always glorious but what about the viability of the people?   With the power to solve problems,  the Iroquois Anglo politician or the South African Aboriginal Anglo politician. (Atlee and Churchill)  has chosen only to attack the system of government so that nothing will have Authority over him.  He is a white Shaka Zulu with a vengeful propensity.     Whatever the people may  be today as second generation eastern Europeans or second generation Iroquois or second generation White or black South African or what ever the genetic composition may be, they have all learned to say ".....Me mom and Me dad...innit..right sod..taking the Michael..half a moe...and you are having a laugh.". Let's say no one in your population has heat in the winter  and they all die of tuberculosis you choose not to fix it, then that would be a quiet genocide. Its  a quiet genocide when no more than 1/6 of the population has income support and overcrowding is not the issue or the agenda. The country is still in the throes of modernism while trying to repopulate. They have a surrogate population. Spaceeba, Jambo!!   The experience of the London tube may suggest overpopulation but it's a transit System and no gauge of the population in Wokingham or Reading or Inverness; or London but like in any city the claustrophobic will respond to the crowds on a subways and then propose policies that amount to genocide for the Entire state, province or country. Prime Minister Atlee was apparently a white  clone son of Shaka Zulu.  Maybe the Iroquois will never quit in their war and resentments of modernism and it's interruptions of their lives. They come in all colours, shapes, languages and cultures; all over the world, finding new ways to exercise their angers.    But, in spite of their understandable angers, they need the money to participate in the modernism you invited them to enjoy. They may carry a  latent anger for another 2000 years before they embrace all aspects of this never ending Global  civilization. They do not want to own.  But, they should not make ownership unsafe or risky (home ownership). What if we had politicians that do not want to own?  What would happen to the Socio-economy and the mortgage rule?  Would it be easy for banks to repossess your property on mere allegations?    We should at least be sure every life is secure in the Anglo world and able to enjoy their daily livelihood without issue on a sufficient automatic income support. This is good for the economy to keep it free of recession and keep down Artful Dodger rebellious schisms against property and property ownership.   

If you were to arrive today and address them as 16th century explorers once did, money would be the first and most important step in the assimilation process.  It heals the anger and allows for easy translation into modernism.  It is expedient.  It is essential in the modern economy to provide each Citizen with an automatic income support.  It will give each of us the space from the angers expressed by some towards law and property ownership or other aspects of our world and its Formalities.  We might even find new ways to express this anger with spicy, angry foods. This anger is the residue of the Revenant. However, the Monarch is not responsible for what the people fail to do for themselves. If they fail to eat incessantly, you would have to find a way to feed them or you would create a surrogate population.  But, feeding them or providing them with the money resources to feed themselves is a logical business position.  It keeps the economy going.  It helps the economy.    You feed the transgender population automatically. In the same logic that leads you to  fund/feed the transgender, you would also fund/ feed the entire population.  

 It's probably an accident that has led to the development of a surrogate population when you pay refugees support more than the citizen except the refugee's CHILDREN have no support of their own at 16 years of age.  This is not the wool scarf.  This is an Iroquois war on the English. They say Churchill was Iroquois.  Maybe the Iroquois will never. Quite fighting the English and the English system if he has the power to decide what will happen but the Monarch cannot be in a quiet sacking at the hands of her politicians.  The Iroquois should use the system to regenerate his population or the population in general that he is a part of  The BLACK HAWK in Massachusetts has always given himself enough cash.  Crispus Attucks was a BLACK HAWK who received the dole or income support as a citizen of Boston in that English colony, dating back to 1771.    We can see how law helps us in any event; also as Aboriginals in the process of settling into the new world of modernism.  An automatic income support is, in essence, modernism.  

The absence of Automatic income support is evidence of under development and anti-assimilation.   It is anti-wool scarf.  It does not feel like Hackett or the wool scarf you want to approximate in your policy. Maybe England is just now the Empire Striking Back and Europe can see what the Aboriginal will do if he had the chance to turn the levers of power, sabotaging the endeavour with subtle moves. I don't know if you will notice.

     It's like a bone in the nose. It's like a naked woman or topless woman on the subway.  It's challenging our accepted ways, culture and systems.    It's like a Canadian school system teaching about identity insecurity. Black and white is, in essence, identity insecurity for Aboriginal natives. It's not real Culture but American TV stereotypes. And some natives will kill you if you step and move in a way contrary to the stereo type.   But the teacher passed in her identity insecurity to all the students and they don't know how to work together in the positive.  The one dividend of life in Canada for second generation immigrants is an identity insecurity, kind of what Apples feels Like whether or not you are from Osaka. Your friend is a Tota Tora Japanese with Egyptian DNA and you say, how could he register a business name in front of me and win in Court or start a YouTube channel in front of me called Auto Work ™.   But, you never watched Tora Tora, Crimson Tide or Philadelphia.     Bob Marley is all about ownership and contracts. You put the albums in the hands of 4 year olds. They absorb the work and the ownership rights of the artist. Miles Davis is much the same in terms of impact.    But, I have enough dignity as a human to carry a shopping bag from any store where I bought my items.   Some people carry their  shopping in luggage in a new contagious anxiety about aboriginal public shame where a shopping bag in hand is shame to the black Aboriginal Pentecostal.    You want to feel English and some identity expressed but you need the cash; like the Spanish. All you do is want to play football against the Spanish but you are losing if you don't have the the Income support like they do even if you really could command the wind and blow people's hats off.   Maybe when all Anglos have the support,  we will find a way to mutually express our identity, our demarcation from Europe so to speak but starvation is not the answer. We pray for the English people. But, maybe an accent alone does not make you English. Maybe you need to love the Iroquois English, the Polish English, the Bosnian English, the Zimbabwean English with an English accent and ensure he has enough income support instead of challenging post war automation economic necessities such as an income support for every citizen.  That would be legitimacy.  

  But, starvation for 5/6 of the population is not it; 5/6  of the population that are not transgender who do not receive the automatic income support like the transgender. It will be like turning on the electricity for 5/6 of the population.   The absence of support; it's like a hole in the ocean floor for 21 days on TV and no one stops to fix it but you see oil gushing out of the hole and the world's water supply is going down the hole with it.  Maybe we can make a chocolate with bones on it or a white face with a bone in the nose; white face.   Bone In The Nose™ is a new trademark at Angel Ronan ™ for a dry Yorkshire Pudding mix.  Just add water.  It cannot be that you are starving 5/6 of the population with a logical agenda in mind or  because you are anxious about over crowding. It's Illegal. It's Illegal. It's Illegal; and every time there is  an update to our culture via technology, we should not find ourselves resenting the sense of interruptive hegemony the technology may provoke within us from previous ancestral experiences with missionary Cultures that ask us to adapt to their way.  Implementing an income support for every citizen is European, Swiss,Swedish, Norwegian, Greek and Asian.     quite some time, Africa was this missionary Culture to Europe. See the Moors and the Berbers for example.   There is no built structure in Europe that predates the pyramids of Africa. Yet, many Sub Saharan white or black people who are in Europe now do not read recipes or it takes them hours as Subsaharan white or black Bush men who  are not Egyptian no matter how white they may be today.  They are still comprehending arithmetic, reading and writing as Anthropological recipients and students of the Great received Egyptian Culture. Your lack of faith is disturbing.   The mission seen in the Revenant continues; in England where they have not applied the requisite Automatic income support yet for all citizens.  "Apples" phone also brings people backwards, contrary to the mission. 90% of apples clients are shoplifters or home Invasion convicts. That boy IS NOT ANY ONE; JUST AN ADOPTED AND INTENDS TO KILL YOU.  He left the football field once when the ball bounced on his knee. He left his football team and he left his scholarship.   He is not even Waldo.  Waldo is not a king; just a bad Iroquois who would steal from other  Iroquois who own horses and farms.       Stealing the new technological ideas will not change who brought the idea or the suggestion to us.  Buy into the idea and it's on going development for no more than $90.00 per day as an investor. Buy in directly for $1000.00/£1000.00.   I am asking companies and governments to do this.  Call Angel Ronan or email at to invest in my prayers. Prions ™ is the word for prayer in French.    Your reaction to the new idea says what anthropology you have. Do you resent, do you want to demean and say it should be White?  There is nothing white in this world. The white is a mixed race Aboriginal with pale skin arising from association with the deer hearing Northern Mongol Europeans.  But, those who want to kill, steal and destroy are hurting.   This is the ..... murderer with murderous temperament and prOpensities, as if his feelings are the only feelings that matter IN the English world. He thinks holding people Ransom for three days is a sport. He has a Scottish name but a Maltese English accent and the temperament of an insecure ship Hand with seniority on a boat who attacks every new deck hand as competition.    

  He will actually try to provoke others around you to do it, strand you for three days, people like your wife who can't understand why she says she needs you to just go somewhere inexplicably for three days and then come back.  

    This is not culture except for the Aboriginal Who Can only see how to kill,  steaL and Destroy; not cooperate and is the weakest link. He blames Egypt for his problem.  But, Egypt is the cooperation that aids the interruptions of our nature achieved by cave men who left nature, some how.  We could call it a forbidden apple or fruit that, once consumed, led men out of a cave dwelling nature.  The cave man is responsible for that and Egypt arrives much later on for a Godliness in human technology and cooperation.    We can't a abandon technology now where even Egypt is a summation of cave man discoveries with ropes, wheels, pulleys and animal/horse power. 

How do we put this bastard in check who was told he is the real king with his "you be lucky" accent, whose mother was eaten by the English for her unique assets? All he does is write epithets about the Queen to feel Authority.   He has done many wrongs such as kill anything that he says is real English. He is not.   He seems to think white people like him so long as he is hurting his own family or people of coLour or Aboriginal people who might be white also.  White people don't like him because he challenged the good of white people in the lives  of others.  . He has failed to understand family, cooperation and integrity.  What has he done to you? You tried to sell your housing flat that is government property.  You want people to be impressed with you that this is the council housing you grew up in. But, you have been forcibly removed by police, charged with criminal damage and for being in possession of  proceeds of crime when you took monies from vulnerable black Iroquois natives like you, living in London, offering shares of ownership in that Government housing unit.   You are not above the law but you might get a lenient sentence since you have favour as someone who pretends to be former Tottenham. You say you are the Queen's sin(jacket) every time you make a cup of tea but you curse her all day with what you wrote on your vehicle.  You have been arrested again for trespass at that address.  Just go. You are just not supposed to be there. If you come back when the legitimate occupant, Warren, is in, he will not answer the door.  Be arrested Waldoiquois and see your favour.  It's only 5 months jail time.  Being a Canadian Black native in the UK with an English accent is  not a right to damage government property and break the law or offend orders of the Court.    All you do is send your money to Canada, hoping to buy property in Canada but you never ask for the contract.    You never even tried to buy a property in the UK with only £7000.00 for a 10% down payment with monthly payments of about £256.00 per month for a 1 bed flat.   It's also not a right to deal drugs. I am Iroquois but you think Iroquois "Be lucky" gives you a right to do what ever you want. You are not even a member of a church. Your only purpose in life with all the drugs you take would be  to be try and be nice to people and to family instead of menacing and threatening to the public while  being also disorderly.  You threatened Lloyd.   I am Lloyd.    It took the old man five years to build that fence.  You are just an Iroquois chieftain in a North London civil war and you tried to kill Warren in that house in Pickering in 2014 since you want to occupy, not own,  and thought that if Warren was dead, you could just occupy the home because he believes in contract ownership and you resent it but you thought you would just occupy his acquisition.  You seem to want to say something to this Wazza and it is very violent.   Apple has only helped to uncover what Anthropology lurks beneath; the seething angers that fight progressive people who are more African and European and who some Aboriginal resent while these progressive people aim to help all peoples.   The phone is the Trojan that sacked you Wazza, exposed all the criminality and the evil things you watch.   You want understand that home as a family experience but it's not family property.  I know Wazza will open the door if you give him a chance. But, you would rather do what than cooperate or  help him as family?    It sacked  the Anglo world; not  because it's a phone but it is an account; an account of all you buy, intend to buy, who you have killed and of who you intend to kill next.  You have your favour. It could have been 1 day jail time or 40 years for all the charges.  How did the English submit to an Iroquois Apples smart phone before they implement an automatic income support program like New England for all UK Anglo Citizens. You give America Authority over You.    You got time served waiting for a judgement in the Haringey police as you report on them and you still break the law.  You wanted a civil rights movement again to obfuscate the murder and  to feel community(the Real John Adams was killed by a Jamaican servant Pretender for being a Black Hawk Anglo British barrister and then they started the American Revolution to hide it. What or who is the Jamaican 1960's passport thief (who stole 12 passports over 10 years from Americans and English citizens) calling himself War Ly in Durham Court? ) to maybe hide your murderous hatred for black people who try to be positive like Bob Marley who owned property in Jamaica and in England. He was charitable and acknowledged your Iroquois identity in Stir It Up, your Iroquois identity is correct, not Black and not white but Iroquois.  

 Yet, we endeavour for socio-legal equality for all citizens.  In Essop and Others v. The Home Office,. It was held that (subject always to objective justification) the claimants will have an automatic ride to victory. First, he held that section 19 of the Equality Act 2010 does not require a claimant to show why the members of the disadvantaged group suffered the disadvantage imposed by the PCP( a provision, criterion or practice) in addition to the fact that they had done so.

Indirect discrimination is when a provision, criterion or practice (PCP) is applied which appears to treat people equally, but which in fact puts certain groups at a disadvantage. For example, an employer sets an entry requirement that all applicants must be 6 feet tall or transgender to get a $30,000.00 per year benefit without work.   This is on the face of it gender specific (transgender) and gender-neutral(6 feet tall), but a smaller proportion of women than men will be able to comply apparently and so the requirement will be unlawful unless it can be justified. A PCP can be justified by showing that it is a "proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim". Requirements for fitness levels among, say, firefighters or police officers may impact certain groups differently, but it may be that this is a genuine and valid way of ensuring that those who do those jobs can meet the physical demands of these roles. In the case of automatic income support benefit provision, the offending practice and criterion is to actually provide automatic support only to the transgender at 16 years of age and not to all citizens. It would still offense the ECA if automatic support was provided to the non transgender at 18 years old; 2 years after the transgender.  

Everyone will get an income support today and no one is deprived and left stranded any longer at 16 where only transgender people get the cash automatically.    We did not agree to this and nor does the Court or the Monarch.   It's Illegal.  It's ultra vires.    But, first enable people to exist with dignity today and make your retroactive claims tomorrow and make the move to a less crowded area if you like.  How can they make the move when they have not had any support since 16 years old as a non -transgender person?  They have to borrow the train fare. The transgender does not have to borrow train fare.    For every Anglo that dies due to the economy, it's a win for your enemies; real or imaginary.   We can give in incentive for people to leave London via their housing application. You can move to Bristol today with an immediate emergency placement following your application to Islington or you can wait 24-48 hours for your emergency housing in London. That is incentive.    Without a doubt, English as  a language is a  global culture that exists independently of any England or English people whether they will continue to exist or not.   Maybe their income support policy says they are paying for all the sins against the Western hemisphere and those Aboriginal people; not the French and not the Spanish.  

In the Revenant, a man named Glass is shot at, mauled like a small Rabbit by a bear and also buried alive by his own people who left him for dead.   Yet, there is  a strong thread of symbolism that runs through the movie about power, might, right, family and hegemony.   Did you hear about the bank robber kid who also robbed the gas stations?   He was eventually apprehended as an apple phone user and taken to IBM where he had offered to go instead of being apprehended as the police came to pick him up after the 12th robbery. His name was Glass.   He wrote his offer on his telephone.  He was interned permanently, mauled by the economy where they do not provide an automatic income support and he was allowed to watch all the Television he wanted on any channel anywhere in the world with any content for ever. He watched Public Enemies 3 times a day for a month; with Dexter. The reason for the  Brexit discussion  was to ask what was the problem with the UK economy as compared with the average European country.  It looks like the authorities with the Judges have decided that the absence of an automatic universal unconditional income support for all citizens is the problem; from 16 years of age to the age of death. This would preserve the population from the cold that ensues without such a support.   It's an economy that is as chicanerous as a snake. Eve might have taken a word of suggestion from a snake but Heuah could not have. If Heuah are not the same soul, one is life (Heuah) and the other  one(Heuah) is idolatrous deceit.  If Heuah took the word of suggestive deceit from the snake, nothing further occured except we wonder how many women today fall out of their purpose to be a companion to a man  and a mother following deceit about power and authority in the home just as Sara had accused Hagar of the same; with deceit from the media and magazines, that you will be the authority in the home if you rob the bank today or steal that chocolate near the St.Albans City Train station near the church; a Reese's Chocolate.  You stole it at the H and H off licence.  It is not good to mix Cheddar people with 19 crimes European DNA before they come back looking like you but in a proliferation of the criminality Propensity at 2 to 1. 

The North American continent has had many suitors. The Pawnee are much like the Bush men of the Calahari. There  is an original people in every continent  who have never left.  Some have left and have come to England or elsewhere.  Many look White or black today and are rather fashionable but they may still need an hour to decipher a pancake recipe.   All triangles have three angles that add up to 180 degrees.   In some cases, angle A is 60° and angle B is 30° so angle C° would have to be 90°. Angle A+B+C=180 degrees.    Angel Ronan ™ also does online tutoring.   Nonetheless, they are useful no frill occupants of the economy who don't really want to own anything.     They have changed in many ways with each new cup of seed and saliva passing through their veins upon the arrival of a new set of peoples like the Polish or the Italians and the Chinese rail road builders.   We could all be at home in North America or maybe China as we are all Aboriginal in some way and expressions of creation as made by God.   The movie hints at this fact when the great, untouched landscape makes all that stand before it in its original state without modern technologies, the subjects of its murderous, cold vastness that no man can survive except but while hiding deep in a cave.   That cold could not be survived by any man for very long  prior to the 1800's and it is here that you say God provides water, sun, earth and fire but he also provided us the technology to find ways to manipulate these elements to survive any where.  God cannot be a big, hairy  squirrel but if God provides one and the will to eat it, then we eat; not God but we eat  the big, hairy squirrel and maybe we use fire as technology to cook that squirrel. We build more churches to thank Him for the squirrel.  It's the mission; not the squirrel.   This is addressed in the movie although briefly.  It is just in that hour of history in that wilderness there would not have been enough fire or squirrel enduringly for any Spaniard, Mongol Nomad or any Scott Irish Pawnee to survive.  All die, all are dead and as such all men are equal except but for cave dwelling Pawnee who would know where the caves may have been down that Missouri River.   But, the English are originally a small grouping on a a small  territory who were given the task of settling all of North America, north of Mexico.  Just after  the rail road was completed across the nation in 1859, a war was scheduled by the other European powers to ensure America was truly unified but that the people were any people other than the Scot Irish in majority.  The Mediterranean people were sent to replace all the 3,4 and 5 generation English, Irish and Scott that were killed off during the war and many natives also. Many natives were also rebranded black with Harriet Tubman DNA and some were sent to England and Jamaica; Iroquois. England is suffering an Iroquois "boil  over" regarding authority and anger about Authority. They ask how can you have authority over them  and who is the Queen if they, as Black English North London,  can get their hermaphrodite sister with support to buy their police file and charges in front of you or bribe people in Her majesty's Government to harass the NHS or other benefits of others? At least today, the Americans have more people with an automatic income support than the English.  This makes the American economy a more advanced economy. But, maybe they don't understand why.  But, the Monarch has strategic allegiances with other governments to quell the rebellion and advance her benefit system.  It is not good to mix Iroquois people with 19 crimes European DNA and then being the DNA back to Europe before they come back looking like you but in a proliferation of the criminality Propensity at 2 to 1.  We are sure of one thing; there is Electricity for everyone, hot and cold running water, everyone has a smart phone and everyone will have an income support; a library card also if they want one.   But, the Anglo Aboriginal is angry that involvement in society used to take sometimes 7 attempts for a library card, seven applications and now many, white or black, are trying to find ways to share their pains and experience in history, that your application for NHS should be difficult and not instantaneous or your application for Universal income support should be arduous and like a game. Is he black? Does he drink coca cola or what is the point?  

The Spaniards may have come early in the history of American modernity and  settled as best as they could but the settlements were abandoned in the freezing, deep cold.  The 16th century church you see in ruins is real and is also  testament to the great Spanish achievement in North America and their on going Authority.  The French came and met the same odds and then so did the English at some stage; all dead.  Eventually, technology made enduring settlement  beyond the warm gails of the Eastern seaboard and it's settlements possible.  This was about the transmission of technology and Culture that involved prayer(Prions in French).  The Pawnee does not have to let you into his cave and show you his special medicine man secrets or his special ways to make the perfect barbecue sauce. The country or the people of North America have been cold for long enough and have now decided to make their continent a comfortable home for themselves.  The world is invited to come to America with their seed and egg to help them assimilate and  join them  with the US providing a   minimum of $100,000.00 per year for an automatic, universal, unconditional income support.  The English who have no automatic, universal unconditional income support of their own will come to North America and the Russians will come to England since who is really ENGLISH these days anyway.  We are all kind of 10th  generation South African by now;  some say. The last point is that we are not trying to use the Aboriginal as a footstool to step up in European culture. We can be our own footstools as we humble ourselves.  We, instead, every Aboriginal to have enough money to eat, travel, work,sleep and shop.      There was a time once in North America when some companies would not hire anyone too white or maybe anyone white that was not white enough.  Steve Jobs is dead.  He gave all of his assets to Samsung; as rumored.   This seems to capture the North American residue from the historical experience in the  Revenant.   

We could solve problems in our own economy but maybe we don't when the agenda is to ask Europe if they are only here to  say what the rules are or what will happen if we do not  apply the rules. Will you arrest her if 5/6 of the population are not funded with an income support?   That is all she wants to know.    Will they come to enforce them?  The answer is Re(B) in the case involving COVID.  The answer is Essop  at the House of Lords if the matter involves differential treatment in the provision of benefits based on gender. The transgene truth is as old as Egypt.  Two genders that cannot give birth must seek the assistance of the gender with a womb.  Two genders are feminine and one is masculine.  Hyenas are either male or female.  We note this gender difference and move on.      The reason why Canada has an identity crisis is because England is apparently struggling with identity above and beyond the monikers in its accent; innit?  It's also quite a struggle l, rather, for England when many Anglos are part Pawnee or Iroquois.   The English accent of the average Swiss, when they speak English, is kind of Chelsea English.  We will always have Anglos and people  who can speak some English from China or Europe but we may not have enough Anglos who carry an English Drivers licence.   An accent is not a passport and nor is it a citizen's obligation to take up arms and defend a Community.    But, if the kings goal was to fight the viability of his own people and his economy maybe he would provide an automatic income support only to one gender that amount to a small minority of the population and the others would have to find a way; maybe sneak on the tube or get a job when only the transgender are given money automatically to afford the Tube, food, water, shelter and clothing....all the Maslow needs while others may face the risk of death in not being provided automatic funding. We have to be sensitive to this in our sense of nationalism.      This is contrary to the strategies of national defence followed by other nations.  Transgender-ism would be, therefore, a global human reality that we can protect and defend in our diverse human genome  but it  is also therefore not a reason to kill a "people", slow the movement of a culture where there are fewer fish and chip shops in every English former territory or current territory than there is Chinese food or Japanese food. But, don't they have more... territory if they have more food restaurants and people in your... territory?  Don't they have more territory on the  earth if they have more people? The Italians (Romans) have more people and food restaurants than the English in England. But, the English are part Roman by now.  The Reason why the Italians have more people is because  they maintain an automatic income support for every citizen. It's a smaller country than England but a better economy.   It also challenges indigenous English ownership when an English company that is usually dependent on England is cash strapped by the fact that less than 1/6 of the population has the ATP(ability to pay) in its key market and  economy.  It slows the economy down and opens many English companies to emergency take over bids that tend to arrive from foreign companies such as BMW that owns Mini Cooper.  Lotus is partially owned by Toyota. Aston Martin is owned by Mercedes and Bentley is owned by Volkswagen. Also, there may not be enough multi generational cooperation. Cave men tend not to cooperate. They compete over simple things.  They extol competition instead of cooperation.   You may have started a Burger Queen restaurant and instead of working with you, your cave woman cousin says she wants to own it and tries to register the name of the Business you already regsitered even though you told her she can be a director. They seem to think people around them understand what they are trying to achieve in trying to register in their own name what is already regsitered  when they say they are taller, older, more light skin....or something... something about you need to be superior. Well, register your own business name for $12.00. 

In the Revenant, there is a righteous Gideon anger that defies the elements of murder; outside of Court at least.   This is displayed by one protagonist when he finds out that Mr. Glass is not dead but was left behind as dead by his own English people when they could have helped.   The culture that we "leave no man behind" began in history following the true life experience of similar fur trappers; that you never walk alone and your universal credit will come through as soon as possible.  There are those who will resist this but who are they and what are they doing in England resisting the breath of English people who could be 12th generation French anyway?     But, no matter what happens and no matter how the "English Admin" is having a fight with the concept of "people" as in king of the people, he is essentially killing his nation.  The identity is just an accent, he says. But, an accent does not connote loyalty to the country.   It is not DNA.  But, at least all the people born on the island or within that ancestry should be just as comforted as the French in the age of Automation and not just the transgender.   

 The movie indicates the trade of furs for horses and guns; power and technology. The horse today is a Toyota and the gun is a rubberised Black machine gun with no transponder radio in it.    The Pawnee or the Sioux who we now call the American in general is evolving with the technological introduction,  involvement; intervention of the European.    The North American is still evolving. The French has breweries in 1366 when the Pawnee were still in caves.    But, the American must know what he needs today for power and also involvement in the economy with guaranteed Ability to pay  as actual survival.  It's not just guns and horses in exchange for furs but money.  It's not just guns and horses...but money.   Money is the pre eminent Maslow need in our current technological disposition to fight cold and the elements.  Yet, money in the pure, untouched forests  on the river side of that great ancient canyon is less useful than a cave.    Money also presumes a certain standard of generally, well motivated humanity regardless of race and free of cave men  like Herod or maybe Long Shanks who may still desire the enmity of war  between formal and informal human existence with ownership,  while proffering good service to innocent "would- be" customers as cave men employees behind  the hotel desk.  We know what JESUS would say about ownership. We know what Herod is expected to say. 

 Did you know that you can identify yourself as Arabic even though you speak English and French. Maybe you identity yourself as Arabic since this is your chosen identity as a white or black Arabic person who holds to the tenets of the Jews and the Catholic, Muslim Christians.  The Spaniards were brought into modernization by the North African Arabs (Berbers and Moors)  who brought Christening. These Spaniards brought Christening to North America but even the elements in God's hands can temper the mission.  The Pawnee can see in the Spanish that  the SPANIARD teacher was another PEOPLE,  a good people, and that you have to follow as  more will come anyway.    But, what is law when the Pawnee can barely understand how the horse is property?  The Spaniards maintained their mission in the West and East coasts as we see San Diego in 1549.  The modernism continues and the project is now global.  The American wishes to have a voice and see his Authority but he must remember he is a new student of civilization and not master.  The American tries to understand the breadth of his territory and Hegemony and being at home should be enough regardless of the various admixture resting in the Pawnee, Sioux and Iroquois or Black Hawk human American template.  The Russians can remind us if this to the north or anywhere the American may go, also at home on his smart phone these days.  They have total technological Hegemony over the US population.  The Android and Google customer base outnumbers every other technology platform the world.  

The Russians therefore are the bear technologically. They can help. But they are certainly confirming their superiority.  The bear is not dead. He is lying on top of Mr. Glass.   The bear limps away and Mr. Glass should be called Mr. Tenacity.  He survives his fight with the bear or with the climate of  the North but with great pains and is barely alive. The tropical vegetation at Bath in parts of London and at Penzance confirm the English man is not an animal with the thick skin, prepared for cold weather.  Maybe he used to be.  The North requires an Icelander or a northern European whose blood without gloves on will still keep him warm and alive in the cold extremities. An English man is going back to the Bahamas too often. Did you know "Prions" if the word for prayer in French?   He also seems to be a pirate anyway who will kill, steal and destroy all that is Mr. Glass (Mr. Tenacity).   Where is your Universal, unconditional income support benefit? You should not refuse it.    You need it. You want it. They are giving it to you.   About Covid, you are supposed to imagine that it's all about pirates hoping to find  people in between two points of global jurisdiction or  legality to steal a business name, steal  or steal  intellectual property offered for sale at the cost of a reasonable salary  or steal old clothing in a storage locker and this is all the pirate thinks about when he loses focus of what's most important for his nations. Would anyone worthy of offering a contract for a business name try to steal the name?  Catholics don't do this.    This is truly covetous.  The business names are all co owned. Ask the SRA. Google SRA.  The intellectual property is already under discussion.  But the pirate DNA for example would work at Burger King head office and see ten claims for a hair in a burger, keep the burgers sent in and then kill the claimants, hoping to stand in and claim the settlement in front of these ten victims but every times they are told before the court that they do not have any proof of payment.  This phenomenon in one case dates back to 1976.  The pirate does not understand the fraud before the Court or his murder.  This is COVID. COVID can encourage people to wear masks but it cannot interrupt civil liberties or legal rights to choose medical treatments and refuse. A vaccine is a medical treatment. A test is a medical treatment whether it's a cat scan or the administration of a needle or the extraction of bodily fluids. 

Medical Treatment means a treatment including, but not limited to, palliative care treatment, or a procedure, medication, surgery, a diagnostic test, or a hospice plan of care that may be ordered, provided, or withheld or withdrawn by a health professional or a health facility under generally accepted standards of medical practice and that is not prohibited by law.

  See Re B (adult: refusal of medical treatment) [2002] 2 All ER 449.

Ms B v An NHS Hospital Trust [2002] EWHC 429 (Fam) is a decision of the United Kingdom High Court of Justice which ruled that if a patient is mentally competent, they have the right to refuse life saving medical treatment.[1][2][3]


The case arose from a challenge by 'Ms B', who had become paralysed from the neck down after a spinal haemorrhage, to the hospital caring for her after doctors refused her requests to be taken off the ventilator that was keeping her alive. Ms B had previously suffered a haemorrhage on her spine, for which she was successfully rehabilitated, and was advised that any future haemorrhaging would likely cause severe disability. Because of that advice, Ms B took out a living will stating that if she were to ever be unable to give instructions, she would want any medical treatment withdrawn in the case of a life-threatening illness, permanent mental impairment or permanent unconsciousness. Despite the existence of the living will, Ms B's doctors denied her request to be removed from ventilation claiming the living will was too vague, after which she made a formal request through her solicitor.[1][3][2] Before acting on the formal request, the hospital organised two independent psychiatric assessments of Ms B.[1][3] She eventually underwent multiple assessments over five months due to the conflicting opinions of psychiatrists.[1][2][3] After finally being declared mentally competent, Ms B was not granted her wish to be removed from ventilation but was instead given two alternative options: slow weaning from the ventilator without pain relief or being sent to a hospice, both of which she refused. Ms B's request was then taken to the High Court of Justice's Family Division for a decision. Following the court's decision in her favour, Ms B was moved to a hospital that removed her from ventilation, where she died on April 29, 2002.[2][3][4]


In her judgement, Elizabeth Butler-Sloss ruled that she was 'entirely satisfied that Ms B is competent to make all relevant decisions about her medical treatment including the decision whether to seek to withdraw from artificial ventilation. Her mental competence is commensurate with the gravity of the decision she may wish to make.'[1][2][3] She also ruled that Ms B had been treated unlawfully by the hospital since the time she had been assessed as mentally competent. The judgement cited contributing factors to unlawful treatment that amounted to an assault or trespass to the person in forcing tests or treatment on patients or travellers where the inability of hospital staff to consider Ms B's request objectively was evident; offering her treatments that prioritised doctors and clinicians over Ms B; the Hospital Trust not providing guidance for staff for deciding ethical issues.[1][2][3]

See Glass v The United Kingdom – 61827-00 [2004] ECHR 103 for more.  

Re B (adult: refusal of medical treatment) [2002] 2 All ER 449.

Mr. Glass is later seen lying on top of his dead son who was killed by a ruthless Anglo Creole of some admixture.  The movie seems to say that if you try to kill the bear or fight with the bear or argue with the bear, you will see your small minded hegemony and your son is dead. This is not what the Pawnee, Mohicans and the Black Hawk (the modern day American)  wants.    It's time  for the American to enjoy his role as a student of civilization and technology and enjoy the new suitors resting in America and confirming that in US Russian Foreign Relations, the American and the  Russian. Are not equals.  The Russians Modernised not only their methods of labor with mechanisation. They also confirmed the global human value of Russian life regardless of complexion since 1901.  They are unified.  Why did you ever think you were in any position of Hegemony  or superior modernism to discuss life and the global economy as equals? Europe and Russia are teachers.   The Anglos are students.  The have still failed to accept the key lesson of the global economy; that consumer buying power must be ensured and guaranteed in light of ongoing  industrial Automation. Ensuring the life of a Russian in life of ongoing industrial Automation or the risk of potato famine is the key winning pinnacle of Russian National Defence. What is the point of having rockets  and missiles for defence of a territory if the people in the territory are going to be dead anyway...due to the meanness of the essentially white, black, red,  yellow Aboriginal (Pawnee, Iroquois, Navajo etc) peoples in how they treat themselves with their politics, Economics and excitement?  This seems to the include the English today.   The Americans and the Anglos have lost the hegemonic battle due to  critical failures in logic with economics. They have lost any battle in the issue when the Russians as well as all of Europe defend and protect  their people from the cold; with money and with any other assistance they may need from the only stand point that matters; a guaranteed and ensured living Russians is better than a dead American who is  a former American and a new Russian.  

The final point is that we cannot eat God any more than we can eat ourselves. But, we can eat the fat hairy squirrel as God provided it. He provides also technology and we are thankful.   Money is technology and we should not refuse it when it is given to us no matter how much resentment we have in us for the selfishness and inhumanity we have seen former Prime Minister Atlee  and the Anglos rain down on the Anglos.  Respect the money the Capitalist economy demands that every citizen should have.  Provide that money to each citizen and eat thy sheep. Eat thy squirrel.  We need more than big kitchens or big utensils that can cook. We need cooperation.    Thank God.  We don't want to confuse the joy of  acknowledging God  for  the food that he provides with  the joy of defeating hunger  as we eat so that we might thank him.    What we eat( mammon)  cannot be confused with God; himself.  Thank God.  Moreover, we cannot live in this world with the  anxious reflex, worriedly about momentary changes in our Aboriginal sense of hegemony.   

Warren A. Lyon (SOAS LL.B (Hons), BPP University, LL.M/LPC, Maryland PH.D.) ) He is also a Fellow at the Angel Ronan ™  Foundation and a Director.









In her judgement, Elizabeth Butler-Sloss ruled that she was 'entirely satisfied that Ms B is competent to make all relevant decisions about her medical treatment including the decision whether to seek to withdraw from artificial ventilation. Her mental competence is commensurate with the gravity of the decision she may wish to make.'[1][2][3] She also ruled that Ms B had been treated unlawfully by the hospital since the time she had been assessed as mentally competent. The judgement cited contributing factors to unlawful treatment that amounted to an assault or trespass to the person in forcing tests or treatment on patients or travellers where the inability of hospital staff to consider Ms B's request objectively was evident; offering her treatments that prioritised doctors and clinicians over Ms B; the Hospital Trust not providing guidance for staff for deciding ethical issues.[1][2][3]

See Glass v The United Kingdom – 61827-00 [2004] ECHR 103 for more.  

Re B (adult: refusal of medical treatment) [2002] 2 All ER 449.

Mr. Glass is later seen lying on top of his dead son who was killed by a ruthless Anglo Creole of some admixture.  The movie seems to say that if you try to kill the bear or fight with the bear or argue with the bear, you will see your small minded hegemony and your son is dead. This is not what the Pawnee, Mohicans and the Black Hawk (the modern day American)  wants.    It's time  for the American to enjoy his role as a student of civilization and technology and enjoy the new suitors resting in America and confirming that in US Russian Foreign Relations, the American and the  Russian. Are not equals.  The Russians Modernised not only their methods of labor with mechanisation. They also confirmed the global human value of Russian life regardless of complexion since 1901.  They are unified.  Why did you ever think you were in any position of Hegemony  or superior modernism to discuss life and the global economy as equals? Europe and Russia are teachers.   The Anglos are students.  The have still failed to accept the key lesson of the global economy; that consumer buying power must be ensured and guaranteed in light of ongoing  industrial Automation. Ensuring the life of a Russian in life of ongoing industrial Automation or the risk of potato famine is the key winning pinnacle of Russian National Defence. What is the point of having rockets  and missiles for defence of a territory if the people in the territory are going to be dead anyway...due to the meanness of the essentially white, black, red,  yellow Aboriginal (Pawnee, Iroquois, Navajo etc) peoples in how they treat themselves with their politics, Economics and excitement?  This seems to the include the English today.   The Americans and the Anglos have lost the hegemonic battle due to  critical failures in logic with economics. They have lost any battle in the issue when the Russians as well as all of Europe defend and protect  their people from the cold; with money and with any other assistance they may need from the only stand point that matters; a guaranteed and ensured living Russians is better than a dead American who is  a former American and a new Russian.  

The final point is that we cannot eat God any more than we can eat ourselves. But, we can eat the fat hairy squirrel as God provided it. He provides also technology and we are thankful.   Money is technology and we should not refuse it when it is given to us no matter how much resentment we have in us for the selfishness and inhumanity we have seen former Prime Minister Atlee  and the Anglos rain down on the Anglos.  Respect the money the Capitalist economy demands that every citizen should have.  Provide that money to each citizen and eat thy sheep. Eat thy squirrel.  We need more than big kitchens or big utensils that can cook. We need cooperation.    Thank God.  We don't want to confuse the joy of  acknowledging God  for  the food that he provides with  the joy of defeating hunger  as we eat so that we might thank him.    What we eat( mammon)  cannot be confused with God; himself.  Thank God.  Moreover, we cannot live in this world with the  anxious reflex, worriedly about momentary changes in our Aboriginal sense of hegemony.   

Warren A. Lyon (SOAS LL.B (Hons), BPP University, LL.M/LPC, Maryland PH.D.) ) He is also a Fellow at the Angel Ronan ™  Foundation and a Director.






