Angel Ronan Member's Agreement changed today( May 1st, 2022) with Retroactive effect, dating back to January 1st, 2017.

 Angel Ronan  Member's Agreement changed today( May 1st, 2022) with Retroactive effect, dating back to January 1st, 2017.


1.This is a customer and member's agreement with your membership confirmed by your initial payment.

2.Each customer is a member of the service. The corporation is entitled to establish its customer and member's agreements. As the member does not maintain ownership or voting rights, no amendments or updates to the articles of incorporation is required.

3. The agreement has retroactive effect dating back to the first payment to the company.

4.The member is a non-voting member of the service whose attendance is requested at each annual general meeting to provide input and suggestions.

5. Member's are also invited to provide member's service feedback on an annual basis in the member's feedback email report form with feedback participation in management.

6. Members do not own any of the intellectual property rights as owned and controlled by Angel Ronan International Incorporated( the company) and Warren A. Lyon.

7.The members will promote the services and the business of Angel Ronan Consulting as and where appropriate although they are not obligated to do so. Members will also receive $300.00 for each service file that is the result of a member's referral.

8. Thank you for choosing Angel Ronan Services and Consulting.

9. The members do not have any share in the earnings of the company but are understood as close associates to the business by virtue of their opportunity to invest in the company under government regulations and to make referrals for which they will receive a referral fee.

9.(a) No rights involving control  as noted in paragraph 10 accrue if the bill and debt owed remains unpaid.  

10.  The right as a control person is the right to ask questions about the membership of the company. You cannot have this right until shares are issued and then purchased.  This paragraph only offers the right to buy shares and when they are purchased after they are issued, you can then excerise your right as a  Control person and share holder.  A control person is defined as an investor with share ownership; nothing more. This share ownership allows them to make suggestions and ask questions that will he answered in the usual course. The right to make  Suggestions and the rigjtt to ask questions  best summarise the rights of a control person.    Please read the following and understand you are not obtain any sole right of ownership but a right to participate with other owners that include Warren A. Lyon.  The right to buy shares is also known as an option to buy shares.  In this case, the right to buy relates to a solely owned, privately held company.  The right to buy shares is only offeres to existing clients.      The member has a right under contract and remains in equity or otherwise once entered into either immediately or in the future and either absolutely or contingently, to, or to acquire, shares in the said corporation, or to control the voting rights of shares in the said service corporation (Angel Ronan) except that the contract provides that the right is exercisable by the individual designated therein and that individual designated will be the member himself once he has paid $1,000.00 for this right in contract for control. You can pay up to $30,000.00 as the amount paid is related to the eventual share ownership at $100.00 per share. The right in contract for control is initiated with the first payment made of more than $100.00 or partial payment on any bill. As such, the first payment is sufficient to activate membership. The right is not exercisable until the 40th year after the first court date or consultation. As such, it is understood by the member that the right is not exercisable until the 40th year or when they receive a notice from the company. With this right, once the right is excercisable on the 40th anniversary or with notice from the company, the member is in the same position in relation to the control of the corporation as if he owned the shares and his estate may hold the right in survivorship.

11. All members are indemnified from any litigation and they would not be liable in any event as they are not directors with liability.

12 By agreement, The file is retained by the service for research and information services in the corporate aim and purpose of working for the rule of law as intervenors. The client volunteers the file accordingly and their privilege and privacy is respected. Your Court representative through our referral or your own representative will abide by this contractual term.

Warren A. Lyon, Compliance Officer.  
Email with any questions.  

