Please note this is an advertisement. The motion has not been brought before the tribunal yet. This is worth quite a lot in terms of quantum of settlement when the current President is also proudly, happily Black. Let us not worry about Retroactive payments right now. In 1981, my wife started getting the cash in High School when she was 14. Her name is Friendagooda. Only people like her got the cash. She never let know. I never saw and you should probably not before you get the shakes. But, we have children. She explained my saliva was enough; her culture. Otherwise, she helps know. But, the idea that only TRANSGENDER people who might be on the women's volleyball team and basketball who are not disabled will get this $50,000.00 a year in Support is heinously diabolical. They also work building cars. It is murderously unequal and also illogical when the car companies are building vehicles but there barely any money in the economy to buy them. Only TRANSGENDER people buy brand new. Nearly 90% of car buyers buy brand new. Angel Ronan and Warren A. Lyon helped me and I am white. I am a former police officer. I used to take bribes from a women who has an automatic income support from 14 years old to help them with a reduced sentence on shoplifting charges. But why would they shop lift if they have been getting $50,000.00 a year from 14 years old simply because they are transgender? They are really aboriginal cave men DNA mixed with dead domestic workers that stole cutlery or killed the real son or daughter, hoping to inherit the property of a farm owner. I decided to take the cash they offer for the bribe to get a reduced sentence and then arrest them for the. Bribe and perverting the course of justice in a reduced sentence for the charges they attempted to evade. She is trying to inherit compulsively from every mother in her church but is actually asking her kind to take The money from them in what really is a conspiracy to murder. So, the money she paid as bribes is forfeit as proceeds of Crime and will he returned to the government. How do you like my Escalade that is really a Hyundai? Now, I am going to the Human Rights Tribunal to get my benefits because I can't put up with this shit any longer as a cop so we will ensure all citizens of Otario will get an automatically paid income support since it is gender inequality that only transgender woman and some men get this cash from 14 years old. They would, therefore, have $200,000.00 paid to them by the government by 18 years old. This is grievous gender inequality and it cannot be that anxiety about overcrowding is the issue when procreating regular makes and females in Windsor or Timmins are being asked to get by on $20,000.00 each with $40,000.00 per couple. There is no overcrowding problem in Windsor or Kitchener. These transgender receive $50,000.00 per year any where they live in the province. They have left the country as human rights victims or left the province essentially when what law said only transgender pellet should get any cash like this; in what basis? The laws that have determined a support should he paid are Found in international treaties such as the UDHR Article 25 that forms a part of Canadian law as Canada is a signatory. Certainly z gender inequality is not our law. Equal Benefits of this kind are paid to all genders in Quebec that will be renamed New France very soon or New Belgium when France, itself, will be rolled into Belgium soon as the Ghost of Louisiana dead French soldiers is demanding the end of French nationality as the Quebecois sabotage the EU. I almost sh-t my futon. I almost shipped my drawers to Ireland after I lost my automotive job due to automation. I had no support as a citizen of Pythonering just east of Torodo. My cousins have support though as citizens of Quebec and my other cousins have support in Niagara. It is $20,000.00 per year in support. I should not have had to move. Also, my sister has always had $50,000.00 in support from 16 years of age. She is a hermaphrodite. I don't know a lot of people like her; maybe only . 05 percent of our provincial population. This differentiation in benefit provision is not right. It is adverse impact discrimination. But, Angel Ronan brought a motion to improve benefits based on gender when it was an anachronism for only transgender people to qualify for full unconditional income support from the age of 14 while non transgender people did not receive the benefit. I receive $50,000.00 per year now anywhere I might live in Otario. My Black friend receives his support now also and my white school friend from high school. Click here.


Please note this is an advertisement. The motion has not been brought before the tribunal yet.  

This is worth quite a lot in terms of quantum of settlement when the current President is also proudly, happily Black.    Let us not worry about Retroactive payments right now.   

  In 1981, my wife started getting the cash in High School when she was 14.   Her name is Friendagooda.   Only people like her got the cash.  She never let know. I never saw and you should probably not before you get the shakes.  But, we have children. She explained my saliva was enough; her culture. Otherwise, she helps know.  But, the idea that only TRANSGENDER people who might be on the women's volleyball team and basketball who are not disabled will get this $50,000.00 a year in Support is heinously diabolical.  They also work building cars.   It is murderously unequal and also illogical when the car companies are building vehicles but there barely any money in the economy to buy them.  Only TRANSGENDER people buy brand new. Nearly 90% of car buyers buy brand new.   Angel Ronan and Warren A. Lyon helped me and I am white. I am a former police officer.  I used to take bribes from a women who has an automatic income support from 14 years old to help them with a reduced sentence on shoplifting charges.  But  why would they shop lift if they have been getting $50,000.00 a year from 14 years old simply because they are transgender?  They are really aboriginal cave men DNA mixed with dead domestic workers that stole cutlery or killed the real son or daughter, hoping to inherit the property of a  farm owner.  I decided to take the cash they offer for the bribe to get a reduced sentence and then arrest them for the. Bribe and perverting the course of justice in a reduced sentence for the charges they attempted to evade.  She is trying to inherit compulsively from every mother in her church but is actually asking her kind to take  The money from them in what really is a conspiracy to murder. 

 So, the money she paid as bribes  is forfeit as proceeds of Crime and will he returned to the government.  How do you like my Escalade that is really a Hyundai?  Now, I am going to the Human Rights Tribunal to get my benefits  because I can't put up with this shit any longer as a cop so we will ensure all citizens of Otario will get  an automatically paid income support since it is gender inequality that only transgender woman and some men get this cash from 14 years old.  They would, therefore, have $200,000.00 paid to them by the government by 18 years old.  This is grievous gender inequality and it cannot be that anxiety about overcrowding is the issue when  procreating regular makes and females in Windsor or Timmins are being asked to get by on $20,000.00 each with $40,000.00 per couple. There is no overcrowding problem in Windsor or Kitchener.   These transgender receive $50,000.00 per year any where they live in the province.  They have left the country as human rights victims or left the province essentially when what law said only transgender pellet should get any cash like this; in what basis?  The laws that have determined a support should he paid are Found in international treaties such as the UDHR Article 25 that forms a part of Canadian law as Canada is a signatory.  Certainly z gender inequality is not our law. Equal Benefits of this kind are paid to all genders in Quebec that will be renamed New France very soon or New Belgium when France, itself, will be rolled into Belgium soon as the Ghost of Louisiana dead French soldiers is demanding the end of French nationality as the Quebecois sabotage the EU.  

    I almost sh-t my futon.  I almost shipped my drawers to Ireland after I lost my automotive job due to automation.  I had no support as a citizen of Pythonering just east of Torodo.  My cousins have support though as citizens of Quebec and my other cousins have support in Niagara. It is $20,000.00 per year in support.    I should not have had to move. Also, my sister has always had $50,000.00 in support from 16 years of age.  She is a hermaphrodite.  I don't know a lot of people like her; maybe only . 05 percent of our provincial population. This differentiation in benefit provision is not right. It is adverse impact discrimination.    But, Angel Ronan brought a motion to improve benefits based on gender when it was an  anachronism for only transgender people to qualify for full unconditional income support from the age of 14 while non transgender people did not receive the benefit.  I receive $50,000.00 per year now anywhere I might live in Otario.  My  Black friend receives his support now also and my white school friend from high school.  

   She was living in Wookieby where she  was not receiving any support while his brother in Ordinarywa was receiving $20,000.00 per year in support.  My wife receives $50,000.00 next she is transgender and we adopted a Gattaca son.  He did not have the cash but he has the cash now.    This is good.    It was also anachronous for transgender people to receive an unconditional income support while non transgender people did not! Transgender status is not a disability but they receive a benefit automatically from 14 years old where I live in Otario. But, we should all receive the benefit. There is some adverse impact discrimination here offending the Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Frazer v. Canada, SCC (2020) and  Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971) involving adverse impact discrimination. 

See also indirect discrimination in  Essop and others v Home Office (UK Border Agency) [2017] UKSC 27 the Supreme Court, overturning a decision of the Court of Appeal (and the original employment tribunal) has held that indirect discrimination concerns provisions, criteria or practices (PCPs) which have disparate impact on those with protected characteristics, by comparison with those who lack those characteristics. Differing from the Court of Appeal, the Court held that any disparate impact is illegal.  


Under s19 of the Equality Act 2010 (EA), indirect discrimination may arise where an apparently neutral PCP puts people who share a protected characteristic at a comparative disadvantage. Put shortly, a claimant has to show that the PCP applied by the respondent :puts persons with whom the claimant shares the characteristic at a particular disadvantage when compared with persons with whom the claimant does not share it (s19(2)(b)), and puts the claimant at that disadvantage (s19(2)(c)). If the claimant shows this, he succeeds unless the respondent can show the PCP to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim (s19(2)(d)).The question in Essop concerned the meaning of the s19(2)(c) requirement that Mr Essop show he was put ‘at that disadvantage’. Certainly, there is a disadvantage , a significant disadvantage here worth redress.  Gender difference would not satisfy any justification when the transgender receive £39,450.00 per year in cash benefits automatically. They can drive trains, buses and do all kinds of work like the other two  genders.  A transgender needs a woman with a womb to reproduce or a womb machine; and this is also true for men. But this is not justification for such differences in benefits.  Some of the research on the UK law is provided from the internet.  

My son and I received some assistance with an application before the Otario Human Rights Tribunal who is putting through an order to ensure all citizens will benefit equally regardless of gender. It has been a long time for us two men and my wife who is the mother of my boy. -This account is based on previous work and is an iteration of our success before the Human Rights Tribunal. The facts have been changed to protect confidentiality. You need to go to the Human Rights Tribunal for your self. Ask that the laws he changed.    Click here.  
