Written, June 4th 2019. Free to be used by any professional with the use of an affidavit from one tangender Ontario citizen receiving the income support from 14 years of age and one citizen who is not receiving the income support. https://data.oecd.org/benwage/adequacy-of-minimum-income-benefits.htm#indicator-chart The mandate is national to fulfill the UDHR and the universal minimum income support. Our head of state has signed it and expects to see complete and wholescale fulfillment of these policies to fulfill the economy without any racial, complexion sick agenda imposing itself and taking precedence over the rule of law.It is a national obligation ; that is delegated and shared in the fulfillment of the obligation if this aids efficiency..with minimum standards set by the national government to achieve its national obligation. Free to be used by any professional https://data.oecd.org/benwage/adequacy-of-minimum-income-benefits.htm#indicator-chart The Book of Etiquette is all you need according to some and any graduate is supposed to be Dead according to Mr John A who was appointed PM by the....English to understand anthropologically the rut the scallywag people present socio-economically to the great British Empire. There are a lot of nice people who who have been casualties on this great anthropology after 2 World wars. They resent and resist law and want to say "..what is law of I intend to kill you and take it; whatever it is and with my ways what is law if I have authority ?" The Nazi movement is the uniformed organisation of the scallywag people and mindset. They operate covertly now but they tend to demand a right to just take what they want and do what they want: in resisting law that ironically parallelized old Amerindian resistance of law and resentment of law. The Angel Ronan Lex Scripta Precedent: Application for enforcement of basic income/ minimum income support before the Federal Court of Canada: Affidavit from any citizens in the country, in particular in Ontario, who are not receiving basic income/ minimum income support; some of them Catholic and some of them White and some are Anglican and some are Presbyterian who are not White and some who are White while many of their sons offered to die at 40 years old if they could have any job they wanted in Ontario within reason. Affidavit evidence and bank statements from All of the citizens in Manitoba, Quebec and Saskatchewen have a universal minimum income support obligation to fulfil the legal obligation within the lives of every citizen in the nation under an Article 25 UDHR legal mandate and duty of care to the citizen to ensure the guaranteed Article 25 UDHR rights. Article 11 of the 1966/1976 Covenant requires that the government ensure these rights in the lives of citizens. Do you want to be accepted or show your determination? You want to be accepted and enjoy European association; real German. You have the power to pay yourself the basic income/minimum income support under the current law as legally required and maybe you can attach an amount that represents compensation or reparations to the citizen regardless of his particular grievance; maybe equal pay for equal work. Just call your Uncle who is the Premier and tell him to do his mandated job at law. Your entitlement to minimum income support began before the black guy went to Law School and graduated. Your entitlement began before the current opposition leaders were born. The Laws of Canada are the laws of England whether or not there is any further legislative instrument in Canada and where the laws conflict in terms of purpose and intention being peace, order and good government , the laws of England prevail according to the British North America Act and the Criminal Code of Canada. At the present time, there is conflict concerning the average sales tax rate across the country of Canada which should be 17.5 percent. The laws do conflict concerning the enforcement of a minimum income support which is available to to all English people by way of application at the UK minimum income support website and where the applicant unconditionally will be provided with $37000.00 per annum. It is submitted that the people of Canada are the people of England by virtue of the UK's total legal authority over the population. The UK is an EU member state. This is simply a fact to be enjoyed. ClIck here.

  Written, June 4th 2019.  

Free to be used by any professional with the use of an affidavit from one tangender Ontario citizen receiving the income support from 14 years of age and one citizen who is not receiving the income support.   


 The mandate is national to fulfill the UDHR and the universal minimum income support. Our head of state has signed it and expects to see complete  and wholescale fulfillment of these policies to fulfill the economy without any racial,  complexion sick agenda imposing itself and taking precedence over the rule of law.It is a national obligation ;  that is delegated and  shared in the fulfillment  of the obligation if this aids efficiency..with minimum standards set by the national government to achieve its national obligation.   Free to be used by any professional          https://data.oecd.org/benwage/adequacy-of-minimum-income-benefits.htm#indicator-chart    The Book of Etiquette is all you need according to some and any graduate is supposed to be Dead according to Mr John A who was appointed PM  by the....English to understand anthropologically  the rut  the scallywag people present socio-economically to the great British Empire. There are a lot of nice people who who have been casualties on this great anthropology after 2 World wars.  They resent and resist law and want to say "..what is law of I intend to kill you and take it; whatever it is and with my  ways what is law if I have authority ?" The Nazi movement is the uniformed organisation of the scallywag people and mindset.  They operate covertly now but they tend to demand a right to just take what they want and do what they want: in resisting law that ironically parallelized old Amerindian resistance of law and resentment of law.  The Angel Ronan Lex Scripta Precedent: Application for enforcement of  basic income/ minimum income support  before the Federal Court of Canada:     Affidavit from any citizens in the country, in particular in Ontario, who are not receiving basic income/ minimum income support; some of them Catholic and some of them White and some are Anglican and some are Presbyterian who are not White and some who are White while many of their  sons offered to die at 40 years old if they could have any job they wanted in Ontario within reason. Affidavit evidence and bank statements from    All of the citizens in Manitoba, Quebec and Saskatchewen have a universal minimum income support obligation to fulfil  the legal obligation within the lives of every citizen in the nation under an Article 25 UDHR legal mandate and duty of care to the citizen to  ensure the guaranteed  Article 25 UDHR rights. Article 11 of the 1966/1976 Covenant requires that the government ensure these rights in the lives of citizens. Do you want to be accepted or show your determination? You want to be accepted and enjoy European association; real German.   You have the power to pay yourself the basic income/minimum income support under the current law  as legally required and maybe you can attach an amount that represents compensation or reparations to the citizen regardless of his particular grievance; maybe equal pay for equal work. Just call your Uncle who is the Premier and tell him to do his mandated job at law.     Your entitlement to minimum income support began before the black guy went to Law School and graduated. Your entitlement began before the current opposition leaders were born.    The Laws of Canada are the laws of England whether or not there is any further legislative instrument in Canada and where the laws conflict in terms of purpose and intention being peace, order and good government , the laws of England prevail according to the British North America Act and the Criminal Code of Canada.   At the present time, there is conflict concerning the average sales tax rate across the country of Canada which should be 17.5 percent. The laws do conflict concerning the enforcement of a minimum income support which is available to to all English people by way of application at the UK minimum income support website and where the applicant unconditionally will be provided with $37000.00 per annum. It is submitted that the people of Canada are the people of England by virtue of the UK's total legal authority over the population.   The UK is an EU member state. This is simply a fact to be enjoyed.       1. The current legislation in Canada  is evidence that  demonstrates the inefficiencies and inefficacy of  guaranteed minimum income support in Canada.     It contradicts OECD data that  suggests Canadians have a guaranteed minimum income of  $20,000.00 while this may reflect seniors and disabled persons only while many Canadians outside of Quebec and outside of these groups demographically do not receive anything.    1(a). Based on Canada's evident domestic and international human rights commitments, an efficient, measurable fulfillment of The UDHR Article 25 Rights as guaranteed under the UDHR and ensured under the OHCHR Article 11 as basic income is not an adversarial issue. Measurable, observable enforcement is binding on Canada in the most efficient regard for these rights to build vehicles; I mean to say people and human lives  where Europe, Russia, China,Germany and Japan have implemented the basic income/minimum income support  pursuant to policy directives. Do you build vehicles; efficiently or at all? Do you build human  lives or do you destroy them with non-compliant, non-growth  policies?    2. The 2012 ILO Recommendation No. 202  as ratified by all member States in 2012 confirming already existing policy directives and International Laws   provides  guidance to member States on how to extend  and adapt social protection floors to national  circumstances. It states that national social protection  floors should include at least four essential guarantees:  (a) Access to at least essential health care,  including maternity care;  (b) Basic income security for children, providing  access to nutrition, education, care and any other  necessary goods and services;  (c) Basic income security for persons of working  age who are unable to earn sufficient income, in  particular in cases of sickness, unemployment,  maternity and disability;  (d) Basic income security for older persons.  8. While the final objective is to put in  place comprehensive social protection systems,  implementation can be gradual in line with States’  resources. Countries adopting a social protection floor  should develop nationally defined strategies, in a  participatory manner, respecting the principles of non-  discrimination, gender equality and social inclusion.  Building on existing social protection mechanisms,  those strategies may include a mix of measures:  contributory and non-contributory, targeted and  universal, and public and private — depending on the  country’s social, economic and political context.  9. The results of ILO research and the  experience of several developing countries  show that virtually all countries can afford social  protection floors and that they would constitute  effective tools in the fight against poverty.    3.   This obligation to ensure the Article 25 UDHR   ( Universal Declaration of  Human Rights)   begins at birth and if the child is not an orphan or even of he is an orphan as a registered birth, the child is a known legal entity or legal person with standing before the Court with recourse to  Law  with his Article 25 UDHR rights provided for directly via the understood and regular obligation of legal care providers (parents and guardians )  who receive a supplement in the guaranteed UDHR Article 25 Rights of each child while the legal care providers must also be within the provision of their guaranteed and ensured UDHR Article 25 rights to be able to ensure, under legal obligation as parents or guardians, the guaranteed rights of the child;    4(a) Charter Application:  The   provision of these guaranteed and ensured S.11 OHCHR  rights in unequal measure and discriminatory application  across the country is a S.15 Charter issue and the Court is hereby provided with notice of this issue along with  a S.15 Charter Application under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as Canadian citizens in the province of Quebec are provided with a Minimum Income Support under the Quebec Social Solidarity program and the Citizens  Newfoundland and Labrador also receive a minimum income support as citizens in Predominantly French Speaking provinces while citizens of Ontario do not have universal access  to this minimum income support. Some citizens may have some support from old programs under other Ontario governments as citizens who live in Hamilton but this support is  not made available to or provided to all Ontario citizens.    4(b)  The Guaranteed Income Support provided to citizens over 64 years of age only  is further evidence of disparate, unequal  treatment of the   various citizens who do not receive this  guaranteed  income support although equal treatment is guaranteed and safeguarded by the Charter of Rights  and Freedoms under S.15   in the provision of the OHCHR S.11 ensured rights for each citizen where minimum income support is the policy prescribed by the  UN Charter directives in the fulfillment of these rights that are both guaranteed and ensured.    5. Every citizen plans to have a  family and is a guaranteed recipient of Article 25 rights as ensured and may seek adopt also to fill the household they are also guaranteed.  Every citizen is known to the governments and are within the governments reasonable contemplation as set out in the various documents conforming to Domestic and International legal Jurisdiction and the duty to ensure various rights of the citizens/citizen;    6. The  Constitution indicates that Teddough's father is the real Baby Doc Duvalier who has only wiggled down the Canadian population, reduced the birth rate to nearly zero with poisoned drinking water up north and has made the entire country dependent on immigration for  any form of positive population growth. Further to this, how can there be a war on drugs if all of the police in the commonwealth are selling E pills hoping to be rather expansive in questions with Eddie Temple and Sasha was shot by Gene 's enforcer from the retired Scotland Yard? But you would sell more Nova Scotia packages at $333.00 including flight and hotel if you put in the basic income;    7.  The Canadian Constitution also indicates that the people of Canada have formed a national union and that they are personally contractual parties with the governments they have formed.  See Article - -  of the British North America Act 1867 and also the Constitution Act, 1982; Article - - -;  8. The obligation of Employees, Ministers and Clerks  to fulfill their legal duties under the constitution cannot be legislated away. There is a Duty that can be enforced in Court under the Law of Tort or under the Law of Contract;    9. In this case concerning the UDHR that provides the citizen recourse to Law on the event of non fulfillment of any of the guaranteed rights under the articles,  there is no room to argue that a suit to enforce Artic 25 of the UDHR is statute barred. The nation has obligated itself and put  it self under a duty to each citizen with whom there is legal proximity and a known, foreseeable duty with knowable  risk of  harm or loss in the careless, expertise of that duty.   Under the UDHR(The Universal  Declaration of Human Rights)  The citizen is guaranteed recourse to Law for legal enforcement of the guaranteed rights.  See  Kamloops v. Nielsen, [1984] 2 SCR 2, 1984;    10. The country is a proud signatory and party to the UDHR that is hereinafter referred to as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; hereinafter referred to as the UDHR.  In addition, if there is a conflict between law and equity, equity prevails.    11.    Your immediate and enforceable right to minimum income support   as ensured under the    International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights   Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 entry into force 3 January 1976, in accordance with article 27 demonstrates that the Canadian governments like France and other signatory nations have put themselves under a legal duty of care concerning the Article 25 UDHR guaranteed rights of every citizen as the governments are under a duty of care to ensure these rights.    The contractual remedy for breach of contract is damages and specific enforcement for breach. A national constitution is a people's contract with themselves as people.  The people are not third parties to a contract as discussed on Donoghue vs. Stevenson  but direct signatories to the Constitution. A Law suit for breach of contract is the ideal and simplified means of dealing a remedy; not an action in tort although Tort cases exist in this regard for breach of duty. This is a good thing when a duty to one citizen or legal entity  under contract has failed, leading to tortious loss and damage being suffered by third parties. For instance, a drug addicted politician should not be allowed to maintain his office and the police are under a contractual obligation to ensure he does not commit misfeasance in public office which is a criminal offence. If they do not apprehend him, it is a breach of their job contract. However, the politician's misfeasance has led to a breach of a  duty of care under Tort law, affecting citizens across the country. The politician is also vicariously liable under contract to fulfill his own contractual duty as an employee of the people's government.     A constitution is a contract with its citizens. Under the Magna Carta as the great contract. Understand legislation as part of the Contract that is the Constitution. Understand UN treaties as immediate expressions of the Constitution and Contract.    Canada is a party to the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. This creates a legislative and contractual obligation to fulfill the guaranteed rights set out in the  Declaration and the obligation to Ensure the guaranteed rights. It is an onerous obligation but not impossible. It facilitates the freedom of the individuals  and the failure to ensure the Article 25 UDHR rights  is a positive breach of Domestic and International Laws involving the offense of genocide since deliberately failing to ensure the guaranteed rights constitutes a planned  orchestration of the destruction of peoples; in whole or in part with conditions of life amounting to  the intention to destroy.    12..  All citizens to be citizens are self-defined as human beings. They have social insurance numbers, Drivers' Licenses  and accounts via the government.      13.  All of the obligations under the UDHR satisfy existing Domestic Law by definition as an international treaty where the country is a  party. The current means and wealth of any citizen is irrelevant when some save and some don't. Some work and some cannot and the life circumstances of any citizen is subject to change at any time for various reasons and one key reason is industrial robotic automation. In any event, being a party to the UDHR Declaration is a positive obligation on the government as signatory.   The contractual obligation between a government and its citizens with respect to various UN obligations is found in the Canadian Constitution that makes such UN treaties Domestic Canadian Law once the treaty is signed.  As to basic income, the UDHR article 25 guarantees a certain standard of life and this guaranteed standard is to be ensured with evident provision in the life of every citizen.  Basic income is the policy to Ensure the guarantee.    A few  excerpts from   Canadian National Railway Co. v. Norsk Pacific Steamship Co. (C.A.), [1990] 3 FC 114, 1990 CanLII 7930 (FCA) demonstrating the right to compensation for pure economic loss when there is a breach of contractual duty and a duty of care in failing to maintain the ensured and guaranteed Article 25 UDHR rights of a citizen about  whom the government is aware under its social services electronic infrastructure with the use of Social Insurance Electronic architecture:   In my opinion such cases as Cattle v. Stockton Waterworks Co. (1875), L.R. 10 Q.B. 453, and Weller & Co. v. Foot & Mouth Disease Research Institute, [1965] 3 All E.R. 560, should be seen as specific examples of a denial of recovery on the basis of absence of proximity, or remoteness of damage, or both, and not as establishing a principle that damages can never be recovered for economic loss if the loss arises from thebreach of a contractual relationship between one victim who suffers economic loss and another victim who suffers physical injury. The answer to such problems lies not in a uniform denial of recovery but in an application of the customary and sometimes difficult questions relating to proximity, foreseeability, causation and remoteness.  Suppose an airline has a policy of discharging pilots who suffer from a medical disability and requires its pilots to undergo a medical examination each year by a doctor, selected by the airline, who knows the purpose of the examination. Suppose the doctor carelessly and incorrectly diagnoses a disability and the pilot is discharged. Would the pilot, as a matter of legal policy, be denied a cause of action against the doctor? I do not think so. Yet the loss suffered by the pilot would be economic loss arising from the doctor's negligent interference with the pilot's contractual relations with the airline. I leave unanswered the question of what difference it would make, if any, if the doctor was a salaried employee of the airline.    The next question is whether, if there were a duty of care owed by the Minister of Finance or the Superintendent of Insurance to the appellants and a breach of that duty, there could in principle be recovery for purely economic loss. Counsel for the Crown contended that the kinds of cases in which there could be recovery for economic loss that is not consequential upon personal injury or property damage were limited to those represented by Hedley Byrne & Co. Ltd. v. Heller & Partners Ltd., [1964] A.C. 465, and Rivtow Marine, supra: negligent misrepresentation, and negligent failure to warn of a dangerous defect in a product. There is in my opinion nothing in subsequent judicial commentary on this question which suggests that recovery for purely economic loss is to be limited in principle to these categories of cases. In Agnew-Surpass Shoe Stores Ltd. v. Cummer-Yonge Investments Ltd. (1975), 1975 CanLII 26 (SCC), 55 D.L.R. (3d) 676 at pp. 692-3, [1976] 2 S.C.R. 221 at p. 252, [1975] I.L.R. 1171, there was the following general reference to the significance of Rivtow Marine:  "It is now settled by the judgment of this Court in Rivtow Marine Ltd. v. Washington Iron Works ... that recovery for economic loss caused by negligence is allowable without any recovery for property damage."  3. A concurrent or alternative liability in tort will not be admitted if its effect would be to permit the plaintiff to circumvent or escape a contractual exclusion or limitation of liability for the act or omission that would constitute the tort. Subject to this qualification, where concurrent liability in tort and contract exists the plaintiff has the right to assert the cause of action that appears to be most advantageous to him in respect ofany particular legal consequence.  The validity of the elements he considered important in finding liability for pure economic loss (at p. 29):  1. Knowledge of the claimant as a specific individual or identity who is likely to suffer the damage as opposed to knowledge of a general or unascertained class ofpeople.  2. Not only must it be established that loss was probably foreseeable but the precise nature of the loss should have been foreseeable.  3. There must be a sufficient degree of proximity between the act committed by the tortfeasor and the injury complained of, that an ordinary right thinking person would feel that the tortfeasor is morally bound to compensate the victim (Caltex Oil Australian Property Ltd. v. the Dredge Willemstad). This has also been expressed in terms of sufficient proximity of the property to lead to a duty of care to the claimant.  In my judgment, taken collectively, if not, perhaps, individually,[2] these elements demonstrate that sufficient proximity giving rise to a duty of care owed by the appellants (defendants) to the respondent (plaintiff) existed; the case is a compelling one for recovery of the loss claimed. In the exceptional circumstances of this case, I can find no reason in policy for negativing this duty or for denying recovery of the loss. In so saying I wish once more to emphasize that the issue before us is solely concerned with liability for pure economic loss suffered by the respondent (plaintiff) and not at all with claims of the same nature advanced by other users o f the bridge.    .  L'Écuyer c. Quebec (Attorney General), 2014 QCCS 5889 (CanLII) .  Kamloops v. Nielsen, [1984] 2 SCR 2, 1984 CanLII 21 (SCC) .  See the The Queen in Right of Canada v. The Queen in Right of Prince Edward Island, 1977 CanLII 1726 (FCA)  .     See also the Dorset Yacht case.  .   B.M. (Guardian ad litem of) v. British Columbia, 2009 BCCA 413 (CanLII  .   Johnson et al. v. Adamson et al., 1981 CanLII 1667 (ON CA)  .    Principal Group Ltd. (Trustee of) v. Alberta, 1991 CanLII 6230 (AB QB)  .   Cumby v Snow and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 1986 CanLII 2421 (NL CA)  .  Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation v. Prisco, 1990 CanLII 5955 (AB QB) .   It is within the U.N. policy that basic income is the means and method of satisfying a government's contractual obligation with the citizen under Article 25. See also Article 11 of the 1976 Covenant also confirming the obligation to "ensure"the right.    A breach of the obligation is a criminal matter as a genocide offense. The documents were signed by the Queen and her agents  in Parliament.  You could seek a class action remedy for breach of legislation and UN Charters that create the government's obligation.    In determining a human right as to family and family members or individuals, we begin by observing the UN Charters that are relevant. We see Canada's obligations as signed yearly but certainly with out a doubt, there are commitments as a signatory member nation in 1948 and further commitments in 1976 as a regular and committed  UDHR signatory.  Article 25 of the UDHR guarantees sufficient individual finance for housing and all other necessities for a regular  life as noted under Article 25.  Article 25 of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights  confirms the rights of the individual.  Persons intent on raising families require sufficient Monetary supplements,finance and support.   Mothers  or individuals need a basic income under the UDHR to support the family,  themselves and the child. Understand Article 25. The basic income is considered income for child support purposes.   The United Nations Human Rights Conventions in the  Canadian legal Jurisdiction  that have an impact on  communities and individuals: Click here to read more about Bill C-78 and how it relates to UDHR Article 25 and basic income. Article 12 of the noted convention is Canadian Law whether or not it appears in statute.  This is also true for Article 25 of the UDHR. The child as a citizen will also benefit from the UDHR Article 25 guarantee  once he turns 12 years of age and the funds will be applied to his personal bank account.    e. The child’s views and preferences Canada is a party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 12 of this Convention provides that governments should recognize that children who are capable of forming their own views, depending on their age or maturity, have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Children are directly affected by the parenting decisions that parents and judges make about them. This proposed factor would require consideration of children’s views on issues that are important to them. It would also direct that courts and parents give weight to the child’s views in accordance with the child’s age and maturity.    14.   Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law  Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.  15. It is  held that the head of state(The Monarch ). is the only person capable of representing Canada internationally and the only person who has the power to sign international conventions or treaties on its behalf.  The reality is quite different, however with delegated authority to achieve administration of the Will and Intention.   Although the Governor in Council (Cabinet) retains final effective control over the ratification of treaties, it may appoint any person it wishes to negotiate and sign them.  Apart from the Prime Minister, these persons are usually the ministers, deputy ministers, diplomatic representatives or negotiators of the Canadian government. As soon as the Governor in Council approves a treaty entered into by Canada and a foreign country, regardless of who has negotiated it, it becomes an international treaty, provided it is also ratified by the other signatory countries.  Failure to implement is a resistance of her will.      16. The UDHR (UNIVERSAL  Declaration  of  Human Rights ) is binding on Canada.    A treaty entered into and signed for and on behalf of Canada by a representative of the Government of Canada and subsequently approved by the Governor in Council is binding on Canada.  Approval usually takes the form of an order in council.  Furthermore, the Governor in Council may approve the text of an international treaty that has not yet been signed and designate a representative of the Government of Canada to sign it on behalf of Canada.  The mandate of that representative must then be set out in the order in council.(8)    17. The failure to implement the OCHCR Article 11 ensured rights with the minimum standards set out in the relevant UN ILO regulations outlined in paragraph 2 herein  by a member state constitutes genocide which his defined as follows:  By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.   18. It is further defined as: [Genocide is] a structural and systematic destruction of innocent people by a state bureaucratic apparatus. …Genocide represents a systematic effort over time to liquidate a national population, usually a minority…[and] functions as a fundamental political policy to assure conformity and participation of the citizenry. (Genocide: State Power and Mass Murder)[15    19. The income and  Employment Supports Act ( Alberta ) is evidence of a Unconditional minimum income support program that is a valiant yet insufficiently funded  attempt to satisfy the UN Standards noted in the herein application  that amount to Federal national law and  national, Federal  legal requirements as measurable, monitorable and observable in requisite policy.  The On-reserve Income Assistance Program, however, is one example of a Federal program that approximates the OCHCR Article 11 ensured, guaranteed legal requirements with appropriate levels of funding but only for those persons who live on a reserve.    This is not an adversarial issue.  The relief sought for all citizens is an increased sales tax rate at 17.5 percent for maintenance of the entire administration, for the minimum income support ,  the King's Highway, John a. Mcdonald Collegiate and Buckhurst Palace in non -compliant Canadian provinces or territories. In addition to this, as some displaced  natives who do not satisfy current typography in terms of complexion and hair texture as an  Asian, Ethiopian or West Indian  redox are still native and who are protected by S.15 from discrimination in all policies and as citizens of a Alberta and New Foundations have the benefit of a guaranteed, observable  minimum income  support for all the citizens, the  relief sought is an annual  Federal minimum guaranteed ensured annual  income support of $20,000.00 with the same  facility and accessibility as a drivers license, health card and social insurance card with direct deposit confirmation.  Once the recipient can resort to a compliant provincial programme that pays above $20,000 with a provincial application, the Federal funding terminates automatically upon receipt of payment.    20.  The evident impact in failing to fulfill the UDHR Article 25 guarantees and the OHCHR Article 11 ensured rights pursuant to guidelines  and regulations provided in various documents that include the ILO 202 regulations is evident.  It is genocide. The population in Canada that includes ancestrally French people in provinces other than Quebec is burning to the ground in non - compliant regions and did you know your body is the temple of the living God; much like a Cathedral?  It is genocide; what these populations are suffering  by definition.   The risk of incarceration and domestic and international  indictment of politicians  for breach of international laws  is seen in the case of  George Bush Jr. and   Pinochet in the Western hemisphere.     21. The application  is granted on consent following extensive discussions with the Federal Crown Counsel  as it is not an adversarial issue.    Written by Counsel for the Applicants; Uncle Fu, The Catholics, The Canadian Automotive Dealers, The Better Business Association, The Federation of Law Societies, The Anglicans,  The Family Association, The National Home Builders and Renovators Community Association,   The  Black Caucus, The Advocating Society, The OPP (Ontario People Party), The RCMP(Real Canadian Mikmaq Party), The Honorable D. Ford, The Honored Truedo,   The White Caucus, the Human Caucus and the Native Caucus.    You abandoned me and I really like your laws and customs; pip pip with a spot of tea and merci avec le  croissants mais Je ne cera pas fais quelle tu dire. Tu doit venir a' battre mois ou nous... beat me..beat us. Come to beat us in Caricomtario.    As written by Mr.White.           Angel Ronan Lex Scripta Precedent: Application for enforcement of  basic income/ minimum income support  before the Federal Court of Canada:     Affidavit from any citizens in the country, in particular in Ontario, who are not receiving basic income/ minimum income support; some of them Catholic and some of them White and some are Anglican and some are Presbyterian who are not White and some who are White while many of their  sons offered to die at 40 years old if they could have any job they wanted in Ontario within reason.  All of the citizens in Manitoba, Quebec and Saskatchewen have minimum income support /basic income under a national obligation to fulfill basic income within the lives of every citizen in the nation under an Article 25 UDHR legal mandate and duty of care to the citizen to  ensure the guaranteed  Article 25 UDHR rights. Article 11 of the 1966/1976 Covenant requires that the government ensure these rights in the lives of citizens. Do you want to be accepted or show your determination? You want to be accepted and enjoy European association; real German.   You have the power to pay yourself the basic income/minimum income support under the current law  as legally required and maybe you can attach an amount that represents compensation or reparations to the citizen regardless of his particular grievance; maybe equal pay for equal work. Just call your Uncle who is the Premier and tell him to do his mandated job at law.      1.  The Laws of Canada are the laws of England whether or not there is any further legislative instrument in Canada and where the laws conflict in terms of purpose and intention being peace, order and good government , the laws of England prevail according to the British North America Act and the Criminal Code of Canada.   At the present time, there is conflict concerning the average sales tax rate across the country of Canada which should be 17.5 percent. The laws so conflict concerning the enforcement of a minimum income support which is available to tangender people automatically from 14 years of age  and  non tangender English people receive it  by way of application at the UK minimum income support website and where the applicant unconditionally will be provided with 37000.00 per annum. It is submitted that the people of Canada are the people of England by virtue of the UK's total legal authority over the population. The UK is an EU member state. This is simply a fact to be enjoyed.      1(a). Based on Canada's evident domestic and international human rights commitments, an efficient, measurable fulfillment of The UDHR Article 25 Rights as guaranteed under the UDHR and ensured under the OHCHR Article 11 as basic income is not an adversarial issue. Measurable, observable enforcement is binding on Canada in the most efficient regard for these rights to build vehicles; I mean to say people and human lives  where Europe, Russia, China,Germany and Japan have implemented the basic income/minimum income support  pursuant to policy directives. Do you build vehicles; efficiently or at all? Do you build human  lives or do you destroy them with non-compliant, non-growth  policies? The further issue is that the OECD confirms that the levels of minimum income support and the method of provision is inadequate as whole sectors of the population are not provided for and are not on receipt of this economically beneficial and legally requisite minimum income support. As such, it is evident that those persons treated most in-humanely are the most inhumane when given a chance to run socio-economic policies designed for raceless, ageless socioeconomic and societal safety for all,reducing crime and safeguarding general human welfare for all in the population.    2. The 2012 ILO Recommendation No. 202  as ratified by all member States in 2012 confirming already existing policy directives and International Laws   provides  guidance to member States on how to extend  and adapt social protection floors to national  circumstances. It states that national social protection  floors should include at least four essential guarantees:  (a) Access to at least essential health care,  including maternity care;  (b) Basic income security for children, providing  access to nutrition, education, care and any other  necessary goods and services;  (c) Basic income security for persons of working  age who are unable to earn sufficient income, in  particular in cases of sickness, unemployment,  maternity and disability;  (d) Basic income security for older persons.  8. While the final objective is to put in  place comprehensive social protection systems,  implementation can be gradual in line with States’  resources. Countries adopting a social protection floor  should develop nationally defined strategies, in a  participatory manner, respecting the principles of non-  discrimination, gender equality and social inclusion.  Building on existing social protection mechanisms,  those strategies may include a mix of measures:  contributory and non-contributory, targeted and  universal, and public and private — depending on the  country’s social, economic and political context.  9. The results of ILO research and the  experience of several developing countries  show that virtually all countries can afford social  protection floors and that they would constitute  effective tools in the fight against poverty.    3.   This obligation to ensure the Article 25 UDHR   ( Universal Declaration of  Human Rights)   begins at birth and if the child is not an orphan or even of he is an orphan as a registered birth, the child is a known legal entity or legal person with standing before the Court with recourse to  Law  with his Article 25 UDHR rights provided for directly via the understood and regular obligation of legal care providers (parents and guardians )  who receive a supplement in the guaranteed UDHR Article 25 Rights of each child while the legal care providers must also be within the provision of their guaranteed and ensured UDHR Article 25 rights to be able to ensure, under legal obligation as parents or guardians, the guaranteed rights of the child;    4(a) Charter Application:  The   provision of these guaranteed and ensured S.11 OHCHR  rights in unequal measure and discriminatory application  across the country is a S.15 Charter issue and the Court is hereby provided with notice of this issue and a S.15 Charter Application under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as Canadian citizens in the province of Quebec are provided with a Minimum Income Support under the Quebec Social Solidarity program and the Citizens  Newfoundland and Labrador also receive a minimum income support as citizens in Predominantly French Speaking provinces while citizens of Ontario do not have universal access  to this minimum income support. Some citizens may have some support from old programs under other Ontario governments as citizens who live in Hamilton but this support is  not made available to or provided to all Ontario citizens.    4(b)  The Guaranteed Income Support provided to citizens over 64 years of age only  is further evidence of disparate, unequal  treatment of the   various citizens who do not receive this  guaranteed  income support although equal treatment is guaranteed and safeguarded by the Charter of Rights  and Freedoms under S.15   in the provision of the OHCHR S.11 ensured rights for each citizen where minimum income support is the policy prescribed by the  UN Charter directives in the fulfillment of these rights that are both guaranteed and ensured.    5. Every citizen plans to have a  family and is a guaranteed recipient of Article 25 rights as ensured and may seek adopt also to fill the household they are also guaranteed.  Every citizen is known to the governments and are within the governments reasonable contemplation as set out in the various documents conforming to Domestic and International legal Jurisdiction and the duty to ensure various rights of the citizens/citizen;    6. The  Constitution indicates that Teddough's father is the real Baby Doc Duvalier who has only wiggled down the Canadian population, reduced the birth rate to nearly zero with poisoned drinking water up north and has made the entire country dependent on immigration for  any form of positive population growth. Further to this, how can there be a war on drugs if all of the police in the commonwealth are selling E pills hoping to be rather expansive in questions with Eddie Temple and Sasha was shot by Gene 's enforcer from the retired Scotland Yard? But you would sell more Nova Scotia packages at $333.00 including flight and hotel if you put in the basic income;    7.  The Canadian Constitution also indicates that the people of Canada have formed a national union and that they are personally contractual parties with the governments they have formed.  See Article - -  of the British North America Act 1867 and also the Constitution Act, 1982; Article - - -;  8. The obligation of Employees, Ministers and Clerks  to fulfill their legal duties under the constitution cannot be legislated away. There is a Duty that can be enforced in Court under the Law of Tort or under the Law of Contract;    9. In this case concerning the UDHR that provides the citizen recourse to Law on the event of non fulfillment of any of the guaranteed rights under the articles,  there is no room to argue that a suit to enforce Artic 25 of the UDHR is statute barred. The nation has obligated itself and put  it self under a duty to each citizen with whom there is legal proximity and a known, foreseeable duty with knowable  risk of  harm or loss in the careless, expertise of that duty.   Under the UDHR(The Universal  Declaration of Human Rights)  The citizen is guaranteed recourse to Law for legal enforcement of the guaranteed rights.  See  Kamloops v. Nielsen, [1984] 2 SCR 2, 1984;    10. The country is a proud signatory and party to the UDHR that is hereinafter referred to as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; hereinafter referred to as the UDHR.  In addition, if there is a conflict between law and equity, equity prevails.    11.    Your immediate and enforceable right to basic income  as ensured under the    International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights   Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 entry into force 3 January 1976, in accordance with article 27 demonstrates that the Canadian governments like France and other signatory nations have put themselves under a legal duty of care concerning the Article 25 UDHR guaranteed rights of every citizen as the governments are under a duty of care to ensure these rights.    The contractual remedy for breach of contract is damages and specific enforcement for breach. A national constitution is a people's contract with themselves as people.  The people are not third parties to a contract as discussed on Donoghue vs. Stevenson  but direct signatories to the Constitution. A Law suit for breach of contract is the ideal and simplified means of dealing a remedy; not an action in tort although Tort cases exist in this regard for breach of duty. This is a good thing when a duty to one citizen or legal entity  under contract has failed, leading to tortious loss and damage being suffered by third parties. For instance, a drug addicted politician should not be allowed to maintain his office and the police are under a contractual obligation to ensure he does not commit misfeasance in public office which is a criminal offence. If they do not apprehend him, it is a breach of their job contract. However, the politician's misfeasance has led to a breach of a  duty of care under Tort law, affecting citizens across the country. The politician is also vicariously liable under contract to fulfill his own contractual duty as an employee of the people's government.     A constitution is a contract with its citizens. Under the Magna Carta as the great contract. Understand legislation as part of the Contract that is the Constitution. Understand UN treaties as immediate expressions of the Constitution and Contract.    Canada is a party to the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. This creates a legislative and contractual obligation to fulfill the guaranteed rights set out in the  Declaration and the obligation to Ensure the guaranteed rights. It is an onerous obligation but not impossible. It facilitates the freedom of the individuals  and the failure to ensure the Article 25 UDHR rights  is a positive breach of Domestic and International Laws involving the offense of genocide since deliberately failing to ensure the guaranteed rights constitutes a planned  orchestration of the destruction of peoples; in whole or in part with conditions of life amounting to  the intention to destroy.    12..  All citizens to be citizens are self-defined as human beings. They have social insurance numbers, Drivers' Licenses  and accounts via the government.      13.  All of the obligations under the UDHR satisfy existing Domestic Law by definition as an international treaty where the country is a  party. The current means and wealth of any citizen is irrelevant when some save and some don't. Some work and some cannot and the life circumstances of any citizen is subject to change at any time for various reasons and one key reason is industrial robotic automation. In any event, being a party to the UDHR Declaration is a positive obligation on the government as signatory.   The contractual obligation between a government and its citizens with respect to various UN obligations is found in the Canadian Constitution that makes such UN treaties Domestic Canadian Law once the treaty is signed.  As to basic income, the UDHR article 25 guarantees a certain standard of life and this guaranteed standard is to be ensured with evident provision in the life of every citizen.  Basic income is the policy to Ensure the guarantee.    A few  excerpts from   Canadian National Railway Co. v. Norsk Pacific Steamship Co. (C.A.), [1990] 3 FC 114, 1990 CanLII 7930 (FCA) demonstrating the right to compensation for pure economic loss when there is a breach of contractual duty and a duty of care in failing to maintain the ensured and guaranteed Article 25 UDHR rights of a citizen about  whom the government is aware under its social services electronic infrastructure with the use of Social Insurance Electronic architecture:   In my opinion such cases as Cattle v. Stockton Waterworks Co. (1875), L.R. 10 Q.B. 453, and Weller & Co. v. Foot & Mouth Disease Research Institute, [1965] 3 All E.R. 560, should be seen as specific examples of a denial of recovery on the basis of absence of proximity, or remoteness of damage, or both, and not as establishing a principle that damages can never be recovered for economic loss if the loss arises from thebreach of a contractual relationship between one victim who suffers economic loss and another victim who suffers physical injury. The answer to such problems lies not in a uniform denial of recovery but in an application of the customary and sometimes difficult questions relating to proximity, foreseeability, causation and remoteness.  Suppose an airline has a policy of discharging pilots who suffer from a medical disability and requires its pilots to undergo a medical examination each year by a doctor, selected by the airline, who knows the purpose of the examination. Suppose the doctor carelessly and incorrectly diagnoses a disability and the pilot is discharged. Would the pilot, as a matter of legal policy, be denied a cause of action against the doctor? I do not think so. Yet the loss suffered by the pilot would be economic loss arising from the doctor's negligent interference with the pilot's contractual relations with the airline. I leave unanswered the question of what difference it would make, if any, if the doctor was a salaried employee of the airline.    The next question is whether, if there were a duty of care owed by the Minister of Finance or the Superintendent of Insurance to the appellants and a breach of that duty, there could in principle be recovery for purely economic loss. Counsel for the Crown contended that the kinds of cases in which there could be recovery for economic loss that is not consequential upon personal injury or property damage were limited to those represented by Hedley Byrne & Co. Ltd. v. Heller & Partners Ltd., [1964] A.C. 465, and Rivtow Marine, supra: negligent misrepresentation, and negligent failure to warn of a dangerous defect in a product. There is in my opinion nothing in subsequent judicial commentary on this question which suggests that recovery for purely economic loss is to be limited in principle to these categories of cases. In Agnew-Surpass Shoe Stores Ltd. v. Cummer-Yonge Investments Ltd. (1975), 1975 CanLII 26 (SCC), 55 D.L.R. (3d) 676 at pp. 692-3, [1976] 2 S.C.R. 221 at p. 252, [1975] I.L.R. 1171, there was the following general reference to the significance of Rivtow Marine:  "It is now settled by the judgment of this Court in Rivtow Marine Ltd. v. Washington Iron Works ... that recovery for economic loss caused by negligence is allowable without any recovery for property damage."  3. A concurrent or alternative liability in tort will not be admitted if its effect would be to permit the plaintiff to circumvent or escape a contractual exclusion or limitation of liability for the act or omission that would constitute the tort. Subject to this qualification, where concurrent liability in tort and contract exists the plaintiff has the right to assert the cause of action that appears to be most advantageous to him in respect ofany particular legal consequence.  The validity of the elements he considered important in finding liability for pure economic loss (at p. 29):  1. Knowledge of the claimant as a specific individual or identity who is likely to suffer the damage as opposed to knowledge of a general or unascertained class ofpeople.  2. Not only must it be established that loss was probably foreseeable but the precise nature of the loss should have been foreseeable.  3. There must be a sufficient degree of proximity between the act committed by the tortfeasor and the injury complained of, that an ordinary right thinking person would feel that the tortfeasor is morally bound to compensate the victim (Caltex Oil Australian Property Ltd. v. the Dredge Willemstad). This has also been expressed in terms of sufficient proximity of the property to lead to a duty of care to the claimant.  In my judgment, taken collectively, if not, perhaps, individually,[2] these elements demonstrate that sufficient proximity giving rise to a duty of care owed by the appellants (defendants) to the respondent (plaintiff) existed; the case is a compelling one for recovery of the loss claimed. In the exceptional circumstances of this case, I can find no reason in policy for negativing this duty or for denying recovery of the loss. In so saying I wish once more to emphasize that the issue before us is solely concerned with liability for pure economic loss suffered by the respondent (plaintiff) and not at all with claims of the same nature advanced by other users o f the bridge.    .  L'Écuyer c. Quebec (Attorney General), 2014 QCCS 5889 (CanLII) .  Kamloops v. Nielsen, [1984] 2 SCR 2, 1984 CanLII 21 (SCC) .  See the The Queen in Right of Canada v. The Queen in Right of Prince Edward Island, 1977 CanLII 1726 (FCA)  .     See also the Dorset Yacht case.  .   B.M. (Guardian ad litem of) v. British Columbia, 2009 BCCA 413 (CanLII  .   Johnson et al. v. Adamson et al., 1981 CanLII 1667 (ON CA)  .    Principal Group Ltd. (Trustee of) v. Alberta, 1991 CanLII 6230 (AB QB)  .   Cumby v Snow and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 1986 CanLII 2421 (NL CA)  .  Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation v. Prisco, 1990 CanLII 5955 (AB QB) .   It is within the U.N. policy that basic income is the means and method of satisfying a government's contractual obligation with the citizen under Article 25. See also Article 11 of the 1976 Covenant also confirming the obligation to "ensure" .  A breach of the obligation is a criminal matter as a genocide offense. You could seek a class action remedy for breach of legislation and UN Charters that create the government's obligation.    In determining a human right as to family and family members or individuals, we begin by observing the UN Charters that are relevant. We see Canada's obligations as signed yearly but certainly with out a doubt, there are commitments as a signatory member nation in 1948 and further commitments in 1976 as a regular and committed  UDHR signatory.  Article 25 of the UDHR guarantees sufficient individual finance for housing and all other necessities for a regular  life as noted under Article 25.  Article 25 of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights  confirms the rights of the individual.  Persons intent on raising families require sufficient Monetary supplements,finance and support.   Mothers  or individuals need a basic income under the UDHR to support the family,  themselves and the child. Understand Article 25. The basic income is considered income for child support purposes.   The United Nations Human Rights Conventions in the  Canadian legal Jurisdiction  that have an impact on  communities and individuals: Click here to read more about Bill C-78 and how it relates to UDHR Article 25 and basic income. Article 12 of the noted convention is Canadian Law whether or not it appears in statute.  This is also true for Article 25 of the UDHR. The child as a citizen will also benefit from the UDHR Article 25 guarantee  once he turns 12 years of age and the funds will be applied to his personal bank account.    e. The child’s views and preferences Canada is a party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 12 of this Convention provides that governments should recognize that children who are capable of forming their own views, depending on their age or maturity, have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Children are directly affected by the parenting decisions that parents and judges make about them. This proposed factor would require consideration of children’s views on issues that are important to them. It would also direct that courts and parents give weight to the child’s views in accordance with the child’s age and maturity.    14.   Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law  Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.  15. It is  held that the head of state(The Monarch ). is the only person capable of representing Canada internationally and the only person who has the power to sign international conventions or treaties on its behalf.  The reality is quite different, however with delegated authority to achieve administration of the Will and Intention.   Although the Governor in Council (Cabinet) retains final effective control over the ratification of treaties, it may appoint any person it wishes to negotiate and sign them.  Apart from the Prime Minister, these persons are usually the ministers, deputy ministers, diplomatic representatives or negotiators of the Canadian government. As soon as the Governor in Council approves a treaty entered into by Canada and a foreign country, regardless of who has negotiated it, it becomes an international treaty, provided it is also ratified by the other signatory countries.      16. The UDHR (UNIVERSAL  Declaration  of  Human Rights ) is binding on Canada.    A treaty entered into and signed for and on behalf of Canada by a representative of the Government of Canada and subsequently approved by the Governor in Council is binding on Canada.  Approval usually takes the form of an order in council.  Furthermore, the Governor in Council may approve the text of an international treaty that has not yet been signed and designate a representative of the Government of Canada to sign it on behalf of Canada.  The mandate of that representative must then be set out in the order in council.(8)    17. The failure to implement the OCHCR Article 11 ensured rights with the minimum standards set out in the relevant UN ILO regulations outlined in paragraph 2 herein  by a member state constitutes genocide which his defined as follows:  By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.   18. It is further defined as: [Genocide is] a structural and systematic destruction of innocent people by a state bureaucratic apparatus. …Genocide represents a systematic effort over time to liquidate a national population, usually a minority…[and] functions as a fundamental political policy to assure conformity and participation of the citizenry. (Genocide: State Power and Mass Murder)[15    19. The income and  Employment Supports Act) is evidence of a Unconditional minimum income support program that is a valiant yet insufficiently funded  attempt to satisfy the UN Standards noted in the herein application  that amount to Federal national law and  national, Federal  legal requirements as measurable, monitorable and observable in requisite policy.  The On-reserve Income Assistance Program, however, is one example of a Federal program that approximates the OCHCR Article 11 ensured, guaranteed legal requirements with appropriate levels of funding but only for those persons who live on a reserve.    This is not an adversarial issue.  The relief sought for all citizens is an increased sales tax rate at 17.5 percent for maintenance of the entire administration, for the minimum income support ,  the King's Highway, John a. Mcdonald Collegiate and Buckhurst Palace in non -compliant Canadian provinces or territories. In addition to this, as some displaced  natives who do not satisfy current typography in terms of complexion and hair texture as an  Asian, Ethiopian or West Indian  redox are still native and who are protected by S.15 from discrimination in all policies and as citizens of a Alberta and New Foundations have the benefit of a guaranteed, observable  minimum income  support for all the citizens, the  relief sought is an annual  Federal minimum guaranteed ensured annual  income support of $20,000.00 with the same  facility and accessibility as a drivers license, health card and social insurance card with direct deposit confirmation.  Once the recipient can resort to a compliant provincial programme that pays above $20,000 with a provincial application, the Federal funding terminates automatically upon receipt of payment.    20.  The evident impact in failing to fulfill the UDHR Article 25 guarantees and the OHCHR Article 11 ensured rights pursuant to guidelines  and regulations provided in various documents that include the ILO 202 regulations is evident.  It is genocide. The population in Canada that includes ancestrally French people in provinces other than Quebec is burning to the ground in non - compliant regions and did you know your body is the temple of the living God; much like a Cathedral?  It is genocide; what these populations are suffering  by definition.   The risk of incarceration and domestic and international  indictment of politicians  for breach of international laws  is seen in the case of  George Bush Jr. and   Pinochet in the Western hemisphere.     21. The application  is granted on consent following extensive discussions with the Federal Crown Counsel  as it is not an adversarial issue.    Written by Counsel for the Applicants; Uncle Fu, The Catholics, The Canadian Automotive Dealers, The Better Business Association, The Federation of Law Societies, The Anglicans,  The Family Association, The National Home Builders and Renovators Community Association,   The  Black Caucus, The Advocating Society, The OPP (Ontario People Party), The RCMP(Real Canadian Mikmaq Party), The Honorable D. Ford, The Honored Truedo,   The White Caucus, the Human Caucus and the Native Caucus.    You abandoned me and I really like your laws and customs; pip pip with a spot of tea and merci avec le  croissants mais Je ne cera pas fais quelle tu dire. Tu doit venir a' battre mois ou nous... beat me..beat us. Come to beat us in Caricomtario.    As written by Mr.White. 

The Book of Etiquette is all you need according to some and any graduate is supposed to be Dead according to Mr John A who was appointed PM  by the....English to understand anthropologically  the rut  the scallywag people present socio-economically to the great British Empire. There are a lot of nice people who who have been casualties on this great anthropology after 2 World wars.  They resent and resist law and want to say "..what is law of I intend to kill you and take it; whatever it is and with my  ways what is law if I have authority ?" The Nazi movement is the uniformed organisation of the scallywag people and mindset.  They operate covertly now but they tend to demand a right to just take what they want and do what they want: in resisting law that ironically parallelized old Amerindian resistance of law and resentment of law.  The Angel Ronan Lex Scripta Precedent: Application for enforcement of  basic income/ minimum income support  before the Federal Court of Canada:     Affidavit from any citizens in the country, in particular in Ontario, who are not receiving basic income/ minimum income support; some of them Catholic and some of them White and some are Anglican and some are Presbyterian who are not White and some who are White while many of their  sons offered to die at 40 years old if they could have any job they wanted in Ontario within reason.  All of the citizens in Manitoba, Quebec and Saskatchewen have a universal minimum income support obligation to fulfil  the legal obligation within the lives of every citizen in the nation under an Article 25 UDHR legal mandate and duty of care to the citizen to  ensure the guaranteed  Article 25 UDHR rights. Article 11 of the 1966/1976 Covenant requires that the government ensure these rights in the lives of citizens. Do you want to be accepted or show your determination? You want to be accepted and enjoy European association; real German.   You have the power to pay yourself the basic income/minimum income support under the current law  as legally required and maybe you can attach an amount that represents compensation or reparations to the citizen regardless of his particular grievance; maybe equal pay for equal work. Just call your Uncle who is the Premier and tell him to do his mandated job at law.     Your entitlement to minimum income support began before the black guy went to Law School and graduated. Your entitlement began before the current opposition leaders were born.    The Laws of Canada are the laws of England whether or not there is any further legislative instrument in Canada and where the laws conflict in terms of purpose and intention being peace, order and good government , the laws of England prevail according to the British North America Act and the Criminal Code of Canada.   At the present time, there is conflict concerning the average sales tax rate across the country of Canada which should be 17.5 percent. The laws do conflict concerning the enforcement of a minimum income support which is available to to all English people by way of application at the UK minimum income support website and where the applicant unconditionally will be provided with $37000.00 per annum. It is submitted that the people of Canada are the people of England by virtue of the UK's total legal authority over the population.   The UK is an EU member state. This is simply a fact to be enjoyed.   

1. The current legislation in Canada  is evidence that  demonstrates the inefficiencies and inefficacy of  guaranteed minimum income support in Canada.     It contradicts OECD data that  suggests Canadians have a guaranteed minimum income of  $20,000.00 while this may reflect seniors and disabled persons only while many Canadians outside of Quebec and outside of these groups demographically do not receive anything.
  1(a). Based on Canada's evident domestic and international human rights commitments, an efficient, measurable fulfillment of The UDHR Article 25 Rights as guaranteed under the UDHR and ensured under the OHCHR Article 11 as basic income is not an adversarial issue. Measurable, observable enforcement is binding on Canada in the most efficient regard for these rights to build vehicles; I mean to say people and human lives  where Europe, Russia, China,Germany and Japan have implemented the basic income/minimum income support  pursuant to policy directives. Do you build vehicles; efficiently or at all? Do you build human  lives or do you destroy them with non-compliant, non-growth  policies?    2. The 2012 ILO Recommendation No. 202  as ratified by all member States in 2012 confirming already existing policy directives and International Laws   provides  guidance to member States on how to extend  and adapt social protection floors to national  circumstances. It states that national social protection  floors should include at least four essential guarantees:  (a) Access to at least essential health care,  including maternity care;  (b) Basic income security for children, providing  access to nutrition, education, care and any other  necessary goods and services;  (c) Basic income security for persons of working  age who are unable to earn sufficient income, in  particular in cases of sickness, unemployment,  maternity and disability;  (d) Basic income security for older persons.  8. While the final objective is to put in  place comprehensive social protection systems,  implementation can be gradual in line with States’  resources. Countries adopting a social protection floor  should develop nationally defined strategies, in a  participatory manner, respecting the principles of non-  discrimination, gender equality and social inclusion.  Building on existing social protection mechanisms,  those strategies may include a mix of measures:  contributory and non-contributory, targeted and  universal, and public and private — depending on the  country’s social, economic and political context.  9. The results of ILO research and the  experience of several developing countries  show that virtually all countries can afford social  protection floors and that they would constitute  effective tools in the fight against poverty.    3.   This obligation to ensure the Article 25 UDHR   ( Universal Declaration of  Human Rights)   begins at birth and if the child is not an orphan or even of he is an orphan as a registered birth, the child is a known legal entity or legal person with standing before the Court with recourse to  Law  with his Article 25 UDHR rights provided for directly via the understood and regular obligation of legal care providers (parents and guardians )  who receive a supplement in the guaranteed UDHR Article 25 Rights of each child while the legal care providers must also be within the provision of their guaranteed and ensured UDHR Article 25 rights to be able to ensure, under legal obligation as parents or guardians, the guaranteed rights of the child;    4(a) Charter Application:  The   provision of these guaranteed and ensured S.11 OHCHR  rights in unequal measure and discriminatory application  across the country is a S.15 Charter issue and the Court is hereby provided with notice of this issue along with  a S.15 Charter Application under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as Canadian citizens in the province of Quebec are provided with a Minimum Income Support under the Quebec Social Solidarity program and the Citizens  Newfoundland and Labrador also receive a minimum income support as citizens in Predominantly French Speaking provinces while citizens of Ontario do not have universal access  to this minimum income support. Some citizens may have some support from old programs under other Ontario governments as citizens who live in Hamilton but this support is  not made available to or provided to all Ontario citizens.    4(b)  The Guaranteed Income Support provided to citizens over 64 years of age only  is further evidence of disparate, unequal  treatment of the   various citizens who do not receive this  guaranteed  income support although equal treatment is guaranteed and safeguarded by the Charter of Rights  and Freedoms under S.15   in the provision of the OHCHR S.11 ensured rights for each citizen where minimum income support is the policy prescribed by the  UN Charter directives in the fulfillment of these rights that are both guaranteed and ensured.    5. Every citizen plans to have a  family and is a guaranteed recipient of Article 25 rights as ensured and may seek adopt also to fill the household they are also guaranteed.  Every citizen is known to the governments and are within the governments reasonable contemplation as set out in the various documents conforming to Domestic and International legal Jurisdiction and the duty to ensure various rights of the citizens/citizen;    6. The  Constitution indicates that Teddough's father is the real Baby Doc Duvalier who has only wiggled down the Canadian population, reduced the birth rate to nearly zero with poisoned drinking water up north and has made the entire country dependent on immigration for  any form of positive population growth. Further to this, how can there be a war on drugs if all of the police in the commonwealth are selling E pills hoping to be rather expansive in questions with Eddie Temple and Sasha was shot by Gene 's enforcer from the retired Scotland Yard? But you would sell more Nova Scotia packages at $333.00 including flight and hotel if you put in the basic income;    7.  The Canadian Constitution also indicates that the people of Canada have formed a national union and that they are personally contractual parties with the governments they have formed.  See Article - -  of the British North America Act 1867 and also the Constitution Act, 1982; Article - - -;  8. The obligation of Employees, Ministers and Clerks  to fulfill their legal duties under the constitution cannot be legislated away. There is a Duty that can be enforced in Court under the Law of Tort or under the Law of Contract;    9. In this case concerning the UDHR that provides the citizen recourse to Law on the event of non fulfillment of any of the guaranteed rights under the articles,  there is no room to argue that a suit to enforce Artic 25 of the UDHR is statute barred. The nation has obligated itself and put  it self under a duty to each citizen with whom there is legal proximity and a known, foreseeable duty with knowable  risk of  harm or loss in the careless, expertise of that duty.   Under the UDHR(The Universal  Declaration of Human Rights)  The citizen is guaranteed recourse to Law for legal enforcement of the guaranteed rights.  See  Kamloops v. Nielsen, [1984] 2 SCR 2, 1984;    10. The country is a proud signatory and party to the UDHR that is hereinafter referred to as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; hereinafter referred to as the UDHR.  In addition, if there is a conflict between law and equity, equity prevails.    11.    Your immediate and enforceable right to minimum income support   as ensured under the    International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights   Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 entry into force 3 January 1976, in accordance with article 27 demonstrates that the Canadian governments like France and other signatory nations have put themselves under a legal duty of care concerning the Article 25 UDHR guaranteed rights of every citizen as the governments are under a duty of care to ensure these rights.    The contractual remedy for breach of contract is damages and specific enforcement for breach. A national constitution is a people's contract with themselves as people.  The people are not third parties to a contract as discussed on Donoghue vs. Stevenson  but direct signatories to the Constitution. A Law suit for breach of contract is the ideal and simplified means of dealing a remedy; not an action in tort although Tort cases exist in this regard for breach of duty. This is a good thing when a duty to one citizen or legal entity  under contract has failed, leading to tortious loss and damage being suffered by third parties. For instance, a drug addicted politician should not be allowed to maintain his office and the police are under a contractual obligation to ensure he does not commit misfeasance in public office which is a criminal offence. If they do not apprehend him, it is a breach of their job contract. However, the politician's misfeasance has led to a breach of a  duty of care under Tort law, affecting citizens across the country. The politician is also vicariously liable under contract to fulfill his own contractual duty as an employee of the people's government.     A constitution is a contract with its citizens. Under the Magna Carta as the great contract. Understand legislation as part of the Contract that is the Constitution. Understand UN treaties as immediate expressions of the Constitution and Contract.    Canada is a party to the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. This creates a legislative and contractual obligation to fulfill the guaranteed rights set out in the  Declaration and the obligation to Ensure the guaranteed rights. It is an onerous obligation but not impossible. It facilitates the freedom of the individuals  and the failure to ensure the Article 25 UDHR rights  is a positive breach of Domestic and International Laws involving the offense of genocide since deliberately failing to ensure the guaranteed rights constitutes a planned  orchestration of the destruction of peoples; in whole or in part with conditions of life amounting to  the intention to destroy.    12..  All citizens to be citizens are self-defined as human beings. They have social insurance numbers, Drivers' Licenses  and accounts via the government.      13.  All of the obligations under the UDHR satisfy existing Domestic Law by definition as an international treaty where the country is a  party. The current means and wealth of any citizen is irrelevant when some save and some don't. Some work and some cannot and the life circumstances of any citizen is subject to change at any time for various reasons and one key reason is industrial robotic automation. In any event, being a party to the UDHR Declaration is a positive obligation on the government as signatory.   The contractual obligation between a government and its citizens with respect to various UN obligations is found in the Canadian Constitution that makes such UN treaties Domestic Canadian Law once the treaty is signed.  As to basic income, the UDHR article 25 guarantees a certain standard of life and this guaranteed standard is to be ensured with evident provision in the life of every citizen.  Basic income is the policy to Ensure the guarantee.    A few  excerpts from   Canadian National Railway Co. v. Norsk Pacific Steamship Co. (C.A.), [1990] 3 FC 114, 1990 CanLII 7930 (FCA) demonstrating the right to compensation for pure economic loss when there is a breach of contractual duty and a duty of care in failing to maintain the ensured and guaranteed Article 25 UDHR rights of a citizen about  whom the government is aware under its social services electronic infrastructure with the use of Social Insurance Electronic architecture:   In my opinion such cases as Cattle v. Stockton Waterworks Co. (1875), L.R. 10 Q.B. 453, and Weller & Co. v. Foot & Mouth Disease Research Institute, [1965] 3 All E.R. 560, should be seen as specific examples of a denial of recovery on the basis of absence of proximity, or remoteness of damage, or both, and not as establishing a principle that damages can never be recovered for economic loss if the loss arises from thebreach of a contractual relationship between one victim who suffers economic loss and another victim who suffers physical injury. The answer to such problems lies not in a uniform denial of recovery but in an application of the customary and sometimes difficult questions relating to proximity, foreseeability, causation and remoteness.  Suppose an airline has a policy of discharging pilots who suffer from a medical disability and requires its pilots to undergo a medical examination each year by a doctor, selected by the airline, who knows the purpose of the examination. Suppose the doctor carelessly and incorrectly diagnoses a disability and the pilot is discharged. Would the pilot, as a matter of legal policy, be denied a cause of action against the doctor? I do not think so. Yet the loss suffered by the pilot would be economic loss arising from the doctor's negligent interference with the pilot's contractual relations with the airline. I leave unanswered the question of what difference it would make, if any, if the doctor was a salaried employee of the airline.    The next question is whether, if there were a duty of care owed by the Minister of Finance or the Superintendent of Insurance to the appellants and a breach of that duty, there could in principle be recovery for purely economic loss. Counsel for the Crown contended that the kinds of cases in which there could be recovery for economic loss that is not consequential upon personal injury or property damage were limited to those represented by Hedley Byrne & Co. Ltd. v. Heller & Partners Ltd., [1964] A.C. 465, and Rivtow Marine, supra: negligent misrepresentation, and negligent failure to warn of a dangerous defect in a product. There is in my opinion nothing in subsequent judicial commentary on this question which suggests that recovery for purely economic loss is to be limited in principle to these categories of cases. In Agnew-Surpass Shoe Stores Ltd. v. Cummer-Yonge Investments Ltd. (1975), 1975 CanLII 26 (SCC), 55 D.L.R. (3d) 676 at pp. 692-3, [1976] 2 S.C.R. 221 at p. 252, [1975] I.L.R. 1171, there was the following general reference to the significance of Rivtow Marine:  "It is now settled by the judgment of this Court in Rivtow Marine Ltd. v. Washington Iron Works ... that recovery for economic loss caused by negligence is allowable without any recovery for property damage."  3. A concurrent or alternative liability in tort will not be admitted if its effect would be to permit the plaintiff to circumvent or escape a contractual exclusion or limitation of liability for the act or omission that would constitute the tort. Subject to this qualification, where concurrent liability in tort and contract exists the plaintiff has the right to assert the cause of action that appears to be most advantageous to him in respect ofany particular legal consequence.  The validity of the elements he considered important in finding liability for pure economic loss (at p. 29):  1. Knowledge of the claimant as a specific individual or identity who is likely to suffer the damage as opposed to knowledge of a general or unascertained class ofpeople.  2. Not only must it be established that loss was probably foreseeable but the precise nature of the loss should have been foreseeable.  3. There must be a sufficient degree of proximity between the act committed by the tortfeasor and the injury complained of, that an ordinary right thinking person would feel that the tortfeasor is morally bound to compensate the victim (Caltex Oil Australian Property Ltd. v. the Dredge Willemstad). This has also been expressed in terms of sufficient proximity of the property to lead to a duty of care to the claimant.  In my judgment, taken collectively, if not, perhaps, individually,[2] these elements demonstrate that sufficient proximity giving rise to a duty of care owed by the appellants (defendants) to the respondent (plaintiff) existed; the case is a compelling one for recovery of the loss claimed. In the exceptional circumstances of this case, I can find no reason in policy for negativing this duty or for denying recovery of the loss. In so saying I wish once more to emphasize that the issue before us is solely concerned with liability for pure economic loss suffered by the respondent (plaintiff) and not at all with claims of the same nature advanced by other users o f the bridge.    .  L'Écuyer c. Quebec (Attorney General), 2014 QCCS 5889 (CanLII) .  Kamloops v. Nielsen, [1984] 2 SCR 2, 1984 CanLII 21 (SCC) .  See the The Queen in Right of Canada v. The Queen in Right of Prince Edward Island, 1977 CanLII 1726 (FCA)  .     See also the Dorset Yacht case.  .   B.M. (Guardian ad litem of) v. British Columbia, 2009 BCCA 413 (CanLII  .   Johnson et al. v. Adamson et al., 1981 CanLII 1667 (ON CA)  .    Principal Group Ltd. (Trustee of) v. Alberta, 1991 CanLII 6230 (AB QB)  .   Cumby v Snow and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 1986 CanLII 2421 (NL CA)  .  Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation v. Prisco, 1990 CanLII 5955 (AB QB) .   It is within the U.N. policy that basic income is the means and method of satisfying a government's contractual obligation with the citizen under Article 25. See also Article 11 of the 1976 Covenant also confirming the obligation to "ensure"the right.    A breach of the obligation is a criminal matter as a genocide offense. The documents were signed by the Queen and her agents  in Parliament.  You could seek a class action remedy for breach of legislation and UN Charters that create the government's obligation.    In determining a human right as to family and family members or individuals, we begin by observing the UN Charters that are relevant. We see Canada's obligations as signed yearly but certainly with out a doubt, there are commitments as a signatory member nation in 1948 and further commitments in 1976 as a regular and committed  UDHR signatory.  Article 25 of the UDHR guarantees sufficient individual finance for housing and all other necessities for a regular  life as noted under Article 25.  Article 25 of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights  confirms the rights of the individual.  Persons intent on raising families require sufficient Monetary supplements,finance and support.   Mothers  or individuals need a basic income under the UDHR to support the family,  themselves and the child. Understand Article 25. The basic income is considered income for child support purposes.   The United Nations Human Rights Conventions in the  Canadian legal Jurisdiction  that have an impact on  communities and individuals: Click here to read more about Bill C-78 and how it relates to UDHR Article 25 and basic income. Article 12 of the noted convention is Canadian Law whether or not it appears in statute.  This is also true for Article 25 of the UDHR. The child as a citizen will also benefit from the UDHR Article 25 guarantee  once he turns 12 years of age and the funds will be applied to his personal bank account.    e. The child’s views and preferences Canada is a party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 12 of this Convention provides that governments should recognize that children who are capable of forming their own views, depending on their age or maturity, have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Children are directly affected by the parenting decisions that parents and judges make about them. This proposed factor would require consideration of children’s views on issues that are important to them. It would also direct that courts and parents give weight to the child’s views in accordance with the child’s age and maturity.    14.   Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law  Section 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.  15. It is  held that the head of state(The Monarch ). is the only person capable of representing Canada internationally and the only person who has the power to sign international conventions or treaties on its behalf.  The reality is quite different, however with delegated authority to achieve administration of the Will and Intention.   Although the Governor in Council (Cabinet) retains final effective control over the ratification of treaties, it may appoint any person it wishes to negotiate and sign them.  Apart from the Prime Minister, these persons are usually the ministers, deputy ministers, diplomatic representatives or negotiators of the Canadian government. As soon as the Governor in Council approves a treaty entered into by Canada and a foreign country, regardless of who has negotiated it, it becomes an international treaty, provided it is also ratified by the other signatory countries.  Failure to implement is a resistance of her will.      16. The UDHR (UNIVERSAL  Declaration  of  Human Rights ) is binding on Canada.    A treaty entered into and signed for and on behalf of Canada by a representative of the Government of Canada and subsequently approved by the Governor in Council is binding on Canada.  Approval usually takes the form of an order in council.  Furthermore, the Governor in Council may approve the text of an international treaty that has not yet been signed and designate a representative of the Government of Canada to sign it on behalf of Canada.  The mandate of that representative must then be set out in the order in council.(8)    17. The failure to implement the OCHCR Article 11 ensured rights with the minimum standards set out in the relevant UN ILO regulations outlined in paragraph 2 herein  by a member state constitutes genocide which his defined as follows:  By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.   18. It is further defined as: [Genocide is] a structural and systematic destruction of innocent people by a state bureaucratic apparatus. …Genocide represents a systematic effort over time to liquidate a national population, usually a minority…[and] functions as a fundamental political policy to assure conformity and participation of the citizenry. (Genocide: State Power and Mass Murder)[15    19. The income and  Employment Supports Act ( Alberta ) is evidence of a Unconditional minimum income support program that is a valiant yet insufficiently funded  attempt to satisfy the UN Standards noted in the herein application  that amount to Federal national law and  national, Federal  legal requirements as measurable, monitorable and observable in requisite policy.  The On-reserve Income Assistance Program, however, is one example of a Federal program that approximates the OCHCR Article 11 ensured, guaranteed legal requirements with appropriate levels of funding but only for those persons who live on a reserve.    This is not an adversarial issue.  The relief sought for all citizens is an increased sales tax rate at 17.5 percent for maintenance of the entire administration, for the minimum income support ,  the King's Highway, John a. Mcdonald Collegiate and Buckhurst Palace in non -compliant Canadian provinces or territories. In addition to this, as some displaced  natives who do not satisfy current typography in terms of complexion and hair texture as an  Asian, Ethiopian or West Indian  redox are still native and who are protected by S.15 from discrimination in all policies and as citizens of a Alberta and New Foundations have the benefit of a guaranteed, observable  minimum income  support for all the citizens, the  relief sought is an annual  Federal minimum guaranteed ensured annual  income support of $20,000.00 with the same  facility and accessibility as a drivers license, health card and social insurance card with direct deposit confirmation.  Once the recipient can resort to a compliant provincial programme that pays above $20,000 with a provincial application, the Federal funding terminates automatically upon receipt of payment.    20.  The evident impact in failing to fulfill the UDHR Article 25 guarantees and the OHCHR Article 11 ensured rights pursuant to guidelines  and regulations provided in various documents that include the ILO 202 regulations is evident.  It is genocide. The population in Canada that includes ancestrally French people in provinces other than Quebec is burning to the ground in non - compliant regions and did you know your body is the temple of the living God; much like a Cathedral?  It is genocide; what these populations are suffering  by definition.   The risk of incarceration and domestic and international  indictment of politicians  for breach of international laws  is seen in the case of  George Bush Jr. and   Pinochet in the Western hemisphere.     21. The application  is granted on consent following extensive discussions with the Federal Crown Counsel  as it is not an adversarial issue.    Written by Counsel for the Applicants; Uncle Fu, The Catholics, The Canadian Automotive Dealers, The Better Business Association, The Federation of Law Societies, The Anglicans,  The Family Association, The National Home Builders and Renovators Community Association,   The  Black Caucus, The Advocating Society, The OPP (Ontario People Party), The RCMP(Real Canadian Mikmaq Party), The Honorable D. Ford, The Honored Truedo,   The White Caucus, the Human Caucus and the Native Caucus.    You abandoned me and I really like your laws and customs; pip pip with a spot of tea and merci avec le  croissants mais Je ne cera pas fais quelle tu dire. Tu doit venir a' battre mois ou nous... beat me..beat us. Come to beat us in Caricomtario.    As written by Mr.White.

 Angel Ronan Lex Scripta Precedent: Application for enforcement of  basic income/ minimum income support  before the Federal Court of Canada:

 Affidavit from any citizens in the country, in particular in Ontario, who are not receiving basic income/ minimum income support; some of them Catholic and some of them White and some are Anglican and some are Presbyterian who are not White and some who are White while many of their  sons offered to die at 40 years old if they could have any job they wanted in Ontario within reason.  All of the citizens in Manitoba, Quebec and Saskatchewen have minimum income support /basic income under a national obligation to fulfill basic income within the lives of every citizen in the nation under an Article 25 UDHR legal mandate and duty of care to the citizen to  ensure the guaranteed  Article 25 UDHR rights. Article 11 of the 1966/1976 Covenant requires that the government ensure these rights in the lives of citizens. Do you want to be accepted or show your determination? You want to be accepted and enjoy European association; real German.   You have the power to pay yourself the basic income/minimum income support under the current law  as legally required and maybe you can attach an amount that represents compensation or reparations to the citizen regardless of his particular grievance; maybe equal pay for equal work. Just call your Uncle who is the Premier and tell him to do his mandated job at law.

1.  The Laws of Canada are the laws of England whether or not there is any further legislative instrument in Canada and where the laws conflict in terms of purpose and intention being peace, order and good government , the laws of England prevail according to the British North America Act and the Criminal Code of Canada.   At the present time, there is conflict concerning the average sales tax rate across the country of Canada which should be 17.5 percent. The laws so conflict concerning the enforcement of a minimum income support which is available to to all English people by way of application at the UK minimum income support website and where the applicant unconditionally will be provided with $37000.00 per annum. It is submitted that the people of Canada are the people of England by virtue of the UK's total legal authority over the population. The UK is an EU member state. This is simply a fact to be enjoyed.

1(a). Based on Canada's evident domestic and international human rights commitments, an efficient, measurable fulfillment of The UDHR Article 25 Rights as guaranteed under the UDHR and ensured under the OHCHR Article 11 as basic income is not an adversarial issue. Measurable, observable enforcement is binding on Canada in the most efficient regard for these rights to build vehicles; I mean to say people and human lives  where Europe, Russia, China,Germany and Japan have implemented the basic income/minimum income support  pursuant to policy directives. Do you build vehicles; efficiently or at all? Do you build human  lives or do you destroy them with non-compliant, non-growth  policies? The further issue is that the OECD confirms that the levels of minimum income support and the method of provision is inadequate as whole sectors of the population are not provided for and are not on receipt of this economically beneficial and legally requisite minimum income support. As such, it is evident that those persons treated most in-humanely are the most inhumane when given a chance to run socio-economic policies designed for raceless, ageless socioeconomic and societal safety for all,reducing crime and safeguarding general human welfare for all in the population.

2. The 2012 ILO Recommendation No. 202  as ratified by all member States in 2012 confirming already existing policy directives and International Laws   provides
guidance to member States on how to extend
and adapt social protection floors to national
circumstances. It states that national social protection
floors should include at least four essential guarantees:
(a) Access to at least essential health care,
including maternity care;
(b) Basic income security for children, providing
access to nutrition, education, care and any other
necessary goods and services;
(c) Basic income security for persons of working
age who are unable to earn sufficient income, in
particular in cases of sickness, unemployment,
maternity and disability;
(d) Basic income security for older persons.
8. While the final objective is to put in
place comprehensive social protection systems,
implementation can be gradual in line with States’
resources. Countries adopting a social protection floor
should develop nationally defined strategies, in a
participatory manner, respecting the principles of non-
discrimination, gender equality and social inclusion.
Building on existing social protection mechanisms,
those strategies may include a mix of measures:
contributory and non-contributory, targeted and
universal, and public and private — depending on the
country’s social, economic and political context.
9. The results of ILO research and the
experience of several developing countries
show that virtually all countries can afford social
protection floors and that they would constitute
effective tools in the fight against poverty.

3.   This obligation to ensure the Article 25 UDHR
 ( Universal Declaration of  Human Rights)   begins at birth and if the child is not an orphan or even of he is an orphan as a registered birth, the child is a known legal entity or legal person with standing before the Court with recourse to  Law  with his Article 25 UDHR rights provided for directly via the understood and regular obligation of legal care providers (parents and guardians )  who receive a supplement in the guaranteed UDHR Article 25 Rights of each child while the legal care providers must also be within the provision of their guaranteed and ensured UDHR Article 25 rights to be able to ensure, under legal obligation as parents or guardians, the guaranteed rights of the child;

4(a) Charter Application:
The   provision of these guaranteed and ensured S.11 OHCHR  rights in unequal measure and discriminatory application  across the country is a S.15 Charter issue and the Court is hereby provided with notice of this issue and a S.15 Charter Application under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as Canadian citizens in the province of Quebec are provided with a Minimum Income Support under the Quebec Social Solidarity program and the Citizens  Newfoundland and Labrador also receive a minimum income support as citizens in Predominantly French Speaking provinces while citizens of Ontario do not have universal access  to this minimum income support. Some citizens may have some support from old programs under other Ontario governments as citizens who live in Hamilton but this support is  not made available to or provided to all Ontario citizens.

4(b)  The Guaranteed Income Support provided to citizens over 64 years of age only  is further evidence of disparate, unequal  treatment of the   various citizens who do not receive this  guaranteed  income support although equal treatment is guaranteed and safeguarded by the Charter of Rights  and Freedoms under S.15   in the provision of the OHCHR S.11 ensured rights for each citizen where minimum income support is the policy prescribed by the  UN Charter directives in the fulfillment of these rights that are both guaranteed and ensured.

5. Every citizen plans to have a  family and is a guaranteed recipient of Article 25 rights as ensured and may seek adopt also to fill the household they are also guaranteed.  Every citizen is known to the governments and are within the governments reasonable contemplation as set out in the various documents conforming to Domestic and International legal Jurisdiction and the duty to ensure various rights of the citizens/citizen;

6. The  Constitution indicates that Teddough's father is the real Baby Doc Duvalier who has only wiggled down the Canadian population, reduced the birth rate to nearly zero with poisoned drinking water up north and has made the entire country dependent on immigration for  any form of positive population growth. Further to this, how can there be a war on drugs if all of the police in the commonwealth are selling E pills hoping to be rather expansive in questions with Eddie Temple and Sasha was shot by Gene 's enforcer from the retired Scotland Yard? But you would sell more Nova Scotia packages at $333.00 including flight and hotel if you put in the basic income;

7.  The Canadian Constitution also indicates that the people of Canada have formed a national union and that they are personally contractual parties with the governments they have formed.
See Article - -  of the British North America Act 1867 and also the Constitution Act, 1982; Article - - -;
8. The obligation of Employees, Ministers and Clerks  to fulfill their legal duties under the constitution cannot be legislated away. There is a Duty that can be enforced in Court under the Law of Tort or under the Law of Contract;

9. In this case concerning the UDHR that provides the citizen recourse to Law on the event of non fulfillment of any of the guaranteed rights under the articles,  there is no room to argue that a suit to enforce Artic 25 of the UDHR is statute barred. The nation has obligated itself and put  it self under a duty to each citizen with whom there is legal proximity and a known, foreseeable duty with knowable  risk of  harm or loss in the careless, expertise of that duty.   Under the UDHR(The Universal  Declaration of Human Rights)  The citizen is guaranteed recourse to Law for legal enforcement of the guaranteed rights.  See  Kamloops v. Nielsen, [1984] 2 SCR 2, 1984;

10. The country is a proud signatory and party to the UDHR that is hereinafter referred to as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; hereinafter referred to as the UDHR.  In addition, if there is a conflict between law and equity, equity prevails.

11.    Your immediate and enforceable right to basic income  as ensured under the    International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights   Adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 entry into force 3 January 1976, in accordance with article 27 demonstrates that the Canadian governments like France and other signatory nations have put themselves under a legal duty of care concerning the Article 25 UDHR guaranteed rights of every citizen as the governments are under a duty of care to ensure these rights.    The contractual remedy for breach of contract is damages and specific enforcement for breach. A national constitution is a people's contract with themselves as people.  The people are not third parties to a contract as discussed on Donoghue vs. Stevenson  but direct signatories to the Constitution. A Law suit for breach of contract is the ideal and simplified means of dealing a remedy; not an action in tort although Tort cases exist in this regard for breach of duty. This is a good thing when a duty to one citizen or legal entity  under contract has failed, leading to tortious loss and damage being suffered by third parties. For instance, a drug addicted politician should not be allowed to maintain his office and the police are under a contractual obligation to ensure he does not commit misfeasance in public office which is a criminal offence. If they do not apprehend him, it is a breach of their job contract. However, the politician's misfeasance has led to a breach of a  duty of care under Tort law, affecting citizens across the country. The politician is also vicariously liable under contract to fulfill his own contractual duty as an employee of the people's government.     A constitution is a contract with its citizens. Under the Magna Carta as the great contract. Understand legislation as part of the Contract that is the Constitution. Understand UN treaties as immediate expressions of the Constitution and Contract.    Canada is a party to the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. This creates a legislative and contractual obligation to fulfill the guaranteed rights set out in the  Declaration and the obligation to Ensure the guaranteed rights. It is an onerous obligation but not impossible. It facilitates the freedom of the individuals  and the failure to ensure the Article 25 UDHR rights  is a positive breach of Domestic and International Laws involving the offense of genocide since deliberately failing to ensure the guaranteed rights constitutes a planned  orchestration of the destruction of peoples; in whole or in part with conditions of life amounting to  the intention to destroy.

12..  All citizens to be citizens are self-defined as human beings. They have social insurance numbers, Drivers' Licenses  and accounts via the government.

13.  All of the obligations under the UDHR satisfy existing Domestic Law by definition as an international treaty where the country is a  party. The current means and wealth of any citizen is irrelevant when some save and some don't. Some work and some cannot and the life circumstances of any citizen is subject to change at any time for various reasons and one key reason is industrial robotic automation. In any event, being a party to the UDHR Declaration is a positive obligation on the government as signatory.   The contractual obligation between a government and its citizens with respect to various UN obligations is found in the Canadian Constitution that makes such UN treaties Domestic Canadian Law once the treaty is signed.  As to basic income, the UDHR article 25 guarantees a certain standard of life and this guaranteed standard is to be ensured with evident provision in the life of every citizen.  Basic income is the policy to Ensure the guarantee.    A few  excerpts from   Canadian National Railway Co. v. Norsk Pacific Steamship Co. (C.A.), [1990] 3 FC 114, 1990 CanLII 7930 (FCA) demonstrating the right to compensation for pure economic loss when there is a breach of contractual duty and a duty of care in failing to maintain the ensured and guaranteed Article 25 UDHR rights of a citizen about  whom the government is aware under its social services electronic infrastructure with the use of Social Insurance Electronic architecture:   In my opinion such cases as Cattle v. Stockton Waterworks Co. (1875), L.R. 10 Q.B. 453, and Weller & Co. v. Foot & Mouth Disease Research Institute, [1965] 3 All E.R. 560, should be seen as specific examples of a denial of recovery on the basis of absence of proximity, or remoteness of damage, or both, and not as establishing a principle that damages can never be recovered for economic loss if the loss arises from thebreach of a contractual relationship between one victim who suffers economic loss and another victim who suffers physical injury. The answer to such problems lies not in a uniform denial of recovery but in an application of the customary and sometimes difficult questions relating to proximity, foreseeability, causation and remoteness.  Suppose an airline has a policy of discharging pilots who suffer from a medical disability and requires its pilots to undergo a medical examination each year by a doctor, selected by the airline, who knows the purpose of the examination. Suppose the doctor carelessly and incorrectly diagnoses a disability and the pilot is discharged. Would the pilot, as a matter of legal policy, be denied a cause of action against the doctor? I do not think so. Yet the loss suffered by the pilot would be economic loss arising from the doctor's negligent interference with the pilot's contractual relations with the airline. I leave unanswered the question of what difference it would make, if any, if the doctor was a salaried employee of the airline.    The next question is whether, if there were a duty of care owed by the Minister of Finance or the Superintendent of Insurance to the appellants and a breach of that duty, there could in principle be recovery for purely economic loss. Counsel for the Crown contended that the kinds of cases in which there could be recovery for economic loss that is not consequential upon personal injury or property damage were limited to those represented by Hedley Byrne & Co. Ltd. v. Heller & Partners Ltd., [1964] A.C. 465, and Rivtow Marine, supra: negligent misrepresentation, and negligent failure to warn of a dangerous defect in a product. There is in my opinion nothing in subsequent judicial commentary on this question which suggests that recovery for purely economic loss is to be limited in principle to these categories of cases. In Agnew-Surpass Shoe Stores Ltd. v. Cummer-Yonge Investments Ltd. (1975), 1975 CanLII 26 (SCC), 55 D.L.R. (3d) 676 at pp. 692-3, [1976] 2 S.C.R. 221 at p. 252, [1975] I.L.R. 1171, there was the following general reference to the significance of Rivtow Marine:  "It is now settled by the judgment of this Court in Rivtow Marine Ltd. v. Washington Iron Works ... that recovery for economic loss caused by negligence is allowable without any recovery for property damage."  3. A concurrent or alternative liability in tort will not be admitted if its effect would be to permit the plaintiff to circumvent or escape a contractual exclusion or limitation of liability for the act or omission that would constitute the tort. Subject to this qualification, where concurrent liability in tort and contract exists the plaintiff has the right to assert the cause of action that appears to be most advantageous to him in respect ofany particular legal consequence.  The validity of the elements he considered important in finding liability for pure economic loss (at p. 29):  1. Knowledge of the claimant as a specific individual or identity who is likely to suffer the damage as opposed to knowledge of a general or unascertained class ofpeople.  2. Not only must it be established that loss was probably foreseeable but the precise nature of the loss should have been foreseeable.  3. There must be a sufficient degree of proximity between the act committed by the tortfeasor and the injury complained of, that an ordinary right thinking person would feel that the tortfeasor is morally bound to compensate the victim (Caltex Oil Australian Property Ltd. v. the Dredge Willemstad). This has also been expressed in terms of sufficient proximity of the property to lead to a duty of care to the claimant.  In my judgment, taken collectively, if not, perhaps, individually,[2] these elements demonstrate that sufficient proximity giving rise to a duty of care owed by the appellants (defendants) to the respondent (plaintiff) existed; the case is a compelling one for recovery of the loss claimed. In the exceptional circumstances of this case, I can find no reason in policy for negativing this duty or for denying recovery of the loss. In so saying I wish once more to emphasize that the issue before us is solely concerned with liability for pure economic loss suffered by the respondent (plaintiff) and not at all with claims of the same nature advanced by other users o f the bridge.    .  L'Écuyer c. Quebec (Attorney General), 2014 QCCS 5889 (CanLII) .  Kamloops v. Nielsen, [1984] 2 SCR 2, 1984 CanLII 21 (SCC) .  See the The Queen in Right of Canada v. The Queen in Right of Prince Edward Island, 1977 CanLII 1726 (FCA)  .     See also the Dorset Yacht case.  .   B.M. (Guardian ad litem of) v. British Columbia, 2009 BCCA 413 (CanLII  .   Johnson et al. v. Adamson et al., 1981 CanLII 1667 (ON CA)  .    Principal Group Ltd. (Trustee of) v. Alberta, 1991 CanLII 6230 (AB QB)  .   Cumby v Snow and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 1986 CanLII 2421 (NL CA)  .  Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation v. Prisco, 1990 CanLII 5955 (AB QB) .   It is within the U.N. policy that basic income is the means and method of satisfying a government's contractual obligation with the citizen under Article 25. See also Article 11 of the 1976 Covenant also confirming the obligation to "ensure" .  A breach of the obligation is a criminal matter as a genocide offense. You could seek a class action remedy for breach of legislation and UN Charters that create the government's obligation.    In determining a human right as to family and family members or individuals, we begin by observing the UN Charters that are relevant. We see Canada's obligations as signed yearly but certainly with out a doubt, there are commitments as a signatory member nation in 1948 and further commitments in 1976 as a regular and committed  UDHR signatory.  Article 25 of the UDHR guarantees sufficient individual finance for housing and all other necessities for a regular  life as noted under Article 25.  Article 25 of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights  confirms the rights of the individual.  Persons intent on raising families require sufficient Monetary supplements,finance and support.   Mothers  or individuals need a basic income under the UDHR to support the family,  themselves and the child. Understand Article 25. The basic income is considered income for child support purposes.   The United Nations Human Rights Conventions in the  Canadian legal Jurisdiction  that have an impact on  communities and individuals: Click here to read more about Bill C-78 and how it relates to UDHR Article 25 and basic income. Article 12 of the noted convention is Canadian Law whether or not it appears in statute.  This is also true for Article 25 of the UDHR. The child as a citizen will also benefit from the UDHR Article 25 guarantee  once he turns 12 years of age and the funds will be applied to his personal bank account.    e. The child’s views and preferences Canada is a party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 12 of this Convention provides that governments should recognize that children who are capable of forming their own views, depending on their age or maturity, have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. Children are directly affected by the parenting decisions that parents and judges make about them. This proposed factor would require consideration of children’s views on issues that are important to them. It would also direct that courts and parents give weight to the child’s views in accordance with the child’s age and maturity.

14.   Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law
  •  (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
15. It is  held that the head of state(The Monarch ). is the only person capable of representing Canada internationally and the only person who has the power to sign international conventions or treaties on its behalf.  The reality is quite different, however with delegated authority to achieve administration of the Will and Intention.   Although the Governor in Council (Cabinet) retains final effective control over the ratification of treaties, it may appoint any person it wishes to negotiate and sign them.  Apart from the Prime Minister, these persons are usually the ministers, deputy ministers, diplomatic representatives or negotiators of the Canadian government. As soon as the Governor in Council approves a treaty entered into by Canada and a foreign country, regardless of who has negotiated it, it becomes an international treaty, provided it is also ratified by the other signatory countries.

16. The UDHR (UNIVERSAL  Declaration  of  Human Rights ) is binding on Canada. 
 A treaty entered into and signed for and on behalf of Canada by a representative of the Government of Canada and subsequently approved by the Governor in Council is binding on Canada.  Approval usually takes the form of an order in council.  Furthermore, the Governor in Council may approve the text of an international treaty that has not yet been signed and designate a representative of the Government of Canada to sign it on behalf of Canada.  The mandate of that representative must then be set out in the order in council.(8)

17. The failure to implement the OCHCR Article 11 ensured rights with the minimum standards set out in the relevant UN ILO regulations outlined in paragraph 2 herein  by a member state constitutes genocide which his defined as follows:
By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.

18. It is further defined as: [Genocide is] a structural and systematic destruction of innocent people by a state bureaucratic apparatus. …Genocide represents a systematic effort over time to liquidate a national population, usually a minority…[and] functions as a fundamental political policy to assure conformity and participation of the citizenry. (Genocide: State Power and Mass Murder)[15

19. The income and  Employment Supports Act) is evidence of a Unconditional minimum income support program that is a valiant yet insufficiently funded  attempt to satisfy the UN Standards noted in the herein application  that amount to Federal national law and  national, Federal  legal requirements as measurable, monitorable and observable in requisite policy.

The On-reserve Income Assistance Program, however, is one example of a Federal program that approximates the OCHCR Article 11 ensured, guaranteed legal requirements with appropriate levels of funding but only for those persons who live on a reserve. 

  This is not an adversarial issue.  The relief sought for all citizens is an increased sales tax rate at 17.5 percent for maintenance of the entire administration, for the minimum income support ,  the King's Highway, John a. Mcdonald Collegiate and Buckhurst Palace in non -compliant Canadian provinces or territories. In addition to this, as some displaced  natives who do not satisfy current typography in terms of complexion and hair texture as an  Asian, Ethiopian or West Indian  redox are still native and who are protected by S.15 from discrimination in all policies and as citizens of a Alberta and New Foundations have the benefit of a guaranteed, observable  minimum income  support for all the citizens, the  relief sought is an annual  Federal minimum guaranteed ensured annual  income support of $20,000.00 with the same  facility and accessibility as a drivers license, health card and social insurance card with direct deposit confirmation.  Once the recipient can resort to a compliant provincial programme that pays above $20,000 with a provincial application, the Federal funding terminates automatically upon receipt of payment.

20.  The evident impact in failing to fulfill the UDHR Article 25 guarantees and the OHCHR Article 11 ensured rights pursuant to guidelines  and regulations provided in various documents that include the ILO 202 regulations is evident.  It is genocide. The population in Canada that includes ancestrally French people in provinces other than Quebec is burning to the ground in non - compliant regions and did you know your body is the temple of the living God; much like a Cathedral?  It is genocide; what these populations are suffering  by definition.   The risk of incarceration and domestic and international  indictment of politicians  for breach of international laws  is seen in the case of  George Bush Jr. and   Pinochet in the Western hemisphere. 

21. The application  is granted on consent following extensive discussions with the Federal Crown Counsel  as it is not an adversarial issue.

Written by Counsel for the Applicants; Uncle Fu, The Catholics, The Canadian Automotive Dealers, The Better Business Association, The Federation of Law Societies, The Anglicans,  The Family Association, The National Home Builders and Renovators Community Association,   The  Black Caucus, The Advocating Society, The OPP (Ontario People Party), The RCMP(Real Canadian Mikmaq Party), The Honorable D. Ford, The Honored Truedo,   The White Caucus, the Human Caucus and the Native Caucus.

You abandoned me and I really like your laws and customs; pip pip with a spot of tea and merci avec le  croissants mais Je ne cera pas fais quelle tu dire. Tu doit venir a' battre mois ou nous... beat me..beat us. Come to beat us in Caricomtario.

As written by   Mr. Good Werks with assistance from ANGEL RONAN LEX SCRIPTA.  
