
The SDGCK Community Law Centre Open day.

Let's study the problem together. Bring your questions and problems on March 10th to room 303 at the Hazel McCallion Library in Mississauga from 9 am to 2 pm and then from 7pm-9 pm at Station Kitchen near door C5 at Sheridan College Hazel McCallion campus. This space is open to the public for coffee and snacks on the upper level. You make a donation. Reserve your spot by email. Let us know what you are trying to find out. Email us at or Put: attention SDGCK Community Law Centre free help in the subject field. You can send an Interac Email money transfer direct with auto deposit (no password required). Include your question in the body of the email. Say what time you are thinking of attending. It's free. You are invited to make your donation in any amount. We received several emails and will conduct the consultations by messenger video call.

I needed a report that was concise and efficient on a certain business question with some legal subject matter and Angel Ronan Lex Scripta had the time and library resources to provide me the research report I needed; research! I thank Angel Ronan. Its like an on call Librarian, Compliance Officer or Secretary and you can play pool with them also. They also have an agency of professionals in the recruitment arm and you can hire an accountant or litigator; on call. They saved my life! Note: This is not an offer of legal services to the public. Email

We have now conceived of appliances that we would like to market with General Electric that will have home Security cameras for home security and blue tooth with Wifi. You could ask who dropped in whilst you were out and the machine will play the visit on your phone or it will confirm there were no visitors. Warren A. Lyon is a designer of new technologies like the Solar powered blue tooth ear bud head phones or any blue tooth head phones. The appliances will be able to communicate in real time with Google Assistant and also read back all phone messages, calls and texts in your phone when asked. Who would try to steal proposals related to home security and theft prevention or improved water quality? Ukrainians would never steal my idea. Prions™ stands as a reminder for prayer and for prayers in the community. Its offered for what is worth about the value of a small football contract. PRIONS™ is now on sale for $700.00 per day for 72 months for the PRIONS ® Security system concept. You can pay daily. If you start today, you will be paying toward your eventual ownership. Call today or email This will involve the intellectual property for the home security system that involves cameras in all electrical plugs and all light switches. It will not include the Solar powered wireless head phones. INORI ™ ( formerly PRIONS 2 ENERGY ™) is also offered for the next five days at 700.00 per day on a 108 month payment agreement. Duty Counsel earns about $500.00 per day. Some Duty Counsel are not even Lawyers or Law graduates.

If your plane hits a tail spin after a bird strike that is now preventable with Warren A. Lyon's Idea( now an INORI ™ idea worth intellectual property value) to install metal net screens over the air intakes so that a bird cannot get sucked into the turbo jet fan engine, what do you do when it takes place at 70000 feet? If your plane Hits a tail spin at 70000 ft and drops at 3000 feet per second, how fast are you falling per minute? How much time do you have to bail out if your parachute needs to be deployed at 25,000 feet in a cold climate? How many feet have you fallen in that short amount of time since the bird strike? You are wearing a cheap poor man Timex watch bought at The discount shop. The answer is: A) 180,000 ft per minute, 15 seconds, and 45000 ft is the distance you have travelled or; is it B) 40,000 seconds and 39,000 ft. Translate the time into minutes. Nature is one thing. You say your grandad was a pilot but general education is necessary so that you can solve problems with your natural aptitude carrying you in the right career direction. There is need for nurture along with our nature. Welcome to Angel Ronan ™ Gun. The answer is A or B? In minutes this is, X minutes if 60 seconds is a whole minute or one minute.

YouTube, intellectual property rights and payment for the same: Groups like the Beatles, Earth, Wind and Fire or Led Zeppelin are certainly honoured for their musical genius. They are honoured by fans who create YouTube videos with their music. Yet, YouTube also benefits from this music in the video. The band should also benefit as it is their music. The music is the unique intellectual creation and expression of the sing writers and performers. Every YouTube video carries ads in the page itself or within the video itself with YouTube paid ads. But, being entitled to payment is not actual payment. Where is the cheque or the money transfer for these artists with many of them being people of colour? Google YouTube is a Russian owned broadcaster so we would say it is hoped that this lack of respect for media intellectual property that may include movie clips is not indicative of some kind of Anti Western cultural devaluation and usury although the artist does get some attention and we like them; we really do like them. The bands should benefit as YouTube is an airwave or.medium quite like and radio station or television station. It's a novel medium but it is a medium all the same. Novelty is no defence to non payment of monies owed due to use of intellectual property belonging to others. Warren A. Lyon, In-House Counsel Angel Ronan Lex Scripta.

If your plane hits a tail spin after a bird strike that is now preventable with Warren A. Lyon's Idea( now an INORI ™ idea worth intellectual property value) to install metal net screens over the air intakes so that a bird cannot get sucked into the turbo jet fan engine, what do you do when it takes place at 70000 feet? If your plane Hits a tail spin at 70000 ft and drops at 3000 feet per second, how fast are you falling per minute? How much time do you have to bail out if your parachute needs to be deployed at 25,000 feet in a cold climate? How many feet have you fallen in that short amount of time since the bird strike? You are wearing a cheap poor man Timex watch bought at The discount shop.

Warren A. Lyon, one of our IN HOUSE COUNSEL, graduated from Law School at SOAS College, University of London in July, 2000. Congratulations Warren Lyon. Enjoy the anniversary.