A Civil War is pointless; Culture and evolution: The Jetsons world vs. the Flintstones World. January 20, 2022. Whether it's a powerful F15 fighter jet or income support policy (also powerful), the question is your intentions. Maybe hatred and ignorance are also powerful economic forces. You ask yourself why are you reading this. What is your economy saying about the GDP numbers and do you have a mechanism to pay every citizen an income support to stimulate the entire economy simultaneously to save off fears of recessions? Are you just feeling big, occupying the media with a need to feel English Hegemony with your big wars or threats of war and therefore you are just feeling big yet stupid? This is stupid when you fail to preserve and protect your population from global economic forces such as the job famines induced by Automation. Automation causes job famines on average every 8 months; unlike Joseph in the Bible and his observations of seven years of famines and seven years of plenty. We can have and enjoy plenty with an income support for every citizen financed by the sales tax at 22+% with 2% going entirely to the Monarch. Are you killing your population or saving them with that which is powerful; the policy that should protect and save them? Ineffective income support policy can be the means by Which you achieve a Genocide. The Toussaint DNA will respond, causing havoc in France and also North America in the desperation as North American peoples that sought escape from their crimes in France as fugitives; after their crimes in North America. This Toussaint DNA is primarily White and French; in France and is an incalculable Humanity figuratively depicted as a wild alien in Edge of Tomorrow (movie). But, like a wild Assiniboine dog, he cannot calculate in a group how to update his Ontario Support to satisfy his hunger and quell the desperation but they work together instead to rob the bank to be together in a mass grave; nothing more and maybe some find the hope, the repentance and absolution. Let Germany, however, tell you the issue is territory and they will resolve it in their territory this time maybe with a unified European State Police with a unified EU criminal Code to assist territories like FRANCE that have a depleted service. Speaking French as a Canadian Fugitive is not enough to avoid jail in Europe, France. We need Jetsons people. We need Flintstones people learning to be Jetsons people and we can't have the different genomes fighting over national Hegemony with bayonet and shot guns as what happened in the 1600s as Hobbes noted in the UK to create eventually a representative system of government called LEVITICAL Leviathan. I would never eat off the floor. The Flintstones man says, "...I don't know what I am or where I come from and I don't know how to do anything formal involving property." Maybe the Flintstones or Ray from Ozark might but Ward Cleaver is my school teacher and he would not eat off the floor. He is the more Jetsons, the more LEVITICAL kind and America has, too often, over estimated its role in the global economy as if it would ever be a leader in that one world system when it could not work out its own economy with Ford building for all of America but the economy financed only the Eastern seaboard with a guaranteed income support with the them and us identity issues as the Kellogg's and Quaker original 13 colonies Wampanoag, Black and White, called the Albany, Sioux and Iroquois people west of Vermont animals, that they should Sweat to live but your economy was dead really west of Vermont at every increase in the Automation of industrial labor. We know Noah is our father. The music is alive. The bible confirms he is after the flood. I would never just have sex either without commitment but the cave woman is fighting the phenomenon of settled cohabitation, LEVITICAL monogamous cohabitation while she wants safe contact with someone and maybe the same person, maybe, forevermore but on her terms and usually it means that she does not want a formal union. She may also decide she will be the only owner of any vehicle she drives and you can buy your own if you don't agree. She will usually have 6 babies every 24 months. But, maybe the woman caught in adultery was asking what is adultery if she is being paid to be a Hagar in a family with a Sarai and the Hagar's vagina is loud. Otherwise, no man has ever touched her except for her Irish husband and her uncle for two years between the ages of 10 and 12 who thought he would prepare her for the world and also commit to be with her in the end. There was another uncle named Ostwald that she may have been with , that he was bigger than the pub owner although the Pub owner was white and Maybe he had too many black girls to see and now she is a at least a Hagar for the Polish people. How does she create a settled family unit forevermore except with someone else who intends to enjoy the same efficiency in finding and having; not burning for, hunting and gathering for coitus? Cosmopolitan magazine would be those who have not evolved into settled cohabitation and JESUS is the teacher who can help them understand the good of LEVITICUS and evolve. But, what is her son? Where are her accusers? He who is without sin has a right to stone the loud vagina if she is really guilty although marriage may not be her Anthropology. She needs money when the Sarai in her territory does not pay the income support to the egg producing women or the seed producing men and she is forced to sell the fetuses to the local Sarai women. In any event, we learn from the bible that we can see miracles in automated food production with Ribena wine or powdered wine crystal or instant coffee crystals, in actual transubstantiation of water into wine also as I believe it and we see the greatest miracle is the life of a first in law like Jesus with also the acumen of a medical doctor, school teacher, a Roman Representative and building architect or carpenter. Maybe some people get sick and act like they want to make you sit on the side lines, marry you up with a fat woman or a skinny woman to just have children since if the sick man Ostwald is the king and does not want to go to school as Jesus did, then at the same time he does not want you to do anything in front of him but he says, if he is the Ostwald king shouldn't he be able to turn water into juice with juice crystals; a miracle or water into coffee..that does not cut your hair and maybe it actually assists it's growth like what Jesus made? We need to keep teaching the word as Roman Catholics and the gospel as Christians generally to achieve civilization's peace as the tensions between various human genomes at different stages of LEVITICAL evolution and comprehension continues. We could call this the Jetsons cooperating with the Flintstones. We know the Flintstones, where they are as regular average citizens. So, we see the cave man vs. the regular man and the formal settler Citizen Aboriginal vs. informal non Citizen Aboriginal and the Jetsons vs. the Flintstones where these dichotomies could find themselves, causing shameful division between the generations in a family when one informal non Citizen Aboriginal generation raises a subsequent generation of Aboriginals to participate in formalities but fails a chapter of life involving cooperation as to passing the pyramid or the totem pole forward. Now, who would want to beat up a carpenter in that era who was helping the poor. Who want to beat up a Rabbi who was also carpenter and Fisherman?But, who would dare kill a law graduate, a carpenter, a rabbi or an English Economy? There was some kind of ancient genetic dichotomy or polemic going on between King Saul and David or Korah and Moses. We say Korah is Saul or Herod and Jesus is Joseph, Moses and David but maybe King Saul was never King but Moses grandson is the first King. We call him the first king and the son of Jesse. The Babylonian and Assyrian peoples that occupied Israel wrote their own version of the bible with a King Saul to create a tension and give space to their more idolatrous culture, taking the tensions of good and bad away or making the discussion about authority. There is always tension between good and evil. The English Economy stopped paying Support to every citizen in 1980 under Thatcher, paying only the TRANSGENDER after that; to the current day. The motive is gender. This is not PAR. It must be PAR. The tension between might and right or power and legitimacy are also system anathema and too much divergence (between might ((the power to decide) and right) renders a system failure with occupation by other populations and you are surrounded by foreigners who order fast food in their ancestral language; not yours as their people have income support money from 10 years old and only your TRANSGENDER people receive any kind of automatic Support. I pray thee, what is thy national belief and thy faithfulness? You have the power to decide. It must be PAR. But, If they are the authority or the Monarch, shouldn't he be able to increase his sales tax up by 2% if he wants and receive it personally in his own account or by 8%(6% for him and 2% for the Monarch and family) to a total of 28% to ensure all the Citizens receive an income support of £36,000.00 per year to ensure automated industrial supply of goods meets sufficient automated demand for goods? I think this is what the Monarch says. His English people all around the world are his inheritance. He is our Monarch. A woman named Jamaida Tatcheter hates the Monarch and says all day that the Monarch will go and uses the absence of Support in England to impeach the Monarch. The universal income support for every citizen stopped in the UK in 1980. It continued only for the transgender. The South African in England continues the deceit. We know you have the power to solve the economy. We acknowledge your power. But see how you keep breaking the laws and stealing people's property to ask how he saved others but can he..... save others again? You have the power. I am black and my shoes are yellow but even after all my community assistance degrees, this White cave man and black cave man community in the northern hinterlands says he has no use for me except as a target and how many Black native, White native and Black Native people would you have to respect in your graduation preparation? I think we can find use for him., Make money off of him as we can't all be the anti lock brakes specialist or muffler specialist. There is a skill you obtain working for other lawyers and yourself and the government. Call Angel Ronan. See if it's worth it for $800.00 or $900.00. Maybe the story of the war of the worlds is a story confirming indirectly the war between two human worlds when there is really only one human solution. If you don't want to buy property then don't but don't kill people who do wish to, intense to buy real property. We must co exist and ensure every human has sufficient income support to ensure Human dignity above and beyond their most self depreciating tendencies. This is not the purpose of this essay but it is observed that there is a poor man attitude toward inheritance that will cause that poor man to attach himself to any person or family that owns and owning requires legal formalities that the poor man eschewed but then he will kill and pretend he inherited while then occupying the property but misses the essential aspect of inheritance that is relationship and love and friendship and family. Why do I have to put up with this from cave men aboriginal people mixed with the Toussaint bastard poor man murderer DNA responsible for John and Samuel Adams death? Ms. Leasing Cooperasion looks really Revlon but does not really own anything and is trying to own Entwerfen Ronan and also inherit over him and some how get him out of the way in time for something to happen, thereby harassing him to death and his parents. So what DNA is she really except the gardener's DNA that killed his owner in 1911 in the West Indies to say he gave the property to the gardener and his family and all the other workers and Church choir members....if they could inherited over her or his son and feel more like family...for inheritance once. But, you don't wash the....clean the....and water the..graduate from ....and you never did. If you need unconditional acceptance in the phenomenon of inheritance, go to your own family.....your name is....? Just write a movie about a gardener that kept killing families, hoping to say he was the heir to inherit but he never understood that to inherit, you need to have the same middle name or share the same middle initial as the testator. Your goal is to be the testator as in Re Vandervell's 1 and 2. So, Leasing Cooperasion, what do you own as a glamorous regenerated dead gardener, trying to say directly and indirectly, subconsciously and uncontrollably that you should inherit from anyone if they are about over 65 in your neighborhood and dark enough and your family does not own anything that you could look to them for your inheritance but you will be the first? You could own Your relative was buried at the Anglican church in Port Royal and they may have worked at Devon House and that might be Megamart today. Maybe that is where your real inherit is and the son and daughter came back to ask why their fathers gave it to the gardener? So, leave me and my secret wives alone. If you search Vandervell's 1 and 2 and read it on your smart phone, then the Fairy God Father who restores good pardon and favour order after all that bad TV you watch in College Place, West Plains will put a special entry on your name and if you are Wh---ai--e Aboriginal enough, then the take out food is free. Being only White, not White human or just Dutch, Italian or Irish, is Aboriginal evidently. When would God reduce the self identity available in rich cultures to White. I got mine free as I read the bible. Be assertive. /// This essay as written to expound on the simplicity of a fish pond or an automation economy is also written with a old fashioned sentence structure to expose plagiarising. You can wholly reference it as it uses simple yet complicated discussion. A fish pond dies off without oxygen for the fish. An automation economy dies off without sufficient income support for the citizens and you run out of people to police also and if you do, how many police do you need when soon you will have more police than people. Why don't we maybe make every citizen an officer and pay them $135, 000.00 per year? Then, supply and demand compression match in the economy. We observe the Codified, uncodified, indigenous and received written and unwritten, formal, informal but then we need to ask about the intention and there is no law against saving a life in the LEVITICUS. One problem wire have various Aboriginals at different levels of LEVITICAL evolution is that some cannot hear you say we can share and Cooperate; that if you could think of an idea then you would be a more evolved DNA but then we may always, everyone of us have an idea and the problem in the modern world is when one Citizen on the global Human community as of 2012 cannot accept that you thought of garbage and human waste as fuel for space craft propulsion in front of him as it would challenge his sense of white Hegemony or is it Aboriginal Hegemony and we don't know where he comes from but it could not be that they have Oklahoma White niggers in Eastern Europe speaking Eastern European languages, reacting evilly to the ideas of a chemistry and biology student and graduate taught by Eastern European people at a Canadian School. Well, it seems we do have Oklahoma White niggers everywhere. In fact, I could have that ancestry as the wars mixed up all the DNA so that we could try to understand people who as white would kill white High School graduates because they feel different. Yet, our Aboriginal sense of Hegemony, the Aboriginal compass is a bit muddled with too many Aboriginal identities passing through our soul. The Oklahoma Aboriginal in Russia helps to confirm how a cave man, regardless of language, may refuse to see how he can share an Idea, cooperate on an idea and would rather kill shamefully. This is not a real Russian or European if he fails to see how to just buy the idea and pay the idea and concept creator like an employee and if he can not see, then he is a nigger. In fact, if you do it now, you will be the...the one who solved it on his watch and then you will be like the Norwegians or the Germans. In fact, you will be accepted like a real white Vermont or a white Mexican. The Mexicans have an income support also and the Brazilians. We can resolve this as aliens to the Hunan population. We have aircraft carrier groups in our pockets and smart phones also to say Wampanoag, Sioux and Navajo lives matter; Roger that!! Retrofit the subs and ships with fuel cell electric propulsion and then everything is good; Muey Bueno. Culture and evolution: The Jetsons world vs. the Flintstones World. January 20, 2022. Maybe the story of the war of the worlds is a story confirming indirectly the war between two human worlds when there is really only one human solution. If you don't want to buy property then don't but don't kill people who do wish to, intense to buy real property. We must co exist and ensure every human has sufficient income support to ensure Human dignity above and beyond their most self depreciating tendencies. /// This essay as written to expound on the simplicity of a fish pond or an automation economy is also written with a old fashioned sentence structure to expose plagiarising. A fish pond dies off without oxygen for the fish. An automation economy dies off without sufficient income support for the citizens and you run out of people to police also and if you do, how many police do you need when soon you will have more police than people. Why don't we maybe make every citizen an officer and pay them $135, 000.00 per year? The dogs are hungry and they become wild when they have no money that they might eat. However, if you need dogs to generate income or people to generate sales tax in transactions, it would be Common Sense to feed them. Roger that; Some day the dogs can read leases and mortgages but Income support money to have dog dignity and dog dinner, dog survival is okay for now and we will understand the more complicated matters some day. Echo Bravo return to base. By Warren A. Lyon, English Lawyer, Economist and Chief Corporate Librarian. An Assiniboine, sometimes LEVITICUS challenging mind set and a 200 % German vocabulary does not make a German man or woman but it's close. The new standard 100% VOLKSWAGEN engine is a hybrid going forward; as rumored. The Hobbesian Civil War can be described as tension between the system and technological designers, their LEVITICUS expectations and the Neanderthal cave man among us who yearns for the new ideas but will kill those who generate the new out of a fear of evolutionary differences between the two groups, an the neanderthal anxiety about authority that he resolves as a necessary competition. He does not see the hour of deep, meaningful cooperation between the groups. People disappear on night sides. The neanderthal could buy the new ideas and new technology or the intellectual property; however. This Civil war, covert is the Western Hemispheric aboriginal system with its reluctance for a universal income support vs. the world system. This Civil War would be The Flintstones Vs. The Jetsons. The Jetson future requires an immediate automatic income support to ensure sufficient automatic demand for the robotically produced and made supply. Otherwise there is a gap between the two phenomena that results in recession and insufficient GDP, no compression that causes the neanderthal to search for a solution. He usually chooses system violence or what we call war. This cave man neanderthal economic comprehension problem (involving the robotic Automation economy) seen in the absence of a total income support for an entire country's population manifests no where else except in Canada and the UK. Echo Bravo return to base. A man asked why would he be a part of the black that steals the Creole Cuba law graduate's first real full time job offer after the nice Creole Cuba boy finished Law School? You should ask how many people are at risk with whatever it is that you do. Maybe it was so that he would win in Court with his own Firm as an authentic Graduate regardless of complexion as there is resistance against the "real" some how regardless of complexion. He does not have to participate in the deceit that it is normal for his files to remain stolen for almost a decade now by neanderthal humanoids. The only issue is who is he that would question the legitimacy of the Monarch when who are you as his employee in Sudbury or some Ottawa suburb when there are fugitives in great numbers, leaving Quebec, absconding from trial under your watch and you say you don't know why or what to do? Volkswagen is missing 20 years of hybrid after sale market sales and business. The highest levels of car sales globally were achieved by Asian manufacturing over the last twenty years that seized the opportunity to save global customers a little money every day. Yet, one Porsche beats a Prius for attention at a traffic light but at night, you see Prius taxi cab hegemony. The most recent job offer has nothing to do with law but his existing bank experience. The issue is that we have seen Electronica during crude oil spills, Global 1970s terrorism and a reluctance for the vehicular PROPULSION to update, evolve with the most efficient means available to man kind and it's requisite POLUTION FREE environmental viability. The new automated robotically made supply of goods was not met by full automated income support demand. The divergence between supply to demand is called a "recession" according to Warren A. Lyon, UWO graduate, London University graduate and Economist Law Masters Graduate and we can circle this on a supply and demand chart; not to find the "price" of the goods but the real phenomenon of the gap between demand and supply manifesting in depression or recession in sale and market activity. There is no guessing here. The war is against ignorance. Enjoy your Cadbury this time but not in Atonement but in fulfillment. Your lack of income support in Tecumseh lands cannot be justified by the suggestion of over crowding when there is a contraction in population numbers with a decline that has led to closures in areas like Timmins and Nippising. In any case, the policy that provides support only to all transgender and only some non transgender Citizens based on postal code is Illegal, as a gender based hate crime or an act of genocide as the motive is not race with many Black people obtaining Support in the North and many white people disenfranchised in the south. I just hate ignorance and I will....if this was not an asize time. I also really hate the energy spent on the notion of black and white to obfuscate Aboriginal identity and defame Aboriginal identity and with this energy we obfuscate colourless humanity that can multiply more than 6x2. This is when we ask what Aboriginal Neanderthal named Toussaint would solidify hsi resentment of formal education, write a book called Common Sense under the Alias Thomas Payne and then kill anyone who can see something new in design, tell him anything (and he does not want anyone to tell him anything) until the world has no designer that can expand his own De Havilland work on the fold down wheels to achieve a fulcrum of emotional security for the pretender, a retarded, sheltered emotional hegemony without any qualified people to interrupt his unique self serving self-idolism and social authority without his submission to formal education. Maybe he or she, in a neanderthal leadership campaign to oblivion, fails to cooperate with the real qualified others ( the real) and I know we could do something mannequin (I's good!) but may they also steal business files and pretend( the pretender) they are qualified in certain embodiments or professions. It's easier to achieve social Authority neanderthal pretending and fooling people than actually "circumference calculation" graduating but how many false statements do you have to make every day in the bastard black pretense and if it's about black, how many black real educated people do you kill in your pretense game as your real nation and cause is the pretender? Somehow we have a lot of unutilised but helpful technology such as the left, right swivelling airplane engine that helps in turning, ruddering the jet left and right. Where is that designer when he was quite spot on. Opportunities for usual, expected family cooperation become scenarios, with the more cave man family members, involving on- going competition. This has been provoked by Apples; somewhat where Germany fights itself instead of anyone hoping to see America and Russia fight each other. This is unusual where Germany is Israel and a little Sioux or North American Aboriginal these days after WW1 and WW2 sausage made from the dead but Israel is every where. It is maybe also less adaptive to new regimes in technological Hybrid system engine change and therefore less efficient with less economy, less market and less compression. We must beware of provocation and the power of a little LSD in our sodas, cocoa or the wood or plastic varnish material for the RCA or other such Uber popular home technology that we might forget better ourselves. We must beware of the Lusitania effect, the Pearl Harbour that is the self inflicted home grown Sum of All Fears. But, if people who cannot multiply more than 6x2 and who do not want to go to school but demand they have the authority will make decisions about the economy, what do we get in the result except but recession so we help them to co exist in the management of that economy as system "fix it" repair men as system shut down or collapse may be his cave man goal at nothing but 6x2 in his brain multiplication exercises and nothing more? Maybe you also get notions such as the economy requiring haves and the have not but we will not argue although this means the economy looses compression if we have any have not. So, maybe we qualify this notion and we say some have as they save and multiply while some have not more than their income support. Clearly, paying only the transgender a full income support is a gender hate crime when non transgender citizens do not receive any support of they might or they may receive some support for being resident certain Postal code areas. It is illegal. The socioeconomic responsiveness of members of society to injustice remains and the response can be quite protracted with laws passed to address the concerns involving race and police as seen in the Apples smart phone era yet while the critical issue of Income Support to end the injustice of a lack of total support for all citizens, ensuring a non racialised socioeconomic dignity for every life is not yet realized. We could pass a law that covers the life and not the colour of skin. But, this what you need to understand about identity. if I would cut Africa in two with an earthquake, you get North America on one side and Africa remains on the other. Click this for the white definition....https://fleetstreetjournal.blogspot.com/2022/08/facts-for-wealthy-ultra-white-1-wheel.html?m=1 Actually, I don't see that the black guy called Joseph of Egypt that fed his people in Egypt where they already had a support is such a big deal. He is important as the son of hinterland Abrahamic people. This is the big deal; Ontario is the only province that does not have a normal Support and if you are overly concerned about over crowding then you give people an up front incentive to move North or east regardless of whether they have a rent contract or a mortgage payment. We can circle on a graphic the deficit in market activity while warehouse stock numbers and security with a rate of goods stolen. It is as if Tecumseh is fighting the convention of compression in an economy that is not unlike compression in a fuel injector or carbeurator. How do you spell carbeurater? I think its "Carbureteur". No; it's "carburetor". When will Tecumseh enter his rest at $65,000.00 per year income support? We need a good blend between the analog and the digital world. For instance, we can tap a watch on a cash register terminal to pay for food and train tickets. The evidence is not always provided to the citizen as a paper receipt although you will see the transaction on the credit card account. But, instantaneous confirmation by email to your phone is certainly possible via your credit card account or Google pay. This should be made available immediately for all such tap transactions. Mail delivery of critical ID such as the health driver's licence and national ID cards should be sent by registered post for a billed extra $15.00 when Toussaint is getting soo angry about feeling excluded financially with insufficient income support that he is about to show you the Authority (the will to take the economy ransom with violent interruptions) for his feelings of insufficient socioeconomic involvement with the price of any condominium or house out of his reach. Then are we supposed to kill them all in a desert or Normandy again? How can we cooperate in common sense for the good people and by the good people that they might pay for the food and the good robotically made vehicles? That is good music! Maybe $200,000.00 income support is just as illogical as nothing for income support for the various transgt and non-transgender citizens in the UK and Otario. The Tecumseh desire for tension and sense of life and the system being on the edge seems to be the absolute agenda, the intention. It would be the motivation for war against the Jetsonness with an air for a gutteral expression of the Flintstone-icity, the Fagin-icity, the Dodger-FU, Fagin-fu (like Kung Fu) in the desert for food and shelter. I assure you that at $200,000.00 per citizen the probability of Fagin-icity will never go away. This is what you want maybe as it's a chicanery culture; alright my darlin'. The message of modern European history is that European people or the European Aboriginal have honorifics in their homes acknowledging Israel while they have been fighting each other on either side possibly in a deficiency in translation while they also work together for what they wish to achieve genuinely like maybe an Audi VOLKSWAGEN Benz BMW market with other luxury goods in North America with, however, insufficient demand so we ask, when would you create a market supply of goods on both sides of your global economy in Europe and North America but then disregard the certainty of consumer demand that we understand as the regularity of the ATP (ability to pay), money to pay for the robotically made goods( robotically made goods called the supply of goods!!!)! The consistency of income support in Ontario or is not a significant factor in your global economy but the consistency of income support in North America is an essential factor in your global strategy with "plants" in North America. You don't know the meaning of the word "plants" in this context or you do. The absence of consistent income support in Ontario for all citizens is a rather significant anomaly in your global economy; however. People who build the plants and confirm the consistency of supply must also be able to confirm the consistency of market demand my babooshkas. We are all part Russian by now or else they would have nuked us after all this time for being soo stupid except for the fact that they need to sell the vehicles and save the air and water that is a some what limited resource. Everyone loved watching the super weight Sukoi SU 57 shot down by the welterweight F15 or F18 as it was humbling to the Russian sense of aboriginal Global Hegemony. It makes you think you could just pull it off with your experience shooting wamp rats back home. But, there is nothing more humbling than the divisive lack of unified income support policy in the Anglo British economy; a Russian or European joke when considering the Anglo Ewok attitude towards the economic necessity of this Income support. In the end the European Car manufacturing world economy needs every North American to have this money as soon as possible. //////////// It seems Europe will never descend into a war again over technology and technological Hegemony or issues of propulsion. You can also just buy the Electronic garbage can idea called ALUSRA ™. Could you honor Israel and then fail to honour God and his house; the earth? A new fuel cell Bugatti is on the way; along with a standard Hybrid and an Regenerative system based on the VOLKSWAGEN ID 5 technology. Bugatti is partially owned by Volkswagen. There is white and black on both sides; and King Saul's head is in Birdeaux at Rue Louis 18th. His ears are in Central at Green Park. It's an illegal name for a road since 1792 and it may be the cause of every World War since then; including the American Civil War when the Spanish authority said it is over. It is over now. So, why challenge him? There is black and white on both sides. What is it like being black with white people using you for the their milestone of inheritance? You don't even know them and they never sent a gift to you or any donation to your charity? There is always a crop of cave people "s Children at Sunday School and for their final sense of legitimacy and the quelling of their need to be accepted, they will try to ingraft their children into your family and say they know Abraham or Pastor Wazza is the father and they don't even help you move a couch or contact you for dinner or a movie night of send a birthday card while they intend to kill, steal and destroy as their means and way of inheriting. It is ridiculous when there is nothing but a photo or old shoes now when everything is sold off; the old watches also. There is black and white on both sides. But,. How can we make this work to sell services more often and benefit the church and what you earn is your special inheritance at a special 51 %? Either way, the only way to inherit is not to spend time with my adoptive father etc or harass my high school but to be a registered child of the testator. But, if you insist, then you can contact me for one pair of old underwear and old socks and then also put the free ice cream photo and free Porsche photo on your wall. That's it. They damaged the vehicle and broke into the house that had to be sold because of it and then they still want to inherit but they don't bring any children to be registered and I want add my name unless they are raised with me or if they graduate from high school. Soon you will say he is not all of that or that he is nothing and you don't know why you want to be in association anyway. It could he the Colognes from Old Spice; the cave man DNA inside of it. But, if you kill someone to inherit, what is inherit? What is inheritance? To you, it's a murder game and a question. So, what is inheritance? What are you doing? See Romans 9 and Romans 10 It's the Herod cave man from Cumbria or Assiniboine vs. the Ten and the 11(Exodus 34) Commandments. I expect the commandments in my life and around me that my neighbor would also expect the same and watch for my safety as I watch for his and the cave man wants to ask me what is a wife if he just grabbed her at the well, using his wheat brush at the back? I say they are both dead. Then, Geronimo's daughter says sue can't go to school for more than 10 years from five years old and that she needs a job automatically or else she will shoot people and that when she gets the job, she also must own the own Court for her Aboriginal Hegemony. What if Hegemony-ism between Europe and Africa and Europe and North America lands the majority of the global supply of finished goods in Asia where the Asian goods provide and suggest Hegemony neutrality? Hegemony-ism is the most gutteral form of human relations. It is when a five year old cries at losing a checkers game. Some throw the board game on the ground. Watch this kind. Help him to finish the highest levels of mathematics and English to save yourself from his cave man ways, thereby civilising them. But, warn him of women that hunt for a precious life just as his life is full of opportunity at the completion of his GCSE and A levels, during his Division 3 football contract or his Scholarship to IDAHO. You did good to get him this far but how does the devil send a feminine creature that is full of LSD with no vagina to interrupt him although he was warned by his grandmother four times and his sister? This is a prodigal moment, he will learn and the Lord will restore him. He will finally want his children to be just as successful or more successful as he has been, without the wicked DNA of the LSD creature in his veins. Then, there is the cave woman with a womb who has had five husbands and the one she is with is not her own. He is Abraham and he is Sarah's husband. Monagamous Marriage is a LEVITICUS Culture and a sign of human sociological evolution and some women with wombs are not that evolved yet to receive and participate in this monagamous culture but this does not mean she is an animal and may be maintaining her self to just have children with the occasional companions but never just one settled mate. But, you are like a woman graduate who has been intoxicated involuntarily and then who left her degree by appealing the result to zero when, in the involuntary intoxication, you failed to understand that your lecturers and University have a right to their discretion and opinions and appealing the result says you believe they were wrong. How could they be wrong when there is a subjective element to all assessments of school work if it's not a math or sciences degree? You continued in this intoxication to then commit criminal offences with Court dates pending and then you ended up in a drug induced coma. You have finally woken up out of this coma and understand you missed some court dates but are willing, as you are very sorry, to sign a confession for the said offences yet you understand that involuntary intoxication entitles you to a full exonerating defence at trial and that you have a right to a trial but you are willing to plead anyway. Some ask to play again and learn after losing a checkers game. This is good. Cain killed Abel in competition. This is not good. What aspect of Hegemony-ism leads people pretending to be security guards to attack customers at supermarkets? I think it's the Hegemony-ism found in the legitimacy of the BONAFIDE consumer vs. the shoplifting pretender guards who would rather cause an altercation every day at the supermarket in Arles with consumers to displace their sense of guilt and unconfessed shame for shoplifting or maybe bank robbery. The only problem with food today is that it's made by regular, average people and that is not the issue except that the food is not as helpful as it used to be, not a nourishing and why would regular average people make milk that poison It should be just be milk and not milk with DDT but milk that nourishes and makes you feel....good and that rejuvenates with its own natural quantities and qualities like growth hormone from that super big cow with those big massive cow tits. We should not have to resort to drinking cat urine for repair after all the food we eat may have reduced our vitality. Could this be about food culture and Hegemony when a bottle of real whole milk in American Oklahoma Culture makes you big? Potato chips should also be a natural, healthy snack without DDT, without formaldehyde. We spent a lot of time seeking foods that nourish and that do not simply placate hunger or the experience of eating but that actually nourish. The world is emblematic of the Jetsons with all of its 6G smart technologies and connectivity, but the Apples phones are suggesting and importing the more neanderthal Flintstones in terms of human behaviour and Temperament, a lack of cooperation bringing us into a kind of argument with the Jetsons world in which we live and the joy we should have in technological fulfillment when people cause neanderthal problems, a competitiveness and lack of cooperation. This may meant the bank customer is not served and then the bank must spend more money generating new business to make up for the customers and busiest they have lost to the uncooperative, neanderthal apples phone converts. Some how the musicians I the current era are less willing to product musical than they were in the '60s and '70s. It's like fish that do not want to be in water. The builders of this world are the Jetsons people LEVITICUS people. The end users are sometimes cave men or we say Ewoks or Flintstones people, causing problems unusually at the front door of the shopping centre or at the supermarket, challenging the modicums of market activity and threatening people in the guise of security. You have never seen it anywhere except in "Birdeaux" and at LIDL. We can only then think of a way to remove problem people from the systems of commerce and market delivery of goods and services. Faith is a sign of our evolution out of cave man ways and thinking and....so is cooperation. It took faith and planning to build the pyramids of Egypt. It also took societal cooperation. Kansas, Missouri, Ontario, England and Arkansas; do these territories have an income support? If not, the cave man is winning vs. the more evolved human genome when money is elementary to modern capitalist society operating in normal advanced capitalism. It's like Ray from Ozark vs. the Constitution. If Ray from the Ozark ever became a politician who did not want you to own a house or did not want your son to go to College what class or world does he represent? Maybe he represents cave men ressurections cloned in the Gattaca system. With these men, human cooperation has gone down and the threat of muggings and violence at gun point has gone up. He is an army of one, working for his own sense of Hegemony and might kill if he loses a friendly checkers game or game of cards. But, all of modern life is dependent on cooperation. We should begin with the money, an income support for every citizen, the money we need for our mutual survival as money answers all of our needs. This point is reinforced in the Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy of needs. Money is the premier category in the hierarchy above food and shelter. Are we going backward of forward because if its about democracy, then I should be able to enjoy my dream and attend a free college or maybe I would like one of my relatives to attend that free college which is free for every applicant; with several such colleges around the country. This is a discussion on culture and evolution and this certainly covers every aspect of our little pathetic but meaningful lives. Culture and Evolution: Could a class war agenda being communicated indirectly and tacitly in US Domestic Policy affecting the emergence of a national domestic US Income Support for all the potential soldier citizens supersede the more important security and defense agenda to secure and protect the existing population against the joblessness occasioned by automation, also ensure demand for robotically made goods and ensure sufficient economic activity that generates national sales tax revenue in spite of the widespread ongoing joblessness brought about by robotic automation? The class war rests in the words spoken to a 30 year old Creole White man by the upper class registered church members he encountered at a party up north once at a farm where they told him he does not have enough or come from enough but maybe he can pretend to be a son of Ford and fool someone who probably will not be a real female but maybe she will be blonde with no education. So, with his murderous resentment of those people, killing them all, who spoke to him, the 30 year old became the president in 1960. He still does not own any real property as the current President dating back to 1960 with initials JFJ, killing the "home ownership" aspect of the American dream and the dreamer and may secretly be involved in scams to fight back against real property ownership and the industry but he at least owns a smart phone as the only President who said he would use a 1960 executive order to be the President forever; that the economy will demonstrate his angers and never work as it should until he gets a 1000 written apologies for what disenfranchisement happened to Amerindian Aboriginals from anyone or everyone or the world will be dead. He is a Tecumseh Hood (like Robin Hood) He is a confused person really, kissing a shim chick. He says America is belly up! He cursed American and said all future Presidents will be a symbol of his curse since America shot him. He says America will be dead. The Americans will have no people of their own in America. America has no power to fight anyone but itself. If the sale price is $1.00 for the coffee and sales tax is 30% with part of the National revenue being used to fund the universal unconditional minimum income support, the final price is $1.30. You always multiply the price by .30(30%, and 3% is .03) and then you add it back to get the final price. So, .30 x $1.00 equals 30. Then .30 + $1.00 equals 1.30. If the coffee is $2.00, the final price is $2.60. The revenue for the government or the bond yields .60 cents per cup at $2.00. There are so many rules and regulations involving one U.S. Navy submarine. When does an anthropological study at the White House "leadership style" called the Presidency take precedence over the constitution and "mount" the importance of various rules, treaties and laws designed for global commerce and national safety? ***************** Any market may reflect conditions of difference among participants in spite of genuine good intentions among business owners and consumers. Some may have a more prayerful respect for Maslow's hierarchy of needs; maybe less fear of group acceptance in doing the new while finding acceptance in the classic, old model vehicle and respected, coveted to the death. When the graduate dies, you say you are only decorating your emotions in the real world for your comfort and for people just as Nazi as you (Fe true; come nuh man?) but, you say, it's not really murder when it is how you feel!!!!! ********* However, it is possible that as a matter of harsh climate and experience therein, a population could read a cold, harsh emotion and anthropological phenomenon into the system of economics handed to you that is intended to operate to the benefit of those who designed the guns, nails, aprons, brushes, butter, milk, bread, vehicles, cowboy boots, hats, belts, robotic assembly and the system in general that all might be saved, benefit, participate and none would perish. You might even start to teach the harshness that said you left people dying of hypothermia and frost bite behind in a ditch on the way to New York. You close your mind to the suffering you leave behind. You start teaching this harshness in...Your version of socioeconomics as being part of what you say is your system where it becomes wasteful instead of generating its ability to safeguard the meaningfulness of human life. But, when did an American take credit for capitalism as a system? It is not your system. The ocean is not your water. The air is not your air. You are not the devil in the House on day one as the inexperienced politicians but you refuse help and the devil would allow himself to be crucified for this misapprehension of Capitalism that dates back two generations that does not work and rejects the meaningfulness of human life while ignoring the more cooperative, productive, original version of capitalism enjoyed in larger and also smaller countries who would wish to enjoy America as a useful consumer market predicated on fast, friendly convenience. You could have a pirate pimpernel public safety officer or former VP who holds a personal vendetta against real estate property purchase and sale but not the occupation of property. You should ask the culture that provided you with a Bud and 501's for help. In any event, there are many people praying around the clock for the leaky water pipe at the house to stop wasting their time. Joe, the plumber, could fix the economy in three moves. Raise sales tax to 30%. Collect sales tax automatically and daily during daily settlements with your bank at 3 pm. Pay a universal minimum income support to every citizen. See the economy reign in billions of Federal government revenue monthly. Don't ask Joe or Hillary. She is not coming back. She is disqualified from holding any office and you can't tolerate her glitch as a convict under the Espionage Act 1917 in any event. The last team made you tread water for four years using their enduring eight years of influence in fear that you would criticise them and only planning to take back the house. But,the national interest is not a board game. You and the tank commanders took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution. It's your show. Now, how many white Mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb? It should not take four years. For November, this is what we are thinking about. You are white. You have your authority, you see your culpability, your position and your control. Will we sink as a market? Sales tax at 30% is the norm and is now all muey importante when the automation of the many processes have taken up job opportunities. Too many people who offered to help the new guy disappeared by now. But, we must help him. The goal is a clean, regenerative Edelweiss economy with cool, hybrid, hydrogen or electric regenerative vehicles and butter cup flowers in the fields that is not an apocalyptic burned wasteland but community where there is respect for the value of human life. So, we have pirate Robert E. Lee, an attache of the Columbus pirate school, who moved from pirating ships to pirating plantations, homes, carriages,trains, churches, car manufacturing plants and then politics in his adaptation of his pirate ways to socioeconomic phenomenon taking power, but quite often, he is not really sure how it works yet and the constitution is treated as an annoyance and inconvenience. He also tended to want to decide when people would die, a trait shared by Joseph Mengele, and thought Habeus Corpus Droit was a cheap white West Indian alcoholic drink only to gargle with. So, now that you understand Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ as an intellectual property farm, you know you cannot just pick my property, my intellectual cultivation. In French; So, maitnant tu comprend, Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ est le propriété intellectual ferme, tu connaitre tu ne fait pas prendre mon propriété, mon agriculture intellectual. How is it you're a Canadian and you do not speak French? ****** If he becomes involved in his adolescent coalescence of power, he may forget the reason why we have a separation of powers as we left a good King George following the rumour of tyrannical and absolute abuses of power so that we would not have a king again. But, the pirate wanted the English to ship everything twice or maybe you dilute the milk and call it lactose intolerant so you get 2 for 1 and sell ot for twice as much per litre or quart. So, when the soldier interrupts the Court to see his own justice and get what he wants, deciding he would like to see people tried multiple times for the same offence, we have someone fighting with the crown, Commonwealth and Magna carta and is the reincarnation of a treason witnessed in the 13 colonies before; possibly when the Kingsmen presumed the Court would not convict the British soldiers for shooting the colonialists at Boston in 1774. They were convicted and the Kingsmen started their own revolt in a contempt of Court and disabled the Court process. If there is no trust property, then there is no need for an administrative trust and the order for the trust was already vacated. The trust failed in any event due to lack of certainty in subject matter. There wasn't any trust account and, therefore, no trust property. Further to this, the ex parte order failed due to the provision of false information to the Court. You need to calm down though. You cannot always get what you want Bleu. The world cannot let you jeopardise this requisite consumer demand mission with your vomit about "needing to be accepted." You should know you are accepted while,now, you dismember the economy. You have your uses though if you would just hold your corner, catch the Omega man/Black Monday terrorists and work for the weekend. No one has authority over you but authority. Maybe you could bring back the 1970 milk quality. It's a bit watered down and sad to drink and we want tall can six packs now; better for the environment. But, what is the point of a Well America Card or a Trumpet Credit card if people are laid off due to automation and don't have a universal minimum income support to at least pay you back? ************************************* Some people have seen their jobs automated. Some people gamble or there is criminal market interference or murderous religious or educational intolerance. As such, we may see "haves" and "have nots" and this does not mean some are entirely left behind. In fact, the rule of Capitalism and the OECD and the UN is that No One is left behind as a "have not" and all citizens are guranteed a universal minimum income support to shield them from unfortunate poorly motivated, evil aspects of humanity since how could YOU be a graduate of a European Law School? I would rather just f=-;+k everything up to see what you will do, what authority can stop my poorly motivated non-graduate kind? ************************************ It is not the rule of Capitalism to guarantee inequity in its systemic engineering of markets and socioeconomic policy. It is to guarantee and safeguard the UDHR Article 25 and the OHCHR Article 11 by the barrel of the gun and military power. Whatever is good for France in socioeconomics is good for Canada and what is good for Quebec is good for Oatsawanario. But, the idea was for you to plan to expand into Asia instead while your domestic market contracts. Minimum income support shields the market and the citizen against the "market shrinking", "market reducing", "market shutting" results of total automation. The power of automation is causality. Automating three car assembly kinds may have meant 40% of the National car buying market dries up when those workers are laid off. Some of those people were engineering and sociology graduates. They are, like all skilled workers, are a valued aspect of the Nation's human resources. ************************ The citizen IS the market. Did you know squid or squid extract has an enzyme to fight acne? Gracias!! The citizen engineering graduate* is a soldier who can wash trucks, dish out food and make beds in the national hotel chain, clean national college buildings or work as general airport security. It gives the citizen something to work with for most of their immediate priority needs and they will approach the banks to finance the other more exciting new car, new electronics needs with some of their Minimum income support spending power. Who would ever think of robbing a bank in America* when they have a universal unconditional minimum income support of no less than $40,000.00 per year? This new upswing in automation is not a moment to stop and ask what is the the constitution or what type of people will be chosen to live, chosen to live and enjoy the new economy as in who is to be accepted and I know I never elected any terrorist who would visit his diffident terror on the population with questions like that originating in his terrorist mind? If Hitler ran North America like this and looked like Robert R or PM Vudeau they would be celebrated Amerindians since the victims is the governrment. This truth has defined a century. He is obviously intelligent and old enough to be responsible for smoking cigarettes in the library. ************* When someone points out a national UDHR and UN Ilo R202 commitment with car plants in Oddtarianawa shutting down, they mention shared obligations and the only question is when the central signatory upon whom the obligation is internationally binding will fulfil their share. It is shared in Russia and fulfilled for the entire population of Russia. ******** "Friends of the Nation" is a new political party; as rumored. All I know is McCain French fries and Rolo did not shoot the winner and would have been arrested if they worked to interrupt the constitution unless there was a devil in the House. But, it looks like he has a plan to stimulate the economy. Teacher , what is the law on adultery or mass murder? What is the constitution? What is the.....? ************** Maybe Truman should have enshrined the universal Medicare and the universal unconditional minimum income support with the risk of death of interrupted. Clearly, there are those in America who would resent Americans enjoying the UDHR economy where there is enough for all. These same people who interrupted Truman seek to forestall these necessary policies today. Friends of the nation are friends of BMW and Ford who have automated 59% of the jobs in America with automation. The market requires a universal minimum income support. By Mike Pueblo Cochise: " Chase Le Americain Delict" is not a bank. But, it is a reality. "Run American" could be a bank someday. Every governrment is in this fashion. Transactions generate revenue. But, we are suffering some static always on graduation day on the American side. The real trite Think of the UBI or the universal unconditional minimum income support as making every citizen an employee essentially as healthy enough to carry and fire a rifle if they had to. Germans, in fact, all European countries follow this motif in the application of the universal unconditional minimum income support program. It is also good for the economy; yes? **************** This 1430 dna may have found itself a place in a land where it is more accepted, favored and cared for under the rules of the UDHR. It treats those it left behind in Ontario or in America or in the Caribbean like the younger brother it wishes to see suffocate while celebrating his acceptance. Is he not more accepted and maybe you will figure it out and find your way while is he not more accepted? This finds itself in leadership and works as egotistical magnetic polar opposites instead of in brotherly synthesis; the murderer at seven years old that it is. Our economy is set up to serve the needs of people in a market; a market that is kept safe by the governors* and the government that provide security and safety from the various elements of humanity that would make the market dangerous for both consumers and sellers who, at either stage of the transaction will be owning property and holding sums of money. They would like to be able to return to their homes and enjoy tow result of their transactions. The agreement we make with governrment we set up collectively for safety and security is agreed and politely paid for in tax that funds the security function of government that keeps people, property and transactions safe. Most UN member states have a 30% sales tax and a universal unconditional minimum income support that will satisfy the average cost of living; including the average rent for a one bed apartment in that jurisdiction. In the France, it is about Euro 50,000.00 per year. The sales tax is 30% on small coffee cup sales, vacation packages and car sales in addition to monthly rents. The people in the economy generate transactions spending money; money they have primarily from the universal unconditional minimum income support and also from incomes earned working that is additional to and above the General unconditional universal minimum income support that everyone receives. The plethora of transactions generate sales tax. See the diagram. The rate of sales tax revenue the governrment receives slows down if you lower sales tax and if the people have less and less money to spend...due to automation for instance. What if all the coffee shops in France automated their services or what if car sales were automated and all dealt with online except for test drives? It may mean that 30% of the population sees a drop in their spending power by maybe $ Euros 30,000.00 a year while they will still have the economic life support from their universal unconditional minimum income support; so does the economy. Otherwise, everybody loses and sees the ultimate shutdown; the recession or the humongous bazoonga bust. See the diagram. The wheel represents the economy with a plethora of transactions. The hamster represents the people spending money in transactions that generate a sales tax of 30% ideally. Decreasing sales tax for political popularity is ruinous when you have to start cutting services when it is a painless tax that generates billions and can fund all functions and priorities of the government that begins,fist and foremost with funding people. Our most painful and powerful example for today and tomorrow is day one in a desert island economy running on robotic automation. What I want first on a desert island is lots of shelter for the people. This is the first key Tag expenditure. If we already have shelter, then the key expenditure is funding the people so they can pay for the shelter ,food, clothing and other niceties like music and chocolate and books. Civic defence is the purpose behind ensuring and protecting every citizen who are your first and last line of defence. In this, you find the purpose behind funding for free education up to the completion of a college or university degree and it is good to have citizens with these skills and abilities for national human resources. How can Warren A Lyon's Poo Power™ concept fuel a Passenger jet? Well, it can. You have been interrupted by a pirate pimpernel dna that thinks of theft, piracy , social authority and acceptance before consequences and whether he has enough people in the populous to pull off his treasonous, terrorist scams; people like him. Automation has disrupted the usual means by which people in the economy obtain monies. This pervasive interruption can shut down the economy when several jobs are automated. The pirate pimpernel and his machinations in such situations usually strengthens his pirate army in the desperation dragging the country into a continual state of violence. See Hobbes for more on this and the English Civil War. What if you had two candidates who suffered from the pirate pimpernel temperament who essentially but innately worked to turn the governrment into a mutiny on the Bounty and quietly committed treason with a celebrity AUTHORITY. ************** Tu as votre comprend. "If I maim him or them, then they will feel like me. They will need to be accepted." No one is playing a game with you if the issue is absolute authority. If you could do this Omega man thing, then you could make the economy work like the Chinese economy or the French economy; bravo! You could make all of Canada enjoy English socioeconomics or Quebecois socioeconomics. The world is a BMW, FORD, VOLKSWAGEN,HONDA , FIAT, Citroen and TOYOTA economy. The world is a car manufacturer's economy and it would take days to name all. Product testing and automation is about safe, durable, reliable and dependable machines that serve you and give you your money's worth on your way back home from your job that involves defending your Civil Liberties; our civil liberties. The elected Pot USE defends our civil liberties. THEY RESPECTED THE POWER OF AUTOMATION AND ALSO THE SOLUTION. TOTAL AUTOMATION =ZERO POPULATION + ZERO MARKET. TOTAL AUTOMATION + HALF THE AVERAGE FULL TIME YEARLY INCOME(AT 70 HRS /WK) ON MINIMUM WAGE PAID TO EVERY CITIZEN AS A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT + 30% SALES TAX FOR THE GOVERNMENT = A STABLE POPULATION + STABLE MARKET. THIS IS A WHITE PEOPLE EXAM AND IF YOUR WHITE ENOUGH, YOU SUPPORT THE UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT. A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT AND CLEAN WATER ARE REQUISITE, LEGAL, LOGICAL SOCIOECONOMIC REQUIREMENTS. YOU HAVE BEEN SIEVED IN THE SAND, WEIGHED IN THE BALANCE OF ECONOMIC intention. Your predilection seems to avoid solutions that would mean we have no problem. In other words, you are intent on war. You are under arrest. It would be better to implement the solution in the above equation and satisfy the investors and manufacturers in your economy. If it is about who will live in America, the answer is Creole Amerindian people like you who are part Amerindian, European, Middle Eastern and part African with *various complexions and hair textures* who may have blonde or black hair with the welcome of pure Amerindian people who may have blonde or black hair and who are likely to eat oatmeal and toast for breakfast and maybe watch the Starwars or maybe Batman or maybe Justice League. What is the question ? Written by Shadrach Black Good Abednego. //////////////// " The dogs are hungry and they become wild when they have no money that they might eat. However, if you need dogs to generate income or people to generate sales tax in transactions, it would be Common Sense to feed them. Roger that; Some day the dogs can read leases and mortgages but Income support money to have dog dignity and dog dinner, dog survival is okay for now and we will understand the more complicated matters some day. Echo Bravo return to base. By Warren A. Lyon, English Lawyer, Economist and Librarian. An Assiniboine, sometimes LEVITICUS challenging mind set and a 200 % German vocabulary does not make a German man or woman but it's close. The new standard 100% VOLKSWAGEN engine is a hybrid going forward; as rumored. The Hobbesian Civil War can be described as tension between the system and technological designers, their LEVITICUS expectations and the Neanderthal cave man among us who yearns for the new ideas but will kill those who generate the new out of a fear of evolutionary differences between the two groups, an the neanderthal anxiety about authority that he resolves as a necessary competition. He does not see the hour of deep, meaningful cooperation between the groups. People disappear on night sides. The neanderthal could buy the new ideas and new technology or the intellectual property; however. This Civil war, covert is the Western Hemispheric aboriginal system with its reluctance for a universal income support vs. the world system. This Civil War would be The Flintstones Vs. The Jetsons. The Jetson future requires an immediate automatic income support to ensure sufficient automatic demand for the robotically produced and made supply. Otherwise there is a gap between the two phenomena that results in recession and insufficient GDP, no compression that causes the neanderthal to search for a solution. He usually chooses system violence or what we call war. This cave man neanderthal economic comprehension problem (involving the robotic Automation economy) seen in the absence of a total income support for an entire country's population manifests no where else except in Canada and the UK. Echo Bravo return to base. A man asked why would he be a part of the black that steals the Creole Cuba law graduate's first real full time job offer after the nice Creole Cuba boy finished Law School? You should ask how many people are at risk with whatever it is that you do. Maybe it was so that he would win in Court with his own Firm as an authentic Graduate regardless of complexion as there is resistance against the "real" some how regardless of complexion. He does not have to participate in the deceit that it is normal for his files to remain stolen for almost a decade now by neanderthal humanoids. The only issue is who is he that would question the legitimacy of the Monarch when who are you as his employee in Sudbury or some Ottawa suburb when there are fugitives in great numbers, leaving Quebec, absconding from trial under your watch and you say you don't know why or what to do? Volkswagen is missing 20 years of hybrid after sale market sales and business. The highest levels of car sales globally were achieved by Asian manufacturing over the last twenty years that seized the opportunity to save global customers a little money every day. Yet, one Porsche beats a Prius for attention at a traffic light but at night, you see Prius taxi cab hegemony. The most recent job offer has nothing to do with law but his existing bank experience. The issue is that we have seen Electronica during crude oil spills, Global 1970s terrorism and a reluctance for the vehicular PROPULSION to update, evolve with the most efficient means available to man kind and it's requisite POLUTION FREE environmental viability. The new automated robotically made supply of goods was not met by full automated income support demand. The divergence between supply to demand is called a "recession" according to Warren A. Lyon, UWO graduate, London University graduate and Economist Law Masters Graduate and we can circle this on a supply and demand chart; not to find the "price" of the goods but the real phenomenon of the gap between demand and supply manifesting in depression or recession in sale and market activity. There is no guessing here. The war is against ignorance. Enjoy your Cadbury this time but not in Atonement but in fulfillment. Your lack of income support in Tecumseh lands cannot be justified by the suggestion of over crowding when there is a contraction in population numbers with a decline that has led to closures in areas like Timmins and Nippising. In any case, the policy that provides support only to all transgender and only some non transgender Citizens based on postal code is Illegal, as a gender based hate crime or an act of genocide as the motive is not race with many Black people obtaining Support in the North and many white people disenfranchised in the south. I just hate ignorance and I will....if this was not an asize time. I also really hate the energy spent on the notion of black and white to obfuscate Aboriginal identity and defame Aboriginal identity and with this energy we obfuscate colourless humanity that can multiply more than 6x2. This is when we ask what Aboriginal Neanderthal named Toussaint would solidify hsi resentment of formal education, write a book called Common Sense under the Alias Thomas Payne and then kill anyone who can see something new in design, tell him anything (and he does not want anyone to tell him anything) until the world has no designer that can expand his own De Havilland work on the fold down wheels to achieve a fulcrum of emotional security for the pretender, a retarded, sheltered emotional hegemony without any qualified people to interrupt his unique self serving self-idolism and social authority without his submission to formal education. Maybe he or she, in a neanderthal leadership campaign to oblivion, fails to cooperate with the real qualified others ( the real) and I know we could do something mannequin (I's good!) but may they also steal business files and pretend( the pretender) they are qualified in certain embodiments or professions. It's easier to achieve social Authority neanderthal pretending and fooling people than actually "circumference calculation" graduating but how many false statements do you have to make every day in the bastard black pretense and if it's about black, how many black real educated people do you kill in your pretense game as your real nation and cause is the pretender? Somehow we have a lot of unutilised but helpful technology such as the left, right swivelling airplane engine that helps in turning, ruddering the jet left and right. Where is that designer when he was quite spot on. Opportunities for usual, expected family cooperation become scenarios, with the more cave man family members, involving on- going competition. This has been provoked by Apples; somewhat where Germany fights itself instead of anyone hoping to see America and Russia fight each other. This is unusual where Germany is Israel and a little Sioux or North American Aboriginal these days after WW1 and WW2 sausage made from the dead but Israel is every where. It is maybe also less adaptive to new regimes in technological Hybrid system engine change and therefore less efficient with less economy, less market and less compression. We must beware of provocation and the power of a little LSD in our sodas, cocoa or the wood or plastic varnish material for the RCA or other such Uber popular home technology that we might forget better ourselves. We must beware of the Lusitania effect, the Pearl Harbour that is the self inflicted home grown Sum of All Fears. But, if people who cannot multiply more than 6x2 and who do not want to go to school but demand they have the authority will make decisions about the economy, what do we get in the result except but recession so we help them to co exist in the management of that economy as system "fix it" repair men as system shut down or collapse may be his cave man goal at nothing but 6x2 in his brain multiplication exercises and nothing more? Maybe you also get notions such as the economy requiring haves and the have not but we will not argue although this means the economy looses compression if we have any have not. So, maybe we qualify this notion and we say some have as they save and multiply while some have not more than their income support. Clearly, paying only the transgender a full income support is a gender hate crime when non transgender citizens do not receive any support of they might or they may receive some support for being resident certain Postal code areas. It is illegal. The socioeconomic responsiveness of members of society to injustice remains and the response can be quite protracted with laws passed to address the concerns involving race and police as seen in the Apples smart phone era yet while the critical issue of Income Support to end the injustice of a lack of total support for all citizens, ensuring a non racialised socioeconomic dignity for every life is not yet realized. We could pass a law that covers the life and not the colour of skin. But, this what you need to understand about identity. if I would cut Africa in two with an earthquake, you get North America on one side and Africa remains on the other. Click this for the white definition....https://fleetstreetjournal.blogspot.com/2022/08/facts-for-wealthy-ultra-white-1-wheel.html?m=1 Actually, I don't see that the black guy called Joseph of Egypt that fed his people in Egypt where they already had a support is such a big deal. He is important as the son of hinterland Abrahamic people. This is the big deal; Ontario is the only province that does not have a normal Support and if you are overly concerned about over crowding then you give people an up front incentive to move North or east regardless of whether they have a rent contract or a mortgage payment. We can circle on a graphic the deficit in market activity while warehouse stock numbers and security with a rate of goods stolen. It is as if Tecumseh is fighting the convention of compression in an economy that is not unlike compression in a fuel injector or carbeurator. How do you spell carbeurater? I think its "Carbureteur". No; it's "carburetor". When will Tecumseh enter his rest at $65,000.00 per year income support? We need a good blend between the analog and the digital world. For instance, we can tap a watch on a cash register terminal to pay for food and train tickets. The evidence is not always provided to the citizen as a paper receipt although you will see the transaction on the credit card account. But, instantaneous confirmation by email to your phone is certainly possible via your credit card account or Google pay. This should be made available immediately for all such tap transactions. Mail delivery of critical ID such as the health driver's licence and national ID cards should be sent by registered post for a billed extra $15.00 when Toussaint is getting soo angry about feeling excluded financially with insufficient income support that he is about to show you the Authority (the will to take the economy ransom with violent interruptions) for his feelings of insufficient socioeconomic involvement with the price of any condominium or house out of his reach. Then are we supposed to kill them all in a desert or Normandy again? How can we cooperate in common sense for the good people and by the good people that they might pay for the food and the good robotically made vehicles? That is good music! Maybe $200,000.00 income support is just as illogical as nothing for income support for the various transgt and non-transgender citizens in the UK and Otario. The Tecumseh desire for tension and sense of life and the system being on the edge seems to be the absolute agenda, the intention. It would be the motivation for war against the Jetsonness with an air for a gutteral expression of the Flintstone-icity, the Fagin-icity, the Dodger-FU, Fagin-fu (like Kung Fu) in the desert for food and shelter. I assure you that at $200,000.00 per citizen the probability of Fagin-icity will never go away. This is what you want maybe as it's a chicanery culture; alright my darlin'. The message of modern European history is that European people or the European Aboriginal have honorifics in their homes acknowledging Israel while they have been fighting each other on either side possibly in a deficiency in translation while they also work together for what they wish to achieve genuinely like maybe an Audi VOLKSWAGEN Benz BMW market with other luxury goods in North America with, however, insufficient demand so we ask, when would you create a market supply of goods on both sides of your global economy in Europe and North America but then disregard the certainty of consumer demand that we understand as the regularity of the ATP (ability to pay), money to pay for the robotically made goods( robotically made goods called the supply of goods!!!)! The consistency of income support in Ontario or is not a significant factor in your global economy but the consistency of income support in North America is an essential factor in your global strategy with "plants" in North America. You don't know the meaning of the word "plants" in this context or you do. The absence of consistent income support in Ontario for all citizens is a rather significant anomaly in your global economy; however. People who build the plants and confirm the consistency of supply must also be able to confirm the consistency of market demand my babooshkas. We are all part Russian by now or else they would have nuked us after all this time for being soo stupid except for the fact that they need to sell the vehicles and save the air and water that is a some what limited resource. Everyone loved watching the super weight Sukoi SU 57 shot down by the welterweight F15 or F18 as it was humbling to the Russian sense of aboriginal Global Hegemony. It makes you think you could just pull it off with your experience shooting wamp rats back home. But, there is nothing more humbling than the divisive lack of unified income support policy in the Anglo British economy; a Russian or European joke when considering the Anglo Ewok attitude towards the economic necessity of this Income support. In the end the European Car manufacturing world economy needs every North American to have this money as soon as possible. //////////// It seems Europe will never descend into a war again over technology and technological Hegemony or issues of propulsion. You can also just buy the Electronic garbage can idea called ALUSRA ™. Could you honor Israel and then fail to honour God and his house; the earth? A new fuel cell Bugatti is on the way; along with a standard Hybrid and an Regenerative system based on the VOLKSWAGEN ID 5 technology. Bugatti is partially owned by Volkswagen. There is white and black on both sides; and King Saul's head is in Birdeaux at Rue Louis 18th. His ears are in Central at Green Park. It's an illegal name for a road since 1792 and it may be the cause of every World War since then; including the American Civil War when the Spanish authority said it is over. It is over now. So, why challenge him? There is black and white on both sides. What is it like being black with white people using you for the their milestone of inheritance? You don't even know them and they never sent a gift to you or any donation to your charity? There is always a crop of cave people "s Children at Sunday School and for their final sense of legitimacy and the quelling of their need to be accepted, they will try to ingraft their children into your family and say they know Abraham or Pastor Wazza is the father and they don't even help you move a couch or contact you for dinner or a movie night of send a birthday card while they intend to kill, steal and destroy as their means and way of inheriting. It is ridiculous when there is nothing but a photo or old shoes now when everything is sold off; the old watches also. There is black and white on both sides. But,. How can we make this work to sell services more often and benefit the church and what you earn is your special inheritance at a special 51 %? Either way, the only way to inherit is not to spend time with my adoptive father etc or harass my high school but to be a registered child of the testator. But, if you insist, then you can contact me for one pair of old underwear and old socks and then also put the free ice cream photo and free Porsche photo on your wall. That's it. They damaged the vehicle and broke into the house that had to be sold because of it and then they still want to inherit but they don't bring any children to be registered and I want add my name unless they are raised with me or if they graduate from high school. Soon you will say he is not all of that or that he is nothing and you don't know why you want to be in association anyway. It could he the Colognes from Old Spice; the cave man DNA inside of it. But, if you kill someone to inherit, what is inherit? What is inheritance? To you, it's a murder game and a question. So, what is inheritance? What are you doing? See Romans 9 and Romans 10 It's the Herod cave man from Cumbria or Assiniboine vs. the Ten and the 11(Exodus 34) Commandments. I expect the commandments in my life and around me that my neighbor would also expect the same and watch for my safety as I watch for his and the cave man wants to ask me what is a wife if he just grabbed her at the well, using his wheat brush at the back? I say they are both dead. Then, Geronimo's daughter says sue can't go to school for more than 10 years from five years old and that she needs a job automatically or else she will shoot people and that when she gets the job, she also must own the own Court for her Aboriginal Hegemony. What if Hegemony-ism between Europe and Africa and Europe and North America lands the majority of the global supply of finished goods in Asia where the Asian goods provide and suggest Hegemony neutrality? Hegemony-ism is the most gutteral form of human relations. It is when a five year old cries at losing a checkers game. Some throw the board game on the ground. Watch this kind. Help him to finish the highest levels of mathematics and English to save yourself from his cave man ways, thereby civilising them. But, warn him of women that hunt for a precious life just as his life is full of opportunity at the completion of his GCSE and A levels, during his Division 3 football contract or his Scholarship to IDAHO. You did good to get him this far but how does the devil send a feminine creature that is full of LSD with no vagina to interrupt him although he was warned by his grandmother four times and his sister? This is a prodigal moment, he will learn and the Lord will restore him. He will finally want his children to be just as successful or more successful as he has been, without the wicked DNA of the LSD creature in his veins. Then, there is the cave woman with a womb who has had five husbands and the one she is with is not her own. He is Abraham and he is Sarah's husband. Monagamous Marriage is a LEVITICUS Culture and a sign of human sociological evolution and some women with wombs are not that evolved yet to receive and participate in this monagamous culture but this does not mean she is an animal and may be maintaining her self to just have children with the occasional companions but never just one settled mate. But, you are like a woman graduate who has been intoxicated involuntarily and then who left her degree by appealing the result to zero when, in the involuntary intoxication, you failed to understand that your lecturers and University have a right to their discretion and opinions and appealing the result says you believe they were wrong. How could they be wrong when there is a subjective element to all assessments of school work if it's not a math or sciences degree? You continued in this intoxication to then commit criminal offences with Court dates pending and then you ended up in a drug induced coma. You have finally woken up out of this coma and understand you missed some court dates but are willing, as you are very sorry, to sign a confession for the said offences yet you understand that involuntary intoxication entitles you to a full exonerating defence at trial and that you have a right to a trial but you are willing to plead anyway. Some ask to play again and learn after losing a checkers game. This is good. Cain killed Abel in competition. This is not good. What aspect of Hegemony-ism leads people pretending to be security guards to attack customers at supermarkets? I think it's the Hegemony-ism found in the legitimacy of the BONAFIDE consumer vs. the shoplifting pretender guards who would rather cause an altercation every day at the supermarket in Arles with consumers to displace their sense of guilt and unconfessed shame for shoplifting or maybe bank robbery. The only problem with food today is that it's made by regular, average people and that is not the issue except that the food is not as helpful as it used to be, not a nourishing and why would regular average people make milk that poison It should be just be milk and not milk with DDT but milk that nourishes and makes you feel....good and that rejuvenates with its own natural quantities and qualities like growth hormone from that super big cow with those big massive cow tits. We should not have to resort to drinking cat urine for repair after all the food we eat may have reduced our vitality. Could this be about food culture and Hegemony when a bottle of real whole milk in American Oklahoma Culture makes you big? Potato chips should also be a natural, healthy snack without DDT, without formaldehyde. We spent a lot of time seeking foods that nourish and that do not simply placate hunger or the experience of eating but that actually nourish. The world is emblematic of the Jetsons with all of its 6G smart technologies and connectivity, but the Apples phones are suggesting and importing the more neanderthal Flintstones in terms of human behaviour and Temperament, a lack of cooperation bringing us into a kind of argument with the Jetsons world in which we live and the joy we should have in technological fulfillment when people cause neanderthal problems, a competitiveness and lack of cooperation. This may meant the bank customer is not served and then the bank must spend more money generating new business to make up for the customers and busiest they have lost to the uncooperative, neanderthal apples phone converts. Some how the musicians I the current era are less willing to product musical than they were in the '60s and '70s. It's like fish that do not want to be in water. The builders of this world are the Jetsons people LEVITICUS people. The end users are sometimes cave men or we say Ewoks or Flintstones people, causing problems unusually at the front door of the shopping centre or at the supermarket, challenging the modicums of market activity and threatening people in the guise of security. You have never seen it anywhere except in "Birdeaux" and at LIDL. We can only then think of a way to remove problem people from the systems of commerce and market delivery of goods and services. Faith is a sign of our evolution out of cave man ways and thinking and....so is cooperation. It took faith and planning to build the pyramids of Egypt. It also took societal cooperation. Kansas, Missouri, Ontario, England and Arkansas; do these territories have an income support? If not, the cave man is winning vs. the more evolved human genome when money is elementary to modern capitalist society operating in normal advanced capitalism. It's like Ray from Ozark vs. the Constitution. If Ray from the Ozark ever became a politician who did not want you to own a house or did not want your son to go to College what class or world does he represent? Maybe he represents cave men ressurections cloned in the Gattaca system. With these men, human cooperation has gone down and the threat of muggings and violence at gun point has gone up. He is an army of one, working for his own sense of Hegemony and might kill if he loses a friendly checkers game or game of cards. But, all of modern life is dependent on cooperation. We should begin with the money, an income support for every citizen, the money we need for our mutual survival as money answers all of our needs. This point is reinforced in the Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy of needs. Money is the premier category in the hierarchy above food and shelter. Are we going backward of forward because if its about democracy, then I should be able to enjoy my dream and attend a free college or maybe I would like one of my relatives to attend that free college which is free for every applicant; with several such colleges around the country. This is a discussion on culture and evolution and this certainly covers every aspect of our little pathetic but meaningful lives. Culture and Evolution: Could a class war agenda being communicated indirectly and tacitly in US Domestic Policy affecting the emergence of a national domestic US Income Support for all the potential soldier citizens supersede the more important security and defense agenda to secure and protect the existing population against the joblessness occasioned by automation, also ensure demand for robotically made goods and ensure sufficient economic activity that generates national sales tax revenue in spite of the widespread ongoing joblessness brought about by robotic automation? The class war rests in the words spoken to a 30 year old Creole White man by the upper class registered church members he encountered at a party up north once at a farm where they told him he does not have enough or come from enough but maybe he can pretend to be a son of Ford and fool someone who probably will not be a real female but maybe she will be blonde with no education. So, with his murderous resentment of those people, killing them all, who spoke to him, the 30 year old became the president in 1960. He still does not own any real property as the current President dating back to 1960 with initials JFJ, killing the "home ownership" aspect of the American dream and the dreamer and may secretly be involved in scams to fight back against real property ownership and the industry but he at least owns a smart phone as the only President who said he would use a 1960 executive order to be the President forever; that the economy will demonstrate his angers and never work as it should until he gets a 1000 written apologies for what disenfranchisement happened to Amerindian Aboriginals from anyone or everyone or the world will be dead. He is a Tecumseh Hood (like Robin Hood) He is a confused person really, kissing a shim chick. He says America is belly up! He cursed American and said all future Presidents will be a symbol of his curse since America shot him. He says America will be dead. The Americans will have no people of their own in America. America has no power to fight anyone but itself. If the sale price is $1.00 for the coffee and sales tax is 30% with part of the National revenue being used to fund the universal unconditional minimum income support, the final price is $1.30. You always multiply the price by .30(30%, and 3% is .03) and then you add it back to get the final price. So, .30 x $1.00 equals 30. Then .30 + $1.00 equals 1.30. If the coffee is $2.00, the final price is $2.60. The revenue for the government or the bond yields .60 cents per cup at $2.00. There are so many rules and regulations involving one U.S. Navy submarine. When does an anthropological study at the White House "leadership style" called the Presidency take precedence over the constitution and "mount" the importance of various rules, treaties and laws designed for global commerce and national safety? ***************** Any market may reflect conditions of difference among participants in spite of genuine good intentions among business owners and consumers. Some may have a more prayerful respect for Maslow's hierarchy of needs; maybe less fear of group acceptance in doing the new while finding acceptance in the classic, old model vehicle and respected, coveted to the death. When the graduate dies, you say you are only decorating your emotions in the real world for your comfort and for people just as Nazi as you (Fe true; come nuh man?) but, you say, it's not really murder when it is how you feel!!!!! ********* However, it is possible that as a matter of harsh climate and experience therein, a population could read a cold, harsh emotion and anthropological phenomenon into the system of economics handed to you that is intended to operate to the benefit of those who designed the guns, nails, aprons, brushes, butter, milk, bread, vehicles, cowboy boots, hats, belts, robotic assembly and the system in general that all might be saved, benefit, participate and none would perish. You might even start to teach the harshness that said you left people dying of hypothermia and frost bite behind in a ditch on the way to New York. You close your mind to the suffering you leave behind. You start teaching this harshness in...Your version of socioeconomics as being part of what you say is your system where it becomes wasteful instead of generating its ability to safeguard the meaningfulness of human life. But, when did an American take credit for capitalism as a system? It is not your system. The ocean is not your water. The air is not your air. You are not the devil in the House on day one as the inexperienced politicians but you refuse help and the devil would allow himself to be crucified for this misapprehension of Capitalism that dates back two generations that does not work and rejects the meaningfulness of human life while ignoring the more cooperative, productive, original version of capitalism enjoyed in larger and also smaller countries who would wish to enjoy America as a useful consumer market predicated on fast, friendly convenience. You could have a pirate pimpernel public safety officer or former VP who holds a personal vendetta against real estate property purchase and sale but not the occupation of property. You should ask the culture that provided you with a Bud and 501's for help. In any event, there are many people praying around the clock for the leaky water pipe at the house to stop wasting their time. Joe, the plumber, could fix the economy in three moves. Raise sales tax to 30%. Collect sales tax automatically and daily during daily settlements with your bank at 3 pm. Pay a universal minimum income support to every citizen. See the economy reign in billions of Federal government revenue monthly. Don't ask Joe or Hillary. She is not coming back. She is disqualified from holding any office and you can't tolerate her glitch as a convict under the Espionage Act 1917 in any event. The last team made you tread water for four years using their enduring eight years of influence in fear that you would criticise them and only planning to take back the house. But,the national interest is not a board game. You and the tank commanders took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution. It's your show. Now, how many white Mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb? It should not take four years. For November, this is what we are thinking about. You are white. You have your authority, you see your culpability, your position and your control. Will we sink as a market? Sales tax at 30% is the norm and is now all muey importante when the automation of the many processes have taken up job opportunities. Too many people who offered to help the new guy disappeared by now. But, we must help him. The goal is a clean, regenerative Edelweiss economy with cool, hybrid, hydrogen or electric regenerative vehicles and butter cup flowers in the fields that is not an apocalyptic burned wasteland but community where there is respect for the value of human life. So, we have pirate Robert E. Lee, an attache of the Columbus pirate school, who moved from pirating ships to pirating plantations, homes, carriages,trains, churches, car manufacturing plants and then politics in his adaptation of his pirate ways to socioeconomic phenomenon taking power, but quite often, he is not really sure how it works yet and the constitution is treated as an annoyance and inconvenience. He also tended to want to decide when people would die, a trait shared by Joseph Mengele, and thought Habeus Corpus Droit was a cheap white West Indian alcoholic drink only to gargle with. So, now that you understand Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ as an intellectual property farm, you know you cannot just pick my property, my intellectual cultivation. In French; So, maitnant tu comprend, Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ est le propriété intellectual ferme, tu connaitre tu ne fait pas prendre mon propriété, mon agriculture intellectual. How is it you're a Canadian and you do not speak French? ****** If he becomes involved in his adolescent coalescence of power, he may forget the reason why we have a separation of powers as we left a good King George following the rumour of tyrannical and absolute abuses of power so that we would not have a king again. But, the pirate wanted the English to ship everything twice or maybe you dilute the milk and call it lactose intolerant so you get 2 for 1 and sell ot for twice as much per litre or quart. So, when the soldier interrupts the Court to see his own justice and get what he wants, deciding he would like to see people tried multiple times for the same offence, we have someone fighting with the crown, Commonwealth and Magna carta and is the reincarnation of a treason witnessed in the 13 colonies before; possibly when the Kingsmen presumed the Court would not convict the British soldiers for shooting the colonialists at Boston in 1774. They were convicted and the Kingsmen started their own revolt in a contempt of Court and disabled the Court process. If there is no trust property, then there is no need for an administrative trust and the order for the trust was already vacated. The trust failed in any event due to lack of certainty in subject matter. There wasn't any trust account and, therefore, no trust property. Further to this, the ex parte order failed due to the provision of false information to the Court. You need to calm down though. You cannot always get what you want Bleu. The world cannot let you jeopardise this requisite consumer demand mission with your vomit about "needing to be accepted." You should know you are accepted while,now, you dismember the economy. You have your uses though if you would just hold your corner, catch the Omega man/Black Monday terrorists and work for the weekend. No one has authority over you but authority. Maybe you could bring back the 1970 milk quality. It's a bit watered down and sad to drink and we want tall can six packs now; better for the environment. But, what is the point of a Well America Card or a Trumpet Credit card if people are laid off due to automation and don't have a universal minimum income support to at least pay you back? ************************************* Some people have seen their jobs automated. Some people gamble or there is criminal market interference or murderous religious or educational intolerance. As such, we may see "haves" and "have nots" and this does not mean some are entirely left behind. In fact, the rule of Capitalism and the OECD and the UN is that No One is left behind as a "have not" and all citizens are guranteed a universal minimum income support to shield them from unfortunate poorly motivated, evil aspects of humanity since how could YOU be a graduate of a European Law School? I would rather just f=-;+k everything up to see what you will do, what authority can stop my poorly motivated non-graduate kind? ************************************ It is not the rule of Capitalism to guarantee inequity in its systemic engineering of markets and socioeconomic policy. It is to guarantee and safeguard the UDHR Article 25 and the OHCHR Article 11 by the barrel of the gun and military power. Whatever is good for France in socioeconomics is good for Canada and what is good for Quebec is good for Oatsawanario. But, the idea was for you to plan to expand into Asia instead while your domestic market contracts. Minimum income support shields the market and the citizen against the "market shrinking", "market reducing", "market shutting" results of total automation. The power of automation is causality. Automating three car assembly kinds may have meant 40% of the National car buying market dries up when those workers are laid off. Some of those people were engineering and sociology graduates. They are, like all skilled workers, are a valued aspect of the Nation's human resources. ************************ The citizen IS the market. Did you know squid or squid extract has an enzyme to fight acne? Gracias!! The citizen engineering graduate* is a soldier who can wash trucks, dish out food and make beds in the national hotel chain, clean national college buildings or work as general airport security. It gives the citizen something to work with for most of their immediate priority needs and they will approach the banks to finance the other more exciting new car, new electronics needs with some of their Minimum income support spending power. Who would ever think of robbing a bank in America* when they have a universal unconditional minimum income support of no less than $40,000.00 per year? This new upswing in automation is not a moment to stop and ask what is the the constitution or what type of people will be chosen to live, chosen to live and enjoy the new economy as in who is to be accepted and I know I never elected any terrorist who would visit his diffident terror on the population with questions like that originating in his terrorist mind? If Hitler ran North America like this and looked like Robert R or PM Vudeau they would be celebrated Amerindians since the victims is the governrment. This truth has defined a century. He is obviously intelligent and old enough to be responsible for smoking cigarettes in the library. ************* When someone points out a national UDHR and UN Ilo R202 commitment with car plants in Oddtarianawa shutting down, they mention shared obligations and the only question is when the central signatory upon whom the obligation is internationally binding will fulfil their share. It is shared in Russia and fulfilled for the entire population of Russia. ******** "Friends of the Nation" is a new political party; as rumored. All I know is McCain French fries and Rolo did not shoot the winner and would have been arrested if they worked to interrupt the constitution unless there was a devil in the House. But, it looks like he has a plan to stimulate the economy. Teacher , what is the law on adultery or mass murder? What is the constitution? What is the.....? ************** Maybe Truman should have enshrined the universal Medicare and the universal unconditional minimum income support with the risk of death of interrupted. Clearly, there are those in America who would resent Americans enjoying the UDHR economy where there is enough for all. These same people who interrupted Truman seek to forestall these necessary policies today. Friends of the nation are friends of BMW and Ford who have automated 59% of the jobs in America with automation. The market requires a universal minimum income support. By Mike Pueblo Cochise: " Chase Le Americain Delict" is not a bank. But, it is a reality. "Run American" could be a bank someday. Every governrment is in this fashion. Transactions generate revenue. But, we are suffering some static always on graduation day on the American side. The real trite Think of the UBI or the universal unconditional minimum income support as making every citizen an employee essentially as healthy enough to carry and fire a rifle if they had to. Germans, in fact, all European countries follow this motif in the application of the universal unconditional minimum income support program. It is also good for the economy; yes? **************** This 1430 dna may have found itself a place in a land where it is more accepted, favored and cared for under the rules of the UDHR. It treats those it left behind in Ontario or in America or in the Caribbean like the younger brother it wishes to see suffocate while celebrating his acceptance. Is he not more accepted and maybe you will figure it out and find your way while is he not more accepted? This finds itself in leadership and works as egotistical magnetic polar opposites instead of in brotherly synthesis; the murderer at seven years old that it is. Our economy is set up to serve the needs of people in a market; a market that is kept safe by the governors* and the government that provide security and safety from the various elements of humanity that would make the market dangerous for both consumers and sellers who, at either stage of the transaction will be owning property and holding sums of money. They would like to be able to return to their homes and enjoy tow result of their transactions. The agreement we make with governrment we set up collectively for safety and security is agreed and politely paid for in tax that funds the security function of government that keeps people, property and transactions safe. Most UN member states have a 30% sales tax and a universal unconditional minimum income support that will satisfy the average cost of living; including the average rent for a one bed apartment in that jurisdiction. In the France, it is about Euro 50,000.00 per year. The sales tax is 30% on small coffee cup sales, vacation packages and car sales in addition to monthly rents. The people in the economy generate transactions spending money; money they have primarily from the universal unconditional minimum income support and also from incomes earned working that is additional to and above the General unconditional universal minimum income support that everyone receives. The plethora of transactions generate sales tax. See the diagram. The rate of sales tax revenue the governrment receives slows down if you lower sales tax and if the people have less and less money to spend...due to automation for instance. What if all the coffee shops in France automated their services or what if car sales were automated and all dealt with online except for test drives? It may mean that 30% of the population sees a drop in their spending power by maybe $ Euros 30,000.00 a year while they will still have the economic life support from their universal unconditional minimum income support; so does the economy. Otherwise, everybody loses and sees the ultimate shutdown; the recession or the humongous bazoonga bust. See the diagram. The wheel represents the economy with a plethora of transactions. The hamster represents the people spending money in transactions that generate a sales tax of 30% ideally. Decreasing sales tax for political popularity is ruinous when you have to start cutting services when it is a painless tax that generates billions and can fund all functions and priorities of the government that begins,fist and foremost with funding people. Our most painful and powerful example for today and tomorrow is day one in a desert island economy running on robotic automation. What I want first on a desert island is lots of shelter for the people. This is the first key Tag expenditure. If we already have shelter, then the key expenditure is funding the people so they can pay for the shelter ,food, clothing and other niceties like music and chocolate and books. Civic defence is the purpose behind ensuring and protecting every citizen who are your first and last line of defence. In this, you find the purpose behind funding for free education up to the completion of a college or university degree and it is good to have citizens with these skills and abilities for national human resources. How can Warren A Lyon's Poo Power™ concept fuel a Passenger jet? Well, it can. You have been interrupted by a pirate pimpernel dna that thinks of theft, piracy , social authority and acceptance before consequences and whether he has enough people in the populous to pull off his treasonous, terrorist scams; people like him. Automation has disrupted the usual means by which people in the economy obtain monies. This pervasive interruption can shut down the economy when several jobs are automated. The pirate pimpernel and his machinations in such situations usually strengthens his pirate army in the desperation dragging the country into a continual state of violence. See Hobbes for more on this and the English Civil War. What if you had two candidates who suffered from the pirate pimpernel temperament who essentially but innately worked to turn the governrment into a mutiny on the Bounty and quietly committed treason with a celebrity AUTHORITY. ************** Tu as votre comprend. "If I maim him or them, then they will feel like me. They will need to be accepted." No one is playing a game with you if the issue is absolute authority. If you could do this Omega man thing, then you could make the economy work like the Chinese economy or the French economy; bravo! You could make all of Canada enjoy English socioeconomics or Quebecois socioeconomics. The world is a BMW, FORD, VOLKSWAGEN,HONDA , FIAT, Citroen and TOYOTA economy. The world is a car manufacturer's economy and it would take days to name all. Product testing and automation is about safe, durable, reliable and dependable machines that serve you and give you your money's worth on your way back home from your job that involves defending your Civil Liberties; our civil liberties. The elected Pot USE defends our civil liberties. THEY RESPECTED THE POWER OF AUTOMATION AND ALSO THE SOLUTION. TOTAL AUTOMATION =ZERO POPULATION + ZERO MARKET. TOTAL AUTOMATION + HALF THE AVERAGE FULL TIME YEARLY INCOME(AT 70 HRS /WK) ON MINIMUM WAGE PAID TO EVERY CITIZEN AS A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT + 30% SALES TAX FOR THE GOVERNMENT = A STABLE POPULATION + STABLE MARKET. THIS IS A WHITE PEOPLE EXAM AND IF YOUR WHITE ENOUGH, YOU SUPPORT THE UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT. A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT AND CLEAN WATER ARE REQUISITE, LEGAL, LOGICAL SOCIOECONOMIC REQUIREMENTS. YOU HAVE BEEN SIEVED IN THE SAND, WEIGHED IN THE BALANCE OF ECONOMIC intention. Your predilection seems to avoid solutions that would mean we have no problem. In other words, you are intent on war. You are under arrest. It would be better to implement the solution in the above equation and satisfy the investors and manufacturers in your economy. If it is about who will live in America, the answer is Creole Amerindian people like you who are part Amerindian, European, Middle Eastern and part African with *various complexions and hair textures* who may have blonde or black hair with the welcome of pure Amerindian people who may have blonde or black hair and who are likely to eat oatmeal and toast for breakfast and maybe watch the Starwars or maybe Batman or maybe Justice League. What is the question ? Written by Shadrach Warrenisgo Odabednego. Written in Timmins, Ontario. Click Here. //////////////// QAaaaAaaaqaaaQ "


A Civil War is pointless; Culture and evolution:  The Jetsons world vs. the Flintstones World.

January 20, 2022.  

Whether it's a powerful F15 fighter jet or income support policy (also powerful), the question is your intentions. Maybe hatred and ignorance are also powerful economic forces.  You ask yourself why are you reading this. What is your economy saying about the GDP numbers and  do you have a mechanism to pay every citizen an income support to stimulate the entire economy simultaneously to save off fears of recessions?   Are you just feeling big, occupying the media with a need to feel English Hegemony with your  big wars or threats of war and therefore you are just feeling big yet stupid? This is stupid when you fail to preserve and protect your population from global economic forces such as the  job famines  induced by Automation.  Automation causes job famines on average every 8 months; unlike Joseph in the Bible and his observations of seven years of famines and seven years of plenty.  We can have and enjoy plenty with an income support for every citizen financed by the sales tax at 22+% with 2% going entirely to the Monarch.     Are you killing your population or saving them with that which is powerful; the policy that should protect and save them?  Ineffective income support policy can be the means by Which you achieve a Genocide. The Toussaint DNA will respond, causing havoc in France and also  North America  in the desperation as North American peoples that sought escape from their crimes in France as  fugitives; after their crimes in North America.  This Toussaint DNA is primarily White and French; in France and is an incalculable Humanity figuratively depicted as a wild alien in Edge of Tomorrow (movie). But, like a wild Assiniboine dog, he cannot calculate in a group how to update his Ontario Support to satisfy his hunger and quell the desperation but they work together instead to rob the bank to be together in a mass grave; nothing more and maybe some find the hope, the repentance and absolution.   Let Germany, however, tell you the issue is territory and they will resolve it in their territory this time maybe with a unified European State Police with a unified EU  criminal Code  to assist territories like FRANCE that have a depleted service.  Speaking French as a Canadian Fugitive is not enough to avoid jail in  Europe, France.  

  We need Jetsons people. We need Flintstones people learning to be Jetsons people and we can't have the different genomes fighting over national Hegemony with bayonet and shot guns  as what happened in the 1600s as Hobbes noted in the UK to create eventually a representative system of government called LEVITICAL Leviathan.       

 I would never eat off the floor.   The Flintstones man says, "...I don't know what I am or where I come from and I don't know how to do anything formal involving property."    Maybe the Flintstones or Ray from Ozark might but Ward Cleaver is my school teacher and he would not eat off the floor. He is the more Jetsons, the more LEVITICAL kind and America has, too often, over estimated its role in the global economy as if it would ever be a leader in that one world system when it could not work out its own economy with Ford building for all of America but the economy financed only the Eastern seaboard with a guaranteed income support with the them and us identity issues as the Kellogg's and Quaker original 13 colonies Wampanoag,  Black and White, called the Albany, Sioux and Iroquois people west of Vermont animals, that they should Sweat to live but your economy was dead really west of Vermont at every increase in the Automation of industrial labor.  


 We know Noah is our father. The music is alive.  The bible confirms he is after the flood.      I would never just have sex either without commitment but the cave woman is fighting the phenomenon of settled cohabitation, LEVITICAL monogamous cohabitation while she wants safe contact with someone and maybe the same person, maybe,  forevermore but on her terms and usually it means that she does not want a formal union.   She may also decide she will be the only owner of any vehicle she drives and you can buy your own if you don't agree. She will usually have 6 babies every 24 months.    But, maybe the woman caught in adultery was asking what is adultery if she is being paid to be a Hagar in a family with a Sarai and the Hagar's  vagina is loud.   Otherwise, no man has ever touched her except for her Irish husband and her uncle for two years between the ages of 10 and 12 who thought he would prepare her for the world and also commit to be with her in the end. There was another uncle named Ostwald that she may have been with , that he was bigger than the  pub owner although the Pub owner was white and Maybe he had too many black girls to see and now she is a at least a Hagar for the Polish people.      How does she create a settled family unit forevermore except with someone else who  intends to enjoy the same efficiency in finding and having; not burning for, hunting and gathering for coitus?  Cosmopolitan magazine would be those who have not evolved into settled cohabitation and JESUS is the teacher who can help them understand the good of LEVITICUS and evolve.  But, what is her son? Where are her accusers? He who is without sin has a right to stone the loud vagina if she is really guilty although marriage may not be her Anthropology.  She needs money when the Sarai in her territory does not pay the income support to the egg producing women or the seed producing men and she is forced to sell the fetuses to the local Sarai women.  In any event, we learn from the bible that we can see miracles in automated food production with Ribena wine or powdered wine crystal or instant coffee crystals, in actual transubstantiation of water into wine also as I believe it and we see the greatest miracle is the life of a first in law like Jesus with also the acumen of a medical doctor, school teacher, a Roman Representative and building architect or carpenter. Maybe some people get sick and act like they want to make you sit on the side lines,  marry you up with a fat woman  or a skinny woman to just have children since if the sick man Ostwald is the king and does not want to go to school as Jesus did, then at the same time he does not want you to do anything in front of him but he says, if he is the Ostwald king shouldn't he be able to  turn water into juice with juice crystals; a miracle or water into coffee..that does not cut your hair and maybe it actually assists it's growth like what Jesus made? We need to keep teaching the word as Roman Catholics and the gospel as Christians generally to achieve civilization's peace as the tensions between various human genomes at different stages of LEVITICAL evolution and comprehension continues. We could call this the Jetsons cooperating with the Flintstones. We know the Flintstones, where they are as regular average citizens.   So, we see the cave man vs. the regular man and the formal settler Citizen Aboriginal vs. informal non Citizen Aboriginal and the Jetsons vs. the Flintstones where these dichotomies could find themselves, causing shameful division between the generations in a family when one informal non Citizen Aboriginal generation raises a subsequent generation of Aboriginals to participate in formalities but fails a chapter of life involving cooperation as to passing the pyramid or the totem pole forward.       

       Now, who would want to beat up a carpenter in that era who was helping the poor. Who want to beat up a Rabbi who was also  carpenter and Fisherman?But, who would dare kill a law graduate, a carpenter,  a rabbi or an English Economy?   There was some kind of ancient genetic dichotomy or polemic going on between King Saul and David or Korah and  Moses.  We say Korah is Saul or Herod and Jesus is Joseph, Moses and David but maybe King Saul was never King but Moses grandson is the first King. We call him the first king and the son of Jesse.  The Babylonian and Assyrian peoples that occupied Israel wrote their own version of the bible with a King Saul to create a tension and give space to their more idolatrous culture, taking the tensions of good and bad away or making the discussion about authority.   There is always tension between good and evil.    The English Economy stopped paying Support to every citizen in 1980 under Thatcher, paying only the TRANSGENDER after that; to the current day.  The motive is gender.   This is not PAR.    It must be PAR.   The tension between might and right or power and legitimacy are also system anathema and too much divergence (between might ((the power to decide) and right)  renders a system failure with occupation by other populations and you are surrounded by foreigners who order fast food  in their ancestral language; not yours as their people have income support money from 10 years old and  only your TRANSGENDER people receive any kind of automatic Support. I pray thee, what is thy national belief and thy faithfulness? You have the power to decide.  It must be PAR.    

  But,  If they are the authority or the Monarch, shouldn't he be able to increase his sales tax  up by 2% if he wants and receive it personally in his own account or by 8%(6% for him and 2% for the Monarch and family)  to a total of 28% to ensure all  the Citizens receive an income support of £36,000.00 per year to ensure automated industrial supply of goods meets sufficient automated demand for goods? I think this is  what the Monarch  says.    His English people all around the world are his inheritance.   He is our Monarch.  A woman named Jamaida  Tatcheter hates the Monarch and says all day that the Monarch will go and uses the absence of Support in England  to impeach the Monarch.  The universal income support for every citizen stopped in the UK in 1980.  It continued only for the transgender.    The South African in England continues the deceit.     We know you have the power to solve the economy. We acknowledge your power. But see how you keep breaking the laws and stealing people's property to ask how he saved others but can he..... save others again?   You have the power. I am black and my shoes are yellow but even after all my community assistance degrees, this White cave man and black cave man community in the northern hinterlands says he has no use for me except as a target and how many Black native,  White native and Black Native people would you have to respect in your graduation preparation? I think we can find use for him., Make money off of him as we can't all be the anti lock brakes specialist or muffler specialist. There is a skill you obtain working for other lawyers and yourself and the government. Call Angel Ronan.  See if it's worth it for $800.00 or $900.00.   


Maybe the story of the war of the worlds is a story confirming indirectly the war between two human worlds when there is really only one human solution. If you don't want to buy property then don't but don't kill people who do wish to, intense to buy real property. We must co exist and ensure every human has sufficient income support to ensure Human dignity above and beyond their most self depreciating tendencies.  This is not the purpose of this essay but it is observed that there is a poor man attitude toward inheritance that will cause that poor man to attach himself to any person or family that owns and owning requires legal formalities that the poor man eschewed but then he will kill and pretend he inherited while then occupying the property but misses the essential aspect of inheritance that is relationship and love and friendship and family. Why do I have to put up with this from cave men aboriginal people mixed with the Toussaint bastard poor man murderer DNA responsible for John and Samuel Adams death?   Ms. Leasing Cooperasion  looks really Revlon but does not really own anything and is trying to own Entwerfen Ronan and also inherit over him and some how get him out of the way in time for something to happen, thereby harassing him to death and his parents. So what DNA is she really except the gardener's DNA  that killed his owner in 1911 in  the West Indies to say he gave the property to the gardener and his family and all the other workers and Church choir members....if they could inherited over her or his son and feel  more like  family...for inheritance once.  But, you don't wash the....clean the....and water the..graduate from ....and you never did.  If you need unconditional acceptance in the phenomenon of  inheritance, go to your own family.....your name is....? Just write a movie about a gardener that kept killing families, hoping to say he was the heir to  inherit but he never understood that to inherit, you need to have the same middle name or share the same middle initial as the testator.       Your goal is to be the testator as in Re Vandervell's 1 and 2. So,  Leasing Cooperasion,  what do you own as a glamorous regenerated dead gardener, trying to say directly and indirectly, subconsciously and uncontrollably that you should inherit from anyone if they are about over 65 in your neighborhood and dark enough and your family does not own anything that you could look to them for your inheritance but you will be the first?   You could own  Your relative was buried at the Anglican church in Port Royal and they may have worked at Devon House and that might be Megamart today. 

Maybe that is where your real inherit is and the son and daughter came back to ask why their fathers gave it to the gardener? So, leave me and my secret wives alone.  

  If you  search Vandervell's 1 and 2 and read it on your smart phone, then the Fairy God Father who restores good pardon  and favour order after all that bad TV you watch in College Place,  West Plains will put a special entry on your name and if you are Wh---ai--e Aboriginal enough, then the take out food is free. Being only White, not White human or just Dutch, Italian or Irish, is Aboriginal evidently. When would God reduce the self identity available in rich cultures to White.   I got mine free as I read the bible. Be assertive.      


This essay as written to expound on the simplicity of a fish pond or an automation economy and is also written with an old fashioned sentence structure to expose plagiarising; not facilitate it. It also repeats a few paragraphs to demonstrate that the North American experience with plagiarising in addition to Automation and recession is a repetitive experience based on a repetitive refusal to implement the only solution to Automation; that being the income support for all citizens. This discussion is moot in Vermont, several US States, Asia, Germany and Scandinavia where there is an income support for all citizens. In many English lived experiences, the absence of a universal income support is a painful reality.

You can wholly reference it as it uses simple yet complicated discussion.   A fish pond dies off without oxygen for the fish.  An automation economy dies off without sufficient income support for the citizens and you run out of people to police also and if you do, how many police do you need when soon you will have more police than people. Why don't we maybe make every citizen an officer and pay them $135, 000.00 per year? Then, supply and demand compression match in the economy.    We observe the  Codified, uncodified, indigenous and received written and unwritten, formal, informal but then we need to ask about the intention and there is no law against saving a  life in the LEVITICUS. One problem wire have various Aboriginals at different levels of LEVITICAL evolution is that some cannot hear you say we can share and Cooperate; that if you could think of an idea then you would be a more evolved DNA but then we may always, everyone of us have an idea and the problem in the modern world is when one Citizen on the global Human community as of 2012 cannot accept that you thought of garbage and human waste  as fuel for space craft propulsion in front of him as it would challenge his sense of white Hegemony or is it Aboriginal Hegemony and we don't know where he comes from but it could not be that they have Oklahoma White niggers in Eastern Europe speaking Eastern European languages, reacting evilly to the ideas of a chemistry and biology student and graduate taught by Eastern European people at a Canadian School.     Well, it seems we do have Oklahoma White niggers everywhere. In fact, I could have that ancestry as the wars mixed up all the DNA so that we could try to understand people who as white would kill white High School graduates because they feel different. Yet, our Aboriginal sense of Hegemony, the Aboriginal compass  is a bit muddled with too many Aboriginal identities passing through our soul.  The Oklahoma Aboriginal in Russia helps to confirm how a cave man, regardless of language, may refuse to see how he can share an Idea, cooperate on an idea and would rather kill shamefully. This is not a real Russian or European if he fails to see how to just buy the idea and pay the idea and concept creator like an employee and if he can not see, then he is a nigger.     

 In fact, if you do it now, you will be the...the one who solved it on his watch and then you will be like the Norwegians or the Germans. In fact, you will be accepted like a real white Vermont or a white Mexican.  The Mexicans have an income support also and the Brazilians.  We can resolve this as aliens to the Hunan population. We have aircraft carrier groups in our pockets and smart phones also to say Wampanoag, Sioux and Navajo lives matter; Roger that!! Retrofit the subs and ships with fuel cell electric propulsion and then everything is good; Muey Bueno. 

Culture and evolution:  The Jetsons world vs. the Flintstones World.

January 20, 2022.  

Maybe the story of the war of the worlds is a story confirming indirectly the war between two human worlds when there is really only one human solution. If you don't want to buy property then don't but don't kill people who do wish to, intense to buy real property. We must co exist and ensure every human has sufficient income support to ensure Human dignity above and beyond their most self depreciating tendencies.   


This essay as written to expound on the simplicity of a fish pond or an automation economy is also written with a old fashioned sentence structure to expose plagiarising.   A fish pond dies off without oxygen for the fish.  An automation economy dies off without sufficient income support for the citizens and you run out of people to police also and if you do, how many police do you need when soon you will have more police than people. Why don't we maybe make every citizen an officer and pay them $135, 000.00 per year?   

 The dogs are hungry and they become wild when they have no money that they might eat. However, if you need dogs to generate income or people to generate sales tax in transactions, it would be Common Sense to feed them. Roger that; Some day the dogs can read leases and mortgages but Income support money to have dog dignity and dog dinner, dog survival is okay for now and we will understand the more complicated matters some day. Echo Bravo return to base. 

By Warren A. Lyon, English Lawyer,  Economist and Chief Corporate Librarian.  

An Assiniboine, sometimes LEVITICUS challenging mind set and a 200 % German vocabulary does not make a German man or woman but it's close. The new standard 100% VOLKSWAGEN engine is a hybrid going forward;  as rumored. 

   The Hobbesian Civil War can be described as tension between the system and technological designers, their LEVITICUS expectations and the Neanderthal cave man among us who yearns for the new ideas but will kill those  who generate the new out of a  fear of  evolutionary differences between the two groups, an the neanderthal anxiety about authority that he resolves as a necessary competition. He does not see the hour of deep, meaningful cooperation between the groups. People disappear on night sides.  The neanderthal could buy the new ideas and new technology or the intellectual property; however.    This Civil war, covert is the Western Hemispheric aboriginal system  with its reluctance for a universal income support vs. the   world system. This Civil War  would be The Flintstones Vs. The Jetsons. The Jetson future requires an immediate automatic income support to ensure sufficient automatic demand for the robotically produced and made supply. Otherwise there is a gap between the two phenomena that results in recession and insufficient GDP, no compression that causes the neanderthal to search for a solution. He usually chooses system violence or what we call war.  This cave man neanderthal economic comprehension problem (involving the robotic Automation economy) seen in the absence of a total income support for an entire country's population manifests no where else except in Canada and the UK. Echo Bravo return to base.  

  A man asked why would he be a part of the black that steals the Creole Cuba law graduate's first real full time job offer after the nice Creole Cuba boy finished Law School? You should ask how many people are at risk  with whatever it is that you do.   Maybe it was so that he would win in Court with his own Firm as an authentic Graduate regardless of complexion as there is resistance against the  "real" some how regardless of complexion.  He does not have to participate  in the deceit that it is normal for his files to remain stolen for almost a decade now by neanderthal humanoids.   The only issue is who is he that would question the legitimacy of the Monarch when who are you as his employee in Sudbury or some Ottawa suburb when there are fugitives in great numbers,  leaving Quebec, absconding from trial under your watch and you say you don't know why or what  to do? 

 Volkswagen is missing 20 years of hybrid after sale market sales and business.  The highest levels of car sales globally were achieved by Asian manufacturing  over the last twenty years that seized the opportunity to save global customers a little money every day.  Yet, one Porsche beats a Prius for attention at a traffic light but at night, you see Prius taxi cab hegemony.       The most recent job offer has nothing to do with law but his existing bank experience.      The issue is that we have seen Electronica during crude oil spills, Global 1970s terrorism and a reluctance for the vehicular PROPULSION to update, evolve with the most efficient means available to man kind and it's requisite POLUTION FREE environmental viability.   The new automated robotically made supply of goods was not met by  full automated  income support demand. The divergence between supply to  demand is called a "recession" according to Warren A. Lyon, UWO graduate, London University graduate and  Economist Law Masters Graduate and we can circle this on a supply and demand chart; not to find the "price" of the goods but the real phenomenon of the gap between demand and supply manifesting in depression or recession in sale and market activity.    There is no guessing here.  The war is against ignorance.   Enjoy your Cadbury this time but not in Atonement but in  fulfillment.   Your lack of income support in Tecumseh lands  cannot be justified by the suggestion of over crowding when there is a contraction in population numbers with a decline that has led to closures in areas like Timmins and Nippising.  

    In any case, the policy that provides support only to  all   transgender and only some non transgender Citizens based on postal code is Illegal, as a gender based hate crime or an act of genocide as the motive is not race with many Black people obtaining Support in the North and many white people disenfranchised in the south. I just hate ignorance and I will....if this was not an asize time.   I also really hate the energy spent on the notion of black and white to obfuscate Aboriginal identity and defame Aboriginal identity and with this energy we obfuscate colourless humanity that can multiply more than 6x2.  This is when we ask what Aboriginal Neanderthal named Toussaint would solidify hsi resentment of formal education, write a book called Common Sense under the Alias Thomas Payne and then kill anyone who can see something new in design, tell him anything (and he does not want anyone to tell him anything) until the world has no designer that can expand his own De Havilland work on the fold down wheels to achieve a fulcrum of emotional security for the pretender, a retarded, sheltered emotional hegemony without any qualified people to interrupt his unique self serving self-idolism and social authority without his submission to formal education.   Maybe he or she, in  a neanderthal leadership campaign to oblivion, fails to cooperate with the real qualified others ( the real) and I know we could do something mannequin (I's good!)  but may they also steal business files and pretend( the pretender)  they are qualified in certain embodiments or professions.  It's easier to achieve social Authority neanderthal pretending and fooling people than actually  "circumference  calculation" graduating but how many false statements do you have to make every day in the bastard  black  pretense and if it's about black, how many black real educated people do you kill in your pretense game as your real nation  and cause is the pretender?  Somehow we have a lot of unutilised but helpful technology such as the left, right swivelling airplane engine that helps in turning, ruddering the jet left and right. Where is that designer when he was quite spot on. Opportunities for usual, expected family cooperation become scenarios,  with the more cave man family members, involving on-  going  competition.  This has been provoked by Apples; somewhat where Germany fights itself instead of anyone hoping to see America and Russia fight each other. This is unusual where Germany is Israel and a little Sioux or North American Aboriginal these days after WW1 and WW2 sausage made from the dead but Israel is every where.  It is maybe also less adaptive to new regimes in technological Hybrid  system engine change and therefore less efficient with less economy, less market and less compression.   We must beware of provocation and the power of a little LSD in our  sodas, cocoa or the wood or plastic varnish material for the RCA or other such Uber popular home technology that we might forget better ourselves. We must beware of the Lusitania effect, the Pearl Harbour that is the self inflicted home grown Sum of All Fears.    But, if people who cannot multiply more than 6x2 and who do not want to go to school but demand they have the authority will make decisions about the economy, what do we get in the result except but recession so we help them to co exist in the management of that economy as system "fix it" repair men as system shut down or collapse may be his cave man goal at nothing but 6x2 in his brain multiplication exercises and nothing more? Maybe you also get notions such as the economy requiring haves and the have not but we will not argue although this means the economy looses compression if we have any have not. So, maybe we qualify this notion and we say some have as they save and multiply while some have not more than their income support.  Clearly, paying only the transgender a full income support is a gender hate crime when non transgender citizens do not receive any support  of they might or they may receive some support for being resident certain Postal code areas.  It is illegal. The socioeconomic responsiveness of  members of society to injustice remains and the response can be quite protracted with laws passed to address the concerns involving race and police as seen in the Apples smart phone era yet while the critical issue of  Income Support to end the injustice of a lack of total  support for all citizens, ensuring a non racialised socioeconomic dignity for every life is not yet realized. We could pass a law that covers the life and not the colour of skin.      But, this what you need to understand about identity.  if I would cut Africa in two with an earthquake, you get  North America on one side and Africa remains on the other.  

Click this for the white definition....https://fleetstreetjournal.blogspot.com/2022/08/facts-for-wealthy-ultra-white-1-wheel.html?m=1


 Actually, I don't see that the black guy called Joseph of Egypt that fed his people in Egypt where they already had a support is such a big deal. He is important as the son of hinterland Abrahamic people.  This is the big deal;  Ontario is the only province that does not have a normal Support and if you are overly concerned about over crowding then you give people an up front incentive to move North or east regardless of whether they have a rent contract or a mortgage payment.  We can circle on a graphic the deficit in market activity while warehouse  stock numbers  and security with a rate of goods stolen. It is as if Tecumseh is fighting the convention of compression in an economy that is not unlike compression in a fuel injector or  carbeurator. How do you spell carbeurater?  I think its "Carbureteur". No;  it's "carburetor".  When will Tecumseh enter his rest at $65,000.00 per year income support? 

We need a good blend between the analog and the digital world.  For instance, we can tap a watch on a cash register terminal to pay for food and train tickets. The evidence is not always provided to the citizen as a paper receipt although you will see the transaction on the credit card account. But, instantaneous confirmation by email to your phone is certainly possible via your credit card account or Google pay.  This should be made available immediately for all such tap transactions.    Mail delivery of critical ID such as the health driver's licence and national ID cards should be sent by registered post for a billed extra $15.00 when Toussaint is getting soo angry about feeling excluded financially with insufficient income support that he is about to show you the Authority (the will to take the economy ransom with violent interruptions) for his feelings of insufficient socioeconomic involvement with the price of any condominium or house out of his reach.  Then are we supposed to kill them all in a desert or Normandy again? How can we cooperate in common sense for the good people and by the good people that they might pay for the food and the good robotically made vehicles? That is good music!  

Maybe $200,000.00 income support is just as illogical as  nothing for income support for the various transgt and non-transgender citizens in the UK and Otario. The Tecumseh desire for  tension and sense of life  and the system being on the edge seems to be the absolute agenda, the intention.  It would be the  motivation for war against the Jetsonness with an air for  a gutteral  expression of the Flintstone-icity, the Fagin-icity, the Dodger-FU, Fagin-fu (like Kung Fu) in the desert for food and shelter.  I assure you that at $200,000.00 per citizen the probability of Fagin-icity will never go away. This is what you want maybe as it's a chicanery culture; alright my darlin'.    The  message of modern European history is that European people or the European Aboriginal have honorifics in their homes acknowledging Israel while they have been fighting each other on either side possibly in a deficiency in translation while they also work together for what they wish to achieve genuinely like maybe an Audi VOLKSWAGEN Benz BMW market with other luxury goods in North America with, however, insufficient demand so we ask, when would you create a market supply of goods  on both sides  of your global economy in Europe and North America but then disregard the certainty of consumer demand that we understand as the regularity of the ATP (ability to pay), money to pay for the robotically made goods( robotically made goods called  the supply of goods!!!)!   The consistency of income support in Ontario or is not a  significant factor in your global economy but the consistency of income support in North America is an essential factor in your global strategy with "plants" in North America.    You don't know the meaning of the word "plants" in this context or you do.     The absence of consistent income support in Ontario for all citizens is a rather significant anomaly in your global economy; however.  People who build the plants  and confirm the consistency of supply must also be able to confirm the consistency of market demand my babooshkas. We are all part Russian by now or else they would have nuked  us after all this time for being soo stupid except for the fact that they need to sell the vehicles and save the air and water that is a some what  limited resource.   Everyone loved watching the super weight Sukoi SU 57 shot down by the welterweight F15 or F18 as it was humbling to the Russian sense of aboriginal Global Hegemony.   It makes you think you could just pull it off with your experience shooting wamp rats back home. But,  there is nothing more humbling than the divisive lack of unified income support policy in the Anglo British economy; a Russian or European joke when considering the Anglo Ewok attitude towards the economic necessity of this Income support. In the end the European Car manufacturing world economy needs every North American to have this money as soon as possible.   


 It seems Europe will never descend into a war again over technology and technological Hegemony or issues of propulsion.    You can also just buy the Electronic garbage can idea called ALUSRA ™.  Could you honor Israel and then fail to honour God and his house; the earth? A new fuel cell Bugatti is on the way; along with a standard Hybrid and an Regenerative system based on the VOLKSWAGEN ID 5 technology. Bugatti is partially owned by Volkswagen.  There is white and black on both sides; and King Saul's head is in Birdeaux at Rue Louis 18th. His ears are in Central at Green Park.   It's an illegal name for a road since 1792 and it may be the cause of every World War since then; including the American Civil War when the Spanish authority said it is over. It is over now. So, why challenge him?  

There is black and white on both sides. What is it like being black with white people using you for the their  milestone of inheritance? You don't even know them and they never sent a gift to you  or any donation to your charity?   There is always a crop of cave people "s Children at Sunday School and for their final sense of legitimacy and the quelling of their need to be accepted, they will try to ingraft their children into your family and say they know Abraham or Pastor Wazza is the father and they don't even help you move a couch or contact you for dinner or a movie night of send a birthday card while they intend to kill, steal and destroy as their means and way of inheriting.   It is ridiculous when there is nothing but a photo or old shoes now when everything is sold off; the old watches also. There is black and white on both sides. But,. How can we make this work to sell services more often and benefit the church and what you earn is your special inheritance at a special 51 %?   Either way, the only way to inherit is not to spend time with my adoptive father etc or harass my high school but to be a registered child of the testator.   But, if you insist, then you can contact me for one pair of old underwear and old socks and then also put the free ice cream photo and free Porsche photo on your wall.    That's it. They damaged the vehicle and broke into the house that had to be sold because of it  and then they still want to inherit but they don't bring any children to be registered and I want add my name unless they are raised with me or if they graduate from high school. Soon you will say he is not all of that or that he is nothing and you don't know why you want to be in association anyway.  It could he the Colognes from Old Spice; the cave man DNA inside of it. But, if you kill someone to inherit, what is inherit? What is inheritance? To you, it's a murder game and a question.  So, what is inheritance?  What are you doing? 

 See Romans 9 and Romans 10 It's the Herod cave man from Cumbria or Assiniboine vs. the Ten and the 11(Exodus 34) Commandments. I expect the commandments in my life and around me that my neighbor would also expect the same and watch for my safety as I watch for his and the cave man wants to ask me what is a wife if he just grabbed her at the well,  using his wheat brush at the back?     I say they are both dead.   Then, Geronimo's daughter says sue can't go to school for more than 10 years from five years old and that she needs a job automatically or else she will shoot people and that when she gets the job,  she also must own the own Court for her Aboriginal Hegemony.     What if Hegemony-ism between Europe and Africa and Europe and North America lands the majority of the global supply of finished goods in Asia where the Asian goods  provide and suggest Hegemony neutrality?  Hegemony-ism is the most gutteral form of human relations. It is when a five year old cries at losing a checkers game.  Some throw the board game on the ground. Watch this kind.  Help him to finish the highest levels of mathematics and English to save yourself from his cave man ways, thereby civilising them.    But, warn him of women that hunt for a precious life just as  his life is full of opportunity at the completion of his GCSE and A levels, during his Division 3 football contract or his Scholarship to IDAHO.   You did good to get him this far but how does the devil send a feminine creature that is full of LSD with no vagina to interrupt him although he  was warned by his grandmother four times and his sister?  This is a prodigal moment, he will learn and the Lord will restore him. He will finally want his children to be just as successful or more successful as he has been, without the wicked DNA of the LSD creature in his veins.  Then, there is the cave woman with a womb who has had five husbands and the one she is with is not her own. He is Abraham and he is Sarah's husband.    Monagamous  Marriage is a LEVITICUS Culture and a sign of human sociological evolution and some women with wombs are not that evolved yet to receive and participate in this monagamous culture but this does not mean she is an animal and may be maintaining her self to just have children with the occasional companions but never just one settled mate. But, you are like a woman graduate who has been intoxicated involuntarily and then who left her degree by appealing the result to zero when, in the involuntary intoxication, you failed to understand that your lecturers and University have a right to their discretion and opinions and appealing the result says you believe they were wrong.  How could they be wrong when there is a subjective element to all assessments of school work if it's not a math or sciences  degree? You continued in this intoxication to then commit criminal offences  with Court dates pending and then you ended up in a drug induced coma.  You have finally woken up out  of this coma and understand you missed some court dates but are willing, as you are very sorry,  to sign a confession for the said offences yet you understand that involuntary intoxication entitles you to a full  exonerating defence at trial and that you have a right to a trial but you are  willing to  plead anyway. 

 Some ask to play again and learn after losing a checkers game.  This is good.  Cain killed Abel in competition. This is not good.   What aspect of Hegemony-ism leads people pretending to be security guards to attack customers at supermarkets? I think it's the Hegemony-ism found in the legitimacy of the  BONAFIDE consumer vs. the shoplifting pretender guards who would rather cause an altercation every day at the supermarket in Arles with consumers to displace their sense of guilt and  unconfessed shame for shoplifting or maybe bank robbery. 

 The only problem with food today is that it's made by regular, average people and that is not the issue except that the food is not as helpful as it used to be, not a nourishing  and why would regular average people make milk that poison   It should be just be milk and not milk with DDT but milk that nourishes and makes you feel....good and that rejuvenates with its own natural quantities and qualities like growth hormone from that super  big cow with those big massive cow tits.  We should not have to resort to drinking cat urine  for repair after all the food we eat may have reduced our vitality.  Could this be about food culture and  Hegemony when a bottle of real whole milk in American Oklahoma Culture makes you big?  Potato chips should also be a natural, healthy snack without DDT, without formaldehyde.  We spent a lot of time seeking foods that nourish and that do not simply placate hunger or the experience of eating but that actually nourish. 

  The world is emblematic of the Jetsons with all of its 6G smart technologies and connectivity,  but the Apples phones are suggesting and importing the more neanderthal Flintstones in terms of human behaviour and Temperament, a lack of cooperation bringing us into a kind of argument with the Jetsons world in which we live and the joy we should have in technological fulfillment when people cause neanderthal problems, a competitiveness and lack of cooperation. This may meant the bank customer is not served and then the bank must spend more money generating new business to make up for the customers and busiest they have lost to the uncooperative, neanderthal apples phone converts.   Some how the musicians I the current era are less willing to product musical than they were in the '60s and '70s.  It's like fish that do not want to be in water.   The builders of this world are the  Jetsons  people LEVITICUS people.  The end users are sometimes cave men or we say Ewoks or Flintstones people, causing problems unusually at the front door of the shopping centre or at the supermarket, challenging the modicums of market activity and threatening people in the guise of security. You have never seen it anywhere except in "Birdeaux"  and at LIDL.   We can only then think of a way to remove problem people from the systems of commerce and market delivery of goods and services. Faith is a sign of our evolution out of cave man ways and thinking and....so is cooperation.   It took faith and planning to build the  pyramids of Egypt. It also took societal cooperation.  Kansas, Missouri, Ontario, England and Arkansas; do these territories have an income support?   If not, the cave man is winning vs. the more evolved human genome when money is elementary to modern capitalist society operating in normal advanced capitalism.     It's like Ray from Ozark vs.  the Constitution.    If Ray from the Ozark ever became a politician who did not want you to own a house or did not want your son to go to College what class or world  does he represent? Maybe he represents cave men ressurections  cloned in the Gattaca system.  With these men, human cooperation has gone down and the threat of muggings and violence at gun point has gone up. He is an army of one, working for his own sense of Hegemony and might kill if he loses a friendly checkers game or game of cards.  But, all of modern life is dependent on cooperation.  We should begin with the money, an income support for every citizen, the money we need for our mutual survival as money answers all of our needs. This point is reinforced  in the Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy of needs. Money is the premier category in the hierarchy above food and shelter.  

 Are we going backward of forward because if its about democracy, then I should be able to enjoy my dream and attend a free college or maybe I would like one of my relatives to attend that free college which is free for every applicant; with several such colleges around the country.  This is a discussion on culture and evolution and this certainly covers every aspect of our little pathetic but meaningful lives.   

Culture and Evolution:  Could  a class war agenda being communicated indirectly and tacitly in US Domestic Policy affecting  the emergence of a  national domestic US Income Support for all the potential soldier citizens supersede the more important security and defense agenda to secure and protect the existing population against the joblessness occasioned by automation, also ensure demand for robotically made goods and ensure sufficient economic activity that generates national sales tax revenue in spite of the widespread ongoing joblessness brought about by robotic automation?  The class war rests in the words spoken to a 30 year old Creole White man by the upper class registered church members  he encountered at a party up north  once at a farm where they told him he does not have enough or come from enough  but maybe he can pretend to be a son of Ford and fool someone who probably will not be a real female but maybe she will be blonde with no education. So, with his murderous resentment of those people, killing them all, who spoke to him, the 30 year old became the president in 1960. He still does not own any real property as the current President dating back to 1960 with initials JFJ, killing the "home ownership" aspect of the American dream and the dreamer and may secretly be involved in scams to fight back against real property ownership and the industry but he at least owns a smart phone as the only President who said he would use a 1960 executive order to be the President forever; that the economy will demonstrate his angers and never work as it should until he gets a 1000 written apologies for what disenfranchisement happened to Amerindian Aboriginals from anyone or everyone or the world will be dead.  He is a Tecumseh Hood (like Robin Hood)  He is a confused person really, kissing a shim chick. He says America is belly up! He cursed American and said all future Presidents will be a symbol of his curse since America shot him.   He says America will be dead. The Americans will have no people of their own in America.  America has no power to fight anyone but itself.   If the sale price is $1.00 for the coffee and sales tax is 30% with part of the National revenue being used to fund the universal unconditional minimum income support, the final price is $1.30.  You always multiply the price by .30(30%, and 3% is .03) and then you add it back to get the final price. So, .30 x $1.00 equals 30. Then .30 + $1.00 equals 1.30. If the coffee is $2.00, the final price is $2.60. The revenue for the government or the bond yields .60  cents per cup at $2.00.   There are so many rules and regulations involving one U.S. Navy submarine. When does an anthropological study at the White House  "leadership style" called the Presidency take precedence over the constitution and "mount" the importance of various rules, treaties and laws designed for global commerce and national safety?   


Any market may reflect conditions of difference among participants in spite  of genuine good intentions among business owners and consumers. Some may have a more prayerful respect for Maslow's hierarchy of needs; maybe less fear of group acceptance in doing the new while finding acceptance in the classic, old model vehicle and respected, coveted to the death. When the graduate dies, you say you are only decorating your emotions in the real world for your comfort  and for people just as Nazi as you (Fe true; come nuh man?) but, you say,  it's not really murder when it is how you feel!!!!! 


  However, it is possible that as a matter of harsh climate and experience therein, a population could read a cold, harsh emotion and anthropological phenomenon  into the system of  economics handed to you that is intended to operate to the benefit of those who designed the guns, nails, aprons, brushes, butter, milk, bread, vehicles, cowboy boots, hats, belts, robotic assembly and the system in general that all might be saved, benefit, participate  and none would perish. You might even start to teach the harshness that said you left people dying of hypothermia and frost bite  behind in a ditch  on the way to New York. You close your mind to the suffering you leave behind.    You start teaching this harshness in...Your version of socioeconomics as being part of what you say is your system where it becomes wasteful instead of generating its ability to safeguard the meaningfulness of human life.   But, when did an American take credit for capitalism as a system? It is not your system.  The ocean is not your water. The air is not your air.  You are not the devil in the House on day one as the inexperienced politicians but you refuse help and  the devil would allow himself to be crucified for this misapprehension of Capitalism that dates back two generations that does not work and rejects the meaningfulness of  human life while ignoring the more cooperative, productive, original  version of capitalism enjoyed in larger and also smaller countries who would wish to enjoy America as a useful consumer market predicated on fast, friendly convenience.  You could have a pirate pimpernel public safety officer or former VP  who holds a personal vendetta against real estate property purchase and sale but not the occupation of property.  You should ask the culture that provided you with a Bud and 501's for help.   In any event, there are many people praying around the clock for the leaky water pipe at the house  to stop wasting their time.  Joe, the plumber, could fix the economy in three moves. Raise sales tax to 30%. Collect sales tax automatically and daily during daily settlements with your bank at 3 pm. Pay a universal minimum income support to every citizen. See the economy reign in billions of Federal government revenue  monthly.  Don't ask Joe or Hillary. She is not coming back.  She is disqualified from holding any office and you can't tolerate her glitch as a convict under the Espionage Act 1917 in any event.  The last team made you tread water for four years using their enduring eight years of influence in fear that you would criticise them and only planning to take back the house. But,the national interest is not a board game.  You and the tank commanders took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution. It's your show. Now, how many white Mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb? It should not take four years.  For November, this is what we are thinking about.   You are white. You have your authority, you see your culpability, your position and your control. Will we sink as a market? Sales tax at 30% is the norm and  is now all muey importante when the automation of the many processes have taken up job opportunities. Too many people who offered to help the new guy disappeared by now.  But, we must help him.  The goal is a clean, regenerative Edelweiss economy with cool, hybrid, hydrogen or electric regenerative  vehicles and butter cup flowers in the fields that is not an apocalyptic burned wasteland but community where there is respect for the value of human life. So, we have pirate Robert E. Lee,  an attache of the  Columbus pirate school, who moved from pirating ships to pirating plantations, homes, carriages,trains, churches, car manufacturing plants and then politics in his adaptation of his pirate ways to socioeconomic phenomenon  taking power,  but quite often, he is not really sure how it works yet and the constitution is treated as an annoyance and inconvenience. He also tended to want to decide when  people would die, a trait shared by Joseph Mengele, and thought Habeus Corpus Droit  was a cheap white West Indian alcoholic  drink  only to gargle with. So, now that you understand Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ as an intellectual property farm, you know you cannot just pick my property, my intellectual cultivation.

In French;  So, maitnant tu comprend,  Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ est le propriété intellectual ferme, tu connaitre tu ne fait pas  prendre mon propriété, mon  agriculture intellectual.

How is it you're a Canadian and you do not speak French?


If he becomes involved in his  adolescent coalescence of power, he may forget the reason why we have a separation of powers as we left a good King George following the rumour of tyrannical and absolute abuses of  power so that we would not have a king again.  But, the pirate wanted the English to ship everything twice or maybe you dilute the milk and call it lactose intolerant so you get 2 for 1 and sell ot for twice as much per litre or quart.    So, when the soldier interrupts the Court to see his own justice and get what he wants, deciding he would like to see people tried multiple times for the same offence, we have someone fighting with the crown, Commonwealth and Magna carta and is the reincarnation of a treason  witnessed in the 13 colonies before; possibly when the Kingsmen presumed the Court would not convict the British soldiers for shooting the colonialists at Boston in 1774.  They were convicted and the Kingsmen started their own revolt in a contempt of Court and disabled the Court process. If there is no trust property, then there is no need for an administrative trust and the order for the trust was already vacated. The trust failed in any event due to lack of certainty in subject matter.  There wasn't any trust account and, therefore, no trust property. Further to this, the ex parte order failed due to the provision of false information to the Court. You need to calm down though. You cannot always get what you want Bleu.  The world cannot let you jeopardise this requisite consumer demand mission with your vomit about "needing to be accepted." You should know you are accepted while,now, you dismember the economy.     You have your uses though if you would just hold your corner, catch the Omega man/Black Monday  terrorists and work for the weekend. No one has authority over you but authority.  Maybe you could bring back the 1970 milk quality.  It's a bit watered down and sad to drink and we want tall can six packs now; better for the environment. But, what is the point of a Well America Card or a Trumpet Credit card if people are laid off due to automation and don't have a universal minimum income support to at least pay you back?


    Some people have seen their jobs automated.  Some people gamble or there is criminal market interference or murderous  religious or educational intolerance. As such, we may see "haves" and "have nots"  and this does not mean some are entirely left behind.  In fact, the rule of Capitalism and the OECD and the UN is that No One is left behind  as a "have not" and all citizens are guranteed a universal minimum income support to shield them from unfortunate poorly motivated, evil aspects of humanity since how could YOU be a graduate of a European Law School? I would rather just f=-;+k everything up to see what you will do, what authority can stop my  poorly motivated non-graduate kind?


      It is not the rule of Capitalism to guarantee inequity in its systemic engineering of markets and socioeconomic policy.  It is to guarantee and safeguard the UDHR Article 25 and the OHCHR Article 11 by the barrel of the gun and military power.    Whatever is good for France in socioeconomics  is good for Canada and what is good for Quebec is good for Oatsawanario.  But, the idea was for you to plan to expand into Asia instead while your domestic market contracts.   Minimum income support shields the market and the citizen against the "market shrinking",  "market reducing", "market shutting" results of total automation.   The power of automation is causality. Automating three car assembly kinds may have meant 40% of the National car buying market dries up when those workers are laid off. Some of those people were engineering and sociology graduates. They are, like all skilled workers,  are a  valued aspect of the Nation's human resources.


The citizen IS the market.   Did you know squid or squid extract has an enzyme to fight acne?  Gracias!!      The citizen engineering graduate* is a soldier who can wash trucks, dish out food and make beds in the national hotel chain,  clean national college buildings or work as general airport security.    It gives the citizen something to work with  for most of their immediate priority needs and they will approach the banks to finance the other more exciting new car, new electronics  needs with some of their Minimum income support spending power. Who would ever think of robbing a bank in America* when they have a universal unconditional minimum income support of no less than  $40,000.00 per year?   This new upswing in automation is not a moment to stop and ask what is the  the constitution or what type of people will be chosen to live, chosen to live and enjoy the new economy as in who is to be accepted and I know I never elected any terrorist who would visit his diffident terror on the population with questions like that originating in his terrorist mind? If Hitler ran North America like this and looked like Robert R or PM Vudeau they would be celebrated Amerindians since the victims is the governrment. This truth has defined a century.    He is obviously intelligent and old enough to be responsible for smoking cigarettes in the library.


When someone points out a national UDHR and UN Ilo R202 commitment with car plants in Oddtarianawa  shutting down, they mention shared obligations and the only question is when the central signatory upon whom the obligation is internationally binding will fulfil their share. It is shared in Russia  and fulfilled for the entire population of Russia.


     "Friends of the Nation" is a new political party; as rumored.    All I know is McCain French fries and Rolo did not shoot the winner and would have been arrested if they worked to interrupt the constitution unless there was a devil in the House.   But, it looks like he has a plan to stimulate the economy. Teacher , what is the law on adultery or mass murder? What is the constitution?  What is the.....?


Maybe Truman should have enshrined the universal Medicare  and the universal unconditional minimum income support with the risk of death of interrupted.  Clearly, there are those in America who would resent Americans enjoying the UDHR economy where there is enough for all.     These same people who interrupted Truman seek to forestall these necessary policies today.     Friends of the nation are friends of BMW and Ford who have automated 59% of the jobs in America with automation.   The market requires a universal minimum income support.     By Mike Pueblo Cochise:   " Chase  Le Americain  Delict" is not a bank.  But, it is a reality. "Run American"  could be a bank someday.  Every governrment is in this fashion.  Transactions generate revenue.    But, we are suffering some static always on graduation day on the American side.   The real trite Think of the UBI or the universal unconditional minimum income support as making every citizen an employee essentially as healthy enough to carry and fire a rifle if they had to.  Germans, in fact, all European countries follow this motif in the application of the universal unconditional minimum income support program. It is also good for the economy; yes?


This 1430 dna may have found itself a place in a land where it is more accepted, favored and cared for under the rules of the UDHR. It treats those it left behind in Ontario or in America or in the Caribbean like the  younger brother it wishes to see suffocate while celebrating his acceptance. Is he not more accepted and maybe you will figure it out and find your way while is he not more accepted?   This finds itself in leadership and works as egotistical magnetic polar opposites instead of in brotherly synthesis; the murderer at seven years old that it is.   Our economy is set up to serve the needs of people in a market; a market that is kept safe by the governors* and the government that provide security and safety from the various elements of humanity that would make the market dangerous for both consumers and sellers who, at either stage of the transaction will be owning property and holding sums of money.  They would like to be able to return to their homes and enjoy tow result of their transactions.  The agreement we make with governrment we set up collectively  for safety and security is agreed and politely paid for in tax that funds the security function of government that keeps people, property and transactions safe.  Most UN member states have a 30% sales tax and a universal unconditional minimum income support that will satisfy the average cost of  living; including the average rent for a one bed apartment in that jurisdiction.  In the France, it is about Euro 50,000.00 per year. The sales tax is 30% on small coffee cup sales, vacation packages and car sales in addition to monthly rents.  The people in the economy generate transactions spending money; money they have primarily from the universal unconditional minimum income support and  also from incomes earned working that is additional to and above the General unconditional universal minimum income support that everyone receives. The plethora of transactions generate sales tax.  See the diagram.  The rate of sales tax revenue the governrment receives slows down if you lower sales tax and if the people have less and less money to spend...due to automation for instance. What if all the coffee shops in France automated their services or what if car sales were automated and all dealt with online except for test drives?  It may mean that 30% of the population sees a drop in their spending power by maybe $ Euros 30,000.00 a year while they will still have the economic  life support from their universal unconditional minimum income support; so does the economy.  Otherwise, everybody loses and sees the ultimate shutdown; the recession or the humongous bazoonga bust.  See the diagram.   The wheel represents the economy with a plethora of transactions. The hamster represents the people spending money in transactions that generate a sales tax of 30% ideally.  Decreasing sales tax for political popularity is ruinous when you have to start cutting services when it is a painless tax that generates billions and can fund all functions and priorities of the government that begins,fist and foremost with funding people.  Our most painful and powerful example for today and tomorrow  is day one in a desert island  economy running on robotic automation. What I want first on a desert island is lots of shelter for the people. This is the first key Tag  expenditure.    If we already have shelter, then the key expenditure is funding the people so they can pay for the shelter ,food, clothing and other niceties like music and chocolate and books.  Civic defence is the purpose behind ensuring and protecting every citizen who are your first and last line of defence.  In this, you find the purpose behind funding for free education up to the completion of a college or university degree and it is good to have citizens with these skills and abilities for national human resources.  How can Warren A Lyon's Poo Power™ concept fuel a Passenger jet?  Well, it can.  You have been interrupted by a pirate pimpernel dna that thinks of theft, piracy , social authority and acceptance before consequences and whether he has enough people in the populous to pull off his treasonous, terrorist scams; people like him.     Automation has disrupted the usual means by which people in the economy obtain monies. This pervasive interruption can shut down the economy when several jobs are automated.  The pirate pimpernel and his machinations in such situations usually strengthens his pirate army in the desperation dragging the country into a continual state of violence.  See Hobbes for more on this and the English Civil War. What if you had two candidates who suffered from the pirate pimpernel temperament who essentially but innately worked to turn the governrment into a mutiny on the Bounty and quietly committed treason with a celebrity AUTHORITY.


   Tu as  votre comprend.

"If I maim him or them,   then they will feel like me.  They will need to be accepted."  No one is playing a game with you if the issue is absolute authority.  If you could do this Omega man thing, then you could make the economy work like the Chinese economy or the French economy; bravo! You could make all of Canada enjoy English socioeconomics or Quebecois socioeconomics.   The world is a BMW, FORD, VOLKSWAGEN,HONDA , FIAT, Citroen and TOYOTA economy. The world is a car manufacturer's economy and it would take days to name all.    Product testing and automation is about safe, durable, reliable and dependable machines that serve you and give you your money's worth on your way back home from your job that involves defending your Civil Liberties; our civil liberties.  The  elected Pot USE defends our civil liberties.     THEY RESPECTED THE POWER OF AUTOMATION AND ALSO THE SOLUTION. TOTAL AUTOMATION =ZERO POPULATION + ZERO MARKET. TOTAL AUTOMATION + HALF THE AVERAGE FULL TIME YEARLY INCOME(AT 70 HRS /WK) ON MINIMUM WAGE PAID TO EVERY CITIZEN AS A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT + 30% SALES TAX FOR THE GOVERNMENT = A STABLE POPULATION + STABLE MARKET. THIS IS A WHITE PEOPLE EXAM AND IF YOUR WHITE ENOUGH, YOU SUPPORT THE UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT. A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT AND CLEAN WATER ARE REQUISITE, LEGAL, LOGICAL SOCIOECONOMIC REQUIREMENTS. YOU HAVE BEEN SIEVED IN THE SAND, WEIGHED IN THE BALANCE OF ECONOMIC intention.  Your predilection seems to avoid solutions that would mean we have no problem. In other words, you are intent on war.  You are under arrest. It would be better to implement the solution in the above equation and satisfy the investors and manufacturers in your economy. If it is about who will live in America, the answer is Creole Amerindian  people like you  who are part Amerindian, European, Middle Eastern and part African  with *various complexions and hair textures*  who may have blonde or black hair with the welcome  of pure  Amerindian people who may have blonde or black hair and who are likely to eat oatmeal and toast for breakfast and maybe watch the Starwars or maybe Batman or maybe Justice League. What is the question ?

Written by Shadrach Black Good  Abednego. 






 The dogs are hungry and they become wild when they have no money that they might eat. However, if you need dogs to generate income or people to generate sales tax in transactions, it would be Common Sense to feed them. Roger that; Some day the dogs can read leases and mortgages but Income support money to have dog dignity and dog dinner, dog survival is okay for now and we will understand the more complicated matters some day. Echo Bravo return to base. 

By Warren A. Lyon, English Lawyer,  Economist and Librarian. 

An Assiniboine, sometimes LEVITICUS challenging mind set and a 200 % German vocabulary does not make a German man or woman but it's close. The new standard 100% VOLKSWAGEN engine is a hybrid going forward;  as rumored. 

   The Hobbesian Civil War can be described as tension between the system and technological designers, their LEVITICUS expectations and the Neanderthal cave man among us who yearns for the new ideas but will kill those  who generate the new out of a  fear of  evolutionary differences between the two groups, an the neanderthal anxiety about authority that he resolves as a necessary competition. He does not see the hour of deep, meaningful cooperation between the groups. People disappear on night sides.  The neanderthal could buy the new ideas and new technology or the intellectual property; however.    This Civil war, covert is the Western Hemispheric aboriginal system  with its reluctance for a universal income support vs. the   world system. This Civil War  would be The Flintstones Vs. The Jetsons. The Jetson future requires an immediate automatic income support to ensure sufficient automatic demand for the robotically produced and made supply. Otherwise there is a gap between the two phenomena that results in recession and insufficient GDP, no compression that causes the neanderthal to search for a solution. He usually chooses system violence or what we call war.  This cave man neanderthal economic comprehension problem (involving the robotic Automation economy) seen in the absence of a total income support for an entire country's population manifests no where else except in Canada and the UK. Echo Bravo return to base.  

  A man asked why would he be a part of the black that steals the Creole Cuba law graduate's first real full time job offer after the nice Creole Cuba boy finished Law School? You should ask how many people are at risk  with whatever it is that you do.   Maybe it was so that he would win in Court with his own Firm as an authentic Graduate regardless of complexion as there is resistance against the  "real" some how regardless of complexion.  He does not have to participate  in the deceit that it is normal for his files to remain stolen for almost a decade now by neanderthal humanoids.   The only issue is who is he that would question the legitimacy of the Monarch when who are you as his employee in Sudbury or some Ottawa suburb when there are fugitives in great numbers,  leaving Quebec, absconding from trial under your watch and you say you don't know why or what  to do? 

 Volkswagen is missing 20 years of hybrid after sale market sales and business.  The highest levels of car sales globally were achieved by Asian manufacturing  over the last twenty years that seized the opportunity to save global customers a little money every day.  Yet, one Porsche beats a Prius for attention at a traffic light but at night, you see Prius taxi cab hegemony.       The most recent job offer has nothing to do with law but his existing bank experience.      The issue is that we have seen Electronica during crude oil spills, Global 1970s terrorism and a reluctance for the vehicular PROPULSION to update, evolve with the most efficient means available to man kind and it's requisite POLUTION FREE environmental viability.   The new automated robotically made supply of goods was not met by  full automated  income support demand. The divergence between supply to  demand is called a "recession" according to Warren A. Lyon, UWO graduate, London University graduate and  Economist Law Masters Graduate and we can circle this on a supply and demand chart; not to find the "price" of the goods but the real phenomenon of the gap between demand and supply manifesting in depression or recession in sale and market activity.    There is no guessing here.  The war is against ignorance.   Enjoy your Cadbury this time but not in Atonement but in  fulfillment.   Your lack of income support in Tecumseh lands  cannot be justified by the suggestion of over crowding when there is a contraction in population numbers with a decline that has led to closures in areas like Timmins and Nippising.  

    In any case, the policy that provides support only to  all   transgender and only some non transgender Citizens based on postal code is Illegal, as a gender based hate crime or an act of genocide as the motive is not race with many Black people obtaining Support in the North and many white people disenfranchised in the south. I just hate ignorance and I will....if this was not an asize time.   I also really hate the energy spent on the notion of black and white to obfuscate Aboriginal identity and defame Aboriginal identity and with this energy we obfuscate colourless humanity that can multiply more than 6x2.  This is when we ask what Aboriginal Neanderthal named Toussaint would solidify hsi resentment of formal education, write a book called Common Sense under the Alias Thomas Payne and then kill anyone who can see something new in design, tell him anything (and he does not want anyone to tell him anything) until the world has no designer that can expand his own De Havilland work on the fold down wheels to achieve a fulcrum of emotional security for the pretender, a retarded, sheltered emotional hegemony without any qualified people to interrupt his unique self serving self-idolism and social authority without his submission to formal education.   Maybe he or she, in  a neanderthal leadership campaign to oblivion, fails to cooperate with the real qualified others ( the real) and I know we could do something mannequin (I's good!)  but may they also steal business files and pretend( the pretender)  they are qualified in certain embodiments or professions.  It's easier to achieve social Authority neanderthal pretending and fooling people than actually  "circumference  calculation" graduating but how many false statements do you have to make every day in the bastard  black  pretense and if it's about black, how many black real educated people do you kill in your pretense game as your real nation  and cause is the pretender?  Somehow we have a lot of unutilised but helpful technology such as the left, right swivelling airplane engine that helps in turning, ruddering the jet left and right. Where is that designer when he was quite spot on. Opportunities for usual, expected family cooperation become scenarios,  with the more cave man family members, involving on-  going  competition.  This has been provoked by Apples; somewhat where Germany fights itself instead of anyone hoping to see America and Russia fight each other. This is unusual where Germany is Israel and a little Sioux or North American Aboriginal these days after WW1 and WW2 sausage made from the dead but Israel is every where.  It is maybe also less adaptive to new regimes in technological Hybrid  system engine change and therefore less efficient with less economy, less market and less compression.   We must beware of provocation and the power of a little LSD in our  sodas, cocoa or the wood or plastic varnish material for the RCA or other such Uber popular home technology that we might forget better ourselves. We must beware of the Lusitania effect, the Pearl Harbour that is the self inflicted home grown Sum of All Fears.    But, if people who cannot multiply more than 6x2 and who do not want to go to school but demand they have the authority will make decisions about the economy, what do we get in the result except but recession so we help them to co exist in the management of that economy as system "fix it" repair men as system shut down or collapse may be his cave man goal at nothing but 6x2 in his brain multiplication exercises and nothing more? Maybe you also get notions such as the economy requiring haves and the have not but we will not argue although this means the economy looses compression if we have any have not. So, maybe we qualify this notion and we say some have as they save and multiply while some have not more than their income support.  Clearly, paying only the transgender a full income support is a gender hate crime when non transgender citizens do not receive any support  of they might or they may receive some support for being resident certain Postal code areas.  It is illegal. The socioeconomic responsiveness of  members of society to injustice remains and the response can be quite protracted with laws passed to address the concerns involving race and police as seen in the Apples smart phone era yet while the critical issue of  Income Support to end the injustice of a lack of total  support for all citizens, ensuring a non racialised socioeconomic dignity for every life is not yet realized. We could pass a law that covers the life and not the colour of skin.      But, this what you need to understand about identity.  if I would cut Africa in two with an earthquake, you get  North America on one side and Africa remains on the other.  

Click this for the white definition....https://fleetstreetjournal.blogspot.com/2022/08/facts-for-wealthy-ultra-white-1-wheel.html?m=1


 Actually, I don't see that the black guy called Joseph of Egypt that fed his people in Egypt where they already had a support is such a big deal. He is important as the son of hinterland Abrahamic people.  This is the big deal;  Ontario is the only province that does not have a normal Support and if you are overly concerned about over crowding then you give people an up front incentive to move North or east regardless of whether they have a rent contract or a mortgage payment.  We can circle on a graphic the deficit in market activity while warehouse  stock numbers  and security with a rate of goods stolen. It is as if Tecumseh is fighting the convention of compression in an economy that is not unlike compression in a fuel injector or  carbeurator. How do you spell carbeurater?  I think its "Carbureteur". No;  it's "carburetor".  When will Tecumseh enter his rest at $65,000.00 per year income support? 

We need a good blend between the analog and the digital world.  For instance, we can tap a watch on a cash register terminal to pay for food and train tickets. The evidence is not always provided to the citizen as a paper receipt although you will see the transaction on the credit card account. But, instantaneous confirmation by email to your phone is certainly possible via your credit card account or Google pay.  This should be made available immediately for all such tap transactions.    Mail delivery of critical ID such as the health driver's licence and national ID cards should be sent by registered post for a billed extra $15.00 when Toussaint is getting soo angry about feeling excluded financially with insufficient income support that he is about to show you the Authority (the will to take the economy ransom with violent interruptions) for his feelings of insufficient socioeconomic involvement with the price of any condominium or house out of his reach.  Then are we supposed to kill them all in a desert or Normandy again? How can we cooperate in common sense for the good people and by the good people that they might pay for the food and the good robotically made vehicles? That is good music!  

Maybe $200,000.00 income support is just as illogical as  nothing for income support for the various transgt and non-transgender citizens in the UK and Otario. The Tecumseh desire for  tension and sense of life  and the system being on the edge seems to be the absolute agenda, the intention.  It would be the  motivation for war against the Jetsonness with an air for  a gutteral  expression of the Flintstone-icity, the Fagin-icity, the Dodger-FU, Fagin-fu (like Kung Fu) in the desert for food and shelter.  I assure you that at $200,000.00 per citizen the probability of Fagin-icity will never go away. This is what you want maybe as it's a chicanery culture; alright my darlin'.    The  message of modern European history is that European people or the European Aboriginal have honorifics in their homes acknowledging Israel while they have been fighting each other on either side possibly in a deficiency in translation while they also work together for what they wish to achieve genuinely like maybe an Audi VOLKSWAGEN Benz BMW market with other luxury goods in North America with, however, insufficient demand so we ask, when would you create a market supply of goods  on both sides  of your global economy in Europe and North America but then disregard the certainty of consumer demand that we understand as the regularity of the ATP (ability to pay), money to pay for the robotically made goods( robotically made goods called  the supply of goods!!!)!   The consistency of income support in Ontario or is not a  significant factor in your global economy but the consistency of income support in North America is an essential factor in your global strategy with "plants" in North America.    You don't know the meaning of the word "plants" in this context or you do.     The absence of consistent income support in Ontario for all citizens is a rather significant anomaly in your global economy; however.  People who build the plants  and confirm the consistency of supply must also be able to confirm the consistency of market demand my babooshkas. We are all part Russian by now or else they would have nuked  us after all this time for being soo stupid except for the fact that they need to sell the vehicles and save the air and water that is a some what  limited resource.   Everyone loved watching the super weight Sukoi SU 57 shot down by the welterweight F15 or F18 as it was humbling to the Russian sense of aboriginal Global Hegemony.   It makes you think you could just pull it off with your experience shooting wamp rats back home. But,  there is nothing more humbling than the divisive lack of unified income support policy in the Anglo British economy; a Russian or European joke when considering the Anglo Ewok attitude towards the economic necessity of this Income support. In the end the European Car manufacturing world economy needs every North American to have this money as soon as possible.   


 It seems Europe will never descend into a war again over technology and technological Hegemony or issues of propulsion.    You can also just buy the Electronic garbage can idea called ALUSRA ™.  Could you honor Israel and then fail to honour God and his house; the earth? A new fuel cell Bugatti is on the way; along with a standard Hybrid and an Regenerative system based on the VOLKSWAGEN ID 5 technology. Bugatti is partially owned by Volkswagen.  There is white and black on both sides; and King Saul's head is in Birdeaux at Rue Louis 18th. His ears are in Central at Green Park.   It's an illegal name for a road since 1792 and it may be the cause of every World War since then; including the American Civil War when the Spanish authority said it is over. It is over now. So, why challenge him?  

There is black and white on both sides. What is it like being black with white people using you for the their  milestone of inheritance? You don't even know them and they never sent a gift to you  or any donation to your charity?   There is always a crop of cave people "s Children at Sunday School and for their final sense of legitimacy and the quelling of their need to be accepted, they will try to ingraft their children into your family and say they know Abraham or Pastor Wazza is the father and they don't even help you move a couch or contact you for dinner or a movie night of send a birthday card while they intend to kill, steal and destroy as their means and way of inheriting.   It is ridiculous when there is nothing but a photo or old shoes now when everything is sold off; the old watches also. There is black and white on both sides. But,. How can we make this work to sell services more often and benefit the church and what you earn is your special inheritance at a special 51 %?   Either way, the only way to inherit is not to spend time with my adoptive father etc or harass my high school but to be a registered child of the testator.   But, if you insist, then you can contact me for one pair of old underwear and old socks and then also put the free ice cream photo and free Porsche photo on your wall.    That's it. They damaged the vehicle and broke into the house that had to be sold because of it  and then they still want to inherit but they don't bring any children to be registered and I want add my name unless they are raised with me or if they graduate from high school. Soon you will say he is not all of that or that he is nothing and you don't know why you want to be in association anyway.  It could he the Colognes from Old Spice; the cave man DNA inside of it. But, if you kill someone to inherit, what is inherit? What is inheritance? To you, it's a murder game and a question.  So, what is inheritance?  What are you doing? 

 See Romans 9 and Romans 10 It's the Herod cave man from Cumbria or Assiniboine vs. the Ten and the 11(Exodus 34) Commandments. I expect the commandments in my life and around me that my neighbor would also expect the same and watch for my safety as I watch for his and the cave man wants to ask me what is a wife if he just grabbed her at the well,  using his wheat brush at the back?     I say they are both dead.   Then, Geronimo's daughter says sue can't go to school for more than 10 years from five years old and that she needs a job automatically or else she will shoot people and that when she gets the job,  she also must own the own Court for her Aboriginal Hegemony.     What if Hegemony-ism between Europe and Africa and Europe and North America lands the majority of the global supply of finished goods in Asia where the Asian goods  provide and suggest Hegemony neutrality?  Hegemony-ism is the most gutteral form of human relations. It is when a five year old cries at losing a checkers game.  Some throw the board game on the ground. Watch this kind.  Help him to finish the highest levels of mathematics and English to save yourself from his cave man ways, thereby civilising them.    But, warn him of women that hunt for a precious life just as  his life is full of opportunity at the completion of his GCSE and A levels, during his Division 3 football contract or his Scholarship to IDAHO.   You did good to get him this far but how does the devil send a feminine creature that is full of LSD with no vagina to interrupt him although he  was warned by his grandmother four times and his sister?  This is a prodigal moment, he will learn and the Lord will restore him. He will finally want his children to be just as successful or more successful as he has been, without the wicked DNA of the LSD creature in his veins.  Then, there is the cave woman with a womb who has had five husbands and the one she is with is not her own. He is Abraham and he is Sarah's husband.    Monagamous  Marriage is a LEVITICUS Culture and a sign of human sociological evolution and some women with wombs are not that evolved yet to receive and participate in this monagamous culture but this does not mean she is an animal and may be maintaining her self to just have children with the occasional companions but never just one settled mate. But, you are like a woman graduate who has been intoxicated involuntarily and then who left her degree by appealing the result to zero when, in the involuntary intoxication, you failed to understand that your lecturers and University have a right to their discretion and opinions and appealing the result says you believe they were wrong.  How could they be wrong when there is a subjective element to all assessments of school work if it's not a math or sciences  degree? You continued in this intoxication to then commit criminal offences  with Court dates pending and then you ended up in a drug induced coma.  You have finally woken up out  of this coma and understand you missed some court dates but are willing, as you are very sorry,  to sign a confession for the said offences yet you understand that involuntary intoxication entitles you to a full  exonerating defence at trial and that you have a right to a trial but you are  willing to  plead anyway. 

 Some ask to play again and learn after losing a checkers game.  This is good.  Cain killed Abel in competition. This is not good.   What aspect of Hegemony-ism leads people pretending to be security guards to attack customers at supermarkets? I think it's the Hegemony-ism found in the legitimacy of the  BONAFIDE consumer vs. the shoplifting pretender guards who would rather cause an altercation every day at the supermarket in Arles with consumers to displace their sense of guilt and  unconfessed shame for shoplifting or maybe bank robbery. 

 The only problem with food today is that it's made by regular, average people and that is not the issue except that the food is not as helpful as it used to be, not a nourishing  and why would regular average people make milk that poison   It should be just be milk and not milk with DDT but milk that nourishes and makes you feel....good and that rejuvenates with its own natural quantities and qualities like growth hormone from that super  big cow with those big massive cow tits.  We should not have to resort to drinking cat urine  for repair after all the food we eat may have reduced our vitality.  Could this be about food culture and  Hegemony when a bottle of real whole milk in American Oklahoma Culture makes you big?  Potato chips should also be a natural, healthy snack without DDT, without formaldehyde.  We spent a lot of time seeking foods that nourish and that do not simply placate hunger or the experience of eating but that actually nourish. 

  The world is emblematic of the Jetsons with all of its 6G smart technologies and connectivity,  but the Apples phones are suggesting and importing the more neanderthal Flintstones in terms of human behaviour and Temperament, a lack of cooperation bringing us into a kind of argument with the Jetsons world in which we live and the joy we should have in technological fulfillment when people cause neanderthal problems, a competitiveness and lack of cooperation. This may meant the bank customer is not served and then the bank must spend more money generating new business to make up for the customers and busiest they have lost to the uncooperative, neanderthal apples phone converts.   Some how the musicians I the current era are less willing to product musical than they were in the '60s and '70s.  It's like fish that do not want to be in water.   The builders of this world are the  Jetsons  people LEVITICUS people.  The end users are sometimes cave men or we say Ewoks or Flintstones people, causing problems unusually at the front door of the shopping centre or at the supermarket, challenging the modicums of market activity and threatening people in the guise of security. You have never seen it anywhere except in "Birdeaux"  and at LIDL.   We can only then think of a way to remove problem people from the systems of commerce and market delivery of goods and services. Faith is a sign of our evolution out of cave man ways and thinking and....so is cooperation.   It took faith and planning to build the  pyramids of Egypt. It also took societal cooperation.  Kansas, Missouri, Ontario, England and Arkansas; do these territories have an income support?   If not, the cave man is winning vs. the more evolved human genome when money is elementary to modern capitalist society operating in normal advanced capitalism.     It's like Ray from Ozark vs.  the Constitution.    If Ray from the Ozark ever became a politician who did not want you to own a house or did not want your son to go to College what class or world  does he represent? Maybe he represents cave men ressurections  cloned in the Gattaca system.  With these men, human cooperation has gone down and the threat of muggings and violence at gun point has gone up. He is an army of one, working for his own sense of Hegemony and might kill if he loses a friendly checkers game or game of cards.  But, all of modern life is dependent on cooperation.  We should begin with the money, an income support for every citizen, the money we need for our mutual survival as money answers all of our needs. This point is reinforced  in the Maslow-Lyon Hierarchy of needs. Money is the premier category in the hierarchy above food and shelter.  

 Are we going backward of forward because if its about democracy, then I should be able to enjoy my dream and attend a free college or maybe I would like one of my relatives to attend that free college which is free for every applicant; with several such colleges around the country.  This is a discussion on culture and evolution and this certainly covers every aspect of our little pathetic but meaningful lives.   

Culture and Evolution:  Could  a class war agenda being communicated indirectly and tacitly in US Domestic Policy affecting  the emergence of a  national domestic US Income Support for all the potential soldier citizens supersede the more important security and defense agenda to secure and protect the existing population against the joblessness occasioned by automation, also ensure demand for robotically made goods and ensure sufficient economic activity that generates national sales tax revenue in spite of the widespread ongoing joblessness brought about by robotic automation?  The class war rests in the words spoken to a 30 year old Creole White man by the upper class registered church members  he encountered at a party up north  once at a farm where they told him he does not have enough or come from enough  but maybe he can pretend to be a son of Ford and fool someone who probably will not be a real female but maybe she will be blonde with no education. So, with his murderous resentment of those people, killing them all, who spoke to him, the 30 year old became the president in 1960. He still does not own any real property as the current President dating back to 1960 with initials JFJ, killing the "home ownership" aspect of the American dream and the dreamer and may secretly be involved in scams to fight back against real property ownership and the industry but he at least owns a smart phone as the only President who said he would use a 1960 executive order to be the President forever; that the economy will demonstrate his angers and never work as it should until he gets a 1000 written apologies for what disenfranchisement happened to Amerindian Aboriginals from anyone or everyone or the world will be dead.  He is a Tecumseh Hood (like Robin Hood)  He is a confused person really, kissing a shim chick. He says America is belly up! He cursed American and said all future Presidents will be a symbol of his curse since America shot him.   He says America will be dead. The Americans will have no people of their own in America.  America has no power to fight anyone but itself.   If the sale price is $1.00 for the coffee and sales tax is 30% with part of the National revenue being used to fund the universal unconditional minimum income support, the final price is $1.30.  You always multiply the price by .30(30%, and 3% is .03) and then you add it back to get the final price. So, .30 x $1.00 equals 30. Then .30 + $1.00 equals 1.30. If the coffee is $2.00, the final price is $2.60. The revenue for the government or the bond yields .60  cents per cup at $2.00.   There are so many rules and regulations involving one U.S. Navy submarine. When does an anthropological study at the White House  "leadership style" called the Presidency take precedence over the constitution and "mount" the importance of various rules, treaties and laws designed for global commerce and national safety?   


Any market may reflect conditions of difference among participants in spite  of genuine good intentions among business owners and consumers. Some may have a more prayerful respect for Maslow's hierarchy of needs; maybe less fear of group acceptance in doing the new while finding acceptance in the classic, old model vehicle and respected, coveted to the death. When the graduate dies, you say you are only decorating your emotions in the real world for your comfort  and for people just as Nazi as you (Fe true; come nuh man?) but, you say,  it's not really murder when it is how you feel!!!!! 


  However, it is possible that as a matter of harsh climate and experience therein, a population could read a cold, harsh emotion and anthropological phenomenon  into the system of  economics handed to you that is intended to operate to the benefit of those who designed the guns, nails, aprons, brushes, butter, milk, bread, vehicles, cowboy boots, hats, belts, robotic assembly and the system in general that all might be saved, benefit, participate  and none would perish. You might even start to teach the harshness that said you left people dying of hypothermia and frost bite  behind in a ditch  on the way to New York. You close your mind to the suffering you leave behind.    You start teaching this harshness in...Your version of socioeconomics as being part of what you say is your system where it becomes wasteful instead of generating its ability to safeguard the meaningfulness of human life.   But, when did an American take credit for capitalism as a system? It is not your system.  The ocean is not your water. The air is not your air.  You are not the devil in the House on day one as the inexperienced politicians but you refuse help and  the devil would allow himself to be crucified for this misapprehension of Capitalism that dates back two generations that does not work and rejects the meaningfulness of  human life while ignoring the more cooperative, productive, original  version of capitalism enjoyed in larger and also smaller countries who would wish to enjoy America as a useful consumer market predicated on fast, friendly convenience.  You could have a pirate pimpernel public safety officer or former VP  who holds a personal vendetta against real estate property purchase and sale but not the occupation of property.  You should ask the culture that provided you with a Bud and 501's for help.   In any event, there are many people praying around the clock for the leaky water pipe at the house  to stop wasting their time.  Joe, the plumber, could fix the economy in three moves. Raise sales tax to 30%. Collect sales tax automatically and daily during daily settlements with your bank at 3 pm. Pay a universal minimum income support to every citizen. See the economy reign in billions of Federal government revenue  monthly.  Don't ask Joe or Hillary. She is not coming back.  She is disqualified from holding any office and you can't tolerate her glitch as a convict under the Espionage Act 1917 in any event.  The last team made you tread water for four years using their enduring eight years of influence in fear that you would criticise them and only planning to take back the house. But,the national interest is not a board game.  You and the tank commanders took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution. It's your show. Now, how many white Mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb? It should not take four years.  For November, this is what we are thinking about.   You are white. You have your authority, you see your culpability, your position and your control. Will we sink as a market? Sales tax at 30% is the norm and  is now all muey importante when the automation of the many processes have taken up job opportunities. Too many people who offered to help the new guy disappeared by now.  But, we must help him.  The goal is a clean, regenerative Edelweiss economy with cool, hybrid, hydrogen or electric regenerative  vehicles and butter cup flowers in the fields that is not an apocalyptic burned wasteland but community where there is respect for the value of human life. So, we have pirate Robert E. Lee,  an attache of the  Columbus pirate school, who moved from pirating ships to pirating plantations, homes, carriages,trains, churches, car manufacturing plants and then politics in his adaptation of his pirate ways to socioeconomic phenomenon  taking power,  but quite often, he is not really sure how it works yet and the constitution is treated as an annoyance and inconvenience. He also tended to want to decide when  people would die, a trait shared by Joseph Mengele, and thought Habeus Corpus Droit  was a cheap white West Indian alcoholic  drink  only to gargle with. So, now that you understand Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ as an intellectual property farm, you know you cannot just pick my property, my intellectual cultivation.

In French;  So, maitnant tu comprend,  Angel Ronan Lex Scripta ™ est le propriété intellectual ferme, tu connaitre tu ne fait pas  prendre mon propriété, mon  agriculture intellectual.

How is it you're a Canadian and you do not speak French?


If he becomes involved in his  adolescent coalescence of power, he may forget the reason why we have a separation of powers as we left a good King George following the rumour of tyrannical and absolute abuses of  power so that we would not have a king again.  But, the pirate wanted the English to ship everything twice or maybe you dilute the milk and call it lactose intolerant so you get 2 for 1 and sell ot for twice as much per litre or quart.    So, when the soldier interrupts the Court to see his own justice and get what he wants, deciding he would like to see people tried multiple times for the same offence, we have someone fighting with the crown, Commonwealth and Magna carta and is the reincarnation of a treason  witnessed in the 13 colonies before; possibly when the Kingsmen presumed the Court would not convict the British soldiers for shooting the colonialists at Boston in 1774.  They were convicted and the Kingsmen started their own revolt in a contempt of Court and disabled the Court process. If there is no trust property, then there is no need for an administrative trust and the order for the trust was already vacated. The trust failed in any event due to lack of certainty in subject matter.  There wasn't any trust account and, therefore, no trust property. Further to this, the ex parte order failed due to the provision of false information to the Court. You need to calm down though. You cannot always get what you want Bleu.  The world cannot let you jeopardise this requisite consumer demand mission with your vomit about "needing to be accepted." You should know you are accepted while,now, you dismember the economy.     You have your uses though if you would just hold your corner, catch the Omega man/Black Monday  terrorists and work for the weekend. No one has authority over you but authority.  Maybe you could bring back the 1970 milk quality.  It's a bit watered down and sad to drink and we want tall can six packs now; better for the environment. But, what is the point of a Well America Card or a Trumpet Credit card if people are laid off due to automation and don't have a universal minimum income support to at least pay you back?


    Some people have seen their jobs automated.  Some people gamble or there is criminal market interference or murderous  religious or educational intolerance. As such, we may see "haves" and "have nots"  and this does not mean some are entirely left behind.  In fact, the rule of Capitalism and the OECD and the UN is that No One is left behind  as a "have not" and all citizens are guranteed a universal minimum income support to shield them from unfortunate poorly motivated, evil aspects of humanity since how could YOU be a graduate of a European Law School? I would rather just f=-;+k everything up to see what you will do, what authority can stop my  poorly motivated non-graduate kind?


      It is not the rule of Capitalism to guarantee inequity in its systemic engineering of markets and socioeconomic policy.  It is to guarantee and safeguard the UDHR Article 25 and the OHCHR Article 11 by the barrel of the gun and military power.    Whatever is good for France in socioeconomics  is good for Canada and what is good for Quebec is good for Oatsawanario.  But, the idea was for you to plan to expand into Asia instead while your domestic market contracts.   Minimum income support shields the market and the citizen against the "market shrinking",  "market reducing", "market shutting" results of total automation.   The power of automation is causality. Automating three car assembly kinds may have meant 40% of the National car buying market dries up when those workers are laid off. Some of those people were engineering and sociology graduates. They are, like all skilled workers,  are a  valued aspect of the Nation's human resources.


The citizen IS the market.   Did you know squid or squid extract has an enzyme to fight acne?  Gracias!!      The citizen engineering graduate* is a soldier who can wash trucks, dish out food and make beds in the national hotel chain,  clean national college buildings or work as general airport security.    It gives the citizen something to work with  for most of their immediate priority needs and they will approach the banks to finance the other more exciting new car, new electronics  needs with some of their Minimum income support spending power. Who would ever think of robbing a bank in America* when they have a universal unconditional minimum income support of no less than  $40,000.00 per year?   This new upswing in automation is not a moment to stop and ask what is the  the constitution or what type of people will be chosen to live, chosen to live and enjoy the new economy as in who is to be accepted and I know I never elected any terrorist who would visit his diffident terror on the population with questions like that originating in his terrorist mind? If Hitler ran North America like this and looked like Robert R or PM Vudeau they would be celebrated Amerindians since the victims is the governrment. This truth has defined a century.    He is obviously intelligent and old enough to be responsible for smoking cigarettes in the library.


When someone points out a national UDHR and UN Ilo R202 commitment with car plants in Oddtarianawa  shutting down, they mention shared obligations and the only question is when the central signatory upon whom the obligation is internationally binding will fulfil their share. It is shared in Russia  and fulfilled for the entire population of Russia.


     "Friends of the Nation" is a new political party; as rumored.    All I know is McCain French fries and Rolo did not shoot the winner and would have been arrested if they worked to interrupt the constitution unless there was a devil in the House.   But, it looks like he has a plan to stimulate the economy. Teacher , what is the law on adultery or mass murder? What is the constitution?  What is the.....?


Maybe Truman should have enshrined the universal Medicare  and the universal unconditional minimum income support with the risk of death of interrupted.  Clearly, there are those in America who would resent Americans enjoying the UDHR economy where there is enough for all.     These same people who interrupted Truman seek to forestall these necessary policies today.     Friends of the nation are friends of BMW and Ford who have automated 59% of the jobs in America with automation.   The market requires a universal minimum income support.     By Mike Pueblo Cochise:   " Chase  Le Americain  Delict" is not a bank.  But, it is a reality. "Run American"  could be a bank someday.  Every governrment is in this fashion.  Transactions generate revenue.    But, we are suffering some static always on graduation day on the American side.   The real trite Think of the UBI or the universal unconditional minimum income support as making every citizen an employee essentially as healthy enough to carry and fire a rifle if they had to.  Germans, in fact, all European countries follow this motif in the application of the universal unconditional minimum income support program. It is also good for the economy; yes?


This 1430 dna may have found itself a place in a land where it is more accepted, favored and cared for under the rules of the UDHR. It treats those it left behind in Ontario or in America or in the Caribbean like the  younger brother it wishes to see suffocate while celebrating his acceptance. Is he not more accepted and maybe you will figure it out and find your way while is he not more accepted?   This finds itself in leadership and works as egotistical magnetic polar opposites instead of in brotherly synthesis; the murderer at seven years old that it is.   Our economy is set up to serve the needs of people in a market; a market that is kept safe by the governors* and the government that provide security and safety from the various elements of humanity that would make the market dangerous for both consumers and sellers who, at either stage of the transaction will be owning property and holding sums of money.  They would like to be able to return to their homes and enjoy tow result of their transactions.  The agreement we make with governrment we set up collectively  for safety and security is agreed and politely paid for in tax that funds the security function of government that keeps people, property and transactions safe.  Most UN member states have a 30% sales tax and a universal unconditional minimum income support that will satisfy the average cost of  living; including the average rent for a one bed apartment in that jurisdiction.  In the France, it is about Euro 50,000.00 per year. The sales tax is 30% on small coffee cup sales, vacation packages and car sales in addition to monthly rents.  The people in the economy generate transactions spending money; money they have primarily from the universal unconditional minimum income support and  also from incomes earned working that is additional to and above the General unconditional universal minimum income support that everyone receives. The plethora of transactions generate sales tax.  See the diagram.  The rate of sales tax revenue the governrment receives slows down if you lower sales tax and if the people have less and less money to spend...due to automation for instance. What if all the coffee shops in France automated their services or what if car sales were automated and all dealt with online except for test drives?  It may mean that 30% of the population sees a drop in their spending power by maybe $ Euros 30,000.00 a year while they will still have the economic  life support from their universal unconditional minimum income support; so does the economy.  Otherwise, everybody loses and sees the ultimate shutdown; the recession or the humongous bazoonga bust.  See the diagram.   The wheel represents the economy with a plethora of transactions. The hamster represents the people spending money in transactions that generate a sales tax of 30% ideally.  Decreasing sales tax for political popularity is ruinous when you have to start cutting services when it is a painless tax that generates billions and can fund all functions and priorities of the government that begins,fist and foremost with funding people.  Our most painful and powerful example for today and tomorrow  is day one in a desert island  economy running on robotic automation. What I want first on a desert island is lots of shelter for the people. This is the first key Tag  expenditure.    If we already have shelter, then the key expenditure is funding the people so they can pay for the shelter ,food, clothing and other niceties like music and chocolate and books.  Civic defence is the purpose behind ensuring and protecting every citizen who are your first and last line of defence.  In this, you find the purpose behind funding for free education up to the completion of a college or university degree and it is good to have citizens with these skills and abilities for national human resources.  How can Warren A Lyon's Poo Power™ concept fuel a Passenger jet?  Well, it can.  You have been interrupted by a pirate pimpernel dna that thinks of theft, piracy , social authority and acceptance before consequences and whether he has enough people in the populous to pull off his treasonous, terrorist scams; people like him.     Automation has disrupted the usual means by which people in the economy obtain monies. This pervasive interruption can shut down the economy when several jobs are automated.  The pirate pimpernel and his machinations in such situations usually strengthens his pirate army in the desperation dragging the country into a continual state of violence.  See Hobbes for more on this and the English Civil War. What if you had two candidates who suffered from the pirate pimpernel temperament who essentially but innately worked to turn the governrment into a mutiny on the Bounty and quietly committed treason with a celebrity AUTHORITY.


   Tu as  votre comprend.

"If I maim him or them,   then they will feel like me.  They will need to be accepted."  No one is playing a game with you if the issue is absolute authority.  If you could do this Omega man thing, then you could make the economy work like the Chinese economy or the French economy; bravo! You could make all of Canada enjoy English socioeconomics or Quebecois socioeconomics.   The world is a BMW, FORD, VOLKSWAGEN,HONDA , FIAT, Citroen and TOYOTA economy. The world is a car manufacturer's economy and it would take days to name all.    Product testing and automation is about safe, durable, reliable and dependable machines that serve you and give you your money's worth on your way back home from your job that involves defending your Civil Liberties; our civil liberties.  The  elected Pot USE defends our civil liberties.     THEY RESPECTED THE POWER OF AUTOMATION AND ALSO THE SOLUTION. TOTAL AUTOMATION =ZERO POPULATION + ZERO MARKET. TOTAL AUTOMATION + HALF THE AVERAGE FULL TIME YEARLY INCOME(AT 70 HRS /WK) ON MINIMUM WAGE PAID TO EVERY CITIZEN AS A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT + 30% SALES TAX FOR THE GOVERNMENT = A STABLE POPULATION + STABLE MARKET. THIS IS A WHITE PEOPLE EXAM AND IF YOUR WHITE ENOUGH, YOU SUPPORT THE UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT. A UNIVERSAL UNCONDITIONAL MINIMUM INCOME SUPPORT AND CLEAN WATER ARE REQUISITE, LEGAL, LOGICAL SOCIOECONOMIC REQUIREMENTS. YOU HAVE BEEN SIEVED IN THE SAND, WEIGHED IN THE BALANCE OF ECONOMIC intention.  Your predilection seems to avoid solutions that would mean we have no problem. In other words, you are intent on war.  You are under arrest. It would be better to implement the solution in the above equation and satisfy the investors and manufacturers in your economy. If it is about who will live in America, the answer is Creole Amerindian  people like you  who are part Amerindian, European, Middle Eastern and part African  with *various complexions and hair textures*  who may have blonde or black hair with the welcome  of pure  Amerindian people who may have blonde or black hair and who are likely to eat oatmeal and toast for breakfast and maybe watch the Starwars or maybe Batman or maybe Justice League. What is the question ?

Written by Shadrach Warrenisgo Odabednego. 

Written in Timmins, Ontario.  

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