It is always a consumer's legal right to advise a business when they business is breaking the law and help them understand it; that you are hurting the customer or intimidating the customer by not responding to customer correspondence. Insurance is involved and the actual problem that involves threatening the customer and a failure to provide services or over billing on storage locker invoices that amounts to Fraud by $23.00. That is fraud under. You could say to the business " are damaging my vehicle..its criminal damage under $5000.00, a summary election offence, and you are breaking the law or you preventing my entry into my rented lockers at the gym( or the storage yard) and breaking the law." There is no other or improper action contrary to the criminal code of Canada when you are just sheltering yourself from the cold in your own car seat with your feet outside of the vehicle on the ground and nor is there any improper action by advising a business, as a customer, when they have broken the law.

 It is always a consumer's legal right to advise a business when they business is  breaking the law and help them understand it; that you are hurting the customer or intimidating the customer by not responding to customer correspondence.  

Insurance is involved and the actual problem that involves threatening the customer and a failure to provide services or over billing on storage locker invoices that amounts to Fraud by $23.00. That is fraud under.    


 You could say to the business " are damaging my vehicle..its criminal damage under $5000.00, a summary election offence, and  you are breaking the law or you preventing my entry into my rented lockers at the gym( or the storage yard) and breaking the law."   There is no other or improper action contrary to the criminal code of Canada when you are just sheltering yourself from the cold  in your own car seat with your feet outside of the vehicle on the ground and nor is there any improper action by  advising a business, as a customer,  when they have broken the law.  
