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December 02, 2022 This article is open so you can use read. A Civil War is pointless; Culture and evolution: The Jetsons world vs. the Flintstones World. Who wants a civil war except for a terrorist? Note: Ewok, Jetsons and Flintstones are movie and cartoon characters subject to copyright ownership and are mentioned here in acknowledgement of their pop culture status. The Ewok© is a Star Wars™ character. Jetsons © and Flintstones © are characters belonging to Hanna Barbara ™. We are just here to be a librarian (My third or fourth career as I was once in food services and started at 14 and still find it fun where I might just get into it. But you say food is me and the Flintstones Ukrainian says "gas" is me in some kind of territorialism. ) and ski or take nice photos and what do you do? My photos are on your phone and so is this bible study note but maybe now take your own photos and write your own notes. April 7th, 2022. You can call the right number and make a donation in the method provided. As a Montezuman Japanese Cheddar Egyptian, let us have a chat and get a baseball to play catch. Let us understand an Etam: Etam stands for E-quality T-akes A-M-inute of reflection, regulation. Google ETAM. No doubt, inequality in social services is a tremendous concern for government and it seems it takes only a few moments to notice it, avoid it and resolve. Only a dog tries to break the cupboard open to eat, breaking the cupboard open when the master forgets the dogs' hunger. Humans write policy to answer everyone's hunger. See Frazer v. Canada, SCC (2020) and Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971) involving adverse impact discrimination. The English language economy under British rule in England and Ontario is the only economy that made an odd spectacle of the TRANSGENDER by providing an income support to only transgender individuals. Why doesn't it work? But, everything looks right, good legs, good stacked new, new building, firm and Etam. But, it's not working. It's a gender hate crime and, therefore, an illegality. Also, the economy is not winning for anyone. There is not enough aboriginal Cooperation, not enough Human Cooperation. There is not enough multi generational Cooperation. Egypt, it's Economies and it's laws confirm societal Cooperation. It is elementary. The absence of total income support for all citizens in the UK and North America is some kind of aboriginal intimidation and sabotage of the more settled cultures in the world. Europe suffers the recession. They are the suppliers suffering low and lower sales due to a lack of regular consumer demand. We should not waste the new profit margins opened up by automation with lower wage and manufacturing costs on the slowing economy, the slowing economy as occasioned by unresponsive, recalcitrant government policy that does not respect and respond quickly to the need for a national ensured automatic income support to ensure regular automatic, moneyed demand for automatic, robotic supply of goods. The corporations are selling nationally and not just in Vermont and not just to transgender individuals. The income support is applied partially in the UK to only transgender citizens and not to the whole population. Everyone has a male, female and a transgender individual in their families. But, then let us enjoy our society and our families with mutually beneficial policies. Otherwise, it is illegal indirect gender discrimination in government policy. See also indirect discrimination in Essop and others v Home Office (UK Border Agency) [2017] UKSC 27 the Supreme Court, overturning a decision of the Court of Appeal (and the original employment tribunal) has held that indirect discrimination concerns provisions, criteria or practices (PCPs) which have disparate impact on those with one set of characteristics, by comparison with those who lack those characteristics. Differing from the Court of Appeal, the Court held that the reasons why they have that disparate impact is relevant only to the question of justification. The case, however, confirms that indirect discrimination of any kind is wrong. Would you say it would be alright for only militant TRANSGENDER school children to receive pens and papers from the school? What about TRANSGENDER only citizens from the school age of 14 who are not disabled receiving a cash benefit that is not received by the other two genders; males and females? If you were trying to adopt cave men into Civilization, is it not best to provide them the monies necessary to wash the body, buy the custards, pay the rents and apply the Bryl cream and be assimilated since do you not know that the body is the temple of the living God? This is powerful. Would it be powerful for a French emperor named NAPOLEON or a German Emperor named Hitler to try to march on Russia? Look at Russia. I think it was just a confirmation of wild anthropology and the world does not need to see this again. Why would you kill your army marching on Russia? Whether it's a powerful F15 fighter jet or the income support policy (also powerful), the question is your intentions. Maybe hatred and ignorance are also powerful economic forces that carry intention. You ask yourself why are you reading this. David was successful as a Leader as he borrowed the well settled answers from Egypt involving economies. His Egyptian wives, when they would sit at table with him, reminded him about the income support disbursements to the people. Your policies can defend your people or destroy them. Your F15 can defend the population or fail to defend them maybe attack your own population. Genocide can be visited on a population by an F15 carrying biological weapons or genocide can be visited on a population by a government that uses policies to starve the populations of requisite income support monies(requisite in an automation economy and all economies are ongoing automation economies dating back to Egypt), water or electricity. F15's are designed to defend the nation and economic policies are designed to defend the nation with its entire population.



This article  is open so you can use read.  


A Civil War is pointless; Culture and evolution: The Jetsons world vs. the Flintstones World. Who wants a civil war except for a terrorist?

Note: Ewok, Jetsons and Flintstones are movie and cartoon characters subject to copyright ownership and are mentioned here in acknowledgement of their pop culture status. The Ewok© is a Star Wars™ character.  Jetsons © and Flintstones © are characters belonging to  Hanna Barbara ™.  

We are just here to be a librarian (My third or fourth career as I was once in food services and started at 14 and still find it fun where I might just get into it.  But you say food is me and the Flintstones Ukrainian says "gas" is me in some kind of territorialism. ) and ski or take nice photos and what do you do? My photos are on your phone and so is this bible study note but maybe now take your own photos and write your own notes.

April 7th, 2022.  

You can call the right number and make a donation in the method provided. As a Montezuman Japanese Cheddar Egyptian, let us have a chat and get a baseball to play catch. Let us understand an Etam: Etam stands for E-quality T-akes A-M-inute of reflection, regulation. Google ETAM. No doubt, inequality in social services is a tremendous concern for government and it seems it takes only a few moments to notice it, avoid it and resolve. Only a dog tries to break the cupboard open to eat, breaking the cupboard open when the master forgets the dogs' hunger. Humans write policy to answer everyone's hunger. See Frazer v. Canada, SCC (2020) and  Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971) involving adverse impact discrimination. The English language economy under British rule in England and Ontario is the only economy that made an odd spectacle of  the TRANSGENDER by providing an income support to only transgender individuals. Why doesn't it work? But, everything looks right, good legs, good stacked new, new building, firm and Etam.     But, it's not working.   It's a  gender hate crime and, therefore, an illegality.     Also, the economy is not winning for anyone. There is not enough aboriginal Cooperation, not enough Human Cooperation.    There is not enough multi generational Cooperation. Egypt, it's Economies and it's laws confirm societal Cooperation.  It is elementary.  The absence of total income support for all citizens in the UK and North America is some kind of aboriginal intimidation and sabotage of the more settled cultures in the world.  Europe suffers the recession.   They are the suppliers suffering low and lower sales due to a lack of regular consumer demand. We should not waste the new profit margins opened up by automation with lower wage and manufacturing costs on the slowing economy, the slowing economy as occasioned by unresponsive, recalcitrant government policy that does not respect and respond quickly to the need for a national  ensured automatic income support to ensure regular automatic, moneyed demand for automatic, robotic supply of goods.  The corporations are selling nationally and not just in Vermont and not just to transgender individuals.  The income support is applied partially in the UK to only transgender citizens and not to the whole population.  Everyone has a male, female and a transgender individual in their families. But, then let us enjoy our society and our families with mutually beneficial policies.  Otherwise, it is illegal indirect gender discrimination in government policy.       


See also indirect discrimination in  Essop and others v Home Office (UK Border Agency) [2017] UKSC 27 the Supreme Court, overturning a decision of the Court of Appeal (and the original employment tribunal) has held that indirect discrimination concerns provisions, criteria or practices (PCPs) which have disparate impact on those with one set of characteristics, by comparison with those who lack those characteristics. Differing from the Court of Appeal, the Court held that the reasons why they have that disparate impact is relevant only to the question of justification. The case, however, confirms that indirect discrimination of any kind is wrong.   

Would you say it would be alright for only militant TRANSGENDER school children to receive pens and papers from the school? What about TRANSGENDER only citizens from the school age of 14 who are not disabled receiving a cash benefit that is not received by the other two genders; males and females? If you were trying to adopt cave men into Civilization, is it not best to provide them the monies necessary to wash the body, buy the custards, pay the rents and apply the Bryl cream and be assimilated since do you not know that the body is the temple of the living God? This is powerful.

Would it be powerful for a French emperor named NAPOLEON or a German Emperor named Hitler to try to march on Russia? Look at Russia. I think it was just a confirmation of wild anthropology and the world does not need to see this again. Why would you kill your army marching on Russia?

Whether it's a powerful F15 fighter jet or the income support policy (also powerful), the question is your intentions. Maybe hatred and ignorance are also powerful economic forces that carry intention. You ask yourself why are you reading this. David was successful as a Leader as he borrowed the well settled answers from Egypt involving economies. His Egyptian wives, when they would sit at table with him, reminded him about the income support disbursements to the people. Your policies can defend your people or destroy them. Your F15 can defend the population or fail to defend them maybe attack your own population. Genocide can be visited on a population by an F15 carrying biological weapons or genocide can be visited on a population by a government that uses policies to starve the populations of requisite income support monies(requisite in an automation economy and all economies are ongoing automation economies dating back to Egypt), water or electricity. F15's are designed to defend the nation and economic policies are designed to defend the nation with its entire population.

Read this six definitions involving genocide.

1944Raphael Lemkin, Polish lawyer of Jewish descent[6]New conceptions require new terms. By "genocide" we mean the destruction of a nation or of an ethnic group. This new word, coined by the author to denote an old practice in its modern development, is made from the ancient Greek word genos (race, tribe) and the Latin tide (killing), thus corresponding in its formation to such words as tyrannicide, homicide, infanticide, etc. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups. Genocide is directed against the national group as an entity, and the actions involved are directed against individuals, not in their individual capacity, but as members of the national group.

(Axis Rule in Occupied Europe ix. 79)[2][7]

1945Count 3 of the indictment of the 24 Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg TrialsThey (the defendants) conducted deliberate and systematic genocide—viz., the extermination of racial and national groups—against the civilian populations of certain occupied territories in order to destroy particular races and classes of people, and national, racial or religious groups, particularly Jews, Poles, Gypsies and others.[8][9]
1946Raphael LemkinThe crime of genocide should be recognized therein as a conspiracy to exterminate national, religious or racial groups. The overt acts of such a conspiracy may consist of attacks against life, liberty or property of members of such groups merely because of their affiliation with such groups. The formulation of the crime may be as follows: "Whoever, while participating in a conspiracy to destroy a national, racial or religious group, undertakes an attack against life, liberty or property of members of such groups is guilty of the crime of genocide. ("Genocide", American Scholar, Volume 15, no. 2 (April 1946), p. 227–230)[9]
1946United Nations General Assembly Resolution 96 (I) (11 December)Genocide is a denial of the right of existence of entire human groups, as homicide is the denial of the right to live of individual human beings; such denial of the right of existence shocks the conscience of mankind, ...and is contrary to moral law and to the spirit and aims of the United Nations. ...

The General Assembly, therefore, affirms that genocide is a crime under international law...whether the crime is committed on religious, racial, political or any other grounds...[10]

1948The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG) was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 9 December 1948 and came into effect on 12 January 1951 (Resolution 260 (III)). Article 2:Any of the following acts committed with intent to destroyin whole or in part, a nationalethnicalracial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. (Article 2 CPPCG)
1959Pieter N. Drost, Dutch law professor[11]Genocide is the deliberate destruction of physical life of individual human beings by reason of their membership of any human collectivity as such. (The Crime of State, Volume 2, Leiden, 1959, p. 125.)[12][13]

What is your economy saying about improving the national GDP numbers in an automation economy and do you have a mechanism to pay every citizen an income support to stimulate the entire economy simultaneously to stave off fears of recessions, stimulate the GDP and make it less flaccid, less dysfunctional and more erect economically? We erect new residential buildings every day but we fail to improve the income support policy so that people can pay the rent where the developer can earn the income to pay the loan on the project. There is now an immediate condition apparently in Canada, Quebec not to be outside of Canada after arrest for any alleged criminal offense until the matters are resolved. The Quebecois can go to Iceland for the Aquarellum open public (white, black, red and yellow) aboriginal residential school for French speaking fugitives. The real French are not sure why they were told to tolerate this with the Quebecois as it does threaten European security. Yet, if they are in Europe to protest the failure in Canada to make the income support national and maintained nationally with regular inflationary increases, as covered with small increases in the sales tax at half a percent every 2 years, we can hear what they have to say as it does affect national company revenues and national GDP when the income support is not consistent and paid to all citizens.

The water supply, the electricity supply and the money supply are now essential to public order and security and will they not be maintained by the military or the means of national security and safety above and beyond political debate? That is what the government of Europe is in North America to do just ad they run all of the world's airports; including the airports in all of France; including Bordeaux.

The Pickerling Nuclear plant in Otario is actually poisoning the lake and the fish where it is situated and not providing electricity when it is not needed for electric power generation as the Niagara Falls plants are strong enough to distribute electricity to the whole continent. Then, our goal is essentially to ensure supply and demand compression will match, meet or connect in the economy and we could put this in a calculation or Graph. The observation is that the the Ford is made by a set of machines and not human labor where the human used to earn in labor enough money to demand acquisition of the Ford at a dealership as in actually approach full paid demand for the Ford product that is the economic product supply in this example. If the former car worker or the average citizen does not have enabled, moneyed demand, then supply will stay high at one figure (10,000 units) on our graph after the goods are manufactured and ready for sale as juxtaposed with the averaged per capita demand that will barely get above 1 on the graph (unless there is some grey unstable phenomenon to money resources such as illicit trades), unmatched or met on the graph or in the actual economy by the necessary , actual moneyed demand. It could be obvious but lets say you made 10,000 Fords or Volkswagens( the vehicle) that we say are priced at $5000.00 each and you have 10,000 citizens in the whole country. The 10,000 vehicles will never be sold if the citizens do not have enough Maslow-Lyon money to satisfy all their key Maslow-Lyon needs before they can afford to buy the vehicles or to maybe consider financing the vehicle when there is not enough Maslow-Lyon money to consider an outright purchase or any kind of purchase.

We say Maslow-Lyon when Warren A. Lyon( nice black guy), LL.M( BPP University, Holborn, London; Economics, International Corporate & Commercial Law) points out that Maslow needs cannot be met in the modern world by most people without money as it is illegal to tap any natural body of water but you could collect rain water although this does not connect with modern lived expectations and experience. As such, money is, in itself, a Maslow necessity. There is nothing wrong with crediting Warren A. Lyon with this observation. It is just an observation; to help the discussion. We observe the Codified, uncodified, indigenous and received, written and unwritten, formal, informal laws and expectations and this is critical in "fulcruming" peace where there is still some "cut your own throat standoff" aboriginal angers(movie star looking people that makes you think twice before you apprehend them); aboriginal angers with the world of formality and the system itself while they collect income support as means of indirect domestic terrorist funding as what is their intention in a government job as a fugitive in Europe except but to frustrate the laws and not solve our mutual problems if they steal the chance to interrupt, seeking to take authority over formality where some people drop out of High School, pretending to graduate with one course to finish just to mark themselves socially as aboriginal in some nonverbal promise that they would always get help; they wear Revlon and lie about graduation. But, what help did you need except that you needed to have the basic qualifications for a job and if you reasoned it out with your tribes in politics and government, maybe all you need is the income support paid into your life from 10 years old like the Russians while school remains mandatory to grade 10 and you could at least get a part time job when appropriate at 14 like Warren did but also have your income support paid into your life which is way in the European system. Man, I hope you know what you are doing but let us see the more excellent way my aboriginal friend as what Aboriginal God are we following if we are starving and if its about feeling like we are frustrating a system in your intention, maybe we say the income support is $120,000.00 per citizen paid monthly at $10,000.00 per month which is reasonable in an undereducated( you multiply enough to buy a six pack times 2, 6x2), cold country and then we can ask how that is paid and by whom as we get our angers out on the system, dress well for the new coronation street's live filming and not take our angers out on each other at this good peaceable income support number as we enjoy more cozy warmth at fire places in our rented homes since we don't want to own the property and we will enjoy more native foods with more McDonalds of course and more fully paid off vehicles or we pay with finance but we can pay; yet there is an answer on how this is financed for the aboriginal people and by the aboriginal people( as we are all aboriginal some where in our ancestry...right?) with a small increase in the Sales tax but at least it is a more positive to express your "cut YOUR OWN throat" ABORIGINAL ANGERS to feel the system frustrated and we can have more aboriginal celebration when wee can pay for more hunting licenses AND BUY MORE NICE RECYCLABLE, DURABLE RAYON SUITS AND SAVE THE WOOL. But, we don't want the system to break down or else what would we do for safety? The Joker and other baddies may be less reluctant to hold you ransom and extort you. Where are your skates and skis in your storage locker? Will the company respond to a summons to attend Court when they opened your locker under a bribe to some Fanmily chick from high school who says she is having a baby and now she is wearing a jean jacket of yours with Martin Luther King's caricature on it that your German school friend from High School painted with material paint for you?

Thunder Bay will OPEN UP AND ONLY SOME PEOPLE WILL COME THAT FAR NORTH AND IT WILL be like Reykjavik - Iceland, ECONOMICALLY AND SOCIALLY SAFE TO ENJOY with natural wonders, an MLS football team, MAYBE THERE WILL BE A FEW IGNORANT SOFT HAIR WHITE MULATTOS BUT GOOD PEOPLE WITH good architecture AROUND THEM and home rentals; no ownership as home ownership challenges some native sanctities but the building developer will own and so will the corporations that own the buildings used as stores, shops and warehouses. Thunder Bay can look and feel like this with developments that cooperate with our existence, using ALUSRA(TM) garbage disposal systems that turn burning garbage into a pollution free hydrogen generated electricity. .

If you have a question to something big or small, give us a call and you get your answer from the Angel Ronan Corporate Library report:; It's free but you have to make a donation.

But, why would anyone deliberately drop out of High School and sign their own High School certificate except but to honor an aboriginal father some where in their ancestry that wants them to set up a stand off or demarcation against, challenge formalities but she looks cute to maybe hold hands with or kiss at the back of the Town Hall before you go home to do your home work. But, then we need to ask about the intention and there is no law against saving a life in the LEVITICUS.. Births, Weddings, School Graduation, automation and ALUSRA Weddings are the Hours of multi generational cooperation. The Ukraine as Orthodox Catholic people can buy the idea if they want to express their Hegemony and they can afford it.

Grandma was told to vacate her government housing by December 2020 by Slherman Slavehands as she was fooled by Slherman Slavehands and not really convicted of trying to sell it. Slurman knows who he is. But, Maybe you, Slherman Toussaint L'Condamne, who killed Samuel and John Adams also wrote Common Sense, using Thomas Payne as a pen name and he said we should all have the income support, the dole; west of Vermont also but Maybe his more Aboriginal "second in command" said the natives had to be patient, that things will improve...will improve...will improve...will improve if they can help him... and he will help them in return (help for the native would be an income support I think. It is good I think.) but he used them as a mob to attack "ownership; not people since he thought ownership was a threat to his indigenous way. Let us also understand how every Jamaican is no less than quarter Native American as the half Wampanoag Anglo Black Tudors from the Eastern ( Massachusetts etc) seaboard were sent to Jamaica in the Mayflower and other ships around 1664 and many went back up to establish Jamaica Plains, Massachusetts and eventually they started a revolution after being baptized in Toussaint zombie DNA from Haiti that they encountered and digested in Jamaica. There is no point pretending any longer. Let us understand how every Jamaican is no less than quarter Native American as the half Wampanoag Anglo Black Tudors from the Eastern ( Massachusetts etc) seaboard were sent to Jamaica in the Mayflower and other ships around 1664 and many went back up to establish Jamaica Plains Massachusetts and eventually they started a revolution after being baptized in Toussaint zombie DNA from from Haiti that they encountered and digested in Jamaica. There is no point pretending any longer. Let us understand how every Jamaican is no less than quarter Native American as the half Wampanoag Anglo Black Tudors from the Eastern ( Massachusetts etc) seaboard were sent to Jamaica in the Mayflower and other ships around 1664 and many went back up to establish Jamaica Plains Massachusetts and eventually they started a revolution after being baptized in Toussaint zombie DNA from Haiti that they encountered and digested in Jamaica. There is no point pretending any longer. How does this impact our self concept and self identity? There is an identity crisis when part of your identity you perceive is threatened in the media and you coaxed to hide the real self, or whole self. Maybe it spills out in private, as white as you maybe, when you just want to know if your family can handle your Jamaican self or the aboriginal self or the African self or the self that wants to kill all property owners when your boyfriend is a real estate and conveyancing law graduate in three jurisdictions around the world and you supported through all of his studies for 12 years to actually see him sitting in a Law Office as Government Advice Counsel but with angry drop out pretender law graduates around him, earning salaries in a fraud on the government when their qualifications do not satisfy the job description in some kind of "2 year Law School drop out get the law job" junta; and they don't have to kill the real aboriginal graduates and bring attention. Yet it seems there is an identity confession here that says some people have concluded RATHER VIOLENTLY MAYBE AND EMOTIONALLY WITH A "BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY ANGER" that if you could read the law OR MAYBE FINISH GRADE 12 MATH and graduate from law SCHOOL you are, all together, a different human genome with or without MAX fACTOR AND BRYL CREAM WHERE HUMAN LIVES ARE AT RISK IN COVERT GENOME CIVIL WARS. Its like the Ewoks fighting John Bunyan in his Pilgrim's Progress; John Bunyan being a more evolved aboriginal and human and the EWOKS are challenged by him telling them to put shoes on or to actually wear a coat or to use money to buy beans like Jack from Jack in the Bean Stock when..."...why do I have to buy beans Mr. Bunyan when all the beans are...mine? Bunyan says, the beans are his when he owns the field and you can get your Ewok ass off the property or out of the supermarket. Annette, stop picking the grapes in the supermarket and maybe one is free but you ate ten and never bought the bunch and your nephew on vacation from Texas offered to pay? But, why Abraham, asked as an aboriginal, should we quarrel and kill when I can go to the right and you can go to the left to make settlements and why harass a black kid about a little company name and the phenomenon of ownership when you are not harassing KFC for selling you chickens and coleslaw that you see walking around as free range chickens in the the airport also? You can pick on KFC and ask them why they registered anything with the word chicken in it or say the land in Kentucky is aboriginal land and so a portion of KFC proceeds should go to reservation residents in Kentucky. Leave Angel Ronan(TM) alone. It's like a tutorial program soon and maybe it will be a shoe you call Angel Ronan's like you have Air Jordans. What's up my niggah; you don't call for friendship or any legal back up when you are the....thank God my niggah and you say appropriately I work for don't work for me and you will whip me like a bitch if I don't answer within 12 hours..innit mate?? What are you aftah...innit? You can start your own business name and take photos as we are not doing much else with this Angel Ronan and so why let the registered name and ownership of a photo ministry bother you and we could do soo much more for the black people or aboriginal people; if you want to say that but Apples has stirred a hive mentality and some people are trying to manipulate this, trying to be the Queen B on their phones in Apples or Samsungs?


Maybe there is a child from the pool of Siloam( Solomon sort of ) in every family with also a child planted from the pool of Tecumseh and we need to write a movie about this; and the apples phone is bought by the Tecumseh kids who have lost four teeth or more using the phones. Did you know the Dutch pulled native teeth when they were running New England? It was inhumane. YOU MAY BE A WAMPANOAG ABORIGINAL AND NOT A SIOUX AND THE WAMPANOAG WERE SCHOOLED IN A LESS RACIALISED WORLD FROM 1563 TO THE EARLY 1700'S WHEN A WEST INDIAN VERSION OF THE WAMPANOAG MIXED WITH THE WEST INDIAN PANGEA CHARLES 5TH FRENCH PRETENDER DNA CAME TO NORTH AMERICA TO HIJACK NORTH AMERICA WITH HIS NEED TO BE ACCEPTED AS A KING BY THE EUROPEANS BUT HE WAS REALLY JUST A Jamaican GANGSTER EMBODIED(using and fooling people for his own personal gain and telling people to wait where some day things will improve although it was just to replicate the eastern seaboard economy( yet there was a a civil war that emerged from his divided temperament within less than 100 years after he signed the Declaration of Independence(written by his partner woman sort of) and then asked others to sign it with him and this is exemplified in Toussaint John Adams L'Condamne who killed the real John Adams and Samuel when he was hired by the Adams family as a farm worker not long after his arrival to Massachusetts from Jamaica. But, initially it was thought that he was only Haitian and he certainly has the Haitian ancestry. He was posthumously convicted in 1942 in the American system during WW2. There is much here about identity and expectations since wouldn't it be common sense to kill a Christian kind, hearted fool who says he is the disciple of a martyr and move into his home instead of hearing his preaching about seed, time, time and harvest that one day you will have a farm like him when you could just.......take it (Caymans)!!! Its not common sense if you are going to jail no matter how much you impeach the God talking man when he could be a cousin and this God of his took 5000 years with some people to teach us about our human nature and how we need to learn to think about actions before you let conscience teach you and the social responses of the other cave men and the chip munks that run away from you but the squirrels want to know if they can trust you so, feed them when sin is at door Toussaint trying to seize you and make you kill in your confusion about common sense and who says someone will not kill you for what you have so maybe you have learned to never have anything except your schematics for more and more authority to be the king with no rules but I thought you said things will improve and how long would it take if you are genuine or is it that you are trying to gangster pimp, leverage or extort peoples' motivations with "need". You say what is sin if you are the king? But, you notice that in a community of kings or princes, eventually your way of dealing is going to challenge community safety and you are just a politician and we don't mind how long you stay if we can pay and eat our food and gas as we see you on tv for 3 or four years. I think its three years usually in your country. We support you. i think it says we don't mind how long you stay once we can see that the money, water and electricity guaranteed and ensured for private corporate benefit and the benefit of GDP numbers as well as national security. You don't look too bad and you are old enough to play Saint Claus and you listen to good music that is in between(Creole) enough cultures; Muy Bueno.


So, if we have the answer and we need a politician for national celebrations, lets help ourselves and the politicians. They are not here just to express dead anthropology and old Jamaican carpet bagger, snake oil sales man ways that turned into insurance salesman maybe. Its not what we need right now and thank you for coming back and not as a dog again Toussaint; and who are you dole out death and judgement on your humble, helpful lowly citizens who already signed up to defend the rainbow (a symbol of God's covenant for peace) at home and abroad but we should not tempt with stupid commercials where you will be sued. I think your name is Yuya Binding this time. So, we have a deal and everyone is happy. We are glad to enjoy your public service Yuya and your help and worship. We need the help. They need feed back and synthesis sometimes and they lots of people around them yet everyone around them is trying to ensure they have a job once the gig with this politician is over and its over before it begins really and still, nothing has improved after all of this time and if I loved America after all of the North American manufacturing hegemony has closed due to income support policy non-responsiveness, the actual income support solution could be done in a New York or Chicago minute. The reason why the manufacturing shut down due to poor income support policy in North America is because the business does require revenue and not just government bail out cash that might have continued for decades dating back to WW2 in what was eventually termed the military industrial complex. Old factories are abandoned in this American waste and new factories are built, wasting land, water ways and eco systems instead of rebuilding and retooling old factory floors but some how Toyota and Honda found a way to use the same plant without the pattern of abandonment; to save America for the Americans as someone has to do it. What a FEELING!; Toyota and also to robotically build vehicles?

You must have really had the feeling in your and up your "OOPS!" at the American car dealership when people with little regular money may have been honest about what they could afford to buy and then also maintain as a vehicle. Toyota arrived in America not to teach you or save you but to make money whether your income support culture is normal or abnormal for modern humans. You can still buy a GM product today in Vermont or Illinois or in the south and you have to pay. It is just that Toyota endures automation because it is committed to automation when American manufacturing was not committed and nor was the economy set on a commitment to total income support; to provide total demand for American vehicles that were built for national demand and not just demand in the Eastern seaboard where they had an income support vs. in mountain regions or the mid-west where they did not have such an income support. It was not until 1976 that Illinois had such a regular support and it was 1980 when Minnesota joined a total state wide support for evert citizen. So, you are burning the candle in North American manufacturing at both ends when you are spending more than your competition to build vehicle and maybe your subsidies dried up in government cutbacks and your die hard American car buyer with no income support to provide demand for your American goods has to choose to feed his children vs. his Americentric loyalty and will eventually choose what gets him to work reliably with what ever work there is left and so then the American car manufacturing plant has Toyotas parked on the property or a block or two away for fear of being told you are not loyal enough to the company; to the buy America program but at least the car works and you know as a car worker what you did to the American engine with your hands in manual assembly when the company did not give you that raise you needed to make your Japanese car payments for your more reliable ride to work in a car built by automation. The issue is that the American car manufacturer was dependent on America(its key market) for revenue and also the US government for regular government subsidies but only 1/3 of that US market had income support funding among the car buying population for regular buyer demand; before you get into the issue of product reliability and Durability in product competition.

The soft sales nationally was an open door, a supply and demand gap on the graph, an opening to more efficient competitors who used more automation and who also produced more reliable vehicles that were likely to catch on at the top end and bottom price end of the car buying market; any why did American car companies pretend that a carbureted engine was fuel injected? Why did the Germans not get into the hybrid engine design as soon as they saw their Asian competitors do this or make it the standard engine format? Its a small engine variation but it maintains market share. Why is it that this debate about national, all citizen, income support continues only in the English speaking economies? It is winter, so I am wearing my Wampanoag boots and I have my Vermont Income support. What about you in Kansas.. Are you covered? You say, "...My aboriginal dignity needs to preserve some sense of independence; a determination." But, why would it be about the money? If its about independence, then maybe you accept a full income support payment and implement it and then maybe you allow fishing without a licence or toplessness from 1 am to 3 am at night just to feel your independence and your challenge of informality or indigenousness or Americanness vs. Europe and the received laws.

We could call this SUPPLY AND DEMAND GAP, The robotic supply+Low per capita income support gap. But, the fact that a bastard has formal education is not a good motivation to kill anyone; right? As such, the graph discussed above with the 10,000 units, would in the early 1970's, America will show that 500,000+ new car units per year would never meet enough moneyed demand when only. America's income support would be abnormal for modern humans just as wearing no winter boots and walking bare footed in the winter when you have money to buy boots is abnormal for modern human unless apples makes you argue with modern human normality and you don't want your son or your father or Uncle or cousin to have more than you! Sin is not ascribed to the people of the book but it was first found in the cave men and Abraham solved much of it with his solutions to avoid conflict and in his fearfulness. He was probably an Egyptian boy of a Pharaoh that fell of a caravan while feeding the camels through the curtains.

Where is the phone you stole? Are you some kind of tribe of Jeroboam or are you a good Catholic?

Tecumseh, my relative and your relative, may have walked bare footed in the winter but we "romance" him with shoes on his feet or boots from some era of human evolution. Shoes or foot wear may not have come to the western half of Africa we now call America after the earth quake until the explorers arrived; until the explorers introduced them so we need to understand our native in the Western movie is not who the explorers met on day one in first contact. In first contact, we see the evidence discloses a Pangea cave man that evolved with the technology that came with the slow Dispensation of European technology over decades until full European settlements emerged slowly over decades and now we call it Manhattan. Now, quit doing things to feel authority or tell us what the Toussaint bands of Americans moving west may have done to profiteer on well meaning European settlers instead of just implementing a full Vermont Income Support across the country with the rail road so we would never see Jesse James or Dillinger as any creature of creole aboriginal sympathy or Robinhood heroism.


Now, why after Ellis Island in the late 1800's and early 1900's, would a half Ukrainian American or Half Italian American, develop by the 1910's or certainly by the 1940's, any American world view and self identity to treat the European in Europe as the other and be taught to think Europeans are fascists and the "enemy" or that the European is less free and less economically efficient when the Europeans are more communal and less genocidal with a more communal income support system; but with some misgivings involving the ongoing supplies of boat people arrivals to Europe from the Mediterranean or other small islands off the coast of Europe; the serf farm workers and caravan peoples that still exist today in some quarters did not receive legal formal identification for quite sometime in a quasi world of unofficial births, deaths and existence and this has been cured only partially since making applications for identity will mean you can comprehend and read some official European language in a format enabled in the official world and now in Google. How can we simplify this and enable these populations to be consumers that they might defend the economy where they live at home in France and abroad? There are also those who may have been offered indirect informal status as fugitives by other fugitives in a multi generational culture of fugitive-ism and how do we help them when they should not have been allowed to enter into this experience contrary to any requirement to attend before the Court as directed and then what officer aided and abetted the absconding from bail when there is a bail and the requirement to attend Court is a condition even if there is no condition to be in the country at all times as directed? We could help these good looking, nice smelling people who do work hard in repentance although some are just evil at the Aldi's near Rue St. Catherine with curly moustaches ( you fag bitch who paid 400 euros for the assault. I'll be back. Where is my Orangeina Bitch and stop playing with the metal anti theft detectors, turning them into metal detectors where the machine goes off with coins in the pocket and you want to ask why it goes off when everyone has metal on them but the apples phone deflects the metal alarm going off for some and you argue about the right to search people but no one is searched any where else in that country as much as they are harassed in that town so stop drinking the dirty "search the customer" addicted cashier's saliva from her dead A-s. Just keep your emotions discreet as a fugitive until we can solve it without Vichy coming back to kick you dead like he did in 1939. Don't bring attention to yourself) and there is an indictment with Europol as its all on video since there is now an EU uniform criminal code since we should not ask what the law will do in Europe if the murder takes place in France but the body is found with the murderer in Germany. You are charged with murder in Europe since how do you have a unified currency but no unified criminal code to defend it with human life a bare gamble in France? So, you have been in France as a fugitive for some time now stocking shelves at the Auchan and taking home more food than the nice white lady says (you are white too Toussaint; I know but there is no point in asking me to call you for a job interview on a number that does not work; such as 915-793-9200, ext. 6385,6,7 or 1045,6,7 and the numbers do not work. Its a fraud and also criminal mischief. Is it area code 905? I am not sure. Why would anyone do this with government time, paper and money in a written document? Its an indictable offence contrary to the King's peace as it is also the misuse of government assets and can be considered terrorism as it is an infiltration or interruption of a government process or system and you say its not serious enough for charges like this) but now they will allow you to access benefits with any idea and a signed form where you confirm firstly, and honestly that you were charged or secondly, if there are any convictions to your knowledge if you have any idea and your status in your home country confirms in any event that you are a convict that failed to attend a trial date set in your absence with or without counsel after five missed set dates under the first part of the code that enables you to amend the process to achieve the jurisdiction of the Court reasonably; and the Caribana parade will now be in a small stadium from now on all weekend long like Etobicoke Civic Stadium with its two fields; whatever you have to do with your trucks etc.


After 1865, American English was not standard international English for quite some time(but it was standard English before 1865) in an effort to establish a sense of independence in a world that was demarcated by oceans but not cultures where cultures and souls always intersected in books and entertainment and this means minds and emotions, dreams and hopes, therefore, intersected with several globally standardized books like the dictionary, Dickens and the bible.


Yet on the cultural front, American architecture has always been a Creole blend of European influences but never really European. its in America and impressive to enjoy but how could it be European when its in America( a native reserve full of wild, simple naked women) you can fool about love but what if you do love them and they are carrying aboriginal vendettas about servitude and ownership in the locket that rests on her humble chest but you thought you could handle it except she steals your university student credit card from the mail and you are only 23 years old so is this friend or foe, regardless of the wealthy menu she prepares for dinners. She also departs at the first suggestion of social failure(she thought you are getting a D on your degree as you were on course to graduate early) yet she is a fatal attraction. Maybe, she will be the President some day of her own business and you are willing to help but after all these years, she says she is just anthropology and left her more suitable betrothal after her opportunity with you because she said she just cant help herself in testifying for her ancestors, forcing her husband to leave the home they furnished together with quality Astor Civil Royal Albert Furnishings. Yet, if you call yourself American and as good and worthy of recognition from Europe, you have your hmm...its American Hegemony. What is the point of being American if you are not celebrating the recitation of the virtues of foreign, usually European foods and things? I think there is some point to being an American Aboriginal regardless of the celebration of the foreign foods, ways and culture. The point is your life is always sacred whether you read your life value in the formal received European culture or in the aboriginal culture. In terms of established legal formalities, once there is a government structure that can receive Traffic ticket payments and make payment to it's citizen clients, then paying all the citizen aboriginals(all the Citizens) an income support is the first priority. This is the key focus of Nunavut Arctic Bay or Montezuma Cooperation nd maybe the ritual cleansing for adultery and maybe a divorce in a civilization during David's day is better than Herod's stoning. But, Leviticus does set its penalties and he who is without sin can throw the stone but all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God so no one can throw the stone so try to sort it out and do your best with your family. She may be difficult but you have the honor of dealing with it as you are her Hosea Priest and there is no law (with wisdom) against saving a cave woman's life or any life. See also Proverbs 31 and then the cave woman in Proverbs 2,5,6,7,9,11, and 15; Wives of Solomon numbered, 11 and 15 who he noted for their bad motivations.


During the on going job famine caused by Automation, the tax base that the government relies on is primarily the sales tax; above all else.

But, how many natives do you have when as we are all natives some where, some how (SOLOMON was a native some where some how) when they don't really have any money that might at least rent a home from the government if not from Frederick Douglass or Lemuel Shaw or Anthony Johnson that owned?; And you say whose Aboriginal land is it really anyway? Worthy is the lamb to be slain. Jesus is the martyr. This "anyhow" may always be cause for civil war as you need to know(even though many people are just cockroaches that occupy and do not own) where you can park your vehicle and store all your Black Friday shopping and where you can legally renovate "your" kitchen to install "your" dishwasher Aboriginal indigenous angers about ownership die hard and mortgages will now be called "Vivregages" apparently. But, how can you legally renovate with a contractor if you don' t have a contract of ownership or the property registered to you on the land titles registry. But, there will have to be owners when the cockroaches or the die hard Aboriginal does not want to build anything so where do we light our candles and read our Jeremiah, Chuck and Charles Bibles of there is no incentive of ownership for the owners/builders ? Let's see that even Abraham told his relatives that they could subdivide what was held in common, that Lot can go to the left and Abraham will go to the right. Let's see that Abram was adopted by Ham or Egypt, the birth place of civilization, and given a supply of goods, becoming renamed Abraham. Chuck and Charles Bibles of there is no incentive of ownership for the owners/builders? Let's see that even Abraham told his relatives that they could subdivide what was held in common, that Lot can go to the left and Abraham will go to the right. Let's see that Abram was adopted by Ham or Egypt, the birth place of civilization, and given a supply of goods, becoming renamed Abraham. Chuck and Charles Bibles of there is no incentive of ownership for the owners/builders? Let's see that even Abraham told his relatives that they could subdivide what was held in common, that Lot can go to the left and Abraham will go to the right. Let's see that Abram was adopted by Ham or Egypt, the birth place of civilization, and given a supply of goods, becoming renamed Abraham.

To, therefore, accept adoption under Abraham is to accept adoption into Egypt. But, he is not Adam or the new Adam we call Noah that was the new father of mankind after the flood. David and Solomon continue the adoption with Egyptian wives. Hagar was Egyptian. Sarai was Egyptian. Her name is Egyptian Arabic. The eastern seaboard natives can acknowledge that there was property division division or among them. Transfering territory to another generation or another elder was not uncommon with the demarcation being the stream to the west and the river to the east. But, you are not a Jedi or a civilised state again like Egypt yet!!! Automation is an ancient trigonometric equation. Co-operative means justify Godly good ends. This is in contrast to wicked means justifying Good ends according to Robin Hood who decided to drive a bus for a living after a regular income support put him out of cultural usefulness. We see Egypt solved it instead of watching REDUNDANT workers sit in redundancy and job famine. So, they established an income support to secure each Egyptian Citizen from this job famine. Egypt gave the recognition to Joseph; Abraham's great grandson as a means of dissemination of the culture and welcoming the the diasporic Egyptian; the Egyptian Adoptions, Abraham's people. Natives; we are all natives. The evidence of Jesus' miracles abounds and are real; just as technology can also be seen as a miracle. God told Jesus and Noah what to do and how to do it. Sarai, giving birth to Isaac is a miracle. It can happen.. The problem with a Toussaint L'Condamne cockroach resurrection is that it is not 1810 and there is no debate after two or three world wars about the Constitution being well settled law . He may know how to use and buy people to get what he wants and sometimes you tell him something about his shoes laces untied or his economy' s (like a vehicle) has a door open and he chooses to drive the economy (the vehicle) with the door open. He leaves his shoe laces untied because he does not want anyone to tell him anything, does not want you to have any Authority. Could an entire nation participate in this? It is not really possible when the country needs leadership and not just Anthropological recitation. Toussaint (aka John Adams) L'Condamne is dead and maybe we can just write a movie about him and his tactical resistance to legal formalities. As such, when it comes to our agreement to maintain a peaceful, cooperative society we call the Leviathan with a constitutional Monarch we are all saved from the carpet bagger politician's anxiety about education and ownership. We are all the Les Miserables and the Hillbilly constables; I reckon. But, let us enjoy our income support and our running shoes and our McDonald's foods. As such, we should not take benefit inequality based on gender as a small matter and then try to employ all kinds of reasons to justify the inequality. It's not race or location when TRANSGENDER people receive $50,000.00 no matter where they live in Ontario. We are not concerned about wiggly Human Rights claims more than we are concerned about thrusting vehicles sales and virile economics. This affects all white people who are not receiving the benefit; and all native people and black people; black, white, native..same thing really. Yet, if the reason for the benefit inequality was a general concern about overcrowding, we could find an easy method woman to answer the concern without any benefit inequality. You could provide a definite incentive of an extra $20,000.00 per citizen for any citizen living in the official northern regions with all citizens otherwise receiving a general income support benefit of $50,000.00 per year no matter where where they live and as discussed here an extra $20,000.00 per year if they live in the earmarked regions as confirmed by the addresses on health cards, ENCOURAGING population disbursement in negative growth areas such as:

  •  Muskoka District Municipality
  •  Nipissing District
  •  Parry Sound District
  •  Manitoulin District
  •  Sudbury District
  •  Greater Sudbury Census Division
  • Timiskaming District
  •  Cochrane District
  •  Algoma-District
  • Thunder Bay District
  • Rainy River District
  • Kenora District
I am just a Corporate Librarian really. 

The transgender feminine creature should not think of extorting the male gender into a husbandry and make the female gender her employed womb vis a vis the gender based benefits inequality as we will have many more children for all genders to participate in family as the wombs will be happier and more willing to share a few of her births with others as Adoptions without financial benefit extortion. If any citizen needs a mortgage (a Vivregage), they can use their income support as proof of income. This is necessary in an automation economy that we bring policy in line with the symptoms of these economies such as the job famines, the joblessness occasioned by Automation. We are a mixed native people, many of us. It's now to see the community ensure it is a safe community with every citizen receiving the income support benefit. This is obvious to benefit German Hegemony and Americentric Amerindian involvement; involvement. Yet, there are those who fail to see this and who would insist to think that Germany is preferring a population decimation, a decomposition. Who weird

think anything like that about Germany and why did Winston Churchill, as a former former former English Prime Minister, take a photo of himself naked in a bath tub and publish it in a newspaper?

Are you just feeling big, occupying the media with a need to feel English Anglo American Hegemony with your big wars or threats of war and therefore you are just feeling big yet stupid? We are observing this American Hegemony vs. English Hegemony. It's emotional. They will always make chocolate and project...some kind of Hegemony. This is accepted. They will always have advertising that projects some kind of Anglo virtuosity and a Scandinavian wholeness except the income support in the economy frustrates the Anglo and American smidgeon of wholeness and virtues that resonates sufficiently in what is truly Russo German manufacturing Hegemony where the Russo German manufacturing alliance must have the ability to write policy so that automated ability to pay will provide the demand to meet automated supply of goods. Overriding the Anglo American confusion, hearings, hesitation and stale mate. This is really a German problem. But, if your global supply is provided by Russo -Germany and some by Asia, isn't it a Russo-German recession when global demand for vehicles and other goods is soft, inconsistent when income support policy is recessionary, inconsistent in North America that presents maybe 30% of your global consumer demand or it used to but it's dying out due to the genocidal and inconsistent (gender bias) income support policy? The failure to solve this in it's own right in spite of the virtues of the circus, the new and newer transportation systems, Kellogg's, Quaker and Hershey's says the English world is still a fledgling human Community yet also an exciting democracy where the modern dressed and shaved majority cave men can prove the virtues of the majority cave men rule in democracy except for the suffering of the population under Cave men short comings in policy.. In policy, Money for each citizen, water and electricity have to be guaranteed for the benefit of the economy, ensuring enough safety, security and automated consumer demand to match automated supply.

What if someone is engaged in upsetting a usually stable Europe that has it's effective UDHR compliant policy by bringing a fugitive population to argue with that stability, challenging it and why except but to vehemently stage a protest indirectly about the absences of such consistent income support policy in Canada where they have origin, bringing attention to the problem that is a genocidal income support policy causing inhumane, degrading treatment and persecution in the evident UDHR Article 25 failure in policy? Wouldn't it be degrading though if a Fugitive French Quebecois pretending to be a legally entitled refugee worker in France stole mail from refugees at the SPADA in her resentment of her fugitive status. As born in Quebec maybe Louis 15 pretender and his people should not have resented that he was not accepted as a usurper replacement for Louis 14th's murdered real French born son; the real Louis 15th. Are you trying to tell a story by stealing my La Poste Banque card?you are a convict for theft of mail. There is a law but as the Quebecois fugitive in Europe, you keep setting up your own informal junta in Europe that challenges FRENCH and EU Law.


This is stupid when you fail to preserve and protect your population from global economic forces such as the job famines induced, occasioned by Automation. Automation causes job famines on average every 8 months; unlike Joseph's experience in the Bible and his heavenly observations of seven years of famines and seven years of plenty. We can have and enjoy plenty with an income support for every citizen financed by the sales tax at 22+% with 2% going entirely to the Monarch. Are you killing your population or saving them with that which is powerful; the policy that should protect and save them? Ineffective income support policy can be the means by Which you achieve a Genocide. Saying God bless America or "The President" over and over again cannot cover the multifunction of your genocidal sins me hombre. The Toussaint DNA will respond, causing havoc in France and also North America in the desperation as North American peoples that sought escape from their crimes in France as fugitives; after their crimes in North America. This Toussaint DNA is the Civil War. If you solve the economy, there is no provocation of the White Toussaint or the Black or Asian Toussaint. It's good for German Hegemony, Korea and Japan; the Income support for every citizen without the asset ownership limitations in New York that say you cannot have more than $8000.00 before getting into the EBT program. Policy like this offends the jurisprudence in over and over again cannot cover the multifunction of your genocidal sins me hombre. The Toussaint DNA will respond, causing havoc in France and also North America in the desperation as North American peoples that sought escape from their crimes in France as fugitives; after their crimes in North America. This Toussaint DNA is the Civil War. If you solve the economy, there is no provocation of the White Toussaint or the Black or Asian Toussaint. It's good for German Hegemony, Korea and Japan; the Income support for every citizen without the asset ownership limitations in New York that say you cannot have more than $8000.00 before getting into the EBT program. Policy like this offends the jurisprudence in over and over again cannot cover the multifunction of your genocidal sins me hombre. The Toussaint DNA will respond, causing havoc in France and also North America in the desperation as North American peoples that sought escape from their crimes in France as fugitives; after their crimes in North America. This Toussaint DNA is the Civil War. If you solve the economy, there is no provocation of the White Toussaint or the Black or Asian Toussaint. It's good for German Hegemony, Korea and Japan; the Income support for every citizen without the asset ownership limitations in New York that say you cannot have more than $8000.00 before getting into the EBT program. Policy like this offends the jurisprudence in causing havoc in France and also North America in the desperation as North American peoples that sought escape from their crimes in France as fugitives; after their crimes in North America. This Toussaint DNA is the Civil War. If you solve the economy, there is no provocation of the White Toussaint or the Black or Asian Toussaint. It's good for German Hegemony, Korea and Japan; the Income support for every citizen without the asset ownership limitations in New York that say you cannot have more than $8000.00 before getting into the EBT program. Policy like this offends the jurisprudence in causing havoc in France and also North America in the desperation as North American peoples that sought escape from their crimes in France as fugitives; after their crimes in North America. This Toussaint DNA is the Civil War. If you solve the economy, there is no provocation of the White Toussaint or the Black or Asian Toussaint. It's good for German Hegemony, Korea and Japan; the Income support for every citizen without the asset ownership limitations in New York that say you cannot have more than $8000.00 before getting into the EBT program. Policy like this offends the jurisprudence in there is no provocation of the White Toussaint or the Black or Asian Toussaint. It's good for German Hegemony, Korea and Japan; the Income support for every citizen without the asset ownership limitations in New York that say you cannot have more than $8000.00 before getting into the EBT program. Policy like this offends the jurisprudence in there is no provocation of the White Toussaint or the Black or Asian Toussaint. It's good for German Hegemony, Korea and Japan; the Income support for every citizen without the asset ownership limitations in New York that say you cannot have more than $8000.00 before getting into the EBT program. Policy like this offends the jurisprudence in   Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 US 424 (1971) involving adverse impact discrimination.   Maloney knows. No matter what, the Sukoi Su 57 is God's will and the fact that no Russian is dying because of Automation is also God's will and the fact that the average American cannot multiply 6x3 without a calculator is also God's will or maybe not. All of North America is really a population of Anglo Russians anyway and sometimes we have Irish names or French, English names; some Spanish and many Asian. No one is having an identity crisis while he finds the solution for the cultural Hegemony in America he is really working for; Germanic Levis Budweiser, AnheuserBusch, BMW, VOLKSWAGEN Porsche; with an income support policy that guarantees sufficient Support for every North American; a national voice and NAFTA voice. The Germans provide automated robotically made supply of goods with Asia and you are supposed to help by ensuring demand; with an automated income support. Is EST gut und der richtige Weg für Sie. It's so simple a cave man can do it; are you down with the German Hegemony? Everybody be happy! They are tired of getting partial payments in North America apologetically. How would they solve it if they could solve it; short of war? We solve it with the true native love that we see like the northern lights in the true north; strong and free. Its just that the cock roach does not want to own. He occupies yet he says that he wants to inherit but from whom if he is killing the property owners? That is not inheritance. That is murder.   But you are not John (Toussaint L'Condamne) Adams with his Common Sense written under a pen name (THOMAS Payne-no pun intended) because you only seem to be committed to telling us what shenanigans he got into v. The law and constitution in a resistance of legal formalities. No; you are the cat that he confessed to all day and you are just reciting what  you were told; kitty.   They made children out of the blood of the cat.  There is just not enough Common Sense that you could in anyway be him that we should tolerate this.  As such,we can see that the best and worst of America can be summarised as a Wampanoag Tudor Creole submission to the ancient universal Wisdom of a dole/income support for all, providing all an ability to pay(ATP) that should  have been a national policy by 1789 with every new state charter granted by the new Federal government  and this  is juxtaposed by ongoing resistance and reluctance to real property ownership.   So, how did the US government  fail so early in its inception to settle and stabilise the fledgling nation?  From 1787, how did the nation boil over into Civil War in less tha  n 100 years with the Civil war taking place in 1861?  Maybe John Adams, his cat and his imperial ways were brought to an end.   MIT was founded the same year.  My grand uncle's second electric Regenerative tractor, designed in Illinois was stolen and brought to Massachusetts for analysis.  The state of Illinois took over the school and also the eastern seaboard brought it into submission to the constitution concerning property ownership but the dole was good on that side and why did it take so long for a regular dole, not just in the north of Illinois to become universal with cyclical recessions in Illinois and the rest of the country unseen in the eastern seaboard ?  But, fee fie foe fum, I smell the blood and legal formalities of an English man.  

The fur trappers/explorers  were first to have authority with the natives in North America and teach them, the natives, enough that they might work. They are also the first pretender population that Lent itself to the pretender French King DNA in the new word; Toussaint DNA and both did not really go to school but say they expect to have  authority even if it is to pretend to have enough qualifications to be a postal worker or a lawyer. The goal they have is to challenge  government formal job qualifications  and all government is foreign  to them.  The  Law Society of Todaytartoto today is being held ransom by pretenders who steal the files of real graduates  but refused to return them in spite of a Court order.     Letting go of this Social authority in the new world hybrid culture was hard to do.    Part of the problem is the native anxiety about formalities in training is the time it takes to have involvement and feeling prevented or excluded.       Eventually the wagon roads were safe enough  for a formally educated English woman to come to the new world and be a teacher and the fur trappers resented needing any formal qualifications imposed by the European//The French/The English  to enter their own society.   This resentment of formality in the Hybrid Colonial world of formal and informal legal systems and lived experiences was imported to the West Indies after 1664 once the English were invited by the Spanish who stole English ships, people and  crews, to co opt the English world and makes us Spanish vassals as we pretends to be English.   In spite of an Archaeological,  Anthropological  resistance to formal ownership of land property that feeds civil war, you accept that you  have a right to your shoes, food, vehicles and drinks purchased.   You accept that others have the same right or are you President Menace To Society?    In spite of all of this, we are trying to enjoy life, liberty, health and property, peace, order and a  good native reservation with domestic tranquility and how can we do this if you threaten a Native Montezuman Law School graduate as being too English  ( Fee-fi-fo-fum)  or too formal if they understand how to defend  the  title of ownership you have in your shoes at least if you do not wish to formally own anything else?  Maybe a displaced, ressurected Sioux named Sean Miller as born in Ireland is threatening a White Mexican (3rd generation American) with the last name Ryan, feeling a bit too formal, somewhat too Union Army for Sean.     

  But, who would want to kill a carpenter Rabbi who designed possibly the first folding table in the world, who apprenticed on a vineyard and then found use for the grape skin jelly trash at the bottom of the wine vat.  Eat it and it is Sweet. It's called jam, jelly; confiture. It does not diminish the  power of His testimony but the power of transubstantiation is His and he can make something out of nothing or  just like Ezekiel,  out of dry Roman bones. can remake an emergency population for the disappearing North American population.  In all that we believe, let's do the simple things in obedience like enable  the  remaining current population with the requisite income support so there is sufficient regular demand for goods to match  the new robotically made supply.       JESUS is the Messiah and maybe his first parable is to waste not and want not.   I need the Jesus testimony of the polemic between Joseph and his older brother ( who is maybe the father of the  Rameses  that fought with Moses)  who did not want Joseph to have  any dreams or inspiration and decided to kil him and pretend  Joseph was attacked by two wild White aboriginals  at a storage locker yard in Wisconsin.  I am an aboriginal.  But, are you a 105 year old   neanderthal cheddar Fegin Scrooge West Indian phone squeezer, pushing your emotions and angers about ownership and formalities into the smart phone atmosphere, set on killing families that owned property, maybe not people?      To address the tensions between formal and informal training and Schooling before there is work related involvement in society, some societies such as the Dutch peoples solve it by first guaranteeing an income support at about $30,000.00 EUD per year for every one and then also arranging a Job core for everyone to be involved in, have involvement that might mean a six hour shift as a bus driver and training once a week, work as a tram or train  driver, train and bus station monitoring, airport personnel, passenger train personnel, traffic ticket attendant and community constable 

 The oscillation in political temperament may be the emotional commitment to ownership  one side of the extremes and a near militant resistance of ownership on the other extreme; and maybe the aboriginal found that the American Civil war, the phenomenon of instability gives him a chance to occupy homes left in vacancy by the English who were the targets of the war, the war against the received European legal formalities.  It's a bad habit, destabilising, unsettling America just so that you can Aboriginal occupy empty homes.   It's unusual when Quaker is white Aboriginal and an owner of a few 1000 acres; Bill?    An executive order to break SEC rules and mortgage safety rules is a Civil war; Morgantaller?  But, maybe a1/4 of a % of the national sales tax is where you think you can express your anxiety about Aboriginal involvement and then you have the ability to pay your lease or mortgage and not just occupy. 

 The mortgage policies ( sub prime) of the 1990's under Clinton represent the aboriginal destabilising of the mortgage and real estate industry, unsettling of America and it may have been the real Aboriginal inspiration for 9/11.  But, I think 10/10 was a terrorist attack. It just that all passenger jets now have self destruct mechanisms when we cannot say how anyone could ever  enter a cockpit just with a box cutter and enter the cockpit to drone control the aircraft and take down the twin towers. Maybe we build more rental properties with two or three storey 3 bed units and ensure every citizen has the ability to pay.  We do not politics to demonstrate a socioeconomic pendulum between the  formal and informal legal systems where there are competing systems in terms of human behaviour only  but not  in terms of legal Code and  constitution that is  defended honourably by officers in uniform and Soldiers; at home and abroad. Those to be arrested for domestic involvement terrorism including 10/10 have been  arrested.     

This Toussaint DNA is primarily White and French; in France and in much of French North America works as an incalculable Humanity figuratively depicted as a wild alien in Edge of Tomorrow (movie). We can no longer pretend that the real France is not dead or at least hiding; in Luxembourg or Spain or Monaco since Wellington who thought he would come to stop the stand off between law and disorder in the early aftermath and power vacuum seen at the end of the FRENCH Kingdom; a vacuum filled by pretender kings and pretender emperors or generals that were really Quebec. Louis 15th is the reason; born in/designed in Quebec apparently with an on going search for order. He was apparently killed at 17 years of age at Versailles by a Spaniard one or two inches taller. Then there was a Louis 16th who cut France in three with Luxembourg to the north and Monaco, leaving France to the pretenders until Louis 15th could find his order; Louis the 15th. But, like a wild Assiniboine dog, he cannot calculate in a group how to update his Ontario Support to satisfy his hunger and quell the desperation but they work together instead to rob the bank to be together in a mass grave; nothing more and maybe some find the hope, the repentance and absolution. Let Germany, however, tell you the issue is territory and they will resolve it in their territory this time maybe with a unified European State Police with a unified EU criminal Code to assist territories like FRANCE that have a depleted service. Speaking French as a Canadian Fugitive is not enough to avoid jail in Europe, France. leaving France to the pretenders until Louis 15th could find his order; Louis the 15th. But, like a wild Assiniboine dog, he cannot calculate in a group how to update his Ontario Support to satisfy his hunger and quell the desperation but they work together instead to rob the bank to be together in a mass grave; nothing more and maybe some find the hope, the repentance and absolution. Let Germany, however, tell you the issue is territory and they will resolve it in their territory this time maybe with a unified European State Police with a unified EU criminal Code to assist territories like FRANCE that have a depleted service. Speaking French as a Canadian Fugitive is not enough to avoid jail in Europe, France. leaving France to the pretenders until Louis 15th could find his order; Louis the 15th. But, like a wild Assiniboine dog, he cannot calculate in a group how to update his Ontario Support to satisfy his hunger and quell the desperation but they work together instead to rob the bank to be together in a mass grave; nothing more and maybe some find the hope, the repentance and absolution. Let Germany, however, tell you the issue is territory and they will resolve it in their territory this time maybe with a unified European State Police with a unified EU criminal Code to assist territories like FRANCE that have a depleted service. Speaking French as a Canadian Fugitive is not enough to avoid jail in Europe, France. he cannot calculate in a group how to update his Ontario Support to satisfy his hunger and quell the desperation but they work together instead to rob the bank to be together in a mass grave; nothing more and maybe some find the hope, the repentance and absolution. Let Germany, however, tell you the issue is territory and they will resolve it in their territory this time maybe with a unified European State Police with a unified EU criminal Code to assist territories like FRANCE that have a depleted service. Speaking French as a Canadian Fugitive is not enough to avoid jail in Europe, France. he cannot calculate in a group how to update his Ontario Support to satisfy his hunger and quell the desperation but they work together instead to rob the bank to be together in a mass grave; nothing more and maybe some find the hope, the repentance and absolution. Let Germany, however, tell you the issue is territory and they will resolve it in their territory this time maybe with a unified European State Police with a unified EU criminal Code to assist territories like FRANCE that have a depleted service. Speaking French as a Canadian Fugitive is not enough to avoid jail in Europe, France. Let Germany, however, tell you the issue is territory and they will resolve it in their territory this time maybe with a unified European State Police with a unified EU criminal Code to assist territories like FRANCE that have a depleted service. Speaking French as a Canadian Fugitive is not enough to avoid jail in Europe, France. Let Germany, however, tell you the issue is territory and they will resolve it in their territory this time maybe with a unified European State Police with a unified EU criminal Code to assist territories like FRANCE that have a depleted service. Speaking French as a Canadian Fugitive is not enough to avoid jail in Europe, France.  

  We need Jetsons people. We need Flintstones people learning to be Jetsons people and we can't have the different genomes fighting over national Hegemony with bayonet and shot guns  as what happened in the 1600s as Hobbes noted in the UK to create eventually a representative system of government called LEVITICAL Leviathan.       

 I would never eat off the floor.   The Flintstones man says, "...I don't know what I am or where I come from and I don't know how to do anything formal involving property."    Maybe the Flintstones or Ray from Ozark might but Ward Cleaver is my school teacher and he would not eat off the floor. He is the more Jetsons, the more LEVITICAL kind and America has, too often, over estimated its role in the global economy as if it would ever be a leader in that one world system when it could not work out its own economy with Ford building for all of America but the economy financed only the Eastern seaboard with a guaranteed income support with the them and us identity issues as the Kellogg's and Quaker original 13 colonies Wampanoag,  Black and White, called the Albany, Sioux and Iroquois people west of Vermont animals, that they should Sweat to live but your economy was dead really west of Vermont at every increase in the Automation of industrial labor; not enough jobs for the animals to sweat and buy a vehicle.   Animals that sweat to eat can't buy Vehicles when there is not a job where they might sweat after the job famines caused by Automation.


 We know Noah is our father. The music is alive.  The bible confirms he is after the flood.      I would never just have sex either without commitment but the cave woman is fighting the phenomenon of settled cohabitation, LEVITICAL monogamous cohabitation while she wants safe contact with someone and maybe the same person, maybe,  forevermore but on her terms and usually it means that she does not want a formal union.   She may also decide she will be the only owner of any vehicle she drives and you can buy your own if you don't agree. She will usually have 6 babies every 24 months.    But, maybe the woman caught in adultery was asking what is adultery if she is being paid to be a Hagar in a family with a Sarai and the Hagar's  vagina is loud.   Otherwise, no man has ever touched her except for her Irish husband and her uncle for two years between the ages of 10 and 12 who thought he would prepare her for the world and also commit to be with her in the end. There was another uncle named Ostwald that she may have been with , that he was bigger than the  pub owner although the Pub owner was white and Maybe he had too many black girls to see and now she is a at least a Hagar for the Polish people.      How does she create a settled family unit forevermore except with someone else who  intends to enjoy the same efficiency in finding and having; not burning for, hunting and gathering for coitus?  Cosmopolitan magazine would be those who have not evolved into settled cohabitation and JESUS is the teacher who can help them understand the good of LEVITICUS and evolve.  But, what is her son? Where are her accusers? He who is without sin has a right to stone the loud vagina if she is really guilty although marriage may not be her Anthropology.  She needs money when the Sarai in her territory does not pay the income support to the egg producing women or the seed producing men and she is forced to sell the fetuses to the local Sarai women.  In any event, we learn from the bible that we can see miracles in automated food production with Ribena wine or powdered wine crystal or instant coffee crystals, in actual transubstantiation of water into wine also as I believe it and we see the greatest miracle is the life of a first in law like Jesus with also the acumen of a medical doctor, school teacher, a Roman Representative and building architect or carpenter. Maybe some people get sick and act like they want to make you sit on the side lines,  marry you up with a fat woman  or a skinny woman to just have children since if the sick man Ostwald is the king and does not want to go to school as Jesus did, then at the same time he does not want you to do anything in front of him but he says, if he is the Ostwald king shouldn't he be able to  turn water into juice with juice crystals; a miracle or water into coffee..that does not cut your hair and maybe it actually assists it's growth like what Jesus made? We need to keep teaching the word as Roman Catholics and the gospel as Christians generally to achieve civilization's peace as the tensions between various human genomes at different stages of LEVITICAL evolution and comprehension continues. We could call this the Jetsons cooperating with the Flintstones. We know the Flintstones, where they are as regular average citizens.   So, we see the cave man vs. the regular man and the formal settler Citizen Aboriginal vs. informal non Citizen Aboriginal and the Jetsons vs. the Flintstones where these dichotomies could find themselves, causing shameful division between the generations in a family when one informal non Citizen Aboriginal generation raises a subsequent generation of Aboriginals to participate in formalities but fails a chapter of life involving cooperation as to passing the pyramid or the totem pole forward.       

       Now, who would want to beat up a carpenter in that era who was helping the poor. Who want to beat up a Rabbi who was also  carpenter and Fisherman? But, who would dare kill a law graduate, a carpenter,  a rabbi or an English Economy?   There was some kind of ancient genetic dichotomy or polemic going on between King Saul and David or Korah and  Moses.  We say Korah is Saul or Herod and Jesus is Joseph, Moses and David but maybe King Saul was never King but Moses grandson is the first King. We call him the first king and the son of Jesse.  The Babylonian and Assyrian peoples that occupied Israel wrote their own version of the bible with a King Saul to create a tension and give space to their more idolatrous culture, taking the tensions of good and bad away or making the discussion about authority.   There is always tension between good and evil.    The English Economy stopped paying Support to every citizen in 1980 under Thatcher, paying only the TRANSGENDER after that; to the current day.  The motive is gender.   This is not PAR.    It must be PAR.   The tension between might and right or power and legitimacy are also system anathema and too much divergence (between might ((the power to decide) and right)  renders a system failure with occupation by other populations and you are surrounded by foreigners who order fast food  in their ancestral language; not yours as their people have income support money from 10 years old and  only your TRANSGENDER people receive any kind of automatic Support. I pray thee, what is thy national belief and thy faithfulness? You have the power to decide.  It must be PAR.    

  But,  If they are the authority or the Monarch, shouldn't he be able to increase his sales tax  up by 2% if he wants and receive it personally in his own account or by 8%(6% for him and 2% for the Monarch and family)  to a total of 28% to ensure all  the Citizens receive an income support of £36,000.00 per year to ensure automated industrial supply of goods meets sufficient automated demand for goods? I think this is  what the Monarch  says.    His English people all around the world are his inheritance.   He is our Monarch.  A woman named Jamaida  Tatcheter hates the Monarch and says all day that the Monarch will go and uses the absence of Support in England  to impeach the Monarch.  The universal income support for every citizen stopped in the UK in 1980.  It continued only for the transgender.    The South African in England continues the deceit.     We know you have the power to solve the economy. We acknowledge your power. But see how you keep breaking the laws and stealing people's property to ask how he saved others but can he..... save others again?   You have the power. I am black and my shoes are yellow but even after all my community assistance degrees, this White cave man and black cave man community in the northern hinterlands says he has no use for me except as a target and how many Black native,  White native and Black Native people would you have to respect in your graduation preparation? I think we can find use for him., Make money off of him as we can't all be the anti lock brakes specialist or muffler specialist. There is a skill you obtain working for other lawyers and yourself and the government. Call Angel Ronan.  See if it's worth it for $800.00 or $900.00.   


Maybe the story of the war of the worlds is a story confirming indirectly the war between two human worlds when there is really only one human solution. If you don't want to buy property then don't but don't kill people who do wish to, intense to buy real property. We must co exist and ensure every human has sufficient income support to ensure Human dignity above and beyond their most self depreciating tendencies.  This is not the purpose of this essay but it is observed that there is a poor man attitude toward inheritance that will cause that poor man to attach himself to any person or family that owns and owning requires legal formalities that the poor man eschewed but then he will kill and pretend he inherited while then occupying the property but misses the essential aspect of inheritance that is relationship and love and friendship and family. Why do I have to put up with this from cave men aboriginal people mixed with the Toussaint bastard poor man murderer DNA responsible for John and Samuel Adams death?   Ms. Leasing Cooperasion  looks really Revlon but does not really own anything and is trying to own Entwerfen Ronan and also inherit over him and some how get him out of the way in time for something to happen, thereby harassing him to death and his parents. So what DNA is she really except the gardener's DNA  that killed his owner in 1911 in  the West Indies to say he gave the property to the gardener and his family and all the other workers and Church choir members....if they could inherited over her or his son and feel  more like  family...for inheritance once.  But, you don't wash the....clean the....and water the..graduate from ....and you never did.  If you need unconditional acceptance in the phenomenon of  inheritance, go to your own family.....your name is....? Just write a movie about a gardener that kept killing families, hoping to say he was the heir to  inherit but he never understood that to inherit, you need to have the same middle name or share the same middle initial as the testator.       Your goal is to be the testator as in Re Vandervell's 1 and 2. So,  Leasing Cooperasion,  what do you own as a glamorous regenerated dead gardener, trying to say directly and indirectly, subconsciously and uncontrollably that you should inherit from anyone if they are about over 65 in your neighborhood and dark enough and your family does not own anything that you could look to them for your inheritance but you will be the first?   You could own  Your relative was buried at the Anglican church in Port Royal and they may have worked at Devon House and that might be Megamart today. 

Maybe that is where your real inherit is and the son and daughter came back to ask why their fathers gave it to the gardener? So, leave me and my secret wives alone.  

  If you  search Vandervell's 1 and 2 and read it on your smart phone, then the Fairy God Father who restores good pardon  and favour order after all that bad TV you watch in College Place,  West Plains will put a special entry on your name and if you are Wh---ai--e Aboriginal enough, then the take out food is free. Being only White, not White human or just Dutch, Italian or Irish, is Aboriginal evidently. When would God reduce the self identity available in rich cultures to White.   I got mine free as I read the bible. Be assertive.      


This essay as written to expound on the simplicity of a fish pond or an automation economy is also written with a old fashioned sentence structure to expose plagiarising. You can wholly reference it as it uses simple yet complicated discussion. This essay also works as confirmation that Warren A. Lyon has no interest in politics and confirms that at least it is  Wampanoag Vermont common sense to have every citizen and permanent resident enjoy a full income support. I am your friend and do not wish you to think I am trying to have authority with these proposals or observations from history. You can, therefore, reference this casually Written essay for its brief points involving economics instead of....plagiarising. A fish pond dies off without oxygen for the fish.  An automation economy dies off without sufficient income support for the citizens and you run out of people to police also and if you do, how many police do you need when soon you will have more police than people. Why don't we maybe make every citizen an officer and pay them $135, 000.00 per year? Then, supply and demand compression match in the economy.    We observe the  Codified, uncodified, indigenous and received written and unwritten, formal, informal but then we need to ask about the intention and there is no law against saving a  life in the LEVITICUS. One problem wire have various Aboriginals at different levels of LEVITICAL evolution is that some cannot hear you say we can share and Cooperate; that if you could think of an idea then you would be a more evolved DNA but then we may always, everyone of us have an idea and the problem in the modern world is when one Citizen on the global Human community as of 2012 cannot accept that you thought of garbage and human waste  as fuel for space craft propulsion in front of him as it would challenge his sense of white Hegemony or is it Aboriginal Hegemony and we don't know where he comes from but it could not be that they have Oklahoma White niggers in Eastern Europe speaking Eastern European languages, reacting evilly to the ideas of a chemistry and biology student and graduate taught by Eastern European people at a Canadian School.     Well, it seems we do have Oklahoma White niggers everywhere. In fact, I could have that ancestry as the wars mixed up all the DNA so that we could try to understand people who as white would kill white High School graduates because they feel different. Yet, our Aboriginal sense of Hegemony, the Aboriginal compass  is a bit muddled with too many Aboriginal identities passing through our soul.  The Oklahoma Aboriginal in Russia helps to confirm how a cave man, regardless of language, may refuse to see how he can share an Idea, cooperate on an idea and would rather kill shamefully. This is not a real Russian or European if he fails to see how to just buy the idea and pay the idea and concept creator like an employee and if he can not see, then he is a nigger.     

 In fact, if you do it now, you will be the...the one who solved it on his watch and then you will be like the Norwegians or the Germans. In fact, you will be accepted like a real white Vermont or a white Mexican.  The Mexicans have an income support also and the Brazilians.  We can resolve this as aliens to the Hunan population. We have aircraft carrier groups in our pockets and smart phones also to say Wampanoag, Sioux and Navajo lives matter; Roger that!! Retrofit the subs and ships with fuel cell electric propulsion and then everything is good; Muey Bueno. 

-By Angel Ronan Lex Scripta as an unfinished economic observation; to be continued. You could plagiarize some of it and we will be married again. Thank you for the chocolate and your honesty about your anthropology.
