January 15, 2023 If Warren was in Quebec all these years, we would not be having this conversation as he would have been too busy with his Quebec income support at $40,000.00 per year feeding his one dog, his wife and his cats. He would not have needed OSAP as his income support would have paid tuition. There are some children around. But, we can pretend there is animosity with Russia while we are all part Eastern European with Lowenbrau and the isopropyl and with Levis, Budweiser or Michelob. Top Gun Maverick is the tacit merger; An Essay. But, we can pretend there is animosity with Russia while we are all part Eastern European with Lowenbrau and the isopropyl and with Levis, Budweiser or Michelob. Top Gun Maverick is the tacit merger. There is no animosity with Russia as they pay all their people a reasonable life preserving income support; black white and red and not just some of their people. Your real animosity is with the soul of logic. If we try to respect and understand government, it is one thing but we see government every day and we need to get what we NEED out of government and that is, at the very least, money and safety. You seem to argue with both as you are not getting the money you need and; what is COVID? The truth is, there were millions of Russian immigrants to North America and it's time to settle this North American economy down; enjoy our three kings in our three to four super Creole cultured experience. The North American Aboriginal just doesn't know when he is winning. Go back to that 2nd generation Russian girl who says Uber is her favorite cult and then how do you buy the baby food to enjoy her nursing you and your baby if you don't have an income support? She will call Mother Russia tonight and it will be corrected so everything will be as right as rain; spaceeba stupido Americano! Das Vadanya! The Russians will stop playing them and us like you want them to. But, be careful overt the North sea with your friendly F15 jets. Remember that the word space is really a derivative of the Russian word Spaceba and we cannot really say when they managed to leave earth's atmosphere; if it was before WW2. But, there is some evidence. The only problem is this planet is truly our only truly human, God given space ship set in an orbit for perfect human habitation; not too hot and not too cold. Our goal is to maintain it and restore it. That is my water you are poisoning it with crude oil and we do not need it(crude oil) for the average vehicular transportation. A totally regenerative vehicle is ideal; along with a fuel cell vehicle that will still support the notion of a dual economy; one for the sale of vehicles and one for the sale of fuels to power a vehicle although our available technology says this is not necessary for mobility. After fuel and the cost of its production is over, the fuel company may make more money on cellular telephones pound for pound and dollar for dollar. We can also restore oceans that have disappeared with a hydrogen detonation in the upper atmosphere to produce rain. See what a reasonable grade in first year chemistry can do at 71% at Western or the A's and B's in High School. Water is a chemical compound known also as H2O with two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule. It is the hypothesis of Warren A. Lyon that a hydrogen detonation with H2 in the upper atmosphere will cause a consistent and regular rain fall for days over the area where it is detonated and the hope is to refill any bodies of water with that rain fall that seem to have dried up over the centuries due to our human mismanagement; some in Egypt and some in Namibia and some in Afghanistan. There are some in Utah also or Arizona. There are some in Bolivia also. Is someone microwaving the lakes from outer space with a Hubble type telescope? What gas is H2? Hydrogen Hydrogen: Hydrogen, H2, is an elemental gas with an atomic mass of 1.00794. This diatomic molecule is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. It is also colorless, odorless, and highly flammable. This is what the real white people and the Europeans, Russians and Asians expect from an economy generally if you would just humbly white agree and now we can go forward: 1. If you guarantee the Ability To Pay (the ATP) in the form of a proper income support that satisfies all human need for the mobile citizen recipient in any part of the globe as he may travel; A) The money resolves our dignity and; B) The Job Core resolves our emotions about having some involvement. 2. the Federal loan or reserve rate can be as high as you want but not to discourage the debt market or notion of debt as a choice for personal life spending. The same rate also known as the national Bank rate is maintained at responsible levels to cover all foreign debt payments and the rate thereupon. You do have foreign loans to pay usually owed at 13% or 14%; 3. You have unpaid loans outstanding with Germany with payments due at 14% interest. You need an active economy that will generate activity to yield enough of a return daily on sales tax revenue to make these payments with interest. Coats and boots are obvious additions for the winter; 4. Yet, it seems the cave man Aboriginal is reluctant about the formalities and the authorities involved with consumerism. The cave man is still fighting the culture of consumerism and the authority when it could be rather simple. He is fighting the authority as an intrusion upon the cave man's authority over himself. But, it could be so simple. APMH; 5. The English elders say that the absence of income support for every citizen, permanent resident and refugee must be resolved immediately to end the economic anomaly. They say it will also galvanize our sense of nationality as we discuss the currency as an emblem of our identity. The English speaking people that include the Canadian population are the most important symbol or emblem; 6. The buck stop might be the lowest responsible rate at which you set Fed or Bank of England rates; interest rates; aye!! If you are paying out loans at 14%, the fed rate would be at least 15% for administrative costs or maybe 16%. The buck stop may be the lowest responsible amount a citizen or permanent resident will receive as income support to maintain his Maslow needs as based on current inflationary index costs of living. It's the law anyway with UN and EU treaties and Acts passed and signed to give them domestic legal force. So, why is there any standoff?; 7. The buck stop Vat/sales tax to cover national debt payments and ensure sufficient national revenue would be at least 15% for sales tax/VAT. We use sales tax to heat and cool the economy, raising sales tax to cool activity and lowering it to heat or excite economic activity. Fed loan rates are affected by the interest rates on the debt and cannot be lower than the rate paid on foreign debt. The Sales tax rate should follow the same principle. All of this is elementary or it should be? Where are the old men who knew this and ran the system accordingly. Just do it; like Nike. It's time to modern the money system and make it more efficient just as we modernize the transit systems. It's time to remember and get out of the reefer and all the Woodstock remembrances; 8. The MPAC in Ontario was a nice idea in that we can all agree we do not want to see real estate go down in value but it would cause tremendous economic distortion if it rises in value at 5% to 30% per year and this mercurial rise causes inflation on the entire economy to rise as the cost of rents and mortgages goes up in pace with that kind reassuring 5% that is way above realistic market averages. An MPAC 1.5-2% is preferred with some higher-up value based on unique features or location. Otherwise, the rise in values outpaces the ability to pay. It is market fixing, abuse and illegal in spite of how nice and reassuring it is. Guaranteeing there is never a market devaluation on any property but a reassuring value guarantee at maybe the average inflationary rate of 2% to avoid wide 10% and 20% inflationary distortions would be nice but we have to keep it quiet because if you could do it, it is illegal even if it is called a "Municipal Property Market Testosterone Corporation." I can say that guaranteeing the ability to pay is not illegal and if the 1992 market real estate bubble would threaten again, a fall in value would not happen when the owner of property is not selling in desperation after the MS Office joblessness caused by wide spread Uber super MS Office work automation; since we guarantee her ability to pay with a now national income support standard at no less than $65,000.00 in a new Income Support Enforcement and Insurance Corporation; an ISEIC. The Feds guaranteed a minimum national standard of $65,000.00 per year as income support. The provinces can always institute a higher number; 9. Do you see the point? I am sure you say; yes and that you see!! When the ability to pay is guaranteed, the market will be stable and not fall. It will go up reasonably over time. Real estate was never intended to be a get rich quick computer scheme with the colour of officialdom. A $20.00 price tag for 2 piece chicken and chips at KFC is now upon us. A $30.00 big mac in Canada is the signed that MPAC and the market fixing with the significant, now wide spread, inflationary distortions is an intolerable phenomenon. I am going to Sudbury for a McDonald's Burger from now on for a burger less impacted by wild Southern Ontario inflation; 1010. The income support was a crucial aspect of the economy in North America/Africa 2 and the continental divide since the 1600's to help the Aboriginal assimilate to the world of markets and consumerism with less of the Ethic or Ethos to Hunt. You know Ethos to Hunt. It was a systematic dire emergency as of 1977 with the emergence of total job Automation in the car industry in particular to ensure. Sufficient consumer demand to match the increasing automatic robotically made supply. What about just the selfish motivation of self preservation; mutual self preservation as against the Economic moneyed attrition where the Russians have an income support of at least $42,000.00 USD per year from 10 years old and they ALWAYS had a Support of some kind like this since Lenin; and maybe we Hunt on Sunday and we can surely make the car payment with the guaranteed income support. We see that America is like the Cave men in Jesus' Israel who argued with Jesus about the market, the respect for the temples vs. the market, the money to be paid to Caesar and about what is LEVITICUS and the adultery. Remember Jacob's name is means "usurper" and "Israel" means wrestle with God. But, maybe we have a land called Israel where God has blessed the wrestler for his submission. Ontario is not that land as its refusals to comply above and beyond Federal policy says Ontario has killed Ford, GM and Fiat Chrysler as car companies. All three are now under Asian control. It affects Israel. Ontario killed Canada and killed England wth it's Tecumseh resistance of the consumer culture and logic since you forced him. You forced him. You forced him to shop at gun point and Maybe you didn't give him enough Income support in a frustration of your own European and Russian economy. Who runs the computer in Ontario? There is just not enough income support in Otario to support majore manufacturing. How does manufacturing in Ontario kill a major global corporation like Fiat? Who runs the computer in Ontario to pay the income support? //// Due to failing to respect certain economic principles, the economic ship has already suffered the rocky scholes and is now being run by others; and yet we noticed the money is not being provided to the people at European standards or Russian standards. It takes little to feed dogs; to provide monies to the English language people at European standards. The English economy is a European and Russian market. Who cares how hegemonic the dogs feel with their furs or how the English feel hegemonic with bowler hats and brollies. Who cares about the American with his football helmet, bubble gums and Rawlings gloves?; 11. The benefits should be paid equally unless it is a disability payment. I love TRANSGENDER people. This payment made to them only in Ontario offends Equity laws. There is no point any longer wondering as to why this was done since you cannot give what is illegal and ultra vires an excuse or an intra vires justification. But, we see millions have been received by some as an undefined automatically paid benefit and not by others in the other gender classes; the male and the female. To define it, the benefit is just a general income support but an admitted error or mistake was made. If people personally find an area crowded once the benefit is equally paid to all, they can take it upon themselves to move elsewhere; What is 1x + X +1 =15. Solve for X. This is representative of Ontario grade school. 12. The Government can also design incentive programs to deal with the concern about over crowding such as a zero dollar property tax or a 50% rent rebate if you agree to live in certain regions outside of the urban centre that is the fixation of some regens whose ancestors died in the centreronto that is also comparatively small next to other city centres where the Support is provided to all citizens. Montreal is an example with 40 Kms of subway. As such Centreronto is nothing but a good looking 20 km Subway Urban Dud. In terms of urbanity, what is the difference between Brooklin Whitby and Oshawa? Oshawa gets the $20,000.00 income support but Brooklin Ontario does not. What is is the difference between Guelph and Kitchener? Kitchener gets the $20,000.00 per citizen per year without questions asked and without application. It's automatically paid from 14 years old. Guelph and Brooklin and other rural or residential areas involve some Application for some benefit and many employees involved to administer this benefit. But at least the policy with 50% rent rebates does not kill and you achieve your incentive. But, zero income support is Genocide in the age of automation. Expecting people without money to move elsewhere to get income support is defeatist. How do they move and have enough to settle in? The refugees arriving to Canada usually have a consistent guaranteed Income support; 13. Either way, we are more supportive of our foreign economic refugees. The process says that we consent to the service obtaining information on accounts held and the balances; not to see where we bought milk on the last occasion but that we have no more than the maximum balance required. Manitoban residents at $50,000.00 per year in support do not endure this and nor do the Windsor, Oakville, Sudbury or Oshawa residents who receive $20,000.00 per year in income support. This is differential treatment. But, wouldn't the information be the same for that particular question? You can see that the answers are true and verified and that he only has $1.00 in that account or $25.00. The TRANSGENDER does not endure this and receives their support automatically at 40 times the amount that the average Ontario male or female receives as any income benefit. This adverse discrimination and differential treatment are offending Ontario laws and National laws that are synonymous; ///// //// 14. How are the people that are convicted for contempt of court now appearing in the office to show you their Hegemony and express revenge for a respected administrative attendance; not a win? Well, you could say it was a win emotionally; right? This is when I got your client to confirm her business income if any with at least 3 months worth of bank statements. I know how many bank accounts I have to the best of my recollection as there may be a dormant account I do not recall. This is not what you have all the applicants endure and it is evidence of differential treatment and criminal harassment contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada. To administer the $10,000.00 costs more than the time, money and economic benefits and the abuse for what is paid automatically with near zero admin costs down the road in Richmond Hill or Kitchener; 15. There is a bedrock fur trapper',s Authority population that was buttressed by the Levis and Budweiser immigrants and to this was added the pirate, neutralising the Levis Budweiser traditional regular schooling as pirates and Fur trappers tend not to want to go to school. But, whatever we do has to be logical and I will take the bus for 20 minutes or 45 minutes to get the $20,000.00 income support that comes through automatically without application. For four small municipalities in Southern Otario, you are spending the amount of 3 automatically paid $20,000.00 income support yearly benefits on one employee to administer the program. In fact, every benefit account costs two employees in the way this program is run with central and local offices; 16. This program does not run in Oshawa as everyone has a $20,000.00 per year income support benefit. Maybe there will be an automatic $10,000.00 per year automatic support in those other unserved, under funded 4 municipal areas without all of this mistreatment of the high school graduates (it's because they went to high school) the triple cost of administration just to pay only one recipient some kind of support that he would certainly receive automatically at $20,000.00 automatically down the 401 without the double administration if he moved to his uncle's address down the road in Oshawa without the double administration of local and area offices (at $50,000.00 per employee with two employees needed to effect payment). We agree with the current minister who says it would be cost effective and economically beneficial to make the payments go through automatically for the "O" Ring Works program upon application or there is no application now like what is enjoyed by citizens of Richmond Hill, Oshawa or Oakville or from Kitchener to Windsor. They must have High School graduates of all kinds from Richmond Hill and Law graduates in the Grandbanks with their hope hop on Spotify. I am White by definition. I listen to Lionel Richie and Motown. After you hit the button to verify eligibility, you can see the asset means test is satisfied. You see his RRSP etc and his means test is satisfied. White; ////// 17. The same amount of income support,$54,000.00 per benefit recipient is paid to every Manitoba citizen regardless of gender with Federal funds. It should be paid to every Canadian in the same fashion. I don't know what you want. But, I need to just see my health card and this other thing work without all this abuse and childishness when it's me or anyone on the phone asking for my yellow Otario Grade school ruler and that thing you use to draw circles. It's called the compass. Everybody got one and we are equal with our 30 centimeter rulers. Apart from this brief discussion on equity, there is an economic supply and demand (ability to pay) issue of tremendous economic consequences as outlined by Warren A. Lyon in another essay. Search the website for ATP and you sill see the essay with the chapel and the hamster; 18. We honor the Monarch in every country. There is an economic war of attrition. All Europeans have an income support. All Russians have an income support. All Anglos do not have one. It is cause for refugee claim success under UN law. We are losing the economic war of attrition. How do we win this war? There is indeed that of God in every person. We must give full justice and equality to every person. We must be a peace maker. We must seek the peace and justice the world needs and the Spirit requires of us. Christian love must still be unbroken and still universal. We don't need Warren to be a hostage of your benefit interruption and abuse. When the safety of the citizen and Community is interrupted by idiosyncratic and personal feelings of hegemony, then we call the police. Ms. J. Wilstsron, just quit as you lied about Federal government business in Court and you lied about your qualifications; something about 4 years in England; 19. All the world is a stage Jacqueline Wiss-on but you can buy the idea if you want. Make an offer. Is it the Solar powered headphones or the Electronic garbage can? Make an offer at 1/4 the value. You have your hegemony. Don't tell me you would rather steal it? The others; all of the other European peoples have money paid to every citizen as the income support. We do not. North America; It's an angry zoo with starving animals and not a peaceful one. You don't know how to sit and write an exam yet. You kill high school graduates to cover your shame and anxiety that you are not even a High School graduate. What are you? We suggest that school, through a job core, will never end so that there will never be any tension between real and pretender in society or there will be less tension. The job Core is how school continues forever; 20. Some fathers, after spanking children and chastising them for B and A grades, cannibalise and frustrate their own children once they graduate; something about "my time for social honor" and then once he is dead and gone, the children will have their time. We also see there is a tension between real and pretender over social authority that is unusual and it may be that that there is an entrenched Pretender population that emerged during the colonial era and it may have become Gollum militant during the Roman occupation of Britannia. Even catching a fish carries social authority and achievement but not that Cain should kill Abel; not that the pretender should kill the real and not that Gollum should kill his Uncle in social authority competition to get all of his cousin mother's attention. He was breast fed by wolves and wants his own nursing mother at 30 years old to compensate the absence of the real in his life when they didn't even( selfishly did not look real. But, he always seems to find himself with a Potiphar's wife so to speak, getting it on as the usurper that he is when he could find any old woman who is maybe ten years older; and 21. The fur trappers or explorers in North America or Latin America had to take on various roles and read and act the part while the country expanded but would have resisted stepping aside once the real qualified doctors and lawyers arrived from Europe or eventually from back east on the way to settling B.C. in a Western civilizational expansion. Blend the fur trapper You are not my sin or my son A.J.H. You are an aboriginal perpetrating a holocaust on real Aboriginals with real qualifications at this time in history. So, it's like one step forward and a war on our selves going backwards. So, the real high school graduates are now nervous along with the real Doctorates in law and also in Law like Warren. But, what if he was pretending? You seem to want to say the real law should really penalize him but not really penalize you but you are the one who is in an open contempt and you seemed to have really said you wanted him dead for not pleading anyone to their charges like that double assault charge where his clients got a withdrawal of charges. We crystallize the cave man's anger and it's expression at the phenomenon of formality. Who is using the economy to express transgender resentment mixed with cave man resistance? What is quantitative easing to an Illegal 0% Fed rate as an expression of this resistance and resentment of a balanced right answer. The train could crash but we prefer it not to as it risks our lives. The economic system could crash if not maintained with life in mind as a system crash risks our lives. The cave man still resenteth the formality and the authority seen in money to acquire goods for our various needs and that there is a power or law that can forceth him or her to participate when they would want to challenge this on going. Then, there are the formalities of Births, deaths and marriages. The cave man, however, has become an intelligent regeneration in the Gattaca genome system and paints or he plays music or he can do most anything except agree with the world as we know it while also giving and taking. The problem is his intention and agenda maybe as a movie director as he projects Aboriginal challenges of Leviticus and who can watch what he produces with their children with that Menorah on top of the television? That woman's bottom is uncovered in the movie and....what do you want from us? We do not agree as it does not help the story in any way. Quantitative Easing is the evidence that the Ship of North America's Economic Independence and Management is Sunkl 50 years of income support going forward at no less than $120,000.00 per citizen will be the war we need on ignorance and the economic gap between supply and demand. We could say it like this. Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce the federal loan rate no lower than .5%. The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop cannot be a zero rate. The money, the national salaries and the coins carry a cost that demands payment with some rate at no less than .5%. It is best , however, to increase consumer activity, and buying power by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay in the struggle with the joblessness caused by Automation that is also referred to as the job famines caused by Automation. This is annoying when the world is a global shopping centre. We could say it like this. Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce the federal loan rate no lower than .5%. The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop cannot be a zero rate. The money, the national salaries and the coins carry a cost that demands payment with some rate at no less than .5%. It is best , however, to increase consumer activity, and buying power by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay in the struggle with job automation as they( the people) already don't have any money so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity is national; isn't it ? You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are actually reducing national GDP further. It is best to raise the ATP; a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon. Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also. For PJ, give us the money. For PJ(peace and joy). We could also say it like this as well. Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce the federal loan rate no lower than .5%. The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop concerning rate reduction cannot be a zero rate. The paper money, the national salaries for security and cash delivery and the cost of "solver" in the coins carry a cost that demands payment with national revenue generating at some rate no less than .5%. It is best, however, to increase consumer activity, and consumer buying power, that is consumer demand for goods by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay in the struggle with job automation as they( the people) do not have any money already so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy; as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity or increase it is a national effort ; isn't it ? We can pay for this $70,000.00 per year income support with an increase in VAT/sales tax to a more international, responsible 20% to cover the cost of the income support and use this sales tax mechanism to increase and decrease consumer activity. Rising sales tax reduces activity. Decreasing the sales tax rate increases the consumer activity(ACTIVITIES); never lower than 20% and never higher than 100%. We can keep discussing Aboriginal emotions nonetheless. You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are actually reducing national GDP further. This is not good. It is best to raise the ATP(ability to pay); a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon. Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also. The banks would prefer a customer who can maintain a loan than a customer who cannot. The ask should not think that the income support reduces business or that a shortage of income support increases business when it does not really increase business when the unpaid loan is unpaid business loan is a business right off. Also, how do the citizens without income support qualify for the loans? How do they pay the loans? Our financial service systems and processes of mortgage and loan qualification need to evolve to match the Automation economy/ primarily income support as ATP economy. The income support is not a threat to the loan industry. It is the ability to pay the loan. People will take out loans and they will gamble more and spend more where the credit card or debit card is a convenience to avoid walking with too much real cash. The ability to pay is the essential factor to everything that we hold dear in the financial industry. This is an excerpt from the complete essay that is to be republished.

 January 15, 2023


If Warren was in Quebec all these years, we would not be having this conversation as he would have been too busy with his Quebec income support at $40,000.00 per year feeding his one dog, his wife and his cats.  He would not have needed OSAP as his income support would have paid tuition.       There are some children around. 

But, we can pretend there is animosity with Russia while  we are all part Eastern European with Lowenbrau and the isopropyl and with Levis, Budweiser or  Michelob. Top Gun Maverick is the tacit merger; An Essay. 


 But, we can pretend there is animosity with Russia while  we are all part Eastern European with Lowenbrau and the isopropyl and with Levis, Budweiser or  Michelob. Top Gun Maverick is the tacit merger.     There is no animosity with Russia as they pay all their people a reasonable life preserving income support; black white and red and not just some of their people. Your real animosity is with the soul of logic.  If we try to respect and understand government, it is one thing but we see government every day and we need to get what we NEED out of government and that is, at the very least, money and safety.  You seem to argue with both as you are not getting the money you need and;  what is COVID?   The truth is, there were millions of Russian immigrants to North America and it's time to settle this North American economy down; enjoy our three kings in our three to four super Creole cultured experience.  The North American Aboriginal just doesn't know when he is winning. Go back to that 2nd generation Russian girl who says Uber is her favorite cult and then how do you buy the baby food to enjoy her nursing you and your baby if you don't have an income support? She will call Mother Russia tonight and it will be corrected so everything will be as right as rain; spaceeba stupido Americano!   Das Vadanya!  The Russians will stop playing them and us like you want them to.  But, be careful overt the North sea with your friendly F15 jets.  

Remember that the word space is really a derivative of the Russian word Spaceba and we cannot really say when they managed to leave earth's atmosphere; if it was before WW2. But, there is some evidence.  The only problem is this planet is truly our only truly human, God given space ship set in an orbit for perfect human habitation; not too hot and not too cold.   Our goal is to maintain it and restore it.  That is my water you are poisoning it  with crude oil and we do not need it(crude oil) for the average vehicular transportation. A totally regenerative vehicle is ideal; along with a fuel cell vehicle that will still support the notion of a dual economy; one for the sale of vehicles and one for the sale of fuels to power a vehicle although our available technology says this is not necessary for mobility. After fuel and the cost of its production is over, the fuel company may make more money on cellular telephones pound for pound and dollar for dollar.    We can also restore oceans that have disappeared with a hydrogen detonation in the upper atmosphere to produce rain. See what a reasonable grade in first year chemistry can do at 71% at Western or the A's and B's in High School.   Water is a chemical compound known also as H2O with two hydrogen molecules and one oxygen molecule.   It is the hypothesis of  Warren A. Lyon that a hydrogen detonation with H2 in the upper atmosphere  will cause a consistent and regular rain fall for days over the area where it is detonated and the hope is to refill any bodies of water  with that rain fall that seem to have dried up over the centuries due to our human mismanagement; some in Egypt and some in Namibia and some in Afghanistan.  There are some in Utah also or Arizona.   There are some in Bolivia also.  Is someone microwaving the lakes from outer space with  a Hubble type telescope?    
What gas is H2?

Hydrogen: Hydrogen, H2, is an elemental gas with an atomic mass of 1.00794. This diatomic molecule is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. It is also colorless, odorless, and highly flammable.

This is what the real white people and the Europeans, Russians and Asians expect from an economy generally if you would just humbly white agree and now we can go forward:  

1. If you guarantee the Ability To Pay (the ATP) in the form of a proper income support that satisfies all human need for the mobile citizen recipient in any part of the globe as he may travel;

A) The money resolves our dignity and;
B)  The Job Core resolves our emotions about having some involvement.

2. the Federal loan or reserve rate can be as high as you want but not to discourage the debt market or notion of   debt as a choice for personal life spending.  The same rate also known as the national Bank rate is maintained at responsible levels to cover all foreign debt payments and the rate thereupon.  You do have foreign loans to pay usually owed at 13% or 14%;
3. You have unpaid loans outstanding with Germany with payments due at 14% interest. You need an active economy that will generate activity to yield enough of a return daily on sales tax revenue to make these payments with interest.  Coats and boots are obvious additions for the winter;

4. Yet, it seems the cave man Aboriginal is reluctant about the formalities and the authorities involved with consumerism. The cave man is still fighting the culture of consumerism and the authority when it could be rather simple. He is fighting the authority as an intrusion upon the cave man's authority over himself. But, it could be so simple. APMH;

5. The English elders say that the absence of income support for every citizen, permanent resident and refugee must be resolved immediately to end the economic anomaly.  

They say it will also galvanize our sense of nationality as we discuss the currency as an emblem of our identity.  The English speaking people that include the Canadian population are the most important symbol or emblem;    
6. The  buck stop might be the lowest responsible rate at which you set Fed or Bank of England rates; interest rates; aye!! If you are paying out loans at 14%, the fed rate would be at least 15% for administrative costs or maybe 16%.    The buck stop may be the lowest responsible amount a citizen or permanent resident will receive as income support to maintain his Maslow needs as based on current inflationary index costs of living. It's the law anyway with UN and EU treaties and Acts passed and signed to give them domestic legal force. So, why is there any standoff?;  
7. The buck stop Vat/sales tax  to cover national debt payments and ensure sufficient national revenue would be at least 15% for sales tax/VAT.  We use sales tax to heat and cool the economy, raising sales tax to cool activity and lowering it to heat or excite economic activity.    Fed loan rates are affected by the interest rates on the debt and cannot be lower than the rate paid on foreign debt.  The Sales tax rate should follow the same principle. All of this is elementary or it should be? Where are the old men who knew this and ran the system accordingly. Just do it; like Nike.  It's time to modern the money system and make it more efficient just as we modernize the transit systems.   It's time to remember and get out of the reefer and all the Woodstock remembrances;  

8. The MPAC in Ontario was a nice idea in that we can all agree we do not want to see real estate go down in value but it would cause tremendous economic distortion if it rises in value at 5% to 30% per year and this mercurial rise causes inflation on the entire economy to rise as the cost of rents and mortgages goes up in pace with that kind reassuring 5% that is way above realistic market averages. An MPAC 1.5-2% is preferred with some higher-up value based on unique features or location. Otherwise, the rise in values outpaces the ability to pay. It is market fixing, abuse and illegal in spite of how nice and reassuring it is. Guaranteeing there is never a market devaluation on any property but a reassuring value guarantee at maybe the average inflationary rate of 2% to avoid wide 10% and 20% inflationary distortions would be nice but we have to keep it quiet because if you could do it, it is illegal even if it is called a "Municipal Property Market Testosterone Corporation." I can say that guaranteeing the ability to pay is not illegal and if the 1992 market real estate bubble would threaten again, a fall in value would not happen when the owner of property is not selling in desperation after the MS Office joblessness caused by wide spread Uber super MS Office work automation; since we guarantee her ability to pay with a now national income support standard at no less than $65,000.00 in a new Income Support Enforcement and Insurance Corporation; an ISEIC. The Feds guaranteed a minimum national standard of $65,000.00 per year as income support. The provinces can always institute a higher number;

9. Do you see the point? I am sure you say; yes and that you see!! When the ability to pay is guaranteed, the market will be stable and not fall. It will go up reasonably over time. Real estate was never intended to be a get rich quick computer scheme with the colour of officialdom. A $20.00 price tag for 2 piece chicken and chips at KFC is now upon us.  A $30.00 big mac in Canada is the signed that MPAC and the market fixing with the significant, now wide spread, inflationary distortions is an intolerable phenomenon. I am going to Sudbury for a McDonald's Burger from now on for a burger less impacted by wild Southern Ontario inflation;

1010.   The income support was a crucial aspect of the economy in North America/Africa 2 and the continental divide since the 1600's to help the Aboriginal assimilate to the world of markets and consumerism with less of the Ethic or Ethos to Hunt.  You know Ethos to Hunt.  It was a systematic  dire emergency as of 1977 with the emergence of total job Automation in the car industry in particular to ensure. Sufficient consumer demand to match the  increasing automatic robotically made supply. What about just the selfish motivation of self preservation; mutual self preservation as against the Economic moneyed attrition where the Russians have an income support of at least $42,000.00 USD per year from 10 years old and they ALWAYS had a Support of some kind like this since Lenin; and maybe we Hunt on Sunday and we can surely make the car payment with the guaranteed income support. We see that America is like the Cave men in Jesus' Israel who argued with Jesus about the market, the respect for the temples vs. the market, the money to be paid to Caesar and about what is LEVITICUS and the adultery. Remember Jacob's name is means "usurper" and "Israel" means wrestle with God. But, maybe we have a land called Israel where God has blessed the wrestler for his submission. Ontario is not that land as its refusals to comply above and beyond Federal policy says Ontario has killed Ford, GM and Fiat Chrysler as car companies. All three are now under Asian control. It affects Israel. Ontario killed Canada and killed England wth it's Tecumseh resistance of the consumer culture and logic since you forced him. You forced him. You forced him to shop at gun point and Maybe you didn't give him enough Income support in a frustration of your own European and Russian economy. Who runs the computer in Ontario? There is just not enough income support in Otario to support majore manufacturing. How does manufacturing in Ontario kill a major global corporation like Fiat? Who runs the computer in Ontario to pay the income support?

 Due to failing to respect certain economic principles, the economic ship has already suffered the rocky scholes and is now being run by others; and yet we noticed the money is not being provided to the people at European standards or Russian standards. It takes little to feed dogs; to provide monies to the English language people at European standards. The English economy is a European and Russian market. Who cares how hegemonic the dogs feel with their furs or how the English feel hegemonic with bowler hats and brollies. Who cares about the American with his football helmet, bubble gums and Rawlings gloves?;  

11. The benefits should be paid equally unless it is a disability payment.  I love TRANSGENDER people.  This payment made to them only in Ontario offends Equity laws. There is no point any longer wondering as to why this was done since you cannot give what is illegal and ultra vires an excuse or an intra vires justification.  But,  we see millions have been received by some as an undefined automatically paid benefit and not by others in the  other gender classes; the male and the female.   To define it, the benefit is just a general income support but an admitted error or mistake was made. If people personally find an area crowded once the benefit is equally paid to all, they can take it upon themselves to move elsewhere;   What is 1x + X +1 =15.  Solve for X. This is representative of Ontario grade school. 
12. The Government can also design incentive programs to deal with the concern about over crowding such as a zero dollar property tax or a 50% rent rebate if you agree to  live in certain regions outside of the urban centre that is the fixation of some regens whose ancestors died in the centreronto that is also comparatively small next to other city centres where the Support is provided to all citizens. Montreal is an example with 40 Kms of subway. As such Centreronto is nothing but a good looking 20 km Subway Urban Dud.

In terms of urbanity, what is the difference between Brooklin Whitby and Oshawa? Oshawa gets the $20,000.00 income support but Brooklin Ontario does not.  What is is the difference between Guelph and Kitchener?  Kitchener gets the $20,000.00 per citizen per year without questions asked and without application. It's automatically paid from 14 years old. 

Guelph and Brooklin and other rural or residential areas involve some Application for some benefit and many employees involved to administer this benefit.

But at least the policy with 50% rent rebates does not kill and you achieve your incentive.  But, zero income support is Genocide in the age of automation. Expecting people without money to move elsewhere to get income support is defeatist. How do they move and have enough to settle in? The refugees arriving to Canada usually have a consistent guaranteed Income support;

13. Either way, we are more supportive of our foreign economic refugees. The process says that we consent to the service obtaining information on accounts held and the balances; not to see where we bought milk on the last occasion but that we have no more than the maximum balance required. Manitoban residents at $50,000.00 per year in support do not endure this and nor do the Windsor, Oakville, Sudbury or Oshawa residents who receive $20,000.00 per year in income support. This is differential treatment. But, wouldn't the information be the same for that particular question? You can see that the answers are true and verified and that he only has $1.00 in that account or $25.00. The TRANSGENDER does not endure this and receives their support automatically at 40 times the amount that the average Ontario male or female receives as any income benefit. This adverse discrimination and differential treatment are offending Ontario laws and National laws that are synonymous;

14. How are the people that are convicted for contempt of court now appearing in the office to show you their Hegemony and express revenge for a respected administrative attendance; not a win? Well, you could say it was a win emotionally; right? This is when I got your client to confirm her business income if any with at least 3 months worth of bank statements. I know how many bank accounts I have to the best of my recollection as there may be a dormant account I do not recall. This is not what you have all the applicants endure and it is evidence of differential treatment and criminal harassment contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada. To administer the $10,000.00 costs more than the time, money and economic benefits and the abuse for what is paid automatically with near zero admin costs down the road in Richmond Hill or Kitchener;
15. There is a bedrock fur trapper',s Authority population that was buttressed by the Levis and Budweiser immigrants and to this was added the pirate, neutralising the Levis Budweiser traditional regular schooling as pirates and Fur trappers tend not to want to go to school. But, whatever we do has to be logical and I will take the bus for 20 minutes or 45 minutes to get the $20,000.00 income support that comes through automatically without application. For four small municipalities in Southern Otario, you are spending the amount of 3 automatically paid $20,000.00 income support yearly benefits on one employee to administer the program. In fact, every benefit account costs two employees in the way this program is run with central and local offices;

16. This program does not run in Oshawa as everyone has a $20,000.00 per year income support benefit. Maybe there will be an automatic $10,000.00 per year automatic support in those other unserved, under funded 4 municipal areas without all of this mistreatment of the high school graduates (it's because they went to high school) the triple cost of administration just to pay only one recipient some kind of support that he would certainly receive automatically at $20,000.00 automatically down the 401 without the double administration if he moved to his uncle's address down the road in Oshawa without the double administration of local and area offices (at $50,000.00 per employee with two employees needed to effect payment). We agree with the current minister who says it would be cost effective and economically beneficial to make the payments go through automatically for the "O" Ring Works program upon application or there is no application now like what is enjoyed by citizens of Richmond Hill, Oshawa or Oakville or from Kitchener to Windsor. They must have High School graduates of all kinds from Richmond Hill and Law graduates in the Grandbanks with their hope hop on Spotify. I am White by definition. I listen to Lionel Richie and Motown. After you hit the button to verify eligibility, you can see the asset means test is satisfied. You see his RRSP etc and his means test is satisfied. White;
17. The same amount of income support,$54,000.00 per benefit recipient is paid to every Manitoba citizen regardless of gender with Federal funds. It should be paid to every Canadian in the same fashion. I don't know what you want. But, I need to just see my health card and this other thing work without all this abuse and childishness when it's me or anyone on the phone asking for my yellow Otario Grade school ruler and that thing you use to draw circles. It's called the compass. Everybody got one and we are equal with our 30 centimeter rulers. Apart from this brief discussion on equity, there is an economic supply and demand (ability to pay) issue of tremendous economic consequences as outlined by Warren A. Lyon in another essay. Search the website for ATP and you sill see the essay with the chapel and the hamster;
18.     We honor the Monarch in every country.  There is an economic war of attrition.  All Europeans have an income support. All Russians have an income support.  All Anglos do not have one. It is cause for refugee claim success under UN law. We are losing the economic war of attrition. How do we win this war?   There is indeed that of God in every person.  We must give full justice and equality to every person. We must be a peace maker. We must  seek the peace and justice the world needs and the Spirit requires of us.  Christian love must still be unbroken and still universal.  We don't need Warren to be a hostage of your benefit interruption and abuse. When the safety of the citizen and Community is interrupted by idiosyncratic and personal feelings of hegemony, then we call the police.     Ms. J. Wilstsron, just quit as you lied about Federal government business in Court and you lied about your qualifications; something about 4 years in England;     

19.   All the world is a stage Jacqueline Wiss-on but you can buy the idea if you want. Make an offer. Is it the Solar powered headphones or the Electronic garbage can? Make an offer at 1/4 the value. You have your hegemony. Don't tell me you would rather steal it?   The others;  all of the other European peoples have money paid to every citizen as the income support.       We do not.  North America; It's an angry zoo with starving animals and not a peaceful one. You don't know how to sit and write an exam yet. You kill high school graduates to cover your shame and anxiety that you are not even a High School graduate. What are you? We suggest that school, through a job core, will never end so that there will never be any tension between real and pretender in society or there will be less tension. The job Core is how school continues forever;
20. Some fathers, after spanking children and chastising them for B and A grades, cannibalise and frustrate their own children once they graduate; something about "my time for social honor" and then once he is dead and gone, the children will have their time. We also see there is a tension between real and pretender over social authority that is unusual and it may be that that there is an entrenched Pretender population that emerged during the colonial era and it may have become Gollum militant during the Roman occupation of Britannia. Even catching a fish carries social authority and achievement but not that Cain should kill Abel; not that the pretender should kill the real and not that Gollum should kill his Uncle in social authority competition to get all of his cousin mother's attention. He was breast fed by wolves and wants his own nursing mother at 30 years old to compensate the absence of the real in his life when they didn't even( selfishly did not look real. But, he always seems to find himself with a Potiphar's wife so to speak, getting it on as the usurper that he is when he could find any old woman who is maybe ten years older; and
21. The fur trappers or explorers in North America or Latin America had to take on various roles and read and act the part while the country expanded but would have resisted stepping aside once the real qualified doctors and lawyers arrived from Europe or eventually from back east on the way to settling B.C. in a Western civilizational expansion. Blend the fur trapper You are not my sin or my son A.J.H. You are an aboriginal perpetrating a holocaust on real Aboriginals with real qualifications at this time in history. So, it's like one step forward and a war on our selves going backwards. So, the real high school graduates are now nervous along with the real Doctorates in law and also in Law like Warren. But, what if he was pretending? You seem to want to say the real law should really penalize him but not really penalize you but you are the one who is in an open contempt and you seemed to have really said you wanted him dead for not pleading anyone to their charges like that double assault charge where his clients got a withdrawal of charges.

We crystallize the cave man's anger and it's expression at the  phenomenon of formality. Who is using the economy to express transgender resentment mixed with cave man resistance? What is quantitative easing to an Illegal 0% Fed rate as an expression of this resistance and resentment of a balanced right answer. The train could crash but we prefer it not to as it risks our lives. The economic system could crash if not maintained with life in mind as a system crash risks our lives. The cave man still resenteth the formality and the authority seen in money to acquire goods for our various needs and that there is a power or law that can forceth him or her to participate when they would want to challenge this on going.  Then, there are the formalities of Births, deaths and marriages.  The cave man, however, has become an intelligent regeneration in the Gattaca genome system and paints or he plays music or he can do most anything except agree with the world as we know it while also giving and taking. The problem is his intention and agenda maybe as a movie director as he projects Aboriginal challenges of Leviticus and who can watch what he produces with their children with that Menorah on top of the television? That woman's bottom is uncovered in the movie and....what do you want from us? We do not agree as it does not help the story in any way. 

Quantitative Easing is the evidence that the Ship of North America's Economic Independence and Management is Sunkl 50 years of income support going forward at no less than $120,000.00 per citizen will be the war we need on ignorance and the economic gap between supply and demand.

We could say it like this.    Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce  the federal loan rate no lower than .5%.    The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop cannot be a zero rate.  The money, the national salaries and the coins carry a cost that demands payment with some rate at no less than .5%.   It is best , however, to increase consumer activity, and buying power by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay  in the struggle with the joblessness caused by Automation that is also referred to as the job famines caused by Automation. This is annoying when the world is a global shopping centre.  

We could say it like this.    Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce  the federal loan rate no lower than .5%.    The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop cannot be a zero rate.  The money, the national salaries and the coins carry a cost that demands payment with some rate at no less than .5%.   It is best , however, to increase consumer activity, and buying power by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay  in the struggle with job automation as they( the people) already don't have any money so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity is national; isn't it ? You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are actually reducing national GDP further. It is best to raise the ATP; a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon.  Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also.  For PJ, give us the money. For PJ(peace and joy).    

We could also  say it like this as well.   Quantitative easing is a policy to reduce  the federal loan rate no lower than .5%.   The fed rate is reduced to provoke consumer economic activity but the buck stop concerning rate reduction cannot be a zero rate.    The paper money, the national salaries for security and cash delivery and the cost of "solver" in the coins carry a cost that demands payment with national revenue generating at  some rate  no less than .5%.     It is best, however, to increase consumer activity, and consumer buying power, that is consumer demand for goods by increasing ATP-ABILITY To Pay  in the struggle with job automation as they( the people)  do not  have any money already  so how can they qualify for the loan if they are not enabled with the ATP via a good, national income support policy;  as the effort to solve the reduction in consumer activity or increase it is a national effort ; isn't it ?  We can pay for this $70,000.00 per year income support with an increase in VAT/sales tax to a more international, responsible 20% to cover the cost of the income support and use this sales tax mechanism to increase and decrease consumer activity. Rising sales tax reduces activity. Decreasing the sales tax  rate increases the consumer activity(ACTIVITIES); never lower than 20% and never higher than 100%.      We can keep discussing Aboriginal emotions nonetheless.  You have a national dedication to a reduction in the fed rate so you are actually reducing national GDP further. This is not good.   It is best to raise the ATP(ability to pay);  a new economic concept coined by Warren A. Lyon.  Warren is a student of Adam Smith, Keynes and Sunkel, Wallerstein also.   The banks would prefer a customer who can maintain a loan than a customer who cannot. The ask should not think that the income support reduces business or that a shortage of income support increases business when it does not really increase business when the unpaid loan is unpaid business loan is a business right off.   Also, how do the citizens without income support qualify for the loans? How do they pay the loans? Our financial service systems and processes of mortgage and loan qualification need to evolve to match the Automation economy/ primarily income support as ATP economy. The income support is not a threat to the loan industry.   It is the ability to pay the loan. People will take out loans and they will gamble more and spend more where the credit card or debit card is a convenience to avoid walking with too much real cash. The ability to pay is the essential factor to everything that we hold dear in the financial industry.
This is an excerpt from the complete essay that is to be republished. 
