Logic and legitimacy are synonymous. When the economy is not logical, it is also not legitimate and we would also say this is so for the Government managing it. They could just turn the water on. The economy needs it. They could turn the money on. The economy needs it. My friend helped me see that my generation has been disenfranchised in terms of income support in our territory unlike our relatives to the west and the east but we are the generation that they call on to try all the new things and they should finance all the economies so we can participate without robbing the bank and some of us did to drive a Black BMW 318i; a shame really. But, we understand now. The water in our lives is off and it needs to be turned on. The money is off. The power is off. The money is off, affecting ATP- ability to pay or moneyed automated demand to match automated supply. Most importantly, we are just not equal as my cohort cousin in Quebec has been receiving $40,000.00 per year as income support since he was 12 years old and that is starting to be insufficient for him as we reached the first quarter of the 21st Century; 1/4 of the way to the year 2100 and I am not a dog to be treated with inequality in a country that my father died for. Grand Dad is an adrenaline junky. He is also trying to find the body of his ancestor; Herod. The word kin/king/khan is like a podium or frequency for broadcast and it's a two way broadcast through all souls that will allow themselves to fall under it. Peace makes us wealthy. We have never been more positioned for great prosperity. But, there is misstep in our economy that has not covered the people with an automatic income support. This is unlike other Economies where the people are covered. Khan/Kin/King means to cover. The word Queen does not connote or confer the same obligation or burden. The unfulfilled burden can lead to conflict as the podium or position burden has to be fulfilled. How do we fulfill the burden; in the most simple way possible? Ironically and coincidentally The UDHR Article 25 spells out the obligation "to cover" and the means to achieve it would be the income support spelled out in the article in the evident intention. There is no law that says a train system has to be efficient and on time but in fulfilling government obligation, efficient and on time would be sacrosanct in keeping the obligation. Lives are involved. The economic facility is involved. The burden of people starving in an automated economy make the kin feel down collectively with a loss in collective dignity. Sometimes a uniform is the solution as it covers our feelings when the uniform is soo regal with good material and everyone feels accepted. So, we can make it possible for everyone to volunteer as a cop and they will get a voluntary stipend of £32,000.00 per year/$59,000.00 per year in Ontario once they sign up. The transgender will take home a total of £62,000.00 per year when they volunteer as they get already get a special income support as the transgender but they can also work; as they are not classified legally as disabled. So, why do they get this free; unqualified money..not that I mind? The director of bad movies has apologised as they might have offended a transgender. But it does not justify a holocaust and hurt suffered by other genders. It is contrary to the Monarch"s laws. YOU are responsible. Sometimes a uniform in a war is the unfortunate solution to our need for dignity. We pay with our lives but we have already done this to the point of being dependent on surrogate populations from Eastern Europe. The real solution, however, is to pay ourselves money via the government; not our lives for our dignity with a little extra on the VAT/sales tax and we pay the money then into ourselves; our mutual dignity. We call this an income support so the kindom feels good. This is how other kindoms operate and feel good. The problem with Britannia is the Kin that started a kindom as the unprepared Roman centurion usurper of Rome's occupying authority when he killed the procounsel, argued with Rome's principles of economic convention to provide a regular stipend to the Cheddar Natives and said he will be the ruler of his people, that he will be procounsel. Only the foreigners had the stipend or Income support. My sister says the secret is to drink lots of coffee. It's a secret. Call or email today. My friends got their research and Lex Scripta library report. White Beard™ Consulting is a new trademark at Angel Ronan™.



Logic and legitimacy are synonymous.  When the economy is not logical, it is also not legitimate and we would also say this is so for the Government managing it. They could just turn the water on. The economy needs it. They could turn the money on. The economy needs it.     My friend helped me see that my generation has been disenfranchised in terms of income support in our territory unlike our relatives to the west and the east but we are the generation that they call on to try all the new things and they should finance all the economies so we can participate without robbing the bank and some of us did to drive a Black BMW 318i; a shame really.   But, we understand now. The water in our lives is off and it needs to be turned on. The money is off.  The power is off. The money is off,  affecting ATP- ability to pay or moneyed automated demand to match  automated supply. Most importantly, we are just not equal as my cohort cousin in Quebec has been receiving

$40,000.00 per year as income support since he was  12 years old and that is starting to be insufficient for him as we reached the first quarter of the 21st Century; 1/4 of the way to the year 2100 and I am not a dog to be treated with  inequality in a country that my father died for.

Grand Dad is an adrenaline junky. He is also trying to find the body of his ancestor; Herod.  

The word kin/king/khan  is like a podium or frequency for broadcast and it's a two way broadcast through all souls that will allow themselves to fall under it.  
Peace makes us wealthy. We have never been more positioned for great prosperity. But, there is misstep in our economy that has not covered the people with an automatic income support.  This is unlike other Economies where the people are covered. Khan/Kin/King means to cover. The word Queen does not connote or confer the same obligation or burden.  The unfulfilled burden can lead to conflict as the podium or position burden has to be fulfilled.  How do we fulfill the burden; in the most simple way possible?  Ironically and coincidentally The UDHR Article 25 spells out the obligation "to cover" and the means to achieve it would be the income support spelled out in the article in the evident intention. There is no law that says a train system has to be efficient and on time but in fulfilling government obligation, efficient and on time would be sacrosanct in keeping the obligation.   Lives are involved. The economic facility is involved. 
The burden of people starving in an automated economy make the kin feel down collectively with a loss in collective dignity. Sometimes a uniform is the solution as it covers our feelings when the uniform is soo regal with good material and everyone feels accepted.  So, we can make it possible for everyone to volunteer as a cop and they will get a voluntary stipend of  £32,000.00 per year/$59,000.00 per year in Ontario once they sign up.  The transgender will take home a total of £62,000.00 per year  when they volunteer as they get already get a  special income support as the transgender but they can also work; as they are not classified legally as disabled. So, why do they get this free; unqualified  money..not that I mind?  The director of bad movies has apologised as they might  have offended a transgender. But it does not justify a holocaust and hurt suffered by other genders. It is contrary to the Monarch"s laws. YOU are responsible.    

Sometimes a uniform in a war is the unfortunate solution to our need for dignity.
   We pay with our lives but we have already done this to the point of  being dependent on surrogate populations from Eastern Europe.  

The real solution, however,  is to pay ourselves money via the government; not our lives for our dignity with a little extra on the VAT/sales tax and we pay the money  then into  ourselves; our mutual dignity.  We call this an income support so the kindom feels good.  This is how other kindoms operate and feel good. The problem with Britannia is the Kin that started a kindom as the unprepared Roman centurion usurper of Rome's occupying authority when he killed the procounsel, argued with Rome's principles of economic convention to provide a regular stipend to the Cheddar Natives and said he will be the ruler of his people, that he will be procounsel.    Only the foreigners had the stipend or Income support.  

My sister says the secret is to drink lots of coffee. It's a secret.  

Call or email today.  My friends got their research and Lex Scripta library report. 

White Beard™ Consulting is a new trademark at Angel Ronan™.  
