By Rafac Natan and Warren A. Lyon. If your wife pretends that you are cheating and won't speak to you for 7 days, what do you do? A) Shout at her for 7 days and ask why she does not speak to you while she is recording and you are not? B) Tell her she does not have to speak to you as you kiss her on her neck and forehead. Sandra was never kissed on her forehead at her birthday party or she was and I was with my African family. C) Speak sweetly to her according to Proverbs 15 and invite her to dance with you. D) Answers B and C. E) Bring your new wife and girlfriend to meet her on the 8th day. F) Hold ransom her Angel Ronan(TM) Friend donation statements and her 50 year contract for ownership paid out at $1500.00 per month from her transgender support and her old ballet shoes along with her roller blades until she speaks with you. She wrote the motion for Ontario income support benefit equality to help her son and father and used her bank statements as evidence. She is never means tested and she never had to apply for it. It arrived automatically on her 14th birthday. Her mother came up in 1992 from Trinidad with a bottle of Crown Royal and a box of Bounty picker uppers...Nooooooooo!!!!! Her husband who is a former reservist with tours in Rwanda and Bosnia says he has never gotten any support over the years as they lived in Guelph and South Unionville and near Berczy which is not unlike posh Oshawa or posh Oakville or posh Kitchener or Richmond Hill. Over the last 30 years, her mother has received $50,000.00 per year as an automatic benefit. She also shoplifts loaves of bread. After all his contributions to society, he has never received anything like this but his fellow reservists who live in Quebec received $40,000.00 per year with their families and neighbors as a regular citizens of Quebec no matter where they live in Quebec. Look at all the people who have been killed by the current Ontario policy. They are mostly white. Click here.

By Rafac Natan and Warren A. Lyon.   

 If your wife pretends that you are cheating on her and won't speak to you for 7 days, what do you do?   

A) Shout at her for 7 days and ask why she does not speak to you while she is recording and you are not?

B) Tell her she does not have to speak to you as you kiss her on her neck and forehead. Sandra was never kissed on her forehead at her birthday party or she was  and I was with my African family.

C) Speak sweetly to her according to Proverbs 15 and invite her to dance with you.

D) Answers B and C.  

E) Bring your new wife and girlfriend to meet her on the 8th day. 

F) Hold ransom her Angel Ronan(TM) Friend donation statements and her 50 year Angel Ronan(TM) contract for ownership paid out at $1500.00 per month from her transgender support and her old ballet shoes along with her roller blades until she speaks with you. There is no such ownership contract at this time.   She wrote the motion for Ontario income support benefit equality to  help her son and father and used her bank statements as evidence. She is never means tested and she never had to apply for it. It arrived automatically on her 14th birthday.      Her mother came up in 1992 from Trinidad with a bottle of Crown Royal and a box of Bounty picker uppers...Nooooooooo!!!!!    Her husband who is a former reservist with tours in Rwanda and Bosnia says he has never gotten any support over the years as they lived in Guelph and South Unionville and near Berczy which is not unlike posh Oshawa or posh Oakville or posh Kitchener or Richmond Hill.  Over the last 30 years, her mother has received $50,000.00 per year as an automatic benefit.  She also shoplifts loaves of bread.   After all his contributions to society, he has never received anything like this but  his fellow reservists who live in Quebec received $40,000.00 per year with their families and neighbors as a regular citizens of Quebec no matter where they live in Quebec.

Look at all the people who have been killed by the current Ontario policy. They are mostly white.  

Her sister who can have a baby was living in Grim-sby where she  was not receiving any support while her brother in Ordinarywa was receiving $20,000.00 per year in support.  My wife who lives any where she wants in Otario and still receives $50,000.00 per year in support says she is transgender and she sits on my feet for an hour every night or on my lap as I rub her "ooops!", she licks my face and then we go to bed.  I am satisfied and I have a gym membership to push...and we adopted a Gattaca son who is now on CNN(Coup News Network) with others like him who have conspired to hold any office of  authority in the world ransom since who is the real father?;  and it feels like two of them but if you don't give these coup kids  the money they ask for, then they  will cross wire the battery cables on your vehicle until you do; cross wire the news until you do and now that dna is a broadcaster mixed with some grade 4 A plus  English graduate.  It is still owned by Ted Turner.   He did not have the cash but he has the cash now.    This is good.    It was also anachronous for transgender people to receive an unconditional income support while non transgender people did not! Transgender status is not a disability but they receive a benefit automatically from 14 years old where I live in Otario. But, we should all receive the benefit. There is some adverse impact discrimination here offending the Supreme Court of Canada ruling in Frazer v. Canada, SCC (2020) and  Griggs v. Duke Power Co., 401 U.S. 424 (1971) involving adverse impact discrimination.

See also indirect discrimination in  Essop and others v Home Office (UK Border Agency) [2017] UKSC 27 the Supreme Court, overturning a decision of the Court of Appeal (and the original employment tribunal) has held that indirect discrimination concerns provisions, criteria or practices (PCPs) which have disparate impact on those with protected characteristics, by comparison with those who lack those characteristics. Differing from the Court of Appeal, the Court held that any disparate impact is illegal.  


Under s19 of the Equality Act 2010 (EA), indirect discrimination may arise where an apparently neutral PCP puts people who share a protected characteristic at a comparative disadvantage. Put shortly, a claimant has to show that the PCP applied by the respondent :puts persons with whom the claimant shares the characteristic at a particular disadvantage when compared with persons with whom the claimant does not share it (s19(2)(b)), and puts the claimant at that disadvantage (s19(2)(c)). If the claimant shows this, he succeeds unless the respondent can show the PCP to be a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim (s19(2)(d)).The question in Essop concerned the meaning of the s19(2)(c) requirement that Mr Essop show he was put ‘at that disadvantage’. Certainly, there is a disadvantage , a significant disadvantage here worth redress.  Gender difference would not satisfy any justification when the transgender receive £39,450.00 per year in cash benefits automatically. They can drive trains, buses and do all kinds of work like the other two  genders.  A transgender needs a woman with a womb to reproduce or a womb machine; and this is also true for men. But this is not justification for such differences in benefits.  Some of the research on the UK law is provided from the internet.  

My son and I received some assistance with an application before the Otario Human Rights Tribunal who is putting through an order to ensure all citizens will benefit equally regardless of gender. It has been a long time for us two men and my wife who is the mother of my boy or we pretend.  Her sister gave birth or it was her mother. I don't know.  -This account is based on previous work and is an iteration of our success before the Human Rights Tribunal. The facts have been changed to protect confidentiality. You need to go to the Human Rights Tribunal for your self. Ask that the laws he changed.   This is what I will do when my transgender wife pretends I am cheating. Cheating is wrong and it is also wrong to be accused falsely or to be treated unequally.    But, could a government do what is wrong and then look at its own laws and then not correct itself? How long does it take and what conspiracy is involved in the delay? We seek redress from both the Canadian government or the Ontario government as Federal and Provincial funds are involved. in the payment of these funds unconditionally to some citizens in Ontario based on their address and some are paid unconditionally no matter where they live based on their gender.    



This question is worth 4 marks.

See the right answer tomorrow.


Theft from mail

  •  (1) Everyone commits an offence who

    • (a) steals

      • (i) anything sent by post, after it is deposited at a post office and before it is delivered, or after it is delivered but before it is in the possession of the addressee or of a person who may reasonably be considered to be authorized by the addressee to receive mail,

      • (ii) a bag, sack or other container or covering in which mail is conveyed, whether or not it contains mail, or

      • (b) has in their possession anything that they know has been used to commit an offence under paragraph (a) or (a.1) or anything in respect of which they know that such an offence has been committed; or

    • (c) fraudulently redirects, or causes to be redirected, anything sent by post.

  • ///////////

Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)

Full Document:  

Act current to 2022-12-12 and last amended on 2022-11-17. Previous Versions

Marginal note:Trespassing at night

 Every person who, without lawful excuse, loiters or prowls at night on the property of another person near a dwelling-house situated on that property is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

  • R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 177
  • 2018, c. 29, s. 14


