The name "Jacob" means supplanter. Could someone steal your fish and supplant you as the first owner of the Jacob's name was changed to Israel that means "wrestles with God". That is not much better than "supplanter". When you worship the God of Israel, you worship the God of the repentant supplanter. Maybe we call ourselves the sons of Rawfas where Raphac is the name you get after the wrestling. "Raphac Natan" means submitted to God. He may have renamed himself Raphac Natan or Joseph called by this name as they reconciled in Egypt. But, after 400 years in Egypt, a new Pharaoh recalled the origin of these people and became oppressive; Rameses. He told Moses his ancestral name was "Israel" and that he cannot hide. But, like Abram became Abraham in Egypt, it seems maybe we can believe Jacob was called Israel outside of Egypt and then also Raphac Natan in Egypt as he submitted to God and enjoyed the shelter of the premiere global culture with its disbursements paid to every citizen but maybe we can't really rename all the football teams or repaint the road signs Raphac Natan. The humanity over Warren's ideas that include all the ALUSRA(TM) intellectual property concepts and the tension and struggle over the place as the first director at Angel Ronan(TM): If you would like to be first director, please contact us as Warren is moving on to take up new opportunities at Entwerfen ™. Warren will remain second director at Angel Ronan ™. Warren intends to write his second book on international commercial coffees and photos of coffees. ALUSRA ™ and all of the associated intellectual property has been transferred for intellectual property packaging and dissolution. It's not worth the hassle.

 The name "Jacob" means supplanter. Could someone steal your fish and supplant you as the first owner of the   Jacob's name was changed to Israel that means "wrestles with God".  That is not much better than "supplanter".  When you worship the God of Israel, you worship the God of the repentant  supplanter.   Maybe we call ourselves the sons of Rawfas where Raphac is  the name you get after the wrestling.   "Raphac Natan" means submitted to God.   He may have renamed himself Raphac Natan or Joseph called by this name as they reconciled in Egypt.  But, after 400 years in Egypt, a new Pharaoh recalled the origin of these people and became oppressive; Rameses.  He told Moses his ancestral name was "Israel" and that he cannot hide.  But, like Abram became Abraham in Egypt, it seems maybe we can believe Jacob was called Israel outside of Egypt and then also Raphac Natan in Egypt as he submitted to God and enjoyed the shelter of the premiere global culture with its disbursements paid to every citizen  but maybe we can't really rename all the football teams or repaint the road signs Raphac Natan. 
    The humanity over Warren's ideas that include all the ALUSRA(TM) intellectual property concepts and the tension and struggle over the place as the first director at Angel Ronan(TM): If you would like to be first director, please contact us as Warren is moving on to take up new opportunities at Entwerfen ™.   Warren will remain second director at Angel Ronan ™. Warren intends to write his second book on international commercial coffees and photos of coffees.  ALUSRA ™ and all of the associated intellectual property has been transferred for intellectual property packaging and dissolution.    It's not worth the hassle. 


