The SDGCK Community Law Centre Open day.

Let's study the problem together. Bring your questions and problems from 7 pm-9 pm at Station Kitchen near door C5 at Sheridan College Hazel McCallion campus on the lower level sitting area. This space is open to the public for coffee and snacks. You make a donation. Reserve your spot by email. Put "free help" in the subject field. Let us know what you are trying to find out. Email us at or Put: "free help" in the subject field. You can send an Interac Email money transfer direct with auto deposit (no password required). Include your question in the body of the email. Say what time you are thinking of attending. It's free. You are invited to make your donation in any amount. We received several emails and will conduct some of the the consultations by messenger video call and also in person.

The Japanese population does not suffer the recessions or the economic attrition as caused by the job famines occasioned by Automation. This is because every citizen, permanent resident and refugee has an income support that secures and covers them, protects them from the job famines. By Angel Ronan(TM) Researchers, London with research provided by Warren A. Lyon, Researcher (London Office). ClIck here.


Presented by Angel Ronan ™ Bank (of Knowledge). 

The Japanese population does not suffer the recessions or the  economic attrition as caused by the job famines occasioned by Automation.  This is because every citizen, permanent resident and refugee has an income support that secures  and covers them, protects them from the job famines.  

By Angel Ronan(TM) Researchers, London with research  provided by Warren A. Lyon,  Researcher (London Office).      

The ice cream photo is free. 

 Do you think you would ever see the prefecture of Osaka decide that it  needed to have enough national authority over Okinawa to say that it would cut Okinawa's income support in half to starve out the population to the death, hoping that the Okinawans would abandon their properties and then the Osaka population would be able to occupy all of the newly empty homes and apartments in Okinawa in what is really a civil war? Then the population is cut in two. But, this is what Nova Scotia did to Ontario and who gave the Nova Scotians the authority to turn off the income support in Ontario? It has been going on for soo long that Nova Scotia is now cannibalising Second or third generations Nova Scotians who were born in Ontario where in Ontario, there is still no income support that is sufficient in good numbers to sustain the Ontario population.   The presumption is that Ontario is too Anglican or too resented as bigger and more posh  than Scotia.    How  can you imagine that anyone is more than you because of the postal code and attention given to that particular neighborhood to provoke the Scotian.  Its only Scarborough or Unionville or Newmarket so why starve them out and occupy the home illegally? Where is the owner? You are safe.   But, this game is over now.  Let's see how we can cooperate as one national community instead of Scotia working to be over the entire population with their half income support and lying low while all the other populations are being occupied by the Scotians.  That is civil war.  I  love Scotia. But. the gap in the two populations, Scotia and Ontario, is soo great that the foreign populations with income support have  been invited to help fill the gap. Watching Hockey high lights eh?;  and being the politician busy resenting his or her lack of formal education, however, as they hesitate in solving it is not the solution; eh?     We know how to solve it now.   A White politician mentioned it at church on Sunday at an Anglican congregation.  He says we just have to ensure all citizens have an equivalent income support. Its good for the economy and guarantees there is sufficient economic stimulus.  When it comes to how to afford it, you don't have to worry. Europe is paying for everything. You need to see how your sales tax is too low for a normal economy but that's ok.  Just agree to a total income support for every citizen amounting to $70,000.00 per year per citizen and your economy will normalise.  The immigration will continue and why not since you don't mind but at least you will not feel excluded and left out in your own economy. Clearly, you need more money. $20,000.00 per year is not really enough. in Scotia.  $38,000.00 per year is not enough in Quebec and the amounts paid to only some Ontario residents is not enough for the Ontario economy or the national economy.  The real question is why there are soo many foreign workers in the economy when the locals in Ontario need the job.

We have many questions but only one really good solution; an income support for all.  


Let's see how we can cooperate Federally.  I love Scotia. So, then now that we see the problem with it being soo simple to solve, how is everyone now the politician but no one is solving the problem?  Then you ask what is it with someone  or some people who say they are running it but nothing works the way it can work and then they have departments designed to fix a problem all day long that is really a symptom of a more evident problem in that there are insufficient numbers of citizens with income support? This lack of sufficient income support per citizen is why you are attempting to understand the lack of consumer stimulus but the lack of sufficient income support would be the central and only reason really for the lack of consumer stimulus.  An income support of $70,000.00 per year per citizen is essential to ensuring sufficient automated consumer stimulus/ consumer demand for all products.   Your wife is also the Holy Ghost.  The new third American party will be called the  "It Can Work" Political Party to be initiated by any one already in politics who sees that it can work. Muskrat Technologies(TM)  is a new trademark at Angel Ronan Consulting.  

But, now if you want to tell the world about your new intellectual property idea as offered for only $80,000.00 plus a job contract and a small stipend that is paid at half salary until the job contract begins, you may get the opportunity to orbit the earth as a satellite with 24 hour media  instead because your idea, although it can be bought, represents authority and hegemony.  They don't want to buy it and acknowledge your creativity since how could you think of something he did not think of himself?   You would still have ideas and excitement as a satellite.   So, making you a satellite does not achieve anything.   But, how much a does a satellite cost Vs just buying the idea?

At Angel Ronan Toshokan(TM), we are sympathetic with your desires for total global white hegemony in academics and in history where you struggle to accept that we have helped to popularize our own new economic discoveries that we say are rediscoveries really or else how could the modern world work in light of automation;  and what dna is still struggling with the basic old economic principles for any modern society that begins with a nation wide income support for every member of your population to maintain them and protect them from economic attrition as occasioned by automation and the joblessness therein?    You are thinking about hegemony but how can you have hegemony if you do not ensure that you have your own population? Every time a North American is not maintained with income support and is in an emergency,  this gives more space and hegemony to other populations in what becomes a North American population emergency.    

This economic attrition is a global phenomenon affecting all societies but only few societies have committed successfully to an age old Egyptian calculation that was utilized to address famine and save any human lives they could within their borders or within the immediate outer regions; as seen in the story of Joseph and his family. The principle is to make the human life the first priority in the economy and thereby forestall the dark side of human economy to buy a little bread, shelter, meat, fish and water or wine every day. It is to  say that a healthy, financially equipped human is just as important as any glorious human architecture.  See an ancient example of rather old human architecture here in this photo.   

 The benefit of the income support is that when you are not sure if or when there may be warring tribes near by, your population is at least well fed and socioeconomically unified to stand in defense against enemies. We have no enemies at this time in history since we have been vassaled as a population about three times now as a European Anglo Aboriginal Creole satellite population. We are  not fighting anyone and no one is fighting us except maybe we are fighting ourselves instead of guaranteeing and ensuring our existence with an income support that no only provides for our immediate Maslow needs but that also cushions us against our on going aboriginal learning curve and our slow adoption of civilizational formalities with requisite habits of defensiveness such as keeping copies of everything involving your income support or your bank account generally.  But, we could have a glorious modern society in keeping with modern economic principles and expectations that is UDHR compliant; as we enjoy our Englishness or Europeanness  as prepared in foods and drink by the Eastern European cooks and pub owners who are not doing bad at all. To do this, we need the regular consistent sufficient ability to pay at no less than $120,000.00 per year.    We need to ensure our KIN is with us in this futuristic modern journey with cashless consumerism and the happiness of a socio economy that enables your ability to pay. Its not impossible for any government to achieve this in its scheme to ensure that its population has comparable consumer hegemony as each citizen representative of any culture stands in front of any sales terminal, at any train ticket machine or any airport in the global consumer experience of fast food, fast and convenient travel and new, more accommodating lodging with Warren's Angel Ronan Lex Scripta  Safe Sleepers(TM) hotel certifications with the monthly account option.   Ask for it.            

 There is not supposed to be a population race but  this is where we find ourselves in our own Anglo country and  society and maybe this is the only conceptual reality that will motivate you to understand the fundamentals of national defense that begin with a clean and viable water supply or with an income support that maintains and preserves your population vs that other population moving around the world to apologise for your hesitation to comply with a total income support for your population.  These other,  usually Asian populations, you are using them unwittingly as a surrogate population to fill the gap, stuffed into the gap in your consumer population numbers  and in your income support insufficiency to mask the lack of consumers with ATP-ABILITY TO PAY  in your own official North American population. We call the surrogate populations  the Toyot-onda population and there is also a Samosa population both totally enabled populations with varying levels of income support from their Asian Governments while you want to tell us how you had to survive when you were young in tiny Delaware with its tiny support that does not satisfy all your Maslow needs  where you resort to your carpet bagger Sam Adams antics and you must have served someone or something long enough; but you never owned any real estate property; so you are a different type of Cat.  But, you still wont just let it go, all that you did,  and then just install an income support for all so that we could watch your movie biography about  how you sold the Ford with no engine four times  and took a small down payment on that vehicle; and then went to eat at the Tavern or Bar and the punter buyer could never find you. You left town; the busty blonde said.  It also does seem to say that if you had a Delaware support from 12 years old if you were in Delaware, then you had about $90000.00 to $100000.00 by the time you were 22 years old. The income support map of varying levels of provision says its a checker board across the country  in terms of provision and Maslow compliance and not all amounts would satisfy the UDHR article 25 mandate in addition to the desire to create and maintain robust, confident stimulus and confident car buyers who can approach a dealership with certain and confident ability to pay. The Ford is less likely to sell confidently in Delaware it would seem than in Massachusetts where the support has been between $30,000.00 and $50,000.00 for many years.     

Come now and I will show you a more excellent way- The bible. 

Where are you really from any way?  You know how to solve it, improve it by now and do it. 

   In any event, we would like to enjoy your success in the current global economy with one glaring problem in your domestic economy requiring resolution and that is your issue with cyclical recessions and negative population growth due to the issue with automation and the joblessness and job famines that it causes. You need a national income support; and this is also true of your other NAFTA members.   Other societies are not undone by this common global problem with automation.   We could think of automation like a phenomenon that does affect the human experience and how would we solve it except but to shield the human from the evident impact of joblessness which causes the human to suffer low ATP or Zero ATP-ability to pay.  This causes economic managers at Central banks to notice the phenomenon and low low consumer stimulus activity and the only way to attack it and solve it is to solve this directly with a coordinated, manageable solution; you the CDC would be trying to fight Zero ATP as if it was a disease really with a financial antibiotic called national income support available at no less than $70,000.00 per year, as income support, and all the states and NAFTA countries would have to comply even where there is a current mechanism and policy in that state and we could call this the JOE EKE NAMI  wisdom. The States could decide that they will have a higher rate of income support. but it cannot be lower than the stipulated national policy guidelines set to satisfy all Maslow needs/UDHR Article 25 needs.  

  We have hired someone or we will be hiring someone to  work on a contractual basis to discuss and teach these principles at various universities as our (white hegemony rep). AS white hegemony could be the cause celebre' as to why some brood of drop outs are holding Angel Ronan law files contrary to court order. They would apparently kill for white hegemony.  But I would say if he was verbally whooped and chastised by white lecturers, then he is  the fine product of White hegemony and submitted to them with a sound and rather confident graduation.    

He is a good friend. His name is Avee' Tarrio.  We will share the fee on all guest lecturing gigs so people can see and touch a reaaaaal London graduate who is black and when he is not available, I will appear as his assistant. I will attend all speaking engagements and take book orders. Sam Adams has joined also since we got to hustle and the consultations at Angel Ronan Toshokan are free but you need to make a donation.    This is our solution to help in the world of "appletism".  Did the bitten apple represent the tree of life, a Canadian spiritual identity crisis, now made a global crisis, or did the bitten apple represent the theft of the tree of knowledge of good and evil without submission to God at the Genius bar?     

As such, we have hired one intellectually honest white friend in our movie plot who will teach and appear on magazine covers, telling you that the wheel comes from Africa,  discussing these new economic rediscoveries now explained in English and already widely used in Asia. Now, Asia runs 100% sales tax on soft drinks like coca cola maybe once a month. Then, they increase the income support once a year by 2% and also buy new trains with what they earn on the 100% sales tax once a month on soft drinks.  Thank you Warren.  This is Warren's Toshokan(TM) economic discovery. 

 The following essay is a movie plot and it contains some of our quiet observations about post automation economics as we confirm a total income support that satisfies all citizen's Maslow needs is essential to any national successful economic policy as it staves off all risk of serious grievous recession or depression and we can control  economic activity and stimulus also with maintaining a fluctuation in sales tax with a 10% margin between 20% to 30% while leaving the loan rate at a responsible fixed rate that covers any national debt obligation but saying that you would fluctuate a National Bank/Fed rate to 0% says you are dead really or an Cretan in breach of the fiduciary duty set in your job description and that you are not fiscally responsible and that your nation would publicly renege on foreign debt obligations with the idea that trying to provoke citizens to spend more often on debt finance when, in the majority in America,  the citizens do not have an income support. The credit card rates are not fluctuating and remain about 23% to 27%.    always about  This  says just what anthropology you represent and the tally is in.  Maybe you are hoping for a secret US government G Man to come and kick you by order of the secret council of the  first 13 real colonies of America who feel threatened by your hesitation to just apply the only set, given answer to save us from the UFO's or are they secret Harvard weather balloons used to ignite rain fall. 


But, if you have pets maybe you are really human. You feed them, keep them warm and house them. You enable them to do what they will do for themselves with a sufficient income support autonomously. You don't want them calling every day for money. You know how much money she, he  or they have.  So, why make anything difficult when it is intended to help the economy?  

Citizens are like pets.  Louis 15th is dead. Napoleon is dead.  However, this dog American  Sam Adams dna will not piss in the toilet but on the floor and will just walk away from his own vomit or he might eat it.  Thank you for all your Abraham Lincoln pretenses and if you ever threaten me or think my name or have my photo on my phone, you will understand where you are. Sam Adams does not exist so I cannot threaten anyone. But you take econometric balanced equations as a threat to your educational pretense. You knew this hour would come; you dirty wizard of ODD. You are now convicted for genocide under US law and Cambodian law.     Lets play that jig, dance where ever he may are not able to solve x  in any exam book it seems. You never went to any school; certainly not that Ivy League School.  Feel like Nixon now. Your economy nationally since 1947 is that of the selfish Sam Adams fool.   Would fish decide that they would be willing to kill themselves to preserve their right to spawn in the wild or in a larger pool of water if that was a contaminated nuclear water pool and they could move around more freely? Would the English tolerate an inequitable economy that pays only one gender(the transgender) an income support with all of the available evidence and for how long would they tolerate this as their population generally disappears while being occupied by other peoples yet the justification of the one gender economic policy is that there is over crowding while the immigration policy stuffs 100's of refugees into the gap caused by the one gender income support policy? In the mean time the integrity of English justice as a  leading justiciable culture is wilting in the evident income support inequity.   Its not your fault. Its America that is living in a technological and economic deceit as confirmed in Top Gun Maverick although its still my most recent favorite movie (I'm a test pilot-I'm only joking!) and Sam Adams dna in politics one last time publicly(last time) was just a criminal investigation on American history over the last 400 years and you still cant just accept the answer given to you after WW2 and you signed to it.  In addition,  its just that the black and white property owners had to be sure we understand that they don't need you asking for their daughters hand in marriage; again!    But, maybe you still have emotional influence like Clinson and you can try to move all of the rebellious states that have no income support to implement since its not really your fault since I did not really go to school initially for economics but eventually, I obtained a Doctorate. This writing you see here is dribble and sort of informal academic work that is accessible emotionally to anyone; see how hard I work..Awoh!        I know I can do it if I was given a chance if you could let me...just show you  what I can...and now I am like you...a Pretender but you will try my Joe economy and you you will like it!!! Send me the laptop with the big red button on the key board with all the bank details of the NAFTA citizen, permanent resident and refugee accounts across North America  to credit who do not already have any income support and the details of the big account to debit and I will select 'recurring payment at $2000.00 every two weeks" and its done...! We can deal with economic benefit inequality after wards since Federal funds have to be involved in every income support payment in the country. -By 27 year old Harold Joe Barack Hussein Ford;  Angel Ronan Friend who donated from Michigan $20.00 for the White Porsche free photo. It was sent in the mail.       


America is an idea maybe but  so is a Toyota and at least the Toyota Works along with the general Asian Culture that Supports Toyota;  An essay by Mr. White with punctuation by Nodee Preaesesion Oki Nami,  Mr. Dosum Thiencwek and with Llew Perthynas with further research from Edward Leon Junior(The Second).    

    See how we can work together.   This message is approved by Yes We Can. 

April 23, 2021. 

 An essay by Edward White Junior (The Second)(7v); IN HOUSE COUNSEL, LITIGATOR 

With the USNA.

We see a depression or recession at the point on our chart graph when the income support is not sufficient in pace with inflation to cover all Maslow needs and also enable  requisite" savings."  We see that the economies that do not pay an income support to all citizens in equity principles have closed their countries essentially and opened themselves to new Economic managers when equity abhors inequity and equity is power and power abhors any space where there is no equity; no power---Warren A. Lyon, Economist at ANGEL RONAN TOSHOKAN™. 

A white Joe man went to the bank the other day and they tried to call the police on him for taking his own money out. They alleged things about him. He had only asked for a statement on his dormant account and he tried to make a deposit. The teller was intending to rob the bank and steal from him, using the melee as a cover with the police present, but they showed up, they took her and shot her in a special truck usually used for Swat as bank robbery is terrorism. They can use Terrorism laws without trial to execute bank robbers.  The police knew it was a bank teller committing the robbery as the customer’s exchange with the bank was recorded. The bank teller’s father was pretending to be a broker at a real estate office and was stealing the voice mail messages of various agents. He wanted to know how the local and State Real Estate board knew he was stealing the messages and why they made his activities an Ethics question? 

if you hear Jesus say in Arabic that “..he who is without sin can cast the first stone” while Jesus, himself, did not throw the  stone, then you understand Islam. It is the gospel of Christ but in Arabic.Jesus spoke Arabic as he had attended school in Egypt. You need to hybrid Hegemony your mind with the  truths. The wheel was first designed in Africa!!!!!!! (Lobwths)  (IAWMITL)   

The Government has now decided to pay each and every citizen victim $79,000.00 in compensation any time the Government finds itself breaking the law. The Government Law society broke the law in not returning the Angel Ronan ™ files as ordered by the Court. Who would, what subhuman animals would want to keep them in defiance of a Court order.   After concluding correctly at the tribunal that Mr. Lyon did nothing wrong It broke the law when they allowed a rogue clerk to publish a fraud order and suggest a penalizing of his Firm contrary to the tribunal's intention to dismiss the matter and award Mr. Lyon $15,000.00 in costs. When asked at any time to confirm if he did anything wrong, they can only say that he did nothing wrong. So, when you say he did nothing wrong, why did you penalize him? To do, fails the expectations of natural justice.  its actually criminal mischief when you know it offends the principles of justice and the governing jurisprudence.  A bribe was involved; $4000.00.     Someone paid the bribe.   

Warren has to be(BG).

The legal system must work for all involved. The money system must work. The subway must work.  

Vespasian removed the procounsel Hadrian but did not really kill him. He locked him in the first monastery and fed him. Eventually, he would be a priest and enjoy his freedom and authority as a cardinal and Azize Court Judge; after his tongue grew back. Vespasian had disagreed with Hadrian's idea if a hostile divisive  fire and oil assault and chose to work among and with the  Cheddar Britonian people, adopting and settling with them, having family with them since the Roman forces were cut off by the English channel from any immediate reinforcement. Roman law was instituted slowly and Roman customs and they sent reports to Rome on their progress but some Roman systems such as the disbursement to be paid to every new Cheddar intended citizen but they were disenfranchised and were made serfs where only those born to a Briton Roman father or mother were provided citizenry and the disbursements but a total Support was not established.   Vespasian appointed a Cheddar elder to sit as Hadrian who they called  the Herodian and he could not always hide his resentment of Rome, Roman and new technology or formalities or laws involving land and ownership or tools that threatens his cave man ways. Vespasian was a Cheddar boy adopted by the Romans and was part of the mission that returned eventually to settle Britannia.   When new Romans arrived and sought Vespasian or Hadrian, they treated as suspect by Vespasian as  he was not sure if they had come to arrest them for the Vespasian departure from Rome in his non  hostile approach in setting the territory and it was probably the only way when they were outnumbered, cut off and surrounded. Hadrian had insisted on the superiority of Roman forces. Vespasian took a more reasonable approach in light of the circumstances and still, nevertheless,  may be the first colonel Kurtz.  See Apocalypse Now.   

Essay: There is a population race.  We need to protect our population from the economic attrition that occurs due to the job famines caused by Automation..  The Anglo populations are the only populations that have not implemented the universal guaranteed income support solution to answer job famines occasioned by automation that threaten their populations.  They have relied on surrogate populations from other, more UDHR compliant economies where the citizens do receive an income support that enables them to survive unconditionally any where in the world. They have come to England, parts of non- compliant Canada and else where as stuffed into the population gaps in those countries, gaps caused by the disappearance or the forced emigration of  under funded Anglos. All the Quebecois regardless of gender receive an income support of $40,000.00 per year.  All Manitobans receive an income support of $50,000.00 per year.  Only all transgender citizens in Ontario receive an income support of $50,000.00 and the non transgender receive $20,000.00 per year unconditionally without means testing if they live in certain postal code areas with some areas being as suburban as Oshawa and others are more rural but they do not receive any support; like Guelph( with research from Ann Clues). the end result is that many Anglos have suffered economic attrition. Russians do not suffer this any where in the world.  They are a surrogate population also, masking the fact that only transgenders in England are funded by the government with an income support. It is unusual policy and it is inequitable.  Where there is a conflict between law and equity prevails.     If you are the cave man, he may resist the symmetrical emotions that are distilled from metric thinking with the same pulse that comes from a trigonometric equation to solve for the missing angle (Angle A+ Angle B+ Angle C=180 degrees). Automation is not a problem but a solution. 

We have written equations on this matter. Automation+zero income support=economic recession. 

We  could also say Industrial production- human labor+ automation+ income support =a zero recession income economy. 

We could also say  Industrial production+ automation= high joblessness+ income support = a zero recession economy.  

Quantitative easing does not solve the recession but is a bet that with low interest on some kind of loans or maybe on in store finance for renovations or on car loans but not on regular 20% to 30% credit cards, that the consumer presumably with an income support or a job will actually be enticed to spend. These individuals with a job or the income support are the minority when we could say that all citizens have an income support  and no doubt, low finance rates could entice spending but it seems there is another motivation and that is to toy with the concept of free money.  Money is never free to anyone; not even the government that prints and designs it as someone is paid to not only print it and design it but to also store it and deliver it in methods of high military grade security; as this money is the government's money  and not your money but in some way, it is your money that is to be delivered to you directly via the government to your bank account when you, as the citizen, constitute the government(for the people by the people with treaties entitling you to receive it as an income support, dating back to 1947 in some efficient method of dissemination and the economy of Massachusetts is a good example) and that money was raised, pooled from sales tax collected from your spending  or your ancestor's spending, dating back to the first day any US currency or any pound currency was ever created. 

But, let us see what he or she is trying to say about free money as some kind of experiment. Money sent to your EBT Card is free I suppose as you can spend it electronically in debit purchases without interest charges; or money handed out to you at the post office once a week or every two weeks is free of interest charges as the case may have been when the dole began on the Eastern Seaboard and this would also constitute free money; so to speak. Money on loan is not free but the interest rate may be quite low and maybe 0%. But, what if a zero rate is actually illegal and someone is asking to verify the legislation on these matters?  We will take a moment to verify this and it would seem that a zero rate is illegal based on the legislation since it breaches the bank's fiduciary duty and a negative interest rate would also, therefore, be illegal.

   Your mother is the Holy Ghost.  Essentially, the idea of all this panic about recessions and then also a response that reneges on fiduciary duty and a breach thereof is stupendous whether you believe in defending unconditional white hegemony or not but all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God according to a white Jesus so white people do sin and make mistakes and therefore white hegemony is fallible or we say it is not infallible.   I know white people sin because they told me in Sunday School and during white sermons. Its on the Christian radio station; yes it is. Yes Sireee! White people make mistakes and sometimes start wars to defend their cave man white angry ways; in their identity crisis. Usuaully they will fix the mistake right away and then we are all happy again.  The writer of this article is white and we can be happy again.   Going forward, the solution to solve our concerns with white hegemony in  the economy would be to institute solutions in keeping with  real logical hegemony or human hegemony as seen in the economy of the Republic of Ireland or Switzerland or Norway where every citizen regardless of complexion is in receipt of a full income support under the laws of those great lands and people. White hegemony is really a North American phenomenology; not European or English.  It is confirmed here since there is the current non- functional economic policy as indicative  of white hegemony and then we see the white hegemony that could solve the economic issue in the next nine minutes, sensing income support to every citizen.   

There is the politican who uses the podium available in politics to tell us what his people suffered historically in Colonialism and then there are those who use the podium to solve the problems we face collectively.    There is a solution.  It can work.    

In defending white hegemony on these economic matters and in trying to preserve it in its, now, evident failure and negation in the entire world also propose that we make the income support system work to help all citizens regardless of gender or race  in the English world just as it works in the Scandinavian world or the Russian world or the Asian world  and now also evidently in the African world so that we can enjoy family and friendship and to do this, we must institute immediately a full income support for all citizens at no less than $70,000.00 per year (as income support) paid weekly at $1346.15 for all citizens in the English world; so we can enjoy our new Magna Perthynas;  and this must happen immediately. We must do this before anyone finds out that White presumptive intellectual hegemony is a deceit and a fraud.    My grade 13 teachers told me every day that no matter what people say to you as an Anglican, remember that the wheel, as technology, comes from Africa.  

I thank God for my teachers; white and black.    

The Japanese population does not suffer the recessions or the  economic attrition as caused by the job famines occasioned by Automation.  This is because every citizen, permanent resident and refugee has an income support that secures  and covers them, protects them from the job famines. 
